My mother, Barbara, disconnected from me after I spoke out about Miscavige’s abuses to the Tampa Bay Times.
Prior to that, even though I had escaped from the Sea Org (not as the church now likes to claim “that I was removed from all positions of authority”) she maintained a mother/son relationship with me, corresponding back and forth about things that had nothing to do with Scientology. Her dogs, garden, grandchildren and great grandchildren, the weather, anything but Scientology. She told me I was her firstborn and that would always trump anything else, no matter what decisions I made in my life. I was careful to keep the communication light and unrelated to Scientology — sort of a reverse “good roads/good weather” PTS handling to ensure she was not upset. I knew it would break her (transplanted) heart to be forced to disconnect from me. Due to her age and physical condition (she had a heart transplant and two very serious car accidents that had nearly killed her) she lived with my brother and sister-in-law (until they moved her into an assisted living facility).
In fact, because of this, when I was first approached by Joe Childs and Tom Tobin for their Truth Rundown series, I informed them I was unwilling to be on the record because I was afraid of the consequences it would have on my mother.
Apparently, me then telling Monique Yingling and Tommy Davis I was not interested in their effort to buy me off in exchange for being allowed to communicate to my family caused the inevitable. My mother was given Sophie’s choice. She could either stay in communication with my brother and family in Melbourne, Australia where she had lived all her life, or she could be abandoned by them and choose to remain in communication with me in the United States. Some choice. She was no longer able to even fly to the US and I was in no position to support her having just come out of the Sea Org.
In 2010 I traveled to Melbourne, Australia to attempt to see her. I had a feeling it would be the last opportunity I would have to see and speak with her. You can read about the lengths the “church” went to in order to prevent me seeing her on Marty Rathbun’s blog, There Is No Such Thing As Disconnection.
Today, I received this email (though the person who sent this to me did so with their name, I have deleted it to protect them from possible reprisal for having the temerity to communicate to an SP of my stature):
My mother was an auditor and OT VIII. She and my father had gotten into Scientology in 1961 and she had been a good Scientologist for fifty plus years, though she didnt have much to show for it in the end.
Anyone who ever came in contact with her was struck by her kindness. She was a truly sweet, caring woman who was a wonderful mother to me and my brother and sister. Her children were her greatest joy, and subsequently her grandchildren and great grandchildren. I had hoped she would sometime be able to share in the joy that her newest grandchild brings to the world, but alas, that was not to be.
When my father (also an OT VIII) passed away, Barbara lost her lifelong best friend. It devastated her, as he was killed in a one-car accident and she was driving. At the time, things were “too hot” for me to leave the Int Base, so she was left in hospital in a small country town in Australia badly injured herself and stricken with grief. It is one of the biggest regrets of my life that I didn’t just abandon my post and get on a plane to join her when she really needed me the most. I didn’t understand the insanity of my callous lack of concern for her until nearly 20 years later after I had well and truly broken free from the brainwashing. This was the single thing I most wanted to tell her, face to face, when I tried to visit her in Melbourne, along with a simple “I love you mum, and always will.”
I knew when I rejected the efforts of Monique Yingling and Co to silence me by using my desire to communicate to my family that I would thereafter dedicate myself to bringing an end to the destruction of families by the so-called church of scientology.
I also knew that I may not see that goal accomplished before my mother passed away. Sadly, I was right.
I also have a son and daughter and brother and sister who have been forced to make the same ugly choice. A son who had cancer, and the “church” didnt think they needed to inform me of that either (I was told by the media and when I went to try and see him at the Ft Harrison, Security called the police and had me cited for trespassing).
Of course, I don’t have any photos of my mother as the church didnt send me any of my personal photographs. So the pathetically small shot at the top is taken from Google Images.
It is somewhat ironic that for her the end of Disconnection from me came with the end of her life and her disconnection from the church of scientology by the only means possible. She is blessedly now no longer held by the limitations and rules that bound her in a mental (and towards the end, physical) prison.
I have come to understand on a very subjective level that nothing trumps real love and your true family and friends. Especially not devotion to a “third dynamic” that actually destroys all other dynamics in its demand for absolute obedience and unquestioned loyalty to it and nothing else.
I shall not rest until this inhumane abuse perpetrated by the cult of scientology is ended. And it WILL be ended. Destroying families while crowing from the rooftops how they are champions of human rights and getting families into communication is not just hypocritical, it deserves to be exposed to widespread scorn and ultimately enough outside pressure that their evil impulses are permanently curtailed.
Mum, may you fly free and happy. Able to choose once more who you want to share your affinity with so generously, as only you can do.
Peace be with you.
Thanks to everyone for their kind words and well wishes. It means a lot to me to know how many good-hearted people there are out here on the very fringes of the internet, and just how many friends I have.
A reader sent me a relatively recent (99) photo of Barb. The postage stamp I originally included seemed almost disrespectful, here is something a little more appropriate….
This is the post referred to above that is on Marty Rathbun’s blog
There Is No Such Thing As Disconnection
by: Christie Collbran
Mike, Haydn and I visited Sydney for several days, spoke to Bryan Seymour from Channel 7, were followed by private investigators on a regular basis and despite that had quite a nice time there.
On Friday we drove down to Melbourne, approximately a 10 hour trip with the specific intention of visiting Mike’s mother and brother. Mike’s mother is in her 80’s. He has not seen her for about 8 years. She is unable to travel all the way out to America for a visit, so this could have likely been Mike’s last chance to see his aging mother.
Even after Mike left the Sea Org and prior to speaking on the record with the St. Pete Times in the summer of last year he was in regular communication with his Mom. She wrote him letters telling him about her grandchildren, and her activities and chit chatting about nice things. He wrote her the same kind of letters back and they were having a very nice time being in communication. There was no talk about the church between them.
However after Mike spoke on the record to the St. Pete Times he received disconnection letters from his Scientologist family members, his Mom included. These were obviously letters they were told to write, many of them sounding strangely similar to each other ordering him to go contemplate a rock until he decided to change his ways.
It is my belief that his mother was very saddened by this and that she would have much rather remained in communication. Her disconnection letter was far less harsh than the others. Due to her age she had earlier stated herself that she will not be doing any more services this lifetime as she is OT VIII and could neither travel to Flag nor the Freewinds, and it was obvious that she was taking much pleasure in having the comm line with Mike.
This was a total perversion of PTS/SP technology. There was nothing suppressive about her comm line with her son and she was forced to cut the line due to the control designed by David Miscavige. She now lives in a retirement home/assisted living facility in Melbourne near her only other son, Andrew. If she refused to disconnect from Mike she would also lose the support of Andrew and the right to spend time with him and his children, and her great grandchildren as well. These are usually the most important things in the life of an elderly grandmother. So you can understand the tough position she has been put in.
On Saturday morning we headed out to the nursing home where Barbara Rinder has been staying. Having had a lot of PI activity during our trip so far, it was strikingly quiet that morning. I said to Mike that I feared the church had sent his mother away for the weekend, because if she had been in town we would have had a lot more noise already. When we got to the nursing home Mike and I went to the front desk. There was nobody there immediately and we met a very nice elderly woman named Frances who was also a resident of the nursing home. She told us that she knew Barbara, and that Barbara had gone on a trip to Adelaide for nine days.
We did eventually speak to a receptionist and somebody who was in charge of the place who confirmed for us that Barbara was not there. They tried to whisk us away very rapidly as well, and it smelled as if they had been briefed to expect us.
It was clear that they knew we were coming. Mike Sutter and Marion Pouw had been sent to Australia a week before we arrived to try and shore up the local Scientologists from being influenced by the SPs that were about to arrive. No doubt part of their Mission was to ensure that Mike’s mother was not there so that she and her son could not be reunited one last time.
However, after the Receptionist had tried to send us on our way, Frances came out to our car and said “Don’t mind that woman. She likes to boss everybody around. Would you like me to show you where Barbara stays?“ Of course, we would!
We spent quite some time with Frances — she showed us where Barbara’s room was. There was a sign on the door with her name. A cleaning lady had been nearby cleaning and she let us see inside of the room. Mike pointed to a picture of his Dad that was on the desk, Barbara’s deceased husband. Seeing her room, speaking to one of her mates, knowing that she spent much of her time right where we were standing, but that Mike was unable to see her or speak to her brought me to tears and I stepped away for a moment to collect myself.
Mike is one of the most considerate, decent and loyal persons I have met. He deserves the right to see his own mother and she has the right to be in communication with him. David Miscavige has taken pleasure in ensuring that this does not happen. The whole thing was utterly suppressive and sick.
We decided to buy a card and some chocolates for Barbara and Frances. We took some pictures and chatted quite a bit with Frances who was a very sweet lady. I’m sure she will relay to Barbara how lovely her son Mike was, that she was fortunate enough to spend some time with him, and the other girl (myself) that came with him from the USA. She showed us pictures of her children and grandchildren and some of her accomplishments from her life. I took some pictures of her and Mike and Frances insisted that she get her camera and take some for her to keep as well. She was very happy to meet us and walked us to our car, waved goodbye and watched us drive away until she could no longer see us, waving the whole time.
She was very similar to how I imagined Barbara might be. Although we did not get to see Barbara, I know that the message will get through to her. Mike still loves her and always will. Her friend will be sure to let her know.
After that we also went to Andrew’s house that was very close by, just to be sure. Nobody was there either and we assume that he took Barbara away. Mike left a card for Andrew in the mailbox as well.
This is just an example of thousands of similar instances of families being torn apart by the suppressive and evil works of David Miscavige and his church, and is why they must be brought to justice.
But we didn’t let him spoil our trip.
We left, had a delicious Australian lunch, and then met with the lovely Heather Grace, a regular here on Marty’s blog. We met at the zoo, found some koalas & kangaroos, and had dinner and drinks together. It was a wonderful time.
The following day we went to watch an Australian rules football game – otherwise known as “footy” and thoroughly enjoyed sitting next to two local and very vocal sports fans who were more fun than watching the game due to their constant banter back and forth (rooting for opposite teams) and the hilarious expressions they used.
Richmond Team Supporter: “What do you call a man with a rabbit stuck up his ass?”
North Melbourne Team Supporter: “I don’t know?”
Richmond Team Supporter: “You call him Warren…… here comes Warren!” (Warren being the name of a player on the opposite team whom he was having a go at).
You gotta love the Australians. We all did.
I was so very sorry to read of the enforced disconnection with your mother and her death without seeing you or meeting Christie, or her grandson. This practice of disconnection is PURE EVIL and we must bring it and its perpetrators to an end.
Dear Mike,
While I have been critical of you in the past, my heart goes out to you at this poignant moment and final affront to you through the loss of what might have been a few, irreplaceable, precious moments with the woman who bore you.
