Once they get Canberra, Brisbane and Adelaide done… They will have an “ideal continent” and absolutely nothing will have changed. It might be helpful if they said where this event is taking place? Looks like Melbourne? Why not Sydney? THE auditor training organization… Celebrates auditors once a year. Still no SH Briefing Course - the course the organization is named after! An epic event… What has this got to do with “Flag life“? The NOI are taking over Florence KY… And it’s all thinking, no action. &nb … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
Mini Mike visits Flag Just dropped in to try to say hi to Mr. Mickiewicz. Rogue's Gallery Only missing Grant Cardone to complete this pantheon of hucksters. This is the "Advanced Org"? Why are they promoting free introductory VM services? Meet the staff? Just an excuse to put the best looking woman on their promotion. Surely the ED or Technical Secretary or even a reg would be more appropriate than the receptionist? This is very weird.... Two scientology celebrities talking about "total freedom" starting with … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
There is a bit of a backlog of Funnies. The ones that were too outdated I sent to the trash file. There are quite a lot, two weeks worth in one episode! Smile away... They're "On The Plaque" until they're not... These things are VERY temporary. The "Honor Roll" On it until you're not. These are the marks who have contributed to making Australia the first "ideal continent"... Big Thumbs Up Come on in, the water's fine. Not that many regges... Chicago is big So I joined staff. Cincinnati needs staff desperately, their … [Read more...]
Holiday Funnies
A special edition of the Funnies just for the holidays. There is an apparently endless stream of "Holiday" promotion -- though scientology of course does not recognize Jesus as anything but part of the "R6 bank." Virtual Freewinds Wouldn't you like to be at the Freewinds for the holidays? So, to entice you to go there, they are holding a virtual concert in Los Angeles? WTF? Virtual Hawaii And the point of this? Strictly a fundraiser obviously. What does Bodhi Elfman have to do with Christmas? Or Hawaii? Or anything at all? Well, they are going to … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
There were no Funnies last week, so some of these are holdovers and thus slightly dated. Celebrate Verbosity If number of words was the measure of a man, I saw homeless guy who talks to himself constantly on Hollywood Blvd -- his output must be in the hundreds of millions of words/ A new Messiah? Perth? They've got about a dozen scientologists in the whole state of Western Australia (and they are responsible for Indonesia too remember...) Grand delusion. BTW, the Ron's Journal they quote from is 1974. Nearly 50 years ago now... This is … [Read more...]