This week is another episode answering listener questions. We cover a range of topics and below are related documents.
The first is that scientology paid the IRS $12.5 million as part of the settlement which resulted in tax exemption.
At the event announcing the exemption, Miscavige said the bill to the IRS was $1 billion:
This is a fairly comprehensive summary of the story of the IRS and Scn on Wikipedia:
How to find your US Representative:
and US Senator:
And here are some twitter and internet addresses for the IRS and others:
IRS Criminal Investigation Twitter: @IRS_CI
How to report a tax violation to the IRS:
The Justice Department Twitter: @TheJusticeDept
Contact the Justice Dept:
The FBI Twitter: @FBI
Report to the FBI:
In this episode of The Aftermath (Season 3 Episode 5 Where’s Shelly?) you will see the Talon security people at the Arrowhead CST facility where Shelly Miscavige was sent (it’s around the 40 minute mark).
Here are some shots of Sea Org Security Force members who patrol the main bases of scientology:
Here are a couple of Hubbard Flag Orders describing how Sea Org members are expected to do any job, whether trained for it or not:
The Sea Org “Contract”:
A recent article on Tony Ortega’s blog showing the current Scientology Staff contract as a “volunteer” and the information they want from every individual:
What is Freeloader debt? This is the definition from the official scientology dictionary.
A Freeloader debt is not legally collectible. The coercion used to persuade people to pay is that until the “debt” is paid off, you are not “in good standing” and thus cannot enter a scientology org or fraternize with scientologists (including family).
Leah Deaths and Suicides article on my blog
Can I post a question here for the next listener question episode?? My question is what are Sea Org members doing during these long work days? I don’t mean someone who is being punished and doing some type of labor. What was the day-to-day like for someone like you, Mike, or Claire Headley? What the heck kept you so busy for 18-hour days? You have done a good job establishing that Scientology is a complete sham that accomplished nothing. So, what kept you going and made you feel important for those long days and no pay?
The trouble with waking up so damn early is how 6:00 becomes 5:00, and pretty soon that’s looking pretty great, because it’s not 3:45 AM.
….and no one I feel like calling wants to hear from me at these hours… particularly with time zones thrown in.
But my neck looks pretty good, thanks to being a second gen lifelong Oil of Olay devotee.
….this intro was fun for me.
Great episode.
The really heartbreaking truth about cancer is that so many scientologists have died in agony from its not being properly treated, as noted in this post. Cancer is NOT lethal in every case. I have a few lady friends who have passed the 5-year mark of remission, so are generally considered cured. And, in each case, they are as lovely and vital as they always were. I sadly can name as many scientologists off the top of my head who tragically died of cancer as the number of friends who didn’t. (And I’ve made a bunch of friends in the intervening 40 years.) My wife gets a big dinner at her favorite restaurant every time she subjects herself to a cancer screening because I like her JUST as she is.
Talking about great skin:
No more need be said about that eternally youthful beauty.
O/T … but I thought some of the people here might like to read and/or listen to a video on Tony Ortega’s site where some poor lady – who is not even a member of the cult – is distressed over having her life ruined by being declared an SP. She tells the interregator words to the effect: “This is so mean. I am not even a member and you are declaring me an SP which means I will have to disconnect from my son.
I have lost two children so far and now you are telling me I have to lose a third and I have another son who is in a band with a cult member and he will not longer be able to be in that band because he will have to disconnect with all the members in that band or they will have to disconnect from them and … I never committed any supressive acts and I can’t understand how you can be so mean to do these things to me that will essentially ruin my life.”
All in all, it’s a pretty tragic video. Her name is Sylvia Wagner DeWall and you can watch her video on Tony Ortega’s site at: It is well worth watching because it is a view of this cult that is rarely seen by non-members. I hope you will check it out.
I am sharing the following quotation from “LET IT BURN” (@haniimhome) because I like the turn of phrase. (Frankly. I wish that I had thought of it.) I suspect that she is more accurate than she may know. I am not surprised that she has an MA in Literature. 🙂
“NOI is the Scientology of Islam.” (NOI = Nation of Islam.)
Yes, memorialized with a screenshot at ESMBR at:
Those in NOI who embrace ‘scientology’ *deserve* each other for as long as it takes before they wake up to how fundamentally racist both groups are; highly antagonistic to each other’s base demographic.
(/end of scientologically-based rant) you ARE responsible for your own condition, IOW.
Hello! I love the podcast. I was wondering if you and Leah have ever considered having Kevin James on? I thought it might be interesting to hear his take on things since he knew Leah as an active Scientologist and has seen her go through the process of leaving to where she is today. Might just be interesting to hear what he thought of it all and the differences he has seen in Leah before/after. Thanks so much. Love listening to you both.
