Hey Mike just saw Eye’s wide shut w TC when I saw years ago seemed petty Cult like & saw again other day & after ur show even more seems so much like Sct IMO creepy & Mike what would it take to bring down Sct what if T.C walked away & just told his Truth & how TC made so much money I don’t get sure a few movies only 1,2 I liked but about it not a fan but I’d enjoy seeing him run away,as for Shelly I get a bad vibe over that who knows if thee worst crimes have been committed w/o ppl brave enough to stand Tall minus D.M at least to put an end to this nonsense This is America we should be FREE to walk away not be threatened,abused or Bullied….
“Make sure its something expensive”
I’ve been wondering about this topic for a week or so. I believe the answer is that he’s claiming the expensive stuff as gifts. A gift from this org, a gift from that whale, hell, even a gift from an underpaid ‘religious-worker’ SO member who somehow affords to pay for an expensive steak dinner. As long as its documented as gift, and goes through the right ‘handling’…. right?!
Ok, that last part was speculative. The others seem factual.
12/15/18: The Los Angeles Church of Scientology Community Center presents as a Voice For Humanity Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad, who preaches:
“We’re going to show that Minister Farrakhan never has had a problem with some Jewish people. And he’s going to tell you what he has a problem with. My son is in the entertainment business. And I’m telling you the Jews do control the entertainment business. They control the banking. They control the athletics. They control basketball. They control baseball. They control it all. And, they control the drugs. They control the pimping. They control pedophilia. They control pornography. They control it all.”
I tried to “Like” your comment, but the WP widget hates me/my phone. ?
Truly appreciate your dedication in continuing to put the information out there regarding the NOI & CO$ partnership all this time!
Especially after Leah & Mike’s recent Aftermath episode. I imagine that many people new to the subject are likely researching online (along w/members of NOI who’ve been similarly uncomfortable w/this newer direction) and thanks to all you’ve posted and tweeted, it’s easier to find!
On a recent topic Peacemaker said, “. . . I’m not sure either side thought through what would happen as NOI members inevitably started to work up the “bridge” and got into Scientology itself. Now both have started something they can’t really stop, and may just be caught up in it, and not really even thinking strategically.”
The “sides” in this case are Farrakhan and Miscavige. It’s highly unlikely that either one of them care if the respective universal cosmologies get altered and “squirreled” as long as money and power keep “flowing to them” in scn lingo. NOI members are happily posting their scn wins and success stories on social media and probably a lot of them are finding auditing to be more interesting and exciting than praying at the mosque.
Farrakhan opened a can of worms when he endorsed Dianetics and Hubbard in 2010. Master Fard and the Hon. L. Ron Hubbard as he’s sometimes referred to in NOI would be quite surprised at the merger if they were around today.
The ESMB thread which ISN started and posts above has an extended and interesting discussion about the NOI and Scientology relationship.
oops – I was referring to a different thread called “Members of the Nation of Islam are practicing the religion of Scientology”. Anyhow, page 34 of that thread put me on a trip down memory lane. Once upon a time I had the goal of becoming a professional auditor and making a living at it. That page had a description of the auditing levels and classifications as published by the CoS. Here’s a shorthand version.
[ Academy Auditor Training – The Academy Levels are a series of five auditor classification courses where the principles of Scientology and what it achieves becomes manifest.
Class 0 – He (the auditor) learns techniques which address communication and how to free another’s abilities in this area.
Class I – This level teaches a person the anatomy of problems – why people get problems in the first place and the mechanics of eliminating problems.
Class II – . . . the ramifications of harmful acts . . . relief from such hostilities . . . returning to trust and honesty in life.
Class III – . . . covers the technology to free anyone from past upsets.
Class IV – . . . gives one the ability to change, to accept new ideas and to achieve his goals.]
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pretty slick. IF ONLY! How it changes from a secular self improvement subject into a prison of belief for some people is a different subject.
