We have a few items that have come in from Perth ideal org.
The first is the announcement that they are “celebrating” 3 years of being “ideal.”
I wonder what there is to celebrate? They have made 0 progress in clearing their neighborhood, let alone city or state. And remember, this was the org that claimed they were going to be responsible for Clearing Indonesia too –as there is no org at all there. Don’t hear much about that these days.
And then the next piece is very telling. Remember how Hubbard announced that “Going St Hill Size” was something that could be done in a matter of weeks, all it took was people being “on purpose” “with no other fish to fry.” And that this was the “Make-Break” point, which he said was the minimum level of production required to succeed and pay the staff. Below this, orgs fail according to Hubbard.
3 years on and Perth “is going” St Hill Size.
And that is what EVERY org has been saying since Hubbard put out his LRHED 339R way back in 1982. Yes, nearly 40 years ago now. And not a single Class V org has accomplished this goal, with perhaps the exception of Tampa which is artificially stocked with Flag rejects and children of long term scientologists who refuse to join the Sea Org.
This is a hallmark of scientology orgs — they are always talking about what they will achieve at some unknown point in the future.
And then there is this. The icing on the cake.
Look at the level of activity of this “ideal org”.
They have a lone Clear — the first one in recent memory.
They are talking about how they are going to have an “ideal continent” because they are talking about finding a building for Canberra. Adelaide and Brisbane are also not ideal… And this dream of an “ideal continent” is an absurd idea that is absolutely meaningless. There hasn’t been a new org in Australia for 50 years. Two states have no org at all.
I love their high expectations “if you are not up to drilling you can watch a video.” This is one tough outfit. Not up to drilling?
But great news. They do Stress Tests on Fridays (I guess you don’t get stressed any other day of the week) — provided they can beg some “helpers” because apparently this ideal org does not have staff members who can do the stress tests?
Happy Mother’s Day
To the mothers out there – none of us would be here without you. Have a wonderful day.
Even if you are not in the US and celebrate Mother’s Dat on another date, celebrate yourselves anyway.
Sadly, there are some mothers who are separated from their children by the toxic policy of disconnection. To you I say, the love is still there, it has just been smothered by the toxic blanket of scientology. Remove the blanket and the love will see the sunlight again and grow. That’s what we are all doing, trying to get rid of that blanket. Love and truth will ultimately prevail.
No Celebration
Far less important, and far more sinister, today is also the day Dianetics was published. The public launch of the con — still in use today being presented as the answer to all man’s problems.
I have visited this “Ideal” Org. It is a family run building and pretty empty with around 25 public.
Its also located in a very silly place…
Off Topic Reminder for everyone who may be interested in the Danny Bastardson rape Preliminary Hearing. It will happen in 8 days — May 18, 2021.
According to Tony Ortega (who I think really knows about which he is talking) … Tony claims this is one of the most important events in the criminal side of things and it may strike a blow against this cult that could leave it reeling in pain and sorrow and they may all all be left weeping and wailing and crying. (and I am NOT joking!)
The criminal part can result in Danny going to prison for a very long time (like 45 years – where he can visit Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein and all the other rapists and they can play games like, “Who is the baddest Rapist?”). Tony claims this event will likely result in a terrible body blow to this cult. (By “body blow”, I mean one of the worst negative events in the entire history of this crazy cult).
So, please feel free to follow along on Tony’s site – tonyortega.org – for all the latest news – especially on May 18 – and if you believe in prayer, please say a prayer for Danny – that he will get all the justice he deserves and all of his victims will also get all the justice they deserve – and Valerie Haney should get all the justice she deserves. (I suppose it’s no secret how I feel about Valerie Haney). I very much want Valerie to get all the justice she deserves plus a lot more if possible. She deserves at least a million dollars plus the right to take a rubber hammer and beat the TWERP about the head until her arm gets so tired she can no longer lift the hammer anymore. A rubber hammer will not cause any permanent visible injuries. But it will make a very strong impression upon the tiny creep.
I don’t believe that Danny being convicted will hurt scn’s operation much, if at all. I don’t see any indication that his being a scientologist is of interest to any but scns and scn-watchers such as us. scientology is already known to be a detriment to those seeking celebrity status. What offers has Tom gotten recently? [Seems he’s doing Mission Impossible for the 7th time.] Has John done ANYthing since the Battlefield Earth debacle? [A commercial ad, I guess. Well it spends just as well.]Is Krusty doing any acting these days? [IMDB lists one show for her in 2020 that I had not heard about. Looks like one to definitely miss.]
Jere, what I think would hurt the CofS would be revelations of their coverup and complicity if Masterson’s case were to go to trial. They have taken it a couple of notches further than the Catholic Church with the organized subversions on the legal process such as flooding police with dubious affidavits, not to mention the suspiciously missing original case files, some part of which has apparently spawned a separate criminal investigation – and then the attacks against victims and witnesses.
What would come out at trial, would likely be quite a scandal and probably attract widespread publicity. Masterson pleading guilty would probably be least harmful to scientology.