Best of luck putting an end to this cruel, vicious and hypocritical (and oh so typically representative) practice from this vile cult that turns love and family in to blackmail and heartbreak, good will and eagerness to help into shock troops and slave labour, babies and children into hostages, and the very idea of ‘ethics’ into a sick psychotic joke.
No one on earth deserves this. You clearly loved and treasured this woman in spite of everything, and while I understand your guilt in not having dropped everything and rushed to her side as you should have done, you cannot let this colour your memories of her (which are all you have) or Scientology will have won, having turned Love into Gold yet again (your love into DM’s gold of course).
You loved each other No one can take that away from you, and the fact that you were both human and fallible just throws into greater relief the inhumanity of this mechanism.
My sympathies and condolences go out to you Mike. You wrote a lovely eulogy and I applaud your determination to end the terrible abuse of ‘disconnection.’
Mike, My Mother Diane had her 80th birthday Sept. 14, in LA. I have not been able to speak with her since 2005, and I hope that when she passes, some kind soul also emails me with particulars. I am her oldest of 6 children, and my siblings I hope are making her later years as pleasant as possible. I send condolences on the loss of your great Mother. I also join you in resolve to see this policy that separates families, cancelled and the subject of scientology reformed.
I am sorry for your loss. I don’t think a Mother as you have described can ever really disconnect her hear from you. Disconnection is a sick way to control individuals. Big warm Hugs to you and your family.
I had to think a bit what I could not even should post:: But since youir mother was OT8 and had a very wide scoop by that on what was possible let me post this song.
I am SO sorry honey.
And know what? You look a lot like your mama. 🙂
Hi Mike
My condolences on your loss.
It is only with people like you taking the actions that you take that we will be able to end these atrocities and break the hold that Miscavige and his masters have on so many decent people who honestly but mistakenly believe they are practicing what LRH put there.Thank you for what you do.
Dear Mike,
I am sorry for your loss. Yet, as you are, I’m happy for Barbara, who is now free
of the various prisons she was in. Your writing was beautifully uplifting and humble,
a true reflection of the respectful and kind person I witnessed you to be always.
Peace be with Barbara, and with you.
I loved the picture of your Mum under the Update. She’s a beautiful, up-tone lady. I wish her Peace and you and your family as well. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours.
Thank you for what you said about ending the abuse. I’m with you.
Mike, this heart breaking posting nothing short of a tragedy.
My heart goes out to you. I do not need to wish you strength, peace and reconciliation. You are well on the way to achieving those.
I am with you in your battle to end this abuse, this travesty that Miscavige sees right to inflict on those that refuse to abject themselves to his malevolent rule.
We may differ in theology, but we are together in humanity.
Please, if I can do anything to support you, do not hesitate to ask.
With love,
John Duignan
I’m so terribly sorry. Please accept my deepest sympathy.
Dear Mike,
I heard the news on your mother, she’ll be in peace now and I know that things will have changed when she gets back. I have never see you in person, but I know your struggle and your courage. Many of us are taking action and not sitting on the fence any longer. You can count on us. We are not for sale and we wont go back to the “land of Mordor, where the shadows lie”. My condolences Mike at least she is in peace and out of their grip. Keep on we are many behind you
Indeed, we are many.
I’m sorry to hear this sad news. The passing of ones parents is difficult, made worse by disconnection of the CoS. I can’t imagine that your mother was not thinking about you and still is. Even the CoS cant obliterate these bonds, they can only torture them. They have no hold on her now. She is free of the suppression.
Best to you and all of your family. Stay in comm. ARC Tim
I am so saddened by this news. I loved your mom and dad and had stayed in touch with your mom until I started my disconnection from the church years ago. I remember still the letter she sent me after your dad had passed…she filled me in on all the details and casually mentioned she had had a heart transplant and then went on to talk about the grand kids. I had to laugh at how matter of fact she made it seem. But then in talking with her later she was always that way about the physical side of things. I have often wondered the past few years where she was and how things really were for her. I always loved spending time with her and have many good memories of her and Ian.
My heart goes out to you and this tremendous loss but I also agree…she is so much better off now and free of this insanity called the “church”.
Hugs to you my dear friend….and no need to post if you don’t want.
So sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest condolences.
I’m very saddened by Barb’s passing. We were good friends, the Rinders and the Mackeys; that was before we left the cult, then in a blink that was it.
We’d take her out after course at Flag, when we were there on our refreshers and she’d tall us all the Rinders story, about Ian and you mostly. Mate! I think you’d have cringed in a way that only your mum can make you if you had’ve been there. We heard of the ‘when Mike joined the SO story’ the ‘when Mike shared a cracker with Andrew’ and “Mike went to the UK with DM’ and my now favourite, the ” DM has Mike on a special programme of diet and exercise”. She would tell us anytime she had the chance.
She was so terribly proud of you. I’m sorry it ended this way.
All the best to you.
Sorry to hear about your mum, Mike. You and Christie and Jack have my love always.
My deep condolences, Mike. There is a hell awaiting the little bastard that far surpass the unbelievable pain he has inflicted on others.
Mike, my sincere condolences to you and your family for your loss. And I’m so sorry she didn’t get the opportunity to see her new family or that you couldn’t have the comm cycles you probably would like to have had before she went. That you had to find out on the grapevine really sucks. All strength to you in seeing this travesty through to its end. Paul
There are really no words. I offer my condolences, not for the “loss” of your Mom, but for the loss that you, she and the rest of your family have experienced due to the evil, callus policies of the so-called “church” of Scientology. Their behavior is an abomination and an insult to anyone with an ounce of civilized sensibilities and any sense of honor as a member of the human race.
And I agree with you that it WILL end, and that the evil intentions of Miscavige and others who perpetrate them WILL be exposed to the light of day for the world to see and understand.
I also recognize that your Mom can now be free from the manipulation of her comm lines by these same evil intentioned sources. She can now choose her comm lines with complete freedom, and anybody aware enough to recognize her presence is going to be fine with that. As for the those who do not recognize her continuing presence….that is their loss. And as for those who might wish to manipulate her comm lines “beyond the grave”, my guess would be “fat chance”. She is a long time Scientologist, well audited and well trained.
A quote from LRH (A History of Man) which seems appropriate:
“The auditor must know that the existence of a MEST body within the fields of the theta being is incidental and even unfortunate for processing, which in the absence of a body goes much faster.”
Every person on Earth who has a body is eventually going to experience losing theirs. My guess is that your Mom, Barbara, is going to have a heck of an easier time of it confronting this situation than almost anybody.
As you know I have never met her or for that matter you. But sometimes one can pick up things about people’s personal nature from what they say and do….or simply by listening to what others say about them…..or even by looking at a picture of them. What I see is that she was and is indeed a beautiful, intelligent, honest, loving person. It is also obvious to me that she was a loving mother because she passed on those qualities to you. I see those qualities expressed in the communications you put forth on this blog daily. I appreciate you for doing that. And I appreciate her for raising you. She has a right to be proud, and I have a STRONG feeling that she IS very proud of her first born son.
What you have written is beautiful!
Beautiful sentiments, Espiritu. What he said…
So sorry for your loss Mike. Sending lots of love your way from all of us xoxo
Dear Mike,
our deepest condolences for what has happened. This situation is just outrageous as everything happening in the Church is. They hide themselves behind a curtain of lies and try to project a facade that is very far from what actually goes on.
What goes on is what you are describing and what you are describing CANNOT be justified in any way shape or form. Enforced disconnection is the worst crime they are committing every day.
Me and Renata did not suffered what you went and are going throug – but as you know Flavio is at the FSO and he has been brainwashed and forced to disconnect with the family that supported him his whole life.
Shame on Miscavige and shame on everybody that support him and his dark reign.
We will see an end to this we are sure.
All our love and support to you and your family.
Claudio & Renata
Mike, and the rest of your family,
Sorry to hear this – please accept my condolences.
The “third dynamic” is no match for love, that’s why it fights so hard to keep love out of the picture. I agree, the organisation must be stopped from doing this.
As a scientology-news tourist, at best, I can tell you that these stories of disconnection, while individually wrenching, are nothing in the scheme of things. By which I mean that Scientology touches essentially no one. It is a tiny, and diminishing, organization; a vestige of another era. I am sorry that your life and others’ were, are, and will be upended by them. In such moments, to such individuals, Scientology must feel enormous and unstoppable. They barely exist now and soon won’t at all. And you don’t have to lift a finger to save anyone from them, because, effectively, no one is even at risk.
The modern world knows better than Scientology.
Scientology is not a threat to any one or thing except itself.
The stakes, in short, are incredibly low.
So relax.
You´re absolutely right. Go out in the street and ask anybody you meet: “How have you been influenced by Scientology?” or better yet “How has your life improved because of Scientology?” and they would just stare at you and say: “What??? Scientology? What is Scientology? Isn´t it just a crazy cult that harasses people and takes all their money?” That´s all people know about Scientology – in the US and everywhere on the planet. And who´s to blame? All those nasty SP´s who spread nothing but lies about the church? I don´t think so. That attitude is called a Service Facsimile. According to Hubbard you create EVERYTHING in your life yourself. YOU, and nobody else, are responsible for EVERYTHING in your life. That goes for individuals as well as the church. Hm…..!
Right Birgit – as opposed to the late 70’s where you’d walk up to people and ask if they’d ever heard of it and they hadn’t at all. It was a clean canvas to paint upon so you could actually communicate without HUGE handle. Now it’s nearly impossible to talk to people about Scientology without having them look at you like “Are YOU with that strange cult?”
The only handle for this seems to be to tell them something like, “Oh, I’m not with the corporate version anymore. You’re right. I don’t know what they’re doing. I’m independent now and have been helping people with it.” Then, the people get interested because their guard goes down against “that crazy cult.”
If we all wanted to, and we coordinated in just the smallest way, we could do more Scientology in any given week than the “church” could do in a month. Just sayin’.
Dear Mike!
My heart is with you. Losing a parent is a huge loss. I know from personal experience. Being forced to disconnect from people you love in order to “be able to think for yourself” and achieve “total freedom” is absurd and doesn´t make any sense, and it is not part of any other religion that I know of. Therefore Scientology is not a religion. It´s a business enterprise. It´s a cult! It´s a cult that takes advantage of well meaning, gullible people who are made to believe they are “saving the planet”. What a joke! The world simply doesn´t want to be saved by Scientology. Frankly, I think the world would rather save all the poor people, who are trapped in Scientology and the Scientology mind set. I am sending you my best wishes from Denmark.
Mike, I am stunned and deeply saddened by your loss and how you found out about your mother’s passing. DM and his puppets have a level of mental and emotional cruelty and abuse that is beyond imaginable. Know you are loved, supported and respected by many from near and afar.