As discussed over on The Bunker, Farrakhan’s and the NOI’s claims are typically disingenuous and misleading, and “some” means a minority, most likely a very tiny minority who follow only the original Torah and not also the later writings of the Talmud. The one particular most extreme faction, which actually opposes the state of Israel, has come out in support of Farrakhan – but they only represent maybe a couple of tens of thousands of Jews, a fringe group about the same size as Scientology or the NOI.
And, in typical hypocritical fashion, and Scientology-style accusing of others of what you yourself are guilty of, the NOI itself demotes the original Qur’an of Islam and instead relies mainly on 20th century writings, teachings and doctrines.
Thanks. This explains why NOI continually praise Allah. Squirrel Muslims.
In the future the NOI might have enough trained auditors and case supervisors to break free of DM and the CoS or whoever is running the scn show at that time. They could have their own “processing centers”, set their own pricing and pick and choose what “processes” they want to use.
There will inevitably be a schism between NOI wanting to follow the original scriptures and NOI pursuing “something else” as evidenced by the NOI dude on the Aftermath episode who got ostracized for protesting the infiltration of scn into NOI.
Maybe someday there will be an “Ex Nation Of Islam Message Board” where blown NOI can express their gripes.
Mr. David Miscavige, in his imploding bunker, must be losing his fucking mind. Those poor minions that have to run around wiping his ass and wiping his nose with silk monogrammed baby-wipes … gosh, I feel so bad for them. Except they must certainly be plotting against their supreme SP by now.
Have fun on that roller coaster from hell that you yourself created, Dave.
To: WhatAreYourCrimes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: false accusations
Wait. What did I just say?
Oh, shit.
Another right outa the park home run by RB…as a never-in, I’m so touched by ex-Co$ escapees sustaining humor in the indisputable pain of the absence of their loved ones still enslaved…so counterpointed by Mike’s daughter’s Christmas video…my heart goes out and my prayers go to you, Mike, for their return to sanity and back to you.
The Aftermath episode with Robert Almblad exceeded the series’ previous tragic stories, which I didn’t think was possible-as a mountain resident near the Co$ Twin Peaks gilded gulag, I’m relaying this (I hope) game-changing episode to all relevant parties.
Just doin’ my bit…Christmas Greetings and Gratitude to all the ex-Co$ Heroes of the Heart I see here and elsewhere-Truth Warriors all!
Another comment I tried to like (WordPress – we have a love/hate thing going on RN! Get it together because we need people to see how heavily visited/appreciated this blog truly is!)
I’m also a never-in and Robert Almblad’s story, his unwavering support for Mike (& vice versa) through tremendous harassment & bullying was so touching! It also exemplified how low the CO$ will sink to silence and control any dissenting opinion.
The fact that our gov’t in this day & age allows this and limits the ONLY remedy for those abused in this manner to a civil suit (that CO$ will merely use as another avenue to harass) is disgusting!
Yes, LAPD, LASD & most especially
LADA – Jackie Lacey –
you should be ashamed and EMBARRASSED as your constituents are by your inaction and coy game of CYA & accepting “donations” fleeced off the backs of dedicated Scientologists until they are bled dry!
You’re on the wrong side of history and will either learn that the hard way or dig deep for that heart & conscience you were raised to have that’s been lost. Do the right thing – we are all watching and will NOT be silent nor forget those who’ve colluded & aided this evil organization. The info is out there, seek it out and do the right thing then be amazed by how proud & supportive the community you serve will be to see you TRULY represent the people…
or don’t and be known the rest of your life and career as the enablers who didn’t have the balls to do the right thing!
The rug this was swept under has officially fallen apart. Represent your people instead of “special” interests. It’s why our political system has become so divided – we’re ALL sick of being humored and nothing real being accomplished unless palms are greased.
Terra Cognita has been declared? Is it a secret declare or will COB alert the nearest mission and org? Oh yeah, the massive amount of declares ARCX’s the field. I guess he won’t tell them.
It looks like lately they aren’t giving out copies of declares to those declared, so I’m assuming Terra Cognita didn’t get his copy.
Hmm, if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it….
So if Terra doesn’t get his copy of the declare, I guess he’s, Still Not Declared.
