The Top? Wonder what the Freewinds thinks about that? They're pretty much forgotten in the scientology world. You gotta love the “brilliant” describing the run-around-a-pole rundown... It is quite brilliant I guess making people pay to have you tell them to run in circles. They just found number 8? It's definitely "coveted" -- they sold them for $500 back when they were released. Wonder if they'll get $15 for it now? Fold Arms. Stare. We will give you dinner if you come... What is being "Beyond Victorious"? Perhaps this is OT IX? … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Vision for Clearwater; Why Mark Bunker Must Be Re-elected
The crazy never stops on so many levels. Peter Byrne thinks his photo proves that downtown Clearwater is NOT a "wasteland." The only people in this photo are 3 Sea Org members on the sidewalk and 4 cars on the road. Every one of those buildings on the left hand side of the street are completely empty. He also thinks that downtown Clearwater is benefited by scientology: "If not for scientology, downtown Clearwater would be a wasteland." The correct statement is that BECAUSE of scientology, downtown Clearwater IS a wasteland. I guess Peter Byrne has not been to downtown Dunedin or downtown … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Three? Not just scientology -- the only path to Planetary Clearing? Maybe NOI? Buddhism? Columbus is back With a Dianetics potluck. They're really going to town celebrating the most important book in the history of mankind.... This is the "huge" Canada Ideal Org convention.. The one they held at the airport. They had a penguin/dolphin/killer whale thingie... A moose... A few people -- many appeared to be staff.. And of course, people on stilts wearing a hockey mask... Talk about … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
They're hopping in Brisbane... All 10 of them. They're heading for Planetary Clearing in no time with this army. Dianetics hitting the streets in Chicago Wonder if they actually sold a book? Graduation? I thought that was for people completing auditing and courses? The Chanman cometh Take your life to the "next level"... Whatever that means. The 'home stretch" Yeah, they've been saying that for a year now. If you've read History of Man, you'll know what I mean... Oh dear. You mean you think that is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Mr. Mickiewicz Going to be calling the COB "Mr. Mickiewicz" from now on.... Infinite Expansion? If he knows how to create infinite expansion, how come there are no orgs in Slovakia or Lithuania? Contrary Facts Her friend is an OT VII who can't make it go right to pay for OT VIII without selling her gaudy scientology jewelry? So much for those OT's at cause over all life. The "National Church" This is it -- the "National Church" up there on the "first floor" as it is called in Australia (below it is the "ground floor"). No sign. No … [Read more...]