An artist’s rendition of the planned “ideal org” – the artist is not a big fan of the ideal org strategy.
These bubbledwellers are so condescending. And I doubt they are even faintly aware of it. “There is not one Puerto Rican who does not have a desire to do better…” Among other statements.
And her grammar, vocabulary and understanding of geography is about 5th grade level. Puerto Rico is “off the cuff” of the US? An ideal org in Puerto Rico is “our way to really create a huge WTH movement across all the Western Hemisphere”
But the really good news — Puerto Rico is only “1.4 million miles away” from buying a building. Why they don’t just say dollars really is bizarre.
If they get $1.4 million for Puerto Rico in the next 2 weeks I will put on a David Miscavige bouffant wig and parade in front of the Ft Harrison with a sign that says “Mike Rinder is a bigot, liar and poopy pants.” They are totally and utterly unreal. The org moved out into the sticks because it couldn’t pay its cheapo rent! And they’re going to raise 1.4 million in 2 weeks.
And just out of curiosity — why are they wanting to buy ANOTHER building when they already have a bunch of empty buildings they can’t afford to renovate? How is Puerto Rico “next” in the strategy?
What about New Haven? It’s been sitting there empty for at least a decade? Detroit? Chicago? Philadelphia? Battle Creek?
And poor Boston? They sold their beautiful building, bought a p.o.s. that was totally unsuitable, moved into the boondocks and don’t have a building STILL.
Long Island? Closest org to the CLO (other than Harlem, STILL not done). It’s never even been mentioned. Columbus? Orlando?
Oh, and what about the rest of the Eastern Seaboard — Maine, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina. None of those states even HAVE AN ORG? Some of them don’t even have Missions? Not to speak of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and maybe I missed some doing this off the top of my head. None of these states have orgs at all.
So, here is the strategy. Ignore more than half the states you are responsible for and do nothing to even try to get an org there.
Ignore the biggest cities that already have buildings, and the smaller cities that also already have buildings. Ignore the closest org to the CLO.
Instead, rah rah people to raise money for a building in Puerto Rico for an org that could not pay it’s meager rent.
Because it’s “closest”?
Who knows what it is closest to? The Bermuda Triangle maybe? Haiti where the WTH transformed society already?
This is the best proof of all that the “ideal org” strategy is destroying what is left of scientology. There is NO attention or intention to do anything that would make sense. Just collect money to buy buildings that will sit empty — before they are renovated and after….
“If they get $1.4 million for Puerto Rico in the next 2 weeks I will put on a David Miscavige bouffant wig and parade in front of the Ft Harrison with a sign that says βMike Rinder is a bigot, liar and poopy pants.β
My cheque is on the way.
DM’s mother’s failed attempted ethics handling on her son: “Now Davey, give those kids their allowance money back.”
Hi all…
Newbie here. I’ve been reading Mike’s blog for some time now (Tony’s, too). I get a kick out of your posts – the humorous ones..obviously not the serious ones..lol. I have a lot of respect for what Mike and Tony do, as well as all you exes who speak out against this disgusting organization. Can’t wait to read the upcoming books by Ron Miscavige, Sr. and Leah Remini. I just ordered A Piece Of Blue Sky by Jon Atack.
The flyers that Mike posts just kill me. It really does boggle the mind that still-ins buy into that shit. I watched a YouTube video yesterday called “stupid things Scientologists say”. Not that I hadn’t seen many videos like that before, but this one just got under my skin. A woman was asked if a court document proving Narconon deaths would be enough for her to believe it and she basically said no. Un-f**king-believable. They simply don’t want to know or see. Infuriating and sad all at the same time.
Anyway, I’m rambling. It’s good to finally be posting. Cheers!
I really wonder what all the other EUS org staff, who’ve been promised help over and over, think of this new “right-now, right-now” bright idea (spastic diversionary move) or are they so comatose that they’re just rah, rah’ing the decision to “get ‘er done” in Puerto Rico?
WHEN will Chicago org staff (as just one example) put their feet down or better yet just simply walk away — for good.
Rebecca Cusano — if you read this — here’s a reminder that you told the press that your building renovations would be complete at the beginning of 2016. Times a wastin’ so ya better get crackin’. I bet when you told this lie, that 2016 seemed somewhat far away in your mind, that somehow, come hell or high water, the seas would part and you would be vindicated and absolved of your willful deceit — a knowing falsehood told for the mindless expedient measure to handle the never-ending, negative PR onslaught.
“Renovations to the new location are expected to be completed at the beginning of 2016, Cusano said. The churchβs official grand opening date has not yet been decided, she said”
Easy on the facts Sindy, it’s like salt on a wound to a Miscavite.
any place in need of financial help better not try to get any from the Scientologists… they’re only in the business of sucking the money out of people.
Turns out Sir Walter Raleigh got his coordinates confused and that Puerto Rico is actually the lost city of El Dorado. The ‘1.4 million miles away’ is not a typo, but code for something of awesome significance to the faithful followers of Poopy Pants hisself. Puerto Rico is in fact TARGET TWO!!!
At one fifth the distance, The Child Prodigy would do better reaching for the Moon. Hey wait a minute, the Moon doesn’t have an org and it’s only 239,000 miles away!
