Dear Mike,
I wanted to give you an update on the Bay Area Scientology scene. As you know there are San Fransisco, Stevens Creek, Los Gatos and Mountain View orgs in this fifty mile area. Recently included to the grouping of the Bay Area orgs is Sacramento — about one hundred miles from most of the Bay Area. All Bay Area orgs sit empty. Just to be clear, there are probably half a dozen veteran public that appear for course once a week to keep their PR in.
It’s a sad state of affairs that while each org sits empty of public, some of the most well-intended (and misguided) staff you ever care to meet continue to hope for a better day when the miracle program from uplines will flood the orgs with public. It’s a hurry up and wait mentality. All faith based.
Awokened public are staying away. In fact, at this point many public Scientologists are refusing, albeit under the radar, to disconnect from the declared and the “not in good standing”.
The situation with disillusionment on the part of the public has not only grown but also changed dramatically in the past two years. At first those public that openly left or walked away were looked down on. Now they are sought and welcomed. The sec checks, rollbacks, loyalty checks and metered interviews left public feeling violated and spiritually raped. Following Debbie Cook’s letter, Leah Remini’s recent defection has given some public the confidence to reestablish and mend broken fences with friends and family who’ve been vilified by the church ‘s MAAs and local DSAs for refusing to participate or for questioning church management.
The local DSAs have voiced to their closest confidantes that they do not know what to do with the growing disaffection and media onslaught. The dead agent packs are so vile and hateful that they backfire on these DSAs when they show them to public. Though in many cases the DSAs don’t know it. Public smile and act handled. Then disappear. Public are aware that OSA is now specializing in the vilification of their own public and former staff. Public know that their auditing information can be used against them.
My spouse and I recently had lunch with a woman who had been vilified to us by the DSAs and the “Mike Smiths”. When we met with her we were surprised because she looked so good. I suppose we expected her to look bad or devastated after everything we’d heard. Instead we saw a successful and healthy woman proud of her family, loving life and involved in her community.
In contrast, one of the DSAs was extremely ill for a while and another one is so overweight we’re concerned he could have a heart attack. Another DSA has been dealing with divorce and financial woes. The DSAs look slovenly and unwell. They were once well regarded people, so it’s hard to watch them decay before our eyes.
This is Lori (Leake) Hodgson territory. Many of us had children in her school. We know her as a hardworking Mom. No one here wants to experience what she has had to. There isn’t one person we know who condones what the church has done to the minds of her children. We can only think that what these DSAs have done to Lori and to their public is making them unwell and unhappy.
Let me tell you about an incident that helped turn the tide here with some key public. An OT Committee chairman, who runs a real estate firm took it upon himself to research the value of homes belonging to public Scientologists. He cross referenced his research against mortgages on the homes then told the public Scientologists how much they were each to donate based on percentages of these assets. One particular Jewish Scientologist took such offense to this that he figured out how to get out of Dodge. This public Scientologist’s home is valued at over five million-dollars. He’s moving his family, with his wife who is a new OT8, to where there are no orgs.
It is believed by many veteran public Scientologists locally that the class five orgs are shells for the IAS. The staff are paid more from the net commissions for IAS payments made by their public than from the delivery of auditing and training, as there is very little auditing and training occurring in the Bay Area, mostly Basics, Purifs, TR and Objectives co-audits. The org auditors who were trained at Flag for GAT 2 grades are not allowed to deliver the “new” grades until GAT 2 is officially released, even though the orgs sent these GAT 2 auditors for training over two years ago. Local public Scientologists are urged to do their grades at Flag, leaving their Ideal orgs to live off the minute income from the sales of Basics courses, TRs and Objectives and Purifs. Meeting monthly phone bill and gas and electric payments is the Hill 10 of the day for these Ideal Org EDs.
The EDs look haggard and beaten. The very last of the influential Scientologists left are on course or on staff hiding out in what’s left of the missions. There are less than a handful of missions left. The Campbell mission opened in the San Jose area then closed almost as soon as it opened (I heard it was closed shortly after Gold filmed the grand opening for an Int event). Another mission in San Jose has the facade of being opened for business but nothing is going on. It was also opened in time to make a Gold video for an international event. It looks like a garage. It sits empty and uncreated, opened by a few ethics bait second generation Scientologists.
Most of the local orgs can’t get more than twenty public to arrive for regular events or IAS briefings. We have all attended the (re)grand opening of the Ideal Orgs and, with a few exceptions, it’s the same recycled public at each (re)grand opening.
There are many more Scientologists talking about yours and Tony’s blog than there are public on lines, and even those on lines public are reading the blogs, connected to the declared and “not in good standing”, and are simply playing along for fear of disconnection. The disaffected public that ethics officers or OSA handled over the past few years are now immutably and permanently disaffected. They feel betrayed by the lies and manipulations of their “ethics” handlings. In most of these cycles these public were manipulated to believe they were full of OWs and Suppressive Acts as the cause of their issues with the church. They were gotten to turn in their friends to OSA which they now feel degraded about. I just heard about a highly trained field auditor who was handled for being disaffected and made to turn in his computers containing communications with other disaffected Scientologists.
There is an Underground Railroad spanning the entire country. When Freewinds ship handlers arrived in major metropolitan cities like Denver, Chicago, LA, SF Bay Area, etc., they have addressed Debbie Cook’s testimony on the stand with “people lie on the stand all the time.” In being questioned about how you and Marty could turn into overnight SPs after 30 plus years of staff and auditing by the best of the best auditors. The answer was that you, Debbie, Marty and the rest were plants. This was said with a straight face after they had to take your golden rods out of a locked safe.
Scientology is irrelevant in the Bay Area.
I could safely guess that about half the public are praying for the incessant demands to end.
The other half are trying to predict when the church will fall.
Michael Finley says
Joe Pendleton, what you may not know is that in the mid 70s SFO was given the opportunity to buy the Native Sons Building for $750,000 and that included the movie theater next door. The Guardian’s Office under their ED, Bill Hodgson said that was too expensive. They then turned right around and bought that building in the Tenderloin for $1,050,000. Go figure! If we had stayed on Mason Street there could have been massive expansion for the SFO like no other!
Karen LaPorte says
Interesting history.
Jennifer says
The same thing happened to me. I was declared PTS from the Los Gatos Org many years for no reason, they tried to violate my privacy and ask me intrusive questions about my personal life and wanted to search through my purse which was totally a violation on the right to privacy and of course I said NO. and to top it all off I wasn’t given any program to get back on lines so that’s when I officially left the church. Several years later in fact last year they sent a Sea Org member to come talk to me and my family because most of them had gotten off lines from similar issues, like my Grandma attesting to “Clear” and then later the Stevens Creek Org telling her she really wasnt clear and had to pay for the entire bridge all over again because it wasnt done properly. Which is ridiculous after she paid for it all the first time. If they made the mistake they should have fixed it not her pay for it all over again! Anyway the Sea Org member came to try to “handle” us and get us all back on lines especially since our family is Rich and have lots of money to spend on Scientology. My mom and Grandma got back onlines after being convinced during an auditing sec check however I was not so easily convinced. I did 2 sec check sessions and then pretended I was handled and never called or came back. I am doing great without Scientology! Thank You very much!