Terra, you are being called out, old son, by RB no less! You know you’ve made a difference to folks in who are trying to get out, otherwise the callout wouldn’t be in today’s toon. Good on you both, Regraded Being and Terra Cognita, and Terra, May you remain undeclared as long as you wish.
As a never-in who has watched and criticized this so-called church for quite a few years now, I dearly hope to get declared someday myself. That would be a singular honor.
I have it on good authority that COB/COS is piloting a Series on Declares. There will be a correspondence course to introduce Suppressiveness and its characteristics; there will be an introductory course on Suppressive Behavior; There will be an Academy level curse with drills and manifestations practiced with star-rating to assure duplication of the materials; There will be a Suppressive RD to clear all the stops to being an attested Suppressive; And, finally there will be a Sub-OT level added to the grade chart certifying the person as a bonafide SUPPESSIVE. This will be when you will receive your very own Declare Certificate.
Remember, it is not official until you have your cert and you read it in the Auditor Magazine.
Pre-Release pricing, before the rates go up:
Never-ins Package: $15,000
Old-Timers out for more than 20 years: $18,000
Old-Timers out for less than 20 years: $22,000
Current public/staff: $28,000
IAS or OT current: $35, 000
Sea Orge: $55,000
To: Foolproofjunior
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: new declare policy
Well, why not? With all these SPs wanting a goldenrod we might as well make some money off of it. After all, it was Lardass Raunch Tubbard who said that we don’t want people here who don’t want to be here. So now they get to pay for the privilege!
Any other questions?
How long had you been declared when you found out? So many exes have shared how the sheer number of declares of the longtime dedicated got them questioning! Hope yours contributed to your friend choosing to leave!
Wasn’t it Frank Zurn who worked with
Alfredodo (or whatever his name is) who
turned Farranka (or what’s his name) into
a Dianetisist (is that the name?).
Frank worked in Social Coordination (USGO)
which later changed to ABLE. He then got
into WTH. His wife (Laurie) might still be in
the hole. Good people. It is so sad.
My first night on the RPF in 1982, Frank and Laurie were graduating together after twining with each other through all the steps. It was a very real event for them – theyd messed up, deserved the RPF and were now fixed to go expand Scientology.
Boy that whole event sure looks different now. I hope for the best for these good guys also.
Tiny hands, tiny (cold/stone) heart, tiny feet, and the list goes on. Oh yeah, and he’s short.
I’m not a fan of tearing down one’s appearance, but he personifies a rabid chihuahua.
Calling DM ‘tiny’ is not politically correct: In the future please use terms like; ‘hugely challenged’ , or ‘ bigly less’ , or ‘muchness lacking’, or ‘ something/anything/everything deficient’, or ‘the-un-Munchkin-one’. Thank you.
Me thinks “Vertically Challenged” fits the bill! Hey, that’s coming from a 5 ft tall lady…me!
Has anyone handed those nice NOI gentlemen who spoke with Mike & Leah the “amount of cash chart clearly stated” on what all of these “bridge” courses actually cost?
I think that would be a real eye opener….for any potential members who are even THINKING about joining COS…that they’ll end up broke if they can afford even ONE course to start off.
Dave, I hate to break it to you good buddy but you’re in treason on the 2d. The formula to apply is ‘Find out that you’re married.’ Then work on up from enemy. Email me when you’re up to Non-E. Mike can give you my address. Good luck!
Chris says
Hey Mike just saw Eye’s wide shut w TC when I saw years ago seemed petty Cult like & saw again other day & after ur show even more seems so much like Sct IMO creepy & Mike what would it take to bring down Sct what if T.C walked away & just told his Truth & how TC made so much money I don’t get sure a few movies only 1,2 I liked but about it not a fan but I’d enjoy seeing him run away,as for Shelly I get a bad vibe over that who knows if thee worst crimes have been committed w/o ppl brave enough to stand Tall minus D.M at least to put an end to this nonsense This is America we should be FREE to walk away not be threatened,abused or Bullied….
