Frequent commenter here George White sent me this photo of some of the original OT VIII’s on the Freewinds in 1988. I don[‘t recognize many, and George doesn’t recall anything other than the first names of some of them.
Milt Wolfe is in the center — he was the CO Flag Ship Service Org, though it was not an assignment that lasted long. I think that is Jane Allen in the back row. She is an IAS Freedom Medal winner who vanished from the scene after contracting cancer. Debbie Mace is standing to the left of Milt, co-founder of the infamous Mace-Kingsley enterprise, also an IAS Freedom Medal winner, but she too became invisible after she ran off to live with one of Adnan Kashoggi’s wives (Loredana) in Italy. Obviously many more women than men — not sure why…
George sent me this write up along with the photo.
Hubbard died in 1986. After his death, the drive to purchase and launch the Freewinds vessel was intense. OT VIII was to be delivered on a ship sailing in open waters on the Ocean. Having completed OT VII in 1987, I was a prime candidate who was being groomed for this new OT level. Hubbard had nicknamed it “Truth Revealed”. He claimed that it was developed for each individual personally.
The training for the level started with briefings. In these, I was told that the textbook for the auditing was the book “History of Man”.
I was also told to review the Philadephia Doctorate Course Lectures as well as all of Hubbard’s printed books like 8-8008.
Having been introduced to Scientology in New York City in 1972, I had developed a curiosity about Hubbard’s more extreme claims. He often mentioned the immortality of the spirit and that his e-meter could control its destiny. He also emphasized that this ancient spirit possessed super-normal powers which could be accessed through his “technology.”
Giving Hubbard the benefit of the doubt, I dove into his writings and taped lectures. I studied every reference to OT powers that he mentioned.
I even wrote to Hubbard and he replied with personal instructions for me (the same party line — study HOM, PDC, 8-8008 — obviously the letter answerers had been briefed).
Expecting to develop at least one of these “powers” on OT VIII, I joined the second sailing of this ship in July, 1988.
Considered an expert with e-meter auditing, I felt that there was nothing that could stop me in my Hubbard inspired journey.
To protect the people in this picture, I have not released it for over thirty years (I would not want someone releasing photos of me without permission — but enough time has passed).
Scientology is a religion of “expectations”. Hubbard made me believe that he had a “technology” which was worth the high prices that he collected.
In the end, Scientology did not meet my expectations. I am sure that some of the people portrayed in this picture are still Scientologists satisfied with Hubbard’s technology. In my own particular situation, I do not accept Hubbard’s basic subjective interpretation of reality. There are far more advanced scientific theories of the origin of life which Hubbard
did not cover or missed completely.
At any rate, the original OT VIII level was withdrawn in early 1989 and replaced with a less advanced release.
At one time, I did believe that Hubbard’s work was “original”. Except for a few e-meter exercises, most of Hubbard’s works were either copied from others or modified to suit his ends.
Those who remain in Scientology today are protected by the Constitution of the United States. After studying Scientology, I am convinced that the religion is basically “Satanic” in nature and does not fit any conceivable definition of religion by the Founding Fathers. Modern definitions of religion include Scientology but are really illusory. I have spent years defining Scientology. How it developed. Who exactly he copied from. At its core, Scientology is anti-Christian and this is the ultimate “Truth Revealed” about Scientology. But defining Scientology is not a an end in itself.
Ultimately, scientology does not deliver on its promises, and is merely a collection of theories based on subjective faith.
Here is George speaking with Ron Miscavige in more detail about OT VIII:
That’s Kathy Braceland sitting next to you and her bearded twin behind her (I forget his name) I haung out with you and them while you were doing the level. Kathy publicly left (announcing it on Marty’s blog.)
“Scientology is a religion of ‘expectations’.”
Aka faith.
“I am convinced that the religion is basically ‘Satanic’ in nature and does not fit any conceivable definition of religion by the Founding Fathers.”
Irrelevant. And if you’ll excuse the pun, a divine fallacy.
“I have spent years defining Scientology. How it developed. Who exactly he copied from. At its core, Scientology is anti-Christian and this is the ultimate “Truth Revealed” about Scientology.”
Being “anti-christian” has no bearing on scientology’s religiosity. Or it’s potential value. And if one is paying close attention, it’s a truth that can be found very early on.