Karen LaPorte says
WhoIsDisaffected, thank you very much for that report! It arrived at a time when I was feeling the effects of disconnection, like a bad memory. Your news is good and bad. Sad that what was once the most important thing in my life is now a parasitic skeleton of what it used to be. Good, that people are starting to wake up. I think that was the most disenchanting part of talking to the few people I did talk to, who turned out to be DSA stooges and seeing the whole Mike and Val thing, who are really only OLs to the very old guard. It appeared that the bay area and the people I loved were completely entrenched in DM’s regime.
I’ve spent the last two years trying to end cycle on that chapter of my life but like a problem child, you always hold out hope that one day they’ll straighten up…and sometimes they do. The details you gave were awesome, I can picture some of the characters involved, sadly they were people I used to respect. It’s the strangest sight to watch the opinion leaders all act like the quartet playing on deck as the Titantic is slipping into the ocean…one great big not-is…but they really DO know…yet they keep on playing.
Hallie Jane says
Thanks special correspondent for the thorough report. The time, place, form and event we’re getting from these reports is very important and beneficial. The truth is setting us free. As a ten year SFO staff vet, I can’t express my disappointment. Mid 70’s, I trudged up some crazy hills to audit in someone’s apartment because the internship was too full. I love the skills I gained and use them every day and will never stop creating keyed out people in my area. A little revolution now and again is a good thing.
Pepper says
To Lori Hodgson;
I looked up your story and am heartbroken for you. I will remember you and your kids and wish you well and hope that you will be reunited soon.
I went through the same experiences with all of my children. My oldest, at 13 was locked in a room and the door barricaded for hours until he signed the SO contract. This occurred at Celebrity Center LA. When I asked why he signed, he said “I just wanted to go home”. I didn’t allow him to join and had to go through several long cycles with CMO. It never stopped with him until he was in his 20’s and he completely stays away from the orgs now.
It happened again with my younger kids, with exactly the same pattern. Recruiters would come to the house when we weren’t home and take the kids out for a briefing, which would be a 3-5 hour heavy drill session where about 4 people ask the same questions over and over again, trying to break down the kid’s resolve.
I made it clear to all recruiters that they were not allowed to talk to my kids without me present, based on what happened with my oldest son. Boy, I got a lot of harrassment, bullying, threats, false reports – all of it. I just handled each thing as it came and it went on for a period time; months to years!
The recruiters would ignore me and try to bypass me left and right. They would find out where my kids played sports, had outside classes and show up. Coaches and teachers would call me at home to tell me that ‘people were showing up’, trying to take my kid out of the activity. I stayed on top of it, never trusting and never backing down. It was tough!!!
I think the main difference between my experience and yours is that my husband supported me. We had made a pact that we would keep our family together even if I were to get declared over the SO recruit cycle (I was vaguely threatened with that). I couldn’t have done it without his support. I am VERY sorry you have this situation with your ex.
To all parents: SO recruiters will lie like rugs to your kids. They are not to be trusted. I had one tell my youngest right in front of me, that she was a “billion year old thetan” and that she didn’t have to ever listen to me. What teenager doesn’t want to hear that? Another told her (Brandon Faust) that she was a “past lifer” and he actually cried. Don’t fall for that manipulation! They are brainwashed brainwashers!
Don’t ever allow any adults outside your family to have unlimited, private access to your children.
One, last thing: Dave Petit, the CO at CC LA, is a complete jerk. He made life HELL for my son, who wouldn’t activate his contract, putting him through endless ethics and sec checking. We had put money on account for our son for grades, etc, (he was training there). Dave Petit ordered my son to sec checking because he wouldn’t activate his INVALID SO contract and they used up all the money on his account. The HGC called me for more $$$, and I told the Dof P that Dave Petit should pay for it, since he decided it should be done and if he doesn’t like it, to call me. He never has. Dave, I’m waiting.
Hallie Jane says
Wow Pepper, what a story! This is classic child abuse of the worst sort. I too put my family first and wouldn’t allow my kids in the SO. We are all out now…together. What a ridiculous ordeal you had to go through, like raising teenagers isn’t hard enough. They prey on their immaturity when pulling away from parents is natural and they need structure and discipline the most. I know several parents who saw it as an easy out. A guy I know went to pick up his 12 year old daughter from CC Int and they told him she was in the SO and she had been taken somewhere else. (he had a fit) Dave Petit told another young friend, 16, that the refugee areas set up for Hurricane Katrina victims were actually death camps, after she had said no, a quantity of times. I can’t fathom the condition he’s in to actually say this to a child. The brazen coercion and neglect of minors makes the RCS legally vulnerable in my opinion. Great job on fighting for your children, I admire your courage and strength.
Formost says
Rusty says
I’m from the Bay Area. This was a fascinating report for a number of reasons. The SF Org building is gorgeous and in a great location. It’s hard to imagine that place going empty. (BTW: The Berkeley mission is an empty storefront with a small sign out front.)
What is most interesting is what this says about the public Scientologists. They’re figuring out what’s going on and just quietly slipping away.
Focus says
Thank you. This is very good info to have. It sounds very similar to the state of affairs of the local Scientology community in my corner of the world. Never as big as SFs but now just as drained and introverted.
Jose Chung says
About the fall of the SF Bay area can be summarized
by a ditti that was promoted by August Murphy who was then President of the SF Org.
The Public walks in the front door and they can’t confront
They watch a video and they can’t confront
They listen to a lecture and they can’t confront
They do a course and they can’t confront
They get auditing and can’t confront
They go Clear and can’t confront
So Clears are not Clears because they can’t confront
( sing to the melody of Old Mac Donald’s Farm)
Believe it or not I had this repeated to me by August Murphy and Dennis Negly
during the early 1980’s when SFO lost 80 percent of it’s public.
Yor Bor says
This would be an excellent time to find out what the G.I. is for most orgs these days. International G.I. in the 1990’s was something like 200 million a year. They can’t be getting anywhere near that amount in the last couple of years. the Debbie Cook shit-storm and now Leah Remini is handing the cult’s ass to them. There are more Anons than there are Scientologists, period. Miscavige and company are really screwed.
Odd Thomas says
Thank you “Whoisdisaffected,”
A good read. I lived in the Bay Area for 8 years. I was on staff there, met my wife there, had two children there. So I guess you could say I have a lot of fond memories about the place. Still one of my favorite cities, if not the best. So hearing all about the empty Orgs, reminds me of the “good ole days” when the course rooms were full, the energy was real and present and hope was high that things were moving forward. Our purpose for being there was being reinforced by the wins of others. I had fun. It was hard at times, but it was rewarding.