My condolences for your loss, Mike. And my admiration for your ability to never give in to their suppression.
My condolences Mike.
My condolences, I am really sad to hear it.
Your mother is free to make her own choices now.
I am amazed at the hole that DM is digging for himself.
Thanks for writing about this, Mike. The disconnection policy is one of the cult’s cruelest aspects. I’m sorry for your loss and that you were prevented from visiting your mother one last time.
I am really at a loss for the appropriate words so I will just say I am sorry for the loss of your mother.
All the best to you and your family.
Mike im so sorry for your loss. know this your mum is still right by yourside she is no longer contained in her physical body. and as such you can talk to her and tell her what it is you want her to know. and in her own way she will acknowledge you and let you know she understands.
I’m sorry I didn’t see this until today, Mr. Rinder. How deeply heartbreaking.
I’m not only sad for you and your children’s loss, but also for her, that she didn’t, while she was alive, get to say goodbye to you.
When people are taken away by force, the feeling of absolute frustration knows no depth. No amount of crying or ranting or CSWing or anything can make that existing situation change. I have known this feeling and understand it. You didn’t lose her once, you lost her twice as did she, you.
Maybe there is some way to start a memorial for her that stands for keeping families connected, against all types of external pressures and criminal influences.
As has been said here already, now she is free to be her full OT self and to come see you and your lovely new family as much as she likes. Listen and you’ll hear her, just like before.
I asked an OT VIII friend of mine how I could best help my grandfather when he passed away. He said, “Well, you just lost him but he lost everything – his stuff, his identity and all of the people in his life. Remember that you have a comm line with him so continue to flow him ARC and let him know that he still has a comm line.” Wise advice. Love to you and yours.
The memorial is a lovely idea.
Thanks, Hallie.
I loved the advice your OT VIII friend gave you Indie 8 Mill
Yes, wasn’t that nice, Jane. Rang so true to me.
What say we all give Barbara a good, healthy flow of love and admiration right now, together. I’m sure that she will feel it and know that she is loved even more. 🙂 Like in the LRH memorial when we all say “goodbye”, but instead, we are all saying we understand and wish you love and freedom in your new game, or whatever your wish is for her. Amen. 🙂
Steve and I are so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom and especially that you weren’t able to say your goodbyes. It’s undeniable how many people you’ve helped on your crusade to stop this insanity . And now that your mom is free of the trappings of the cult, I’m sure she’s feeling mighty proud of her first born son. Thank you for all that you do and please know that our heartfelt thoughts are with you !
Love, marsha and steve….
I am so sorry for your loss and your mother passing before you had a chance to speak with her. The needless wake of sorrow and tragedy has to cease. It’s a nightmare.
You were the only speaker I wanted to hear at the otherwise tedious Int events. You personified the essence of what I remember Scientology was.
My sincere condolences to you, Mike. Thank you for everything. You are loved by many.
I’m sorry for your loss Mike. I don’t know what else to say. I wish you well and hope you find comfort and peace in the wonderful memories you have of your mum. She sounds like a beautiful person and you were both lucky to have each other.
Mike, My family and I are very sorry to hear of yet another personal tragedy inflicted by an unthinking, uncaring, un-remorseful predatory entity called the Church of Scientology. Someone has to stop the senseless killing and since the FBI won’t do it, and the DOJ won’t do it, and the police won’t do it, that leaves us.
As you know, I have been off the radar this year, necessary as with 5 active Scn-related websites, I had to do some reorganization in order to afford the demands upon my time. It has not generally been commented upon, however in the last few months has achieved rather permanent position among the top ten websites on the subject of “scientology”. Google “scientology” and is generally always within the top 10 websites on the subject. Some, like Wikipedia have multiple listings within that top ten. But it is the same website.
In the coming months my organizational efforts will be wrapping up, whereupon I will able to go after CoS predation on an even more aggressive scale, as of course the larger one is, the more ferociously one can bite., which features Debbie Cook’s devastating testimony on the home page and a new video blog by Karen de la Carriere, is currently averaging 4,000 content view hits per day. I know for a fact the CoS doesn’t get that many hits per day because CSI attorney, Les Strieber, just bragged in court that a puny “19 million people have visited the website!” — that’s the CoS website. Note: the difference between “visitors” and “hits.” Anyone who lands on a website and bounces instantly still counts as a “visitor.” Interesting the CoS is claiming visitors (lame), not “hits.” Hit requires someone has to be interested enough to click on something.
Of course, my efforts are only small part of a broader “campaign” that is running to bring an end to CoS brutality. I always expected it to be a long haul. Thus, I continue to engage only long-term strategic actions each designed to methodically coil around the CoS like a giant marketing constrictor with devastating mechanical advantage. Eventually the CoS breath will stop altogether and all you will hear is the snapping and popping of bones.
So, with the memory of your mother’s tragic and senseless imprisonment — I would call it “spiritual torture” — in the forefront of our minds, I salute her freedom (no doubt she will soon be back and able to share her love freely) and your resolve to continue to do “whatever it takes” for “as long as it takes,” with the knowledge that however long the battle, you will never fight alone.
Beautiful Thoughtful. Thank you for all you do.
I wish to thank you Steve as well as Mike for all the work you do. You both are having an impact and are important.
A very gracious sentiment.
Thank you again Steve, for filling in the gaps of what’s been happening on your broadly active front. Looking at the enormous outpourings of sympathy and support for Mike at this time, says one thing clearly. There is enormous love, care and heart out there, and sometimes we deed reminding of that.
Steve, I love your bravery, your integrity, and your “in it for the long haul” fight in you. You have done so much for free Scientology and to thwart the evil of DM and the corporate church. Thank you for all you have done and for all that Mike and Marty and Karen and others have done. True warriors for truth and justice all of you. And VVVWD on your stellar stats with your web sites. That rocks! Mike and Steve and all others in this shoulder to shoulder effort, “however long the battle, you will never fight alone.” Well said, Steve.
As Jesus said some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. And with LRH involvement with Aleister Crowley and other occult leaders COS clearly has a demonic root and I believe prayer as will as action will be needed to overcome this evil. So sorry Mike that you and your family had to put up with this evil.
Very sorry to hear about your mum Mike. You’re free to be in comm again now and I’m sure she’s very happy about that.
Dear Mike, It is tough to find words because this kind of evil is just unthinkable to me. You are such a brave, beautiful, honest person and your Mom knows that, I’m sure. I am so so sorry for your loss and for such a betrayal by the Church you supported for so many years. As you said, Mom is flying free now – as you work to make better the place she comes back to.
Keep up the good work. You are a good man.
All the best wishes.
Sorry for your loss. Always sad news when a person’s mother passes. Much love and caring to you and your family.
Jack Airey
Mike, I sit here in tears. I was only thinking of Barb last week and wondering how she was – knowing it must be near the end I was thinking I should email you and see if I could get a postal address – to write to her.
Barb was a lovely friend to me – we spent many times together at Flag – she was there when things were tough in that hell hole of Solo NOTS. She truly cared. Whilst she might of had to disconnect from you physically to appease the rest of the family – I don’t think she disconnected from you in her heart or mind – she would never be able to do that. She spoke of you often and was always so proud and I think she knew that all was not right in the SO.
She was not in a position to speak out as she was very much under Andrew and Pat’s control and depended upon them. It is so sad that she spent her later years away from the family and that she never got to see you happy with your new wife and son – but I’m sure her kind thoughts would of been with you.
Yes she is finally free. peace be with you Barb. XXX
I am so sorry for your many, many losses….especially this one.
Thank you for sharing this. I wish your mum peace as I do you.
Rather than feel sad and angry (which is what I expected)….I feel sad and resolute.
Mike, enjoy your wonderful new family and all of the genuine friends you have now.
We will make this end…for you, and for your mum.
And for all the others who endure this cults vile and cruel actions.
OMG Mike you were in court weren’t you
Mike, Please accept my condolences. But I as well as many others appreciate the work you are doing. Thanks for sharing it all with us.
What can I say to comfort you that hasn’t already been said, Mike? I feel for you and Christie in your loss. You are doing such noble work to right the wrongs that DM has perpetrated on you personally, but also on so many others. Keep your eye on the mountain and know that we all support you and love you.
Mike, I’m so sorry.
Dear Mike,
Heartfelt condolences from my wife and I.
Thank you for your sacrifice all those years ago, and thank you today for all you do to correct the injustices.
Unfortunately I had a similar experience when my mother was terminally ill many years ago – I could not visit her because I was in the Army and refused leave one weekend. I truly understand not being able to go.
Much regards
Sorry for your loss Mike. There are lot of us our here that have your back and intend to see the same result. Keep your chin up and know that we all are thinking of you.
Mike, my heart is with you. I lost my dad, then my husband and then my mum. But often I close my eyes and talk to them. She is physically not here, but in your heart she will “sing” I am pleased you have a more recent picture. She is with you now, looking down and wishing you the happiness you deserve. Talk to her.
Hearing of your loss hurts so much. But you are doing great things to right the wrongs that Miscavige keeps perpetuating. Keep your eye on the Mountain – freedom from the tyranny he has created is nigh.
Mike, my condolences. I cried.
May the force be with you.
Shame on the church of scientology.
Mr. Rinder,
First, I am sorry for you loss and horrified at how it was delivered. I have never been in Scientology, but I have been following everything since the 80’s. My mom happened to move next to Ford Green. The almost daily protests had a lasting effect. But sir, you have truly impressed me with your handling of this when lesser men would have broke you have to not.
Cults are a dirty-dirty business. When Elissa Wall testified against FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs, for every prosecution witness there was a defense witness FROM THAT PERSON’S FAMILY, including her own mother. Elissa had to go into witness protection during the trial, due of concerns of retaliation from other cult members.
There wasn’t anything more you could do, Mike. God bless your mother and your family.
So sad. I am sorry …no words for my emotional chaos. …
I am so deeply sorry for your losses…..ALL of them. But most especially, the death of your mother. I have never been involved in Scientology. I’ve never even known a Scientologist. I came across your blog, and Marty’s and The Underground Bunker, after reading Jenna Hill’s book. I wanted to know more, so I Googled. You have sacrificed so much to fight this cult. Please know, though it will be of little comfort, you are reaching people. Lots of people…..people who have never been touched by this cult but nonetheless are interested and support you. I believe that you mother is with you. Her spirit will remain with you. I hope one day that this brings you comfort and peace.
Mike, your story saddened me and I want to extend my condolences for your loss.
During times like these I find solace with music. Mike take a minute to listen and envision your mama flying high and free with the angels looking down upon you with a smile and love in her heart.
Sorry for your loss. Forced disconnection is the cruelest policy.
