There have been plenty of unhinged articles published in Freedom magazine over the years, but this one just popped up and it is so absurd I thought it was perhaps a joke.
Scientology has a long and well documented history of smearing reporters who say things they don’t like. From Paulette Cooper to Anderson Cooper, Alex Gibney and John Sweeney…
They have set their sights on Martha Ross who writes for the San Jose Mercury News.
They target her for having an undisclosed “conflict of interest” in writing anything about scientology because: “Martha Ross and her husband, John Sterns, have spent years writing about Mr. Sterns’ interactions with and support for the psychiatric industry, as well as the forms of treatment he’s chosen to undergo.”
They have a visual:
Their logic is summed up thusly: “Ms. Ross is familiar with the Church of Scientology’s vocal opposition to dangerous psychiatric drugging and psychiatric abuse… The point is self-evident: Ross has a clear conflict of interest that she’s never disclosed, in spite of her more than 70 articles attacking the Church of Scientology.”
Seems pretty well disclosed to me? They say themselves she has spent years writing about this…
Then they go on, claiming that because she wrote about her issues with alcohol nearly two decades ago, she cannot possibly report on anything related to scientology?
“But the story is even more compelling. Ross would also certainly be aware of the Church of Scientology’s stance on substance abuse, including the abuse of alcohol. …Ross has written about her extensive history with alcohol, including an article titled: “Am I An Alcoholic”
Ross again failed to disclose her conflict of interest.”
And another visual.

The claims of an “undisclosed” conflict of interest are disproven by the very material they cite to try to smear her.
“To be sure, Ross is entitled to her personal beliefs. What she is not entitled to do is write stories attacking the Scientology religion and its members without disclosing her personal motives for writing them.”
How rich is that?
Motives? She is unqualified to report on scientology because she wrote about her alcohol problems in 2008?? Today, she may well be as anti-alcohol as scientology is (scientology does not forbid alcohol use).
But even more absurd — what does this supposed standard of “undisclosed conflict of interest” even have to do with this?.” A conflict of interest would classically be having a potential financial gain by making a company look bad with biased reporting. Or smearing a politician because you were offered a job by their opponent if they were elected. Not personal or private life matters that don’t match those of the subject being reported on. By this logic, the only person who could report on scientology is a scientologist. The only reporter who could cover the Catholic Church would have to be “pro-life.” And a Jew could never cover Nazi atrocities.
and most ironically, no scientologist could “report” for Freedom magazine about the media because they have a hidden bias that all media are merchants of chaos
“Alter Is and Degraded Beings” writing (PL, policy letter) says that mental insanity is only dealt with at Section III OT, meaning the first exorcism step of the modern official Scientology’s 5 steps of exorcism, which is setting free the invisible souls (much damaged with horrible soul memories these bodiless souls leak onto us, unbeknownst to us, not until we learn this on Hubbard’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps).
Simply put, Hubbard’s exorcism of Xenu’s earth dumped body-thetans are the real cause of severe mental illness, Hubbard says, instead of what psychologists and psychiatrists say.
Body-thetans exorcism/soul freeing, vs psychology/psychiatry.
Me, I favor regular medical advice and psychology/psychiatry practices over Hubbard’s Scientology exorcism of Xenu’s body-thetans.
THIS info, the Scientology exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps, needs be counter protested at all of the Scientology hate propaganda protests and Scientology media, to balance out and show what Scientology and Hubbard propose is the actual problem with humanity’s severe mental illness.
Chuck Beatty
ex Flag Course Sup (1977 to 1983), ex Sea Org 75 to 03.
Scientology is soul pseudo-therapy and exorcism quackery, which hates psychology/psychiatry and wishes them to disappear, all due to L. Ron Hubbard’s vast quackery theories. Hubbard has ridiculous past lives space adventure ideas that psychiatrists have been around for millions of years in the past, to all of our detriment over the vast stretches of cosmic time. Psychiatrists are thought by Hubbard, to be the cosmic bad guys in all the vast humanoid space civilizations. Hubbard is clearly off his rocker.
Thoughts and best wishes mate…
Mike, from my family to yours, we wish you the sincerest peace and prayer. You have brought so much of your knowlege to us. We have discussed all you and your expert information have given us, the public. We hold you in the utmost respect for sharing with us.
You have a beautiful family, Christie and the boys, lean on them in tough times. Your extended online family loves you and wishes you peace.
Our sincerest respect and love.
*excuse typos please
Mike, I’m truly wishing you all the best from the bottom of my heart.
I know what this means and how much is being asked of you in terms of change. My wife went through an almost identical situation (also a tumor) several years ago, and she came through it. She’s damn tough too.
It took several years between chemo and other challenges, but everything was held together by being a family, doing it for our girls, and keeping them close.
