Admin Tech Leading scientology in an ever decreasing spiral of failure since the early 1970's... Come and get some of this magic for yourself. From someone who has apparently had a lot of auditing. And that clearly makes him an expert. They forgot the rest of the quote.... "It took only a few weeks to build the old Saint Hill org." The Reactive Mind of Los Angeles... They're "Clearing LA" and their [unreal] target is to get Dianetics into the hands of 1% of Los Angeles. Wonder if this is the City of Los Angeles (3.8 million), Los Angeles … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's "Epic" Like everything that ever happens in scientology. Watch videos of some ribbon cuttings, which will be shown at the next event and they will then tell you to come watch a video of the event too... This is what is known as making best use of very limited resources. Power Couples! They even have online registEration. Why did Drew and Maria Robb leave the SO? More fake religiosity They do it with Christian holidays, and take the opportunity to cash in on Jewish ones too. $50??? Wash, rinse, repeat... This … [Read more...]
The Insanity of the “Ideal Org” Program
This article illustrates how insane and destructive this Miscavige ideal org plan is. Though it is essentially a real estate investment scheme, because of the arbitrary requirements Miscavige made part of his program, some absolutely catastrophic decisions have been made that have not only harmed the orgs concerned, but have also lost tens of millions of dollars. Following his recent org reduction and eradication ceremony in Paris, this recent news article from Melbourne illustrates another aspect of the crazy perfectly. Melbourne org owned a beautiful building in the city center — a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
There is a bit of a backlog of Funnies. The ones that were too outdated I sent to the trash file. There are quite a lot, two weeks worth in one episode! Smile away... They're "On The Plaque" until they're not... These things are VERY temporary. The "Honor Roll" On it until you're not. These are the marks who have contributed to making Australia the first "ideal continent"... Big Thumbs Up Come on in, the water's fine. Not that many regges... Chicago is big So I joined staff. Cincinnati needs staff desperately, their … [Read more...]
Pat & Andrew Rinder
This was sent to me recently. It saddens me to be reminded of just how deeply in the mind-prison my brother and sister-in-law are. Of course, like me, my brother was raised in scientology, and despite not being in the Sea Org, scientology is all he has ever known. They are totally dedicated to the lie that scientology is saving mankind. And even worse, that "ideal orgs" are what is achieving this. They have given a ton of money to the "ideal org" campaign, and even worse, persuade others to do so. All the while they are in the Melbourne ideal org all the time, and their son is the C/S … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Things are a bit thin this week -- they must have been all tuckered out from the LRH Birthday bash. But then the new "Birthday Celebration" REPLAY announcements started rolling in. I guess the first time didn't get a big enough response and COB was not amused... We also have some of the usual buffoonery... This is Graduation? Gosh, no OEC? No Hubbard Management Tech? How can you expect to be hired by a scientologist? How is it she is no longer the Field Control Secretary at the Mighty Miami Ideal Org? Kiddie Corner Always makes me … [Read more...]
What’s Happening in Melbourne “Ideal” Org?
Here is the latest magazine from the Melbourne "ideal" org, supposedly the best Class V org in Australia (by a country mile as they say there). Yet this magazine is what is known in the propaganda world as a Nothingburger. I comment on various sections below... The pretty cover (nothing to do with anything inside) makes a promise that inside you will find out all about the "Training Boom" and the "Latest Completions & Success Stories." An important message from the unnamed Executive Directors (why no names?) Of course, as always, "there has never been a … [Read more...]
Stable Data: Keep Flowing to the Org
One thing you can be absolutely certain of. No matter the circumstances, scientology will ALWAYS be asking for money. It is the real Axiom 1 of scientology. Hubbard said it was "Life is basically a static" but that was just an acceptable truth. He really meant to say "Life is basically a source of income." When disaster strikes, it is a reason to give money. When you are unhappy or depressed, it is a reason to give money. When you are doing well it is a reason to give money. When psychiatry is succeeding it is a reason to give money. When psychiatry is failing it is a reason … [Read more...]
ANZO is Booming — Just Not Australia or New Zealand (or Oceania)
OK, this is an interesting piece that gives the relative activity in the "continent." Scientology calls this "ANZO" which stands for Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. In Australia there are "ideal" orgs at the AO, and in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. In New Zealand there is an "ideal" org in Auckland. There is nothing in "Oceania". There are two other orgs in the "continental area": Taiwan and Japan. That is it for the entirety of Asia and the Indian SubContinent. Note how many Taiwanese and Japanese flags and names are on this list compared to Australia and New Zealand. There are … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An "Extravagaza" On Wednesday night. Should be a big draw. Maybe they can get the Palestinian community to show up in support... Damning with Faint Praise This worth a promo piece? They will feed you... If you just agree to sit through this stuff. It's like one of those Time Share offers or "your cemetery plot awaits, come for a free dinner at Rudy Tuesday's to find out how to secure it." What ideal org alliance? I thought California was done? And does this poster make ANY sense? You could be Olivia Newton-John? Why? How would that … [Read more...]