This is a page from the latest Advance mag (soon to be renamed Consolidate mag and thereafter Fall Back mag). This comes out maybe a couple of times a year, though I believe it is supposed to be monthly.
Just for sake of giving them the benefit of the doubt, let’s assume this is the production for a single month. (Though of course the same people appear on here for several services that SHOULD take more than a month).
Even just a single month — being kind — it is astonishingly bereft of volume.
If they are making 7 new Solo Auditors a month (Solo 2 Comps) and 5 OT III’s this is so far from 47X expansion and floods of people moving up the bridge it isn’t funny.
This is less than 100 Solo Auditors being made a YEAR!!! For ALL the Americas from Argentina to Canada.
This is the BIGGEST feeder of public to the FSO. It is no surprise Flag is empty.
But there is good news. AOLA are STILL working to get people through The Basics. They have more completions on this than anything they are supposed to be doing (and no mention at all of Student Hat/SRD, they may be under Golden Age of Knowledge I suppose…)
I am surprised they even put this in the mag. And that is not snark. I would not publish this if I was the CO AOLA.
Darien1.1 says
Here’s a thought; how many of those are Russian slave labour on a freeloader debt? How many are staff taking a free ride? I would mention SO but they don’t have time to live up the bridge. I bet if they printed “paid for” stats that list would shrink to 1/10th the size.
George says
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the names would appear for the same completions in a previous Advance mag as well. No proof, just a hunch.
8-8008 says
By the way, what will happen to Ex-Captain Jon Lundeen ? Sent to FSO to do the RPF for the 3rd ou 4th times… and then become a reg and get into finance irregs again ?
mreppen says
The only name I recognize on the list of completions is Leisa Goodman. Leisa was the former OSA Int PR Director. Leisa visited my house in 2009 as I was a long time friend of her husband Bruce Goodman. She had just done a 18 month routing out cycle from OSA and is now a painter/artist. At the time I was just starting to catch wind of what Dave was up to as I had been out of the SO for 11 years. She told me she went through the Truth RD ordeal to get out of there, and I knew from my own experience that she was officially brainwashed. Bruce and I and Leisa parted our ways, but it’s obvious because she was such a prominent member at OSA Int, she is toeing the line.
threefeetback says
Is Bruce out too?
Mreppen says
Out of the SO but heavily induced on the Kool Aid
Swampland4Sale says
Mike, still, I’m happy that Leisa is no longer in the SO and OSAI. I hope she pulls out of the Scn brain washing someday. She was a nice person and I enjoyed working with her the few times that I did.
Roger says
This was a great post, I loved the comments.I was at asho and the a.o. In the late 60s and into the70s, then started going to died a slow death by the late 70s. Nots in the late 70s was busy,no real ots made.
cindy says
Mom Nom, I clicked the link you posted and it won’t play and a message comes up an says it was removed due to several comments of copyright infringements. More proof that DM and OSA read the blogs.
overrunincalif says
I used to like “Advance”, reading ‘OT phenomena”. But it got a little old. None of the OT phenomena was ever the type that could be duplicated at will, or proved. It was always ” I lost my keys, so I exteriorized into my desk drawer and there they were. Or: I was driving down the Hollywood fwy and a car cut me off, I was going to hit it, so instead I slowed down time and as ised my car for a moment then recreated it, avoiding the accident. Or: I lost so and so’s phone #, so I postulated he call me and that instant he did. On and on, so after a while I just chucked it. I’m not saying that there are no “OT abilities”. I just personally haven’t seen any, and I’ve been around Scntlgy quite a while. I’m not saying that there ain’t no bigfoot either. But find some bones or something. Put it in a zoo or museum. Until then, all I can say is “show me”.
Friend says
so instead I slowed down time and as ised my car for a moment then recreated it .. that is the best one, it is always funny to read such stuff. It was certainly a shock for the other driver to realize that the other car did vanish for some seconds ..
Potpie says
Here is a lazy OT story Overrun…..
I just told my car to tell my cell phone to
call so & so in my contact list….and it did it!
