well without getting political, abortion choice is returned to the states. Hmmmmm. as a fairly well read Civil War historian, I maintain that that war was about slavery masquerading as states’ rights. Maybe the Rebs weren’t wrong after all about states’ rights, just wrong about slavery and what its vigorous proponency before, during, and after the War wrought.
Scientology a godless cult there for the sick manipulative methods of CONTROL of minds, time and money. Hubbard, DM, many people who take on these harsh, cruel and destructive actions are what will destroy the Sea org as well as all of the cult. It can’t come too soon. Glad I got out of all of it.
That Mom, hopefully Dad and new beautiful baby will now have a chance at life and all the joys of family. That is something that makes up our culture and yet is reviled and maligned by the sick subculture inside.
I’d say scientology is a religionless cult whose nearest aspect to any sort of “god” is its total occupation of acquiring and assembling (stockpiling) money for its dictator’s pleasure. The current dictator is doing fantastic job of dismantling what I helped the old man create over the last 70+ years. That makes me feel somewhat betrayed, putting it mildly. We, the workers, whether on staff or as public, weren’t so preoccupied with money (or personal pleasure, obviously); we forewent those immediate things for “the greater good”, or what we thought would contribute to it. Dwarfenführer is STILL punching those buttons, except it’s only for HIS personal “good”, as if he’s a king or pope or something, or even positively contributed to scientology’s enhancement. As far as I can see, the exchange has all been from ‘scientology’ (whatever’s left of it) to MustSavage. ‘scientology’ is thus left on its deathbed, with no recuperation possible under its current management, because that’s not their purpose.
I totally agree with Jere …. “Great last pane” !!
The young lady really put the dedicated cold ass SO matron in her place!
So now, as someone who studied Dianetics and Scientology for many years, isn’t it rather hypocritical for a Scientologist to encourage a lady to have an abortion?? Hubbard’s book Dianetics discusses freeing people from the bad effects of traumatic incidents including pain and loss and calls these incidents “Engrams”. And in Dianetics he goes on at considerable length about the harmful effects of prenatal painful incidents, including attempted abortions on people when they grow up. … So then a “successful” abortion would be painful AND kill the baby, right? And that would be an engram that that the baby would then need to run out in the next lifetime, Right? So therefore, Sea Org Matron by coercing that young lady to get an abortion is actually working against the stated purposes of Dianetics. And that is just cold assed Hypocrisy.
When a woman becomes pregnant in the Sea Org the couple is separated immediately, they aren’t allowed to talk to each other in order to make the intense pressure and lies more effective. There is no concern for the life of the baby or the effect the abortion will have mentally on the mother and father. Slaves need to slave not waste time with stupid things like love and family. Chop up the damn baby and lets get back to work!!!
OR, in what’s left of scientology, OMC: Oh My C.O.B. since the twerp has placed himself above everything else as the “second coming”, the new “Source” — above LRH, able to correct his every word —or semicolon.
Mat Pesch, so true. I drove Olga to the abortion clinic. She was “too valuable” to Cine to be allowed to have a baby. Great pressure was put upon her. It supposedly would’ve been devestating to lose Olga in Pre Production.
I live in the Deep South and am currently terrified at what then religious ‘right’ has in plan for the rest of us. I am I guess what is called agnostic. I used to have a bumper sticker that said “Militant Agnostic – I don’t know and you don’t either”. It’s easy to be a sheep…it’s hard to wake up and control your own destiny.
The Republican Party has a disproportionate amount of seats due to gerrymandering, and aren’t truly representative of the population; as carefully designed surveys that avoid labels and trigger words show. Likewise with the Christian right – whose central mantra has always been “power at ANY cost” (which thanks to their enthusiastic support of T***p is obvious even to them now) – which is why they hold so many positions of power at every level of government. But again, they only make up a minority of the population.
What i’m trying to say is: you’re not as alone as you think, in fact, you’re in the majority. The problem is the minority that holds power, and you’re quite right to be terrified of them. They hate what they fear, and their pastors have carefully trained them to fear EVERYTHING.