Hello Jere. The news item I am looking for is no longer on the front page of Tony Ortega’s site. Doggone it! I will search for it. I am not used to his site because it is not a message board. Tony describes it as, “a news site, like an online newspaper site, with a daily news story, and a comments section where people can post their thoughts. ”
But I promise you that I remember very clearly, Tony expressed the opinion that if the decision on May 18 goes against the cult, it may cause very serious distress and harm to the cult.
I’m so sorry that I cannot remember the exact reasons why that is so. But I hope there may be someone here with more experience on Tony’s site who can help find that news item.
OK. I found one news item that looks like it might be the one. Here is the link:
Let me now quote you an excerpt that makes it sound like this could be very, very bad for the cult if the Preliminary Hearing scheduled for May 18, 2021 goes against the cult. Be sure to read the last part of this.
“According to the court papers, Judge Kleifield will be asked to make a ruling on this latest service attempt on May 12, but we don’t see that date listed on the docket. Will it happen? Will Miscavige finally be added to a lawsuit that has already been derailed and is waiting for a longshot ruling by the state supreme court? Can the civil side of this equation be any more fouled up?”
“Well, at least on the criminal side of the equation the prelim is about to hit like a ton of bricks. We certainly are looking forward to that.”
Tony said: the prelim is about to hit like a ton of bricks. We certainly are looking forward to that.”
Doesn’t that sound good to you? It sounds real good to me. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
They have nothing to celebrate. Dianetics has no practical value, it is by now ancient stuff and has never produced a single clear. It’s a big scam whose sales have been stat pushed for decades. They would have said that they are opening Poland, Kosovo and another place who knows where, where they actually just put a few books in a bookstore and took pictures of someone’s house with a couple of guys and a book.
Hello LMR!
You certainly have nailed the cult in your post. You are right on the money and I mean a million percent! Bravo for you!
Ciao Skyler, thanks!
Hi Mike
Keep up the good work, as the cult polices disconnect families ruined, and people like yourself and Leah and Jeff Hawkins and Tom, Marc and Claire headly plus Amy escaped the prison of belief! And helping others how come it’s like being reborn and takes balls to stand up to the tax exempt cult bullies, love the pod casts by the way.
Honestly I think that is one scary looking dude. yikes
Definitely not a guy I’d buy a used car from.
There was a brief period when baby boomer “seekers” were sometimes literally lined up at Scientology’s doors, that it was possible to achieve something like Saint Hill. What Hubbard failed to understand and his organization has failed to come to terms with ever since, is that they were riding the wave of a one-time social and demographic phenomenon.
I think I’ve read that Boston supposedly reached Saint Hill size at some point about 4 decades ago – but it’s questionable as to whether even that was just achieved through an extraordinary effort and high pressure techniques, or relied on a contrived “stat push” and even outright fraud.
This is a rambling comment so I’m not sure it even deserves to be put out.
I’ve been a little extra sad since after reading this past Friday’s RB and then yesterday’s New Zealand proclamation with the older women’s picture and now today’s Ideal Org along with it being Mother’s Day.
It’s all a reminder of my two friends who accepted Scientology’s koolaid readily so long ago. Neither has made any significant contact with their perspective family’s since early 2000’s. One has a mom about to die from lung cancer and one whose mom is alive and kicking hard but is 79. I occasionally speak with their families and they always eventually ask me if I’ve heard from (their daughter). I let them know what I have heard which is usually not much if anything at all.
But, Its made me wonder again, what was the difference was between me and them
I basically got told I was not just an SP but a DB because I could not understand scientology without questioning LRH and KSW1. I could not get past the idea that if I was supposed to be ‘free’ with scientology why was I not supposed to read about other religions. I was not having someone else telling me what to do. I lived in America, where freedom of choice was a garantee and blah blah… (basically, I was a smart*ss who didnt like anybody telling me what to do)
Since, I’ve read everything about cults and dissociation cognition and watch podcasts and watched The Aftermath multiple time. (Thank you so much Mike <3 )
Hence, I get the science behind this
And yet, I still wonder, what was so different between us. They are Sea Org and I'm just me.
I dont expect an answer.
I just wish Scientology didnt make me feel guilty for calling my mom today. Or wishing I was smart enough back then to say…"Hey, this stuff is stupid you guys, let's go" or just getting them to call their family for more than just auditing.
I despise Scientology.
Now, I'm going to call my mom and connect.
The pain in your words nearly brought me to tears. Life is essentially about the choices we make and I believe you chose correctly, your friends… not so much. You should never feel guilty about connecting with the ones you love and expressing joy that they are still in your life. I recently lost my mum but during the time she was alive I hope I made her feel loved. Give your mum a squeeze for me.
Thanks Mike. Have a wonderful day celebrating Christie with your beautiful boys.