Golden Era Parachute says
“Make sure its something expensive”
I’ve been wondering about this topic for a week or so. I believe the answer is that he’s claiming the expensive stuff as gifts. A gift from this org, a gift from that whale, hell, even a gift from an underpaid ‘religious-worker’ SO member who somehow affords to pay for an expensive steak dinner. As long as its documented as gift, and goes through the right ‘handling’…. right?!
Ok, that last part was speculative. The others seem factual.
Sortingitout says
« Really expensive cheap whisky » , hahaha! Good one, RB
Scribe says
To: El Chapo, aka COB
From: VM #231
Situation: Scientology PR sucks.
Data: There is no current spokesperson now that Tommy Davis is frying other fish. Karin Pouw (wink, wink) has not been effective.
Solution: Appoint Tony Muhammad as the new Scientology front man.
This is okay.
Scribe says
Cognitive Dissonance 101:
1. Scientology Code of Honor: Be your own advisor, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.
2. Scientology Ethics Officer: Telling someone what they can and can’t watch, who they can and can’t communicate with, and who they should attack.
3. Result: A person who sounds and acts like a robot, like the earlier posting by Meathead.
IndieScientologyNews (@IndieScieNews) says
12/15/18: The Los Angeles Church of Scientology Community Center presents as a Voice For Humanity Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad, who preaches:
“We’re going to show that Minister Farrakhan never has had a problem with some Jewish people. And he’s going to tell you what he has a problem with. My son is in the entertainment business. And I’m telling you the Jews do control the entertainment business. They control the banking. They control the athletics. They control basketball. They control baseball. They control it all. And, they control the drugs. They control the pimping. They control pedophilia. They control pornography. They control it all.”
My tweet: https://twitter.com/IndieScieNews/status/1073702206874968064
Article on ESMB: http://www.forum.exscn.net/threads/scientology-awards-freedom-medal-to-nation-of-islam-min-tony-muhammad-who-promotes-anti-semitic-book.44564/page-12#post-1190763
Scribe says
Tony, Tony, Tony, enough with the generalities. Didn’t you learn anything from Elron? Let’s have some names brother. As-salāmu alaykum.
Jenyfurrr says
I tried to “Like” your comment, but the WP widget hates me/my phone. ?
Truly appreciate your dedication in continuing to put the information out there regarding the NOI & CO$ partnership all this time!
Especially after Leah & Mike’s recent Aftermath episode. I imagine that many people new to the subject are likely researching online (along w/members of NOI who’ve been similarly uncomfortable w/this newer direction) and thanks to all you’ve posted and tweeted, it’s easier to find!
Richard says
On a recent topic Peacemaker said, “. . . I’m not sure either side thought through what would happen as NOI members inevitably started to work up the “bridge” and got into Scientology itself. Now both have started something they can’t really stop, and may just be caught up in it, and not really even thinking strategically.”
The “sides” in this case are Farrakhan and Miscavige. It’s highly unlikely that either one of them care if the respective universal cosmologies get altered and “squirreled” as long as money and power keep “flowing to them” in scn lingo. NOI members are happily posting their scn wins and success stories on social media and probably a lot of them are finding auditing to be more interesting and exciting than praying at the mosque.
Farrakhan opened a can of worms when he endorsed Dianetics and Hubbard in 2010. Master Fard and the Hon. L. Ron Hubbard as he’s sometimes referred to in NOI would be quite surprised at the merger if they were around today.
The ESMB thread which ISN started and posts above has an extended and interesting discussion about the NOI and Scientology relationship.
Richard says
oops – I was referring to a different thread called “Members of the Nation of Islam are practicing the religion of Scientology”. Anyhow, page 34 of that thread put me on a trip down memory lane. Once upon a time I had the goal of becoming a professional auditor and making a living at it. That page had a description of the auditing levels and classifications as published by the CoS. Here’s a shorthand version.
[ Academy Auditor Training – The Academy Levels are a series of five auditor classification courses where the principles of Scientology and what it achieves becomes manifest.
Class 0 – He (the auditor) learns techniques which address communication and how to free another’s abilities in this area.