They’re not the Silent Majority, they’re the Noisy Minority. If this keeps up when I retire it will be out of the United States. I have no desire to be ruled over by a theocracy representing a small minority of Americans who dropped out of middle school and if I’m going to live in a Banana Republic there are many low cost options open to me.
That’s it, mom! You put those Sea Org bastards in their place! A baby is not dev-t! How can the Sea Org be so cruel and callous? Ok, stupid question, I know!
I think that much of the blind loyalty and obedience comes from their notion that the COS is truly the last hope for mankind and the only group that can save the planet. One good thing to come out of the pandemic is that it’s given scios time to quietly observe uninterrupted, the world around them. I’m guessing that many scios are reexamining what exactly their church has done to improve much of anything on a global level. PR spin will get you only so far, and with many scios perhaps looking at the world in a “new unit of time,” their dedication might be wavering. Bottom line: Is the time, money and effort worth the stress, when there appears to be little or no results worldwide? Hmmm. . .
“improve much of anything on a global level”?
improve much of anything on ANY level! After being in the REAL world for 42 years, I can’t think of a single thing that scientology actually helped in my life or anyone else’s. Oh yeah, I felt ‘top of the world’ a few times for short whiles, but they invariably led to big, gaping chasms which left me as debilitated as I’d been “high”. The worst instance was attesting to ‘clear’ – whatever that meant. In short order, that crashed into a level depression I’ve not felt before or since, almost to the level of “type 3”, as I understand it. That fed directly into the Re-education Project Force, and then their dumping me as not even a good enough RPF inmate.
BUT I’m feeling MUCH better now, although I’m sorta cranky this morning, not having had my first pot of coffee.
I’m feeling sympathetic toward them: the mothers-to-be. So many of them WANT their children so are forced “kicking and screaming” into those anti-survival decisions by uncaring SO members.
THAT’s a time when the “influencers” should be subject to prosecution for at least conspiracy to commit manslaughter or murder. THAT’s a prime example of the “brainwashing” that runs rampant in Davey’s little operation.
I meant not sympathetic to the Sea Org. It makes it harder for them. I’m on the side of the women. Maybe the Sea Org’s loss of staff will accelerate a little.
True but I’ll point out that the Supreme’s position on abortion is in sync with Hubbard’s (official, written) policy. Ironic that the hypocritical, “do as we say not as we do” Sea Org will now have to put its money where its mouth resides regarding abortion! And more bad news for them; this Supreme Court isn’t done with abortion yet. Next its going to open the door in some fashion for states to make it illegal for women needing/wanting abortions in abortion-banned states to travel to abortion-friendly states in order to obtain this procedure. Dwarfenfeuhrer must be gnashing his capped teeth. God forbid he and his slaves have to adhere to the laws of the land this “church supports in name only!
But I’ll add that this would all be very good news for Sea Org women who want to keep their babies. Very good news for them. In fact abortion is such a political hot potato now that its safe to assume that any Sea Org female who wants out of the hell-hole need only get pregnant! In this political climate there’s NO WAY the cult would dare to pressure any pregnant SO female to abort! Pregnancy in the foreseeable future is the ticket OUT for these gals! Assuming of course that they WANT “out”. And if any pregnant Sea Org does NOT want out, well, the cult will find a way to get her baby aborted – just ship the pregnant “coin” out of the country to have it done somewhere legal. But my goodness, how very DevT this will all be for the cult, our favorite cult, which is so busy, which requires every pair of hands to help fundraise so that Miscavige gets richer! While producing…nothing.
Aqua, in 1982 Joe Biden proposed a constitutional amendment making abortion a decision for the states and not the Federal gov’t. The current SC just upheld the 10th Amendment by tossing it to the States. No need for an amendment
Real, thank you. I’ve read that Biden REALLY doesn’t like abortion. Then again, who does?
