Dear Friends,
Mike and I want to thank you so much for the flood of messages of love, support and encouragement that we have received since the announcement a couple days ago. Many of you have also shared your cancer survivor stories and those have been so uplifting. I’m sure you will understand that it is not possible to thank everyone personally. Thousands have reached out. Every single one of you is appreciated and we feel your love. It is inspiring.
Many of our friends generously offered to help us financially. We declined, while working on a solution to fund the necessary targeted treatments, and are still very hopeful our application will be approved, but it takes time.
The cancer and blood mutation is extremely rare. Mike’s doctor cannot tell us exactly how long he will need to take the medication, but once started it needs to continue for the duration.
Our friend, Aaron Smith-Levin, took it upon himself to post a YouTube video yesterday asking viewers to donate to help. He directed people to the donate button here on Mike’s blog. We had no idea he was going to do that. Mike and I are overwhelmed by the outpouring as a result.
Because of your support, we felt comfortable going ahead and starting the targeted therapy that Mike needs to address the driver of the cancer. We know the enormous power of the community that stands behind us and we are not alone in this fight.
Leah, Marc, Claire, Aaron, Yashar, Amy, Tony, (and anyone else we’ve missed) who have used their platforms to encourage support, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
To everyone who has donated and sent words of encouragement, please accept our heartfelt thanks for your love, care and support. Your kindness has touched us in ways that words cannot fully convey. All of you have brought immense comfort and relief and have made a huge impact. We are eternally grateful.
Love, Christie & Mike
Dear Mike and Christie, Welcome home!
Seeing your message on your blog makes this an awesome day, Mike. I hope and pray that your medical people find the right medication for you, and it works its miracles.
You are a true inspiration for me and for the many who read your blog.
Love and hugs to you and Christie always.
Just finished reading your book, Mike. Amazing how it seems like Scientology provides a never ending source of material for those brave enough to document it.
Immediately looked online because I had previously read something from Leah about you taking time/ needing to take care of yourself. Shocked to read about your cancer. I haven’t bothered looking but I bet CoS is thrilled to see their prediction about leaving causing cancer is “true.”
Was wondering if you could/would share anything about the special therapy that you are now getting due to your generic mutation? Wondering if it’s some sort of immunotherapy, or CRISPR gene therapy, etc. You are a smart guy so if it’s an approved therapy by FDA, and if you have insurance, hopefully they can cover some of the cost. Glad to hear that people are stepping up to help out.
It’s a drug that specifically targets RET-positive advanced cancer.
I think I found the drug you mean when I looked online. I do hope it works for you. Do you have to do chemo/radiation as well? Seems like it’s a substitute for the chemo from what I see but I’m not a dr. You have had a lot in your life and you and your wife and kids deserve continued happiness and health.
No chemo/immuno as long as the drug is good. There are side effects to every treatment and the first drug I was on couldn’t be tolerated (making my liver toxic). Chemo/immuno is the next step if no targeted drug handles the cancer.
Thank you so much for responding to me. You mention in your book about the prevalence of smoking in the Sea Org. I read that 60% of esophageal cancer is caused by smoking. I imagine that with your genetic mutation that created a perfect storm. I appreciate your continuing your efforts to expose the abuses of CoS, even with your own health fight on your hands. My husband just told me that you and Leah were on Jake Tapper so I’m gonna watch that now. Again, all the best to you and your family.
Mike I regret I didn’t come across your blog until after I heard about your Battle with cancer. I’ve known about you before that and admire how you started speaking out against the church even though they harassed and spread lies about you. Your a good man that got caught up in a Cult, you survived them and all their inhuman treatment and you will come out of this strong and well. Never give up any of your fights. Your an inspiration to so many and will be far longer than Scientology exists.
Thank you for all you do to help so many!
I will say it in a song as I always do. In German by my own 6/7 month old pregnat Goddes Floor Jansen from my country:
You have been fighter and inspiration for lots of us.
I pray God for your early recovery, Amen
Mike is an inspiration even to folks who have not found themselves in a cult. All my positive and loving vibes to him and all who are around supporting him.
I have been so inspired by Mike for so many years now. To me he is a hero. So helping to raise money for his treatment: absolutely. You concentrate on getting better now, Mike. I will pray for you!
