The third in the series – see Part 1 and Part 2.
This is the last in this short series and includes an exact schedule on the RPF and a letter to the US Secretary of State (I only included the letter not the attachments).
Something Can Be Done About It
Last night I was watching a documentary on the Jewish cult Lev Tahor. My first thought was “Wow! This is like Jewish Scientology!” I mean these poor people live behind barbed wire, have to give all their money to the leaders who use it to enrich themselves, undergo hideous beatings, must obey the rabbis without question…………
Now isn’t that like Scientology?
Nachman Helbrans is the Jewish David Miscavige.
The Chult of Scienbollocks: an obscene pairing of banality and utter cruelty…
Fuck you, Miscavige, you Crowleyian Homunculus.
Question for Mike Rinder: I was just reading the Marion Pouw account of how David Miscavige bought his father a house for $100,000.00 after Ron and his wife blew Gold Base. I’m going to ask a question my father would ask; if David Miscavige is a Sea Org member and only makes $50.00 a week, how in the hell could he afford to buy his dad a house for $100,000.00?
How do you think Marion Pouw would answer this and what is your answer?
Not sure how she would answer it. Probably “none of your business.”
Over the years, Miscavige has earned a lot of bonuses, and with no expenses, it’s easy to accumulate money. Back in his ASI days he was being paid well. He had the Feshbach’s investing his money. It’s feasible the money was his personally. Though he is careful not to take too much money and get on the IRS radar (as I have pointed out many times, he does not need personal money, he can snap his fingers and anything he wants appears using “church” money). Remember, the amount of money heads of exempt organizations take for their personal income is significant. The head of National Geographic was making 600K or so a year many years ago. Joel Osteen and the other megachurch guys make at least that and have multi-million dollar mansions and jets.
Yep, Head of the Red Cross makes ~$700k/year salary and benefits. They refuse outside independent audits of its books, only allowing an audit of its prepared statements. Which is meaningless when looking for fraudulent spending. Obviously hiding illegal spending
Without making excuses for the above-mentioned people, in the capitalist system it takes a high very degree of skill to head a very large corporation. The astronomical earnings of some of these executives is always a topic of discussion. “Rich people are TOO rich and that’s not fair!” says my ” progressive” friend.
I took too long and got cut off while editing – oh well – it happens
Enough said anyhow. haha
in ANY system it takes a high degree of skill to head a large org. What does capitalism have to do with skill needed to be an executive????? What ARE you going on about Richard?
“Diversity” would seem to be currently more important than skill in heading very large US government agencies.
Thanks for the info. Incidentally, I knew Marion Pouw personally when I was at CCNashville. Very nice lady. Even sent me a Christmas card.
Thanks for your good and tireless work, Mike. Sounds like it’s about the power in the position and oh, those perks when you snap those greedy, stubby little fingers.
Scientology is like the Mafia. Dangerous to be involved with, nearly impossible to get out of alive, and like a cancer that goes into remission (but still very actively toxic “underground”) and then explodes with its obvious symptoms, killing the patient.
The problem with the U.S. government doing anything is that 1. “it’s a religion” and even amongst their enemies they will have “friends” in these megachurches that want to keep their lifestyles going and 2. as with getting approved as a religion by the IRS themselves, Scientology had its minions and hatchet jobs go “fair game” the government workers.
Sorta like Trump post Jan. 6th when his attempt to overthrow the entire government workings failed. If you didn’t do his bidding on that date and afterwards, you are a target. Only a few people, like you, have the courage to stand up and stand it.
This is showing his salary of 1989 and 1990 (note the increase in one year), 4th page down, just as a reference point added to what M.R. mentioned. I can imagine how it increased over the years and decades and its multiple.
I looked at those docs and was like ‘ooooooooookayyyyyy.’ I can now see where he got the funds to buy his father a house as well as gourmet kielbasa and all that other stuff.
Thank you, Mike, for making this oh-so-important information available.
I wonder why the FBI won’t help us crush the “cherch” of Scientology before it crushes us. And I mean US… everyone, whether you’re still in or out, or never-in. Because if you’ve not in their cherch yet, they consider you fresh meat.
