They're hopping in Brisbane... All 10 of them. They're heading for Planetary Clearing in no time with this army. Dianetics hitting the streets in Chicago Wonder if they actually sold a book? Graduation? I thought that was for people completing auditing and courses? The Chanman cometh Take your life to the "next level"... Whatever that means. The 'home stretch" Yeah, they've been saying that for a year now. If you've read History of Man, you'll know what I mean... Oh dear. You mean you think that is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Of course, Chicago is the main thing happening in the world of scientology right now, so a substantial percentage of the outpouring of promotional items relates to Chicago. The desperation to try to get a single org manned with enough people to fill it's unnecessary building is quite a sight to behold. The entire scientology organizational structure is focused on this and they cannot get it done -- what about "Clearing the Planet" if this is such a tough assignment.... I'm not including everything concerning Chicago because it's terribly repetitive, but I have included a … [Read more...]