This is a first for me to be sending a message in through a blog. I wish you the best of luck and, I am currently dealing with some religious issues myself due to a scary narcissist or worse, but you can still believe my word when I tell you that I am praying for you. You have been so brave in getting out of scientology! Stay strong now and God bless you!
We got you Mike xxxx
Sending love and positive waves from the UK. You are a hero to many, I’ve never been in or experienced these things but love being part of this community. Wearing my new blah blah t-shirt with pride.
Rest and heal, we’ve got your back, behind Leah obv cos she will be front, centre and chomping at the bit 😀
Love to you and your family, you have given us all hope, we are sending it back to you in spades x You got this Mikey x
Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. So many positive thoughts and much love to your family as well. ❤️
Just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of you and your family today!
So glad you got enough donations to start your treatment while you fight with the medical/insurance machine. Every day if treatment is important. Also, I so enjoyed reading your book and was SO HAPPY to read your nightmares stopped after writing it. Keep being you! Love to you and your whole family.
Mike, thank you for all you have done, and I am certain that you will continue to do. People like you make the world a better place.
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery! After all the years in the SO and The Hole – this should be a piece of cake for you 😉
Your fans out in Israel
,Absolutely Mike. You saved my life by helping me get to Los Angeles to get a pacemaker defribulator (spelled wrong) otherwise I would have been dead several times by now. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. I do not have much money but I can repair cars, ships or whatever. Thank you, sir for all you are doing. When I left the Freewinds my death was almost assured; considering the Captain had ordered my imprisoned wife to End Cycle on me as I would be dead soon 22 years ago. I do not expect to live another 22 years. Without you I would be dead already
Mike, we love you. If you don’t know that, you should just take that in. Sit with it.
This is your turn to receive. From the community, and from the universe. So many of us are praying for you, communally and individually, knitting a shield of protection and a spirit and an energy of healing. For me and for many of us, that is The Great Physician, Jesus Himself will heal you and guide the hands, talents, intutions and hearts of your physicians and all your treaters. I’m also praying for your adult children, that the scales fall from their eyes and that their journey is out of the cult. I’m praying for your ex-wife, Cathy, as well, that God himself put his hand on her head and her heart so that your children are released from negative ties to her emotional state or Scientology’s evil doctrines that divide instead of unite.
Christie, hugs to you, dear. We are praying for you, too, and for your two boys. You are Mike’s mainstay and you need to do what you can for yourself and your family, Mama Bear.
Both of yas, your fight is with cancer now. Scientology can and should go straight to hell. It can be off your radar screen for now.
Thanks, Christie, for your voice, your heart, and most of all delivering love to Mike and your children.
Words are not coming easily to me now, Mike. Linda Olson above just spoke my thoughts very well.
I’m thinking about you a lot. I really want you to pull thru. I’m donating. Its so inadequate, but I guess every little bit will help, right?
I want you to pull thru.
Sending best wishes and encouragement your way, Mike.
I have been listening to your and Leah’s Podcasts. So very very interesting. I never knew anything about Scientology until I read Jenna Miscavige’s book a few years ago. Since then I have followed your TV show and the podcasts. But the first thing that ever came to me from Day 1 and that I have not heard mentioned on any shows or podcasts is about the validity of this “religion.” Here is a man who wrote science fiction booklets in his early life. Then he was talking to a friend about how to earn money (tax free even) and he told Hubbard to start a religion. So what does he do? He sits at his desk and dreams up a SCIENCE FICTION religion. And people buy into it! (Literally $$$) Can’t you just see him dreaming up yet another science fiction book TOTALLY from his imagination? It is not a religion. It is an L. Ron Hubbard book series. And as far as the IRS is concerned, they just wore them down with all the law suits and Fair Game tactics. They gave up and it will REALLY take something to get them to go down that path again. It is so so sad for all the people that have been tortured by this science fiction crap. I just needed to vent. Thanks.
I recall hearing Dianetics commericals, I think, or saw printed materials come into our home in the early 70s. Thank goodness I was into horses.
I stumbled across CoS via the SP videos. You are a true inspiration, Mike, as are those SPs who are speaking out against the abuses and trafficking within Scientology, and supporting those who want out and helping them in their new lives.
Thank you for all you do. Concentrate on getting better.
I think only positive thoughts for you and your family.
I just want to get this out of the way: decent people NEVER celebrate a death.