Class I – This level teaches a person the anatomy of problems – why people get problems in the first place and the mechanics of eliminating problems.
Class II – . . . the ramifications of harmful acts . . . relief from such hostilities . . . returning to trust and honesty in life.
Class III – . . . covers the technology to free anyone from past upsets.
Class IV – . . . gives one the ability to change, to accept new ideas and to achieve his goals.]
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pretty slick. IF ONLY! How it changes from a secular self improvement subject into a prison of belief for some people is a different subject.
Class V is New Era Dianetics auditor training.
Alcoboy says
Wait a minute;
SOME Jewish people?
The issue here is that Calypso Louis Farrakhan has a problem with ALL Jewish people!
PeaceMaker says
As discussed over on The Bunker, Farrakhan’s and the NOI’s claims are typically disingenuous and misleading, and “some” means a minority, most likely a very tiny minority who follow only the original Torah and not also the later writings of the Talmud. The one particular most extreme faction, which actually opposes the state of Israel, has come out in support of Farrakhan – but they only represent maybe a couple of tens of thousands of Jews, a fringe group about the same size as Scientology or the NOI.
And, in typical hypocritical fashion, and Scientology-style accusing of others of what you yourself are guilty of, the NOI itself demotes the original Qur’an of Islam and instead relies mainly on 20th century writings, teachings and doctrines.
Richard says
Thanks. This explains why NOI continually praise Allah. Squirrel Muslims.
In the future the NOI might have enough trained auditors and case supervisors to break free of DM and the CoS or whoever is running the scn show at that time. They could have their own “processing centers”, set their own pricing and pick and choose what “processes” they want to use.
There will inevitably be a schism between NOI wanting to follow the original scriptures and NOI pursuing “something else” as evidenced by the NOI dude on the Aftermath episode who got ostracized for protesting the infiltration of scn into NOI.
Maybe someday there will be an “Ex Nation Of Islam Message Board” where blown NOI can express their gripes.
WhatAreYourCrimes says
Mr. David Miscavige, in his imploding bunker, must be losing his fucking mind. Those poor minions that have to run around wiping his ass and wiping his nose with silk monogrammed baby-wipes … gosh, I feel so bad for them. Except they must certainly be plotting against their supreme SP by now.
Have fun on that roller coaster from hell that you yourself created, Dave.
Alcoboy says
To: WhatAreYourCrimes
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: false accusations
Wait. What did I just say?
Oh, shit.
I Yawnalot says
Excellent RB!
Wrytur man says
Another right outa the park home run by RB…as a never-in, I’m so touched by ex-Co$ escapees sustaining humor in the indisputable pain of the absence of their loved ones still enslaved…so counterpointed by Mike’s daughter’s Christmas video…my heart goes out and my prayers go to you, Mike, for their return to sanity and back to you.
The Aftermath episode with Robert Almblad exceeded the series’ previous tragic stories, which I didn’t think was possible-as a mountain resident near the Co$ Twin Peaks gilded gulag, I’m relaying this (I hope) game-changing episode to all relevant parties.
Just doin’ my bit…Christmas Greetings and Gratitude to all the ex-Co$ Heroes of the Heart I see here and elsewhere-Truth Warriors all!
Jenyfurrr says
Another comment I tried to like (WordPress – we have a love/hate thing going on RN! Get it together because we need people to see how heavily visited/appreciated this blog truly is!)
I’m also a never-in and Robert Almblad’s story, his unwavering support for Mike (& vice versa) through tremendous harassment & bullying was so touching! It also exemplified how low the CO$ will sink to silence and control any dissenting opinion.
The fact that our gov’t in this day & age allows this and limits the ONLY remedy for those abused in this manner to a civil suit (that CO$ will merely use as another avenue to harass) is disgusting!
Yes, LAPD, LASD & most especially
LADA – Jackie Lacey –
you should be ashamed and EMBARRASSED as your constituents are by your inaction and coy game of CYA & accepting “donations” fleeced off the backs of dedicated Scientologists until they are bled dry!
