Mike, I know I am a little late to the party here, but I just wanted to say how wonderful it was to get this update. My husband has had some health issues over the past 6 weeks and we were only just now able to get around to watching this update together even though we’d read about it already. You are so loved – so many of us were/are happy to give any monetary support we can and cheer you on. I can’t hardly articulate how much I admire you as a person and am so thrilled that you are progressing so well. We will continue to hold you in our prayers. You’ve got this!
Hi Mike,
So happy to hear that your medical condition is improving. This is the first time I have posted since you became ill.
I have been having some issues in my own life lately, but nothing like what you are dealing with. I know that you are going to “kick this cancer like a bad habit” because you are, among other things, one tough dude. I also know how important it is that you have a partner like Christie by your side in this battle.
I have been following and commenting on your posts since before you started your blog back when you were posting on Marty’s blog before he rejoined the “dark side”.
I have never and can never thank you enough for your leadership and courage in standing up to and shining the light of TRUTH on David Miscavige. Godspeed to your recovery !!!!!💖💖💖💖💖
I’m so glad all seems to be heading in the right direction. I have so much respect for you for everything you’ve been through and continue to deal with. You and Christie are an example of generosity and strength and I am sending love and support your way. #teammike
#TeamMike! Such good news!!! We’re in Canada and have been so impressed with what you have brought to light with Leah. (I think we’ve watched every video there is!) We also believe you have saved MANY lives and richly deserve to receive the medication and care you need right now. Thank you and Christie for being so transparent about your cancer journey – it gives all of us hope and we will continue to keep you, your family, friends and colleagues in our thoughts. We love you Mike!
Great news, Mike. I only became aware of your illness yesterday and send you many good thoughts for your continued improvement. As the need arises I will donate whatever I can to the fund. I am a pensioner living in Melbourne and wonder if you still have Australian citizenship. If you did, then that would be helpful with your medical needs. Anyway, best wishes to you and your family – you’re a great guy and we’re lucky to have you over there calling out this insidious cult for what it is.
HOORAY AND HUZZAH!! It’s so great to hear this news! Also, Congratulations to both of you on your Anniversary!
The outpouring of love, care and support in this SPTV family, is overwhelming! Mike, keep being you! It was great to hear your voice and see you! Christie, you should be on here more often!
Take Care! Sending ALL the love and good positive thoughts!
Mike & Christie we truly pray for a total success of your treatment and a long happy life together. While overwhelming and emotional it is for you to see all the support, know that it is our privilege to be there for you and your family.
You were thrown into the Scientology life while most of us lived an unencumbered life as children learning how to play, how to love and how to become good human beings. Those things were stolen from you and your struggles to extricate yourself from the shackles of an organization led by a science fiction wannabe writer is just wrong. That disgusts me on so many levels.
You deserved better than you got and there is more than enough of blame to go around by these despicable people who owed you better. Children deserve to be loved. They are not chattel to be disposed of and turned over to any organization that does not support and cherish them.
So now in your hour of need, we are going to be there for you as we called too. For me I feel I owe you and others in many walks of life who never had the beautiful life I’ve had. I am a cancer patient surviving so I understand how you feel but know that because I’ve been and continue to be given many blessings I am compelled to bestow those blessings on those in need. It is you Mike that is grace and a hero. We are the vehicle which the Lord works through to give you what we’ve been fortunate to have received. You are truly deserving and the Lord calls us to show you that he does exists and is there to take you in his arms and care for you.
The only things ‘stuck’ to you is God and he does love you and always will. Scientology did and can’t beat God’s Love for you, me and humanity. So while we know you are grateful for all of our support know that this is God’s proof to you that he is almighty, omnipotent, and loves you. I am not particularly religious in the formal sense but I am spiritual and know that a force (we call him/her God) exists that is based in Love and goodness. As you journey through this difficult phase of your health struggle you will feel God’s grace. He/she will bring you peace. Turnover your burdens to God. He/she will carry those for you.