But if the Right really wanted to end killing of the unborn, they’d be pushing birth control and sex education, big time, wouldn’t they? Isn’t NOT getting pregnant a better solution to unwanted pregnancies than abortion? Wouldn’t it make more sense to EDUCATE people and possibly even GIVE them free birth control pills or condoms or whatever if they can’t afford them?
Banning abortion is no solution. Women who become pregnant who don’t want to be are not going to abide by the laws of their states. For the most part they’re going to travel somewhere else and have it done or if they they don’t have the money to do that they’ll cause themselves to miscarry, or they’ll order pills and powders online. And of course the back alley abortionist will be back in business. The helpless unborn will still be killed, unfortunately.
The Right knows all of this very well. The unborn will not be protected by any state ban. But abortion is being used to whip up the emotions of people so that they will vote a certain way. Its sad. Tragic, actually. Cruel in the extreme, and beyond stupid. God bless America.
Aqua, I don’t think it had to do with an opinion Biden held on abortion, pro or against. I think it was just him wanting to handle it in a way that comports with the constitution. Which is, it is a matter for the citizens of the States not the Federal gov’t which doesn’t mess with laws at that level.
Most Americans’ don’t even know that the definition of STATE in the “United States of America is the same as when you use it for saying, the state of France.
Aha, ok, I totally see your point now, i.e., Biden’s own private opinion as distinct from what is constitutional law. Well, if RvW was unconstitutional back in 1973 then its overturn was deserved. And if various states decide to outlaw it and criminalize it, well, then that would be within their states rights to do that, I suppose.
It appears that you’re knowledgeable in this area, Real, and I am not. Just for my own edification would you say that in order for RvW to have been constitutional that an amendment to the constitution would have had to have been put in first? Again, just curious about this because my instinct – and its just an instinct, nothing more – however consistent with the Constitution striking down RvW is, doing so is a huge mistake for the Republicans, a mistake that is going to backfire on them politically in a bad way. And not that I care about Republicans suffering politically from this decision either – I’m a Democrat now. So my questions are all academic.
Hi Aqua, In short there is nothing in the constitution that makes having an abortion a “right” and therefore the SC cannot make a ruling like Roe v. Wade . There is the 10th Amendment that gives the states power over anything NOT listed in the constitution as a power of the Federal gov’t (the PotUS, Congress & SCotUS). Therefore, the power to grant such a “rights” status lies within each state. So, majority rules (democracy) is the law for abortion within each state. There will be a handful of states that make it illegal and for those they will just use the morning after pill sourced from the next door state. Most states will just have a limit such as abortion within first trimester lacking medical reasons to abort. Much ado about nothing.
The really sad part? At least to me is that given she made that decision, which I totally agree with, her life is going to take a turn for the worse at least for a while.
I read here and other laces, I hear watching on TV, there is no easy way to get out of this thing called a religion which is not really a religion to me.
It is a joke and a very bad one of those. It seems to be evil to its core. There is no good that I see in it at all.
Well, there IS a difference between a Religion and a Church, SafetyGuy.
Some people emphasize the best in everything and some emphasize the worst. For instance I don’t think that Jesus of Nazareth would have recognized what was going on in the Christian church during the dark ages as Christianity. …Any more than a person who practices Dianetics and Scientology in order to improve their own life and the lives of other people would recognize what is going on in the “Church” of Scientology as “Scientology”.
Which is why I left in the early 80’s as a public. I was/am so out of agreement with what Scientology has fallen to. Dante’s inferno is the closest parallel that I can make.
well without getting political, abortion choice is returned to the states. Hmmmmm. as a fairly well read Civil War historian, I maintain that that war was about slavery masquerading as states’ rights. Maybe the Rebs weren’t wrong after all about states’ rights, just wrong about slavery and what its vigorous proponency before, during, and after the War wrought.
Scientology a godless cult there for the sick manipulative methods of CONTROL of minds, time and money. Hubbard, DM, many people who take on these harsh, cruel and destructive actions are what will destroy the Sea org as well as all of the cult. It can’t come too soon. Glad I got out of all of it.