Leah Remini could have put that money together in an afternoon, especially with the help of J.Lo’s Pops and J. Lo. Who knew Leah would be tortured for writing a K.R. on Dave? Didn’t he have his Int Execs stuffed in trailors piloting his “hole” ethics program at that time?
Geeze, David sure knows how to blow the Church of Scientology’s resources!! Now he whips the beggars to bring it in. F’n PIMP!
Mike — the picture at the top of this post — the artist’s rendition — looks remarkably like an old ramshackle building on Alternate 19 — prime land though – right on the intercoastal as I recall. And all these many years — still standing in ruins last time I visited.
BUT I’m furious with you π π — calling attention to my land area. New Hampshire (my home base), Vermont (my neighbor where many of my dear friends live) and Maine (don’t visit often but it’s gorgeous) have been SCIENTOLOGY free zones … and with the passing of Ms. Brennan about 6 months ago — I don’t know of any scios in NH. A few “formers” in Vermont and no clue about Maine. But I doubt any.
DO NOT draw attention to this area … remember it’s the “Live Free or Die” state and I believe in “lock and load” (kidding of course) — but hey — Vermont just approved an OK to carry without permit …
Should make certain peeps happy …
Not me — I prefer bear spray π
Correction: It’s Maine where you can carry concealed OR NOT without a permit.
Not sure about Vermont but chances are most have guns … and medical marijuana π
I travel there only during the day π
Now that is funny you should say that Windhorse, the very popcorn in my hand was made in Maine (see this link http://www.littlelads.com/). And now Puerto Rico? Forget it. In my opinion if New York City goes OT EVERYONE EVERYWHERE is also going OT but so far they haven’t. So why concentrate on Puerto Rico? I will tell you why Windhorse. This is another one of David Miscavige’s practical jokes concocted with his head up his ass as usual. π
Actually I think 1,4 million miles is about right.
Oh, Mike, don’t forget to write ‘pie-face’ on that sign as well. π
I would almost be willing to pay the million plus to see you in a bouffant wig in front of the Fort Harrison with a sign saying you’re a poopy pants.
Well I see I am not alone in terms of laughing at the thought of Mike doing that! Funny thing is, IF the church used that to make him look the fool, it would just drive more people to us here in Rinderville, so he could actually totally do it and it would NOT back-fire on him in the least and on the contrary, would make him seem saner and more real by making fun of himself due to the fact that the churchies could never ACTUALLY exhibit such “spirit of play”, to borrow a term…
Mike, I have to come clean; I secretly hope the Niblet ponies up the 1.4 million miles, dollars, whatever, cuz we know you are a man of your word!
Something tells me that if Mike were ever to “suit up” with boufant hairdo, etc. and parade in front of a Scientology facility with a sign, he should join forces with the Gay Pope who does that kind of thing often out in L.A. —- I’m sure he could use the company and reinforcements (smile)….
So now Ideal Puerto Rico is looking for a few well heeled saviors to save the day. Good luck with that.
Unless Bob Duggan or Tom Cruise or another rich clam pop up, there will be no ideal anything in Puerto Rico. Except for the rum, good rum down there. Does that count as a ‘psych drug’? I only use it in medicinal quantities myself.
Billy Lindstein (CO CLO EUS last time we checked), this blog post is for YOU.
I remember reading a brief but horrific history of World War One once. It mentioned how the villages of England in almost a single swipe lost all their young men, gone forever, whole villages simply had no young or able men anymore. The same happened all across Europe, insanely crazy stuff. But the article mentioned the Germans developed a saying for the British troops at the battle of the Somme, “lions led by lambs.”
Crazy analogy but scientology management is clearly insane.
Most of us have seen or felt the incredible heartbreak of financial ruin and/or the cream of the best years of life ripped out of young able people by scientology management. It is a real situation and although they are shrinking their trail of misery is just as real as their demands for more and more money, more and more dedication to a soulless and heartless organisational pursuit.
Maybe it’s not an appropriate analogy above but I can’t judge misery like that. I remember all too well how I felt seeing the despondency first hand of broken dreams at a grass roots level. There is an enormous amount of people who cannot or will not look at what scientology management has done to them, they don’t comment here or probably don’t even read about it but they exist none the less. None one in scientology management controlling them ever had their best interests at heart, but more and more are now beginning to stand up for them because of the net. This is a battle that has to be won, the quicker the better.
Scientology management has some very serious allegations to answer…
“There is an enormous amount of people who cannot or will not look at what scientology management has done to them,” Very very true. That’s because they are still deep in the “think” that has been enforced on them since the day they walked in. Which is that everything about you, your life, your dynamics, your “financial sit,” health and welfare, your past, present, future and that of everyone else around you (yeah really) is YOUR responsibility. So if they admit to something bad happening to them, or feeling upset heaven forbid, especially at the hands of scientology, they are admitting that they are not “taking responsibility” (huge generality btw) and are broadcasting to the world that the are out-ethics. If you speak up about something that was actually done to you that’s bad, it’s YOU who are at fault. What an ingenius trap.