You’re on the wrong side of history and will either learn that the hard way or dig deep for that heart & conscience you were raised to have that’s been lost. Do the right thing – we are all watching and will NOT be silent nor forget those who’ve colluded & aided this evil organization. The info is out there, seek it out and do the right thing then be amazed by how proud & supportive the community you serve will be to see you TRULY represent the people…
or don’t and be known the rest of your life and career as the enablers who didn’t have the balls to do the right thing!
The rug this was swept under has officially fallen apart. Represent your people instead of “special” interests. It’s why our political system has become so divided – we’re ALL sick of being humored and nothing real being accomplished unless palms are greased.
Clearly Not Clear says
Terra Cognita has been declared? Is it a secret declare or will COB alert the nearest mission and org? Oh yeah, the massive amount of declares ARCX’s the field. I guess he won’t tell them.
It looks like lately they aren’t giving out copies of declares to those declared, so I’m assuming Terra Cognita didn’t get his copy.
Hmm, if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it….
So if Terra doesn’t get his copy of the declare, I guess he’s, Still Not Declared.
Terra Cognita says
Just like “Nobody puts Baby in a corner” in Dirty Dancing, nobody declares me but me!
Scribe says
I do declare you is one feisty thetan!
rivercs says
Terra, you are being called out, old son, by RB no less! You know you’ve made a difference to folks in who are trying to get out, otherwise the callout wouldn’t be in today’s toon. Good on you both, Regraded Being and Terra Cognita, and Terra, May you remain undeclared as long as you wish.
As a never-in who has watched and criticized this so-called church for quite a few years now, I dearly hope to get declared someday myself. That would be a singular honor.
Foolproofjunior says
I have it on good authority that COB/COS is piloting a Series on Declares. There will be a correspondence course to introduce Suppressiveness and its characteristics; there will be an introductory course on Suppressive Behavior; There will be an Academy level curse with drills and manifestations practiced with star-rating to assure duplication of the materials; There will be a Suppressive RD to clear all the stops to being an attested Suppressive; And, finally there will be a Sub-OT level added to the grade chart certifying the person as a bonafide SUPPESSIVE. This will be when you will receive your very own Declare Certificate.
Remember, it is not official until you have your cert and you read it in the Auditor Magazine.
Pre-Release pricing, before the rates go up:
Never-ins Package: $15,000
Old-Timers out for more than 20 years: $18,000
Old-Timers out for less than 20 years: $22,000
Current public/staff: $28,000
IAS or OT current: $35, 000
Sea Orge: $55,000
Stat says
Heh Lurkers and OSA
We can give you a course on Suppressive, Evil religious cults disguised as Churches for free – right here on Mike’s Blog and Leah’s Show on A&E.
And here is a little freebie thrown in – from me – an SP (Supportive Person who knows the truth and is willing to tell others).
You are connected to a suppressive organization that destroys lives
You better do some research outside of the fact that your Church told you it is a high crime to investigate Scientology or Scientologists
Alcoboy says
To: Foolproofjunior
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: new declare policy
Well, why not? With all these SPs wanting a goldenrod we might as well make some money off of it. After all, it was Lardass Raunch Tubbard who said that we don’t want people here who don’t want to be here. So now they get to pay for the privilege!
Any other questions?
BigAntiMan says
This happened to me too, had to find out from someone else that left that i was actually declared LOL!
Jenyfurrr says
How long had you been declared when you found out? So many exes have shared how the sheer number of declares of the longtime dedicated got them questioning! Hope yours contributed to your friend choosing to leave!
Belynda says
Acrimony and sarcasm may not get to Li’l Davey, but sclerosis definitely will; it’s just a matter of time.
Jenyfurrr says
Cirrhosis will get him 1st… we’re merely seeing the lead up symptoms of his self-pickling.
Belynda says
Jenyfurr – That’s what I meant – Cirrhosis – Not Sclerosis ! ! ! YIKES
KatherineINCali says
“None of that Front Porch to infinity and beyond shit.”
“I can call it the Front Porch to whatever the fuck I want.”