Scientology is built on faith. Not just the in Hubbard, the Tech and the expectation of results, but in the values assigned to the literal interpretation of preconditioned subconscious narratives offered up during therapy.
A placebo, by definition, is deceptive. Scientology is arguably at its most therapeutically potent when the individual a) is unaware of being deluded, and b) assigns a high truth value to his delusions.
This is no different to any other religious faith.
Reducing scientology to a form of christian oppositionist therapy (if that’s indeed what you’re doing) is rather reductive, if I may say. Hubbard (like LaVey) arguably identified with the indulgent, irrepressible and rebellious nature of satan as a fictional being, but christianity has no monopoly on those terms or the authority to define them as morally evil.
Thank you so much for this level-headed comment. 🙂
And belated Happy New Year to you all!
I think this Heavens Implant stuff and other embarrassing stuff (for the church) is why the red Tech Dictionary was removed, and why the Red Volumes were removed from the course rooms, as well as the Green Vols. If the church wants to pretend it believes in God and the Christmas story in order to make their “religion” appear more mainstream, they can’t have any factual contradictions written by the founder of the church lying around.
In another thirty years, when Miscavige finally releases OT 9, it will just be the missing parts from OT 8 that he took out in early 1989. No one will remember by then.
Like Hubbard, he will return to his early successes at the very end of his life.
I’m late commenting! George, I want to Thank You for schooling us never-ins and being honest about what you’ve experienced in $cientology. I listened to all 3 podcasts with you and Ron @ ‘Life After scientology’. They were excellent. It’s that simple. I was mesmerized by not only the history of co$ from your experience and point of view but ot8(the original) and el ron’s true intentions within it. He was an evil bastard. There’s no other way to see it.
Thank you for your support. It was a long, long journey for me.
More women than men because for the most part, the men are business owners and professionals who can’t get away on a moment’s notice, so the wives go first.
Thank you George for sharing your story, actually your journey. For a never in it has been a great education. I am looking forward to part 2. You have already answered a lot of the questions I have had about how a person can get caught up in this cult. I am looking forward to learning more about OT VIII.
Good to see Milt Wolf again. Be and I did jail time together and I was in comm with his wife Laura until she dropped her body. She was truly great! Milt, not so much
Not totally sure but I think the woman in the pink top/dress in the middlish of the back row is my mom, Marie Gale.
Grainy, so it’s hard to tell.
“I am convinced that the religion is basically “Satanic” in nature and does not fit any conceivable definition of religion by the Founding Fathers.”
There you are incorrect. The Founding Fathers were EXTREMELY literate and knew with PRECISION the definitions of the words they used in the Constitution. The main dictionary of their time was the Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum. The noun definition of religion in that text was; “the Worship of a Diety.” that is all.
You are conflating THEIR religious preferences with those they would allow others. An all too common mistake.
I was crew on the Freewinds at the time the photo was taken and, yes the person you reference looks like Marie Gale to me. Before the ship I used to work in the Flag AOs and I knew her from there too.
Can you write up an anti-Scientology document for Constitutional lawyers? I would circulate it for you.
It would show why Scientology is not a religion.
Great picture. Spiritual Adventurers on a Vision Quest.
O/T. The other night, someone on Twitter asked about the relationship between NOI Minister Tony Muhammad and Scientology. I created a new graphic to help illustrate the relationship. I then twice modified the graphic to post on my Instagram account. The Twitter, Instagram and ESMB Redux links are below. I am posting these links so other people can use the graphics if they think the graphics may be helpful. FWIW, I think each graphic does a pretty good job of demonstrating, in a single image, the extent of Tony Muhammad’s involvement in Scientology.
Thank you for posting this Mike and George for the photo and write up!
My husband (ex now…sadly still “in”)
Finished O.T.7 in I think 1991. I was on 7, and they zoomed him off to the Freewinds to do O.T.8. They wsnted him to fly to the Riviera and “handle Kashoggi’s son”…who apparently was pissed at his Mom being in Scientology. I was not happy with this idea. So their solution? Comp him on 7 in one wk-end, and off to the Freeeindd. I was pissed!
At Flag I was just talking with the examiner (off post). He said:
“Go to the Freewinds to talk with him. It’s in the Bahamas…$85 round trip!”