Anyone reading this who is scared of even realizing to themselves that they received bad treatment in some way, got ripped off, badly treated, etc., YOU’RE RIGHT. Let the disinfecting light IN. It has been set up this way so you don’t let yourself think like this and feel remorseful if you do. It’s a mental and emotional and very very controlling trap. The whole “think for yourself” thing is an extremely covert ruse. I speak from experience….lots of it unfortunately.
Hear Hear
With Scientology the analogy might be “Lions led by cockroaches” They run for the shadows when the light shines on them. We just need more light.
The Sea Organization is a suppressive group. They were created with the purpose to suppress out ethics, rebels, free thinkers, outlaws, competitors, apostates, potential leaders with sway,agents of change and basically, anyone similar to Hubbard.
They are to keep the sheep and conformists in line. Their basic purpose is to suppress. “Getting ethics in” involves suppression. Harming attacking and suppressing. What other profession interrogates their clients and customers for crimes every six months?? On their own little planet out in the desert with only “the best” you see what they permitted and contributed to? What they became?
This is the elite, the cream of the Sea Org and all it was meant to be and become:
The Sea organization is a police force, an enforcement group. If they can not find anything to suppress or enforce, they would not be needed. This is why they mock up the drama and opposition. This is why they follow David Miscavige. They are the “Secret Service”, the “Central Intelligence Agancy” and the “Federal Bureau of Investigation” for the Church of Scientology. They also set the rates like the Federal reserve. They also collect the taxes like the I.R.S..
They are plague turned loose on humanity.
Yes the FOLOs and Flag Bureaux basically screwed everything up from the early 1980s onwards. They weren’t too hot before that either but at least were somewhat correctable. It doesn’t help having a lunatic (DM) in charge either. Unnecessary heavy ethics followed by the donations scamming has mostly destroyed Scientology.
Yawnalot, I don’t think there was much realism written about WWI which wasn’t horrific. It was totally insane. A dear friend of mine, long since passed, was at the Battle of the Somme and almost died there, buried completely by an exploding shell. He only survived because a fellow officer happened to be looking at him when it happened and rushed out with others to dig him out. After WWII, he wrote a book about his life, how he got into the war in the first place and how he felt afterwards. (“Last Man Standing”) A marvelous human being whom I still miss.
There will NEVER , EVER be an Ideal Org PR ; just take my word for it. Tiffany Woods said , “The reach here (PR) is incredible…” ; that is COMPLETELY false. The reach here has always been a lot less than at any place of the USA. In fact , most Puerto Ricans stay away from Scn as if Scientologists were lepers. I had to confront that reality for several years when I was on staff. My God , it was so difficult to get anybody in. Puerto Ricans are very smart people who can smell the con men quite easily as we are already used to a lot of them in government and religion. So we have grown very perceptic of that. We sense when something doesn’t smell right.
Another cultural factor , is that we have been socially indoctrinated that needing any kind of mental help is just for the weak of spirit ; It is actually some kind of humiliation , and a confession of being defeated. I have been around quite a few Orgs and places ;and I got to tell you , I have not seen so much ridge (rejection) and low interest for Scn than in this island. It is just incredible ; you wouldn’t believe it. Many Freewinds’ missions here were usually dismayed at the resistance they found here. One of them even called it , “Defeatism”. I believed she was right then. Today I would call it , ” Being smart”. :-)))
Building Expansion Director East U.S. !!! That’s Scientology for you : they take some half baked semi literate high school dropout and give him/her a fancy post title. That makes them feel like Biiiig Thetans.
This girl can’t even put out a simple communication. They should “apply study tech” to her and teach her to speak English. Just another kid playing “grownup”. What a joke !
Hi Eagle Eye. Tiffany is Not from Puerto Rico. She only goes there to steal peoples money for the Sea Org. I would say she is over 40 years old but looks older. She is not a kid. Just a crook. But yes she does have communication problems. It has nothing to do with language. It is that she has difficulty comminicating the truth.
“Ignore the biggest cities that already have buildings, and the smaller cities that also already have buildings. Ignore the closest org to the CLO. Instead, rah rah people to raise money for a building in Puerto Rico for an org that could not pay itβs meager rent. Why?”
Because cities that have Internet access don’t have Scientology customers to any degree, not any that are stupid and uninformed enough to fall for Scientology’s obvious frauds.
“If they get $1.4 million for Puerto Rico in the next 2 weeks I will put on a David Miscavige bouffant wig and parade in front of the Ft Harrison with a sign that says βMike Rinder is a bigot, liar and poopy pants.β
Do it anyway.
“Do it anyway.” My man! Mike, I’ve ALWAYS been a bigot, liar, especially, poopy pants. Let know if we can team up for this party!
OSD, thank you for all the laughs you bring me and have for many months, I lost count a looong time ago. Don’t know you (or maybe I do, I’m Sneaky like that..), but I love you!
Well, Sneaky Little Phuq, I love you too! Keep posting here. We have a lot of fun!
FIFY. No charge.
Nice! But, I believe the WTF movement is all over the world now.
…and so the world is a better place.
Safer too, with one less man-eating shark in the water.
Well, i suppose i should admit the beast is not quite dead yet. But, he is weak, his jaw smaller and no longer will the fake-church get away with trying to pass itself as …[WTF].
