I like the clueless look on hubby’s face as he makes that statement. What a kool-aid swiller! I wonder if RB is going to include separation or divorce in this storyline.
When I was on the Freewinds I remember being stalked by the IAS people trying to get me to donate. They tried guilting me into it but my mind was made up and I was not handing over my credit card which I had used for the entire trip in the first place. He said that I was not allowing him to do his job lol… I told him I had faith in him reaching his goals but not with my credit card. He said that everyone says that and was annoyed… he was not as horrid as the regges… what they did ultimately opened the door for me to look at the “entheta”… thank God I did.
Good job for protecting your assets the parasites (Scientologists) feed off of because they can’t create money honestly for the criminal organization posing as a church hiding behind the Religious Cloak.
I remember when ASHO Registrar Kirk Steele actually cried begging me to purchase more services after getting ripped off on False Purpose Rundown, NED, Clear Certainty Rundown, Power & Power Plus swearing silently to myself after being tortured with that load of crap, that I was done with Scientology auditing for eternity.
I was convinced I was getting rid of my reactive mind so I didn’t say the right words
“ I am mocking up my reactive mind but can stop it and control it”
The Scientology Clear Cog
Thank Xenu, I escaped ASHO and they didn’t get one more penny from me.
“He told me that the Freewinds Case Crackers use a Standard Tech that is 47% standarder than 100% Standard Tech.
That should be no surprise. After all, after this cult dupes a dupe out of 100% of their income, they always find a way that is 147% more better than the most best way to milk them out of even more money.
They do this so the dupe can get an increased credit limit on one or more of their credit cards. That amount is always even more than the most maximum limit they have. Then, when they find out they cannot possibly earn enough money to pay the bank, all they can do is get a fancy title and a fancy medal from the cult to prove they are lifetime dupes.
One of the most best titles is, “Lifelong Contributor with a Lifetime open wallet to help clean this planet.” I always liked that one better than any of the other best ones.
The whole time I was in Scientology no one pressured me to donate to the IAS!
Then again, I was a staff member so they knew that they wouldn’t get much money out of me.
Reges are taught that any and all objections to you donating $ is just “bank” talking. These are people who are thoroughly trained on closing techniques, never taking no for an answer, and doing anything short of murder to get your money. They are also trained to the max on how to get any bank or credit card company to extend credit or get loans. They’ll even throw you in their car and drive you down to your bank before you even know what hit you.
“Buyer beware”.
Ortega posted a story about that happening to an elderly woman and OT VIII Scientologist, Audrey Williams, at AOLA.
She escaped in the middle of the night. She went after them and got a nice settlement.
Tick Tock David Miscavige.
You have been served and your criminal career is numbered.
Jeanie Sonenfild also dabbled in criminal conduct where Sea Org had to pay off Credit card debt due to fraud.
A few Cincinnati Scientologists – Dr David Seagraves and his son allegedly dabbled in health care fraud to get money for the Church of Scientology
Watch Aaron Smith Levin’s YouTube show
“Growing Up in Scientology”
Hear all about it!
You know, before I read this week’s funnies I have to share with you that I JUST observed that on Miscavige’s podium RB has turned the “S” into a dollar sign on Scientology’s double triangle insignia. Very funny! My bad for not noticing this ages ago but never mind, I just did and I’m cracking up!
Blaming a person’s problems on their “case” and then offering high priced quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism to solve a person’s bogus “case”, is just double whammy scamming snipe hunting for “case” for “implants” for “engrams” for “false/evil purps” for “body-thetans” and making the dupes pay all the while.
Hubbard’s quackery scam’s offerings are all bogus.
“Case Cracking” is quackery snipe-hunting after a person’s imaginary “case” which the dupes get indoctrinated how to create their imaginary “case” so Scientology can sell the dupes the solution, which is Hubbard’s quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
After all these years, Scientology: ‘I ‘ardly know yee’.
1971 Scientology:
Auditing and training
100 hour AOLA ‘case completion’ package for $1500
You had to go to the regge’s desk to find them.
Training and auditing
Ethics helped work out problems when you went to them
Auditing and training
Jim, you nailed it. In 60 and 70’s it was mainly focused on delivery. Most productive orgs and missions focused on caring auditors that could audit you on the grade chart. Took lots of people doing lots of training. Training wasn’t that hard, good ol HSDC and NED courses had adequate drills to be able to do some auditing to relieve people of past painful incidents.
Now with endless long courses, trs, metering, rote memory on everything. Drills for the sake of drills, sure hasn’t made any successful technology changes. That golden age crap is for idiots. Less and less auditors made, less actual auditing too.
Back in the day, the focus was never on going back to bottom of bridge and redoing things over and over.
I even remember social activities like music, dances and fun things after graduation or on weekends.
Now it’s all about control. Manipulation. Money, money, money.
The bad news is even in the good old 60’s and 70’s it was still just word salad bullshit. It was absolute nonsense then and still is. I did the Oxford intro test back in the 70’s at the Tottenham Court Road centre and after being in the place for one hour I could see and hear the crazy for myself. Was chased by mail for some years, but never fell for any of their nonsense.