When that cherch went after me in 2016, people from this blog and Tony’s Underground Bunker helped me hire a lawyer. Today, I made a donation to the Aftermath Foundation. It’s high time I gave something back to the community that helped me when I needed it the most.
Thank you so much Fred
Do most people who sign a one billion year contract actually have any concept of what 1 billion years is?
When I was asked to do so I said in effect, “Are you kidding?” I always pointed out to recruiters that that “While I know that I will still exist in one billion years in some form or other, whole empires and civilizations have been born, dissipated, and crashed in just the last last few thosand years, so how am I to know where the organizations of Scientology are going to be at in a billion years??”
…. But I wonder how many people who sign that contract actually even understand what the word “billion” means. Here’s what I found out when I Googled “what was the Earth like a billion years AGO”:
“What was on Earth 1 billion years ago?
Fossils of the oldest known algae, ancestor to all of Earth’s plants, are about 1 billion years old, and the oldest sign of animal life β chemical traces linked to ancient sponges β are at least 635 million and possible as much as 660 million years old, Live Science previously reported.May 6, 2021”
… Anyways, it appears that my concerns to S.O. recruiters about the longevity of the organizations of the Church of Scientology proved to be prophetic in only decades, not to mention millenia or billions of years.
I believe that Faith is a good thing.
But blind faith is contra-survival and foolish.
A few years ago it was reported that the RPF was abolished.
Was this confirmed?
Does it still exist and, if so, was it rebranded like the Guardian’s Office into OSA?
Low visibility online
Hello? Is this the FBI? …Crickets
Hello? Is this the IRS? …Crickets
To:Mary Kahn
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: crickets.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: being dealt with.
Will you deal with me before or after Angry Gay Pope shoves you in a trash can head first?
As always, how’s your wife?
No love at all,
FBI , Capital Hill & Mainstream media , all three are required to contact to get it investigated.
FBI is bound by Justice dept to work under rules framed under US Constitution.
Legislators at Capital Hill are there to make sure public issues are address through legislation.But they require a demand or push from public, through coverage of issue on public media.
So appreciate the efforts of Mike, Tony ,Leah ,Bryan Seymour, Paul Haggis, Lawrence Wright and Anderson Cooper to create awareness of the issue.
Keep this momentum by contacting media; your local congressman and senators and FBI.
Mark, the PotUS can simply order the FBI to go in. NOTHING else required.
I’m not sure if that’s correct, Real, but let’s say it is, and POTUS orders the FBI to “go in” to – oh, let’s say, Flag’s RPF.
Great. The FBI is now “in” Flag’s RPF – what will they encounter?
Answer: RPFers saying, in so few words, the following:
“Thank you for your interest and concern, but I am here of my own free will. I am here because I want to be in Scientology’s Sea Org. No one is forcing me to be here. I want to be here. I am breaking no laws. I did not summon you. I do not need you here, thank you, nor do have any reason to want you here. Please respect my rights, and allow me to live my life as I see fit. Please go away, and leave me alone.”
And…that, as they say, will be that.
How does the FBI, or any law enforcement entity, etc., “save” someone who is “following his religion”, breaking no laws and who STATES that he doesn’t want or need to be saved or helped in any way?
Its why Lawrence Wright coined the phrase “Prison of BELIEF” (emphasis mine).
Yes, it is correct Aqua. The PotUS is the de jure Chief Law enforcement officer of the US United States and can issue legally binding orders to ANYONE in the Executive branch of the US Gov’t.
They FBI would encounter foreign nationals NOT performing the duties they have visa’s for (slave labor is NOT a VISA category). They will find under age people being used as salve labor. They will probably find illegal aliens being harbored. They will find violations of the OSHA Act of 1970, And violations of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) which applies to churches with >15 employees. Plus other violations I’m sure.
I wrote to Biden about this and got no reply. Wonder why that it?
