Lots of Easter promos this week, just kept it to one... It's World Renowned And it's "visually spectacular." They are taking it on a "global tour." So why are they doing it in Los Angeles? The real thing is right there -- not their half-baked traveling version... It's Easter Remember, the man on the cross is a figment of the R6 bank. Flag is at it again Hubbard's ashes are churning up the Pacific as the Mecca of Technical Perfection panders to FSM's to try to drum up some income. The L. Ron Hubbard Hall is going nowhere... We rarely hear … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Thursday Funnies are back with a vengeance! We've got some great stuff this week... Things are really gearing up. You'd better be ready for the greatest expansion ever that is just over the horizon.... For 70+ years now, the mantra has been that the promises made are now finally going to come true. And this time it’s for real. Your faith (and money) will finally pay off. You have to wonder how long they can keep the confidence game going. It’s worked for this long — and there is no sign they are slowing down with their pitch. We’re expanding like never before! … [Read more...]
A Window Into The Scientology Bubble
There is quite a lot to be gleaned from this FB post and the comments. First, and most obvious, these scientologists are apparently NOT at cause over their lives and are struggling financially. Second, their solution is NOT to "solve it with scientology." Haven't they read all the success stories from the people who listened to the ACCs and it totally changed their life/handled all their problems/ got them moving on the Bridge etc etc? Not going to be auditors who are cause over life? They didn't even take them out of the plastic wrappers. So many scientologists have been convinced to … [Read more...]
Flag is Desperate…
Sorry I have been neglecting the blog of late -- I was ill with the flu and ended up in hospital and then had a long planned commitment out of town and just got home last night and am now trying to get back to normal. Seems like the world has been upside down since right before the XMas holidays... I got this in my inbox and it struck me because of the level of effort they are putting into this. Flag have sent 6 technical staff ("And more!" they say, but don't name them which seems a little strange), to try to get some arrivals. Desperate times call for desperate measures it … [Read more...]
Flag: Pan-Denominational Fundraising
Scientology, according to Hubbard is pan-denominational and is thus harmonious and accepting of all other religions, in fact it embraces them all. In Hubbard's view, scientology is the culmination and is senior to all other religions as it provides the answers that all other religions have sought. He expressed this concept in the photo shoot he did with history's "thinking men" and "religious leaders" all coming to see scientology as the answer -- a composition he included in the What Is Scientology tome (he took the photos of all these characters and then had them converted into artistic … [Read more...]
Sea Org “Family Banquet” Today
Another new wrinkle in the scientology world generated by outside pressure. It is a PR exercise of course, and will be of no comfort to the broken families around the world who have members who have been declared. But it is an indication that scientology is feeling the heat about breaking up families and Sea Org members who are unable to take any time to visit with their relatives over this holiday season. Of course, they will also use it as a way of making money and recruiting (hence the "special presentation") but I have never seen anything like this before (though the … [Read more...]
Scientology International Events Are No More
David Miscavige used to conduct 5 or 6 "International Events" each year where all scientologists were "briefed" on the version of scientology in the world he wanted everyone to hear. These events were required attendance for scientologists, and staff spent weeks calling public repeatedly to "confirm" their attendance. Traditionally, the annual "New Year's" event was held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles in the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve and was then sent out to all orgs to be played as their "New Year's Celebration." These events were vitally important to keep … [Read more...]
Flag Christmas J&D Sing Along
Christi Gordon sent me copies of these pages which were created at Flag, Christmas 1976. They are the lyrics for a musical performance that was part of the annual Bosun's party (I wrote about the infamous first Bosun's Party at Flag in 1975 in my book). The lyrics would be considered horrendous "J&D" now -- Hubbard had not yet invented that term which was announced in his Bulletin Jokers and Degraders in February 1977 (maybe he got a report about this performance?). Some of the notable lines: No need to panic, it's just another bomb threat The citizens of Clearwater … [Read more...]
Give Us Your Money for Christmas
Scientology, in the "spirit of Christmas" wants you to give them money for a building in Puerto Rico. "This is our chance to give an incredible Christmas gift..." So typically scientology that "our gift" is for you to hand over your money... Two public people are "hosting" what they call the "Ideal Miracle Event" in Flag's restaurant. The Old Man is spinning in his grave thinking about "FCCI's" doing events in Sea Org buildings. The best bit about this is LRH quote. Such incredible arrogance: "We are the protectors of the real tradition of Christmas..." -- that "real … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Join us lighting the Menorah Why? It's a holiday party And the part they are not saying: they will be pressuring you to join staff and if you won't do that, hand over cash. It's the scientology way -- "Celebrate Christmas with us, it's a time of giving. You give to us." This is a lot of stuff... How come ONLY the orgs that are "next to go ideal" seem to put on these endless events? And why does graduation always feature something other than graduates (spoiler: they don't have any)... The "Christmas Open House" is going to feature "LRH stories" … [Read more...]