Got my #TeamMike coffee mug today. It will be my “go to” mug with love and prayers daily until Mike gets his “all clear”. I wish I was in a position to donate more, but I bought the mug before the full donation drive was formed. When I dig up some more funds they will be coming your way. Mike is such a class act and warm, wonderful person, he has impacted my life in a positive way more than I can say. I’m proud to be SPTV Strong and a member of Team Mike!
I’m likely dumber than a bag of hammers here – but where do I FIND the #TeamMike mugs?
You can find them at:
Try here:
Mike, I am another whose life you have changed. You are loved by a lot of people.Wow.
Best wishes, Mike, for a full recovery,
Your fan from the Havelock in Adelaide
Praying for Christie, Mike and Jack. Thank you for keeping us informed. Mike has had an enormous impact on my life as a survivor of years of narcissistic abuse. He is a kind, sweet, brave soul. I will contribute more $$ soon.
Mike, my Dad survived Stage 4 throat cancer. He had been going to the doctor for a year and they kept telling him it was allergies and sinus draining. Finally we fought for a specialist and they discovered his tumor and he was in stage 4. The doctor told him that he only had a 30%chance to survive. He told that Doctor to stop treating him like he was going to die and Start treating him like he was going to Live. You have so many people out here pulling for you. You can beat this just like you beat Scientology!
This is why Scientology will never win out against SCIENCE AND DOCTORS. Putting “Science” in your name is nothing someone should bet their life on, although thousands have.
I hope today was a better day Mike and Christie. Let’s hope the worst days are behind you.
I can’t believe how a total stranger has touched so many lives. You really are a great communicator, with such a brilliant way of explaining things. It brings me enormous joy to see the outpouring of love, gratitude and support for you. You deserve it all.
I am so glad that you are not still in Scientology and I fear for those who are still in and can’t get the medical treatment they may need.
Rest up Mike and build your strength for the journey ahead.
Having only recently read your book (but having followed your exploits for a few years) I was upset to hear about your cancer diagnosis but delighted and reassured to see the outpouring of love and regard that so many people feel for you. I sincerely hope you recover so you can continue with your work and to enjoy your new and happy life.
Your outlook and approach to life are very inspiring to me, and it’s something I try to emulate – even as a naturally negative Brit. I obviously don’t put you on a pedestal though – we’ve already seen where that leads!
Get well and stay positive, as I’m sure you will.
(P.S. Watch The Master. I know you don’t need to watch a fictional version of L Ron Hubbard but Philip Seymour Hoffman is astonishing.)
Mike & Christie,
Sending you love and best wishes! You can beat this. We believe in you!
Mike, Christy and family,
I am so glad you are able to get the treatment that you need! #TeamMike!!
Mike, I just wanted to let you know you and your family are in my thoughts. You have so many people who care about you and want to see you get well. We are here for you and will continue to be here for you. I’m a “never been in COS”, but a fan and supporter of you. #TeamMike #WeLoveMikeRinder
youtube – Daisy-2023
So so glad Mike can can the treatment! That’s amazing news
How wonderful that everyone donated! I will continue to do so each month. If anyone deserves to beat this it’s Mike, he’s such a caring and kind soul. You can do this!
Such good news. I’m so glad Mike can start the treatment.
I bought my coffee mug and will be thinking of you every morning. You have got this, bro. Know that.
Very sorry to hear you and your family are facing this health crisis. You have done so much to bring awareness to the cult of scientology and helping others take up a better life after leaving. What you endured thru your time in the cult and emergence from it, has shown you are a honest, resilient person. Your humor also will help you carry on during your treatment. You are surrounded by love so embrace it!
Sending only positive thoughts and add me to team Mike Rinder!
I set up monthly donations for Mike. My father also had this cancer. Lots of love and respect to Mike and family! I am hoping for your speedy recovery! ❤️🩹
Wow, been a bit involved in our own matter at this end that hasn’t encouraged very much social, so a little late responding to your announcement on Mike. Very sorry to hear and it must be scary but we have the utmost confidence in his team and the amount of positive support around him that he will get through this. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything from us. We’re just a short flight away.
Mike has touched my life and my heart with all of the incredible work that he has done thus far. Through his work on the series with Leah, the podcast that they did together, his book, his blog, his YouTube channel, etc. We all love and support Mike a hundred percent. My uncle overcame the same cancer that Mike has over two decades ago, so with the treatments currently available, I have faith that Mike will make a full recovery. I am sending strength, prayers, and positive vibes to Mike and your family and I will continue to do so throughout each and every day until his cancer is in complete remission and he has fully healed. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our SPTV community if there is anything that we can do for Mike or your family. I wish you all the best. Take care.