As a cancer patient, your job now is to focus 100% to getting better by doing what your Doctors tell you to do. We will take care of the others things for you. I am in awe at the strength and courage you demonstrated to break away from this insidious and criminal enterprise that is Scientology. BTW – it’s not a religion – it is devoid of any value to this world and humanity on any level but most importantly it is devoid of LOVE!
I think there is something in this diet, which could help. One of my friends had been diagnosed with incurable brain tumor. He changed his diet, to the paleo diet, and since then he is tumor free. It happened 10 years ago, when he was diagnosed with brain cancer.
I honestly wish it was a known fact that people with an incurable brain tumor could change their diet and that would heal their tumor.
I sincerely wish that Mike will find a way to fight his current disease and live out a long and happy life.
But I want to warn everyone to be very careful in the belief that changing your diet can provide a certain healing of an incurable life-threatening disease. I have heard of many cases where people come to believe a change of diet will cure a life-threatening disease and then believe they will be cured simply by changing their diet.
I urge you to seek out a medical opinion from your doctor and then to research carefully to find out if your current condition will likely be cured by a change of diet.
I have come to believe it is a big mistake to ignore the medical community and follow the advice of some Naturopath.
I sincerely wish Mike and Christie will find a way to fight Mike’s problem that has a proven rate of success and Mike will live out a long and happy life.
I deserve this email, thank you, because I didn’t think it through. Though I am not a neuropath. What I forgot to mention that my friend is still having check ups every month, so he is under a brain specialist care. He had been having this diet under a team of doctors’ supervision.
I am sorry if my comment was misleading, I did not mean that Mike should drop any medical supervision.
My sincere apologies!
Thank you so much for your kind message. I am Hungarian, and I had lovely parents who had been very much involved with my upbringing. I am so great full to God, that He gave them to me. I am just an ordinary person and I do pray for Mike’s healing, because this World need every inch of a person like Mike! My prayers are with him and his family and also with his other family who are stuck in that cult, that God may open their mind and eyes to see clearly and come to their senses!
Good advice. Once you have cancer the best thing you can do is get treated with the best medical assistance you can get. My Dr is kind of alternative but he has seen too many people die that wanted to follow a diet (Specifically some vegan, juicing, coffee enema regime). Sounds like Mike is in great hands with his treatment regime and if anyone can do it Mike can.
Beth, trust in Mike, he has got this, he will be okay.
I am a follower of the paleo diet, it is not for everyone. My Dr also advises this way of eating but he said if your body has cancer don’t muck around get it treated and think about diet later.
Great Mike, with tears of joy in my eyes. So looking forward to your continued healing and you back fighting the good fight. Good on you mate! And thank you Chrisie for coming on the channel with Mike, was good to see you and so well done on your fantastic support. Best to your children 🙂
Hi Mike, I’m so sorry to hear about your disease. I hope you recover fully soon. To be diagnosed with cancer is quite something. I went through it myself earlier this year. Thank God it was still early stage and I got cured with some relatively minor surgery. I’m glad to see that you are on the right treatment and getting better already. All my prayers are with you that you may be fully cured. It’s really sad hearing how the health care system works (doesn’t) in the US. This is unimaginable over here in Belgium. Luckily you get the support of so many friends, and that, I know, is so heart warming and beautiful and uplifting for you and your wife and family. All the best to you. You’re looking good by the way.
Oh hurrah!! I know how much work it takes to circumvent the US healthcare system. Great to see it’s all working. Will keep you both in our hearts and minds. Love Kate and Barbara
Fantastic news! I work in Thermo Fisher Scientific and we collaborate very much with Lilly. You are in the best hands that you could be for this trip! My very
best wishes from Spain
I made a comment on YouTube, but had to rewatch the video again to hear the good news again. That is wonderful news, the best news all week. So happy to hear you are feeling better, and you have lots of support & most of all you have your treatment and medicine, for the next 6 month.