Agreed. But that was how it was intended, self help, get paid for it. lots of $to hubbard and the clan. Many franchises, later missions, and orgs did poorly at even the most basic OCA tests, crummy public lectures, poor results on basic courses.
A hit of LSD would solve all their problems. Take half each, or even a quarter, or heck a sixty-fourth. Or don’t take any but claim you did – you know how to do that, right?
Just be sure to convince yourselves you took LSD, and be sure to tell everyone at cherch about the wonderful experience you both had.
That was my get-out-of-jail-free card to shut down the SO recruiters. But they would query further, “Are you sure it was LSD?> My reply was always, “After about the twentieth time, I was pretty sure.” End of conversation.
I was dating a man with 15 year old son. He told me happily that some SO members were taking his son out for dinner, but his son would never join SO. I said “there are no free meals”. His son was convinced to join and is still in over 10 years later. All events, all “free” food has the objective of getting something.
Yea. Been there done that.
Sitting in a room with regges and them working out with David my OT 8. In my head I was screaming, “NOOOOOO!!!! I DON’T WANT TO GO!!!!” Couldn’t say that out loud.
That’s just one instance.
The navy has a gift for putting the wrong men in charge of things. Read the book “The Arnheiter Affair” by Neil Sheehan, a true story about an officer that makes Hubbard look like a submissive choirboy.
The Navy’s tagline should be “200 years of tradition unhindered by progress”
Particularly the LED ones that you have to push the button to light them up and see the time!
If you’re REALLY cool, yours says “Star Wars” on it, and when you squint at it juuuuuuust right, you can see those X-Wings, and Princess Leia showing a little leg… mmmmm that leg…
I love it. To fit the Fleecewinds theme, the “four hours later” part should be read with a SpongeBob Jacques Cousteau accent. Hmm, I have a case (which I mocked up myself), it definitely needs cracked, and I need to pay lots of money to go to a shady ship to do it. Aye aye, captain!
I’ve been offline and three RB’s. The woman clearly needs a divorce.
Trying to resist the regges is like trying to resist gravity. Unless you’re Superman you’re going down.
“He told me that the Freewinds Case Crackers use a Standard Tech that is 47% Standarder than the 100% Standard Tech that the Flag Case Crackers use.”
Laughter, much laughter!
You know, I check in to the Funnies each Friday night right before I leave the office. I like to end my work week with a laugh.
RB never disappoints! There’s always that one line that makes me leave the office for the weekend chuckling.
I like the clueless look on hubby’s face as he makes that statement. What a kool-aid swiller! I wonder if RB is going to include separation or divorce in this storyline.
When I was on the Freewinds I remember being stalked by the IAS people trying to get me to donate. They tried guilting me into it but my mind was made up and I was not handing over my credit card which I had used for the entire trip in the first place. He said that I was not allowing him to do his job lol… I told him I had faith in him reaching his goals but not with my credit card. He said that everyone says that and was annoyed… he was not as horrid as the regges… what they did ultimately opened the door for me to look at the “entheta”… thank God I did.
Good job for protecting your assets the parasites (Scientologists) feed off of because they can’t create money honestly for the criminal organization posing as a church hiding behind the Religious Cloak.
I remember when ASHO Registrar Kirk Steele actually cried begging me to purchase more services after getting ripped off on False Purpose Rundown, NED, Clear Certainty Rundown, Power & Power Plus swearing silently to myself after being tortured with that load of crap, that I was done with Scientology auditing for eternity.
I was convinced I was getting rid of my reactive mind so I didn’t say the right words
“ I am mocking up my reactive mind but can stop it and control it”
The Scientology Clear Cog
Thank Xenu, I escaped ASHO and they didn’t get one more penny from me.
“He told me that the Freewinds Case Crackers use a Standard Tech that is 47% standarder than 100% Standard Tech.
That should be no surprise. After all, after this cult dupes a dupe out of 100% of their income, they always find a way that is 147% more better than the most best way to milk them out of even more money.
They do this so the dupe can get an increased credit limit on one or more of their credit cards. That amount is always even more than the most maximum limit they have. Then, when they find out they cannot possibly earn enough money to pay the bank, all they can do is get a fancy title and a fancy medal from the cult to prove they are lifetime dupes.
One of the most best titles is, “Lifelong Contributor with a Lifetime open wallet to help clean this planet.” I always liked that one better than any of the other best ones.
He actually cried?? Did he give up after that?
The whole time I was in Scientology no one pressured me to donate to the IAS!
Then again, I was a staff member so they knew that they wouldn’t get much money out of me.
Reges are taught that any and all objections to you donating $ is just “bank” talking. These are people who are thoroughly trained on closing techniques, never taking no for an answer, and doing anything short of murder to get your money. They are also trained to the max on how to get any bank or credit card company to extend credit or get loans. They’ll even throw you in their car and drive you down to your bank before you even know what hit you.
“Buyer beware”.
Ortega posted a story about that happening to an elderly woman and OT VIII Scientologist, Audrey Williams, at AOLA.
She escaped in the middle of the night. She went after them and got a nice settlement.