Surf’s up!
Truly you speak the truth, Grasshopper.
My relative went to medical school in PR, there are 4 medical schools on the island. Perhaps that is one tie-in with pharmaceutical manufacturers there, as Bystander pointed out. My relative worked in a hospital there, and said one of goals of many young adults is to get on public assistance $$ with a diagnosis mental problems, as a way to game the system.
There is no relation between the medical schools , which by the way are among the bests , and the pharmaceutical industry. None at all. Nobody gets assistance in PR for being diagnosed with mental illness , if you call a petty cash an “assistance”. Young adults frequently being diagnosed as mentally unfit , is NOT a reality on this island , and never has been.
T.C. I’m afraid that your knowledge is EXTREMELY incomplete. TANF alone gives up to $600/month for those adults diagnosed with mental illness disability in P.R. And as of a couple of years ago (I haven’t checked since then), 1 in 6 adult males are on some type of disability payments via gov.
All this type of data is available through .gov websites. I suggest engaging logic rather than emotions.
” T.C. Iβm afraid that your knowledge is EXTREMELY incomplete. TANF alone gives up to $600/month for those adults diagnosed with mental illness disability in P.R.”
TC : Now John, as you always say, “provide the SOURCE documents, please”. $600 ? Are you are of your mind ? I never said they received none, I merely it was more like a petty cash as the communication from the letter Mike posted was inferring that young adults here were conveniently taking advantage of the great economic benefits of being diagnosed as mentally unfit. And that, dear John, has never been the case here. A lot of people getting TANF FOOD benefits, yes, that’s true. A lot of YOUNG adults getting high bebefits for being mentally incapacitated ? Now, that is only the fixed idea of others who believe everything they read. I LIVE here, and have done so for the last 47 years, being in constant contact with the News here. You can’t possibly know more than I do about PR’s social and economic scenario, regardless of your grandmother.
“And as of a couple of years ago (I havenβt checked since then), 1 in 6 adult males are on some type of disability payments via gov.”
TC : Yes, that’s true enough , but not mental disability as such, but psysical ones. But I accept that the mental health problem here is quite severe. But then again, so it is in the USA.
“All this type of data is available through .gov websites. I suggest engaging logic rather than emotions.”
TC : John, don’t believe everything you read in PR’s gov websites. It is all about politics here. And I thought you was the one always emoting about everything. :-)))
“It is an island that needs financial help….It is an island that needs Scientology”.
We all know the kind of “financial help” Scn will give that island.
If the drug companies left that island, it would go under faster than the track it currently is on…..which ain’t so great. So the wizards of “financial smarts” in Scn want to rid the island of those nasty drug companies? The drug companies need that island as badly as the letter states the island needs Scn. If they were not so stupid, Scn should go to the drug companies for the 1.4 million….they both want/need the island so why not work together? Hell for that kind of money Scn will whore themselves out to anybody.
Most of PR’s pharmaceutical produce no psychotropic drugs , but mostly needed medical drugs used for heart conditions , high blood pressure , anti-diabetics , contraceptives , transfusion medicine , antibiotics , vasodilators , laxatives , etc ,etc.
The quote “Puerto Rico is the island the psychs use to treat different pharmaceutical drugs” is very exaggerated and misleading. The fact is that the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest industry in PR without which the economy would slump at the level of Haiti or other poor island. Pharmaceutical companies loved doing business at PR because of the incredible tax benefits they get here and the lower cost of labor. So attempting to mess with this industry is not being a “conscientious Puerto Rican” , but actually an enemy of the state.
But….but…..Puerto Rico is 1.4 million miles away! I wonder if you do take that 1.4 million miles, you’ll hit Target 2?
She omitted to mention the 100s that are now under the radar or plainly left the ‘ideal scam’. Tsk, Tskβ¦ incomplete information.
You’re right Silvia. I believe that people are going UTR on a daily basis. Many others put up a front because of disconnection (which does not exist). The cult has so many leaks in their boat, all their time is spent baling out water.
Above photo of future Ideal Org.
Use your imagination, a little putty a little paint will make it what it aint.
A new roof of used tin some carpets and drapes.
The locals will think the Brothel is back in business !!!!!
Wait…..what? They actually shut that brothel down? The drinks there were fantastic!
I had a party for SEAL Team 3 and it got out of control,
burned it to shell. Harry Constance shrugged it off
as Good to Go , oh well.
You hosted a party for Seal Team 3 and didn’t invite me? And…of course it got out of control! These are SEALS for God’s sake! What else would you expect? Wish I had been there…..
“If they get $1.4 million for Puerto Rico in the next 2 weeks I will put on a David Miscavige bouffant wig and parade in front of the Ft Harrison with a sign that says βMike Rinder is a bigot, liar and poopy pants.”
Uh, you might want to put some stipulation(s) on that – as bad as you have been beating up the C***t of The Board he might just give them the money.
A bit more information on present day economics in Puerto Rico. This Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is in such economical depression that no matter how much more they increase the existing taxes plus new ones that they invent to supposedly try and keep the government operating had not worked. Puerto Rico owes 70 billion to investors who are constantly pressing to collect their Loans.