But had to laugh though, David M. and Scientology is probably having a fit about Eli Lilly & Company, 😂😂 So glad to see the beautiful Christie with you, Mike.
You both and the family are in my prayers. If you need anything, please let us know, we are #Team Mike all the way.
What a wonderful update!
Mike and Christie, you are very special people who are touching so many lives. We are all behind you, ready to help in any way we can.
Keeping you both in my heart every day. #TeamMike!
You the man Mike. Scientology did not break you. And this thing sure as hell ain’t gonna break you.
You and Christy got the whole SP support gang behind you. Many well wishes from just a dude.
Hi Mike and Christie,
It’s great to see you both.
Mike, you’re looking and sounding much better. Keeping my fingers crossed for your recovery, and Christie, for the strength you need to get through this.
So glad to hear this! You and your family have been and will continue to be in my prayers.
Christie, I have been a caregiver and I know it can take a lot out of you. You put yourself last, because all of the focus is on the person that is ill. Please remember to take care or yourself as well.
As a member of “Team Mike” (and after seeing this video and wiping my eyes) my hope for Mike’s recovery is now even more hopeful.
As a side note, it seems possible you have more supporters than scientology can honestly claim (not that they’d be honest). You’ve touched a lot of lives … mine among them.
I was so relieved to see you yesterday on YT! When your tough Aussie attitude broke a little bit at the end of the video I might have shed a little (happy) tear. 🙂
Much, much love from Germany to both of you! ♡ #TeamMike
Sending good thoughts and prayers to you both ~ your lives touch so many more people than may be realize. Please know you are loved and supported from afar.
I’m just a nobody from nowheresville, but please know that you, Mike, are in my prayers. You ARE a survivor. Christie, you too I pray for because I truly know what you are feeling as Mike navigates this journey. The role you are playing carries with it its own stresses and worries unique to caregivers. I hope you each continue to lean on each other, and on those who love you, and know you’re never alone.
So good to see you Mike and Christie. We love you. I’m so glad you are seeing improvement and the discomfort is easing a bit. Thousands of us are hoping and praying with you for a speedy and complete recovery.
Mike and Christie, sending you hugs and lots of prayers on beating your cancer! I am so glad you have a lot of love and support to get through this tough time!
Mike, you looked so good on your update! You’ve got this!
Every morning I drink a cup of coffee from my “Team Mike” mug and say a prayer for you, your medical team, and for your family.
Stay strong! We’re all behind you.
Mike, this encouraging news gladdens my heart. How thoughtful of you and Christie to update us with your good news. How typical of your unselfishness to reach out to us.
Like that Burt Bachrach song that Dionne Warwick sang many years ago, all thru the day I “Say a little prayer for you” of love and support.
Mike, I know I am a little late to the party here, but I just wanted to say how wonderful it was to get this update. My husband has had some health issues over the past 6 weeks and we were only just now able to get around to watching this update together even though we’d read about it already. You are so loved – so many of us were/are happy to give any monetary support we can and cheer you on. I can’t hardly articulate how much I admire you as a person and am so thrilled that you are progressing so well. We will continue to hold you in our prayers. You’ve got this!
Way to go Mike!
Your courage, strength and leadership have been and continue to be an inspiration to us all !!!
Sending tons of love, light and healing to you and Christie!!
Piling on thoughts of love and healing – thank you, Mike and Christie for the update!
Hi Mike,
So happy to hear that your medical condition is improving. This is the first time I have posted since you became ill.
I have been having some issues in my own life lately, but nothing like what you are dealing with. I know that you are going to “kick this cancer like a bad habit” because you are, among other things, one tough dude. I also know how important it is that you have a partner like Christie by your side in this battle.
I have been following and commenting on your posts since before you started your blog back when you were posting on Marty’s blog before he rejoined the “dark side”.