I did….and he never went. But serious odd things began to happen in our msrriage, after he did 8.
One key one was Claire Reppin (Flag auditor and wonderful person) said to me one day:
Well, I’ve now heard your Mother-in-laws side (she in since 1950 and then O.T.7 or 8), your husband’s side. Now I need to hear yours”. To this day I wonder what the Hell they told her about me….but it didn’t sound good, which is odd because I thought we all got along so well.
George you mention O.T.8 was personalized. I’ve also heard Miscavige tried to break up many marriages. Could that have possibly been part of some weirdo progrsm? He was never the same after OT 8! Seriously screwed up, totalled my car, just weird things.
Love to all here and Happy New 2020!
“Miscavige was never the same after OT VIII” 100% true. I can tell you that when I met him on the Freewinds in November, 1988, he looked stunned. He literally looked like his world almost fell apart. I think you hit it here. He was shocked by OT 8.
Thanks for this interview with Ron Miscavige. One of my parents was pretty rattled by their experience in 1988, on the ship doing OT8. This helps me to understand why that might have been. I hope you’ll get a chance to finish telling the story.
You are welcome. Ronnie is a total pro. It would not have been possible without him.
Which is your real name, George White or George Witek?
My legal name is George White. My pen name as an author is George Witek. You can thank Hubbard for the screw up.
What was the screw-up, and why thank Hubbard for that? (Just curious)
The screw up was that I got fired from my wog job after OT VIII. Too many space aliens in my head. Thanking Hubbard is facetious.
Thank you George for your service of exposing this pariah.
After all of my writings and self analysis of my Scientology experience I conclude the same as you: Hubbard was Satanic.
And I know you and I are meaning the word Satanic not simply as something that is super bad in secular terms, but something that is evil in metaphysical or spiritual terms.
My opinion is that he could not have pulled off what he did on his own, he aspired to and asked the help of lower astral forces.
Beings of a demonic character. The nature of Scientology is that of an insidious evil character.
It’s almost story book perfect for Hubbard to have hated Christ and dis God and claim to be the prophet of our time.
The is a force for good and there is a force for evil.
L Ron Hubbard’s loyalty was on the dark side. He even claims to be the Prince of Darkness on one of his tapes. I listened to that tape and heard it for myself.
That dark force that destroyed Hubbard’s sanity at the end of his life is the same dark force that is using the body of DM. As long as there is power to be had, this dark force will use DM.
And when DM’s body starts to deteriorate under the weight of that evil, he will meet face to face with the madness of evil that Hubbard met.
It took me a long time to accept this truth of metaphysical evil.
To me, it explains the seemingly unstoppable power that Scientology has.
But as all things that are the enemy of truth and goodness, they will collapse, leaving those who perpetrated and lived that evil with the burden of their karma.
I would not want to be in their shoes. It won’t be pretty for DM when he meets his Maker within his own damaged conscience.
The light of that force for good will be unmerciful in revealing the truth of their deeds.
It led Hubbard to wish for suicide. DM will have his own tailor made hell.
Yes indeed, Scientology, it’s founder and present slave pope are under a Satanic influence.
Yes, Brian, Thank you very much for setting up the interview with Ron Miscavige. This all would not be possible without your support. Thank you, Bro!
To comment on what you said, I also see the metaphysical side to Hubbard’s evil. This element has been traced by Blavatsky. She claimed that the original ideas and texts were from Zoroastrianism. It might give us a clue.
The logical conclusion of all of this is that Hubbard was Satanic and Satan. He wished in Scientology for all of us to become minions of Satan. This is clearly traced by John Milton in his epic poem “Paradise Lost”. Satan is portrayed with his followers who vary in power. So OT powers were never intended to be OT powers. They were intended to be powers used in Hell. Sick man Hubbard
It’s such a delicate area to talk about: metaphysical realities. I am always aware that my credibility is at stake with some people, broaching these things. So be it.
The archetypical characters in Star Wars are easier for some people to accept because it’s just a story. But I would argue that they are accepted because they are true. That is the power of an archetype.
Those that get it don’t need convincing, those that thing it’s bunk will not and will think us delusional. I’m ok with both.
You are welcome George. I’m glad your story is being told. Hubbard’s clams on that OT8 and his desire for suicide are too much to believe for those on the fence.
