Here is another of the frequent scientology documents that prove they are lying about their “massive international expansion.”
Let’s look at these one by one.
“Highest Ever” number of people solo auditing at AOLA — 220. Remember, AOLA is the Advanced Org for the entirety of the AMERICAS. Everywhere from Buenos Aires to Winnipeg and Hawaii to Barbados. 220 people (including staff and Sea Org members). Total. This is 220 out of ONE BILLION people in North and South America. That’s about ONE out of every 4.5 MILLION people. According to National Geographic, you have a 1 in 3.7 million chance of being killed in a shark attack in your lifetime.
128,000 Solo auditing hours in a year (3 times what it was the previous year). For 220 people that is 582 hours a year or 11 hours a week. Not even 2 hours a day. And many of these people are at AOLA full time EXCLUSIVELY to “do their OT levels”. And this is 3 times expansion? Even though it was 4 years ago that AOLA was declared “ideal”?
Two OTs made every day. This is a scientology “stat” number. It counts everyone that completes the theory and then the auditing of each level separately. So, as far as OT’s go, this is a total of 9 “OT’s made” to get to OT V. 7 to get to OT III. So, if nobody drops off, they are making a couple of OT V completions a week. And there you go, they proudly announce they made 112 OT V completions last year and that is “Affluence and Highest Ever”. What the hell are they so excited about? This is ONE in NINE MILLION people. There are more people born every milisecond in the Americas than are completing OT V in a YEAR.
There is another doozie in here. Clears and NED Case Completions need to not only do the Solo Auditor Course, but also the STUDENT HAT and PTS/SP Course!! Wow.
And of course, the usual bald-faced lie that everyone in scientology KNOWS is a lie “all of the students are completing well under checksheet time”… Why bother repeating this insanity over and over?
This is the penultimate pinnacle of the Bridge to Total Freedom. It is the largest Advanced Org in the world — the ones in UK, Australia and Denmark are tiny in comparison — and after 30+ years of “unprecedented growth” under the brilliant leadership of Mr. Miscavige they have attained this?
Well, here is another indicator of the lack of expansion. AOLA moved into the building they currently occupy sometime in the 70’s. They are still in the same one. All these massive building have been purchased for Class V orgs — more in the Americas than in any other place on earth by far — and yet AOLA has not outgrown the same small building it has been in for 4 decades? It is the ultimate proof that there is no massive flow of people up the bridge, using David Miscavige’s favorite measure of expansion square feet of empty buildings even just in LA where they have 4 ideal class V orgs they have not generated enough flow up the bridge to cause AOLA to need to expand its facilities? It’s smaller than the empty new AO in Sydney!
And by the way, just to put this into context, though it is only my word and not empirical evidence: when I was WDC Sea Org and ran AOLA back in the early 80’s it did more WDAH and had more OTs made than these figures — by far. Their ideas of “highest ever” is “highest since I have been here, and I came on post 6 months ago.”
And just for good measure take a look at this post I did in 2014 — Scientology Shriveling. Media Take Note: They Lie To You — using this image:
What is a FSM. And a Student Hat?? Just wondering
Just a scammed public,out 20 years but out 10 s of thousands.What can I do to return the “favor” and prevent others from being the dup I was ???
Reply to My 2 Cents in yesterdays thread:
It has been done already:
It is kind of thick in places, summarizes Hubbard in an unsympathetic light, includes references to areas not covered but essential to understanding, and summarizes the grade chart and actions in a clear way.
Some parts take several readings to ‘grok’, and some parts have typos.
Tom, thanks for that, I hadn’t thought about Filbert in ages.
I don’t think that quite qualifies as some sort of cleaned-up approach to the basics of Dianetics and Scientology, though.
To begin with, what Filbert actually says about its origins is that “The majority of this was not extracted from the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, although I have told you that many times for your comfort. It was extracted from the Golden Scripts, the books burned at the Council of Nicea, and from the notebooks of a magician named Merlin, and from much study in many monasteries.”
It gets even weirder than that, where he gets into areas like his conspiracy theories about “intelligence people that control the Church of Scientology.” I think he’s also one of those who believe that Hubbard was replaced by a double not once, but twice. Plus he also has his own version of the “space opera” upper-level cosmology, and if I recall either in Excalibur or other work goes into actually meeting spacemen, too.
Technically, just glossing over things, I notice that he includes Op Pro by Dup, which I think falls into the category of repetitive process that enforce hypnotic states. He also still uses variations of the lists infused with Hubbard’s strange preoccupations about subjects like sex, such as “Have you ever caused another to be castrated?” that I think represent exactly the sort of thing that would require major clean-up and even a fundamental reworking.
Tom. there have been several summaries like this from different authors. To my knowlege the only ones to have been accepted as accurate and reliable by respected independent auditors are Sarge Gerbode’s Metapsychology and Rolf Dane’s Clearbird.
Filbert’s version is suspect for the reasons stated above by Peacemaker. Also, as a rewrite it would get around the Church’s copyrights, but not the trademarks.
I’m not in favor of mixing a cleaned-up and restated version of Scientology with traditional occult or Eastern religious doctrine and practices, based on some acceptance of the latter as true, effective, and safe just because they’ve been around for thousands of years. I would, however, like to see a more genuinely spiritual orientation as opposed to a materialistic one.
But I do think there are various loose ends in LRH’s technical research that should be explored and developed in a new unit of time, especially when they may be related to the later growth of abuses and poor results in the Church. The early 60’s wholesale dropping of GPM tech is one in particular. I’d love to get Rolf Dane, Frankie Freeman, and Dexter Gelfand together for a chat about that. (And John Galusha, John McMaster, Alan Walter, and Bill Robertson if they were still alive.)
I pass by AOLA frequently. I passed by today and ate at the restaurant that used to be New York George’s.
The streets used to be crawling with Sea Org on Fountain. No mas. The place looked dead.
Brian, AOLA died a long time ago! It’s just that some of the walking dead are still around.
I can’t get beyond Carlos pimping Student Hat as an “advantage” of AOLA’s service. GAT II: Electric Boogaloo came out in November 2013. Everyone was supposed to redo Stupid Hat at that time. And this is a course that can be done at a mission or Class V (and not even an Ideal Class V). So, it’s three and a half years later, and the official pimp for an Advanced Org is promoting Stupid Hat as a reason to go there?
How many questions does this fact open up? We know that all of the Saint Hells are useless because they’re not offering the Bullshit course or the Class VIII course. So how useless is an Advanced Org that they actively promote one of the lowest of the Lower Bridge courses as an attraction?
What’s next? Flog sending out a promo that it’s the perfect place to do the Putrif?