I have never and can never thank you enough for your leadership and courage in standing up to and shining the light of TRUTH on David Miscavige. Godspeed to your recovery !!!!!💖💖💖💖💖
I so appreciated hearing the update and that Mike is improving. Sending you all my kindest and most positive thoughts for healing and recovery.
I’m so glad all seems to be heading in the right direction. I have so much respect for you for everything you’ve been through and continue to deal with. You and Christie are an example of generosity and strength and I am sending love and support your way. #teammike
#TeamMike! Such good news!!! We’re in Canada and have been so impressed with what you have brought to light with Leah. (I think we’ve watched every video there is!) We also believe you have saved MANY lives and richly deserve to receive the medication and care you need right now. Thank you and Christie for being so transparent about your cancer journey – it gives all of us hope and we will continue to keep you, your family, friends and colleagues in our thoughts. We love you Mike!
Great news, Mike. I only became aware of your illness yesterday and send you many good thoughts for your continued improvement. As the need arises I will donate whatever I can to the fund. I am a pensioner living in Melbourne and wonder if you still have Australian citizenship. If you did, then that would be helpful with your medical needs. Anyway, best wishes to you and your family – you’re a great guy and we’re lucky to have you over there calling out this insidious cult for what it is.
HOORAY AND HUZZAH!! It’s so great to hear this news! Also, Congratulations to both of you on your Anniversary!
The outpouring of love, care and support in this SPTV family, is overwhelming! Mike, keep being you! It was great to hear your voice and see you! Christie, you should be on here more often!
Take Care! Sending ALL the love and good positive thoughts!
It was joyful to read this
You both are strong! You both are fabulous! You both are powerful!
love, light and positive energy.
Nice news! best wishes.
Mike & Christie we truly pray for a total success of your treatment and a long happy life together. While overwhelming and emotional it is for you to see all the support, know that it is our privilege to be there for you and your family.
You were thrown into the Scientology life while most of us lived an unencumbered life as children learning how to play, how to love and how to become good human beings. Those things were stolen from you and your struggles to extricate yourself from the shackles of an organization led by a science fiction wannabe writer is just wrong. That disgusts me on so many levels.
You deserved better than you got and there is more than enough of blame to go around by these despicable people who owed you better. Children deserve to be loved. They are not chattel to be disposed of and turned over to any organization that does not support and cherish them.
So now in your hour of need, we are going to be there for you as we called too. For me I feel I owe you and others in many walks of life who never had the beautiful life I’ve had. I am a cancer patient surviving so I understand how you feel but know that because I’ve been and continue to be given many blessings I am compelled to bestow those blessings on those in need. It is you Mike that is grace and a hero. We are the vehicle which the Lord works through to give you what we’ve been fortunate to have received. You are truly deserving and the Lord calls us to show you that he does exists and is there to take you in his arms and care for you.
The only things ‘stuck’ to you is God and he does love you and always will. Scientology did and can’t beat God’s Love for you, me and humanity. So while we know you are grateful for all of our support know that this is God’s proof to you that he is almighty, omnipotent, and loves you. I am not particularly religious in the formal sense but I am spiritual and know that a force (we call him/her God) exists that is based in Love and goodness. As you journey through this difficult phase of your health struggle you will feel God’s grace. He/she will bring you peace. Turnover your burdens to God. He/she will carry those for you.
As a cancer patient, your job now is to focus 100% to getting better by doing what your Doctors tell you to do. We will take care of the others things for you. I am in awe at the strength and courage you demonstrated to break away from this insidious and criminal enterprise that is Scientology. BTW – it’s not a religion – it is devoid of any value to this world and humanity on any level but most importantly it is devoid of LOVE!
God Bless You Mike and be well! We’ve got you!
Go Mike Go! I really do think you will get through this, as I did from the beginning. I am not surprised by this positive progress report.
good on you mate
Please please please read about NSNG. Sending you light and love!!!!!