This of course affects the economics of the 30 or 40 individuals, who are part of the public of the Org in Puerto Rico, and who have already been reg’ed for money for a long time, This Org has struggled since day one, I think like any other. Logics are great indicators of the possible feasibility of a big new building. If they had to move out, cannot pay for the low rent they had, and much less for the increases they incurred in the rental of the existing location way out of town, HOW CAN THEY PAY FOR THE EXPENSES OF AN IDEAL ORG???????????????? It’s common sense.
For these reasons one can assume that the getting the public to give money is not really for a new building, but some other LYE..
“This of course affects the economics of the 30 or 40 individuals, who are part of the public of the Org in Puerto Rico”
Dear Teddy , there has not been that amount of public at PR since the last 12-15 years at least. We are talking 15-20 at the most who are in comm with the Org in any way , and no more than 10-12 doing any type of service during the week , but at any giving point of the day , the attendance is more close to 6-8. It doesn’t even classify as a class V Org as , not only their public is too low to even classify as a Field group , but they have never ever had any tech terminal capable of delivering the CCRD. Actually , ONLY the former Senior C/S (an English-only speaking individual , an American) was trained as a NED auditor. They recently sent the sup to get trained at the new bullshit squirrel version of the GAT II CCRD . The current Snr C/S is only a class IV C/S whose knowledge of the tech is practically non-existent. She is just a damn immature kid.
PR org has no more than 6-10 full-time staff ; it is really a ghost town down there.
That photo , if it is real at all , is probably from an abandoned bank-owned type of property , who probably isn’t valued beyond the $225,000 if it has at least 2 acres. It seems they are going through the “renovate an abandoned property route” , which is a lot cheaper. With the economic recession on the island , there are a lot of such properties available , and PR org has a few engineers , architects and medium sized contractors. With their attendance , I wonder how are they even able to pay their rent in the new building where they had to recently move to as the building’s owner where they were formerly at was SP declared recently. My guess is that the building they are at right now belong to a real estate Scientology investor who might go “easy” on the rent with them. Either that , or they MUST be using their Ideal org funds to support themselves.
Puerto Rico has maybe 10-12 clears through the many decades scientology has been there. Ony 2 maybe 3 were made clear in Puerto Rico. One of those is staff who made clear after 15-20 years as staff. The rest of the public takes courses in Puerto Rico but goes to Mexico or Venezuela for auditing. The cost is only a fraction there because of the dollar exchange value. Even some people who have been staff in Puerto Rico have done this too. The ED is always upset about this but even the Big Thetans (who give big donations) do not audit in her org. Why would the thousands of people who are supposed to come to the new ideal org from all of the Caribbean want to audit there when it is much cheaper to go to other latin countries to get cheaper auditing. They try to tell you that the auditing is better in Puerto Rico but that is impossible because the regraded being once said that after GAT 2 everybody now has standarder tech. I also believe that you can get even more cheap standarder tech in Colombia because their new Ideal Org was endorsed by SOB and Tom Cruise.
Everything is exactly as you said, dear Basta-Ya. I always wondered how it was that the Org was even able to stay open in the first place with so little bodies in the shop. I used to beat my brains , some decades ago , trying to figure out why on hell Puerto Ricans seemed so uninterested in DNs and Scn. We used to promote these DNs seminars for months , manage to come up with 75-100 confirmations, and then usually just 3-6 people showed up. Imagine my frustration after having rehearsed for days on how to deliver a DNs seminar to a hundred individuals at least.
Auditing at PR is so bad, not only expensive as hell with our per capita as compared to that of the USA , that most public wanting Bridge auditing goes to Venezuela and Mexico City as you said. And not just for the lower rate, but looking for more professional sevice. PR Org is VERY , VERY unprofessional and insensible. I could get them closed if I wanted to, but I have some good friends in there that I care about.
Before this tendency (only 1 or may be 2 PR public had gone to either Mexico or Venezuela) I helped a friend to go to ITD, Mexico, after months! of fighting with the ED to get her okay. I even had to resort to petitioning directly to the ED Int who approved my petition to then be cancelled when the ED petitioned the GI Int himself to revoke the approval of my petition by ED Int. I then petitioned directly to the GI Int after having done a through research in the economic situation of PR v/s that of the USA, and after having compiled statistical data on the per capita of PR as compared to the states of the Union. PR’s was even lower than Mississippii.
Within than period the PR ED attempted to get me declared. I acted quite fast, and wrote directly to the IJC (International Justice Chief) to inform him about the situation, and to accept some situations that I was guilty of. I used my good handling of PR that I always had to impress him. He was pleased that I had done that , and ignored the ED’s CSW for my declare. I just kept on petitioning, providing them the correct. information until it was finally approved. After that my friend was able to go to Mexico but it all was a battle not worth having won it, as anyway, their Out-Tech, general squirreling, and insensibility for the well being of others proved to be a formidable barrier for ANY win.
All my battles were in vain except perhaps for all the non-Mexican public that were then capable, after what I had achieved, to go to Mexico to receive Mexico residents auditing rates w/out any stops from the PR Org, and w/out ANY stops from other USA orgs as well (for Americans wanting to go there) .The ED went so far as preventing my friend’s PC folders to leave the Org. At the end I wont and they were sent. I am definitively not a guy to fuck with. I totally defeated her, and she hated my guts after that.