I was on staff at AOLA under Steffanie Cary in 2001 – 3. Cal Cole took over when she was either of loaded or RPF’d. Cal was DE/D at the time and always a nice guy. Our production back then was 30 – 40 completions a week. No Div Six Course’s either though we were still doing KTL and LOC.
My ex wife used to help produce the magazine that came out once a month no fail. Desire Code was the Dir Marketing then and doing a great job.
Part of my hat was to get lower org Div Sixes producing so that there was a steady stream of people moving to Clear. Even back then we were only seeing 3 – 4 clears a week over the entire US.
mutny says
griffey blighthe?
8-8008 says
Hi EX AOLA staff. I was there during that time at ASHOD. Send me an email to [email protected]
mission guy says
Hello fellow blog lovers. Finder u rock the house.
I remember command teams. There are two ways to do it.
1. Train them well on oec, febc, full hats, apprentice, take proven professionals with history of success. (John woodruff comes to mind). Or…
2. Choose who is going. Let them know if they refuse to take on the command team they will be rpfed. Crash train them on their garrison mission orders around the clock in action CMO. I mean overnight several nights in a row. Then have them pick up any uniform parts that happen to be available right then in uniform exchange. Have a really mean cmo mission team watch every move they do and correct them constantly. Of yeah. If they don’t make instant immediate upstats they get rpfed.
I know this works. dirks in the ceiling and everything. does that ring any bells for you other veterans? I could tell you stories….
knatherthomas says
I remember Cal Cole’s first day on staff at SFO in the very early 70s. He was a Reg with Bob Zeltzer and Fred Swartz. A sweet, caring guy who got very good at his job. He joined the SO in the late 70s and has been in various exec posts since then. He’s a pro who knows how to get things done. But even a pro needs something to work with. Nobody makes auditors all on their own. The truth is I hate thinking of Cal being treated like a criminal due to stats being down. ALL the stats are down everywhere. When does this sinking ship get out of punishing bodies? I wish Miscavage would just run away with the money so his vicious reign of terror could finally end and people could stop cowering/beating up their own juniors.
Zephyr says
Second that!
It would be a hell of an eye opener for everybody still in and blinders would not work anymore.
Unfortunately that would mean “game over” for the little fart and he is not about to do that.
Vicki says
Those days at SFO make me smile – thinking of all my friends and the make-it-go-right days. Thanks, Nather!
MJ says
Yes, there were great times and there’ll be even greater ones to come but not with the current regime. Any final words Dave?
nomnom says
A couple of years ago someone posted a graph of OT3 completions for AOLA spanning a couple of decades.
It was on ESMB and it took a while to find it, but here’s the link (halfway down the page),
I wish I could post the graphic – it’s pretty revealing.
If Advance is only coming out four times a year, then they’re only comping 20 people a year on OT3!
Lurkness says
OTIII completions chart 94-2011
MJ says
There once was a pirate named Davey
Who said to the slaves in his navy
“These stats are your fault”
As he drowned his Scotch malt
And barked like a dog carrying rabies
Jose Chung says
Cal Cole is a dedicated trooper. I knew him at SFO when he was a book reg.
He always used ARC and was not the out for blood type Miscavige likes.
Ivan Oblinsky was get the job done go to guy. When the game was going sour
he knew what was in store fore him and he blew. I hope Cal Cole holds up in the Newly
refurbished relocated “HOLE” that does not exist getting tortured and abused from torture and abuse that does not exist ,eating beans and rice leftover slop that does not exist.
I know that’s true because Monique Yingling and Kenneth Moxon swear that the RPF
does not exist. Wink,wink, cough, snort, giggle. I mean they are lawyers,that makes them Boy Scouts by default Right ?
Jefferson Hawkins says
Advance Mag was bimonthly when I was Editor – it alternated with Source Mag. But in other’s hands it would frequently fall behind – when I was last in Marketing, 2004, they were getting out maybe 3 – 4 issues a year.
Swampland4Sale says
It was bi-monthly when Annie A. was the Editor also. 70’s- late 80’s. The R policy on it is as you said Jeff. Alternates with Source mag so every month one of them goes out.