Hello Mary,
I do not know Kevin James and I have no idea how he feels about Leah or how he would feel about meeting her today and discussing anything about this cult.
But I can tell you that Leah has made it abundantly clear in the past that whenever other cult members have asked or told her it would be a good idea for her to talk with Kevin about joining the cult, Leah has always said that she did not feel that would be at all appropriate for the following reasons:
1) Leah knew that Kevin James was a practitioner or member (whichever you prefer) of the Catholic Church and he had made it clear that he was eminently satisfied with his existing religion.
2) Leah has said that Kevin knew full well that she was a member of this cult and if he ever had any interest in it, he had every opportunity to ask her about it but he never did.
Finally, I would like to add that I get the feeling that for Leah to try and get Kevin involved with this cult would be like anyone approaching a neighbor who they knew belonged to a religion other than their own and trying to get them interested in that religion. It seems to me it just feels like something very inappropriate to do.
I may be wrong about all or part of this (and there is always the possibility I may be wrong), and if anyone here has any info on this subject and believes that I am wrong, I would welcome them to correct me.
Thank you
Ask Kevin James to come on your podcast Mike and Leah. It would be awesome to know what he really thought about Scientology.
Believe me, he knew shit or he would have not pulled out “I am Catholic Card”
Let’s find out what he knew.
It would be epic to have him on the show. Some of the other cast members too.
They all were so awesome.
You and Leah are awesome, Mike.
Thank you for all you do everyday to expose the hideously evil cult of Scientology
Hey there DMCS! What a great idea! I would love to hear what Kevin James has to say.
Also, I am sure that he had a good relationship with Leah after they finished shooting the King of Queens because Kevin and Leah starred in another TV show that followed on the heels of King of Queens.
If Leah could interest Kevin James in being a guest on your podcast it would be great and I believe the ratings would also be great. Do they keep ratings for podcasts? Of course, this all depends on how Kevin would feel about it.
P.S. The only other major cast member was Jerry Stiller and unfortunately, he died recently. But Patton Oswalt might be interested and he would be fun to hear on the podcast.
Kevin is a very devout Catholic. Leah was not a good scientologist and didn’t try to pitch him on scientology as she knew it would accomplish nothing. There isn’t any more to the story. He is a very funny and very sweet and kind man, but he doesnt have anything to offer for a podcast about scientology.
As “scientology” does, it denigrates Leah as a “washed-up” has-been of an actor.
BUT she headlined a critically-acclaimed and wildly popular documentary series since then.
“scientology’s” celebrities aren’t in the same league. AFAICT, none of them have given any evidence that they can ‘carry’ a series by their abilities, and few have current shows even as supporting actors.
Do ANY of them have even ONE Emmy to match with Leah’s TWO?
But it goes on all the time – in an effort to “save them from an eternity of torment”, or some such drivel.
IOW, “Misery loves company.”
I appreciate, in this podcast episode, Leah sharing about the work it can take within a family, after all of you leave, to overcome the frustration or resentment you might have toward the family member who brought all of you into Scientology. I get it. My child left first. Now that I have left, this grown child is still pretty annoyed with me.
In response, I have stated more than once: “Take the victory lap. You are the leader here. You put the puzzle pieces together first, before I did. Also, this group is going down in flames. You made and continue to make right decisions.”
Gosh, it is just not enough. I appreciate, then, Leah’s expression of how this can take some chipping away and time to work through it.
What I can offer is something on which I reflect—so I don’t unproductively resent myself: at that time, with what I knew and understood (this is the best group and the best activity), I made the smartest decision. Later, when I gained new knowledge and based on THIS OTHER set of truths and facts, I changed and I made new and different decisions.
I am just not sure, for any human being anywhere, if we can do else or more.
I am imagining the transformation of someone in a lengthy prison sentence who knowingly committed crimes because, at the time, they were unabashedly in a gang, and committing crimes constituted the norms and behaviors. How about a person raised where hatred against a different group is part of your family lore and indoctrination. What that person must go through, down the road, when they learn otherwise and must TAKE BACK all the hateful words or deeds they rendered unfairly against a different group, not knowing they were operating off lies and false information.
Knowing what you know at that time, you make the best decision. Later, when other ideas and facts become available, holy cow, if you can push your big ego out of the way to ALLOW for inspecting and then accepting new (contrary) information, that should be celebrated, cause it’s hard. I know so many of us that leave feel, for a long time, like a complete idiot. “They got me!” It’s a messy scene to just beat up on yourself. I am trying, continuously, to give myself some grace for recognizing the quirky freaky (sinking) ship I was on, getting off it. My child does (like Leah) have the capacity to identify GOOD THINGS that came out of the exposure to C of S, such as ability to spot features of a cult, someone trying to be “a cult leader,” or operate as a cult-like group. That piece of knowledge may spare any Former-In from falling into a future trap, which is good.