Having perceived their pure evil, I never went back there, but merely went to some Int events here and there.
These people at PR Org are abusive , out-exchange and criminal. Recently a friend of mine went type III due to some Out-Tech, I guess, and was acting quite illogical and irrational. The Org took advantage of her condition to get her to donate to the Idle Org fund by using her credit card. Then just dumped her. If it wasn’t for a Scientologist public who lent her his place at a very beatiful, relaxed, and quiet place at a resort-type of apart, she would have probably killed herself.. Fortunately, she destimulated and got better. That is the kind of people that PR org has as a staff.
One of these days, they’ll find me upset enough and tired enough of all their bullshit that I will get their Org closed down. It would be VERY easy for me to do this. I possess the tools to do that, but I don’t want to use them. Let’s hope I don’t get too upset.
Interesting story TC, thanks for sharing. I too knew several public who went to Mexico for the cheaper rates. South Africa has the same situation. In my org, it was generally considered to be out-ethics to do so. But, people still did it.
Based on your stories about PR Org, it’s no wonder why they are non-existent and failing. Hell, they probably SHOULD be shutdown.
In PR, ever run into Sue Marino? Former Miami staff, married to the Snr C/S NY at one time.
” Interesting story TC, thanks for sharing.”
TC : You are most welcome , Statpus.
“I too knew several public who went to Mexico for the cheaper rates. South Africa has the same situation. In my org, it was generally considered to be out-ethics to do so. But, people still did it.”
TC : Yeah, PR Org’s ED always considered it an act of “treason” to go to ITD or Venezuela to just get cheaper rates. The irony of this is, that when one of these “big donators” wanted to go elsewhere to get professional auditing, they never objected to it, but actually HELPED the cycle happen. Like this sudden WISE “celebrity”, Gabriel Fernandez, a PR Org public. But when the ones who never donated more than $100 (because they REALLY had lots of finacial difficulties, and what Scientologist doesn’t) wanted to go as their ONLY available solution to fulfill their becoming Clear dream , then they put a lot of stops on that public, even introverting him/her by accusing them of being “out-ethics”. How’s that for being hypocrites ?
The fact is that PR’s “professional” auditing left much to be desired. A bunch of totally robotic auditors whose handling of the Tech looked like a 5 year old kid. PR’s org has always been the champion of the squirrels. As an VERY ilustrative example, this WISE “celebrity” , Gabriel Fernandez got trained as a Class IV some decades ago. He was the “hot-shot” of the moment as 1) the org had no fucking auditors available besides their English-only speaking Snr C/S , Jim Bates (a graduate class auditor and
C/S) ; 2) He had money, and PR Org just love to propitiate to the “rich” ones, you know, and kiss their asses ; 3) His sister (Gigi Gernandez) was a world reknown tennis player , an olympic gold medal winner.
So this “hot-shot” , an GAT 1 class IV graduate, audited a very dear friend of mine. This is the good part ; while IN-SESSION with my friend, he told her, “You know that you are being audited by an OT, an OT III, don’t you ? , you are not being audited by just anybody here ?”. They guy wasn’t even Clear! He was allegedly C/Sed for the CCRD (which of course, PR has never been able to deliver it) , and when eventually arrived at Flag for that, he was sent back todo ALL his Grades!!! I am not kidding here ; this actually happened.He was talking about his own case in session with his PC!!! What a marvelous GAT magnificent “standard” auditor!!! And he used to originate all kind of distractions and arbitraries in session.
Another class IV GAT 1 graduate auditor, a medical doctor not just some college drop-out, audited another friend of mine. While in session my friend hit a charged incident and began to cry. This marvelous auditor, this representation of the most Standard training program ever developed, while IN-SESSION, told my friend, “you poor baby, are you okay ? , that’s all right, just relax”. I am NOT pulling your leg here, this ACTUALLY happened.
These were the “standard” PR org auditors. Who the hell would not have wanted to go else where to get professional auditing ? PR has always been a totally worthless org after Don Pfendler left. Susan Marino took over, and it all went to shit. And I got caught in the middle due to my non-comformist nature, and got busted. After I made her look bad, when I stopped her from not letting others go to where ever the hell they wanted to to get their auditing , she always hated my guts. A lot of people did, as I never agreed to any of their criminal actions. I always fought back. I’ve never been a god-damn victim.
“Based on your stories about PR Org, itβs no wonder why they are non-existent and failing. Hell, they probably SHOULD be shutdown.”
TC : They should, all right. The thing is that once I start something, there us no turning back for me. I either win or die ; I know of no middle stops. I don’t believe in defeats. But I need to get finantially ready first. If my plans happens as I am coordinating them, I’ll be ready for the big fight soon enough.
“In PR, ever run into Sue Marino? Former Miami staff, married to the Snr C/S NY at one time.”
TC : Well, may be you are referring to “Susan Marino, married to Jim Bates former Snr C/S of the Org who also C/Sed for Miami and New York, I guess. She is from Venezuela, I think, and he is a blue-eyed blond “gringo”. If that’s the case, I SURE know her. She has been the ED for the last 2-3 decades.