Those two facts describe one sick hombre
This suicide thing is now a reality to me. Chuck B made some comments about Hubbard’s sick mind as well.
My parents were on the ship at the same time. Some other people I recognize from the photo are Deb Company, Sakitsa Feldman and Ellie Blankenship. I believe Deb is out, Sakitsa is still in and Ellie passed away about 20 years ago.
I feel sad when I look at this photo. I think of those relatively young people, with the best of intentions, wasting their time, money, time with family, not getting their children a proper education, and not saving for retirement because Scientology was all they and we would ever need. That sure didn’t pan out.
Very sad.
I think George is in the front row second from the left. IIRC that’s the way he looked when he was happily waving his new OTVIII cert on the Freewinds. Quite an accomplishment! Hi George!
When I first started reading and participating on the Scn blogs after watching “Going Clear” in 2015 George was active on Marty Rathbun’s blog and he gave me a lot of personal feedback. He was following Buddhism and posting as “Path of Buddha” and there was a lot of discussion of Buddhism and other Eastern philosophy as it related to scientology.
George was also discussing some of the OT material and some of the conversation got funny. George was mentioning that Ron wanted his followers to work on the “Genetic Entity” so Ron would have pure bodies to choose from when he returned. George was joking around with that a bit and since he was one of the first OTVIII’s I suggested that he should “locate a reputable sperm bank” for future use which gave him a laugh.
Hi Richard,
I sure do remember all of that. Just think of me on the Freewinds in the course room looking at all of those women when I read Hubbard’s request for genetic pure bodies. What goes on in your mind? Like I am thinking Hubbard wants me to mate with 27 women!
Laughter – That would be a lot of child support to pay. Best to stick with artificial insemination.
Whenever I get the chance I like to relate a story you told back then. You had asked your Buddhist teacher if you should make some type of public statement refuting Hubbard’s claim of having been the Buddha. The teacher replied, “There have been thousands of these. Why bother?”
You can tell that story about my Buddhist teacher, Richard. I did some research and found out he was correct. Hundreds of famous pretenders in China with impossible names alone. Not so many in the West. Many in India etc.
I’m on the left with no beard. Female hands on my shoulder.
The one thing I would quibble with in George’s great write up is that Scientology is Satanic.
Satan is just another human invention to help explain the difficulties of life.
Hubbard explored dark philosophy to see what he could use to achieve megalomaniac goals, not to further Satanism in itself.
When I talk of him as Satan, I carefully use John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” as a reference and I mean it in that way. Even Milton is misunderstood. People think he was talking about a being. In reality he was describing evil attributes as separated from Divinity.
I actually agree with your statement that he studied it to achieve megalomaniac goals not to advance Satanism. But I think in the end he will advance Satanism contrary to his expectations.
It is a pretty grainy photograph which makes it a little difficult to ID people.
However, I believe the girl in the white dress at the front right is Lorraine Bulger.
Lorraine was staff in London for many years and is still active as an FSM so far as I know.
I seem to remember a foreign accent.
Ron Miscavige in an interview with Jesse Prince, who was once one of the highest executives in the Church of Scientology, about how OT VIII was put together. Jesse tells about David Miscavige’s involvement and about what the first version of OTVIII was and what a disaster it was (at 51:15):
I am not OT anything but I’ve read a number of times from various ex-Scientologists that the original OT 8 caused a number of people to get rather screwed up. From that photo I recognize clearly someone I know today. I don’t know if she’s technically out, still in, or UTR. I know she did OT8 twice.
When Miscavige pulled OT 8, he debriefed everyone. He put everyone back on OT VII with his stupid new policies. It took almost ten years to get additional OT VIII’s. It was a total disaster both times.
George, sorry, I’m confused. Correct me please! Either LRH, dropping the bod in ’86, left HIS OWN OT8 which was what you and these other original OT8s in the photograph completed, OR, LRH died leaving some OT8 data or notes, etc. which Miscavige then cobbled together to make the first OT8? In other words, this original OT8, which I’ve read spun a number of people in, including, as you observed, Miscavige himself, was this original OT 8 purely LRH’s doing or did the Dwarf’s fine hand play a part in it?