In related news, Harvard is offering classes in Fisher-Price See ‘n Say.
Funnies tomorrow. Your Unbiased Analysis is due before 2pm.
Espi, I know that a pun is the lowest form of wit but yours always make my day: Stupid Hat, Saint Hell, the Putrif, Flog…these always give me a chuckle. Maybe because its you, I don’t know.
I’ll be a bit optimistic on this one. This is good news! No matter what you do in life you’ll always run into someone who’ll surprise you with how stupid they can be. This fictitious state of OT using this NOTs dribble will always attract someone I suppose but its now obvious the statistical frequency indicates that it’s better odds of being involved in a shark attack and far more likely being hit by lightning than going “OT” via NOTs! As I said that’s good news! And let’s face it, a sharks gotta eat and if you swim in its domain, well… Hey! People still smoke tobacco, so you simply can’t stop some people from doing stupid things.
Keep up the bs Davy, basically the world is safe from your dribble now anyway. It’s justice served on you and yours that interests the human retribution side of the equation imo. Criminality and its abuses are well remembered and are a sort after purpose by far more people than you are now capable of harming. The motivation of us wanting our families back far outweighs any of your bullshit. The sharks are free to go, you are not and never will be!
The one thing to be thankful for here is that at least AOLA has some good news to share with people if not much. 🙂
Really? What would that ‘good news’ be?
OSD, in the cult, good news is all relative. For example, per Mike’s Funnies last week, New York Org hasn’t made a Clear in 10 months, ergo, AOLA’s pathetic stats are excellent by comparision. The hyperbole the cult employs in its PR is based on a YUGE production curve. The outer orgs are doing very badly.
Yes, we should all see this AOLA stat report as a huge success in KSW (Keeping $cn Withering)!
The cult’s exceptionally horrible performance in getting people up the bridge to OaTy means that, regardless of how many new recruits that they might be bringing into the cult, very few make it all the way up the bridge. That isn’t to say that we should stop (or even slow down) our efforts to see that the cult’s vile and heinous practices of Fair Game, coerced disconnection, child “soldier” recruitment, RPF imprisonment, etc. are brought to an end; but it is to say that everyone’s efforts (including lil davey’s own excellent foot bullet marksmanship) have been incredibly effective!
Time to raise a glass in celebration and take pride in the fact that, every day in every way, the cult is shrinking and, as a result, the damage that it can continue to do diminishes as well! Here’s to the day that the corporate cherch is no more (clink, clink)! I’m not signing up for no stinkin’ billion years, but as long as I’m alive and the unreformed corporate cherch continues to exist, I’ll be doing my best to bring an end to it.
Hear, hear.
But as low as the figures are, I still feel immense sadness for the lives they represent. How many are second- or third-generation teens and young people who literally don’t know anything else?
I keep reading about an ideal org. I wonder if someone could explain what that is?
Here you go — this is a posting I originally did in 2014 entitled “Why Ideal Orgs?” and it explains the history and “thinking” behind them.
What about that new billboard on Sunset near your Sump and just down the road from AOLA?
AOLA must be missing its payments to strategic employees at the City, since the homeless encampment has returned to the corner near your Sump. Have your goons call your contacts to let them know that payments will get brought up to date so that they will send out the police department to clear the encampment.
And where are your minions who used to be posted at the corner of Sunset and Vermont? GONE (down the subway?).
“And by the way, just to put this into context, though it is only my word and not empirical evidence: when I was WDC Sea Org and ran AOLA back in the early 80’s it did more WDAH and had more OTs made than these figures — by far. Their ideas of “highest ever” is “highest since I have been here, and I came on post 6 months ago.” Great way to put it, Mike. It is the highest ever since that person has been on post and they’ve been on post 6 months! lol.
I was at AOLA in the 80’s. We had way more OT’s being made then than now at their “highest ever.” They used to play the William Tell Overture music when an OT was made and that music played all day long it seemed — far more than a mere “two per day” which they now say is “highest ever.” And if they are sending over 100 OT’s to Flag for OT VI and VII, then why are Flag’s Class IX auditors touring around to drum up business doing free interviews and ARCS sessions on the field? Wouldn’t they be home at Flag auditing all this influx of LA OT’s if it were true?
Mark Twain popularized the adage, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
Interesting historical tidbit: Twain’s daughter became a Christian Scientist…. He had some choice things to say about Ms. Eddy. It offers a fascinating parallel to the rise, growth, decay and mothballing of an american religious movement, including plagiarized ‘source’ , evil editors\transcriptionists, opposition from vested interests, mesmerists, etc.
Four lies if you want include “statistics that lie.”
What about “alternative facts.”
Don’t you just love that new buzz word – “alternative!”
Wasn’t all that long ago “inappropriate” was all the go. Kept someone out of jail it did!
“Ideal” still needs a little bit of work to get it back in the box but day by day it’s wearing thinner and thinner.
I’ve notice the word data is dropping from use. Remember, that girl on Marty’s front porch. “I don’t have the data on that,” she replied to Monique’s info. That’s just another lie told by a Scientologist – Monique just gave her the ‘data!’ “What, your ears painted on?”
You both beat me to it. Twain would have had a blast with “alternative facts”.
Windscreen wipers of $camology:
Lies…squeak…alternative Miscavige truths…squeak…lies…squeak…alternative facts…squeak…lies…squeak…
I thought it was Disraeli that saying was ascribed to….
I was given a tour of AOLA last year and in the two upstairs courserooms I saw there were 2-3 public, plus about 3 sea org. Each of the rooms had desks and tables to seat 70-80.
Excellent report. There are still a few to many on course for my liking but the trend is positive!
It’s just a matter of time, Coop, just a matter of time. I think the biggest lie they’ve said is, “Scientology: The Coolest Religion on the Planet.”
Just straight up lying. Over and over and over and over.
Those still in don’t care about the abuses and don’t care about the lies because they are BOTH SO EVIDENT!!!!!!!!!!
Mary, you missed one ‘over.’ It’s over and over and over and over and over.
Your stats of a possible shark visit are doubled Dude over us mere land lubbers, so put one more “over” in there to cover your butt. My days of viewing the world from underwater are over but Scientology was similar, all blurry and gasping for breath.
ROTFLMAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit! Or, as Mr. Burns would say, “Excellent.”
Mike, you speak the truth. I remember when the AO was packed. Not any more. They should have grown out of that building 20 years ago, if in fact they had continued to expand. They are a spec on the butt of an ant on the butt of an elephant yet they still manage to scam a few people every year. Thank god they are contracting.
Maybe my math is off a bit here…….but…..