That Mom, hopefully Dad and new beautiful baby will now have a chance at life and all the joys of family. That is something that makes up our culture and yet is reviled and maligned by the sick subculture inside.
I’d say scientology is a religionless cult whose nearest aspect to any sort of “god” is its total occupation of acquiring and assembling (stockpiling) money for its dictator’s pleasure. The current dictator is doing fantastic job of dismantling what I helped the old man create over the last 70+ years. That makes me feel somewhat betrayed, putting it mildly. We, the workers, whether on staff or as public, weren’t so preoccupied with money (or personal pleasure, obviously); we forewent those immediate things for “the greater good”, or what we thought would contribute to it. Dwarfenführer is STILL punching those buttons, except it’s only for HIS personal “good”, as if he’s a king or pope or something, or even positively contributed to scientology’s enhancement. As far as I can see, the exchange has all been from ‘scientology’ (whatever’s left of it) to MustSavage. ‘scientology’ is thus left on its deathbed, with no recuperation possible under its current management, because that’s not their purpose.
I totally agree with Jere …. “Great last pane” !!
The young lady really put the dedicated cold ass SO matron in her place!
So now, as someone who studied Dianetics and Scientology for many years, isn’t it rather hypocritical for a Scientologist to encourage a lady to have an abortion?? Hubbard’s book Dianetics discusses freeing people from the bad effects of traumatic incidents including pain and loss and calls these incidents “Engrams”. And in Dianetics he goes on at considerable length about the harmful effects of prenatal painful incidents, including attempted abortions on people when they grow up. … So then a “successful” abortion would be painful AND kill the baby, right? And that would be an engram that that the baby would then need to run out in the next lifetime, Right? So therefore, Sea Org Matron by coercing that young lady to get an abortion is actually working against the stated purposes of Dianetics. And that is just cold assed Hypocrisy.
When a woman becomes pregnant in the Sea Org the couple is separated immediately, they aren’t allowed to talk to each other in order to make the intense pressure and lies more effective. There is no concern for the life of the baby or the effect the abortion will have mentally on the mother and father. Slaves need to slave not waste time with stupid things like love and family. Chop up the damn baby and lets get back to work!!!
OR, in what’s left of scientology, OMC: Oh My C.O.B. since the twerp has placed himself above everything else as the “second coming”, the new “Source” — above LRH, able to correct his every word —or semicolon.
Yes, its beyond disgusting. In truth there are no words for his crimes – their scope, the enormity of them.
Mat Pesch, so true. I drove Olga to the abortion clinic. She was “too valuable” to Cine to be allowed to have a baby. Great pressure was put upon her. It supposedly would’ve been devestating to lose Olga in Pre Production.
I live in the Deep South and am currently terrified at what then religious ‘right’ has in plan for the rest of us. I am I guess what is called agnostic. I used to have a bumper sticker that said “Militant Agnostic – I don’t know and you don’t either”. It’s easy to be a sheep…it’s hard to wake up and control your own destiny.
The Republican Party has a disproportionate amount of seats due to gerrymandering, and aren’t truly representative of the population; as carefully designed surveys that avoid labels and trigger words show. Likewise with the Christian right – whose central mantra has always been “power at ANY cost” (which thanks to their enthusiastic support of T***p is obvious even to them now) – which is why they hold so many positions of power at every level of government. But again, they only make up a minority of the population.
What i’m trying to say is: you’re not as alone as you think, in fact, you’re in the majority. The problem is the minority that holds power, and you’re quite right to be terrified of them. They hate what they fear, and their pastors have carefully trained them to fear EVERYTHING.
They’re not the Silent Majority, they’re the Noisy Minority. If this keeps up when I retire it will be out of the United States. I have no desire to be ruled over by a theocracy representing a small minority of Americans who dropped out of middle school and if I’m going to live in a Banana Republic there are many low cost options open to me.