No one knows the exact truth, but this is what we know. After Hubbard died in 1986, the technical people took over and had the project to complete the OT VIII level. Hubbard was sick on OT VII and only completed about seven sessions. In 1980 Hubbard wrote the Student Briefing in which he said he would be the anti-Christ. I have heard different versions of who put it all together. One story said Ray Mithoff the other Jim Walker who were both technical people. Miscavige had little control of tech at the time and would later become powerful. Hubbard had announced OT VIII on the tapes as “Truth Revealed”. Somehow the student Briefing from 1980 got the call. Some say Hubbard’s notes. Others say no. Jesse Prince reported that Hubbard’s desire to be Satan was known as early as 1986.
They had to get the Freewinds launched and so they made a big, big deal out of OT 8. The first original OT 8 was a total disaster as Jesse Prince reported as well as I. Lyn Irons was a powerful Scientologist. His wife got real sick and eventually died on Original OT VIII which was only a rumor at the time. Miscavige pulled OT 8 and de-briefed everyone. A watered down version of OT VIII was later release a long time later. He put everyone back on OT VII.
I knew a woman who did OT VIII and within a month of return had a severe stroke. She lived. But the Scns were buzzing behind her back wondering how a recent OT VIII completion could come home and have a stroke. They never thought to wonder if there was out tech on OT VIII.
Was it Lyn Irons’ wife? She had a stroke as well and eventually died.
How was it explained to you and the other OTVIIIs who were affected why you would have to go back on OTVII ?
It appeared to me that those OTVIIIs who got recalled to the ship because of it had BIs.
When I asked an OT VIII staff* (auditor) about it (why they came back), he said something that they would “have missed something” (like on OTVII). Did you get told the same? I know you didn’t go back after VIII, but didn’t they try to get you back?
He was also RPFed, AFAIK. He had quite a beaten down expression after that. I sensed that something was very wrong but didn’t ask further, as I had the notion that I would anyway not get a proper explanation and also because I was not on the OT levels and not working in Tech.
Miscavige wrote the famous 36 page “Why OT VII failed document” to explain why OT VIII failed. His basic point was that no one really completed OT VII. He never really touched on the point in the document that OT VIII anti-Christ document had anything to do with it. You are correct. There were two groups. One group had BI’s over the anti-Christ stuff. They had to either return to Flag or to the ship. Miscavige in the end made everyone go back to Flag. He was down on the ship. The 36 page document which I read was written by a child’s mentality – Miscavige. He went through the seven sessions that Hubbard had on OT VII and excluded all of the tech that was published that did not fall in it. Then he reviewed everyone’s folder claiming “Everyone did at least one thing that Hubbard did not do on OT VII”. People were then ordered to Flag to re-do OT VII. It took almost ten years for anyone to complete. The first person on OT VIII got a completion with a simplified version of OT VIII which was nothing more than a review of OT VII auditing and a simple statement like “I’m now OK knowing where I have been” or something like it cause I do not remember the exact words.
Thank you George! This explains so much.
His basic point was that no one really completed OT VII.
Interesting. It seems to be his tactics to tell people that they didn’t reach the EP, like they didn’t make it, to justify when something went wrong and to put the blame on the people. He did that also with the Objectives (retreat and many more hours to overrun them and to invalidate their earlier Objectives). Also there was reported that he told staff in their face that they “wouldn’t be clear”, also when they had told him that they would be (after he had asked them).
Besides his weird “handlings”, I believe he was also dramatizing his sadistic streak.
And BTW, can you imagine that HE was auditing on OTVII like it should be done? Me not.
Sorry. Italic should have ended after your statement: “His basic point was that no one really completed OT VII.”
George thank you for this photo and information. I’d like to know which of the people you remember from that OT VIII experience have left the church? Or died? Also it would be good to have people corroborate your OT VIII experience, that of LRH saying he was the anti-Christ etc. The more people who come out and say that is what their OT VIII was about, the more the church can’t refute it and can’t refute that DM changed OT VIII after the first version went so badly.
I think you are correct. I remember an accent.
Cindy, A woman who was always near me on the Freewinds was named Jill. She owned a big house in Belgium. She passed about two years ago. My two FSM’s passed right after OT VIII in about three years. Others I did not keep track of.