Based on CoS stats of 2 OT’s made each day (taken at face value):
Increase in OT’s made in 2016 (366 days in 2016): 732
Population Data from 2016 to 2017 from for the Americas:
North America: 361 million
Latin America and the Caribbean: 641 million
Total: 1.002 billion
North America: 363 million
Latin America and the Caribbean: 648 million
Total: 1.011 billion
2016 to 2017 Total Population Increase for Americas: 9 million
Percent of Increase in Operating Thetans (732) compared to Population Increase of Americas (9,000,000) in 2016: 0.00813 %
They have a whole helluva lot of catching up to do to save this planet…….the number of thetans finding a body to occupy appear to be multiplying way too rapidly to keep up at the current pace. #FactsAreStubbornThings
Yea but think about this Mick, according to the Clive Rabey Show at Flog, all of those pesky Bee Teas flying off of the thousands of Oh Teas auditing on Oh Tea Seven are clear according to El Con and cohorts.
This means that they are clear-ly more powerful than the wog variety of bodyless thetans and would be able to occupy most if not all of the new bodies coming on line. And thus $cientology is expanding beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.
Dave just has to hurry up and build the new morgues to handle all of these new clears which will be pouring in for services at a 47x rate or so.
Yo Dave,
When a new person shows up and says hey dude, I’m already clear! Joe Clambake ran me off his body a few years ago and I’m here to carry on with my upper Oh Tea levels! So whatareyagonnado Dave? Sec check em top see if they are lying ……………….. or give them a cert. Oh yea, will they have to pay it forward on their upgraded International Association of Sociopath status? Tell us good buddy because there are certainly a shitload of new clears out there ……… even if they have not cognited on being members of Your Cult.
Newcomer, can this really be so? Does the epidemic of degraded but Clear BTs explain the time correlated epidemic of young adults living in their parents’ basements and playing video games as a profession?
But Dave famously cancelled most of the “past life Clears”, forcing them to pass by Start but not collect $200 on the circular Bridge Monopoly Game.
Something must be wrong with your analysis, or maybe you are making a funny.
“But Dave famously cancelled most of the “past life Clears”, forcing them to pass by Start but not collect $200 on the circular Bridge Monopoly Game. ”
I think the past life clear Dave is referring to is a person who actually lived, held the cans, went clear, died, and in present is claiming he went clear last lifetime.
I was referring to the processes on Oh Tea Seven and ……….
” Something must be wrong with your analysis, or maybe you are making a funny.”
I have no doubt there is something wrong with my analysis but I would never make a funny about it!
Let me guess, Bruce. Make them do all the grades over again…. for the money?
I’ve often wanted to ask how that works with a limited number of thetans (and even body thetans). Also wondered about things like what happens if in their next life, as Sea Org member, they can’t find a body of their own and have to exist as an invasive Body Thetan, then do those years of being a BT count toward their one billion year contract. But at the end of the day, I would have to ask a still-in high level OT (willing to actually discuss this with a never-in wog) to explain some of these things to me logically, which won’t happen. It seems that to be a true Scientologist that harbors no doubts as to the infallibility of LRH, there has to be a pretty large suspension of belief.
Make it an exponential projection instead of a linear one. Every Scientologist gets one more by spreading the good news. If this happens once a month it takes two years to make seven billion Scientologists. Much faster than population growth. You can easily do the math in Microsoft Excel. I think Hubbard once estimated five years to a cleared planet based on similar math. The Amway business model.
I always imagine the last days of this, with the mendicants on the streets of New Delhi telling each other about the four freedoms of clear and having a good laugh about ever having enough money to even get sesssionable (having enough food and sleep to succeed in a Scientology session), let alone into session and up the Bridge to clear.
Of course what really happens is most Scientologists are too embarrassed to even mention Scientology to friends, so they may get one other in per lifetime or maybe not. Maybe just their kids. And most end up leaving, so the exponential expansion happens in the ex-Scientology field. If you add the ex-Scientologists to the non-Scientologists who are completely appalled by what they read about it here and elsewhere you get a rapidly expanding number.
The world is running out of folks too ignorant to see through the Scientology pitch. They are mathematically doomed.
I’m not at my computer, but I did run a table in Excel using an exponential rate of population growth and last year’s 3x growth rate claim, taken at face value, of CoS (for the 220 solo audits, which resulted in all those hours that CoS claimed was 3x from last year, so I assumed last year but have been around 73 solo audits), and I think my calculations showed that the year that parity would be reached, where 100% of the population would reach that level of Scientology “ability”, was around 2031, or in 14 years.
Considering we are already in “AD 67” (over 4.75 times more than those 14 years), and based on the fact that even as the global population has been increasing, the number of Scientologists has actually been decreasing, it’s not looking like a very bright future……for Scientology that is (looks great to the rest of us). Somewhere along the line, “straight up and vertical” turned into “flat and horizontal” and is now apparently “hemorrhaging and collapsing”.
Mick, I love your posts. Are you willing to share what your profession is? Statistician? Mathematician? IT analyst? Actuary? Accountant? Rocket scientist? Lol… no need to reply unless you want to but I do love your posts.
Thank you for your kind words TenaciousTexan. I don’t mind sharing at all. I conduct independent research and product development for the agricultural industry, which mostly entails the collection and input of data points and running stats on that data to determine if there are any significant differences between various parameters. So yeah, I guess I’m a bit of an “Excel & Data Nerd”. 😉
Can you determine the SIGNIFICANT differences between DM’s parameters and the parameters of a typical psychopath?
Based on the information I’ve learned so far, I can think of three major differences off the top of my head:
1. Most psychopaths don’t have unchallenged power and unquestionable authority over the lives of so many individuals;
2. Most psychopaths can’t hide behind freedom of religion to justify abuse of their victims; and
3. Most psychopaths don’t have access to and control over millions in cash and billions in assets.
No need to run any statistical analyses to reach those conclusions.
Excellent answer. You may have a future as a professional witness.
I was at big blue for two weeks in 89. I recall the gal trying to recruit me to join staff saying “we are trying to clear LA”. It sounds like they have not made much progress since then.
Clear L.A? I can still see smog!
What you are seeing is millions of body thetans heading to target 2.
You know I had a hunch that was it! BTs have been flying by me for the last couple of weeks. They talk shit to me, but, I never listen to them.
Good idea, if you talk to them they will attach themselves to your surfboard and they become much more difficult to audit away at that point.
Holy shit! I’m shutting up now…..