I think there is something in this diet, which could help. One of my friends had been diagnosed with incurable brain tumor. He changed his diet, to the paleo diet, and since then he is tumor free. It happened 10 years ago, when he was diagnosed with brain cancer.
I honestly wish it was a known fact that people with an incurable brain tumor could change their diet and that would heal their tumor.
I sincerely wish that Mike will find a way to fight his current disease and live out a long and happy life.
But I want to warn everyone to be very careful in the belief that changing your diet can provide a certain healing of an incurable life-threatening disease. I have heard of many cases where people come to believe a change of diet will cure a life-threatening disease and then believe they will be cured simply by changing their diet.
I urge you to seek out a medical opinion from your doctor and then to research carefully to find out if your current condition will likely be cured by a change of diet.
I have come to believe it is a big mistake to ignore the medical community and follow the advice of some Naturopath.
I sincerely wish Mike and Christie will find a way to fight Mike’s problem that has a proven rate of success and Mike will live out a long and happy life.
I deserve this email, thank you, because I didn’t think it through. Though I am not a neuropath. What I forgot to mention that my friend is still having check ups every month, so he is under a brain specialist care. He had been having this diet under a team of doctors’ supervision.
I am sorry if my comment was misleading, I did not mean that Mike should drop any medical supervision.
My sincere apologies!
What a lovely and unexpected post you made.
I am left wondering where you ever learned such lovely conduct.
I admire your post very much.
Thank you so much for your kind message. I am Hungarian, and I had lovely parents who had been very much involved with my upbringing. I am so great full to God, that He gave them to me. I am just an ordinary person and I do pray for Mike’s healing, because this World need every inch of a person like Mike! My prayers are with him and his family and also with his other family who are stuck in that cult, that God may open their mind and eyes to see clearly and come to their senses!
Good advice. Once you have cancer the best thing you can do is get treated with the best medical assistance you can get. My Dr is kind of alternative but he has seen too many people die that wanted to follow a diet (Specifically some vegan, juicing, coffee enema regime). Sounds like Mike is in great hands with his treatment regime and if anyone can do it Mike can.
Beth, trust in Mike, he has got this, he will be okay.
I am a follower of the paleo diet, it is not for everyone. My Dr also advises this way of eating but he said if your body has cancer don’t muck around get it treated and think about diet later.
So happy you are improving. I will continue keeping you and your family in my thoughts and thoughts.
Great Mike, with tears of joy in my eyes. So looking forward to your continued healing and you back fighting the good fight. Good on you mate! And thank you Chrisie for coming on the channel with Mike, was good to see you and so well done on your fantastic support. Best to your children 🙂
Hi Mike, I’m so sorry to hear about your disease. I hope you recover fully soon. To be diagnosed with cancer is quite something. I went through it myself earlier this year. Thank God it was still early stage and I got cured with some relatively minor surgery. I’m glad to see that you are on the right treatment and getting better already. All my prayers are with you that you may be fully cured. It’s really sad hearing how the health care system works (doesn’t) in the US. This is unimaginable over here in Belgium. Luckily you get the support of so many friends, and that, I know, is so heart warming and beautiful and uplifting for you and your wife and family. All the best to you. You’re looking good by the way.
Seeing your smiling face really made my day
Such good news! Not all of us are members here but we’re all pulling for you. Keep on winning!
At this point in the process, this is an OUTSTANDING report.
Way To Go, Mike and Christie.
Hang in there peoples and know there’s a lot of Love and Support across the World for ya’ll. We Care.
Praying for you to continue to GET WELL.
I’m so happy to see things going well. Our form of medical insurance is third-world, barbaric, and unconscionable. Keep fighting; we’re here for you.
What a superb update, #TeamMike!
This is wonderful!!! Thank you for the update. Wishing you well. And that Kristie also takes care of herself through all of this.
Thank you Mike and Christie for the update. What a great team you are. Plus, big hugs to your wonderful neighbors.