That’s it, mom! You put those Sea Org bastards in their place! A baby is not dev-t! How can the Sea Org be so cruel and callous? Ok, stupid question, I know!
I think that much of the blind loyalty and obedience comes from their notion that the COS is truly the last hope for mankind and the only group that can save the planet. One good thing to come out of the pandemic is that it’s given scios time to quietly observe uninterrupted, the world around them. I’m guessing that many scios are reexamining what exactly their church has done to improve much of anything on a global level. PR spin will get you only so far, and with many scios perhaps looking at the world in a “new unit of time,” their dedication might be wavering. Bottom line: Is the time, money and effort worth the stress, when there appears to be little or no results worldwide? Hmmm. . .
“improve much of anything on a global level”?
improve much of anything on ANY level! After being in the REAL world for 42 years, I can’t think of a single thing that scientology actually helped in my life or anyone else’s. Oh yeah, I felt ‘top of the world’ a few times for short whiles, but they invariably led to big, gaping chasms which left me as debilitated as I’d been “high”. The worst instance was attesting to ‘clear’ – whatever that meant. In short order, that crashed into a level depression I’ve not felt before or since, almost to the level of “type 3”, as I understand it. That fed directly into the Re-education Project Force, and then their dumping me as not even a good enough RPF inmate.
BUT I’m feeling MUCH better now, although I’m sorta cranky this morning, not having had my first pot of coffee.
You picked a good day to run this one.
It’s going to make it harder for the Sea Org to get abortions for their pregnant members. Not that I’m sympathetic.
I’m feeling sympathetic toward them: the mothers-to-be. So many of them WANT their children so are forced “kicking and screaming” into those anti-survival decisions by uncaring SO members.
THAT’s a time when the “influencers” should be subject to prosecution for at least conspiracy to commit manslaughter or murder. THAT’s a prime example of the “brainwashing” that runs rampant in Davey’s little operation.
I meant not sympathetic to the Sea Org. It makes it harder for them. I’m on the side of the women. Maybe the Sea Org’s loss of staff will accelerate a little.
True but I’ll point out that the Supreme’s position on abortion is in sync with Hubbard’s (official, written) policy. Ironic that the hypocritical, “do as we say not as we do” Sea Org will now have to put its money where its mouth resides regarding abortion! And more bad news for them; this Supreme Court isn’t done with abortion yet. Next its going to open the door in some fashion for states to make it illegal for women needing/wanting abortions in abortion-banned states to travel to abortion-friendly states in order to obtain this procedure. Dwarfenfeuhrer must be gnashing his capped teeth. God forbid he and his slaves have to adhere to the laws of the land this “church supports in name only!
But I’ll add that this would all be very good news for Sea Org women who want to keep their babies. Very good news for them. In fact abortion is such a political hot potato now that its safe to assume that any Sea Org female who wants out of the hell-hole need only get pregnant! In this political climate there’s NO WAY the cult would dare to pressure any pregnant SO female to abort! Pregnancy in the foreseeable future is the ticket OUT for these gals! Assuming of course that they WANT “out”. And if any pregnant Sea Org does NOT want out, well, the cult will find a way to get her baby aborted – just ship the pregnant “coin” out of the country to have it done somewhere legal. But my goodness, how very DevT this will all be for the cult, our favorite cult, which is so busy, which requires every pair of hands to help fundraise so that Miscavige gets richer! While producing…nothing.
Aqua, in 1982 Joe Biden proposed a constitutional amendment making abortion a decision for the states and not the Federal gov’t. The current SC just upheld the 10th Amendment by tossing it to the States. No need for an amendment
Real, thank you. I’ve read that Biden REALLY doesn’t like abortion. Then again, who does?
But if the Right really wanted to end killing of the unborn, they’d be pushing birth control and sex education, big time, wouldn’t they? Isn’t NOT getting pregnant a better solution to unwanted pregnancies than abortion? Wouldn’t it make more sense to EDUCATE people and possibly even GIVE them free birth control pills or condoms or whatever if they can’t afford them?