Dear Peridot, about raising children and being parents is always a big argument that almost never seems to have a final word where you say “here we are”. We often see them as an extension of us but more than anything else it’s just the ego. I learned to be there when needed but I also understood that life is an ‘obligatory experience’ which must therefore be lived as such.
What I always tell girls is that life is theirs and that no one can live it for them.
Mistakes can be useful because they bring experiences that were previously lacking and there was no awareness.
And that I’m still here whenever they need it. I saw that it worked great in my case.
This also opens another door. It ALSO applies to the experience I had as a staff in SO.
I realized that there is NO need to blame myself or look for why I took the bait like a fool.
It was simply an experience that perhaps I had to live to wake up and become aware of certain things.
What I finally realized is that there is nothing wrong with us. What is wrong are the suggestions of the ego and the emotions of the mind that we unconsciously identify with.
You once said this was a great community. You were right. Do well.
@Loosing My Religion – Peace, Friend. Thanks for this kind message.
Peridot. I thank you. Peace.
O/T. NationTown TV has now reposted the YouTube video lecture by Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad (aka Tony Muhammad) entitled “Which Flag Will You Choose?”
Starting at 52:25, the Minister chooses to “Live” with the flag of the Nation of Islam rather than “Die” with the flag of the United States:
See also:
At approximately 58:56 in the lecture, he says:
“Civil rights belong to homosexuals now. They hijacked civil rights.”
Starting at approximately 28:50 in the lecture, he says:
“The sins of White America have mounted up so high that God is about to destroy this country called America.”
He also make statements about White people that are . . . not kind. I respectfully recommend people watch the entire two hour video.
Memorialized with screenshots on ESMBR and Instagram at:
I’ll bet that Scientology still uses IBM punch cards.
Well now otherles,
There is a good chance you may be correct because it has been reported many times that the leader of this cult very much enjoys punching the shit out of all kinds of people and objects too.
Davey isn’t called the “punching Pontiff” for no reason, you know.
O/T. The official House of Representatives webpage for Representative Steve Cohen has a Press Release that he and Representatives Gwen Moore, Bonnie Watson Coleman and Jahana Hayes introduced the Making Essentials Affordable and Lawful (MEAL) Act to lift restrictions on the receipt of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits for people with prior felony drug convictions.
The Press Release states that the measure is supported by the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office, among other organizations.
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
After listening to episode 38 (a Q&A from listeners) at your and Leah’s podcast, Scientology: Fair Game, I have a question. What happens to Scientologists when they get old and feeble? Suffer dementia or other disabilities? To others, both children and adults, who suffer disabilities and debilitating injuries as a result of doing dangerous physical labor? I can only imagine that they are blamed and punished for something beyond their control.
WJ. Maybe this doesn’t quite answer entirely to your question but certainly it partially does.
In sea org there is a practice called “fitness board”. This board made up of other SO members goes through a list of qualifications to see if the person can be accepted or STAY in the SO.
If the person does not qualify and can’t be made ok, he is sent away.
Nobody cares whether he is physically ill or has nowhere to go.
So if at some point in his life/career in SO if one is found unsuitable (useless to the group) he is discharged and accompanied to the door and goodbye!
I repeat, this may be only part of the complete answer. But this is totally true. That’s what I’ve seen happen and I don’t remember any form of retirement or other help.
WJ, the Sea Org does have a retirement program.
Expressed simply:
“Do it ’til you drop. Then get a new body and do it again. Rinse and repeat for 1,000,000,000 years or until it actually works, whichever comes first.”
Practically, disabled SO members are typically trashed one way or another, as no longer “fit”. Important exceptions exist, like the case of those in the Hole at the Int Base. They cannot simply be dumped at a bus stop because there is some chance a reporter will get their story, That would not be good for Dave.
So you can think of the Int Base as a sort of retirement village for those whose voices must forever be silenced. No wonder Dave doesn’t hang out there anymore.
In “scientology”, there is NO provision for the old or infirm. You either pull your full weight or are tossed aside as a ‘downstat’. Downstats are NEVER validated, are never given anything they didn’t either pay for or earn. The most humane treatment I’ve heard of is dumping them at some social Security-funded hospice to live out their last days; alone, unwanted, and often in pain. Similarly, they have no provision for the very young. At best they’re separated from their parents or guardians, dumped into the “cadet org” where they serve at the jobs they’re (barely) physically, intellectually & emotionally capable of handling.