Towards the end of this era — 1982 — the last act by the organization I had worked so hard to help for ten years, was a sec check. No goodbyes. No thank yous. Then I was gone. Within a year the Mission Holders debacle took place. This period always felt like the beginning of the end of SCN and I’m sorry it happened in such a cool city.
I’m glad this report was done. I’m thankful that the information about what’s really taking place is getting out there for others to see and hopefully finally “get” that something is wrong.
At the same time it really sucks. Like finding out your all-time favorite restaurant was turned into a Sex Shoppe. Argh!!
But don’t stop, keep it coming. I’ll get over it.
DollarMorgue says
Actually, it would be nice to get an on-the-ground report from EU (Copenhagen). Any chances?
phronsie says
If you plant a poisoned seed, you are going to get sicky (and sickening) fruit. What was planted has grown, and finally is withering. Sad to know that so many ate and were made poorly, some even unto death, but good to know the thing only has its season….
Mak says
It is more than a very sad state of affairs in the Midwest also, makes a person wonder how many people are sitting out in their homes wanting to do Scientology but are waiting for DM to get out and have all the stops released. There was also a large community of Scientologists in Detroit area the 70s. Currently the Ideal Org sits completely empty in Motown, and its Org in the suburbs basically only has a couple of staff in the Academy if that, on occasion a rare public leftover from earlier days. Very few staff left, the ED sits on the reception desk and answers the phone! Student points are not kept for the basics, and 1/2 the sections on routing forms are skipped because there is no one there to announce to, or to clap even if someone does complete a basic etc. Dried up lotion sits next to dust covered emeters because no one is using them. Remember the noise in the 70s early 1980s in the booming academies with baskets full of large demo pieces that students would actually use to do a lot of demos. Now the non used demo baskets have small pieces of fake stone literally all the same size and shape , – even the simpliest student hat basics are out. You can now hear a pin drop in the academy.
Hallie Jane says
Funny Mak, I noticed the demo kits too. We used to make and carry our own, which were as unique and interesting as the individuals. I remember a carpenter who cut wood pieces all different shapes, a mechanic using heavy bolts and nuts, and a girly girl, who used her make up kit. Now, plain and uniform, with no individuality. Such a metaphor for what the church has become.
plainoldthetan says
Wow. This report makes me think that (once again) LRH intentions and written directives are 180 degrees out of phase from what’s actually going on. In this case, the Ideal Orgs are supplying public to the Missions.
Is Miscavige’s big plan to surround every Mission with ten Ideal Orgs? That would make the transformation both complete and perfect.
Dean Fox says
I hope I get this right and the image comes out. This is generic quote but seems applicable here, incase the image doesn’t come out the quote is “The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross, and which to burn”.
Dean Fox says
Meh follow the link:
1subgenius says
DM will soon plagiarize the great Yogi Berra to explain the empty orgs:
“No one goes there anymore. They’re too crowded.”
Anette Iren says
What a pleasure to read!
Joe Pendleton says
And yet, since SFO’s slow but steady decline for the past 35 years, what Scientologist in the Bay Area dares to even speak up? Forget the clueless young staff members. Are Dennis and Wendy Negley too far gone now? Too old and tired? Steve Latch is still only in his late 40s. Oh, there are a number of people. But how many times in policy does LRH mention the words “successful actions”? How many conditions formulas talk about looking to see what gets the stats up? Do ANY of the long standing OT folks in San Francisco notice that Scientology was HAPPENING in SF in the 70s, and that it only been dying slowly for THIRTY FREAKING YEARS????? I mean this question sincerely, not asking it rhetorically. I actually wonder if they, as beings, are capable of observing this fact and thinking with it. I haven’t talked to anyone in Bay Area Scientology for many, many years, but I don’t think that any of the old timers there ARE capable of looking and freely observing and analyzing what is right in front of them. I say that with some sadness, because Scientology promised the exact opposite. I do not think these people are independent beings any more. They might be OT8s … but they are controlled beings, delusional. I can find no other explanation for their lack of action. Maybe they are just terrified individuals, frozen at the controls.
I think Miscavige knows all this very well and that like dogs and dog biscuits, he just keeps throwing them bells and whistles, events with garish lights and loud, lousy music, colorful posters about ideal orgs, and constant demands for money that he knows his followers can’t refuse.
You would think that people who are supposed to have achieved higher states of awareness would be able to see exactly what he is doing and respond as independent beings who are aware of being aware.. But if you thought that, I think you would be wrong. I do not think these folks are capabe of such awareness and Davey knows this full well.
[email protected]
*jeez, I would think that Chick Corea, who has been an internationally recognized great musician for about 45 years now, would at least mention the lousy music at the events. Oh, well.
DollarMorgue says
Hi Joe, I raised this point in a discussion with friends recently. DM obtained power from LRH, but it takes a group to keep him there. I believe it is a very complex matter and hard to grasp, especially from the inside, why an individual will feel powerless and unable to do anything. The thing is, who do you trust when you are “in”? I’m not trying to explain this away. If you are not already aware of the concept, salami tactics explains it really, really well.
Wikipedia excerpt:
Salami tactics, also known as the salami-slice strategy, is a divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition. With it, an aggressor can influence and eventually dominate a landscape, typically political, piece by piece. In this fashion, the opposition is eliminated “slice by slice” until one realizes (too late) that it is gone in its entirety. In some cases it includes the creation of several factions within the opposing political party and then dismantling that party from the inside, without causing the “sliced” sides to protest. Salami tactics are most likely to succeed when the perpetrators keep their true long-term motives hidden and maintain a posture of cooperativeness and helpfulness while engaged in the intended gradual subversion.
And full article:
The correspondant’s article shows that the current strategy of making information available is enormously effective. I know it’s frustrating to watch the herd ba-ing happily at the starving wolves, but the above is actually a fantastic success. PEOPLE ARE LOSING THEIR FEAR! Not fast enough for some, but it’s a great start and the result of a LOT of work.
DollarMorgue says
This is the end.
For those who might feel tempted to hang on because of the GAG2 and SP promises, you are boarding the Mary Rose – it will sink before it has left the harbour.
If you have a story about disconnection, consider sending it to Claire Headley’s website ( or announcing it here. I want everyone to have their families back.
DollarMorgue says
Please excuse the historical innacuracy – the Mary Rose did not sink in a harbour. However, when it’s time came it sank very fast and very suddenly. An apt analogy.
Hallie Jane says
+1 Beautiful postulate, I’m in!!
Joe Pendleton says
To me, THE most important factor in the decline of SFO and all of Scientology has yet to be confronted or much mentioned at all really. And that is not so much what Dave Miscavige does, but why he and others get no internal opposition. A crazy man can tell people to do anything, but the they still would have to follow his orders for him to be at cause, right? Yes, dictators usually have guns and kill and torture people who oppose them, or in Scientology currently, a person is threatened with loss of family, friends and livelihood as well as one’s religion.