Sarah, you put into words what I was wanting to say but couldn’t find the words to. Thank you for that. With that in mind, I say “what she said” and mean it!
(Well except for your uncle, and he will be in my prayers too. What a joyous outcome for your family and uplifting news for the Rinder family. Thanks for your willingness to share)
Prayers and hope for Mike in his time of need. Even though I was never a cos member I enjoy watching your true friendship with the SP TV family. Always a smile on everyone’s face.
May your body feal!!
Thinking of Mike and family. I’ve been listening to Mike’s excellent audiobook version of A Billion Years after having read the hard copy when it came out. I hope this finds you well.
Just a stranger here to thank Mike for all his inspiration, and keeping your family in my prayers.
And this is secondary, but as someone whose close family member died of mesothelioma, I urge you to do some research to see if there are any possible external causes of this condition/mutation. After reading Mike’s book, it sounds like he was in contact with some really toxic chemicals during his time in the SeaOrg, and if something like that is responsible, there are likely class action suits you can join.
😊 As a cancer patient myself, with a genetic mutation and on a breakthrough medication that was unavailable until recently, I know what you’re going through. My medication is still unavailable to patients in most other countries, or available but not yet approved for payment by their NHS.
Cancer is an assault on body and mind, and you’ll have a lot to figure out.
Figuring out privacy boundaries, how much information to dispense and to whom, leaving texts unanswered until you feel up to responding, knowing when to ask for help, having to ignore crazy suggestions and comments by well-meaning people, finding patience when some days healing feels like watching paint dry, learning that the internet is 99% rubbish information, and remembering you are not a statistic but a beloved human being. Be well, and try to incorporate as many “normal” routines into your days as possible. Being treated like the you you were before your diagnosis can be the best feeling in the world.
Great advice that I will hold on to when dealing with friends and family who are facing cancer treatment. Thank you for the advice for those of us who don’t know what to do or say when this occurs.
I will add you to my prayers Kelly and hope treatment works out well for you.
Sending you love and best wishes from the U.K., this is amazing news.
Bless you and your family. I pray for healing for all of you, your doctors, and your circle of friends. Thank you for all you have done to help the people transition to the real world. Take care!
Mike Rinder has so selflessly helped so many have the courage to leave the abusive cult, when they may not otherwise had the wherewithal to do so. He’s never asked for a nickel. He’s a TRUE testament to all things good and courageous. I was an employee of Narconon Arrowhead, and am well versed and felt indoctrinated for many years and afraid after leaving. Not anymore due to all of the “SP’s”. Godspeed Mike. You kick ass! If you can accomplish what you have and endure the ramifications of leaving you can do this. I’m praying for you every day. I hope Christie can keep us updated. I will miss you while you focus on your health. My favorite Aussie! #TeamMike
I will be donating because you have been such a gift to my professional life as a therapist. I remember watching you and Leah and being inspired to educate myself more on cults. I knew Scientology was horrid, but I didn’t know the depths.
It was you the helped me with a patient who disclosed his sexual abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses and I was able to articulate and understand why he didn’t have a witness and how his family swept it under the rug. This has been a breakthrough for him. I will be forever grateful!
I’m a cancer survivor for exactly 20 yrs this month . Other than that my only connection to Mike is that I have such admiration for him as a wonderful person who has helped so many people. You see who he is and what he stands for the second you see him for the first time,. I pray Mike gets better and that he and his family enjoy many more healthy and happy years to come .
All the love to you and your family ❤️❤️ I’m so happy to hear you are feeling the love we are all sending you. We love you guys and will support any way we can ❤️ #teammike
We will always be with you. We are along for the journey with love and caring for your family. I hope that along with the treatment, you will be able to spend time doing what your heart tells you makes you happy.
Love you guys.
Paul and Jane.
So happy to donate to someone who has made such a positive impact in so many people’s lives. I’d also offer to contribute monthly until the fight is won, if needed. Get well soon!!
Two years ago, my family was in the same situation. My Dad wasn’t responding to the traditional cancer treatment and the insurance company rejected the recommended treatment. The cost for his medication was not as steep and we were able to get the necessary funds together to cover a few months. The impact of the new treatment was fantastic and the insurance ended up covering it. I am so happy to be able to help Mike and his family with the same problem and you’re in my thoughts for the insurance to change its mind. Lots of love from Spain!!
