We always say these so-called "ideal orgs" are merely empty buildings masquerading as viable scientology organizations. Perth keeps putting out "briefings" that prove this in their own words. Just think, Hubbard said the MIMINUM to be "viable" and "above the make-break point" was for an org to achieve the size of Old St Hill. Not a single Class V org has stably achieved that status. Just as an idea of what this means, it requires at least 100 auditors in training in the Academy and 1000 auditing hours a week. This would translate, conservatively, into 25 … [Read more...]
Another Ideal Org Taking The World By Storm
As a companion to the post yesterday about Sydney "ideal" org comes this from Perth. Since the beginning of civilization (which according to Hubbard begins with the release of Dianetics -- hence 2020 is really "AD 70") Perth has been a lonely and pathetic outpost in the scientology world. Nothing much has ever happened there with the exception of buying a new building. And literally, that was it. They got new premises out in the sticks and it has stayed as moribund as it had been for the previous 40 or 50 years. They are not even up to thinking about "going SH Size." They are stoked by … [Read more...]
Someone Came In!
This is a recent announcement from the "ideal" org in Perth. You may recall, there was a lot of hype about this ideal org (as there is for all of them) "Clearing their zone" and that zone INCLUDED INDONESIA! As there is no org in Indonesia, or anywhere in SE Asia, Perth announced they were going to take on that responsibility. Indonesia is about 1800 miles from Perth. And it has a population of almost 270 million (more than 10 times Australia at 25 million and 1000 times Western Australia at 2.5 million). And yet, more than 2 years after Dear Leader private-jetted all the way … [Read more...]
ANZO is Booming — Just Not Australia or New Zealand (or Oceania)
OK, this is an interesting piece that gives the relative activity in the "continent." Scientology calls this "ANZO" which stands for Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. In Australia there are "ideal" orgs at the AO, and in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. In New Zealand there is an "ideal" org in Auckland. There is nothing in "Oceania". There are two other orgs in the "continental area": Taiwan and Japan. That is it for the entirety of Asia and the Indian SubContinent. Note how many Taiwanese and Japanese flags and names are on this list compared to Australia and New Zealand. There are … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
There were no Funnies last week, so some of these are holdovers and thus slightly dated. Celebrate Verbosity If number of words was the measure of a man, I saw homeless guy who talks to himself constantly on Hollywood Blvd -- his output must be in the hundreds of millions of words/ A new Messiah? Perth? They've got about a dozen scientologists in the whole state of Western Australia (and they are responsible for Indonesia too remember...) Grand delusion. BTW, the Ron's Journal they quote from is 1974. Nearly 50 years ago now... This is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
One of these 3 didn't get the message Arms folded is the only way to go. All of them missed the memo about not smiling. Narconon not flourishing They are disappearing from the face of the earth.... We finally made 2 Clears We have to tell the world with a special promotional item because it's such a rare thing... Like really rare... So we made ANOTHER poster for the same person. The St Lucia Sickle Cell Association hasn't done their homework... Or they are just really hard up for a place to show a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
That Cristian Vargas sure gets around... He seems to be the only person organizing events these days? Big news From a "former" investigative reporter and a retired Army officer. I am sure they are experts. Just as sure there will be a lot of correlation without causation involved in this (almost by definition you have to be mentally ill to engage in a mass shooting -- how come scientology hasn't yet "taken over the field" on mental healing and handled this problem? Are they not just as responsible as "the psychs" who they claim know nothing but they have ALL the … [Read more...]
Grooming the “Next Generation” of “Org Execs”
This is how scientologists are groomed from an early age. Indoctrination into the Hubbard "study tech" which teaches you that if something he said doesn't make sense, it is simply because there is a word or symbol you have not understood. According to Valentina Smith, these are the "next generation of org execs". Valentina is one of the Admins on the "Scientology - Perth" Facebook group (where this was posted). As I recall, she is one of the lonely staff of the Perth "ideal org", though I may be mistaken. Scientology increasingly relies on second and third generations to be their "new … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Desperation
More proof that the ideal org program has devolved into desperate insanity. This is a NEW piece from Perth Org. Apparently, this ideal org, that Miscavige yanked his ribbon on a month ago now, was incapable of getting their filing done before moving into their $20 million dollar building. And still hasn't managed it to this day! Remember how this went on for months and months -- just look back at the Thursday Funnies. The begging and cajoling to try to get their backlogged filing done was legendary. Like every other "ideal" org. That an organization cannot muster enough manpower to … [Read more...]
There Is No New Church of Scientology in Perth
This is Scientology's headline on their website following David Miscavige's parking lot ribbon yanking: DOWN UNDER’S “CITY OF LIGHTS” WELCOMES NEWEST CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY This is a double lie. First, there is no "new church of scientology" in Perth. There is a new building, but that is not a "new church." It's the same crappy little scientology group that has been there for 50 years and has never amounted to anything. Second, nobody welcomed them, except themselves. Here are a few excerpts of Shermanspeak about the opening: Perth may be far-flung, but the city’s can-do, entrepr … [Read more...]