For only $75 you can watch Clearwater's free July 4th fireworks! They're announcing twice! A Musical Video showing? An Epic Lip Synch Battle It will be the largest in our history... Even if it isn't, who is going to know? Another amazing deal! Not $10,997 -- only $1977! I wonder if they think anyone actually pays $11K to listen to her babble? Are they going to talk about disconnecting from their kids? What does this actually have to do with L. Ron Hubbard They have an actual real live … [Read more...]
Elena Cardone — Live at Flag!
Almost the LAST person I would want to tell me how to live my life (her husband Grant would be joint top of the list with David Miscavige, Tom Cruise and Michael Chan, she is next tier down). The Cardone Scammer Family Syndicate is not who anyone should emulate. And they are charging $500! Is anyone actually going to pay for this? It makes you long for the good old days of the yearly postulate seminars by Clive Rabey which were free and were just as effective as this one will be. After all, Clive hasnt made his postulates for 10,000 onto Solo NOT's for 30+ years now.... Oh, late … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An International Top Executive Not top enough to be named... But this is going to "blow you away" Never heard that before. Wonder what happened? The WTH "movement" in 2014 seems to have petered out Kiddie Corner Sad 13,000 scientology staff in the world? Not a chance -- but even if there was, each one is responsible for clearing 573,709 people? You want to advertise this? Sounds exciting Not really. Maybe the only way... ...they can pretend they are "allied" with a legitimate … [Read more...]