You’re gonna make it through this, and damn, you will.
Mike, coming from reading Tony’s article today, please know that I’m glad only to hear that you’re going off the grid to focus on health and family. Your family loves you, your wonderful, caring, beautiful wife and your children are totally with you. We here love you; I love you. And I know this may sound silly but I know that, because you had the courage and integrity and self honesty to turn your life around and pursue the right and decent path, because of what has for years now been your commitment to what you know to be right, because of these qualities that you drew from yourself and out of which you are now living, you have an angel over your shoulder, now, Mike. I call it an angel but its not a being with wings, necessarily, unless one wants it to look like that. No matter, its a power, a power for good, that watches, sort of. And this angel, this power, is watching you, guiding you. Whatever you do will be the right thing to do; whatever you don’t do it will be right that you don’t do it. The angel is watching out for you. I don’t care how this sounds to anyone reading this. I know its true.
Aqua, I concur. Let’s pray for Mike and his family.
Ah, ah ah! No comm particles from Cletus Hogjowl, Melissa Crumbcake, Shanaynay Muhammad or any of you other scibots who try enturbulate us on this blog!
I don’t know who these people are or whether you’re just being funny with these crazy names, but I know this much: People whose pleasure in life comes from enturbulating others, who, heaven forbid, whose livelihood depends upon it, are truly to be pitied. Think of it; they can only feel good, if others feel bad and/or they only get paid and can live because they’ve made others feel bad. What little reward there is in that. How temporary their satisfaction! Whereas helping people, making them feel good with honesty and honest help…nothing beats that feeling! its actually fun.
The above mentioned persons are fictional members of OSA who keep trying to Fair Game our blog, albeit without success.
Understood, thanks, Alco.
I was going to send you an email today. Then Tony made the announcement on his post. What cancer doesn’t take out of you, chemo does. Best wishes to you and your family.
To somehow counter Freedom mag’s content, I’d like to recommend a film from 2010 which is now available on YouTube. Unfortunately it’s only in German 🙁
Till Faith Do Us Part (in German: “Bis nichts mehr bleibt”).
The fictional film is based on numerous reports from ex-members, offering a critical perspective on Scientology as an organization. It portrays how a family becomes involved with Scientology and how their entire lives are affected. As the protagonist seeks to leave Scientology, a conflict arises between him and his wife, who remains a member, over custody of their child.
A critic: “A very quiet, dramatically convincing (TV) film, made under the utmost secrecy and under a pseudonym. While the abundance of facts and details does tighten the narrative towards the end, it remains consistently engaging, especially because Scientology is addressed fictionally for the very first time in German cinema, making the material ‘unexploited.'”,vid:9sadrdrJkt0,st:0
Best wishes in getting through this cancer episode. You are loved.
“Episode”. Yes, that’s a good word. Because Mike is someone who can’t be lost to us, and who will never be lost to us, no matter what, ever.
Mike, I viewed your Youtube videos. Thank you for letting it all out. I knew almost nothing about ASL and could not care less about him, I onlly care about you.
Totally with you. Thank you for what you are – the strongest and most decent of men, Thanks for where you’ve been for years, helping us, and for where you are now. getting thru this cancer episode. Thanks for how you are; caring, communicating, telling the truth. All of this adds up to to: “Thank you for being who you are.”. And that applies to the person you have always been, and who you will always be. Aqua.
Thank you Aqua. You’re a good friend.
Get the hell out of here 🙂 And stop smoking *
And eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and watch funny comedies with Christie and laugh a lot.
* That’s a total guess. I have no idea if you smoke, or if you ever did. But I thought, well, Sea Org and everything….and its 100% none of my business and I’m out of line so don’t even answer that.
—Mother Hen.
I smoked my entire life in the SO. It was the only vice allowed. I quit when Jack was born in 2012.
Watching funny stuff. Love Bad Sisters, Shrinking, Loot right now.
Eating lots of organic fruit and veg, no red meat, dairy, processed foods.
There you go madam – update of the day!
Thank you, sir.! Good to know.! Allow me to recommend “The Producers” – Mel Brooks’ 2nd film of that name with Nathan Lane, Uma Thurman, will Farrell…hilarious! I’ve watched it a dozen times in a dozen years. always laugh in the same places! Ciao for now; love, hugs, laughs, carry on 🙂
I LOVE that movie! And all the rest of his amazing body of work…
I just read that since 2019, there have been no new issues of Freedom mag that have been published by scn. Is that possibile? Some problem insidie the cult could be worst than we think.
They only have children on staff now, many of whom have only lived in the “bubble world” of so-called Scientology
I have to observe that people with conditions that need psychiatric medication to restore them to normal functioning often ‘self-prescribe’ alcohol to control the symptoms before they present to a doctor.