Congrats to Balletlady who asked a question about the billion year contracts and it was answered by Mike and Leah. It was a good question and I believe many people would like to understand this billion year contract which cannot possibly make any sense.
Thank you friend Skyler23. It really peaked my interest since MINORS by LAW cannot be held liable to ANY contract they sign.
This “legally binding contract” really puts a guilt trip on those who sign it…..supposedly feet are held to the fire to remain IN…………or else.
I’ve known many who exited their former religion at their own will….either they disagreed with it’s format or changes (as I myself did) OR they grew tired of being a “sheep” who willingly follows the tenets or dictates of that religion.
We ALL know that many people do not stick 100% to ALL the doctrines of a religion, some are what I call “the twice a year Catholics”….who go to church Easter & Christmas.
I truly hope that some of the still in’s wake up & exit……there ARE diehards who no doubt will remain, too afraid to leave……they know nothing else, afraid of disconnection, afraid of “burning in Hell & not getting that new meat body”…..too sad.
Of course ONLY Mike & Leah could totally give their complete 100% insight into this “Billion Year Baby”…………thank you!
It’s not a legally binding contract, it’s an illegally binding contract.
Amen…..nailed it down Jere!
A good question would be where the hell is David hiding.
His latest “appearances” of him concern the nonsense on IG Network Bulletin 88 (current scene) where he says that the pandemic is a worldwide provocation.
Dave please take a look at what’s going on in India or Madagascar and try to explain to me where the bullbait is.
Then he was seen at a couple of graduations at Flag.
He doesn’t give interviews (otherwise he has to lie and who knows what they can ask him) and he doesn’t appear on video because he has nothing to say.
In the meantime, however, the fundraising continues indiscriminately.
At this point the question is no longer only: where is Shelly?
The question is where the hell are you David?!?
C’mon give us a sign.
Very nice post, LMR!
Thanks Skyler. Note that this was not meant to be a sarcastic question.
Of everything about scn this is one of the things I’m most ‘curious’ about. What is he doing?
In my opinion, many are asking this even within the cult. In a situation like the present one, even the most extremist scientologist (unless he is out of his mind) may have realized that it is not really bullbait. But they cannot speak.
And I think at this point they would have expected something more from their religious leader, other than “we are cleaNing the planet”.
In a few days it will be his birthday and he will receive tons of gifts ‘spontaneously’ from all over the world (all obviously patrolled from above by rtc to make sure nothing is unpleasant to disturb him).
It is exactly 35 years since he took command of that fishing boat that was scn. Over the years he has wanted to change it, making ‘improvements’ but which have reduced it to a sieve, losing public by tens of thousands and systematically eliminating high-ranking staff.
Now they are all crammed into a lifeboat (which is ‘ideal’ though). And everyone thanks him for saving them!
Who knows he’ll be doing, perhaps making improvements to the lifeboat too?
The only suggestion I can make as to how he spends his time, taking into consideration the physiological makeup of a 60 year old man in his position, I would surmise he spends an awful lot of his time spanking the monkey – which is an English slang expression for “beating off” or masturbating.
After all, aside from counting all his money over and over again, what else does he really have to do?
He rewrote many of the teachings of the original leader in a plan to get all the faithful to buy these courses a second or third time. But that sort of thing has a very limited potential to bring in new money since it is so obvious that all the “new” materials have no real benefits as compared to the original materials. Most people seem to have figured out they are just another bogus cash grab from the TWERP who has so many different kinds of cash grabs.
In addition, it is so much easier for him to call up one of his cult members that happens to have many millions of dollars (or maybe even billions) and put pressure on them to donate a few million. He can get more cash that way in a brief phone call than he ever could by spending many days or weeks rewriting course materials. There is just no comparison at all between the two methods. I would guess that after experiencing each method, we will never again see him rewrite any other materials. I would guess his next stop is some kind of alcohol poisoning leading to death. But one cannot really predict a thing like that.
All we can do is hope.
Last I heard was that he spends all his time in his pool full of scotch and only comes out when it’s empty and then waits, floating in a barrel of Glenmorangie 10 year old single malt, impatiently while it’s refilled.
GL it seems, according to some vague gossips, that he doesn’t despise even a well-aged McCallan. What more can I say? After all, he might have so many things to toast that we don’t know.
So, he shows up for a few seconds at a dew “graduations” at Flag. That satisfies the whales that he’s still alive and that ‘scientology’ is a going concern deserving of their ‘donations’.
It’s ALL about the money$-$-$!
Jere you are right it’s just about money. He was there to distribute a few carrots to his followers.