Take care, Statpush.
Best regards,
Wow! I guess Tony Blanco and his wife are off the lines?
Sorry, dear Oracle ; I am not at liberty to discuss that.
I love the “correct” image of what is in fact an ideal org for a crime cult leader: a ruin, hoping to be rehabbed by slaves unpaid by a criminal cult! could ha
This silly strategy has ruined the local org
This silly strategy has ruined ALL of the orgs. No question. But when you have a sociopath for a leader, this is what you get…
His successfully actions are being implemented to the full. He sits in his ivory tower and gloats about his successful ruination of anything that stood in way to getting all the loot, and that specifically meant anything resembling people having an idea of their own.
I have nothing to add, I Yawn. You said it all…Nice post.
I imagine that the services “donation” rates for Puerto Rico are the as in the Unites States? If so there is no way to have a booming scn org there, even if the tek “worked”. The pay and productivity of the average worker is MUCH lower than in the States.
As far as the believability of the Ideal Org pgm. People, who after 65 years who STILL have never seen a “clear” or OT as promised by LRH but believe that they exist anyway are HIGHLY gullible and thus easily fooled. I’d say they are about as gullible as the average 7 year old.
I would say moronic, John. LOL With a dash of stupid.
That’s a better description of one who is still brainwashed by LRH
Gary, you forgot idiocy….
“I imagine that the services βdonationβ rates for Puerto Rico are the as in the Unites States?”
TC : Yes , they are the same.
“The pay and productivity of the average worker is MUCH lower than in the States.”
The pay , yes , the productivity , not a chance buddy.
Sorry T.C it is a fact regarding the productivity. Your emotion issues aside.
I think everybody here already knows the kind of “facts” you deal with , dear John ; your own fixations. :-)))
Yes T.C. I admit I am fixated on reality. mea culpa.
That was good! :-)))
That’s an insult to 7 year olds everywhere……
True OSD. I’ll go clean out my mouth with some Rye. π
You better leave some for me!
Great start to the weekend! It always makes my day when I get to read anything from the cult–the lack of grammar alone is always amusing. Along with the miles instead of money (maybe they’re measuring from the planet that Cruse comes from), “Puerto Ricans have the heart of gold” made me laugh out loud. If they have THE heart of gold, I would assume they also have the money to build their own org.
I could point out that Puerto Rico has a lot of problems right now–unemployment, poverty, a high crime rate–that would make one think that few people would be able to afford services (oh wait, the gold heart thing. Well, maybe a few could). But an entry point into South America? Comm lines? They need a better map.
Thank you Mr. Rinder for the laughter this morning π
“But an entry point into South America? Comm lines? They need a better map.”
Yep. For business at least ,the “entry point” or Gateway into Central & South America has been Miami actually. That has been the case for a couple of decades now.
We commerce with South America , Central America , and the USA , of course. But due to our Commonwealth status and federal agreements , we can not use but only USA ships to import/export. That affects the cost-effectiveness of exporting/importing , and put us at a great disadvantage. Due to the political situation of not totally an independent country , and not an State of the Union neither , that economic stumble has never been handled.
Yes I know TC. My Grandmother was very high up in the P.R. gov for decades. I am all to aware of difficulties there.
Got it. Do you have Hispanic roots ?
Have they considered Venezuela or Cuba as an entry point?
Leslie, given that the church is a criminal enterprise, thos two locations would be better…
Cuba would make an outstanding entry point for the cult. However, auditing would have to be no more than 25 cents an hour and courses $2.
I think the Bay of Pigs Org has a certain ring to it and given the low real estate costs in Cuba can be funded in a couple of weeks along with PR. Meanwhile at the other end of the island they can make Guantanamo Bay into the new RPF HQ when President Elect Trump realises it will not a luxury hotel resort make.
Wow. I didn’t know the psychs tested their nefarious drugs in Puerto Rico. Where did that claim come from? Was it in Ron’s original script of West Side Story?
There are quite a few pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities on the island. The get tax advantages from the US. Since the US Navy left, I reckon its a major source of the island GNP, always listed near the top of any industry analysis. If bubble dwellers can believe the rest of the bullshit spewed by the cherch, they can easily believe that the poor, down-trodden denizens of the island are the testing ground for new drugs.
You can imagine how well a group dedicated to the overthrow of ‘big pharma’ would be received there!
They would be demolished , actually. Totally and utterly demolished.
Hmmmmm….would someone say, “Get a rope?”
It’s probably based on that Oral Contraceptives were first human tested in puerto rico: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/pill/peopleevents/e_puertorico.html
Ether that or it’s just completely made up. With Scientology it’s hard to tell.
It is a total lie.
“Thousands of people in Puerto Rico have participated in or are part of 450 clinical trials sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to prevent and find treatment for conditions common to Hispanics in the U.S., such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, and hypertension.”
“…the approval of a new law granting a 200% tax exemption on clinical research should attract more funding for such studies sponsored by pharmaceutical companies”
That was where I got stuck. Wha wha wha … I had no clue!!!! Those evil psychs. Sneaking off to Puerto Rico to rest their drugs.
WHERE did that come from?