So having problems with alcohol is routinely related – and this problem is in the person’s distant past and, if anything, shows the effectiveness of the medication.
If she has a clear interest because the medication works and Scientology doesn’t. And, as you say, it’s the opposite of undisclosed – they used her extensive disclosures as evidence of undisclosed facts 🙂 Of course, they have just redefined the word to suit themselves.
What comes through about Scientology’s attitude, as much as anything, is their mad hatred of psychiatry.
I’m glad that Freedom has finally updated after what seems like forever, but this article is a bad way to brainwash non-cult members into believing that Scientology is swell.
It’s like calling someone a child murder supporter because they used to smoke marijuana, and their former dealer was later arrested for a cartel shooting.
Accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of – isn’t there a Hubbard quote about that, attributing such behavior to criminal minds?
Conflict of interest, really? Are we to expect that Freedumb magazine “journalists” will disclose that they are being paid by the cult? What about the likes of Alfrauddie and the Chan Man and any FSM there ever was? Will they declare that they are not sharing their successes and tall tales of superbeings for free and out of an overflow of personal enthusiasm for “their religion” but stand to directly profit financially every time a sucker believes these stories of theirs?
To: Todd Cray
From: Office of International Justice Chief , Flag Land Base.
Re: False accusations against Scientology celebrities and publications.
It has come to our attention that your most recent comm particle sent to the SP website of Mike Rinder included accusations of self interest against celebrity public Michael Chan and Alfreddie Johnson. You also slandered our most popular periodical by calling it “Freedumb Magazine”. You are hereby ordered to study and Method One Word Clear HCO PL 31 January 1965 “Dev-T” then report to Flag Land Base for a Star Rate Checkout. Failure to comply will result in your dismissal from the Church of Scientology as well as revocation of all honors and statuses in the IAS.
Lieutenant Melissa Crumbcake, International Justice Chief.
To: Melissa Crumbcake.
From: Alcoboy
Re: comm particle sent to Todd Cray.
Explain to me how insulting your stupid church and everyone in it constitutes Dev-T.
I await your response.
No Love At All,
Freedom magazine is now written by the equivalent of first graders. The logic is at that level.
Brainwashed Scientologists do the opposite of critical thinking. They are Children Of The Scorn.
Anyone who hears the voices of Xemu becomes ill.
Psychiatrists only have the help of their pills.
Affected people help themselves with alcohol and illegal substances.
What fun Ron must have had when he was off Africa with his ships, and had cheap booze, cheap hashish, and his cheap pain pills from the pharmacy while he developed his level three operating thetan.
During this time he played extensively with his radar devices, and regularly irradiated himself in the intoxication of his obsession with being godlike.
Gee, gosh, wow. What a surprise!
With journalistic hit pieces like the Freedom article above, people might conclude that Scientology is a hate group.
Freedum mag is a great tool for educating people.
I’ve personally shown it to many journo.s and others to enlighten them on what the kult is really about.
So it MUST be 100% Standard Tehc being applied per KSW #1.
To: Scooter.
From: Office of David Miscavige COB RTC.
Re: Your opinion of Freedom Magazine.
Our Beloved COB was very pleased to have read your comm particle concerning Freedom Magazine. He fully agrees with you that this periodical is 100% standard tech based on HCO PL 7 February 1965 KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING. What we would like to do next is sign you up for a subscription. One year of Freedom Magazine is USD $250.99 which will gain you access to the only instrument of truth in the MEST universe. Wog mags cannot deliver you the same information as Freedom Magazine as they are not based on HCO PL 7 February 1965. Please send us your remittance at the earliest opportunity.
Midshipman Shanaynay Muhammad speaking for Captain David Miscavige COB RTC.
To: Shanaynay Muhammad, jailbait.
From: Alcoboy
Re: Above comm particle.
You’re still behind bars, right? Thought so. Anyway, I had a really good laugh over your comm to Scooter. Did you read what he said? He likes Freedom Magazine because it EXPOSES THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR CULT! And that truth ain’t good! Do you really expect anyone to shell out that kind of money for a year’s subscription? By the way, have the process servers found your diminutive boss yet?
No Love At All,
Jeez, the nuts are really falling off the sanity tree with that piece of totally warped lunacy.
To quote George Carlin: “If firefighters fight fire, and crime fighters fight crime, what do freedom fighters fight?”
Seems a bit appropriate in many fronts.
Well, in my experience, SCN is notorious for making new “self-benefiting” definitions for words, or colloquiums, that are a far cry astray from the original, everyday definition. Ironic, since it’s pounded every day, the use of Dictionaries, and getting “full conceptual understanding” of words. mmm, wait….. wouldn’t this fall under the “conflict of interest” on their part?
