It would appear a moment of reckoning is upon the COB. For years he has managed to avoid being served in any suit that has named him. Last night, the plaintiff's lawyers in the Baxter/Paris case filed a motion to have the court find that Miscavige has been avoiding service and should be held in default. He has been able to get away with his shenanigans for years, but I suspect the time for playing games with the court system is over (at least in this case). At the hearing last month, Judge Barber was not impressed with even the concept of this circus. When he reads the lengths … [Read more...]
Archives for December 14, 2022
Mad Mappin At It Again
We jump from a prominent scientology con-man (Grant Cardone) yesterday, to a prominent scientology kook (John Mappin) today. Can you imagine having yourself photoshopped to look like a Mission Earth character (Jettero Heller) -- and then actually putting it on social media? This guy is such a loon. My last post about him, links to earlier ones, More Mappin Madness. In that one he was claiming the "surgical strike" on Ukraine by Russia was to "de-nazify" the country whose President (Zelensky) is Jewish... Apparently Mappin has now assumed the Hubbard mantle: "I am not from this … [Read more...]