But the cultural seeds of what Scientology is like today was sown way back when, by LRH starting in the mid 60s at least, maybe years before. A culture of AGREE as one of the bedrocks of one’s involvement. And agreeing not only with LRH on everything as a mark of virtue and intelligence, but agreeing as well that dissenting thought was itself an overt. I will never forget a dinner party I went to in the late 70s. An LRH ED had come out the year before raising prices 5% a month …. and they were getting VERY high. At this dinner, a very respected staff member brought up the prices …. he brought the subject up very mildly and in hushed tones ….. that it would price Scientology out of the reach of the ordinary person, but also was making it very difficult to secure one’s upper levels. He just broached the subject …… there was silence …. silence …. silence ….. and suddenly someone brought up another subject, and yet I felt from then that this was an unspoken concern. Always unspoken. But what could you do? This was Scientology. Before Miscavige.
So, when Miscavige (Ron’s boy, make NO mistake about it) absolutely brutalized the field, threatening and punishing them – extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars from them right there and REALLY took charge of the CoS at the 1982 SF Mission Holder’s Conference …. NO ONE spoke up and opposed him. NO ONE!!!!! And that’s the REAL issue here to deal with.
[email protected]
PalladiumSurfer says
So if Mike and the rest of these “fringe bloggers” were really all “plants”, wouldn’t that be an screaming admission that Sec checking is useless and a total waste of time?
DollarMorgue says
Those kind of claims also sow the seeds of uncertainty… now, anyone might be a plant. If they can hide for 30 years, goodness. You might be a plant yourself and not even know it!
Marta says
Dear WhoIsDisaffected,
gato rojo says
This is great news. If this is going on in SF then it’s going on in other cities too. Pretty exciting! It’s so good to see this questioning and figuring out how then can be hiding their R&D from the powers that be while they find out more and more. Cool! This is what I was suspecting when there was no Maiden Voyage on the Ship this year and no big fat IAS fuss in the UK coming up. They’ve had to advertise for talent to sit in events for some time now…Scn public obviously aren’t coming and don’t dig being threatened and made to show up. So why in the world are people STILL getting molested to hand over more money. I just can’t think evil enough to figure this one out.
BareFacedMessiah says
Mike, could you write a public SP declare on DM? We could sign it with our email addresses and just watch it growing. We might be big enough by now to get some regular media attention regarding the declare.
Maybe three types of votes make sense:
A) with names like on the Indie 500 list
B) anonymous members/ex-members
C) anonymous non-members
Dave Fagen says
A good idea, but first, just to contrast with the way people are declared in the church, use Scn justice procedures, that is, a Comm Ev. Set up a Comm Ev, with a Bill of Particulars, appoint church staff and former church staff as members of the Comm Ev. The ones that don’t show up get replaced with ones that do show up. Summons David Miscavige as the Interested Party. If he doesn’t show up for his Comm Ev, run it without him. Summons witnesses including current Int Management staff and former Int Management staff, current and former staff and public. Carry Data posted by witnesses on the internet can be used as evidence.
Do not assume he’s guilty, use the procedure that the church claims to be using, to make the point.
A lot has been said about flaws in the Scn justice system, and be that as it may, that is beside the point. The church should at least be using the system that they say they are supposed to be using. To really make the point to people in the church who should be leaving, this same system should be used, to contrast it with what is done in the church to declare people.
I myself am not going to do this but it is an idea for anyone who is interested.
BareFacedMessiah says
Cool … far more than I had in my mind.
This could be something for the “The Angry Gay Pope” and Karen de la Carriere. Also Mark Bunker would fit into this very well. In theory it could be a short YouTube video as usual or a full 30 minute TV report. The Indies would be my next thought though ….
Indie8Million says
Dave – Great idea.
To add to that, have it video’d like a court TV show. Explain the procedure to the TV audience before starting and then, film the whole procedure.
At the end, just like American Idol, have two numbers so that the people can vote. The committee will make it’s own mind up but have, as a secondary tally, those of the public who think he’s guilty (and should be declared and ejected from the Church) or not guilty (and should be handled in ethics for the things that brought on the comm ev – and then be given 100 hours of Sec checking!).
Well, that last part was a joke I couldn’t resist but really, give the people a chance to vote. It would be an interesting survey indeed.
dave fagen says
What I have to say is, if there are this many disaffecteds in the bay area, let’s hear from some more of them. The longer you all stay quiet, the sooner all this BS ends. The longer you sit on it, the longer the abuse, the scamming, the disconnection, the torture. And I want Lori to have her kids back – now, not when she’s an old lady. You can do something about it by speaking up now and getting others to do it too.
sarah says
I agree, to remain silent adds to the abuse. Lori’s kids need help now. It’s to late to save Lisa Mc pherson and Alexander Jentzsch but Lori’s children are alive. You speak up, break his hold on you and you will break his hold on them. Please give Lori her children.
tony dephillips says
Awesome report!!
Thank you very much for this.
Still on your side says
The Church of Scientology is splintering because knowledge is permeating the Miscavige barrier and knowledge is a friend of freedom. Knowledge will be contained for only so long, and it sounds like knowledge, i.e., the truth about Miscavige’s actions, is no longer containable in the San Francisco area.
Doug Parent says
Great report. I am heartened to hear that so many people have fled the corrupt criminal entity posing as the only “authorized” purveyors of Scientology technology and are reclaiming their lives, businesses fortunes and families. The contempt for David Miscavige and the public opinion of Scientology will continue to diminish as long as there are still people enforcing disconnection and condoning the insanity. There comes a point when silence is consent. Lori Hodgson children were STOLEN from her. Each day Miscavige keeps them in the cult is another day Scientology’s enemies grow in number. ABOLISH DISCONNECTION NOW.
Sheldon Goldberg says
One other thing: a few years ago I was in one of the Flag AO HGCs and I overheard Jerry Ratlif, one of the SFO EDs telling someone that every exec on both DAY and FDN’s exec counsel put at least 150K on credit cards to help pay for the new building.
Myiews says
This scene repeats in other areas as well, specific, Burbank Mission, Los Angeles. We walked in front of it and was closed. There was a shabby white paper in the door with the schedules: Open from 7.00pm – 9.30pm from Monday through Friday. Saturdays from 10.30am-5.00pm. Sunday is closed.
Yes, it is very sad to see the few staff that pretend something is happening; they are as betrayed as the public and this mocked up “DM’s Empire” is only built on lies, betrayal and treason and it will backfire big time in his face.
Indie8Million says
Myiews = Are you talking about the mission on Brand Blvd? That moved to Burbank proper – on Glenoaks. Very small and cramped space now. I hope Mitch and Dorie Talevi look too. I think they both would see the outpoints if they were to look.
Michael Finley says
I was on staff at SFO for 10 years 1975 – 1985 and in the mid 70’s there was the largest internship ever in its history. We were producing auditors like mad! I agree with Sheldon, what’s happening today is nothing compared to what it was then. Those were the boom years. It’s a shame what DM’s lies have done to those poor dedicated staff of San Francisco. He should be drawn and quartered.
