Scientology, according to Hubbard is pan-denominational and is thus harmonious and accepting of all other religions, in fact it embraces them all. In Hubbard's view, scientology is the culmination and is senior to all other religions as it provides the answers that all other religions have sought. He expressed this concept in the photo shoot he did with history's "thinking men" and "religious leaders" all coming to see scientology as the answer -- a composition he included in the What Is Scientology tome (he took the photos of all these characters and then had them converted into artistic … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Spirit of Giving... To us. They found one A single person to say how great Battlefield Earth is. That's worth promoting. For good? Seriously? Do you know how many NN grads relapse? About the same as every other program.... Kiddie Corner She is 9 and learning how to identify SPs in her life Come to dinner Get a pitch from the "Captain" -- sort of like one of those time share or cemetery plot offers. But I bet the food isn't as good. All about helping people ...relieve themselves of their … [Read more...]