Well, when I was in SO in Copenhagen just before every Christmas they celebrated ‘beer and cheese’.
There were all kinds of beers and some very alcoholic. A good part of the staff ended up pretty drunk.
It was allowed, rivers of beer, cheese and music. Those who were there will remember it.
One Time I have had some things like Smurf Dumblings.
Beer and Cheese is a nice combo.
My best greats!
Thanks. But nothing can be compared to a south Italy wedding. One must come mentally trained. Lol.
ohh, bella Italia
Those were the times my friend, I hoped they’d never end … 😉
Yes, what memories. We were going hard that day. What a laugh. The cheese was never enough to create a protective film. Me and some Spaniards use to drank a spoonful of olive oil before starting with the beers and some water in between. It was all a tecnique to male It to the end.
Let’s remember that Freedom Mag doesn’t create even the slightest ripple in the news media world. Just like any of their org publications, FM is an echo chamber that only reverberates within their puny insignificant bubblesphere. Never mind that the article barely makes any sense. Even if it did, no one but a foolish flock of true believers would ever read it.
This is the truth. The FM has no worth in the world of the pressed media. Its only to get consumed by the strong religioes people of scientology.
Ah yes, the kettle calling the pot black; again.
Mike, from both of our decades working in the highest echelons of the cult you and I know with utter certainty that scamtology ALWAYS misrperesents facts and slants everything they say solely to benefit itself. Freedom Mag runs only what the cult wants folks to think or believe. Hubbard’s mantra “if it isn’t written it isn’t true” is maybe what the Mag is trying to follow?
Like all the rest of the cult; nothing works. Never has. Never will. It’s bullshit isn’t worth the paper it is written on.
Keep up the good work Mike.
When it comes to full disclosure, I wonder if Freedumb Magazine will ever write an article about their biggest donor, Bob Duggan. From what I’ve heard, Bob made his millions in Big Pharma. When I was in the cult, it was a big no-no to even take an aspirin.
OSA net nannies might want to check in to this and make a preemptive strike against any bad PR that might arise when things go south for Bob (and Trish). Just sayin’.
Scientology really doesn’t have anything better to do than attack anyone who communicates what’s on their mind – they truly don’t! (Look at what they’ve done to auditing, free speech and employment opportunities. Without suppression they wouldn’t exist). They have a vested interest in nothing, because that’s what they sell. So, they practice delusion; and torment, attack, ruin and try to destroy anyone who has the public ear that doesn’t support their version of doing nothing as a solution to everything.
One of the best expressions I’ve ever heard in sales, “it’s a polished turd.”
Freedom Mag – what is that? A magazine full of blanks?
Unfortunately, their casualty list of broken lives and dreams is a lengthy one.
I remember the days where if the church found out you were investing in Eli Lily in the stock market, they’d send you to ethics and make you sell the Eli Lily stock and get in trouble for even having it. That’s because Eli Lilly is a psych drug company and the church was against drugs.
Ms. B., Bob Duggan made his money with a fortunate investment in pharmaceuticals – but then got a new, younger wife and has not been seen around Scientology much lately.
Well PeaceMaker, maybe things will be going south for Bob Duggan and the cult sooner than I thought. We can only hope so. You can be he’s being handled with kid gloves if he’s made himself a bit scarce these days. Trish not so much. She’s still gulping the Kool-Aid like a true whale.
To: Ms. B. Haven.
From: Office of COB RTC
Re: Black PR on Scientology celebrities.
It has come to the attention of our Beloved COB that you have committed the following High Crimes against the Church of Scientology:
Referring to one of our most prominent periodicals as “Freedumb Magazine “
Accusing one of our most prominent public, Bob Duggan, of carrying out business practices that are out-ethics. This in reference to your statement that he garnered most or all of his income from the pharmaceutical industry.
Surely you understand that the aims of what you refer to as Big Pharma are in direct conflict with The Aims of Scientology. You have caused a very large ARCX with Our Beloved COB. He has decided that only by employing Fair Game tactics against you will you understand the fallacy of speaking out against the Church of Scientology. This action can be halted only by your full and complete recantation of all accusations as well as performing Steps A-E to demonstrate that you have come to your senses.
Lieutenant Cletus Hogjowl, speaking on behalf of David Miscavige, COB RTC.
To: Cletus Hogjowl, some dumbass in the Sea Org.
From: Alcoboy
Re: Attempted fair game against Ms. B. Haven.
Fair game? Consisting of what? Dressing up like a Doordash driver and delivering a pizza to her house that she didn’t order? Accusing her of being pro choice by walking past her house and yelling it out loud? I want to see you and your Sea Org clown show fair game anybody on this blog! I’m sure we could all use a good laugh!
No Love At All,