Of course, this week we have a lot of late Xmas or (as someone cleverly put it recently -- R6Mas) announcements and urging people to show up to the orgs for New Years celebrations reg events. Generic Please Come CC has a DJ and Dancing Angels? More implants from the R6 bank according to L. Ron Hubbard Melbourne for Brisbane Because Brisbane can't do it for themselves... You are not mortal BUT, we will sell you your "eternity" P This lady is going to tell you how to get up the Bridge Make a LOT of money, … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This one is going to be the real story.... We are circling the drain, more unpopular than ever, stats going down, more leaving than coming in newly. So, give us your money. Any excuse for a fundraiser... They're supposed to be GIVING OUT candy. They don't even know what Halloween is in Australia. Gosh, what happened to Africa? Maybe they're not doing so hot despite their promotional pieces that always say they are? Then again, AOSHEU could be full of bs too. Trick and treats? I think they might not understand the Halloween concept … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The effects from our recent event? An AO creaming their jeans about being able to deliver the Purif and Objectives? Now THAT'S expansion! The Advanced Org nobody needed... They're so focused on getting anyone in for anything because there are no public moving up the Bridge they might as well call themselves the "Continental Org" and close every other org down and they still wouldn't come close to using all their space. What about locals NOT on service? They would NEVER turn anyone away if they could pay.... And they have an IAS card and clearance … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A lot of promo this week has been devoted to the massively, spectacular, epic wider bridge OMG! But there are some other bits and pieces worthy of comment... Postcard Mania? This is the venue, not one of the numerous completely empty Potemkin village buildings on N. Ft Harrison? What is she holding up? Why are they blanking out a routing form? Deep questions and an epiphany Scientologists love good conspiracy theories. Global Elites in secret perverted activity! Things TOO disturbing to share. But scientology has the answer. The ONLY … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
As I put the podcast announcement on the blog on Thursday, The Funnies took a back seat. Here they are, in all their glory... 6th Anniversary of futility They've brought in 2 NSO professional FSMs to host their Sea Org Org anniversary. Home utterly pathetic. Applied Scholastics Open House Hosted at LA Org. Though this is a completely "secular" activity. Wink wink. Good luck with that This program has already had trainees on it for a year and they haven't even sent their people to START! Class … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What Deal!! 2 weeks in a motel, then a week on the Freewinds. And you get a webinar" that you could do from the comfort of your own home. And two people who are going to instruct you on how to get into Power as an artist and be on the comm lines of the world. Two people nobody has ever heard of. How to do everything at once seminar Wonder if this guy has ever read Problems of Work? Does he know what he is promoting is flat out off-Source? What? How does graduation equate to "Stronger together"? More … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Plenty of good laughs this week... Experience Your Own? Just by going to graduation? The thrill of fruit... Grammar fail Greg and Elizabeth has achieved.... Yo, Dave. When is the Golden Age of KTL coming? The Power of Canada! On display with the CO FSSO and Jim Meskimen? Attend live in your local org? A "live" zoom call? This is definitely going to make the whole country ideal... There are still orgs in Canada that after 20 years have gone nowhere -- Calgary, Edmonton. Let alone Toronto and they didn't even need to buy a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
For some unknown reason, the AO's are promoting kids this week. Some of the creepiest stuff that seeps out of the bubble. Only 3 more years.... They average about 300 per year (of course, not subtracting those who have left or died). They're getting excited about something that might happen in 2025. And when it does -- look out. Instantly the world will be putty in the hands of scientology. At least, that's what they are counting on. Yes, ALL Denmark With a second "Ideal Org" the entire country will be ideal. Funny, before their FIRST ideal org, there were … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Things are a bit thin this week -- they must have been all tuckered out from the LRH Birthday bash. But then the new "Birthday Celebration" REPLAY announcements started rolling in. I guess the first time didn't get a big enough response and COB was not amused... We also have some of the usual buffoonery... This is Graduation? Gosh, no OEC? No Hubbard Management Tech? How can you expect to be hired by a scientologist? How is it she is no longer the Field Control Secretary at the Mighty Miami Ideal Org? Kiddie Corner Always makes me … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Hall of Fame? An an "extraordinary" briefing on GAK Extension courses. Nothing about actual graduates. Woohoo! Our files are current. Or they were last week. They're probably backlogged again already. The most sophisticated administrative system in the universe.... Get Virtually Briefed... By a registrar! Haha LRH Birthday Celebrated at graduation? Oh dear. What a downgrade. A Must See Event! Your money will magically disappear.... All Ideal USA Can you imagine how incredible it will be?\ The USA will be … [Read more...]