Mike, so glad you and Christie got out of the cult, becuae otherwise you would not have those beautiful kids of yours. But you did and so now Christie gets to celebrate a wonderful Mother’s Day. Good for you and her. I loved your last paragraph giving all of us parents who have been disconnected from, all the kids who have been disconnected from, etc, giving us hope. I hope your prediction comes true for us all.
I take it they didn’t do the usual “big” event at the Ruth Eckerd Hall Friday night. Maybe they haven’t been doing that for a while on May 9th weekend. Up to 2004 when I left there were always the two Ruth Eckerd Hall events every year, the March 13th Hubbard Birthday and the May 9th Dianetics release. Lo how the mighty hath fallen.
But at least they could do a big “Graduation” in the Flag Auditorium, right? With Dave speaking about the historic expansion of Dianetics into China and the NOI? Something?
Or did they just play the “War is Over” 1993 IRS exemption event again for the thousandth time, hoping to scrape up some IAS donations for the “legal battle” to save Danny Masterson’s skanky butt? And keep Dave out of the courtroom.
I am sure someone who reads this blog has the real scoop.
Of COURSE Perth has advanced not at all. They’re required to apply the anti-productive policies of Hubbard despite evidence from the old franchise days that ignoring many/most of those policies and adapting to “conditions on the ground” contributes to real expansion, livable wages to the staff, and pleasant, upgraded service facilities.
scientology’s downfall is directly connected to its inability to adapt and change from using policies and ‘technology’ which have demonstrably have always failed miserably.
Jere, they’re also pushing 1950s-60s era “space opera” comparable to horse buggy whips in its current market appeal (which may be unfair to buggy whips, still in demand among the likes of the Amish, buggy racers and horse carriage ride operators, etc.). I don’t think the most efficient organization known to man could today sell scientology much more successfully – any more than resurrect the Jesus Freaks, The Divine Light Mission or any other of the once large and now forgotten cults of the same era.
From what I’ve read about the missions, some of the most successful of them pushed members to overextend credit or even helped them fraudulently apply for it, fed regges information from bugged auditing rooms and engaged in “crush regging” tactics, and often paid rank and file staff (other than regges and maybe auditors) poorly if at all – policies and practices that CofS orgs did adopt. I guess some people must have had idylic experiences at missions, but from what I’ve found it often got ugly.
Hey Jere,
I thought it was interesting when you said that Perth has advanced not at all. But fortunately for this duplicitous, lying, scumbag cult, they have discovered a very easy way to fix that problem.
All they have to do is change the definition of “advanced”. So they invent a new cult word meaning for “advanced” which now means “going nowhere” or “having gone nowhere”. Then, they can shout out all their crazy “Big Brother” type slogans to talk about the amazing, fantastic, wonderful “advancements” they made this year and all the bubble-heads will smile and nod and cheer and pose for pictures with their arms crossed and coo like pigeons saying, “Oooh” and “Aaah” and agree their cult is just the most fabulous cult of all the cults!
Ain’t it great?
Scientology has no reason to celebrate mothers. In Book One, Tubby made it known that women are HORRIBLE, attempting abortions many times in every pregnancy, subjecting everyone born to the most awful engrams through their normal activities and aberrations.
In scientology, parents are of no consequence since we’re all invisible immortal spirits who just happened to control these particular bodies for a short while in our unimaginably long spiritual ‘lifetimes’.
Well, they could always change the meaning of the word, “mother”. But, please don’t get me started.
O/T. Ph.D. Thesis: “Language Appropriation in New Religious Movements: Identity, Conflict, Boundaries, and Pejorative Terms” (2020), by Kristian Klippenstein. The thesis first turns to Scientology.
Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies at the University of Alberta.
Chapter 4, Be Clear: Scientology and Organizational Fluency, is 37 pages long.
Direct link to download the entire 373 page Ph.D. thesis:
Author / Creator
Klippenstein, Kristian
To demonstrate the organizational effects of fostering fluency and adapting vocabulary, the thesis first turns to L. Ron Hubbard’s writings on language in Dianetics and Scientology. It explores his conception of language change in relation to new religious discoveries, insistence on proper definition as a key aspect of effective group practice, and doctrinal/behavioral apparatus for promoting fluency amongst Scientologists. Moreover, the thesis explores his doctrine of “propaganda through the redefinition of words” as a conceptual analogue to the language appropriation and adaptation processes that takes place in other NRMs, discussing Hubbard’s adaptation of squirrel and psychiatry as examples.
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR at:
I wonder if ms. Klippenstein has been “noticed” by OSA and been subjected to scn’s dirty tricks just for exploring and reporting on what scientology really is.
I am afraid that if he wasn’t previously, he will be now since I posted links to his thesis here. I find his analysis of the language used in Scientology to be quite good and useful.
I will take this opportunity to add that he successfully defended his thesis and is now Dr. Klippenstein. See:
Since I’ve had a chance to read the tome, I’ve read Hubbard texts which were more clearly written. Sorry Ms Klippenstein, but don’t expect to ever be a best-selling author without a very good team of editors.