I had the unfortunate experience of being involved in the “KTL/LOC evolution” in LA for a couple of months back in the 90s and the Big Blue and the associated facilities made me gasp. It’s a horrible place! Of all the institutional accommodations and systems of running personnel I’ve ever been involved with in my life, which btw is substantial. I’ve experienced with being involved with training fast & mobile military response teams and the SO haven’t a fucking clue what they are doing. I’m serious about this. I’ve been accommodated in circumstances, some with foreign armies, from tropical mud holes in the jungle to hot dry desert conditions, to snow and shit to being at sea in dangerous circumstances with people who are nothing short of being homicidal lunatics but nothing was more degrading than being berthed with and by the SO. Their ability to regard another human who isn’t one of “them” (their own treatment of each other is just as ridiculous with their mock rank and authority structure) with basic expectations of being treated as a human being is mind numbingly degrading. After 2 months I was truly ready to respond to some of those assholes. Luckily I was able to finish and go home.
I Yawn, PLEASE!!! Don’t hold back!! Just let ‘er rip!
Truth to what you say, Yawn.
But what did you think of the KTL/LOC courses?
Actually loved the KTL. Would probably have loved it even more if done away from the bullshit discipline needlessly imposed upon it. I’d actually do it again if circumstances ever worked out that way, it would be fun. The LOC was strange, a bit too much evaluation for my taste in that it assumes you have a hat in life that “trumps” all others. Life is a fluid thing and purposes and skills come and go. You’re always learning things in life and adopting new hats imo. I didn’t like supervising it and I did a lot of review auditing of it on others. It’s a silly course in my opinion and should be deleted. I strongly recommend NOT doing it. (Interesting side note on the LOC though – so many staff members who did it saw the “light” that they were doing the wrong post and wanted to change posts or leave staff etc. The LOC was dropped like a hot potato and of course the KTL followed suit as it did make people a bit smarter and they developed the tendency to start questioning things a little too closely for the dictatorship that the Scientology Church is. It is no wonder the KTL & LOC were removed post haste from Scientology).
Whew – glad to hear you had a good experience on KTL. For me, it was a phenomenal course and I gained a lot. I also liked LOC and didn’t have a problem with the part regarding my post, probably because I didn’t think the post I was on had to be final. I do remember that with regard to RPEC (Repair of Past Ethics Conditions), the Flag Sups were apparently suping it incorrectly for quite a while. That supposedly got fixed later. I had wins doing it both ways! (lol) But yes – very suppressive that these courses, especially KTL, have basically been “disappeared.” Thanks for your comments.
If you enjoyed it, that’s good, more power to you. But the fact it could be interpreted that you had a “post” you were not aware of or not could place its importance to you leaves me wondering if it was from Hubbard at all or that he fell off the deep end. The RPEC were another evaluation that things weren’t right with your immediate past. To some that’s OK but for heaven’s sake, what if you were fine with it or had it addressed in other auditing or ethics. As I said it’s evaluative to a common denominator which assumes the student is a bit of a “dummy” in life and needs correction. It’s a broad shotgun approach CSing wise imo and assumes there’s some sort of reactiveness connected to the post you currently hold. From my observation it messed up about 50% of those that did it, but that’s all my opinion of course. I think you should realistically take another look at the “excuse” that the sups weren’t running it incorrectly, that’s a first cousin of “people weren’t properly set up for actions in the first place and hence that’s why they failed on them.” Just how many times does a course or auditing action need to be released before they work out how to do it? Where does the word Mecca come into this equation? Something is seriously wrong with way Scientology is delivered, it’s not hard to notice. It could be suggested whatever they do or release has no direction with which to go. Any wins were incidental and not long lasting, you always had to be sold the next answer to your problems again and again. Wasn’t always that way, people were free to come and go in the 60s but then massive “correction cycles” were introduced that needed more and more correction and by the time NOTs came along it all became a downward spiral. It introverted people and made them dependent upon the Cof$ for a cure, it did not extrovert them unless they left and saw it for what it had developed into, a trap for your money.
(Please forgive any typos – can’ t much be bothered to recheck to closely these days. The subject material annoys me).
‘…were running it incorrectly,” it should read.
Yawn: “I think you should realistically take another look at the ‘excuse’ that the sups [were] running it incorrectly, that’s a first cousin of ‘people weren’t properly set up for actions in the first place and hence that’s why they failed on them.'”
I agree, although those things could have been the way it was at times. In any case, I wasn’t clear the way I worded it. The sups may in fact have been running it “incorrectly,” but the real why could well have been that they were trained incorrectly – or the bulletin itself was unclear or just plain wrong in the first place. It wouldn’t have been the first time that LRH made changes to a piece of tech after seeing what was happening to students/pcs over a longer period of time.
As regards your last paragraph, I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. I’ve come to think that LRH “bit off” way more than he could “chew” in his attempts to find a path on which everyone could achieve spiritual freedom. At the same time, I don’t know if anyone could have done better, considering the mammoth task it was and the fact that it was attempted in the face of his own and others’ aberrations. I give him credit for even trying. I’m sure he felt the effects of it on his own case and on his life. But I think it will take time and healing for people to see the whole thing very clearly.
Anyway, Yawn, you seem like a level-headed guy, and you are tech-trained. So let me ask you a question that often comes to mind when someone indicates that “the subject matter annoys” them a lot: Has it occurred to you that you could have the charge run out?
marildi, given that Hubbard lied from day one, and never did any of the real research her claimed nor took the opportunity to have real research done (other than the one study that didn’t turn out to his liking), I think you give him too much credit for trying when he may just have been punting.
It’s also not clear to me that Hubbard intended for everyone to have spiritual freedom – by his own obvious admissions, that certainly didn’t apply to some percentage at the very bottom of the scale – as much as he intended to try to create absolute freedom for himself and perhaps a very few other “big beings” who might be up to his level, while raising the ability of the mass of his followers just enough to serve that freedom in accumulating power and wealth. That’s certainly what Hubbard would have done if he was following in the footsteps of his former OTO leader and “good friend” Aleister Crowley (and which L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. says is what his father was doing), and it’s basically the model that Hubbard ran Scientology on when he had personal control. I think that goes further to explain the observable trajectory of Hubbard’s life and the organization he created, which your beliefs have to try to explain away. It also explains why Hubbard would say that “the only way you can control people is to lie to them” and then keep on remorselessly lying to people. And it explains Miscavige’s leadership. Remember, given that Hubbard believed in “truth revealed” on a gradient, he may well not have intended for people at your place on the gradient to know the truth of the level that he operated at.
Anyway, I know you almost certainly don’t agree with that, but I think it ought to be said in case it’s of interest to others, or even gives you some food for thought.
I’m going to go ahead and post a followup to I Y.
