They’ve already shifted the goalposts
The actual game is 11,000. Why didn’t they say that? It didn’t sound good, so they it under the 25,000 hopeless number.
OT Teens…
What an unfortunate group to be part of. Means you have been raised a scientologist, indoctrinated from an early age and think this is the only path in life.
Peter Simpson?
Who is he? And why would he apparently know the grand secret. Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates maybe? Certainly not Hubbard…
Looks like Peter could be related to Homer?
Looks like a parking structure
Nothing screams “church” like this lego building.
You can be sure they have not raised 1% of what they need to do the renovations.
The Magic of OT
The magic is that it is an illusion
How strange
They are promoting their service to english speaking people in Clearwater. You would image they would want to put their best foot forward. If this is their best english I dont imagine anyone would even contemplate hiring them.
Featuring a band. Not graduates.
Again, what does he know?
He has probably never lived in the real world. Then again, why would this matter if you can toss out some LRH quotes?
Trying to slide into the Veteran’s space
Wonder if they know the LA Department of Mental Health is going to setting up a booth on L. Ron Hubbard Way? Love to have some shots of that!
This guy is out and about!

If he could actually do this…
He would do what Hubbard talked about relentlessly, but never accomplished
Why join staff?
Matt says there werent a lot of options as far as the planet is concerned….
Unfortunately the truth id almost any other option would accomplish more…
Wow, they are really On Source!
Check out that Org Board
Yeah that National Affairs Office was definitely a parking garage at one point it time.
The Magic of OT? WHAT MAGIC? Seriously what magic is there in OT levels ?
it’s all a trick. To lighten the load of the mark’s wallet.
In that Mr.Chris Baker is holding a seminar called “Cause Over Life”, it can be assumed that Mr. Chris Baker is himself “Cause Over Life”, no?
Someone who is Cause Over Life – well, the term “life” encompasses all living things, so anyone who is for “cause” over all living things is someone who can postulate into existence, create, change and destroy all living things.
A human such as this would have to be a being of infinite power and ability; his areas of responsibility and zones of control would be limitless.
So, with all of this power, this infinite, unmeasurable power along with his immeasurable areas of responsibility and control (“Cause over LIFE”) why is Mr. Chris Baker wasting precious Earth time holding pissant seminars?
Aqua, I think this is quite an interesting point. ‘Being cause over life’ seems to imply that there is a separation between oneself and the rest, while it might not be quite so. It is more likely that this Chris Baker is here, like all of us, to have an experience where he must understand that there is no separation, much less cause something to life, since he is already ‘life’.
The embarrassing problem with scn is that instead of aligning with the unstoppable flow of life, it swims against the current, trying to be “cause over it”.
It seems they have found a quote that talks about 25 thousand OTs, but it doesn’t specify solo Nots and beyond. In fact, considering all those in the OT 3 and 4 range (old and new since the late ’60s), it should slightly exceed 25 thousand. But the results in terms of impact are quite poor. Scny, on the other hand, has downsized to the point that it will soon implode without even make any noise.
“Get over cause”, “Unlock”, “Break the shackles of the universe”. Always the same gingle . Hubbard, like many of his era, was influenced somehow by Nietzsche and his concept of the superman.
However, the correct translation of Übermensch is “beyond man” and not becoming a superior being (nor to others), which was embraced (and patetically misunderstood) by all the fascist governments and movements of the time.
Also LRH made this remark about 25K Scientologists needed in 1953 when the population of earth was 2, 640, 278, 797. Today the world population is 8.1 billion which withoug doing the actual math looks to me like the world population has tripled in the past 70 years. Ergo, according to what LRH thought would be the proper ratio of OTs to the world population, Command Intention’s target of 25K is already woefully inadequate. It should be at least 75K and that would not be taking into account the ratio of births and deaths to continually occurring.
Aqua, certainly, as you rightly say, the numbers are certainly not in their favor.
Honestly, even if they were that number or more, I don’t think they could influence anything with their ‘theta.’ Perhaps just taking key political positions.