This is just a thought from Dorothy & me Mike, to comfort you in your tragic loss of your dear mom. Taken
from Kahlil Gibran in “The Prophet” ….”A while, a rest upon the wind…and another woman shall bear me.”
I’m so sorry, Mike. You took a stand against this poisonous “church”. With honour and integrity, and at great risk, you used your voice and shouted, and have helped thousands confront the truth. To think there are people out there still who KNOW the truth but hide in fear, safe in seeing others brave disconnection and the destruction of families while they sit quietly, 1.1, forwarding on the odd Super Power mailer for some people to chuckle at on a blog. To them I say “shame on you.”
So sorry to hear this Mike. My condolences to you and your family. I am with you on the quest to end this disgusting practice of disconnection. What a great person who took the trouble to find you and let you know. Bless him or her too. Thanks for doing what you are doing Mike. A bunch of us, 1000’s of miles from where you are, read this and pass it on to our friends. The ripples move outward inexorably. We will join you in making waves on this front.
Dear Mike and Christie,
It’s taken me a day to clear my head and be able to write you expressing my sorrow and outrage over what I feel IS the glue that keeps this horrible cult together — families and the fear of losing them (and businesses but less so).
When Karen lost her son my outrage was such that for the first time in 3 years of following Marty’s blog I came out with my own name in protest.
I couldn’t think of what I could do as a follow up protest until a few minutes ago. A buddhist acquaintance of mine has been extremely interested in the “HOW IT IS POSSIBLE” that so many celebrities continue to follow what seems, to an outside,r to be such a wrong-headed church and cruel to boot.
I spent 3 hours with him years ago giving him my point of view.
And have kept in touch through the years as new developments arise.
My friend is an extremely well-known and highly successful screenwriter … I’ve keep hoping some day he will pick up the banner and write this story. Years ago he was asked to do a screenplay but turned it down.
Today I sent him your blog post about your mother. I know him. I’m sure he has tears, as do I.
With love,
That’s so sad, I am so sorry for your loss Mike, but thank you for all that
you are doing for all of us to bring this kind of suppression to
an end.
Hi Mike,
my thoughts and condolences are with you. Keep up the good work.
Love, from our family to yours.
My heartfelt condolences, to you, and especially your Mum!
Yet another sad story about disconnection and what it does to families around the world. Thankfully, one person with enough integrity sent you the information about your mum. The C of S is not the Church of Scientology. It is the Church of Shame.
Mike, I am so sorry.
After all the hard work that you and your Mum did for the “Church”, to have been disrespected and abused this way is outrageous.
Your story made me cry. My heart is with you.
You are working hard that others not suffer the fate of your family.
Many blessings to you
and hugs
it is tough to put together words of empathy, mike. as someone whose mother abandoned him by selling full custody to my father for $5k cash in the early 1980’s (when i was six years old), i know that the cut goes deep and the wound never truly heals. ok, maybe our circumstances are different whereas your mother was forced to disconnect from you by the co$ and my mother willing and freely abandoned me without any external pressure. regardless, the bottom line is that i have shed several tears writing this. from the depths of my soul, i wish you nothing but the best, mike.
So very, very sorry, Mike. I’m a never-in who cannot begin to imagine what you have been through, and to think of the cruelty of forcing an elderly woman to disconnect from her son (and to never know her newest grandchild) literally has me crying, right now. I just lost my own elderly father (lost my mother very young) – and just imagining the frustration, regrets and longing of a son who was separated from his beloved parent not only by distance, but by an evil organization – it makes me furious. Though your mother was a good, obedient Scientologist ’till the end, I’m sure where her spirit is now, she understands exactly what you are doing and why. And from that place of peace and greater knowledge, she is cheering you on madly. As are so many of us out here who cannot believe this “church of injustice” is allowed to ruin lives with impunity. May your loving new family comfort you during these painful times.
God Bless, PI from the Bunker.
Mike, my deep condolences to you and your wife and kids. It is wrong
that your mother could not experience you and Christie
plus her new grand kids before she passed. Also that your new
family did not have a chance to learn what a grandmother’s love
can bring. In time though the kids can get the concept.
Just know that you have been and are helping the many now in the
rigthteous fight to end all these cruelties by the church.
Words really do fail me,your love for ur mum shines brilliantly in this. I hold u in my thoughts and prayers. It is my sincere hope that u find a way to turn this gigantic loss into strength(the concluding paragraph seems to indicate that you are already moving in this direction) and that you will use that strength to continue the fight against the pure evil that is “Corporate” Scientology. Please know that this is a marathon,not a sprint and that u have hundreds of thousands of us ready and waiting to lend a hand,ear,or shoulder should u need it.
Mike, I want to send you my heartfelt condolences. I only just saw your post as I am in Munich. I’m sure you had the best mother and its unfortunate that she had to make such a terrible choice. Your post was a wonderful tribute to your love of your mother.
Sir Michael Rinder:
So sorry for the loss of yor mother.
Thanks her you are with us.
Best for both of you.
Mike, sorry for your loss. I think your mom knew that her choice to disconnect from you would ultimately result in the end of disconnection as a practice. As much as it pained her, I am sure she knew at some level all along how all this will play out in the end. She had only one son who could handle the job that needed to be done. She chose well. In liu of flowers a donation in your Moms memory to support the end of disconnection will be made to this blog.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. Thanks for sharing the story and helping so many. Best Wishes.
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My thoughts and good wishes are with you and your family. Someone else on your blog captured it so aptly, “a mother’s love never dies”. And I know this in my heart to be true. Neither does a son’s, a daughter’s, a friend’s, a niece, a brother, a sister. The work that you do will end the suffering and torture through the balm of love of kindness. And not to be underestimated, courage in the face of evil.
My condolences, Mike. Please know that she would be proud of what you are doing and would be so pleased to learn of your family. Perhaps, more than ever, she now knows what this all means and just how much you care. Alas, you can smile when you think of her soul now flying free.
The imposed silence between you and your loving mother is long-term salt
in the wound of her loss. My heart goes out to you both for this horrible
enforced break in communication. Thankfully, there was no real break in affinity
despite the supression on both your lines. Obviously you and your mother loved
each other all along. So sorry you were kept apart and unable to see each other
before her passing. Very good on refusing to give up your powerful and much appreciated
efforts to eradicate the imposition of disconnection by the CofS. I admire you greatly.
I am truly sorry to hear about this Mike and receive my honest condolences.
You have all my support to fight this evil practice and, do let me know whatever you may need to conquer these abuses.
Sorry for your loss, Mike, and sorry your family has been going through this. It’s all just so heartless.
So sorry for your loss.
Your efforts to fight disconnection are paying off.
I just know it.
This is a sad experience and I honestly feel for you Mike.
My hat goes off to you, for all you do.
The most sickening part of it is, that the “church” suppresses any kind of exchange, even the exchange of love is being inhibited.
All the best wishes for you Mother.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Mike, I’m thinking of you and your family during this tough time. Peace to you as well.
Mike,My deepest condolences and deep hug to you.It saddened me so much to read this.I was fortunate to know Barb and live in the same house for a while.Barb was the sweetest warmest lady,so loving and lovable ,i adored her.I have very sweet memories of her in the kitchen mostly:):) making great food and being funny too:):) She was truely unforgetable.I send you and her my love <3
My condolences, Mike. You are fighting the good fight, and are helping pave the way for others, that they may not have to endure the same. Peace to you…
Mike – my sincerest condolences and gratitude.
My condolences. Such needless waste, so obviously counter-purpose to Scientology.
I am very sorry to hear about your mother’s passing, and about how you had to learn of it. From all that you and others have written about her, I have no doubt your mother believed that her love for you, and your loving relationship with her, survived disconnection. Every heart break, and every story of disconnection, is another stone on the Church of Scientology’s paper edifice.
Mike, words cannot express the sadness of this horrible situation. I think you know that I absolutely feel your pain, and postulate that somehow you can find the means to live a happy life, despite the horrific abuses that you have endured, both personally and with your mother. You and your son Jack are her legacy, along with the memory of the wonderful times you shared together. She is free now to look in on you and the family you have created, and I am sure this brings much joy and happiness to her psyche.
In terms of the feelings that well up in one, when thinking about those who perpetrated those human rights abuses, the only thing I found that helped me was “What is Greatness?” I had to reach deep inside myself to find a way to keep on loving despite all the reasons that said I should not. It is very easy to get trapped inside the insanity of those who do such things. The other thing that helped was the activities that I engaged in to do something about it, to end the abuse for others.
My deepest condolences to you and Christie, and my postulate that DISCONNECTION gets ended forever, and that all of us can lead the bright, happy lives that we were meant to experience.
Dear Mike,
We are with you on this. Kat was not permitted to attend her mother’s funeral because she had to be on post at the Org and couldn’t get approval to leave. I have lost two families due to my involvement with the Cult. One because I was in the Church. The other because I left (due to the insanity of DM’s madness). We know the agony of Sophie’s choice and join you in your quest to bring and end to this inhumanity. And to all those who support this type of DISCONNECTION…shame on you.
Dear Mike Rinder
I’m so sorry for all your personal losses and none bigger than the loss of your mother who sounds and looks like a wonderful woman. We dont’ know each other but after a brush with scientology many years ago, I follow you now (online only) amongst others,and have watched and read as much as I can, so almost feel I know you and others, without the familiarity. You have been through so much, as have all scientologists, current or ex, whether realised or yet to come. I admire your sanity and courage and even if you dont’ want them, I offer all ex and current scientologists prayers for their heads. Please consider, your mother is at peace now and lived trying to be good. A practical hand in London UK, for you, any of your family, friends or even a recommend, place to stay on the way out.. etc. I am not a scientologist, nor have ever been, nor have had friends or family snatched…. I’m unknown, just got a bed to spare in greater London quite close to Heathrow.
My sympathies and best wishes are yours.
Peace to all of you. I am sorry for your loss Mike.
Mike, so sorry for your loss. May your mother Rest in Peace
Sorry to read this story and condolences on the loss of your Mum.
And once again – it is sad to read the consequences of the “policy that does not exist” . I would make some nasty comments about that but I wish this to be a message of respect for you and your family.
You have our best wishes in this time, MIke.
Mike, I am so sorry that your mum passed. At the same time I am so pissed that the church treated you this way. It is just another reason to rally behind the Monique Rathbun trial and end this silliness called disconnection. OSA will pay for this, I guarantee you. McSavage already pays each time he sees the bottom of his next bottle of Scotch.
ML Tom
My condolences Mike…
You are making the world a better place and your mother knows this…the kind souls of this world always know this truth even if they get trapped by their desire to do what is right and end up in a Sophie’s choice. It is the evil in the world that puts them there. You are effectively removing that evil.