PeaceMaker, there’s a logical fallacy called Argument by Fast Talking / Information Overload / Bang-Bang-Bang. This may involve moving from subject to subject – each of which would take hours of research to verify or refute.
If you don’t want to come across as attempting the above, you’ll need to keep to a minimum the number of points you throw out all at once.
I Y, thanks for that comment of yours – in which I don’t think that I caught any typos! I appreciate your reflections and the questions you brought up.
I remember hearing at the time, that LOC had the problem (for management) of having too many staff realize that working in the CofS environment was not their life purpose, and I think also that some public similarly backed off on their involvement. I didn’t pick up anything about KTL other than that just the clay demo took a vast amount of time, and people could be on it way too long. The two courses went hand in hand so if LOC had to go KTL was probably not beloved by managers who had to deal with its logistical demands, either.
I think it also says something that from what I can tell, none of the indies have ever wanted to touch these courses.
More for marildi (who may nonetheless appreciate it less) and anyone else interested in these courses, I want to quote some interesting critical perspectives on these courses. They fit with my interest, or growing interest, in hypnotic aspects of processing, though I’m not saying that I entirely agree with their perspective.
Monica Pignotti, who was famously on the first RPF on the Apollo, and who later went on to get a doctorate and is an activist against potentially harmful therapies, wrote:
“The Key to Life and Life Orientation Courses
These are relatively new courses that came out in 1990 and contain, in my opinion, the most powerful indoctrination techniques used to date, as they re-program the way a person uses language. These courses are now a required part of the Scientology program and are done early on. The Key to Life Course costs around $8,000.
On the Key to Life Course, the person is basically age regressed to a very early stage of their learning. All outside reading material and language are taken away from the person and they are given picture books and clay. They are then told to demonstrate key words in clay. The clay demo must be done until the person has the realization that the materials say that they must have. Sometimes a person can be on the same clay demo for days at a time and the people I’ve talked to who have been through it have found it a very frustrating experience. When words are introduced, only Scientology-approved dictionaries are used to look them up in. This course tears down the person’s earlier learning and replaces it with Scientology indoctrination. On the next course, called the “Life Orientation Course” the person is supposed to come up with their new Scientology life’s purpose, thus completing the indoctrination process and creating a very solid cult identity.”
Ken Gold, who helped compile KTL and LOC art RTRC, and who left and went on to work with ex-members coming out of various cults, is quoted as largely echoing the sorts of things that Pignotti said, and adding:
“The person’s entire thought process is taken away from them, and then re-built into what Hubbard thought it should be.
Very few people realize what is being done to them on these courses. VERY few. So, of course they will write wins. Something has irrevocably changed within them. They think it is good, it feels nice to have had something removed, which makes them very close to their fellow Scientologists. “
PeaceMaker, here’s some of what you quoted of Monica Pignotti: “These are relatively new courses that came out in 1990 and contain, in my opinion, the most powerful indoctrination techniques used to date, as they re-program the way a person uses language…On the Key to Life Course, the person is basically age regressed to a very early stage of their learning.”
I have no idea how she figures those courses “re-program the way a person uses language.” The Key to Life course begins with the clearing up of small, common words – each of which have so many definitions that they are the source of a lot of misunderstanding. If Monica wants to call this “age regressed to a very early stage of their learning” simply because the words are small and common, then she is ignorant of the fact that small common words are hardly ever cleared, let alone at an early stage of learning.
The next thing on KTL is to clear up all aspects of grammar, including parts of speech, sentence and paragraph structure, etc. These are explained in a new, simplified way, but by no means are the concepts different from standard English grammar or “the way a person uses language.” The end result of the course is that the student is far more literate in both understanding and being understood in communicating.
Monica Pignotti as a source of information about these courses is a good example of how such sources may sound convincing but don’t know what they’re talking about. At best, their opinions (at least Monica admitted it was her opinion) are based on their own or others’ bad experiences – while ignoring and not taking into account the good experiences of many, including myself and Yawn.
Similarly, as regards the Life Orientation Course, compare what Monica Pignotti and Ken Gold said about it to what Marty Rathbun had to say about it being “simple and workable” until Miscavige turned it into “a mass of confusions” –
“The Scientology Life Orientation course was designed by Hubbard to help people sort out the meaning of their individual lives – or as he put it to find his or her ‘hat’ (function) in life. Miscavige of course could not leave simple and workable alone and interjected arbitraries with resultant recalls (retreads in Scientology terminology) and a mass of confusions for students. Miscavige insisted that a person decide upon the post title he was currently assigned to as his function in life (which really equates to the purpose or the meaning of a person’s life), then canceled that with another arbitrary, then re-implemented the “post is hat in life” arbitrary – and who knows what else since.”
marildi, sorry if that seemed like “overload,” that wasn’t my intent, but I’m limited in what I can do when these threads get so deep that individual replies are impossible.
Pignotti may not have done those specific courses, but she has a lot of personal experience with Scientology, then has worked for decades with people recovering from experiences in Scientology and other cults, and on top of that has advanced academic training. That’s not an “appeal to authority,” just an experienced professional opinion to contrast with your personal anecdote.
Pignotti and Gold are commenting on KTL and LOC as delivered and as you would have done it, not some possibly more pure Hubbard version that was rarely if ever delivered and that we have no way of evaluating on its own merits. Marty Rathbun is also commenting on the recent implementations and seems to be essentially agreeing with Pignotti and Gold when he writes before the section you quoted, that
“David Miscavige has reversed L Ron Hubbard technology for purposes of creation of stupidity and tractability.”
and later refers to
“the Black Dianetics reversal Miscavige has implemented”
Rathbun elsewhere defines black or “reverse” Dianetics as being “utilized to control” and calls it “Miscavige Brand Brainwashing”.
The paragraph from him that you quoted may refer to a different proposed mechanism, but it also talks about how one of the courses was (and could be) manipulated to get individuals to come to different conclusions that they were supposed to believe or accept were their own decisions, but which were actually under the control of those running the course. That is indeed the sort of “indoctrination” that Pignotti is talking about, even if you don’t agree with her particular explanation of the mechanism at work, and, generally speaking, thought control/reform.
If your own source that says that the courses that you did and said that you enjoyed were not authentically Hubbard’s work, and agrees with my expert sources that the courses as delivered involved thought reform/control and even “brainwashing,” then it seems to me that you may want to take some time to ponder just where you stand.
So back to how these extended exchanges get “flattened” and hard to respond to, and in response to our host’s request to avoid having that limitation end up make topics hard to follow, I ask that we follow this up later on newer topics where the same issues might also be relevant to the discussion.
PeaceMaker: “Pignotti and Gold are commenting on KTL and LOC as delivered and as you would have done it, not some possibly more pure Hubbard version that was rarely if ever delivered and that we have no way of evaluating on its own merits.”
