Her dad convinced her.... The monumental COB briefing... About Africa? In Australia? You think he knows what this even means? Wow -- a basic course completion! That's worth promoting... Dream Team? A Free Seminar in Chicago! This is new news? Like it needs an exclamation point... Looking REALLY excited Just wait to see her expression when she gets her first pay check. Another one brimming with enthusiasm! Why not join the "ideal org" in Nashville? At least its … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
There is a bit of a backlog of Funnies. The ones that were too outdated I sent to the trash file. There are quite a lot, two weeks worth in one episode! Smile away... They're "On The Plaque" until they're not... These things are VERY temporary. The "Honor Roll" On it until you're not. These are the marks who have contributed to making Australia the first "ideal continent"... Big Thumbs Up Come on in, the water's fine. Not that many regges... Chicago is big So I joined staff. Cincinnati needs staff desperately, their … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Hall of Fame? An an "extraordinary" briefing on GAK Extension courses. Nothing about actual graduates. Woohoo! Our files are current.ย Or they were last week. They're probably backlogged again already. The most sophisticated administrative system in the universe.... Get Virtually Briefed... By a registrar! Haha LRH Birthday Celebrated at graduation? Oh dear. What a downgrade. A Must See Event! Your money will magically disappear.... All Ideal USA Can you imagine how incredible it will be?\ The USA will be … [Read more...]