I know from experience it is not an easy fight and it needs strength and love and try to not give up. We can only send you love and help you with the financial aspect of it. We all wish Mike the best. I hope the treatment works and Mike to be able to be healthy again. At least with the treatment hopefully he will have the best chance. Christie you have the biggest burden to be there for your sons and Mike. I hope you take care yourself too. Send all of you love. Wishes for full recovery and thank you both for all that you have done. Because of the strength that you showed us that you have I am more than hopeful. Both of you are inspiration by example. Thank you again for all that you have done.
You’ve got this Mike and Christie you’ve done so much for people over the years of course you have such generous friends and fans from another fellow Aussie you’re going to beat the shit out of cancers ass!
This is AWESOME news! And Team Mike is here for the long haul! We’ve got your back!
See you in remission!
Peace, Love and LIGHT to the Rinders!
I’m only sorry I did not think of donating through this site as soon as I read about it.
Mike and family, please know that all of your Christian friends are praying for you. I know Amy is too. We care so deeply for you and want to see you out enjoying your life with family and friends. The world is a much better place with you in it. Stay strong and remember that we’ve all got your back.
I’m a 13 year cancer survivor myself thanks to the good doctors at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. It’s hard, but when you come out the other side, life is even sweeter.
Much love from Texas.
I felt compelled to post a comment after just finding out this news. I don’t know you personally, or your family, and never was involved in any way with Scientology. I am someone who just learned about the cult of the “church” of Scientology around 18ish years ago when I first heard of it as a college student due to the famous South Park episode. I studied Psychology in college and have studied/researched various cults. Your show with Leah did a fantastic job of connecting with so many people to present the heart of their stories to the public through an extremely well-made docuseries. I have continued to follow you and Leah by listening to the podcast or watch other interviews on YouTube. You have done quite a service putting yourself out there to expose a corrupt institution that could easily continue to prey on MORE people if it weren’t for the heroism of people like yourself who have gone public with your stories to expose a dark truth. It took balls to escape Scientology and start a new life, it took balls to be a public thorn in their side by continually exposing them through the years, and you have the balls to fight cancer. You’ve already fought one variation of cancer (the cult). I bought your memoir today to show some additional support as I didn’t know you had one out and can’t wait to read it. I am going to read it out in public hoping others may spot the cover and be intrigued to read it as well. I am thinking of you.
Mike and Christie;
Your family is in my thoughts, and I’m so glad you are now able to start treatment. Alone we are not as able, but together we can do anything!
Mike, I can’t express how much I admire you and Christie. I am sure you will beat this challenge and I hope you are cheered by the support from all of us who are friends you’ve never met! #TeamMike
Mike and family,
I’m now cancer free for nine years, I was diagnosed stage 4 rectal cancer at just 38. Lymph nodes and even an unconnected spot in the birth canal. It’s a life altering diagnosis, but I’m here to tell you there is life after cancer. Stay positive and lean into your support teams. I cannot say enough good things about MD Anderson, and am so fortunate to have grown up with them in my backyard. Mike we believe in you, we are team Mike! You’ve got this.
My father-in- law had a stage 4 brain tumor he has put up a good fight and is winning so Mike do what you have to do and fight this and keep praying and I will pray for you and your family. ❤️❤️
Mike, you are such an inspiration to so many. You have helped so many. You are surrounded by people who care about you.
I’m free and clear of breast cancer for 14 years now. I’m so grateful I had a strong support system to lean on.
You are so fortunate to have your family and close friends… you’ll get through this.
Best to you and yours!
Awesome – more to come as needed #TeamMike
How do we donate
Lin, above on this page is a blue donate-button (under the book promotion) which says “Click Here to Donate”. You can just click on it and it leads to the site where to place the donation.
If you are looking at page on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet, the button that you’re looking for is at the end of the page underneath the comments. Thanks everyone for donating! I only wish I could donate more myself.
This may be the most appropriate use of the phrase “pulled it in”. Mike is getting this outpouring of help, thoughts/prayers, and love because he deserves it. I haven’t had cancer, but I have had people I am very close to go through this (as most have because one out of every two to three people will get cancer in their lifetime). It sucks, and I am so sorry you guys have to go through this. I hope you can feel all of the positive energy coming your way – as that is truly one of the best medicines (and I am a pharmaceutical chemist saying that).