Well, first of all, you don’t seem to have duplicated that in no way am I validating DM’s alterations of the tech – ever.
More to the point on this exchange: You are mushing together Pignotti’s and Gold’s comments about the two courses – whereas they said different things about each of them. And you are jumbling together my own comments regarding each. On KTL, I was specifically referring to Monica’s comments that it “re-programs the way a person uses language” and “age regresses the person.”
Regarding LOC, my only comment was to quote Marty, and you seem to have missed that he was only talking about LOC, not KTL – another jumble-up. Furthermore, when you say “as delivered” you are again mushing things up, in this case the way it was delivered in the beginning compared to the later Miscavige versions, which was Marty’s whole point.
We can run around in circles forever with this direction of “education” and such things as KTL, but LOC is an evaluative process being run on you, just be aware of that and it gives you a listing question at the end of it which imo is a suppressive one. It’s way too general and defies the Laws of L&N the way it is presented to the student. However, regarding the KTL, learning the definitions of the basic words of your language and the grammatical implications of them should be fun but grammar is a fluid thing and changes on it’s own accord just as life does, one must be flexible with it. I won’t get into it but the sup’s course of how to run KTL/LOC is NOT what you’d think it should be or contains – if it is LRH who wrote it (I personally doubt it or it’s been severely altered) – imo he lost the plot with LOC! As an aside, the clay table work on the KTL is a de PTSing action, not everyone needed it at that point of time, so it evaluates for you that you are PTS. A great number of students took forever to get through it, it truly wasn’t needed for most students. The overall general CSing for it was a dog’s breakfast technically. As I’ve said many times one of the most important parts of Scn to know and know well is Rehab tech. Knowing when you’ve finished something is extremely important with any mental application imo, that’s applying being cause! Tricky to know if there’s more to do on something or maybe it shouldn’t have been done in the first place but that’s the game not many are successful with or very good at with Scientology. Playing around with things like medicine is a similar matter.
Being annoyed at something like parts of Scientology is not such a bad thing, same as being annoyed at bad liquor, both aren’t good for you and if you’re smart you ‘”will use that experience”. I know where you are coming from with your view of Scientology Marildi and I truly don’t have a problem with what you want to do with it and good luck to you, except for one thing! Please, imo, stay the fuck away from NOTs. Know what it is – sure, and even be able to recite it if you like but to run with it too much or expect it to solve your existence and it’s associated problems… well? It will lead you someplace else you may truly regret going. I don’t agree OT3 is Bridge level either. It’s just an engram at best and we only have Hubbard’s word for it how dangerous it is if not done. But sure, it reads on the meter, and if you like do the action as stated BUT move on and don’t O/R it. Any more significance placed on it than that, and you’ve played right into the hands of a never ending or badly ending scam.
You don’t run out all charge on all things, otherwise you wouldn’t have a mind to play with and you’d go nuts trying. Life likes a game too you know, don’t try to own all of it – It can’t be done (most people have a real button on and with the concept of ” being cause”) as that would involve having to own or trying to own all other people! Go free on your own terms if you want to but be smart about it. Disregard this completely if you like and you’ll have my blessing if you do, but many things in Scientology aren’t what they claim or appear to be. Being solely Hubbard determined is not a healing or healthy thing.
Yawn, thanks for your enlightening comments. I have to defer to your experience as a technically trained and experienced Sup. You are in a much better position than I am to evaluate the pros and cons of KTL/LOC – or, for that matter, better than the majority of people. My experience with the two courses was in 1990, on what I believe were the original versions, so that may be the main factor in my having had great wins and no difficulties.
With regard to NOTs auditing, you indirectly validated my lack of interest in pursuing it further after I got some NOTs type auditing from an Independent. Nevertheless, I have direct knowledge of Independents who have had great wins on NOTs. Also on OT III. That said, as with other Scn tech, I go along with My 2 Cents’ view that others should pick up the ball and keep what works, throw out what doesn’t, and fix what needs fixing.
I also agree with your high opinion of Rehab tech – it generally saves the day when it comes to flaws in the tech or in its application. Yawn, you know as well as I do that miracles can be had with the tech, with both auditing and training, in addition to Rehab Tech.
Thanks so much for your nice ack regarding where I’m coming from. And I really liked what you wrote here:
“Go free on your own terms if you want to but be smart about it. Disregard this completely if you like and you’ll have my blessing if you do, but many things in Scientology aren’t what they claim or appear to be. Being solely Hubbard determined is not a healing or healthy thing.”
You are a wise old Aussie. 🙂
Thanks and best of luck in what you do. There is one thing that is relevant on this site and that is that it is monitored by Mike and he has plainly stated many times it is for the exposure of the abuses contained within and under the banner of Scientology. Beating the drum of the virtues of any technology incidental to Scientology is not its function. Much friction has been generated by some not adhering or understanding that concept. There are other places better suited to being pro-tech but we all seem to get along well here anyway, all with his good graces of course. Cheers.
Yawn: “Beating the drum of the virtues of any technology incidental to Scientology is not its [the site’s] function.”
Nevertheless, “beating the drum for the FAILINGS of any technology incidental to Scientology…” does seem to have become the site’s function, at least in the view of many posters.
And rather than the technology being “incidental” to what you are calling “Scientology,” I see it as the organization being incidental to the technology. But in spite of those almost diametrically opposed views, I would agree that Mike makes it possible for all of us to get along pretty well.
Best of luck to you too. Cheers!
Ahem… penultimate means second to last.
YEah, last stop on the train to nowhere is Flag/Freewinds
and that train is truly a Dead End. Ignore the signs at your own peril!
If Mcsavage were not so abusive to everyone, I might feel sorry for him. Please don’t throw popcorn at me!! I can explain. He has been in that pattern of belief since he was what? 14.? He learned to aggrandize, self and church.. (lie) He worked closely with Hubbard, the teller of tall tales. Mcsavage was taught to document perversions, assign a low tone scale to deviants, the most glaringly offensive being homosexuality, a view Mr H held, even after his gay son committed suicide. I wonder if MrH ever let on that it was Carl Jung who first used the e-meter, or just took credit for it.I mean, after all, he borrowed bits from other peoples resumes?
The policies about anyone speaking against the church, isolating SeaOrg, enemy wogs abound? Mr H. Fair Game? Smearing a persons rep, ruining their life, by any means necessary. All in the curriculum.