Well, the FBI can investigate but it takes the DOJ to prosecute. And by tradition the decision of the DOJ to prosecute is independent of Presidential authority. Otherwise the US effectively becomes a police state where the President is able to use the tools of the state to go after political adversaries or those that would be popular with those who elected him. Remember the Nixon Enemies List that the IRS was supposed to go after and what a scandal that was?
It is true that Presidential authority over the executive branch is considered almost absolute, but when it comes to bringing criminal cases (or even tax collection) it has been treated as the exception to that authority.
The PotUS can order the A.G. to prosecute. If refused he can fire the A.G. and appoint someone who who will.
That’s how the Exec Branch is set up in the US Constitution. In fact the PotUS can simply bypass ANY Department Head (like the A.G. or Sec Def) and order its subordinates to carry out his instructions. They can resign but that’s it.
Very true. But it doesnβt happen that way.
Thank you for your response. I am NOT knowledgeable in a legal sense about these matters.
Believe me when I tell you – please don’t think, because of what I wrote, that I wouldn’t WANT the FBI to go into Scientology’s slave labour camps, or that I don’t think the need for them to do so is not absolutely of paramount importance from a human rights perspective!
There is no slightest doubt that a full and thorough FBI investigation into the Sea Org and its inhumane practices and human rights abuses is immediately needed.
What I opined to you about what the FBI would largely (not wholly but largely) encounter with RPFers is based on what I’ve read on the internet about the utter brain-washing that is perpetrated on them.
Now, encountering this, would the FBI press on anyway?
I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. I would hope so. I would want very much that they would, that they would see for their own eyes what was going on, the atrocities, the abuses, etc., and see all this would know that they had to press on, to find a way, somehow, to garner enough evidence to build a case for prosecution.
And last but not least, Real, for whatever its worth, I definitely want you to be right in all your points concerning this.
Aqua, the reason they need to physically go into the church is as you wrote, because the SO members won’t tell the truth. The violations I mentioned would not require staff to tell the FBI because the FBI would see/discover the violations in real time. But, it won’t happen because of the bosses over hte FBI won’t allow it.
I understand now. Thanks for explaining that. Yes, if the FBI were in and themselves observed laws being broken then admittances of such from the RPFers wouldn’t be necessary.
Look, this may sound very Pollyanna-ish but I’m speaking from some instinct within me that I cannot articulate. Call it what you want, a hunch, a knowingness, a premonition, whatever – but its this thing, like this little, quiet “voice” that’s murmuring indistinctly that SOMETHING is going to occur that will bust this open- some little error that the cult will make, perhaps, or something coming to light about Scientology from some other source that will be the catalyst for another investigation from on high into Scientology, and when it happens, it will be ongoing, a process, and the government and the media won’t give up on it – Pandora’s Box Opened, one thing after another. The power of the US government determined to nail Miscavige’s ass combined with relentless media attention because of course what we know about the abuses would make news that will electrify the country and the world, and it will all start by some little thing, some little mistake or some little piece of news, a small thread that gets pulled…that’s my picture, if you want to call it that. My hazy picture – but its there.
Of course, the crux of the matter is “when”. Well, I don’t know. I’m sorry, but my faint inarticulate murmur is not telling me that π Only that it WILL happen, not why or when. God knows it could be years from now; I don’t know. Hey, if I were THAT good I’d give up working, sell my business and spend all day at a race track or something π
Reading this over I know how foolish, dumbly reassuring and downright ridiculous it sounds and I’m tempted to delete it and just express my thanks to you for responding but instead I’m taking a deep breath and leaving it in, and to hell with how it sounds, its still real to me, quite real! the inevitability of this happening.
Very true, Aqua. Like with that Jewish cult Lev Tahor. When law enforcement visits their compound, the members just smile and say that everything is okay. With no complaints, the law can’t do anything.
Wow, I’ll have to google this, thanks.
Real, a search warrant is required. If you look up any of the raids of cult compounds, you’ll find that a judge had issued one prior to law enforcement going in.
Some government agencies like ICE/DHS and OSHA have limited power to make worksite inspections on their own authority, however.