And I know everyone has said this, but I would really push Eli Lilly and your insurance with lawyers if needed. Again, I am sure this isn’t news to you, but this has some good information on how to get help with the cost of medications (
This is what “pulling it in” should REALLY mean.
Religion aside, as an expression of relief and adulation – amen & hallelujah! So happy this community came together to take action for Mike 💙 His inspiration around the globe 🌎 will back him 💯 % Blah blah blah, so glad he is able to start treatment right away 🤗
#Team Mike!!!! Great News you can move forward with Mike’s treatment 👍 😀 Keep the positive vibes moving forward love to Mike Christie and Family!!!
We love you Mike 💕, now go kick that cancer to the curb so you can get back to SPTV and keep those two hooligans Marc & A-Aron in line 😂. Healing thoughts coming your way!! You got this!
Ha! Good luck with that!!! xoxox
Lol AAron and Cracker Licker Marc are not able to be put in line!!! They are GREAT family/friends to Mike & Christie so they are ALLOWED to be out of line. LOVE ME SOME SPTVers
😂 Goldie with the golden wrench!!! 🥰
We love you and will keep you in our thoughts. Good Energy coming your way while you get whole again.
Christie, honestly being 100 percent with you now, I’d consider getting him into MD Anderson which has an endowment fund if you can’t pay. However, without giving legal advice, you need to put together your appeal with evidence that this is the best outcome. The cancer is rare so you might need your doctors help in getting what information they have. I got a paper ream worth from mine. Also, it’s a rare cancer which would make me think that it would be beneficial to have a second review from another provider. I would also recommend the Mayo and others. Again, we’re praying for you Mike and I know that Jesus loves you and that he’s a miracle worker! I’m living proof! Ask Amy for her thoughts. John 3:16-17. Prayers up for Mike!
Please don’t push your religion onto people. It’s so incredibly rude.
He does the opposite. He’s trying to free people who have been brainwashed by religions. Keep moving troll
I’m not a troll. We all practice how we wish. I didn’t mean to be rude. I’ll accept rude. I have, however, seen people misdiagnosed and lose precious time especially with rare cancers. I’ve survived a cancer that’s killed most everyone else so I know the journey ahead and I did it with conventional treatment, but also by blocking pathways so cancer died. I’m the exceptionally rare case and I do give credit to Jesus because I asked him for my miracle. I’ve changed churches without consequences unlike leaving scientology. However, I’m also dealing with a foster kid that just got out of a cult and is anti religion so I should have been more sensitive to that. Good luck Mike!
Your two sentences were not rude and had nothing to do with your own journey. They were exactly what trolls say. I’m glad you are better. I too survived cancer. But also support everyone in and out of Scientology. Thank you for explaining. It has been my very sad experience that people who chose to wait on conventional Therapy have died. The person here is trying to expose a cult , not preach it.
PLEASE Save the anti-religion stuff for the “scientologists” who would wish Mike ill.
YO, OSA! stick around and see Mike cured of the dreadful disease too many scn crew have died from alone, in pain, and dumped onto the street once they could not perform their duties. At least 6 of my friends beat the beast, one didn’t. scientology doesn’t have all the answers; in fact, doesn’t have ANY of the answers.
We love you guys and I’m so glad and grateful to hear you can start treatment without as much worry. Put that energy towards your battle and inevitable victory! ❤️ Sending you all support, love, hope and prayers.
Mike and Christie, you both have touched so many lives. Your warmth and kindness cannot be overstated. My love and prayers are with you. Mike, just think how pissed off David Miscavige will be when you beat this and come back better than ever.
You’ve got this.
We are with you for the long haul!
What would be the best way to mail you a check? I could send it to The Aftermath Foundation (to Mike’s attention), if you would like.
There’s a donate link on Mike’s blog home page, it should have info for checks as well. I’m so grateful they are accepting our donations and he started the targeted therapy.
This is wonderful news! I donated as soon as I heard. Just finished reading “A Billion Years” and have been an avid watcher of the Aftermath series since it aired. Mike, you are a wonderful person who has impacted millions of lives for the better. I wish you ease and comfort during your treatment and hope your condition goes into remission soon.
There are many, many people who have been helped by Mike Rinder and hope he has a full recovery and a long and happy life ahead of him. I certainly am one of them.