Banning abortion is no solution. Women who become pregnant who don’t want to be are not going to abide by the laws of their states. For the most part they’re going to travel somewhere else and have it done or if they they don’t have the money to do that they’ll cause themselves to miscarry, or they’ll order pills and powders online. And of course the back alley abortionist will be back in business. The helpless unborn will still be killed, unfortunately.
The Right knows all of this very well. The unborn will not be protected by any state ban. But abortion is being used to whip up the emotions of people so that they will vote a certain way. Its sad. Tragic, actually. Cruel in the extreme, and beyond stupid. God bless America.
Aqua, I don’t think it had to do with an opinion Biden held on abortion, pro or against. I think it was just him wanting to handle it in a way that comports with the constitution. Which is, it is a matter for the citizens of the States not the Federal gov’t which doesn’t mess with laws at that level.
Most Americans’ don’t even know that the definition of STATE in the “United States of America is the same as when you use it for saying, the state of France.
Aha, ok, I totally see your point now, i.e., Biden’s own private opinion as distinct from what is constitutional law. Well, if RvW was unconstitutional back in 1973 then its overturn was deserved. And if various states decide to outlaw it and criminalize it, well, then that would be within their states rights to do that, I suppose.
It appears that you’re knowledgeable in this area, Real, and I am not. Just for my own edification would you say that in order for RvW to have been constitutional that an amendment to the constitution would have had to have been put in first? Again, just curious about this because my instinct – and its just an instinct, nothing more – however consistent with the Constitution striking down RvW is, doing so is a huge mistake for the Republicans, a mistake that is going to backfire on them politically in a bad way. And not that I care about Republicans suffering politically from this decision either – I’m a Democrat now. So my questions are all academic.
Hi Aqua, In short there is nothing in the constitution that makes having an abortion a “right” and therefore the SC cannot make a ruling like Roe v. Wade . There is the 10th Amendment that gives the states power over anything NOT listed in the constitution as a power of the Federal gov’t (the PotUS, Congress & SCotUS). Therefore, the power to grant such a “rights” status lies within each state. So, majority rules (democracy) is the law for abortion within each state. There will be a handful of states that make it illegal and for those they will just use the morning after pill sourced from the next door state. Most states will just have a limit such as abortion within first trimester lacking medical reasons to abort. Much ado about nothing.
I was just thinking that!
It might look like it but in my comment above I’m not responding to my own comment 🙂
GREAT last pane, RB!
The really sad part? At least to me is that given she made that decision, which I totally agree with, her life is going to take a turn for the worse at least for a while.
I read here and other laces, I hear watching on TV, there is no easy way to get out of this thing called a religion which is not really a religion to me.
It is a joke and a very bad one of those. It seems to be evil to its core. There is no good that I see in it at all.
But that’s just me.
From historical accounts LRH was a nasty guy. From accounts within the bubble DM isn’t a nice guy.
“DM isn’t a nice guy” That is the most understated comment in the history of understated comments.
From my experience, it’s better to be a minimum wage worker then to be in the Sea Org.
Well, there IS a difference between a Religion and a Church, SafetyGuy.
Some people emphasize the best in everything and some emphasize the worst. For instance I don’t think that Jesus of Nazareth would have recognized what was going on in the Christian church during the dark ages as Christianity. …Any more than a person who practices Dianetics and Scientology in order to improve their own life and the lives of other people would recognize what is going on in the “Church” of Scientology as “Scientology”.
Which is why I left in the early 80’s as a public. I was/am so out of agreement with what Scientology has fallen to. Dante’s inferno is the closest parallel that I can make.
No, it’s NOT “just you”, safetyguy. It IS “evil to the core”.
And now it’s looking like the “theocracy” is about to get it’s way where abortion is concerned. Welcome to the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’.
Sent shivers down my spine.
Thanks very much.
This is from one who escaped abortion by being adopted.
A woman should be in control of her life. (Where have I heard that before?)