Joe Pendleton says
Mike Finley and Sheldon are quite correct. In SFO’s heyday, it was making 70 – 100 Cl IVs a year and yes, that included internships. The Academy was often FULL and there was always new people coming into the org. There are a number of reasons for the decline of SFO. I’ll mention a couple that had nothing to do with Miscavige or the IAS.
* The coming of the FSO and the positioning of its tech as superior to the org’s. This originated with Ron himself (probably the main reason for the founding of the FSO was for income and it began to kill the orgs really) and this idea actually expanded to all SO service orgs. By the late 70s, when one went down to LA for training, one had to re-do one’s internships before moving on in one’s training. So much for “permanent certs.” But what it meant was that one really just should skip training at the org altogether. The idea that some “standard” tech is superior of course eventually applied to auditing as well as Flag auditing was positioned in promo as superior to all others. (Of course nowadays, no monied person would even be “allowed” to do much services at an org, they would be regged by the local flag guy to get to flag or a CC as soon as possible for everything). Before Flag was established, SFO had a number of monied folks who kept the GI coming in and a few minor celebs as well.
* Then of course, SFO’s main source of students dried up when the big missions in the area became Orgs themselves. You would think that SFO could compensate with a stronger Div 6, but co-incident to the founding of these orgs, SFO moved from one of the busiest shopping areas in THE ENTIRE FREAKING WORLD – the Union Square/theater district area – to its own building in one of the worst areas of the city – the Tenderloin – and one of the only “dead” streets in the Tenderloin too. And Div 6 usually had 1- 4 staff members in it (not including supes).
All of the above predates the coming of Miscavige and the IAS.
[email protected]
Penny Krieger says
Thank you for your detailed report. I would be very interested to know if you had any information on the San Rafael or Santa Rosa Missions. Both are supposed to feed public to SFO. I have two friends that I miss very much on staff in San Rafael and was close to the mission holders here in Santa Rosa before I left. No one has contacted me and I remain disconnected from all. Years ago I knew Jerry Racheff and liked him a lot. Is he still the ED? What about Donna, an old friend that was probably a Div 6 or Div 2 reg in SF, originally from Santa Rosa. The last time I spoke to her was 2010, when I left. What about Alecia that was at Flag for years getting training…recruited from the Santa Rosa mission for SF staff. Last time I spoke to her she was an auditor in the HGC but did not appear to be doing well. Do you know if any of these guys are still there?
I know the Santa Rosa mission holder, Forest Tardibono and his wife Lynn gave much money to the IAS, Super Power, you name it, they gave. Last time I was in comm with Lynn she had just gotten on 7 which was probably around 2005 or 2006. I observed her indicators were not that great after 5. They have a daughter that, at that time was in the SO at Flag. Their son, had routed out with his wife to have a child had a huge freeloader’s debt.
I live in Santa Rosa which is an hour’s drive to SF. I would love to hear from some of my old friends.
Any info would be appreciated. GREAT REPORT!
Chris Mann says
I was wondering the other day how people still in sheild themselves from the internet. I mean this stuff is all over TV, magazines, internet, radio etc. When I was in it was different. Negative stuff on Scientology and the people spreading it all seemed kind of nuts to me. But this is different. Debbie Cook, Mike Rinder, The Truth Rundown, Jenna Miscavige, and now Leah Remini and all the incredibly bad PR the Church creates for itself. How does one not look at that? How do you not “pull the string” when there’s something there that doesnt make sense that you cant easily brush off as “entheta”?
It must get a bit tricky. A lot of mental gymnastics and lying to oneself I guess.
My guess is that few Scientologists actually are doing this except for guys in the SO who are in a controlled environment.
I think the field might dry up. It’s been pretty dead for quite some time anyway- just the same captive public and their kids. Theres really no new people coming in and if they do they are so mishandled they are very hard to keep on lines. When you take a guy who has done maybe one Div 6 course and you high pressure gang-reg him to come to an IAS event where he is heavily pressured to donate a large amount of money- I mean is this guy going to be around much longer? For one he now doesnt have any money to do services, and he is being hunted by a bunch of vampires. Even staff that arent after him for Ideal Org or IAS donations want “Stats” that dont seem to have anything to do with his well-being or spiritual state. If he saw anything in Scientology, from the books or LRH he’s not getting it at that org thats for sure. He’s not getting what he wants.
So now the old timers are leaving silently- or not so silently, or dying off from squirrel auditing and six month checks and endless re-do’s.
It’s not a good scene.
Jim Foster says
Yes, quietly disappearing was the best way to avoid it all. For me, it was the bullying from a dedicated staff member which had me walking away. If I had remained in his presence for a minute longer, I’d punched the SOB squarely in the mouthy. That is the way I felt at that moment. Nevertheless, walking away is what I did. After not living with my daughters during those very young years that makes a father, they walked out themselves, leaving. husbands and ex-husbands behind. Seven years later for my youngest. Eleven years for the oldest. Now with two children of her own and both gals in there 50s, I feel safe that life will open up sanely to them without the need to force people to change. One more thing crosses my mind: in my 30s, journeyman carpenter in San Francisco carpenters’ union, good wages knew my stuff, or so I thought. Working for scientology contractors, was a thing in itself. Never good enough. “My TRs where out”. That is when I got my own California state contractor’s License. It was one hell of a pain in the ass living at that time. I could go on and on. One of these days I will. Especially the marriage kids not with me. Christ all mighty, one hell of a pain in the ass.
P S: I had thought I was on the right path: 1) stretching and yoga before heading out to work in the early morning, 2) 20-30 minutes of Zazen, 3) eating “well”, read his book and “sat” with Phillip Kapleau while in military (drafted ’65, Vietnam era as well as my zazen at San Francisco Zen Center. But HELL NO. All OF THAT HAD TO STOP. And it did. I became the perfect Scientologist. On course. Interned auditing courses. Did not want to. Nevertheless, I was the cat’s meow to my kids for doing so.
Paul J says
Over the last few years I’ve run into Scientologists that I used to be friends with before I was declared. In every case they’re amazed at how well I look like I’m doing. They all expected me to be run down. One person recently told me how sorry he was that I got “screwed” by the church. I told him it was much better for me now. I told him I feel liberated and I don’t have to sit on the fence anymore. As the church of DM crumbles I’m confident we will all see better days ahead.
Jose Chung says
Great report Mike,
This is only the Tip of the Ice Berg.
Ground Zero of Reverse Scientology.
Sheldon Goldberg says
Hi everyone – My name is Sheldon Goldberg. I am new OT VIII and a grad V auditor. My wife and I were very recently declared.
I was on staff in San Francisco from 1975-1978. I am sure many of you have heard similar stories, but SFO was extremely busy back then – both day and foundation. And we were in the crappiest building in San Francisco. We had floors 4 and 6 of the Native Sons of the Golden West building on Mason street. It was a very old building with absolutely no frills. Doing the Primary Rundown, Dianetics and the Academy levels was very easy to do. There were at least 100 students doing that training at any given time.
Scientology was definitely booming and there were no donos for anything but training and processing.