There have been only three other people to my knowledge who did the original OT VIII and support me by coming out. The names escape me right now. Also, it has been 100% verified that the OT VIII material was on the Class VIII auditor training at one time. There was one person on the blog who also visually read the OT VIII material while on Staff. In total, I estimate less than 200 people read it. Also Miscavige claimed that he had de-briefed 98% of them. I got away.
Thanks, George!
I would like to note that the word “satan” in ancient Hebrew, (the original language of the Bible) means “Adversary, Opponent, Enemy.” It also has the word “the” in front of it in all instances but one mention uses the definite article. The other mention is indefinite.
That Scientology is ostensibly satanic, is observably correct. However it is correct in the sense of being “the enemy” of not only Christianity, but of all souls.
In case anyone is interested in who a couple of the people in the pic are: 2nd person on the right of Debbie Mace is ex OSA Molly Baxter (in a black & red top). Ellie Blankenship is the blonde on the right end of the second row in black dress. She headed the OT Ambassadors from the inception of the program until just before her death from cancer in Oct. 1999. She was one of my best friends who personally told me of how stressful it was to be in her position and how it took over her life. I’m wondering if the third in from the left in the top row is Sikica Feldman, founder of Clearwater Academy. And is the 4th from the left in the top row is Carol Kingsley who was partners with Derbbie Mace.
I remember Ellie very well. She was a titanic figure in Scientology. Thanks for reminding me.
FWIW, that’s who I thought is Sikica before reading your post. Is that Diane Workman in the black/white in front?
Mike, Thank you for posting this picture and write up. Ron Miscavige interviewed me for three hours. Ronnie is a class act and a real pro. It was such a pleasure working with him.
Great share, George.
This is so valuable.
Thank you so much.
You are welcome. It took me thirty years of recovery to do this
Does he also use the name George M. Witek?
My original name was Witek which is Polish. Due to hot issues within my family in regard to spelling and pronunciation, I changed it after OT VIII in 1988. After all, Hubbard said I was a thetan anyway. But in retrospect I consider it damage from OT VIII.
Excellent post George.
Re: Loredana Kashoggi. I knew Loredana from Flag.She just about lived at the L’s HGC by the pool. I used to occasionally have coffee or lunch with her. One day I was in Palm Beach walking down Worth Ave,when I saw Adnan Kashoggi , with Loredana and 2 other beautiful women and about 4 bodyguards standing in front of his limo. I started walking right towards the limo to say Hi to her and to meet Kashoggi himself,when the bodyguards saw me and looked quite alarmed as to who hell is this guy walking up to the limo ? The bodyguards placed their hands into their suit jackets , as I got up to the limo . I realized none of the women were Loredana. So I quickly turned and walked away. The bodyguards then taking their hands out of their jackets.
George White has been a wonderful witness to the original OT8 and the ‘creed’ of $cientology.
“He claimed that it was developed for each individual personally.” Bullshit, total bullshit. No wonder the original OT8 was recalled. Besides all of the Thetan/Satan stuff, Lron didn’t even know the names of anyone who ever took OT8, he was dead by then.
Thanks. No one believed me in about 2008 when I first told the story. Thrown off the Scientology message board.
Endless thanks to George White and all he’s publicly shared.
These photos are and were in the public domain already for years. Many of these same faces were in promotion that was issued after that first Maiden Voyage.
I so wished someday there would develop a massive detailed online freely available, easily accessed, sort of well built encyclopedia of Scientology’s related history matters.
OT 8 and that first version with all the info George is most to be thanked for, the Lucifer writing by Hubbard being corroborated as a legitimate writing by Hubbard, that is a huge important final argument relating to the end of the line supposed good things to come by doing the whole Hubbard stepladder of past lives delving pseudo-therapy and the massive amount of exorcism of “body-thetans” to supposedly regain one’s super soul powers.
George’s book and all George’s writings ought be under the topic OT 8, forever, for experts of Scientology future studies.
Over the decades since being out of official Scientology and reading the internet sites of ex members who’ve tried to simplify and summarize the most important spiritual factors of Scientology, the OT 8 story and history is a major factor to always be included in the summary definition/article on Scientology.
Eternal thanks George, for your ex member major contributions.
Thank you, Chuck. You are welcome. I really enjoy reading your comments.
