Boston week? What does that even mean? Funny what they focus on… They always show the “fun in the sun” but if you are on services this is very much frowned upon. Practicing medicine without a license? Empty ideal org… Anything to get bodies in the shop AOLA struggling for business Why are they going to Chicago where nothing is happening? The "Turning Point" isn’t enough… Trying to get anyone to show up by promoting this guy? Don’t tell Dave M that Dave P is a bigger draw than he is… He’s been d … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Come for the free dinner Regges will be circling... Need you for what? The VM's have arrived already. Brisbane apparently doesn't have any. How very "religious" Labor Day pirate themed kids event and potluck? Everything and the kitchen sink. It's all happening in Fiji Though no scientology? Or even Dianetics... This is all they have to talk about? The "order of magnitude" is a bit of for an "ideal" org. More "religious" activity And I guarantee their income is nowhere near the level of Miami … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
I feel I am regaining my true power... To do what? Operate exterior with full perception? Cause over the MEST universe? Ideal org music festival? Euphemism for fundraiser... If he can do this.... Could you maybe stop a couple of wars? End famine in Africa? Expand an org? L. Ron Hubbard -- comic book guy Sadly this is Phil and Willy Jones daughter, Emily on the left. Had I seen this earlier I might have made the trip to say hello... The success of Tampa org... Nothing visible in the real world. Flag trying … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
OOPS -- thought it was Wednesday today so there is a bonus Dianetics Surf Team posting today, but didn't want to miss out on Thursday Funnies! Once we have an all ideal ANZO... Just imagine, all of Australia, New Zealand, Oceania and ASIA will be 'ideal." With the only orgs in all of Asia (including India, China and Indonesia) in Tokyo and Kaohsiung. That's planetary clearing at correct orders of magnitude! Your Dream Job awaits! Working for a zealot scientologist con-man! The big Cincinnati celebrities come home... Well, the only ones. Bet they're not … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Midwest Unite Giving money to "build a great Midwest" by finally renovating the Battle Creek building purchased nearly 20 years ago -- they should be trying to open some orgs in the Midwest as most Midwest states have no scientology org at all. Poor Mike Blake This guy gets hit up for everything in Columbus. Why isn't the ChanMan ever participating in giving his money? Columbus org paying for Battle Creek Why? They're supposed to have opened dozens of missions by now that should be turned into orgs (remember Miscavige's infamous "arrow" graphic?) -- … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Winning? 34 years on staff, which has accomplished what? Wiso Gossett knows… His accomplishments as an artist set him apart Brian Anderson! For years the Flag PR spokesman - now part of the “Infinity Group” renting master bedrooms. How do you leave the Sea Org and remain so brainwashed? Tampa Org promoting Mace-Kingsley And it will only cost you $25! (That way they can count attendees as “First Service Starts”) Lot of kids stuff Flag, the top of the Bridge… Getting those intro services rocking … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Seems sort of impressive... Until you realize it includes the people with the small certs -- they completed the Solo Course Part1 or Part 2 or any of the "theory" sections of any of the "OT Levels" rather than the auditing level itself. And until you realize that even if this were 19 Clears in one week it would take 6700 YEARS to Clear Great Britain’s current population. That's some bad news.... Apparently the social media brouhaha around scientology in LA has resulted in "fake bad reviews dominating the top"... So, everyone leave reviews "but don't do it all the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Drug Free Europe… They can’t get a drug free town square in Copenhagen! Maybe it will be third year lucky? Flag world tour… Donkey rides Bubble dancer Fire breathers and so much more that shouts “Flag, the Mecca of technical perfection” It’s always the “next phase” of expansion to make you forget the last phase didn't amount to anything. Also note, there is no GAT Class 6 so there are no Class VI auditors any more. They're obliterating psychiatry from the face of the earth.... The location for this exhibit is a real estate office... … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Once they get Canberra, Brisbane and Adelaide done… They will have an “ideal continent” and absolutely nothing will have changed. It might be helpful if they said where this event is taking place? Looks like Melbourne? Why not Sydney? THE auditor training organization… Celebrates auditors once a year. Still no SH Briefing Course - the course the organization is named after! An epic event… What has this got to do with “Flag life“? The NOI are taking over Florence KY… And it’s all thinking, no action. &nb … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Friday
What about the first? Apparently he can create time…. They’re still trying to get 100? They were supposed to have 100+ when they opened Now their hope is they will do it next year Arte and the greyhairs Just what Clearwater asked for… Pitching the children… Ideal org convention… For who? Battle Creek? There are no other orgs in the Midwest. Wow, a show! And dinner! This guy again… A calm day at sea… These plans went out the window with Hurricane Beryl &nbs … [Read more...]