I think many of the Bay Area SCN remember those days and are not fooled by DM’s greatest expansion in our history BS.
Penny Krieger says
Sheldon Goldberg,
GREAT! I did a few courses at the old building and you are correct! I actually did courses on Mason Street.
Welcome to freedom and congratulations on coming forward!
Sheldon Goldberg says
Thanks, Penny. Your name sounds very familiar to me.
Chris Mann says
Thats cool. I showed up too late. I want to go back in a time machine and walk into an org for the first time in the 70s. For me it was 1991. Hopefully we can get back to that some day in the future.
calvin b. duffield says
Welcome to the independent movement Sheldon. No Demonology Madness to contend with here.
Sheldon Goldberg says
Thanks, Calvin. I suspect you will be hearing a lot more from me.
Sara says
Congrats on getting out!! Now you are free!
Dan Koon says
I did my Academy Levels there under Roy Selby in the early 70s. Used to take the bus from Berkeley. What a great time period. There were Class VIIIs all over the place. Waldo was a C/S (today he is mowing lawns at Gold). Any old timers out there know what happened to Ray Noll?
On another topic, the Redwood City Mission was closed last time I was in town a few months ago. And the most influential mission of all, Phil Spickler’s Palo Alto Mission was now in one of those garage/storage complexes next to a Cross Fit gym. Phil, meanwhile, keeps going strong. Tatiana Baklovana has done many excellent videos of Phil.
Sheldon Goldberg says
Waldman was such a great guy. We were born within an hour of each other. We used to have so much fun at SFO until the Jokers and Degraders and List 1 R/S bulletins.
He married me and my first wife. He was so awesome in the TRs film with you. Then I saw him several years later and barely recognized him.
Jose Chung says
About Ray Knoll,
Great guy, used to lecture about going Clear at the East Bay Mission.
Last word of him I heard was he was arcx living near San Louis Obispo
which kind of makes sense as he was very upstat in the Bay area.
marildi says
Dan, I knew Ray when he was connected to the Berkeley Mission in the 80’s and working as a kind of chaplain in the field. I tried to search the Internet for him a while back but could only find something on his wife Joyce. I know this is the right Joyce Noll as the data matches what I know about her.
From Jose’s data about Ray living near San Louis Obispo, a google search just now gave me the same address for both Ray and Joyce. PO Box , San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 (Mike, you can delete this part if you don’t think it’s appropriate.)
Tom says
Sheldon, were you not at Tampa Org? I was on lines there a few years ago, and a friend of mine just text messaged me and said you were his auditor! Holy Crap!!!
3 cheers for you and your wife for exercising your personal integrity.
Sheldon Goldberg says
Yes, I was an HGC auditor at Tampa FDN during 2006 and 2007. Audited many people. I will probably start auditing more pc’s in the independent field. I know SCN has been beat up a lot lately, but I continue to see awesome results when applied correctly. Although I did the whole GAT lineup, I certainly don’t think it was necessary. The training I received at SFO in the 70’s, then doing the FLAG internship in the late 80s totally precluded any need for DM’s redos.
Tom says
I was there during 2006-2007 as well. Please keep us all posted as more and more auditors will certainly be needed as this house of cards falls down.
ThetaPotata says
I think it’s amazing that in the early 80’s (when I got in,) the course rooms were packed and the buildings were crappy. Now the buildings are nice and the course rooms are empty. I think this image that Mike posted in an earlier article really sums up the vision for the future.
singanddanceall says
I can verify and say that report, Mike Rinder, is accurate.
When I did the new objectives co-audit just a few years back, why those on that action were mostly veterans from the area, and NOT new public. Sheeple we were. But that has ended and there’s nobody doing them.
When I was doing that action, and as co-audits ended, new co-audits starting were less and less. But the few new co-audits were veterans, not new public.
So, in a nutshell, it was just recycling the same ol’e public. But less and less.
Additionally, I could not stand the military style of these 20 year olds as course sup’s, auditors, EO’s. Just no fun at all. Constant meter checks, constant interruptions. I thought I was a Fast Flow student since I had done Method 1 and the Student Hat. LOL
And when I saw staff wearing black t-shirts “we are the IAS”, why I upchucked.
The god damn joint turned into a money regging event for all the front groups. Much like the TV evangelists on TV. OMG
I finished that action and then a little later got the debbie cook email. Me eyes opened and I looked, and looked, and looked.
Horatio Hoodini Le Favre says
I’m a super ultra declared SP 9000 – facetious, but yes, I’m declared – and I still talk to quite a few people still in the Church in San Fran. Not because I reach out to them, mind you. They actually call and text me regularly. Their attitudes reflect what’s written up here. The thing is. The people who just talk about “When the Church will reform” are actually the problem…..We got declared for sticking up for what we believed in and losing everything we loved. They sit there and say “I hope it changes soon!” Forgive me if I think they’re quite weak minded for saying such.
Paul Salerno says
As a SF Org protester for years that affirmation gives we a warm fuzzy feeling 🙂
A (sometimes bitter) ex-scientologist says
Thanks for saying that! (“We got declared for sticking up for what we believed in and losing everything we loved. They sit there and say “I hope it changes soon!””
Lori Hodgson says
Hello Guys. This is Lori Hodgson and this is the first in a series of 5 to 6 videos which tell my story.
I invite you to stay with me on this journey, surreal as it is, I am living it.
After _______30 years in the Church,
I have ended up as Mom without my kids!
There is probably no greater purpose in my life than being a MOM!!
I tried very hard to be the best Mom for my children.
My Mom identity is probably what I care about the most. I love Jeremy and Jessica dearly with all my heart.
That the Church of Scientology feels it has the moral and ethics authority to sever connections between one’s own children is hard to swallow.
How can this be ?
Follow me in these series of videos and travel with me and give me all your prayers and best wishes that I get my children back.
My greatest thanks to Karen De La Carriere,Jeff and Pope for making these video’s of my heart wrenching story.
A Teenager is forced to sign a $3,000,000 gag order from Church of Scientology
Lori Hodgson, Silicone Valley Californian is the Poster girl of the Toxic, Evil enforcement of disconnection. She has lost her Children to Scientology Inc wh…
Mak says
This link is not the gag order video, at least on my computer.
singanddanceall says
will do Lori,
and thanks so much for telling your story.
Lori Hodgson says
Thanks singanddanceall!!
Joe Pendleton says
Lori, you are in my heart and I very much hope that you are re-united with your children. You exemplify a mother’s love and I do have the feeling that things WILL work out well for your family.
I have the same hopes and desires for Mike Rinder’s family, Marc Headley’s family and all other people who have had loved ones disconnect from them.
Hallie Jane says
What a story Lori! Well done on being such a loving and courageous mom. I’m looking forward to more of your story. Stay strong, you have many friends!
Cat Daddy says
posted today, All they’ve got
Jeff says
Flagged it. Couldn’t help myself!lol
Cat daddy says
You flagged flag ?
Just Me says
“I just heard about a highly trained field auditor who was handled for being disaffected and made to turn in his computers containing communications with other disaffected Scientologists.”