You are correct. In Scientology, you delve into past lives and end up with Lucifer and Satan. In 1972, when they posted the Tone Scale in the New York mission, they should have put a picture of Hubbard as Satan on top. It would have saved a lot of time. This is one of the reasons I write so much about it. These fools in Scientology have no idea what they are getting into. Miscavige trashed original OT VIII, because he knew it would be harder to keep people under his thumb.
Another instance of omitting a Hubbard writing, is the omission of the Heaven Implants HCOB I think that came out in 1963ish, it was never included in the HCOB volumes, for similar reasons.
It’s just so kooky, it clearly would rebound on Scientology to just make the info public. It’s way kookier than even History of Man stuff.
LRH’s “research” writings and a lot of his private in person story telling of all sorts of extra terrestrial Marcab activity, and Hubbard’s INCOMM despatches about the Duke of Chug, and mention of the unmanned drone that circles earth as of 1982 which LRH said not to mess with that drone out there, when Foster Tompkins wrote back to LRH should Foster try to send out a message to the drone, LOL.
Hubbard’s private thoughts about the extra terrestrial he kept some of those ideas to his grave. Particularly the “OT running program” (circling a star in large circles as a pure soul, as therapy) for himself, that was his last stated plan for his after death therapy for himself.
IN total, I see him as a soul therapy/exorcism guy, and that he thought he failed at it all, as he told Sarge, as was told by Sarge to Wright.
He failed, but for reasons that it’s all bogus and he failed for not pulling the plug all the way and telling the movement to all quit and get on in life and dump his whole “teaching” stepladder, which he ought to have.
He still was a soul believing guy, which is why what he said to Sarge about going circling a star for rehabilitation purposes (that’s the “OT running program” theory which is what he wrote in the original “Running Program” advices of the late 1970s when the running program first came out). He was a soul guy.
He left the whole mess to continue on, that’s his biggest failure, he ought to have pulled the plug on all of it.
Great insight into Hubbard’s mind, Chuck. So he was even more of a nut case than his writings portray. His mind was spinning around with garbage.
Heaven implants may be an entry in the Scientology Technical Dictionary.
It’s very familiar to me, and if I didn’t read about it in the Tech Vols, good chance it’s in the dictionary.
Ammo, Yes, Heaven Implants did surface to that degree, they are mentioned here and there, but that full “Heaven Implants” HCOB I read start to finished, in 1988 when I first became staff in the LRH Tech Research and Compilations Branch in CMO Int, at the Int Base, when I was put on the project to rewrite the OEC Checksheet.
In the offices, the HCOB “Heaven Implants” was shown around as an example of one of the HCOBs that was intentionally not included in the 1991 re-release of the HCOB(red) volumes. For the reasons it would cause some embarrassing backlash most likely. It also wasn’t included in the 1977 edition of the HCOB(red) volumes either, for likely the same reason. Ken Delderfield the editor and production boss of the original green and red volumes, is deceased I heard, I had wished beyond hope that he would live and get out and detail the history of the decisions relating to all that went into the OEC and Red volumes the first times he oversaw their productions. Oh well, so much history gets washed under the bridge with the loss of the details that so many first person participants and actual people who did the CSWs and decision making of all details of those things, are gone and their thoughts of why they did what they did, with them.
So much more reason I always hope that those firsthand people to participate in the actual first hand instances of the key things Scientology’s produced, do write their history.
The old Class 12s, the old Commodore’s Staff Aides, the old Flag Bureaux executives, they all could just use the long date sequential HCOB and HCOPL writings of Hubbard, as those writings came out sequentially, as their framework to write their memories of what all happened, in their lives, when the lived close to Hubbard, as those writings were issued by Hubbard.
The participants upclose to Hubbard during the actual sequential Hubbard writings of the HCOBs, HCOPLs, FLag Orders, etc, etc, all of the Hubbard “issue types” could use those writings to jog their memories of the backstories to EACH of those Hubbard writings, which they will be familiar with to varying degrees.
All that history they lived.
“Heaven Implants” for sure, same, but those at Saint Hill at the time, in the Class 6 course as those implants were being audited on one another, as the class room of student experienced auditors as most of them were, they were the actual guinea pigs in their sessions delving into those implants, or it was Mary Sue’s auditing of LRH or whatever and whoever the auditors and pc’s were who were delving into those incidents.