Christie, Please keep us updated. You have both worked hard to support others. We want to now support y’all! Much love to you, Mike, and your children! Prayers and blessings coming!
Team Mike is formidable! Unlike scientology we care about our community. Relax and get well.
The post “a new challenge” brought tears to my eyes. Todays tears are joyous. So glad to hear that Mike is starting the therapy a.s.a.p. God bless the Rinders and may they ride the wave of love being sent their way from across the globe. Thanks to everyone who has helped. It is amazing and wonderful to see.❤️🙏👍
Mike and Christie
Sending thoughts and prayers your way. You have been so inspiring with how you have helped so many by standing up and doing the right thing no matter the cost. You deserve the outpouring of love you are receiving. What a relief to hear you are able to start treatment!
I am so happy to hear you are able to start your treatments now. I am sending you prayers and healing thoughts for both of you!
I know a cancer diagnosis is hard, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. Here’s what I know for sure; not even illness should bet against you. I know the discomforts will fade fast but other memories won’t. For example, you will meet many of the angels who walk around on earth and they will add to the love and healing in your life in ways you can’t imagine. There was one Nuclear Doctor preparing to inject the medicine to aid in the surgery into my breast. He kissed the back of my hand and begged me for forgiveness because it would be unpleasant to have a shot through your nipple but said that he thanked God for the science that gave him that gift for me. I’m still in love with him and I remember his words and that kiss but I don’t remember if there was discomfort and honestly if I could go back and undo all of it I would be reluctant to give him back. I wouldn’t recognize him on the street but if he kissed the back of my hand again…I’d know him!
I believe in you; you’re an angel walking on earth yourself; just with a different specialty. My heart is with you and your family!
It’s the least we could all do. Continued prayers !
Wishing you the best, Mike.
Look forward to reading many more of your daily blog postings.
You are not walking alone. As part of the SPTV community, you automatically become family. You may not know me, but you are all part of my crazy dysfunctional family❤️
I changed my username on YouTube to Hey Bungalow Bill, in your honour.
Is that you Leanne?
Ummm. They’re lots of Leanne’s.
Who are you?
That answered my question. Different Leanne. Lol
So happy that I am able to send a donation and hear the good news about this new treatment. I join everyone prayers, that this difficult season he would receive a powerful display of love and support unlike Mike has ever known. He deserves it! He has given so much, time and time again, to others that this is a time for him to receive from all of us and from the Lord, regardless of his religious beliefs. I pray for healing to restore his mind, heart and soul, that he would come out stronger in every area. This is a time for all the evil that Scientology has waged against him to be squelched and a powerful expression of love to be shown to him through everyone’s support, love, and prayers. I count myself fortunate to be a part of this.
Mike has done so much that we are just paying it back. Your community of loyal friends and supporters will be here for as long as you need us. I am an 8 year cancer survivor and know what it means to have your friends rally around you with their thoughts, prayers, and encouragement. We are all here for Team Mike.
Wow, the thoughtfulness & kindness of people…
Get well Mike.
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been able to begin treatment! And that you are receiving back some of the generosity you’ve shared since you started your advocacy journey. Take good care,
Just let us know when you need more assistance!
So glad to hear you are getting the best option available. My thoughts are with you and your family. Monthly donation set to help you keep going with the treatment. Cheers, Tin, fellow Aussie from Melbourne
Bless you both! Thankfully medicine has come a *loooong* way. 👍💜
Sending wishes & prayers for successful healing. 🙏💝🤟🌹
This makes me so happy! Mike, it’s time for the rest of us to give back to you! Sending prayers, well wishes and strength your way. You got this!!!
Moved to tears reading this! We’re here for you guys ❤️❤️❤️
So happy to hear we got you enough to get started with treatment, fingers crossed the insurance/other avenues bring good news soon – but if not we’ll all happily keep helping with donations. We love you!
What great news! You guys are so deserving, and of COURSE we will be here to help! Keep on fighting the good fight and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! Blessings to you, Christie and everyone else. Lisa
Mike and Christie, you need to know that there are many of us that have watched you speak up for years. SPtv is a growing phenomenon with many members like me that feel that we know you. Many people know about the cult of scientology because of you and many others. We will fight this with you. You are not alone!!!
We are here for you. I plan on donating when I get paid on Friday! We the SPTV community love you. I will also send good thoughts and prayers. You will beat this I know it.