Valerie says
I just remembered Tony had a bunch of old Advance Mags. I went to the Village Voice Blog and checked. Issues 11-56 were 1971-1979 so back then it was 5.625 per year. In the next 35 years there have been 4.91 issues per year to make it to 228. Since Jeff says it was bi monthly til maybe 2000, my guess is maybe bi annual by now.
Bobbo says
The LA complex (Big Blue) is DEAD – DEAD – DEAD! A morgue would be the best analogy I could come up with. But, just a few years ago this area was bustling with staff and public – and when one entered AOLA – there would be a din of noise coming from all the communications, body traffic, and action going on. No more!
Surely, it would seem that Sea Org reserves will have to be drained to keep these and many other empty buildings afloat, once the ideal org, fund raising runs dry, which I expect has already happened. Recently, I have been into several orgs, ideal and not so ideal, and the one thing they all have in common – DEAD – and devoid of public. They will not be able to keep the doors open with income far less than expenses, unless the “Little Prick” finagles a way to use Sea Org reserves to keep them in business. One thing for sure, the whole con is going to get much more interesting in the near future, for those of us monitoring it.
Does anyone else get the feeling that the sh-t is about to hit the fan in or about the COS?
Zephyr says
Yes Bobbo,
but NOT JUST in the COS…
mreppen says
The Advance Mag is published quarterly.
Valerie says
Quarterly or so. It should be quarterly. When I was still getting it, it was monthly in the 70’s I got 4 per year in the early 80s but by the 90s it was not a predictable schedule. If you divide 228 (the issue number by 4) it would make 57 years so the are just sort of publishing when they feel like it IMHO.
Madora P says
Always so creepy to see the names of old friends. Wake up and Google already.
Valerie says
The reason your old friends are listed there is because they are “obeying the rules” and not going on the Internet. Cult much?
Swampland4Sale says
AOLA (and “OT’s” made peaked in the mid-late 80’s. The culmination of people that started in Scn in late 60’s – mid 70’s. There was NOTHING anyone in Missions up through Int mgmnt could do to revive that. You would have to be able to reverse time to recreate that affluence.
AOLA used to have only two course rooms for public. Class VIII & PDC course room.
To augment their disgrace is a shame that, after 7 years, since the infamous Basics came out; there are still people that have not completed them all. From worse to worse; an unprecedented disaster.
Foolproof says
Those still left in obviously can’t read – but then that adds up to the current mess does it not?
basketballjane says
Mike if the production of the Advance Mag has become anything like that of the Celebrity Mag at CCI this list covers at least a 3 month period if not a 5 or 6 month one. When I was still getting the Celebrity Mag (For some reason they took me OFF the mailing lists! I guess getting declared is the only way to make that happen.) it would only come every 3-4 months, sometimes longer. And yes it is supposed to be monthly.
As for Cal Cole, he was always nice. I never worked under him so I didn’t experience that aspect of him. But he was my mom’s senior in the 70’s and he knew me when I was born. So he always looked at me like I was still that baby. Maybe that is why he was nice to me. I don’t know. But at any rate, he and Lundeen (Who deserves WAY worse than just pulling weeds at the Hacienda) and the ASHOF Captain, wherever they are I hope this is a real wake up call for them. But probably not. Once the shock wears off of being put on the RPF the Hypnosis will kick in and they will beat themselves up mentally and start propitiating profusely so that they can hopefully get back onto any post at all. After all ANYTHING is better than the RPF. Trust me.
MJ says
It’s getting harder to tell the difference between being on the RPF and being on a post in the org.
Ronn S. says
Good point MJ, except the RPF surely gets more done. There’s a thought, turn all the SO Orgs into the RPF. 5 OTIII’s in how many actual months? Jesus.
Valerie says
I agree with Ronn. On the RPF, you work hard, you complete things and you have study time every day. On staff you work hard, you get cross-ordered every 4 minutes so nothing gets complete and you have no study time. As horrible as RPF is, and I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy, at least you know where you stand, as a staff member these days people are just doing time until they get booted onto RPF it seems.
Lars says
RPF is better than RPF’s RPF unless you relish
the idea of knowing that you might be able to finally
get out of the ratrace.
