The wonderful Phil Jones of “Call Me” billboard fame, joined me to dissect and discuss scientology’s violation of Canada’s minimum wage laws — and how they have settled cases brought against them in exchange for silence. There can be no doubt they continue to be in violation of these laws — we explain why.
The documents we used in the episode can all be found here:
Japan of Green Gables says
I did some research. If the Sea Org have been moved to Guelph, than they’re likely not working in the little rinky dink Toronto Org that’s in an office building now that they’ve abandoned the big building downtown. Guelph is about an hour and a half away from Toronto. They’re probably working at the Cambridge Org, which is much closer. Not sure if that is “news” or not. It’s also crazy to me that the Orgs. in Quebec are capable of staffing themselves fully with just staff and not Sea Org members.
Yawn says
Hubbard’s gift to man that never stops taking…
Neverinderella says
I know COS skirts past the employment standards and pay rules by designating their unpaid “slaves” as religious volunteers , but I have another question. How does the COS get away with interfering with the US mail? From stories that I have heard from former COS members the COS interferes with mail to and from its members. I had always thought that was a violation of Federal Law…..not that that would deter the COS !
Phillip says
$ci. doing something shady and taking advantage of their own people?
The next you’ll be telling me is that they are intentionally untruthful at times.
Alcoboy says
Phillip, they are intentionally untruthful at every international event they put on.
Japan of Green Gables says
Alcoboy, Phillip was being sarcastic and joking. 😛
Alcoboy says
Yes, I am aware of that. Hence my comment.
karibou says
Scientology was also on national television in Quebec two days ago! In a very famous show, a reporter infiltrated the cos:
otherles says
Gosh, what a surprise!