I recently did a post about how many OT VIII's there are in the world. One of our regular readers, TrevAnon, emailed me that there is a list of OT VIII completions at the Truth About Scientology website. I did not realize this website was being kept up to date. It is an astonishing resource, the work of the indefatigable Kristi Wachter. I reached out to Kristi to thank her and ask if she minded if I promoted her and her site here. I asked her if there was anything I could do to assist her. Her reply: It's very kind of you to think of mentioning my site. If you have space and … [Read more...]
Ex-Scientologists Who Have Spoken Out
I am publishing this here as it is an invaluable repository of information that should be as widely available as possible. Thanks to TrevAnon (Trevor Horn) for sending this to me. Along with this extensive list are two other invaluable lists below. This list represents more people than can be rounded up for an event at Flag these days. If you want to see the complete list, click here. And remember, this is the people who hav e bravely spoken out publicly. There are perhaps 10 times this number who have left and said nothing, For some further information about this list, you … [Read more...]