And MJ, in many ways I actually found the RPF much
easier than being on post.
MJ says
I hear you Lars. RPF’s RPF is probably the best place to be as your closer to being declared.
Zephyr says
True, I had the same experience, at least on the 1985 RPF experience at GOLD. But you see,
once they realized that S.O. members felt that way, they made damn sure the RPF got a lot
worse so that you came to the conclusion ‘yeah, after all, it is better to be back on post’!
MJ says
Brainwashed people or masochists. Take your pick.
mutny says
on my 6th comm ev. I overheard lisa hamilton tell my committee (in private) that r.p f. was not an option. (that i would taint others)…. i felt weird when i heard her say this,,, happy and pissed….
A.S.H.O ( f) march 1998/
Martin Padfield says
Zephyr, as bad as the GCT was in 85 – and it WAS bad – I suspect RPFs got a whole lot worse since then. At least we had decent breakfasts! Huge pancakes, eggs, juice and coffee as I recall. Happy Valley berthing was cramped and stupidly hot in the summer but at least we had beds when we weren’t up all night digging ditches or something. Eric Knutson was my section leader and he showed moments of humanity and genuine caring. Phyllis his wife was also on it. Myles Mellor (Bosun) was always a wanker, but Steve Willett I like a lot (He wasn’t on it but oversaw the studio construction). But the most colourful character was Chris Byrne, an Englishman who was also on with his wife at the time Betsy. I believe Chris died but Betsy made her escape some years later
Scott Campbell says
In consideration of these statistics, one of the abilities gained in the Church of Scientology appears to be “Flash Thought Stopping”.
There are no answers when there are no questions.
McCarran says
“There are no answer when there are no questions.” This says it all for the people still in.
They could walk into a sold Ideal Org and they would ask where to go next.
Wendy M says
Elyse Johnson and Chris Blackerby completed OTIII, IV and V in whatever time frame this list covers. Rose Fanning and Helen Kizler did OTI and II in the same time frame. Lisa Dale completed OT preps and Solo Auditor course in the same time frame. There are others who appear more than once in the list – Alan Smith (Solo 1, OT preps and Solo II), Marty Gottlieb (Solo 1 and OT preps) . I don’t know how many of these course / levels can be completed in a month – it seems on the face of it as if this would be a list growing well over a month, given the overlaps.
threefeetback says
Didn’t Shelly warn you about trying to ‘slam dunk’ an entire Org Borad all at once?
MJ says
“I don’t take orders or advice from someone who can’t even hold the post of my assistant, much less my wife, you CICSMF. Give me your real name so I can have you declared (probably again). I don’t know why I waste my time with the likes of you. Consider it a win and fuck off douche-bag.” – DM
threefeetback says
Let’s consider discussing this when you get back from your three ring circus in the UK. We’ll check the PAC stats when you get back. Good to see that you are working hard to cut off the trickle in Clearwater; and that Flag is being converted into a Window Dressing Museum for Whales with lower overhead costs.
Your next assignment on the Consolidation Program is to send skeleton maintenance crews to each org until they can be sold off. The owners (see your Tech Dictionary) are getting restless and threatening to replace the entire Board of Directors.
Cooper J Kessel says
Yo Dave,
I’m thinkin MJ pretty much nailed your response. Wanna weigh in good buddy.
No need if you concur!
MJ says
“And Rinder, you messed up my hands when you forced me to hit you. Had to see a chiropractor. I should bill you for the dev-t.” – Dave
Mike Rinder says
You have no idea how accurate this is — one time Miscavige attacked me in the Video Preps area. He had one of his Rolex watches on. The result of him hitting me and wrestling me to the ground was that the band of his watch grazed his arm. He started squealing about how I had “drawn blood” and it was a result of “his evil intentions” to the assembled onlookers (there were always those who were assembled to witness these things so he could “make a point” to others). Someone rushed off to get ointment and a bandaid — which was then ceremoniously applied to soothe the wounds of the Great Warrior.
MJ says
Wow, this dude’s depravity increases exponentially in my estimation. Thanks for the anecdote Mike.
threefeetback says
Yeah, One of Dave’s minions at Int once threw an ashtray and broke a window. She thought the ‘offender’ should pay for the window for having ‘enturbulated’ her. No way.