Now, compare this and other enforced, unwelcome invasions of privacy, invalidation, disconnection, extortion, and imprisonment carried out by the Church of Scientology to the following Code to appreciate just how far Corporate Scientology has diverged from what the subject once represented:
1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble.
2. Never withdraw allegiance once granted.
3. Never desert a group to which you owe your support.
4. Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power.
5. Never need praise, approval or sympathy.
6. Never compromise with your own reality.
7. Never permit your affinity to be alloyed.
8. Do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it.
9. Your self-determinism and your honor are more important than your immediate life.
10. Your integrity to yourself is more important than your body.
11. Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and you make your tomorrow.
12. Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.
13. Don’t desire to be liked or admired.
14. Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.
15. Be true to your own goals.
Dean Fox says
These two bother me because it does not allow for withdrawal of support in circumstances where you feel the group / individual no longer warrants allegiance or support.
2. Never withdraw allegiance once granted.
3. Never desert a group to which you owe your support.
Karen LaPorte says
Now, if all Scientologists really applied this honestly, this whole charade would be over and done with…instantly!
Espiando says
I feel sad sometimes for Exes and Indies when I read reports like this. Scientology used to be huge in the Bay Area, from what I’ve heard. Now it’s come down to this, where the staff sounds like it has PTSD and the public are the Escape Committee from a WWII POW film. I just wish I had a Big Red Button that could end this thing right now. The living are envying the dead.
That being said, I wish we could get an inside report from Chicago. I grew to sort of like Dominic during the halcyon days of Chanology, and I’d like nothing more than to hear that he’s out. I think he’s a good guy at heart, but I have the feeling that he’ll be the one to lock the doors and shut out the lights at that sad, pathetic, crumbling, dirty, disgusting double storefront on Lincoln Avenue (never mind that crumbling wreck in the South Loop that they bought in, when, 2006? 2007? They’ve not done one single thing to turn it into an Ideal Org, let alone a habitable building, so add that on to the list).
Do all Dead Agent Packs come out of OSA INT? How much input does the local DSA have regarding the information that goes into it? It sounds like the DSAs have virtually no input, because the DSAs would at least know what buttons to push with their local public. If it wasn’t for the RPF, I’d say that DSA at a Class V org must be the worst job in Scientology right now.
Rick Mycroft says
They bought the Artcraft Building in February 2007 for $4M. For the next few years, every year, they dumped a story to the press that it would be opening “next summer”. Either they gave up on that, or the press just stopped running them.
eddieVroom says
“The disaffected public that ethics officers or OSA handled over the past few years are now immutably and permanently disaffected. They feel betrayed by the lies and manipulations of their “ethics” handlings. In most of these cycles these public were manipulated to believe they were full of OWs and Suppressive Acts as the cause of their issues with the church.”
Of course! “Mother Church” can never allow itself to be seen as “wrong”, can it?
Can YOU spot the Suppressive in this picture?
Izzysson says
Note to OSA: If you’re being honest, you must surely be able to see what is coming. You know that the center is not holding, that the truth has breached the barricades at so very many points (Internet, TV, radio, newspapers, books, word of mouth, mass protests in front of your near-vacant buildings, and now celebrities PUBLICLY DEPARTING) and that your internal public must be constantly watched, lest they make contact with the popular culture that ridicules and despises the censorship and lies of your organization. Your numbers are dwindling, with more people leaving than joining. Legal cases are falling by the wayside, and you are stretched way, way beyond the breaking point.
This is NOT what you signed up for. Get out while you can.
Just Me says
“[MIke], Debbie, Marty and the rest were plants.” Who planted them? Psychs? CIA? Evil mainstream media? Big Pharma? (Facepalm) Man, those epiphanies must be painful at this late stage.
Mike Rinder says
In my case, it was Chauncey Gardner.
Being There…. A great movie.
Just Me says
I’m going to watch that movie again. Thanks for the nudge.
Rick Mycroft says
I like to watch.
Indie8Million says
LOVED that movie. “I like to watch.”
Sounds like all of us. haha
Nice one, Mike.
Jane Doe says
Hahahahah. Loughed out loud. Loved “Being There” and in Scn you’re guilty if you’re being there and communicating and guilty if you don’t communicate are are just there.
SadStateOfAffairs says
This report is a very good case study of what is happening to orgs under the Miscavige regime. This is the end result of the endless intimidating regging, the thought control, the “handlings”, the squirrel tech, and the deliberate (ordered, programmed) rip off of org public for Class V services at FSO (presumably to prop FSO up financially). Yes, David Miscavige, this is the product you are producing: empty orgs that are avoided by the public like the plague, and downtrodden, losing staff members. Yes, and this is happening everywhere. God what a sad mess. You are the Scientology OVERT PRODUCT MAKER of all time. OSA staff who read these blogs: Wake up. Do you really want to continue to be a contributing part of the accelerating disintegration of institutional Scientology?
Rick Mycroft says
The petty arrogance and paranoia even against the best of members always amazes me.
Ruth Lorenzen’s story:
Carol says
WOW,good reporting. makes sense to me it just had to happen. sorry it took so long!!!: )
Paul Salerno says
The Santa Rosa mission has a hole kicked in the wall next to the back door you could crawl through. There’s birds inside and it appears the electricity is off .
Just Me says
Wow! Thanks for that on-the-ground report, Paul.
Sinar says
What a great report! Thank you – Spcl Correspondent. It certainly explains why there were no more Int Events this year since the Mar 13th and hopefully from now on. I’m with this half: “The other half are trying to predict when the church will fall.”
The Mecca building with his own private elevator is Dear Leader’s last bunker?
Chris Mann says
That round escape pod shaped thing under the cross is quite obviously an escape pod.
Chris Mann says
I’m looking at that picture, and it totally makes sense now that we couldnt release Superpower for so long because we had to pay untold millions for a huge, gaudy French palace made of cheap stucco. That this “perfect MEST” is what the hold up was. This was the prerequisite to “planetary clearing”- a big ugly building that will probably be converted into a mall and convention space in five years.
dodothelaser says
The end IS near.
Ronn says
After being black listed or declared (who knows) and receiving no mail from any quarter of Scientology for over a year, SFO has recently put me back on their mailing list.
Mike Rinder says
Sorry to hear that Ronn. Just when you though that downsized mailbox was going to be fine….
Jane Doe says
Just when you think it’s safe to go back in the water…
Chris Mann says
We are getting stuff too, from the IAS and others. Mailings stopped after I was declared. I just got a DVD promoting how great the IAS is and about a new “IAS Sponsored Campaign”. I think any money they spend is on stuff like this to make people think they are doing something. Think of what a waste all these DVD’s are- the Basics and all the other DVD’s of COB they mailed out. Why spend millions on producing these and mailing them to captive pubic? Think of all the promotion that could be spent on. But of course The Church of Scientology is an empty shell with an SP at the helm.
Theo Sismanides says
Great report! Interesting how Theta can adapt to situations and react.