All their “case folders” for sure, have been gathered up and for sure, the case folders of the people running those whole track long ago incidents do exist somewhere and are categorized.
My thoughts are Miscavige today would have some subsection of the mother site CST/Archives site working to index and sort through them.
Kathy Gilbert wa the OT 8 “tech” top CST staffer who did that kind of stuff, I gathered.
Were Kathy Gilbert, wife to Russ Gilbert also OT 8 and CST Review Auditor and he and Kathy were the ones who proofread and actually manufactured the CST/Archives metal plates of all of LRH’s confidential HCOBs and writings for the CST archives, Kathy would be a massive boon for honest truly academic researchers someday. If she ever gets out of the CST lofty job of hers, which of course is unlikely, but she would be so important to talk someday.
They may also be referred to in OT III or OT VI materials. I get a mental visual of the words in Hubbard’s handwriting. It seems like it was part of the description..36 days of implants? Heaven implants, god, screens…
Just crap woven through my nightmares recovering from this mind f*ck.
Thanks for all this stuff, Chuck.
(I used to have you mixed up with Prenner. I think my association with you was in connection to The Streamlined Routing Form INCOMM program. But I’d swear there was more.. it scratches in the corner of my mind.) ..regardless, always appreciate your contributions.
Rip Van Winkle,
Give me a ring some day, weekends is best, Message me, I’d love to chat and job your memories to dig up little branches of history.
Chuck Presnner was a Harvurd Univ visiting processor, he got his PhD in computer stuff there and taught a bit. He and Noomi were execs in Int Training Org, then they moved into the beginning of INCOMM.
Yes, I was the Streamlines Routing Forms rsearcher writer, 3rd gen on that project mission that was started by other very capable, more capable than me, staff who ran afoul of DM’s horach pitiless ignorant rejections to their first versions of the routing forms. I was the dull plodding policy nerd, and all things backed up by an LRH reference defense staffer guy in the admin training world which fitted me well for the routing forms polishing up that I did as the 3rd gen routing forms project person. I went from that project, which got various CMO Int mission Normals and one Afflience designation, so it was clearly a “success” in the end, I went onto the first Senior Routing Forms In Charge position in Senior HCO Int after the project.
I’d love to soak your brain if it’s not too painful,
412-260-1170 keep this number and call me if you wish any queestions answered about people, etc.
Chuck Beatty
I’ll reply here, we ran out of room below —
Thanks, Chuck. I Think there was a Chuck Prenner in Qual posting on Flag in ’81. Or maybe at AO in 79 or 80.
So far, anonymous posting is as daring as I get.
I was class V org staff, and OOT at Flag and LA and when I think of you I think of the INCOMM building and routing forms. 🙂
It must be thru that when I was in the HCO network.
Thanks for encouraging.
I split in 1982 before going into the OT levels. As best as I recall it wasn’t necessary to “believe in” Elron’s science fiction and fantasy stuff in order to give or receive auditing on the lower levels. I probably just ignored that stuff when I came across it.
It still begs the question of how could myself or anyone still continue after reading ANY of it – Lol
Maybe the idea which Hubbard presented right at the beginning of “It’s only real if it’s real to you.” was at play. What a setup -haha
I think he’s made a great point – that one of the foundational principles of Scientology as a belief system is that reality is subjective and that by using the tech, you can create your own reality.
This is very similar to the belief of most cults, particularly pseudo-Christian religious cults. Turn on your TV and you’ll see the same thing on the Trinity Broadcasting Network – people who teach that words and thoughts are containers of faith, and if you have enough faith, you can harness them to create your own reality. Same old lies.
The beginning of wisdom about life and the universe is an acceptance that reality is NOT subjective. Truth exists. Truth is objective.
And really, no one lives their life as if reality is subjective. People say truth is subjective, but they still don’t run across a busy street. When the bank makes an error in their checking account, all of a sudden they believe truth is objective.
Once you understand that reality does not depend on your opinions and preferences, that reality is something you cannot control with your mind, the understanding of life can really begin.
This is what I ran into after OT VIII. Hubbard was giving me the idea that as an OT VIII, I could postulate a subjective reality. Did I hit a brick wall after OT VIII. It cost me plenty.
Thank you for sharing your story, George.