MJ says
Boy, all of these abuse stories really bring out the fighter in me. I feel like taking Dave and his entourage and single handedly beating the shit out of them.
Martin Padfield says
That’s so far down the blame spiral it’s almost funny.
threefeetback says
MP, Who’s blaming?
Marie guerin says
MJ ,I know what you mean , it makes me angry too. I am small but still I could help you.
It’s the abuse and the disconnection , not so much for the raw pain of the directly concerned , meaning myself I suppose but the ripples that it creates to reach the innocent and honest , the far removed who still get hurt deeply.
3 years ago I followed the stats through the magazines , it has gotten worse.
Unfortunately I didn’t keep them and do not receive them anymore.
Valerie says
MJ I sit here and laugh at something long enough to discover that although you meant it as parody, it wasn’t. How can you make fun of something when the truth is actually worse?
MJ says
Laughter is good for the soul. 😀
Martin Padfield says
DM blaming Mike for his arm injury, threefeetback.
Foolproof says
All those that would hit the bum back have long since left or been “excluded”.
mutny says
head on platter….. fashion is back in!
Kris S says
As an ex AOLA staff member this is astonishing! When I was last on staff there about 10 years ago that would be about or close to 1 week of production on a really good week(without the basics). I do also remember Cal Cole telling me around 2008 or so when I was public(and the very last time I stepped into an Scientology org) that he required any one who wanted to route on the OT levels that they minimally be a patron of the IAS, I’m not sure if that is still the case, or if it was a way at the time to make me cough up $75k. In any case I like Cal, and hope that he’s not somewhere pulling weeds for 16 hours a day, but rather routing out so he can enjoy the Giants latest playoff run.
barefacedmessiah says
Kris, I was told the same. I quickly realised that the bridge was built in a way to never become OT. Only a few … just enough to show a product without getting even close to releasing OT IX and OT X. They call it a game and a game includes “not have” according to LRH.
Lu says
Speaking of Magazines, I was wondering if anyone here or on Tony’s blog has seen the recent Freedom mag, Volume 20,Issue 1 (Florida Edition) touting the Co$’s contribution over the years to Clearwater of 917million$? ..along with interviews of former Mayor Dick Greco & Zev Buffman from the Capitol Theater?…anyone reading this would think that Clearwater is really hustling & bustling with all kinds of international visitors coming here to Clear-water to get all cleared up, but the only thing truly cleared is the streets…
thegman77 says
And a great many empty store fronts.
Bystander says
When you see a sudden increase in graduation names in the next issue, check them against the death notices. That’s how they stuff ballot boxes in Connecticut.
With regard to the ‘consolidation’ in LA, it appears that miscavige is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Old Surfer Dude says
“…miscavige is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.” Nice! And, very apt I might add. Great metaphor, Bystander.
Rick Mycroft says
Rearranging the musical chairs, no?
statpush says
Wait a minute…wasn’t doing the Basics supposed to arm you with real Scn and result in you rocketing up the Bridge? I was told the TEs for Basics Completions were 1/3 of that of dumb-shit Scnists. Maybe they did their Basics and cogged Davey’s Bridge is a load of crap?
What gives?
Jeff says
I cogged after completing the whole Basics line up that Hubbard was full of shit.
Hiatus57 says
Thank you for telling us how bad it all is, there is no solution in this “load of shit” so I hope this is your last post.
Simple says
It started with the missions being wiped out in the early eighties and the insane price increases just before that. The public began to disappear and there were no new public to speak of and then all the “solutions” since then have made everything worse. There haven’t been enough people moving up the bridge to arrive at AOLA and FSO. All AOLA and FSO can do is to recycle the existing public and service the children of earlier public. The existing public only put up with the recycle for just so long before they get wise.
Add to that the fact that AOLA used to be a comfortable friendly place and there were lots of experienced auditors. Those auditors were all removed and put on admin posts as part of the GAT I evolution and then AOLA just didn’t service anyone for many months until all the new (inexperienced) trainees were put on post. Then the perfectly serviceable AOLA building was renovated and became very uncomfortable and unfriendly.