Tick Tock David Miscavige.
You have been served and your criminal career is numbered.
Jeanie Sonenfild also dabbled in criminal conduct where Sea Org had to pay off Credit card debt due to fraud.
A few Cincinnati Scientologists – Dr David Seagraves and his son allegedly dabbled in health care fraud to get money for the Church of Scientology
Watch Aaron Smith Levin’s YouTube show
“Growing Up in Scientology”
Hear all about it!
You know, before I read this week’s funnies I have to share with you that I JUST observed that on Miscavige’s podium RB has turned the “S” into a dollar sign on Scientology’s double triangle insignia. Very funny! My bad for not noticing this ages ago but never mind, I just did and I’m cracking up!
How much Case would a Case Cracker crack if a Case Cracker could crack Case?
He would crack, he would, as much as he could, and crack as much Case as a Case Cracker would if a Case Cracker could crack Case.
They both need to stay off of that crack.
Blaming a person’s problems on their “case” and then offering high priced quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism to solve a person’s bogus “case”, is just double whammy scamming snipe hunting for “case” for “implants” for “engrams” for “false/evil purps” for “body-thetans” and making the dupes pay all the while.
Hubbard’s quackery scam’s offerings are all bogus.
“Case Cracking” is quackery snipe-hunting after a person’s imaginary “case” which the dupes get indoctrinated how to create their imaginary “case” so Scientology can sell the dupes the solution, which is Hubbard’s quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
Neat and elaborate scam.
After all these years, Scientology: ‘I ‘ardly know yee’.
1971 Scientology:
Auditing and training
100 hour AOLA ‘case completion’ package for $1500
You had to go to the regge’s desk to find them.
Training and auditing
Ethics helped work out problems when you went to them
Auditing and training
Jim, you nailed it. In 60 and 70’s it was mainly focused on delivery. Most productive orgs and missions focused on caring auditors that could audit you on the grade chart. Took lots of people doing lots of training. Training wasn’t that hard, good ol HSDC and NED courses had adequate drills to be able to do some auditing to relieve people of past painful incidents.
Now with endless long courses, trs, metering, rote memory on everything. Drills for the sake of drills, sure hasn’t made any successful technology changes. That golden age crap is for idiots. Less and less auditors made, less actual auditing too.
Back in the day, the focus was never on going back to bottom of bridge and redoing things over and over.
I even remember social activities like music, dances and fun things after graduation or on weekends.
Now it’s all about control. Manipulation. Money, money, money.
Nothing at all like it was originally intended.
The bad news is even in the good old 60’s and 70’s it was still just word salad bullshit. It was absolute nonsense then and still is. I did the Oxford intro test back in the 70’s at the Tottenham Court Road centre and after being in the place for one hour I could see and hear the crazy for myself. Was chased by mail for some years, but never fell for any of their nonsense.
Agreed. But that was how it was intended, self help, get paid for it. lots of $to hubbard and the clan. Many franchises, later missions, and orgs did poorly at even the most basic OCA tests, crummy public lectures, poor results on basic courses.
A hit of LSD would solve all their problems. Take half each, or even a quarter, or heck a sixty-fourth. Or don’t take any but claim you did – you know how to do that, right?
Just be sure to convince yourselves you took LSD, and be sure to tell everyone at cherch about the wonderful experience you both had.
That was my get-out-of-jail-free card to shut down the SO recruiters. But they would query further, “Are you sure it was LSD?> My reply was always, “After about the twentieth time, I was pretty sure.” End of conversation.
I was dating a man with 15 year old son. He told me happily that some SO members were taking his son out for dinner, but his son would never join SO. I said “there are no free meals”. His son was convinced to join and is still in over 10 years later. All events, all “free” food has the objective of getting something.
The Scientology postulate – can you dig it?
ah those helpful regges. Thank you so much for helping my eternity.
She needs to do one of two things:
1) Divorce him.
2) Have him deprogrammed.
Yea. Been there done that.
Sitting in a room with regges and them working out with David my OT 8. In my head I was screaming, “NOOOOOO!!!! I DON’T WANT TO GO!!!!” Couldn’t say that out loud.
That’s just one instance.
I was an Army guy. I’m supposed to make fun of the Navy. But Hubbard was too ridiculous for me. Oh, this woman clearly needs a divorce.
The navy has a gift for putting the wrong men in charge of things. Read the book “The Arnheiter Affair” by Neil Sheehan, a true story about an officer that makes Hubbard look like a submissive choirboy.
The Navy’s tagline should be “200 years of tradition unhindered by progress”
And Digital Watches are still a pretty neat thing.
Particularly the LED ones that you have to push the button to light them up and see the time!
If you’re REALLY cool, yours says “Star Wars” on it, and when you squint at it juuuuuuust right, you can see those X-Wings, and Princess Leia showing a little leg… mmmmm that leg…
I love it. To fit the Fleecewinds theme, the “four hours later” part should be read with a SpongeBob Jacques Cousteau accent. Hmm, I have a case (which I mocked up myself), it definitely needs cracked, and I need to pay lots of money to go to a shady ship to do it. Aye aye, captain!