LOL! I’m dead. ??
Dr. Strabismus of Utrecht says
That’s not a cartoon, it’s a transcript. Shortarse Miscavige is now having all his offices swept for concealed listening devices.
Marne says
There’s really nothing more pathetic than a Runt ‘cut down to size’!
Scribe says
I think Dave deserves a starring role in the Angry Birds sequel. He could be outfitted as a vulture.
Hans says
Good one RB!
Wasn’t it Frank Zurn who worked with
Alfredodo (or whatever his name is) who
turned Farranka (or what’s his name) into
a Dianetisist (is that the name?).
Frank worked in Social Coordination (USGO)
which later changed to ABLE. He then got
into WTH. His wife (Laurie) might still be in
the hole. Good people. It is so sad.
Cece says
My first night on the RPF in 1982, Frank and Laurie were graduating together after twining with each other through all the steps. It was a very real event for them – theyd messed up, deserved the RPF and were now fixed to go expand Scientology.
Boy that whole event sure looks different now. I hope for the best for these good guys also.
Mary Kahn says
Hilarious. 🙂
Spike says
Good thing I never met this person.
Valerie says
Love all the subtlety in these cartoons. “Really expensive cheap whiskey”. Bwa ha ha.
These cartoons where Miscavige barks orders makes me think of what it looks like to watch someone explode in slow motion.
Scribe says
Dave, glad you’re duplicating Ron’s strategy of hiding out towards the end. I guess things didn’t work out as you planned, huh?
TrevAnon says
It’s a good thing COB mr. David Miscavige isn’t a tall man.
Now there’s plenty of room for text balloons.
Did I say David Miscavige is tiny?
Well, he is. DM is tiny.
Scribe says
You’re referring to his height, right?
rivercs says
‘What else would TrevAnon be referring to?’ she asked offhandedly.
Jenyfurrr says
Tiny hands, tiny (cold/stone) heart, tiny feet, and the list goes on. Oh yeah, and he’s short.
I’m not a fan of tearing down one’s appearance, but he personifies a rabid chihuahua.
Scribe says
Unfortunately he’s not house trained.
Belynda says
Jenyfurr- You’re Insulting Chihuahuas!
1984dejavue says
Absolutes are unattainable in this universe………I have always wondered what positive the almost total A—-e davie had. Thanks for pointing it out, Trev.
jim says
Calling DM ‘tiny’ is not politically correct: In the future please use terms like; ‘hugely challenged’ , or ‘ bigly less’ , or ‘muchness lacking’, or ‘ something/anything/everything deficient’, or ‘the-un-Munchkin-one’. Thank you.
Balletlady says
Me thinks “Vertically Challenged” fits the bill! Hey, that’s coming from a 5 ft tall lady…me!
Has anyone handed those nice NOI gentlemen who spoke with Mike & Leah the “amount of cash chart clearly stated” on what all of these “bridge” courses actually cost?
I think that would be a real eye opener….for any potential members who are even THINKING about joining COS…that they’ll end up broke if they can afford even ONE course to start off.
believeorelse says
Is it possible some of the top people in the Nation of Islam are enjoying a large quantity of commissions from the CO$ for signing up their members?
Scribe says
I’ll make this simple. Let’s just call him Squirt.
Wynski says
Ah, nothing like RB to start a Friday! Truth IS funnier than fiction.
rosemarietropf says
hahahahahaha. It makes one wonder how crazy this show makes him. LOL
Ann Davis says
I know! I’m sure he’s already freaking out over next week’s episode ” Where is Shelly?”
Scribe says
Dave, I hate to break it to you good buddy but you’re in treason on the 2d. The formula to apply is ‘Find out that you’re married.’ Then work on up from enemy. Email me when you’re up to Non-E. Mike can give you my address. Good luck!
ctempster says
He can’t complete conditions on the 2D because when it gets to “Do, produce or present it…” he can’t.
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass says
We don’t know with certainty that Dave is married. Remember “Till Death do us part?””
Jill Ellsworth says
Make sure it’s expensive…best line in there.