Mr H really was not a nice guy when it came to his wives, either. He was a polygamist with wife 1 & 2, cheating on #1 before he ever met Sara. He mentally and physically abused Sara, then married 3 before divorce from 2 was final. and sailed free when Marysue did jail time for him. Im not even tryna be PC here. What a monster. Prixk. Clearing the planet of crime. My azz. And McS parents had turbulent times. These were Mcmonsters role models. Bless Miss Shelly’s heart, history seems to repeat. McS will probably end up like Mr H,
batching with Mr C, in England or somewhere in Italy near Mt Vesuvius.
Is McSavage a victim, too? Is Mr C?
It has been my experience that psychopaths, unable to negate their ‘basic goodness’, telegraph their evil intentions at some point. To illustrate, Miscavige’s GAT eval, where his “why” was “the blind leading the blind”….which is what he is doing. For another example (if you can handle it) take recent Tom Cruise characters, like Frank T.J Mackey in ‘Magnolia’ (probably his most ‘honest’ acting, ever) or Vincent in
“Collateral”, an automaton assassin who has erased all of his humanity…..that is the ‘top of the Bridge’ folks.
I have to disagree with you on this one, Gravity. DM came to INT when he as 17. He did not work that closely with LRH and not for very long. DM was a junior messenger but was the camera man when LRH was screaming on the set. You are totally correct about LRH’s demented view of family and his wives etc., but that just follows his other strange beliefs (BT’s, Admin “tech”, Tone Scale, fair game, disconnection).
My wife Lois and my sister DeDe worked directly with LRH from when they were 13 years old on the Apollo. Terri and Janis Gilham worked with him even earlier than this. They continued working with him until he disappeared to Creston. My question would be why didn’t any of them kick out command and take over the cult like DM did in ’82 and finalized it in ’86 I think?
I think it takes a special kind of sociopath to do what DM did. It also takes a horribly uncompassionate person to institute all of the evil control he placed on SO personnel. My wife, 2 sisters and good friends Janis and Terri would never be able to dish out such evil. They also do not have the greed that DM has.
Thank you for letting me know his age. And not throwing popcorn! I agree that not everyone would take over the way he did, lying, bullying, extrapolating existing policy. And I’m pretty sure they both knew right from wrong. After all, they lied (lie) to conceal what (went) goes on.
Its all platform shoes and theatrical makeup for Mcs. Oh, and hair volumizer and Aqua Net. Oops, sorry that just slipped out.
Normal people experience shame and other inhibiting emotions that keep them from doing what DM did to take ruthless control. A malignant narcissist isn’t restrained by those emotions. Was it possible for a mentally healthy person to rise to the top of the organization? I wasn’t there, so I can only guess. I think it is hypothetically possible, but DM in that situation would have made, and did make, a formidable competitor.
Imagine DM wasn’t present. Who would have taken over? Is that person a dangerous lunatic, by nature? Would they have instituted a more cooperative governing structure, with distributed power? Might they have been a more benevolent dictator? With DM and Scientology, it was a case of right place, right time.
“Normal people experience shame and other inhibiting emotions that keep them from doing what DM did to take ruthless control.”
hgc10, L. Fraud mitigated that because a scamologist NEVER fears to HURT another in a just cause. You SERIOUSLY underestimate the level of brainwashing that senior members of the CMO had undergone.
Scamologist never fear fucking with anyone who is standing close to them.
I observed the entire take over in ’82 although I wasn’t there when DM destroyed the payphone that Gale was attempting to call Broeker with. I also wasn’t there when he pushed her. I did see the takeover though and have heard so much about it. I owned a handgun at the time (target shooting) and DM had it taken out of my room before the final coup came. He must have been paranoid I would use it which I would never do. I think in the back of my mind, I was happy to get the hell out of that place. It is quite a long story that has been written.
DM stole the communication line to LRH and then after filling Broeker and LRH with lies, he managed to get a number of strong, male execs on his side (John Nelson, Marlow and a few others) and forcibly took control. There wasn’t much Gale could do at that stage.
From our personal point of view, we are just happy we got out of the SO when we did. From what I have read, LRH advices were behind much of the insanity that when on after Gale, DeDe and Lois were sent to CW to clean a garage. Whoever was in charge, DM or others would have followed LRH’s orders.
There were a number of nut-jobs that would have taken over if DM faltered. I could name them but they were all part of DM’s gang of thugs.
+1! Outstanding post. Bravo!!!
Thank you. Your contribution sheds light and gives a better “feel” as to what actually went down in those days.
I think that the history of the CofS is typical of totalitarian organizations, where anyone who is not in line with the leadership and not willing to be ruthless can’t progress to the top levels of power without getting purged. It’s very unlikely that a leader of significantly different character would have emerged.
Miscavige seems to have taken things to an extreme not infrequent in totalitarianism, and purged everyone who could be any sort of challenge to leadership, including anyone competent. That’s usually a recipe for ensuing chaos and disintegration.
Yes, Peacemaker you are completely right. This ruthless type of person is the perfect fit for Zimbabwe, North Korea, ISIS, etc.
Gee, could you imagine a future pope wannabe rounding up a bunch of thugs to start breaking things and shoving people to take over the Vatican? Just further proof that C of S is NOT a religion.
Not only is it NOT a religion, it is a low level terrorist organization.
Thanks for your synopsis of DM.
In a lot of ways this seems to be the history of civilization in a nutshell: a continuous rebalancing of ‘too much’ empathy and ‘too much’ sociopathy.
“well under checksheet time” is a “tech degrade” & a “suppresive act” per LRH. RPF them all! They doen’t even follow their own “standard tech”. Fu***** idiots. RONDROID’S all the way.
The ‘rondroids’ have become ‘davydroids’. Squirreling much is he? ‘Under checksheet time’? Is not the checksheet the deciding factor? Oh, dopey me, the deciding factor is your bank or credit card balance. And your public tributes to Niblet. Can’t forget the ‘success stories’.
A roid by any other name…
And you know what they call His roids in HEMet.
Lest I forget…..
Yo Dave,
It’s looking more and more like a Preparation H kind of a week good buddy!
…would hurt like a motherfucker!
AOLA was my home for 20 years which ended 21 years ago. In all the 20 years the problems AOLA had that it has never recovered from were directly caused by it’s management above the CLO (Cont Liason – local management wing). The worst years at AOLA were the worst at Int Management it seems ~ shit rolls down hill was the ‘ol saying.
CeCe, I assume you were at AOLA when the CO, Ivan Obelenski, of AOLA blew with the Treasurer., (sorry can’t remember her name). Is it true that they both embezzled money from AOLA and blew from staff together? And is he still with her today? What is he doing? I heard he left Scn completely and was an Ex. Any word on what he is doing and where he falls on the Ex to Indie scale? And whether he and she are still together?