If someone wanted to come up with a plan to wipe Scientology off the map, they could not have done a better job.
The next CO AOLA’s head will roll too. It’s just a matter of when.
Doug Parent says
“If someone wanted to come up with a plan to wipe Scientology off the map, they could not have done a better job.”
Pardon the slight derail, but maybe it was in Scientology’s DNA to wipe itself off the map in the first place. I’m not saying there were never times when the cult was booming, I too experienced it, but Hubbard was still around to step in and cancel this or new HCOB that. When it was announced that Hubbard died, my first thought was “thats it, this game is toast”.
Simple says
thegman77 says
Years earlier, I saw an order of some kind which stated that LRH could no longer be chitted. That’s when I knew the game field had tilted downward. How could anyone *never* make a mistake or be above correction?
Martin Padfield says
As long as new people were going to (be made to) buy into the “only hope for mankind” angle, there was some slight possibility of some limited kind of continued survival. That horse left the stable a while back now, certainly since the Internet. If it had operated like any service outfit in the real world – i.e. you went, got your services, you left. And if you wanted to, of your own volition, got some more afterwards, WITHOUT all the cult-like guilt pressure, subliminal suggestion, love-bombing and guru-worship – would it have ever made it out of the seventies? I doubt it.
mutny says
problem here is David. period… term limit reached. 7,8 9, and 10… off with his head…..
cris says
This and Martin’s
Scientology ‘boomed’ in the seventies at the same time as a hundred other cults.
Cultural and economic changes in society resulted in most of those cults fizzling out.
Whilst it is self evident that ‘scientology’ is it’s own worst enemy (much like Hubbard himself) it is my view that scientology’s ‘success’ or demise has little to do with scientology doing things right or wrong and more to do with the rest of the world’s attitude toward it. i.e, The 70’s was the start of what many now call the “growth” movement and scientology was a part of that. Those seeking growth nowadays will filter out scientology.
But this does beg the question.
How and why are they still going?
I don’t have the answer but I do believe Dave has and continues to reshape the cult into something unrecognisable to anyone who leaves it.
My prediction is that he will eventually hone it down to an elite super cult for the super rich and insulate himself with a few hundred of his most deluded diciples. The inurement will get even more audacious and the attrocities worse until finally one of his teenage staff will film him on their smart phone and post it instantly.
Then Hubbard’s wish will be granted and his legacy will be resigned to the history books.
As it should be.
And will be.
Swampland4Sale says
Simple, the # of new people coming into Scn PEAKED in the mid-late 70’s. How did the mission problem that occurred in the 80’s cause the decline that started in the late 70’s?????????????
The drop coincided with the Boomer demographic growing up and starting families. Hmmm
Simple says
The price increases started in the late 70s. That was followed by a mission holders revolt, which resulted in the mission holders being squashed in the early 80s. Granted there were other factors.
Bottom line is that no CO of AOLA will be successful over any period exceeding a few months. Maybe not even that.
Swampland4Sale says
Simple, LRH ED 248 adjusted the prices in ’77-79 to MATCH the prices in the early 70’s when accounting for inflation. The ACTUAL cost of services didn’t increase in the 70’s. Overall they declined due to inflation. In 1980 a NEW ED came out really screwing the prices. But, that was AFTER the decline in people coming into Scn.
Joe Pendleton says
Simple – great post and I agree with it all. I would just suggest that the seeds of the destruction of the 70s boom were first sown even a few years earlier with the opening of the FSO and its promotion and regging. Not only was more money now being directed away from orgs but the status and even quality of org auditing and training were now significantly lowered in the eyes of the public in comparison with flag. And with the stuff you mentioned, the world of Scientology was never the same. And with the eventual attrition of the old timers ….
Simple says
Yes, good point Joe. There were several things that all hit in the 70s. Add that the “Dianetic Clear” bulletin in ’78 (?) resulted in many public leaving the missions and orgs and heading for AO or FSO, contributing to the collapse of missions and orgs. Also add heavy ethics and “who” finding which I was told emanated from GOWW.