Hubbard spouted nonsense constantly, and a trick of someone who does that is always to say something that follows an apparent logic but cannot be disproven at that moment.
For us, it’s enough to see how things go in its small microcosm of scn to understand that it’s all bullshit squared.
I love the asterisk on “yokels” – doesn’t yokel = wog?
Actually, no. A Wog is a largely pejorative Scientology term for any non-Scientologist. A yokel is a kind of slur for a rural person who is uneducated, steeped in his or her own rural culture, and largely uninformed about and uninterested in the world beyond his or her immediate environment, i.e. a provincial person. It is also largely a pejorative term.
Never come across a Scientology meaning for this.
In normal usage (British) it means a slow witted person from the countryside – a village idiot!
Check out the Monty Python village idiot sketch to get the idea.
Unlock Your Power? I am 100% I can do that without Scientology or anything related to it.
The Canbarra building looks like a parking garage. That will be so convenient when people are put on the RPF.
The list of ‘usual suspects’ in the seminar game are missing my old friend, Gavin Potter. Which rock is he hiding under? And where is Micheal Chan? Has he been ‘retired’?
No Chan can’t retire! That hair can’t be suppressed!
This comment was good. I don’t know if some will get your joke about the parking garage though. When I was at Flag and did the EPF (until I came to my senses and decided not to join SO after all), we saw one whole parking garage floor dedicated to sleeping bags, cots, backpacks with a few clothes in it. While on duty there on the EPF I saw bedding, sleeping bags, cots on that garage floor and asked the I/C about it. He told me not to talk about it to anyone and nevermind and mind your own business. I didn’t, and questioned others and finally found out that it was temporary birthing for RPF or SO or something like that. People actually lived there.
And Gavin Potter? Did they ship him off to some remote far away country to avoid prosecution in the lawsuit against him? That is standard operating procedure for Scn: to hide people by banishing them to another country because they may be in trouble with the law.
Cindy, this reminds me of the first two nights spent on the EPF in Milan where I slept on the ground without a mattress and with just a sheet. How to rise immediately one’s confront.
Then on the RPF, we were in Copenhagen in the basement of the Corona building – where the staff was staying – and a rat the size of a cat came out of a hole, and we couldn’t get rid of it even with shovels. Such great memories. (Obviously sarcastic)
Corona building, which one is that? I know about “hotel” Nordland.
Jens, the Nordland was indeed for the public. Executives, CMO, and other staff also stayed there. But the RPF guys too, stayed on the sixth floor.
The Corona (another “hotel”) was located in the other side of Cop, in Nyhavn area after walking the entire Walking Street but before reaching where New Era and Clo used to be. At the Corona, all the other staff, Clo Aosh, and NEP stayed.
Ah, OK. I never found out about the New Era / CLO installations around Nyhavn / Kongens Nytorv. Before the time where I paid attention. When I was a student, we knew there was a mission in Lyngby, but I’m pretty sure that’s long gone.
Yes, that mission evaporated a long time ago. The Clo moved elsewhere, as did New, into new facilities. The Clo also became Ideal Clo (wow!).
Cop org, Dk day, and foundation have been incorporated into a single organization (in violation of dozens of policies).
Chan was reportedly back in Tampa on June 6 teaching people who to win the game of life.
It is (or was). It was also a long-haul bus terminal. Only was there once, but immediately recognised it from the first shot. The part of the building to the right had the bookings, waiting room, and a couple of small shops on the ground floor.
I swear I have seen that National Affairs office so many times. Wait no I haven’t it was just a parking garage.
I am am partially convinced that they made a parking garage into a building with the way it looks.
Actually Canberra is an ideal org funded by the IAS, so they’d have the funds. However when it comes to staffing the Canberra Ideal Org they barely have 6 execs. Not sure how many staff overall they have but Canberra is a small city and there is only about 1600 (probably less) scientologists left in Australia so it’ll take them ages to staff it to the amount needed for it to open.
I’m an ex-scientologist from Brisbane. Brisbane org had 4 people on their exec training list (3 of which didn’t want to go to exec training) as at August 2023 and I don’t think much has changed since then.