Valerie, I believe the evil psychs like Puerto Rico because of the warm beaches and water. Plus, there’s some hot surf spots on the island. What’s not to like?
Tiffany and her flock of vultures have already visit Puerto Rico and they tell the public that their mission is that they must stay until the ideal org building is open. As soon as they discover that the public is not donating large amounts of money any more, they all leave the Island. They were all very friendly when you are donating money but when they know you don’t have more money they do not see you even if you stand in front of them. Except if you are standing between them and someone who they think might still have some money. I feel sorry for people still in scientology from Puerto Rico. These people from the Sea Org are very good liars. They pretend to know about our culture but only ask questions to find buttons so you will feel like it is important that you give them your money. They tell lies about helping with drug problems and crime problems and take the credit every time something gets better. They invalidate other people on the island who really go and do real things to make society better. They have too much greed for money that I feel so much shame for them that they trick good people out of their hard earned money.
Basta Ya!!! very well said. And I too feel sorry for those people still in Scientology in Puerto Rico.
Thank you for this insight into the state of affairs in Puerto Rico.
Wait…..what??? SO members lie to the members? Are you saying that they are, in fact, NOT the most ethical people on the planet? Well blow me down! My world has been turned upside down….
Further proof that nothing ever changes in the Sea Org. I can remember 25 years ago, while on staff, receiving management programs with ridiculously unreal tasks like:
1) Recruit 25 Class IV auditors and get them on post producing
And that was one of 50 tasks in the program!
This is the “expert” management guidance orgs send money uplines for. What a joke.
Tiffany Woods is probably 16 years old, 2nd generation, high school drop-out, who last week was working in the canteen, now in waaay over her head, who thinks sending out an “uptone” letter will inspire people to “make it go right” so she can report a “done” to the Int Landlord Office.
Ahhh…modern management, what’s not to love?
Absolutely agree with that Statpush.
I remember my inbox and the vast amount of 10, 15 or 20 page programs with literally hundreds of steps on them. They came from everywhere, uplines, downlines, acrosslines and from magical MU land. Even though I was pretty keen in those days. I ended up just dumping them in the bin – that missed a couple on me I tell ya when the missionaries came around. But all those countless “orders” all just fizzled out when a new bigger, better, more improved, latest model of a program evolved out of the madness originating from the ether that was connected to the other end of my inbox.
Early on, somewhat begrudgingly at first I came to the conclusion, the vast entity known as scientology management is fucking nuts. I just wish I had someone back then to scream at, “you’re fucking everything up you idiots!”
I could write in caps now. But you all know what I want and how I want to say it anyway.
“Early on, somewhat begrudgingly at first I came to the conclusion, the vast entity known as scientology management is fucking nuts.”
You cracked me up with that one, Yawn. I, too came to that conclusion, with the same reluctance.
Oh, c’mon now, statpush! I know you had 50 items you needed to get done, but, the first one should be easy! I mean, you did use a whip on them, did you not? I believe that’s policy….
Specifically a “buggy whip”, if memory serves.
Right you are! And once you get the hang of using a “buggy whip,” you’ll never use anything else! Whipping cult members! I mean, how fun is that?!
It’s amazing what some people will believe.
Leslie, I believe everyone needs to believe in something….I believe I’ll have another glass of wine.
You know…I could use a beer right now.
I believe Dave has as much chance of expanding Scientology as a monkey does of creating the next Google.
If they get $1.4 million for Puerto Rico in the next 2 weeks I will put on a David Miscavige bouffant wig and parade in front of the Ft Harrison with a sign that says βMike Rinder is a bigot, liar and poopy pants.β
Mike, you may have just compelled Miscavige to throw $1.4 million of IAS money at the Puerto Rico Ideal Org! π
And if he can’t get the 1.4 million miles quickly enough out of the IAS slush fund. He might even take it out of his own private account.
Well, if Niblet DOES come thru with the 1.4 million, and Mike has to keep his word and parade in front of the FH with that wig and that sign, I think we’ll need to back him up with our OWN wigs and signs that say, “NOT TRUE! COB Is Your Lier, Bigot, Poopy Pants and MORE!!!!” π
That’s what worried me. Now Miscavige will donate this money out of his own pocket.
I was thinking the same. ??
COB would spend $1.4 million just to stick that helicopter up your backside.
OTOH, we in RTC have advised COB to not reward a downstat who’s taunting his ecclesiastical holiness — especially when the money is urgently needed to fund the Tom Cruise 4th Wife Campaign (TC4WC).
As an RTC representative, and OTVIIIisGrrrr8!’s direct senior, I can unequivocally state that this is indeed command intention.
Hi Karen! π
Our direct senior is Warren McShane which means Warren is posting here?
I can neither confirm nor deny this. Please call me on the private line so I can brief you on the Hill 10 in Sector 1.89.
Also, please pick up the Beluga and Macallan for DM’s 9 pm meal.
That would be okay if it caused more people to google Mike Rinder!
Thou shalt render what is owest to Rinder.
“Render unto Rinder the things that are Rinder’s, and unto Niblet the things that are Niblet’s.”
Tidbits for Niblet.
Corn is COB’s ecclesiastical vegetable. It goes both into and out of his mouth.