Finally, a whole lot of American veteran Scientologists start to take some kind of action, even through inaction and no interchange with their orgs.
There is a tacit agreement between us now to change and handle a big situation in Scientology.
Thanks for the good news. People have started looking again.
Pete Griffiths says
That’s a really great post, great work all concerned. If we could get equally honest appraisals from different parts of the world we could further disseminate the truth.
Mike Eldredge says
Interesting I spent this weekend getting 4 people set up to do Solo NOTs, we all had a great time. My 20 years of training is finally paying off for me as I watch these people experience actual Scn for the first time in many years. Actual Scientology is not dead it has simply relocated to those that know how.
calvin b. duffield says
Bravo Mike, And let’s just keep spreading the word. REAL Scientology is alive, well, & kicking Demonology’s actual bridge stats down the road like a couple of empty coke cans. Tinkle!. P-tang! Klink! KlunKK!
Simple says
Wow, Mike. If you can say, what part of the country are you in?
Mike Eldredge says
Southeast US , Fla.
Mike Eldredge says
Thanks to Mike Rinder for the great updates, thing seem to be according to schedule, a predictable meltdown.
Simple says
Mike, could you get my name and email address from Mike Rinder? Thanks.
Randy Smith says
Good on you, Mike. I am training people on Solo and Solo NOTS 6 days a week, here in the LA area. We are going UP while the Cof$ goes down!
Also completed an OT III a couple weeks ago. The tech is ALIVE and WELL in the Independent Field!
Jane Doe says
Yea Randy! We’re going UP while the Cof$ goes down! You said that right!
Jane Doe says
Good job Mike Eldridge. Where is your course room?
Gayle aka TroubleShooter says
Pretty cool how a little news of delivery lit that comment up eh Mike? Looking forward to your next visit.
Gloria says
I don’t understand this? “Real scientology?” Does this mean there are people who believe that it is only Miscavage who is the fault behind the decline? Even if you believe in the system, the theory, the fact that it came from such an awful person such as L.R.H doesn’t make a difference? He in my mind bears as much responsibility to the damage caused by this cult as does the current leader. The more I learn about that con man the more sickened I am, he wasn’t very different than his successor. Had the Internet been around back then he would never had made it as far as he did.
Mike Rinder says
Gloria — you are new to posting here. Thanks for coming. But your assertions about LRH being an “awful person” arent going to accomplish much here. THere are other blogs that are devoted to bashing Hubbard. I knew the man and experienced his humanity personally. I have experienced workability in his writings. You will find most people here share a similar view, though everyone is different and has differing degrees of appreciation for Hubbard. I have never and will never claim he was perfect by any means. Just a smart man who distilled a lot of wisdom and extrapolated many many ideas into some workable methods of application. The difference between him and Miscavige is precisely that. Miscavige has done nothing to benefit anyone.
Indie8Million says
+100, Mike. LRH and I corresponded through the 70’s and 80’s and his humanity shown through his letters. His real care for my well being and successes were not only real in his words but in the carrier wave that they were sent on.
Ron never said he was perfect. He wasn’t kidding when he said he slept with banditos (or whichever word he used) and hob nobbed with the aristocrats. He tried things, lived life, was a scoundrel, Mary Sue had to remind him to do a danger condition when he got in a motorcycle accident. haha
Sometimes he was mean and sometimes he was bigger than life in his caring. Roll all that up and you come out with a human being.
A human being who was working diligently to go against the crashing waves of the slave-makers to free people from their grip as well as from the grip of their own, self-imposed slaveries. Seeing as how he made some headway, I forgive him for his human mistakes. It’s up to him to find his own forgiveness for himself.
Noni Mause says
Hi Mike, what I’m concerned about are the practices that Hubbard built into scientology: sec checking (!); informing on one’s friends and family with Knowledge Reports; disconnection; fair game; use of derogatory terms to refer to non scientologists; accepting children into the sea org; the exhortation to make money, make more money; over boarding; ‘shore stories’ and all the other lies… I could go on. These things are written into policy. In that respect I think Gloria has a point. Miscavige isn’t entirely responsible for those. Will the indie community do away with those issues? Do they see them as a problem?
Mike Rinder says
I can’t speak for anyone else. I would certainly do away with them. It’s what I said earlier — put it all in the free market. What works will survive, what doesnt will die.
Emilie says
Thanks for a concise and beautiful report. I strongly feel these same things are happening in most org fields these days. All my “friends” disconnected from me and my husband a few years ago when we were secretly SP declared, so I have no inside intelligence into my local org. But I do know of several in the field who have stopped participating and actively read the blogs, just waiting for Scientology to implode.
Karen LaPorte says
Emilie, just stay tuned and eventually you’ll see a report like this in your own area. I used to long for real news from home and today I got my wish. A little sad, yet comforting too.
Karen#1 says
Very excellent write up. The incendiary and emotionally charged vilification of hatred against whistle blowers is understood by media to be the “Mad Hatter” OSA spin. More media continue to call us than ever before….Mike will verify this.
Thanks for mentioning Lori Hodgson.
Here is her first video ~~
Lori Hodgson says
Hello Guys. This is Lori Hodgson and this is the first in a series of 5 to 6 videos which tell my story.
I invite you to stay with me on this journey, surreal as it is, I am living it.
After _______30 years in the Church,
I have ended up as Mom without my kids!
There is probably no greater purpose in my life than being a MOM!!
I tried very hard to be the best Mom for my children.
My Mom identity is probably what I care about the most. I love Jeremy and Jessica dearly with all my heart.
That the Church of Scientology feels it has the moral and ethics authority to sever connections between one’s own children is hard to swallow.
How can this be ?
Follow me in these series of videos and travel with me and give me all your prayers and best wishes that I get my children back.
My greatest thanks to Karen De La Carriere, Jeff and Pope for making these video’s of my heart wrenching story.
Tom says
I am praying for you Lori…it is my most sincere wish that this all becomes a memory and you are soon reunited with your children.
Lori Hodgson says
Thank you Tom!!!
An anon says
I just want to thank you for speaking up! It is stories of abuse like your that will eventually sink COS.
Alex de VALERA says
Thank you for for telling the truth. Times are changing and the dictator and his minions are more and more out of reality. People are speaking out and for those who want to continue scientology, the best tech terminals are outside the “church”. One day your children will be back. Alex
Sam Domingo says
Thank you SO much for the update and information about the support for Lori. It will help her immensely to know that she has the love and support of others during these dark days and that she is not alone. xxx
Sam Domingo says
Karen. You are a beautiful witch with a BIG heart. I hope these videos are spread far and wide enough to finally bring Lori’s kids home. <3 <3 <3
Martin Padfield says
Wow – quite a report. I guess it’s what we all know and it’s sad on the one hand, but now one just hopes the final death throes don’t drag on much longer and ruin too many more decent people. Thanks to the anonymous reporter. I will try and get an update from the UK before long.
Dean Fox says
It would be very interesting to get a UK update…
Cat daddy says