To Mike and your family…
I wanted to convey my support for you all in this trying time. I saw that you’re able to move forward with treatment, and this makes me so grateful. The kindness of many has granted you the ability to get the help you need and deserve.
My father passed from cancer in 2016. I know this fight well, and while we ultimately lost him, that does not have to be your fate. Cling to your family and friends. Keep moving forward one day at a time, and you will beat this.
Praying for you and your family. 🙏
That is wonderful news. This community will continue to support you for as long as you need that support. #Team Mike!
Amazing news. Wishing you and Mike all the best. You’ve got this. 🙂
Great news, after the live last night got rolling i had a feeling enough would be raised to start at the very least.
You have done SO much to help others and now it is your turn to be helped. We are so pleased you will be starting the targeted treatment! You can win this battle! Warmest wishes to you and Christie.
So happy. All should continue to watch videos on YouTube. It helps algorithm
Mike, as someone who is also stubborn, I highly encourage you to accept the financial support from your friends. Turn the tables and you bet your ass you’d be helping your friends if they were in the same boat. Sometimes we have to be gracious and just accept the help when it’s needed. We all love you!
A great man with a great community of people who love him and Christie and want the best for their family.
So freakin’ amazing!!! Prayers and love can overcome all obstacles. So happy that the treatment that will be most helpful in healing can be realized. May many blessings continue to come your way.
This is WONDERFUL!!!! We are all pulling for you. I run a discord server dedicated to SPTV, and yesterday during Aaron’s live, I added an option to have your name displayed in periwinkle (for esophageal cancer) with a periwinkle ribbon icon & Mike’s initials next to it to show your support for him, and almost everyone had adopted it before the end of Aaron’s video.
Oh I missed that. What a great idea. My aunt had that cancer also and lived a long life.
Great news for Mike and his family. Sending love.
Mike, you’re the best! Sending love and light to you and your family.
So excited to hear that you are starting therapies sooner than expected! Here’s hoping for a recovery sooner than expected!
If everyone who has donated donates each month it would mean that Mike could continue with the treatment. I’m from Scotland UK and we have NHS free treatment for all cancer patients no matter what your finances are. It just makes me realise how lucky we are in Britain to have such a good health system (although under extreme pressure) ! Lots of love to everyone 💕
Mike, I just made a donation also. I am a cancer survivor since 30 years. I hope the treatment goes very well and you can soon be in good health again. I am glad your friends and community are helping. Best regards, Ariane (Fidoville)
I am so happy you feel comfortable starting the medicine. I am praying for you and your family. You have been through so much in your life, I wish you did not have to go through this. 🙏🙏🙏
Sending so much love 🫶💙
We ALL know you aren’t the type of people to ask for help. But you are both (and all of SPTV) are the type of people to jump in and help others, anyone at all, including you OSA, when they need help! You’ve spent your own money helping others, you’ve spent countless hours helping others. It’s time for us to help you.
You didn’t ask, but your network knows you needed it, and you’ve got it! You have so many people out here in the neverin world who love you for just being you… and we will support you. You don’t need to ask, you just need to let Aaron or Claire know what you need, and they can organize like no one’s business.
In the quiet moments…. Feel the love being sent your way, because it is powerful.
Just like Bonnie was the spark that lit the aftermath fire… SPTV was the spark to light the fire to come together for #teammike!
Ps) let us help you… and smile knowing that the cos couldn’t get a 1 billionth of the support that you are getting now. Because being a good person leads to good people helping you. Being an asshat like the elf leads to being alone.
Sooooo well put!! ♥️♥️
You pretty much summed it up!
Truth! ❤️
That was perfect! #TeamMike ❤
Such incredible news! 💜 Mike has done so much to help others, I’m so glad to see help coming to him in return!
Mike is our family, simple as!
Supporting each other is what family does. We are family of the heart if not the DNA. What ever you guys need let us know. You have an army standing by to fight the battle with you.
Family of the heart. Love that! 💜. #TeamMike
😘. How fulfilling it is to see this.
Everything is going to be OK.
What a testament to humanity 💕
Fantastic news! Thinking of you and your family at this time. Wishing Mike a speedy recovery. Monthly donation forth coming.
That’s wonderful and amazing news. You have already been so strong – you can fight this!
All love from Scotland 😻❤️😻
I’m so happy to hear that Mike will start treatment right away! <3