Mike, like all the other real friends that you have, my heart goes out to you during this difficult time. May you find peace and know your Mum is out of pain and on the next level of life. You’ve gone through so very much during the past decades, that, I wish for you and your wife love, joy, peace, happiness, health and prospertiy. You were there for me when I shared my story of my Mom, and I want to be there for you now.
Now, let’s all carry on exposing the crimes of this toxic and militant cult!
I’m sorry for your loss and the fact that you never got to tell your mum you final regrets. You can be assured, she knows and understands. Keep on fighting the fight, we will all help you.
Goldenrod to represent the suppression that surrounds you in the church.
Light-blue for the piece of blue sky that has been inside you all along.
And a tear of blood for the suffering created by the most {ethical} people on the planet.
My heartfelt condolences to you and your family Mike. May you soon be reunited with all of them.
Dear Mike,
After reading your post last night I had no words. I am very sorry for your loss. Your write up here was beautiful and I admire your complete honestly and determination to carry forward. Sending my love to you and your family.
Mike – I am so sorry for your loss. I wish you and your family peace and love.
Mike, my condolences on the loss of your mum. I didn’t know she and your dad had done so much in Scientology. I wanna thank her for having done that and what she now does “through” her 2nd dynamic about Scientology.
Mike, you wrote this:
“I shall not rest until this inhumane abuse perpetrated by the cult of scientology is ended. And it WILL be ended.”
And obviously you are paying the price of freedom and never got afraid to pay for it.
I am sure your mum will be proud of you and what you are doing now.
I want to say for all those gone and who didn’t have the chance to really benefit from Scientology because of all that crap of Disconnection enforced blindly and madly by a so called church, that I too am not resting for the rest of my life in order to help Scientologists and non-Scientologists understand what this philosophy is all about and to bring peace amongst Scientologists so that Scientology can be applied in its true and compassionate form which it should have.
Mike, you are looked upon as a warrior, one of the few who fought so much for Freedom. Thank you and your mum, the being now, must be really proud of you.
A farewell from me in Athens, Greece.
Sorry Mike we all know words can’t do much at a time like this but we are all here for you. Hang in there
A great picture of your mother. I can see what a beautiful woman she was inside and out. As a mother myself, I know that a mother’s love never dies. It must have been torture for her to not see you and hold you and her grand-children. She is free now. Free of the lies, the pain and constraints of forced disconnection. She is flying free and her love is raining down on you and all your family.
Thank you Mike for,sharing your pain with us. i am so sorry you had to find out the way you did, and am impressed with the compassion and integrity of the person who took the time to inform you.
Thank goodness, continued repeating of disconnection stories has not created a numbness in me. Each time I read of the death of a loved one and the people who were denied their last moments with that person, it hurts just a little more. That is good because it keeps the outrage up.
My parents died 30 years ago. Even though my mother had had a massive stroke and was kept alive by machines, the members of a faceless medical hospital who didn’t know us from Adam had the compassion to allow us to gather our entire family and go in the room to say our last goodbyes to her before they turned off the machines.
How poorly that reflects on a “religion” which won’t even make an attempt to contact family members when they are well aware of their location, just to simply inform them their loved one has passed away.
Dear Mike. Your precious mother is probably close to you now and loving the father you have become to her absolutely beautiful new grandson. I am sure she is smiling and hugging you both. Thank you for all you have done for us. You are an incredibly special being.
Mike, my friend, I am very sorry for your loss. It is shameful that any organization demands the break up of families and friends. I’m with you in my dedication to putting an end to this barbaric practice. The fact that they blatantly lie to the world about their disconnection policy is criminal and needs to be stopped.
“Each new life, no matter how brief, forever changes the world”
I’m sorry for your loss.
Mike, my condolences for your loss. Having lost both parents, and having spent very little time with them in their later years, due to my position in the Church, I have many times regretted how, even if disconnection was not involved, my Church involvement lessened by bonds with my family so much. For a year before my mother died, although she did not say much, she made it very clear to me that she wanted to see me, and I sensed that her intention for me to do this was because she sensed her time was coming near. I did manage to overcome a multitude of barriers to go and spend two weeks with her, even though I was in the RPF, and when we were saying our goodbyes after my visit, I knew for a fact that she was not going to be around much longer. She dropped her body about six weeks later, and my other family members reported to me how she seemed to have planned this, even having left notes directing what was to be done to complete wrapping the Christmas presents she had bought. She was not a Scientologist, but she was very aware. I treasure the fact that I was able to know months in advance what she was intending, and able to go and spend that time with her.
Wonderful picture of your mom, she’s beautiful!
Mike, my heart is with you.
I don’t know what you must be going though but I think she must have been proud of you standing up for what’s true and right. May she be in peace.
Warmest wishes.
My sincere condolences, Mike. It is so sad to see what this heinous organization puts families through, and I am glad that you have yours to comfort you now.
So sorry Mike. The insanity will end.
Just more proof the Church of Scientology is EVIL EVIL EVIL !!!
Thanks so much for sharing this horrific, yet touching story. I can only imagine how I would feel in similar circumstances.
I’m so glad you have such a wonderful new family around you, and so many great and wonderful friends.
I only wish I could be there to hug all of you.
Dear Mike,
You have given up so much to be able to maintain your integrity and to be able to stand against evil. Your actions have helped many to escape the scourge that the C of S has become, and that will continue.
What a great and wonderful man your mother gave us.
My condolences.
Beautifully said. plus 100
<3 <3 <3
Mike I am so sorry to hear this very sad news. It is this race against time that so many people around the world are currently faced with – hoping that the abuse of disconnection ends before they lose the chance for contact with a friend or family member forever.
Thankfully we believe that the clock is ticking down ever closer to the day that the evil which this so called church brings to the world will end.
I wonder how much effort Tommy Davis is putting in to right the wrongs he did such as this one? Actually, no need to wonder. He has no intention of making amends. He’s signed the forms, he’s cashed his cheque, time to forget all about it and enjoy his wealthy lifestyle. Nice one Tommy. Sleep easy tonight, won’t you?
Mike, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I cannot imagine not being able to speak to my mother or to lose her. My heart aches for you and I’m shedding tears as I type this.
$cientology is so cruel and it just blows my mind how it operates. This all just has to stop. It’s insane.
Tami and I share your feelings of grief and anger. We wish you, Christie, Shane and Jack that you find love and happiness within your family and with your many friends.
We admire your resolve to stand up to the cruelty and insanity that created your family’s tragedy.
We thank you for your steadfast leadership to put an end to this. We pledge our support.
Love, TamiDani
I’m so sad and sorry to hear this. I believe your attitude is right, and I also believe you’ll connect back up with her many years from now, and hopefully have a good laugh about that absurd game “last lifetime”. Hugs to you. Have you seen the new tshirts? They look like the volunteer ministers shirts but they say, “Scientology: Destroys Families”. If you or anyone want one let me know your shirt size.
So sorry to hear this news, Mike.
I am so very sorry for your tragic loss Mike; it is sickening that you were unable to see/visit her while in Melbourne during yours and Christie’s travels there. I am sure she was and is very proud of you and your wonderful family. A day will come very soon that this type of thing will no longer happen to families, thanks to your dedication to stop this madness. ML, Jan
Mike, I can not pretend to know things I don’t know. There are many things only you can know. What can I share about me and you? This disconnection thing. This mother thing. I was thrown out of an apartment in New York City in the worst rain of a season because I told my mother I thought she was using Scientology as a crutch. Hell, I didn’t know anything about Scientology. I was only 14. But because of my mother’s interest in Scientology I was forced to learn about the streets of New York. The streets of New York delivered someone in need, to the Church of Scientology two years later. We all come and go according to our needs. A lot of people do not need it. A lot of people do not get it. A lot of people must have it. I came back, she blew, I had to recover her. I have dragged her up the bridge now for the last ten years. It isn’t easy having the torch passed. People think the more you evolve the easier it gets. Such a lie. Some people can not pass the torch. I have two 14 year kids now that are on the bridge and come me telling me how they have researched on the net. In the next few weeks we will be three generations in one auditing space. How often I have to admit that my kids know more than me, I take as relief now. Passing the torch is not easy, unless you have very, very holy intentions. You have passed the torch in the most holy and generous manner. With truth. And evolution is survival. If we can not rise above customs and traditions with pride and honor and new truth, , we are lost in a society doomed. You have done everything right, and that is wrong. That is just the way it goes. But I can tell you from a mother’s position. Having your kids love you is easy. Carrying on the torch, that is the burden. You have managed that with the most aesthetics and beauty I can imagine. She loves you.
Really sorry for your loss. I lost my own mother less than three years ago and it was the worst day of my life. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to lose a loved one while they were disconnected and unable to communicate any final words before shuffling off this mortal coil. Having to find out about your mothers death “through the grapevine” must add insult to injury. At least my mother was never a $cientologist and I was therefore able to spend her last few days together with her. Take as much time as you need to grieve. I’m sure your mother is in a better place now. Disconnection is just plain evil and it’s days are numbered. May it soon be a thing of the past like burning witches at the stake .
Mike: Words simply don’t do the job in situations like this. Or how much it underscores the evil that scio has become. I know all your friends are bereaved along with you, sharing the sorrow. It’s a joy to know, however, that your Mom is now truly free once more.
Mike, I am sorry that you were prevented from communicating to your mother before she passed on. Losing a loved one is hard enough, having them gone, without being able to speak to them and saying all the things you want and should say makes it even harder.
Disconnection as practiced by the Church of Scientology, with all its consequences – broken hearts, destroyed families, destroyed hopes and dreams and destroyed lives is ending.
“I have come to understand on a very subjective level that nothing trumps real love and your true family and friends. Especially not devotion to a “third dynamic” that actually destroys all other dynamics in its demand for absolute obedience and unquestioned loyalty to it and nothing else.”
Beautifully stated, and many of us who got out of the psychopathic Scientology cult have learned this – something that “just wogs” have known all along.
The end has begun for this blight on society.
The Corporate Scientology train is speeding downhill faster and faster, the brakes are gone and it is headed off the tracks and over the cliff.
To David Miscavige: You pulled it in Dave, you little monster.
I’m very sorry for your loss Mike. Best wishes.
Heart breaking. So much sadness, so much Love, so much Truth, all in one.
My heartfelt condolences to you.
After my tears dry, the resolve to end the madness will indeed tripple.
Endless Love and respect to you and to everything you represent.
Mike, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am so glad my efforts to get my family into Scn so many years ago failed utterly. We maintained our real relationship. I find it difficult to fathom what you must be going through. Losing your mother is heart wrenching even when you are on the best of terms.
Your experience is yet another example of why the evil, destructive cult of Scientology must be destroyed. They have just poured more fuel on the fire that will consume them.
