They announced they had reached their target of 10,000 on May 4th. That’s 3 months ago and they have added 100 since then. That means 400 in a year, so at this rate, making the next target of 25,000 is going to take more than 60 YEARS! Yet they are so proud of this accomplishment!
Isn’t it just a little ironic that in the face of this, “Mr. Solo NOTs” is doing a briefing about “orders of magnitude” — when they are so far off any possible correct order of magnitude?
The world of scientology is a world of delusion. If the sheeple are told something is good, they accept it without question even when the tiniest bit of critical thinking would expose the lie.
Actually, in scn terms, 25,000 on Solo Nots is a classic suppressive target, considering how long it took to reach just two-fifths of it.
The fact is that nowadays, any stomach rumble coming from Int/DM is automatically defined as “command intention” and is taken as intelligent, strategic, and enthusiastically embraced by the flock of sheep (and who knows why they hadn’t thought of it before?), clearly highlighting how things really are inside the bubble.
solo nuts
What We Expect of a Scientologist:
A mind of liquid cement ready to be hardened into concrete, forming a rock solid belief in the infallible teachings of L. Ron Hubbard.
Truth. Well, maybe the cuilt should advertise their growing bank holdings and financial assets. I have NO DOUBT that is the only true stat and I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts the amount would be absolutely shocking. Maybe enough to make the remaining sheeple wise up and walk out. Course, maybe that is exactly why those numbers are not divulged.
If it was so important to the future of the planet, and thus Scientology, I’ve always wondered why getting staff up through the OT levels isn’t a top priority. Would it cause short-term income and stats to go down while you focused? Sure. But ten thousand new OT’s could surely out-create that in short order, no? The lack of training and auditing for most staff and especially SO is to me one of the most damning indictments of DM’s opinion of the true effectiveness of Scientology.
So true Riotgirl,
Instead what we have is this blind DM guy leading what is left of his “Believers” into an even deeper level of blindness.
riotgirl, you ask a reasonable question, “why getting staff up through the OT levels isn’t a top priority”. Here’s why, but first of all this isn’t a Miscavige thing. Hubbard was smart enough not to go down that path too. Miscavige just picked up where the ol’ grifter left off.
It isn’t a priority for staff to get auditing and training because scientology doesn’t work. Picture this: Sally Staffmember gets audited up to the state of ‘clear’ or ‘OT III’ or ‘New OT Whatever’. Sally feels great. For a while. That while can last a few hours, days, weeks, months, but not much longer than that. Then Sally’s ‘case’ starts to kick in. Sally’s ‘case’ is what she was supposed to get rid of with scientology auditing, but goddammit it’s still there and now she feels pretty much like she did before getting any auditing. This is no problem for a public scientologist. They are sent to ethics or the reg or both to cough up some cash to get moving again. This gets repeated over and over and over and over ad nausium until Peter Public decides that scientology doesn’t work or he figures that he’s got too much invested and decides to stick around for more. One more turn in the barrel then one more turn in the barrel then one more turn in the barrel and on and on. When this happens, the cult is raking in lots of cash from Peter Public but none from Sally Staffmember. Sally is just a problem and liability, Peter is a golden goose.
Examples of this abound. One of my favorites is the President of The Church of Scientology, Heber Jentez. I probably spelled that wrong. I have no idea what ‘case level’ Heber has attained. Doesn’t matter. I’d bet dollars to dog shit that he feels like a worthless piece of shit and exhibits NO gains he’s received from scientology auditing or training. He’s completely trapped in a prison of belief of his own making. Unbelievably sad. I met Heber back in the early 80s. Seemed like a genuinely nice guy to me and a true believer. In talking with him, I got that some of his biggest ‘wins’ in scientology were from ‘touch assists’. This is very beginner stuff and Heber was still stuck in his ‘wins’ and to this day can’t escape the cult. Most staff who have been around as long as him have received a bit of auditing and training, just enough to string them along with another ‘win’. The vast majority of staff didn’t stay on board. They were able to see thru the scam and got out for good.
I’ve been rambling enough, you get the picture…
Ms B. Haven, in the damn Sea Org, they drill into you over and over that a Sea Org member is already an OT and that you shouldn’t have any case on post. Since you’re on post pretty much full-time, if this happens, it’s an ethics matter. You don’t need to go up the bridge; they just kick your necessity and survival level up many many notches.
True. But the reason staff don’t get auditing or even much training is because they don’t pay money for it. They are un-reggible. So if they can’t pay for services, no need to waste time auditing them. The public who can pay are who they audit and reg. Oh and the one or two lucky staff who are on OT VII while on staff? They don’t get the sec checks every six months like the public staff. Again, it is because they can’t pay for the sec check and so it doesn’t produce income. But the shore story they gave me was that SO members don’t need sec checks every six months because th eir ethics are in the in the SO, unlike public who are doing overts in the outside world all the time. Bah humbug. It is because staff don’t pay money.
Sure, Cindy. What I said didn’t exclude the other point. Rather, it was about the fact that they exploit a person to the fullest.
And to confirm what you’re saying, it’s enough to look at how much they’ve invested in creating auditors teams for the staff.
Yes, no auditor teams for the staff. That was what some project was for, maybe it was Key to Life, it was so that when an org reached a certain level of upstatedness, maybe St Hill Size, or something or Ideal Org or something, then the Key to Life staff would come and audit all the staff. That was short lived. I only remember maybe one or two places getting their staff auditing. But even that ended, probably cuz no money came from it.
Yes, exactly. My comment was meant to convey that if Scientology was really all it’s cracked up to be, DM (or LRH, although he seemed more keen on actually getting people up the bridge, for whatever that was worth) would know this, and should do everything in his power to get everyone as processed as possible as fast as possible. It’s like compound interest, and with population growth, the net present value of an OT today should be incredible. But only if Scientology works as described. Unfortunately, it does not.
“This is very beginner stuff and Heber was still stuck in his ‘wins’ and to this day can’t escape the cult.”
I think many if not most scientologists are stuck in their initial wins…yet continue chasing the scientology dragon in the hope future wins will just be as mind-blowing.