Oh hurrah!! I know how much work it takes to circumvent the US healthcare system. Great to see it’s all working. Will keep you both in our hearts and minds. Love Kate and Barbara
So glad you are doing better Mike.
Keep winning!
#TeamMike! Continued positive thoughts and prayers! Never give up the Faith!
I know many folks who have kicked cancer’s ass. You will be among them and I’ll applaud your doing so.
Hip, hip, hurray 🙂
#TeamMike! Continued positive thoughts and prayers!
Fantastic news! I work in Thermo Fisher Scientific and we collaborate very much with Lilly. You are in the best hands that you could be for this trip! My very
best wishes from Spain
I made a comment on YouTube, but had to rewatch the video again to hear the good news again. That is wonderful news, the best news all week. So happy to hear you are feeling better, and you have lots of support & most of all you have your treatment and medicine, for the next 6 month.
But had to laugh though, David M. and Scientology is probably having a fit about Eli Lilly & Company, 😂😂 So glad to see the beautiful Christie with you, Mike.
You both and the family are in my prayers. If you need anything, please let us know, we are #Team Mike all the way.
Bravo and blessings !
With love, always
Bravo and blessings !
With love, always
What a wonderful update!
Mike and Christie, you are very special people who are touching so many lives. We are all behind you, ready to help in any way we can.
Keeping you both in my heart every day. #TeamMike!
You the man Mike. Scientology did not break you. And this thing sure as hell ain’t gonna break you.
You and Christy got the whole SP support gang behind you. Many well wishes from just a dude.
Hi Mike and Christie,
It’s great to see you both.
Mike, you’re looking and sounding much better. Keeping my fingers crossed for your recovery, and Christie, for the strength you need to get through this.
So glad to hear this! You and your family have been and will continue to be in my prayers.
Christie, I have been a caregiver and I know it can take a lot out of you. You put yourself last, because all of the focus is on the person that is ill. Please remember to take care or yourself as well.
As a member of “Team Mike” (and after seeing this video and wiping my eyes) my hope for Mike’s recovery is now even more hopeful.
As a side note, it seems possible you have more supporters than scientology can honestly claim (not that they’d be honest). You’ve touched a lot of lives … mine among them.
Great big hugs for both of you.
This is wonderful to hear, Mike and Christie. Hang in there, we are all rooting for you. Team Mike is thousands strong and we are here for you.
I was so relieved to see you yesterday on YT! When your tough Aussie attitude broke a little bit at the end of the video I might have shed a little (happy) tear. 🙂
Much, much love from Germany to both of you! ♡ #TeamMike
Sending good thoughts and prayers to you both ~ your lives touch so many more people than may be realize. Please know you are loved and supported from afar.
All the very best for you and your family.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
From Sydney- Australia
I’m just a nobody from nowheresville, but please know that you, Mike, are in my prayers. You ARE a survivor. Christie, you too I pray for because I truly know what you are feeling as Mike navigates this journey. The role you are playing carries with it its own stresses and worries unique to caregivers. I hope you each continue to lean on each other, and on those who love you, and know you’re never alone.
Good luck Mike.
It’s wonderful to see your face and hear your voice, Mike. Our well wishes and love are with you always <3
So good to see you Mike and Christie. We love you. I’m so glad you are seeing improvement and the discomfort is easing a bit. Thousands of us are hoping and praying with you for a speedy and complete recovery.
Mike and Christie, sending you hugs and lots of prayers on beating your cancer! I am so glad you have a lot of love and support to get through this tough time!
Mike, you looked so good on your update! You’ve got this!
Every morning I drink a cup of coffee from my “Team Mike” mug and say a prayer for you, your medical team, and for your family.
Stay strong! We’re all behind you.
Mike, this encouraging news gladdens my heart. How thoughtful of you and Christie to update us with your good news. How typical of your unselfishness to reach out to us.
Like that Burt Bachrach song that Dionne Warwick sang many years ago, all thru the day I “Say a little prayer for you” of love and support.