My sincere condolences. You are a good man Mike.
Mike, I grieve with thee.
But I also say, “fly free sweet soul”.
Every other religion I am aware of has a purpose to reduce for its members the pain of losing a loved one, but not the RCS. In their misguided Not-Is of the reality of death you are expected to choke it down and not exhibit any “H, E & R”. However, the kind of experience they have dealt to you, Karen #1 and others goes way beyond misguided, into the depths of evil.
If there is a bright spot in this story, it is that you are in such an excellent position, and with just the right talents, to focus your anger and grief effectively toward that goal to “not rest until this inhumane abuse perpetrated by the cult of scientology is ended”. And in that endeavor you have my wholehearted support.
Mike, I am sorry, for you and your mum. In my own experience, these words always seem empty when the real thing happens.
The operation known as the CoS is a pain machine, it revels in sadism and death. It is a reflection of David Miscavige’s state. If some have won, too many have lost in it. Whether it was worthwhile is debatable. That its time has come is not. DM’s madness is on show for all to see, in court and in his PR.
I want to thank you for your sacrifice. With all the witty and astute articles you write, it is easy to forget the cost.
Deepest condolences Mike. And no, no-one should receive such news in an email, from a stranger (though bless that stranger for their compassion).
I’m very sorry to hear of your loss, Mike.
Today I spent some very cherished time with my 90 year old aunt, the last of her generation in my family.
I didn’t spend nearly enough time with my mum and dad because i was a dedicated blah-blah-blah and now I’m incredibly sorry I didn’t, and I didn’t get enough time with them to truly learn what they had to give me as an adult.
The contempt I feel for those who put Mike and others in this situation due to the toxic policy of disconnection cannot be adequately expressed in words.
Only the truly insane would destroy families for their own warped ends.
My tears are running. I am angry. Can’t express myself clearly. I’m sorry for your loss and your mom’s loss. We won’t stop fighting this evil.
My condolences Mike. I can’t imagine the heartbreak to have to receive such a letter. Stay strong.
Mike I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words………. I wish you peace and love.
Miscavige and Co are building up quite a hefty Karmic debt. Payday is coming for him.
Mike, I’m so very sorry. I admire your strength for being able to sit down and compose this sad and beautiful testimony.
Grief affects us in many ways, some of them strange and many of them not immediately apparent. You’re not carrying on this fight alone (the outpouring of support and affection here shows that) and if you need time to cope with or process or just absorb this loss, you really should take it. We’ll miss you but it’s more important knowing you are well.
Please accept my condolences, respect, and warmest regards.
Dear mike,I’m very sorry for your loss,deep down you now your mum loved you very much.
My heartfelt condolences.
We are with you in your mission to fight this church.
It’s bad enough to lose a parent under normal circumstances but I can’t begin to understand how dreadful it must be to not be there at the end and worse not even be informed until after the event and funeral. Can’t believe that they are still trying to say disconnection is a myth. I am so sorry for this and all the other losses which have been imposed on you by this ‘ethical’ organisation.
Mike – I don’t know much but I know this: a Mother’s love for her children is unconditional, limitless and pure. She loved you to the end, and was extremely proud of your personal integrity and determination to do the right thing. Having lost both my parents in recent years I do understand. But as is obvious from the comments here – the love from your countless friends may go some way to healing wounds and strengthening you. God bless, and rest in peace Barbara.
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother.
The ONLY good thing in all of this is that the Co$ has no way of interfering with the natural bond between
a mother and a son.
They can only use force and coercion.
That bond is way, way above such crude tools.
Mike, I am so sorry that you lost your mother. That the Church forced her to Disconnect from you and broke up yet another family is to it’s eternal shame. That someone other than a family member had to tell you of your mother’s passing is a disgrace and shows just how evil the Church of Scientology is and continues to be.
Karen and I learned of her son Alexander’s death through a stranger on Facebook. Karen and I know what you are going through. We send our love to you and all of your family.
Mike, this is a fitting tribute to a wonderful mother. It brought tears of empathy and has strengthened many people’s resolve to end DM’s Reign of Sadness over people’s lives. We are going to make this right in the end, something we could not do in another place and time.
Mike my deepest condolences to you on the loss of your dear mum. My own mother is 83, still alive but suffering from all sorts of complications, and we are told she won’t be around much longer. But I see her every day. I’m not in Scientology (and never was in) so I am not encumbered by this whole heartbreaking and soul-destroying disconnection. God bless you, Mike and may you continue to find the strength to get through this.
Pat Cawley (Ireland)
Mike: A big, big hug to you to convey my sympathies that you were not allowed to say goodbye to your mother before she died. I’m not in scientology and have not been personally touched by the policy of disconnection (which of course doesn’t really exist according to the liars that represent the “church”). But I have come like and to feel so much for you and other sufferers of such self serving doctrines of the most ethical group on earth or whatever they call themselves. They are too busy baptising sucker donors as Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead Humanitarians to have any idea what the concept of being human or humanitarian really is.
Shame on them. It must stop. Clearly your mother only went partially along with this disconnection, probably out of fear of COS repercussions with her church friends and family. So she bought into a more humanized view of disconnection. I hope many more members of the COS do the same and realise that to be human is to love.
Appologies and condolences
dont give up continue to fight you have more “friends” in “unexpected” places than you may
be aware of ….
this evil enterprise must come down enough is enough ….
I want to send my deepest condolences to you and your family.
I am convinced that these kind of family tragedies will soon end.
My deepest condolences.
Thank you for taking such a bold stand to bring the truth to light. Your efforts have made a huge difference in so many lives.
It seems like a wonderful tribute to your mother to keep up the fight.
Much love to you and your family. Many blessings and I hope there can be peace for your family and all the others suffering from disconnection.
This is such fucking atrocious and reprehensible behaviour by this fucking shitfuck of a goddamned cult that I want to throw up.
Sorry about that; it is just so horrifying.
Mike, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. Wishing you peace.
-August Cox
Very sorry Mike. My thoughts and my heart are with you today.
When we lose someone whom we love, our hearts feel the pain with with the weight of a thousand tears. It is love that carries us through the toughest of times and it is love that helps us to find and keep joy in our lives, even when we least expect it.
Here’s to keeping dear the many lovely memories of your mother and to cherishing the happiness that you find in your life each and every day!
With sincere condolences,
Susan (“Midwest Mom”) from Tony Ortega’s site
So sorry to hear of this Mike. Our sincere condolences and you can be sure our support for your future endeavors to end this hateful lunacy.
May your mother now fly high and free.
This broke my heart.. wiping tears off my ipad. My condolences and prayers, Mike.
Thank you Mike for this beautiful and honest communication. I am the mother of a first born and trust me, her love was total and unconditional. Degree of reality and proximity waxes and wanes, but this never wavers. I’m glad a stranger had the decency to let you know. Take comfort in the love around you.
My sincerest heartfelt condolences. I remember your posts on Marty’s blog when you went back to Australia, trying to introduce Chistie to your mom and how “they” had removed her in advance . And the scene at the doctor’s office, what a farce. Please be aware of just how many of us completely get it and is 100% on your side.
Right now I’m disconnected from two of my sisters, one of which I’ve always been very close. Should I or she die before we get this straightened out, I’m sure she’ll always keep in her heart that we loved one another and vice versa. I’m very sure that you know that your mom loved (loves) you and she knows you love her and on a spiritual level, that is a consolation. You’d have preferred it was all up in the open of course, but it was not and you still KNOW, which is a consolation.
Your mom was so proud of you because she knew that you did what you did out of conviction that you’d do the right thing based on the information you had at hand and the basic education you had in humanity. Whatever “Sophie’s choices” she made were minor in comparison.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. Condolences …
I am so sorry to hear this Mike.
I hit me like a punch to the gut. Words cannot say how I feel right now. I despise dm and the filthy cowards that follow him.
Mj and I send our love. I know that your Mom is in a better place and I know that she knows how much you loved her.
I’m actually seeing that the RCS’s disconnection “Sophie’s Choices” are choices to either violate one’s integrity on the first dynamic, or one’s integrity on the second!
Given that we are each of us 8 dynamics, how is this any kind of choice? What choice? We ARE 8 dynamics! What does choice have to do with this?
The choice to kill either THIS part of yourself, or THAT part of yourself? We ARE all 8 dynamics! Insane, insane insane. This has to stop and it WILL.
Mike, I am so with you. We are all with you. Be comforted and healed by the truth for which you are working to make known, by your remarkable ability to maintain your position in space despite very great odds, and in the loving arms of your family. Peace.
Mike, I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for this ever so clear, powerful, and heartbreaking tribute to your mum. You are an amazing communicator, with incredible strength. Your dedication to breaking the choke-hold the “church” has on families is inspiring. Thank you so much.
Oh, Michael, I am so sorry to hear that. I am so sorry to hear that. You and your family are in my prayers. May your mother be free.
Our hearts break for you and your family, Mike.
Love is eternal and does trump all as you put it so well.
Your love for your mom will always hold her close.
We stand ready to fight with you any way we can.
Another tragic story from the “church”.
As much as we hate disconnection and want it to end, I think we are fighting hard battle. It’s almost like the fight against racism. If the church were to stop pressuring people to disconnect, I think it still sould be many years before the actual practice ends. For many Scientologists disconnection is just the right thing for them to do, even if there is no pressure from the top.
However, the fight must be fought and the battle must be won. Hearing all these stories I know that only we on the outside can make it happen, as “the blind ones” only will accept what they are told.
You are a true champion Mike, and you have many soldiers with you in the battle against evil. We will prevail!
Condolences with your loss, and the fact you never got to see your mother when you tried. I lost my mother to cancer when I was 16, but I was “lucky” enough to see her until the end.
Peace be with your mother and you, and let us hope for a future where stories like this no longer are told.
Kind regards from a friend in Norway.
I’m truly heartbroken to learn this terrible news. My condolences to you and your family.
Mike, my sincere condolences for your loss. The way you face the cruelty and inhumanity of the so called church is testimony to your character. You know, you have my support.
Mike, of all the goings on I’ve been reading about today, this is the one bit of news that stopped me in my tracks. I am so, so sorry to hear of your loss. Most especially because you were robbed of being able to properly say goodbye to your dear mother.
But your mom is now free of the cruel encumbrances which held her down. Free to fly and to seek the next game. I’m sure she’s already sent you her love and appreciation for being such a fine son. I know she is very proud of you.
Jen and I send our condolences to you and your family, while also thanking you from the bottom of our hearts for what you’re doing for all of us.