HEr name was Alison Edwards. No, they did not steal money. No, they are not still together. Ivan is now married to Mary Jo Smith-Obolinsky, the OT VIII who blew the whistle with a Knowledge Report on IAS crush regging back in about 2011.
I think Alison’s last name was Anders as she had been married to Brian. And I agree that they did not steal money from the organization. There was between 300,00- 500,000 worth of ‘lost’ money however in the finance office accounts due to 1/2 overspending and 1/2 admin errors like banking a publics money twice (Amex that was replaced by check but both banked) and the result of the Director of Registration was falsifying the AMEX authorizations which it had been counting and banking as income for a year or so. Sorting the admin in that office out was the thrill of my life and a LOT of fun but I would never touch it again.
Her former husband was Brian Andrus.
Hi Cindy, Yes, I was there. Ivan blew with the FBO – Alison (Tim Edward’s sister). I was the Treasury Secretary and became the FBO to replace Alison. I spoke to Ivan after I left 6 yrs ago (one of the few that I searched for). I was content just to know he wasn’t a bum on skid row looking for drugs and to let him know he was my favorite Captain 🙂
Mike, they didn’t say 220 on Ad Courses at AOLA. So, they are talking the entire planet (I’m SURE including ALL on even Solo 1 & 2 as those are kinda “Ad Courses”). I BET everything that there are NOT 220 at AOLA. The HIGHEST EVER there was in the late 80’s and there were around 35-45 auditing per week on Ad Courses. There was NEVER 220 even including Solo – OT3 course-room students.
Mike, I was also wondering about that number. It can be amusing to try to figure out what sort of Orwellian propaganda contortions are behind their grandiose statistical claims, as usually there is some sort of twisted rationalization to it so that it can be justified as an “acceptable truth” rather than an outright fabrication.
I think you are correcting in catching that though the piece is about AOLA, they didn’t actually specify that the particular statistic was actually for AOLA. My guess was that maybe they are now taking “responsibility” for and including the solo auditing hours being done by students from their field (all of the Americas) who are on advanced level courses at Flag.
And I am guessing that they are reaching even their limits of the elasticity of truth in trying to find ways to come up with “highest evers,” and that as in Miscavige’s speeches we will see them start to talk in generalities or use really strange newly made up statistics and using moving goalposts, like highest ever number of GATII completions (only achievable since 2014) on OT levels.
Peacemaker. I just remembered that OT 6 & 7 are Ad courses so that 220 number for the planet is REALLY F’ed for them. That’s WAY less than just a few years ago.
Are these ‘facts’ or ‘ alt-facts’?
It’s a safe bet that most, if not all, “facts” in scientology are alt-facts. Starting back in ’49 with Hubbard’s first article about dianetics in Astounding Science Fiction. In my opinion, the ‘basic-basic’ alt-fact is the non-existent research that brought about the whole stack-o-lies that got the scam rolling in the first place. Subsequent alt-facts in the form of books, lectures, HCOBs, HCOPLs, advices, IAS, regging, ethics, admin, recruiting, KSW, promo, shadowy front groups, OSA, etc. are what keep the con alive and well. It would be impossible for scientology to exist on it’s own supported by its own merits and results. If scientology was only 10% workable as advertised, their ONLY problem would be controlling the hoards of people busting down the doors for services.
Putting it all in perspective. Thank you Mike. I was very struck by the size of AOLA in the 70s, as you wrote and the size today. You had the foresight to do the 2014 post. I am so glad to see that. I had not found your blog yet,and I think the cover photo of earth and the red Lies across it was and is Brilliant.?
I took a quick look at 3 of the addresses listed in the posting from 2014 (Boston, Las Vegas, Sacramento). All 3 of the Street Views seemed to have a “For Sale or Lease” sign on the buildings mentioned. “Expansion”?!?
I, for one, am relieved to know that I have a greater chance of being eaten by a shark than ending up solo auditing at AOLA.
Just be sure not to swim in their pools Rick. You can pee in em but stay out of the water. They are some of the most shark infested in the world!
That’s funny. It is pretty bad to be eaten by a shark, but……..I see your point.
47X expansion – I guess all the international executives are celebrating daily with caviar, champagne, paycheck bonuses, extra vacations, and all good things. But the Scientology leader has the top highest executives locked up in the hole for the past 10 years. Weird. Not much of a reward for 47X expansion.
Scientology and North Korea…they make a lovely couple.
Somehow I don’t see Kim J and Dave M getting along too well. Besides, Kim is taller I think but Dave likely is more mouthy.
You might be right…. but, they sure share the same psychotic tendencies.
Wouldn’t that make Kim the dom and Dave the fem?
The only thing that is impressive is 25 NOTS Auditors, even back in the “terrible” Ivan Obolenshy days when that AOLA building truly was like packed sardines (my office was on the 4th floor then) AOLA had maybe 10 NOTS Auditors at it’s peak.
The notice reaks of lies, lies and more lies.
and the real truth also is that those class IX auditors are not Class VI or VIIIs. This blew my mind at Flag. I had always thought that IX would be done after VIII, that VIII would be a prerequisite. We think of IX as SOOPER good, even better than VIII.
Nope. Class V or so and then straight to IX. IX just meant that you could deliver NOTS.
Also, for the most part, those IX auditors aren’t OT V comps themselves. Look on the org boards posted at Flag and AOLA and look at the case levels of the auditors.
It’s the same with the auditors at Flag who deliver set ups and 6 month checks – for the most part they’re not on the level themselves, even after decades in the chair delivering to public. Many are not OT V.
(note: I found out it was not acceptable to be speaking of this out loud at Flag)
So make a class IV or V with the new ‘zippy’ pared down training levels, put them through a NOTS course and there you have your 25 NOTS auditors.
Class VI and VIII’s?
¸¸.•´♪ ♫ ♪ •.¸¸. “Where have all the Duuuuke’s gone…long time passing”¸¸.•´♪ ♫ ♪ •.¸¸.
Thank you, secret for now. This was something I had been pondering on this very odd numbering scheme for auditors… I knew OT VIII was the top but was very confused on the class auditor IX level. So messed up on so many levels because the ASSUMPTION is these auditors are OTVIIIs…. this cleared up more of the cult nonsense for me… As to our planet…not so clear!!!!
Carlos Colon was the only Sea Org member shot at CC Portland org in 1996 (the rest were staff members. No public shot because the org, though open, was empty).
So sad to see he is still in the Sea Org.
Isn’t ‘Carlos Colon’ one of those Irritable Bowl things?
No. He had irritable Vowel Syndrome. He couldn’t say the vowels. It really pissed him off…