Neo says
From a different perspective: Scientology is right on track. Huge amount of both hard (real estate) and liquid assets. Shrinking expenses and liabilities (as public leave before using all prepaid services). Decreasing training expenses etc. If the goal is to run a rich organization that serves the needs and wants of the leader, then in my opinion Scientology is a success. It gathered a lot of people, milked their assets (and to some perhapsprovided worthwhile services in return) and now is probably financially stable enough ( through investment returns) to perpetuate the needs of the executive leadership. If that’s what the goal of Scientology is it is truly among a special class of spiritual movementsn
MJ says
Change spiritual movement to bowel movements.
Foolproof says
This is an excellent discussion. As well as the above if Scientology hadn’t wasted it’s trained staff (and public) by heavy ethics and too-sharp price rises then it would be much, much larger now – it would have snowballed. But the people have melted away as the management mis-handled them. Probably to the amount of about 100,000 trained people. That’s a lot of wastage.
The Missions handling was a big “mistake” (? – quite deliberate or stupid it seems to me). What should have happened was that if one or two of them were ripping the Orgs off (I am assuming) then assign them a condition or whatever and get them to pay the sums back and get them producing again, but they were funneling millions into Scientology every year so to wipe them off the face of the Earth was probably the most stupid (or deliberately evil) single event that ever happened to Scientology. On top of that we have all the other nonsense now with donations scamming but the Missions was the start or the first big major change. That false data and false handling probably got Hubbard’s attention and approval and so he let him (Miscavige) and his cohorts carry on. This was probably LRH’s biggest mistake in not verifying the facts here, but then he was in virtual hiding and had to rely on the assumed truth of the data he was receiving.
From that point on it has been a dog’s breakfast stumbling from arbitrary heaped upon arbitrary.
MJ says
Interesting analysis Foolproof. I kept looking for the magic after the initial wins from The Comm Course, but alas, they slowly vanished as “ethics” got heavier.
Paraphrasing the words of Commissioner Loeb in The Dark Knight – “Miscavige, what are you up to?”
4a says
Foolproof I think you have pretty well nailed it with this post, and this, ” This was probably LRH’s biggest mistake in not verifying the facts here”. For all the great work LRH did, personally I dislike finding fault with the guy, there is enough of that to go around, but I would agree with you on this point!
Sophia13 says
Foolproof says
I am of the same opinion as you 4a about LRH – it seems rather churlish after all he produced to state anything even slightly critical of him – but with hindsight what later transpired proves the case, unfortunately. But saying that I am not actually being critical – just factual AFAIK. And one cannot believe that LRH would have wanted Scientology to turn out as it has done. It is my and I think most people who comment here’s opinion that LRH would have wanted completely the opposite to be the case.
Swampland4Sale says
Foolproof. It went as LRH directed senior management. He ordered the most senior Management exec in ALL of Scn to operate off the the statistic of total amassed wealth in the form of money, in an account that the lower orgs couldn’t get to.. Since El Wrong wrote the Admin scale material he was FULLY aware of what that would cause management to then do.
Unless you believe that El Wrong was a total fool?
Hiatus57 says
Accurate as usual
Scam says
Interesting, I just discovered a terrific data analysis done on Whyweprotest. As most know, they are keeping a list of ex-member there and somebody made a limelines of the number of people entering and leaving Scientology. You can perfectly see the effect of the Mission Holder Conference and then Jeff Hawkin’s push to get Dianetics back on the New York bestseller list.
The graph also evidences in cold hard data what Mike and Marty have been saying for years: membership of the cult peaked in the early nineties.
One thing however that surprised me in the graph was that the outflow didn’t start in the early eighties, but in the late seventies. I was unsure about what the reason was behind that, but your post made me realize it’s the pricehikes in the late seventies. Thanks for that.
Scamofscientology/Foodforthought says
Litelines = timelines of course and I pressed enter before finishing a user name.
George says
They wait until they can fill the last page with names, then they publish the next mag … maybe twice a year …
jgg2012 says
Names like Pete Moss, Justin Case…
Never Clear says
They could use all the names that Bart Simpson crank called Moe’s with. I. P. Freely, Pat McGroin….