Mike, I am so so sorry for your loss. Even though you and >I< are polar opposites RE scientology as a subject, that does not mean my heart does not bleed a little for your loss. Your Mum would be proud of you for taking a stand against the Corporate abuses. She loves you buddy, and DM will NEVER take *that* away from you. Stay strong Mike
My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Love never dies; despite the evil that is disconnection and the RCS. The love you shared with your Mother will only grow, especially with your dedication to her memory and the ending of the practices that tears families and hearts apart.
Mike, I am so sorry for the passing of your mother. My heart is weeping for you and she in the unfairness of it all. But I tell you this and I mean it with everything in my being:
Your mother never disconnected from you. That she did was only an apparency. In her heart, mind and soul, she never left you. The Sophie’s choice that she was given had nothing to do with her self-determined choice as a thetan and therefore was no choice at all, just a submission to force
The same principle applies to the “choice” you were given:to violate your own code of honor, your own integrity, in exchange for “permission” to communicate to your own mother! You were right to refuse to do so, Mike, TOTALLY right. Because this is insanity. You knew it, and believe me, despite her body problems, your mother who loved you, also perceived, in the depths of her beingness, that no sane, self respecting person should ever be forced to choose between integrity on the first dynamic and strong ARC for one’s mother on the 2nd!
I love what you said about real love trumping everything. I actually know that this is true. From my own experiences of lost loved ones in this lifetime, I know this is true. Love existing between beings cannot be destroyed by death or by force. It is eternal.
Very sad while reading your beautifully expressed sentiments. Condolences from Rocio and I.
Our resolve is even stronger now.
This has got to stop.
So sad to hear this.
Another tragic direct result of Diablo Mediocre.
I hope peace is with her, and I hope the future doesn’t lose it’s brightness for you.
This too shall pass. But for now I hope you get it all out, or what ever you need in your own way. A terrible loss. From your word’s the loss of a angel for many.
So unbelievable that a man is prevented saying good bye to his mummy.
Peace and love be with you.
My condolences as well, Mike.
Mike, I am so, so sorry! Such a tragedy. My heartfelt condolences to you. It is just a matter of time until the “church” is no longer able to perpetrate such evil. Peace be with you.
Mike I’m so sorry to hear of this. I’ve only just found out.
I knew Barb, not well, but well enough to know she was really proud of all her kids (and grandkids).
I lost my own mother recently but I did get to say goodbye. I can only guess at the pain you are feeling now not having that opportunity.
You & your family are in my thoughts.
Karry and I send our sincerest condolences for this loss to you and yours.
Needless to say, strength of character runs in your family. With her passing I am sure that your mother’s strength will now be added to your own as you lead our quest for justice.
Blessings to you and your family, my friend.
My heart breaks for you and your family as it grows even harder toward Hubbard’s heartless, soul-crushing machine.
Mike, I am so sorry for your loss. Disconnection is so cruel. I hope you take comfort in knowing your mother loves you and nothing can end that fact. Miscavige will crumble when his power and control over others ends, and I believe it is happening now.
Your beautiful message touched my heart. Thank you.
What an incredibly beautiful and sad article. Our hearts go out to you and your family in this trying and painful time. We can only wish for you to feel happiness and take solace in the fact that your mother is now free from the horrible grip of the RCS. We will never stop until these atrocities are a thing of the past!!
All our best to you.
I have never commented on your blog before now Mike, though I read it earnestly, since you essentially took over the good fight from Marty – who moved on up a little higher… (Go Monique!)
Much has been said and revealed about disconnection and its use in the C of $ of late: the hideous, vile and despicable contempt for human-kind and theta which it manifests at all levels. Your losing your mom (corporeally) and how you write about it here – and what you plan to do about it – is both tragic and bolstering. For this one thing – enforced disconnection – will be the Waterloo for this Church of Greed. Disconnection must be fought as the demonizing entity that it is.
On the other side of this coin, we need to address this thing called “love.” One possible sentiment or definition for love might be said to be – full and willing connection. Slight reasoning would then say that enforced disconnection is little more than hate itself!
Love, from my 40+ years in the Church, was never a major attribute or calling card within the body proper of the subject. Excepting possibly LRH’s article “What is Greatness,” this four letter word, though touted at the end of virtually every dispatch, letter and promotional piece etc., frankly was more a PR or politic (PC) persuasion, and held little sway or real sentiment in the community that was/is SCN. Such a pity, when you consider the amazing love and transformative states that can occur in auditing (should one have been lucky enough to experience such).
It is not my intent to get into why this was. I have my opinions on the matter, sufficient to say that LRH simply did not go the distance on this very inherent theta foundation of human-kind. To the contrary, as you say, the subject (3D and 4D) was put before almost all individuality and other “concerns.” (For the “greatest good” – oops – omitted affinity!)
It is this true lack of love that allows disconnection in the first place. A sad commentary on a subject that eschews force, yet is using it to its death knell.
Power on Mike. Your mother doesn’t want it any other way! She’s with you (literally) 1000%!
Mike, I am very sorry to read this post. I believe your mother will not make again the same mistake and join the Cult of Fascism. I also believe that together we will destroy the cult.
Mike, I am so very very sorry for your loss! I will do everything in my power to end this cruel DISCONNECTION!!! You have my word on that!!!
Together we all will stop this once and for all!
Sending you and your family big (((HUGS)))
Much Love,
Mike my condolences as well. You have done SO MUCH and I know you are just getting started in this war that is being waged against the evils we have all come to know unfortunately through forced disconnection. May your mothers spirit fly free and on to the next game to be played, free from encumbrances and limitations of the body. I hope she now knows how hard you have fought and are fighting the good fight for families everywhere broken or touched by Miscaviges abomination of Scientology . All the best to you and Christie and your family in the here and now.
I am saddened greatly over your story of disconnection and loss. I am more committed than ever to fight this evil cult. This coerced separation of families must stop.
I met you last Thursday for the first time at the court hearing. What a dark coincidence that Yingling was there too.
My deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to you Mike.
Tom and I send our condolences, Mike.
Yes, this fortifies our intention to crucify those responsible for splitting up families.
RIP, Barbara.
Dear Mike
We were so saddened to learn of the loss of your mom. And sad to know that you lost so much time with her. You have inherited her sweetness, kindness and caring and we know you are the kind of parent to your children that she was to you. In this way, and along with the love you shared, she will remain with you always. We wish you the strength and courage to endure this time.
The bastards responsible for ripping your family and so many other families apart will pay dearly when they have to confront the injustices they have perpetrated. They will then truly experience the hell that is of their own making.
Take care, and we wish you and your family well — Michael and Joy
Mike – I am so deeply sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. This cruel, insane practice of forced disconnection is evil and must end. I too have been given Sophie’s choice and the pain is beyond belief. I pledge to you that I will do all I can to help expose this evil practice to the world and help bring it to an end.
I am so sorry for your loss, Mike. If you are a product of your mom, then you should both be proud. Keep fighting the good fight. With love and support from South Carolina.
I’m so sorry to learn of the loss of your Mother, Barbara. I hope that in the coming days the pain of this loss will ease, and in it’s place will be love and remembrance.
Dear Mike,
My heart was breaking throughout your heartfelt words regarding your relationship with your mother.
My sincere condolences to you. And I too really believe this “church” insanity is nearing an end and we are ALL going to have a much happier and joyful future.
My condolences Mike.Its a shame I never got to meet your parents.
Oh Mike I am so terribly sorry for this horrible loss.
And Mike what you said below is just beautiful. I could not agree more:
“……I have come to understand on a very subjective level that nothing trumps real love and your true family and friends. Especially not devotion to a “third dynamic” that actually destroys all other dynamics in its demand for absolute obedience and unquestioned loyalty to it and nothing else….”.
I’d like to play you an Anonymous video from March 2008 when “Operation Reconnect” was launched and many of us from around the world spoke out about organized scientology’s horrid disconnection policies:
I just watched it again and all I could think of was you and your Mother as I teared up throughout it. So in my mind this is now dedicated to her as well.
I am so very sorry that this still happens. Every time I think I can move on something like this happens. I just want you to know that I am holding you and your Mother in my heart right now and that if there is anything I am able to do to help, I would be most glad to do so.
Denise Brennan
Denise that was so moving, full of love and loss, thank you love.
And here we are today still having the pain and loss of loved ones, along with communication.
What can we do to make these necessary changes?
Thank you Mike for helping this change come about.
I am so sorry Mike. My heart is heavy for you and your whole family. Thank you so much for standing up and speaking out even though it meant the ultimate sacrifice.
Still, even in this sacrifice and even with the physical disconnection foisted upon you by the heavy hand of this phony church, love still trumps all. It knows no physical boundaries and cannot be taken away by anyone. It is yours forever. xoxoxo
My deepest condolences to you on the loss of your beloved mother.
Scientology is like a thief.
A last embrace, a kiss, a chance to whisper “I love you” was stolen from you and your mother.
When the actions and emotions that make us human are denied to family members, what is left? What is there to live for and look foward to? Our human nature has been stripped and in its place is the mission to provide DM with money and glory.
When will people wake up and realize that family is everything and everything is family and love. I am so sorry to know that you couldn’t break through the insanity and give your mother one last kiss.
This policy of disconnection will be stopped one day and then there will be families that get that time, that moment to say how much they love each other. I am just so sorry that for you, it was too late.
Mike I am so sorry for your loss. I remember your Dad and Mom as good people. I suffered the same last year when my sister died. DM and Scientology is heartless and you are correct it will change soon. Peace and love to you.
This is so sad. I just hope this story and all the rest help to undermine the evil that the church under DM brought about.
Condolences from myself and Anita, Mike.
I believe that all seekers of truth will eventually find it, and the peace that it brings.
Bless you and all your family.
ML Les and Anita
My condolences to you Mike. So sorry for your loss.
Mike, all my thoughts and prayers for your mom on her journey. I am sorry such an end occured to you and your mom.
You and Marty have a job to do. Thousands are energetically supporting you. Who but the two of you to fell this ugly evil beast that causes so much pain in families. Thanks Mike for your dedication to decency.
Miscavige……… your reign of hate and violence is now known. It is only a matter of time till your paper crown is removed, and the mirage of your “impenetrable fortress” of corporate and legal barriers will soon be breached by the very law you have used to terrorize.
Soon, very soon. Miscavge, your crimes against humanity has started a cottage industry of blogs and websites and books all over the world.
Go Mike!!!
Dave, your PR is doodoo. You will never recover from the legal karmic tsunami that is headed your way. And any OSA onlookers realize this: any illegal activity that you are involved with may bring the law at your doorstep as well.
OSA folks, you are supporting a madman.
My heart goes out to you and your wonderful mum.
You know you have my support.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I agree that true, unconditional love is what remains after all the fear and intimidation falls away. I thank you for your commitment to that.
Mike – my deepest condolences to you!! BIG HUG!!! You have friends and support!! You are loved!
The third dynamic trumps all huh? Especially the third dynamic that is the RSC? Tell that to the ecclesiastical leader of that same church who, in a Texas courtroom, via his proxy attorney, threw the Church of Scientology International (CSI) under the bus. If only the “faithful” had access to the court records and could conceptually confront what was said; there would be mutiny. Mike Rinder can’t leave the Int Base to care for his grieving and injured mother but Miscavige directs his attorney to offer up CSI and its assets in the Monique Rathbun lawsuit. Provided of course that all parties leave him and his personal assets strictly out of the matter.
If ever there was one sentence that provided a window into Miscavige’s heart and mind, this is it. “Go after the CSI, they have the assets to settle any judgement in this case.” There has been a running debate about Miscavige’s dedication to the church and the subject of Scientology. Is he a true believer, possibly the truest believer or just in it for the power, money and control? I think that question was definitively answered in that Texas courtroom.
Meanwhile, the tent is up in Clearwater.; a massive, silvery-gray structure covering a city block. But stand in the doorway and look through to the opposite side. Before all the chairs, and lights, and gaudy stage sets go up, what is it really? What is the “isness” of that tent? A cavernous, empty space surrounded by a thin Mylar shell. What a fitting metaphor for the church in its current state. Or indeed for the heart and mind of its ecclesiastical leader.
Mike I am so sorry for what this church did to you and your family. In Martin Luther King’s words, “The arc of the universe is long,,. but it bends toward justice.”
Very well stated.
Justice is bending as we speak. This evil WILL NOT STAND.
Bravo! Amen! Thank you! So true! Well said! Spot on!
So very sorry, Mike.
Mike, please accept my sincere condolences. I am so so sorry not only about the passing of your mother; but of how you were cut off from her. It’s not only inhumane, it’s evil. There are many of us who are willing to help expose and help this abuse stop by them. It WILL be ended!!!! Peace be with you Mike, though I know it’s difficult right now.
The tragedy of disconnection and the greatness to continue to love in spite of it all. Barbara deserved better. May she find new happiness and freedom. My appreciation to Mike and Christie and all who continue to work to end this abuse. My condolences and love to you and your family.
Hugs and condolences to you Mike.
Mike, this is heartbreaking! ❤❤❤
Mike you have been an inspiration to so many people who think of you as family. I lost my mother recently and know how painful it is. Even though she did not see you can be sure that her love for you never wavered.
I’m very sorry for your loss Mike. May you always remember the good times. Love to you and your family. Dee
I am sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences to you and your family.
My condolences. I am very sorry for your loss.
For what little it may be worth at the time like this, what you are doing now will prevent others from suffering the pain you have suffered.
Best wishes.
Losing a parent is one of the hardest things, ever, no matter what your age is. Losing a parent with things left unsaid can break your heart. She is beyond their disconnection now, and will always be with you in your heart. She will be with you forever. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
Disconnection is Scientology’s apartheid. And such sadness is left in its wake as you have so with an honest and hurting heart shared with us Mike. The culture of the church will tire one day of what this insane policy wroughts, just as South Africans did and forced the authorities to end aparteid. Ending disconnection cannot happen too soon for anyone with a good heart and sound mind.
Peace be with you too, Mike.
My condolences to you and your family. Your write up is beautiful. Barbara is now free of suppression. You will always have a special place in her heart. I will stand by you until Miscaivge’s evil impulses are permanently curtailed.
Hard to type through tears of sorrow and understanding. Blessings for peace and comfort to you and your family and for the end of disconnection. Love and hugs, Marta
My deepest condolences Mike. The Church of Scientology is hypocritical and uses it’s power and wealth to cause vicious harm the many thousands of people it has declared to be it’s “enemies”. It’s leadership is evil. It’s remaining members are vain, callous and self serving. There are many who have suffered as you are suffering now. I am one. I am personally with you to the end of this path. Enforced disconnection and unjustified political “SP” declares cause emotional torment for a huge number of people and this barbaric blackmail of members must come to an end. Since this bizarre misuse of “ethics” is an important tool of a corrupt leadership organization (RTC) the entire structure will have exposed and allowed to wash away. You have done a tremendous amount already. I will help in any way I can to see that justice prevails.
Thinking of you at this sad time, mate. Although I didn’t have the privilege of meeting your mother, I saw first hand the high aspirations and just plain decency of her generation who created the Melbourne Org in the 60s. Many of them could never duplicate the extent of the betrayal, that the Cof$ has come to mean the exact opposite of everything they worked for.
“I shall not rest until this inhumane abuse perpetrated by the cult of scientology is ended. And it WILL be ended. Destroying families while crowing from the rooftops how they are champions of human rights and getting families into communication is not just hypocritical, it deserves to be exposed to widespread scorn and ultimately enough outside pressure that their evil impulses are permanently curtailed.”
I will help.
I am so sorry Mike. Disconnection is wrong, terribly wrong.
So sorry, Mike. But remember that love never dies.
My deepest sympathies to you for the loss of your mother today and from these years of painful forced disconnection. I had read the earlier story of the visit you and Christie had taken to Australia, and it broke my heart. Never-ins, indies, exes, and probably even some who are still in, our hearts unite for you and Christie in your loss and sadness. Your mom is in heaven with the angels who know what a good mom she was, and why a good son she has….God bless you.
Mike, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your young son, who was denied his grandmother.
Truly sorry to hear this, Mike. Wholeheartedly agree with your expressed sentiments. The madness that destroys families must stop and for good. Will help any way I can. This triples my resolve. It utterly renews it in fact. Haydn
Mike I am so very sorry for your loss. This inhumane practice must stop.
Mike, I am sorry for you loss, my deepest condolences. You and your family are in my prayers.
My heart is broken for you! I am so so sorry!
I am so sorry for your losss
Oh jeez, Mike—it’s hard to write you in a nice way what I really want to say. In 2010 I read about your attempts to see your mum and how pathetic that was. I hoped that she’d stay alive long enough for you to see her again. What a shock this email must have been. I am so sorry that your re-visit couldn’t come about. She’s peaceful now and free of pain and even more people now are hell-bent on righting these dispicable wrongs. Know that you are bringing more sanity and help via your blog, strengthening opposition to these idiots….bigtime.
My heartfelt condolences to you and your family, Mike. We all have had to grieve to often for too many and never got to even say goodbye or “I love you”. I plant a new flower in my garden each time I hear about an old friend gone. I will plant a hardy south african flower that I found stands up to the Florida heat and basks in the sunlight for your mother. If you will be holding your own services, please let us know if there is something we can do. I am glad you have family and friends to lean on in your hour of need.
My deepest condolences Mike.
The degree of depravity in the RCS to prevent you from seeing your mom in Melbourne is just sickening. Especially now knowing the additional details. I am behind you more than ever in exposing the inhumanity and cruelty of the RCS and its demented tot-in-charge.
Dear Mike and family,
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you find love and peace in your heart in knowing that your mom knows how much you love her. I am sure that she is very proud of you and with you now.
Thank you, to the person who reached out to let you know. I find it appalling that this is how you were notified. More to say on that…but will leave this comment more about my thoughts and prayers for Mike and family.
Oh, Mike.
I find the following words lovely; they are from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer and I first heard them said on one of those PBS British mystery shows. There are mysteries of another sort here, but I hope that some sense of the meaning will comfort you.
‘O GOD, whose mercies cannot be numbered; Accept our prayers on behalf of the soul of thy servant departed, and grant her an entrance into the land of light and joy, in the fellowship of thy saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.’
You, your family, Monique and Marty, and the others who are working to end this travesty in human history are perhaps unaware of how you are inspiring even those of us who are never-ins of the CoS, but are facing other struggles with seemingly omnipotent forces. Please accept my condolences and the support of prayers and well wishes.
Oh, Mike, my friend. I am tears over your loss and the inhumanity of treating you and your mother in these hateful ways. I don’t know how anyone, certainly not family members and not those who claim to be leaders of a church, can begin to imagine this is how civilized people treat each other.
All I can think of to say is that you are loved by so many friends who know you to be a loving family man, a loyal friend and immensely steadfast team member. Probably that knowledge does not make up tonight for the loss of a mother who loved you and whom you loved deeply. But all you have to know about how much your mother loved you is to look into Christy’s eyes and see how she loves Shane and Jack. Your mother is looking back at you tonight through Christy’s eyes.
Love to you all,
Beautifully said.
Dear Mike,
I offer my condolences and will light a candle.
The Marine
I am so sorry for your loss Mike,
I’m deeply sorry to read here of your loss. I’m so sorry she didn’t get to meet and know her beautiful grandson and see how you’ve created such a wonderful family with Christie and Shane and Jack. We love you guys. See you soon.
My deepest condolences.
Mike, I’m so terribly sorry.
This is truly a heart-rending, and at the same time love-filled report. Michael Rinder, your commitment to rectifying the wrongs and remaining true to the good you know elevates you in my and so many others’ estimation. You honor your parents with your integrity. More than anything, I wish you forgiveness and love, and I offer you gratitude for your leadership.
Sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you and your family.
♥ Angela
Sending strength and love to you and yours Mike.
This is so beautifully written. I offer you my condolences. I know only too well the pain and shock of having a death *hidden* by the so called “church” in their malevolent and despicable disrespect in a matter of death of a loved one.
Fly high with the angels Barbara.
I am so sorry for your loss. The regrets we all have for the things we did while in Scientology cannot be forgotten, but rest assured that the love you share with Christie, Shane and Jack shines through and I know your mother is glad that you have it. I wish her the best for the future.
Love to you all,
My dear Mike,
My heart aches for you and your beloved Mum. She was blessed to have you as a son, though I am sure I am only stating the obvious. I wish you both peace and love.
What a story Mike. Thank you for sharing it with us. My heartfelt thoughts and condolences go out to you. Your words, deeds and countless efforts are so very much appreciated!
So sorry to read this news, Mike. My condolences. I knew your Mother and would just like to say that she was one of the most delightful people I ever met, in or out of scientology.
Regards, Panda/Dave
My condolences, Mike. May your mom fly high and be free of Sophie’s choices forever.
Oh Mike, I am so sorry 🙁 Thoughts and prayers with your family. We will stop this.
Tony Ortega on his blog of Sept 18th mentioned the flip side of the disconnection coin, that of “Fair Gaming.” He said in Jon Attacks updated book, there is a case of Bonnie Woods winning a court case against the church for libel and slander when they wrote vicious, lying pamplets about her and distributed them. She counter sued them and won. They had to give her a public apology and a whole lot of money. Read all about it on Tony’s blog today. And the fact that she won gives us more certainty that Mosey will win too!