I guess they only had one "silver contributor" Things seem to going at a snail's pace. Haven't heard of this status before, must be small fry... Don't forget, they also have to do Canberra and Adelaide. They have LOOOONG way to go. Yeehaw We got one! Jean Dale Glass hyping things again She is in Los Angeles. They have 5 miserably failing already ideal orgs within the greater LA area, plus LA Org. Why is she worried about Austin? Because everyone in WUS is now worried about Austin because they have been told it's supposed to be … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A lot of promo this week has been devoted to the massively, spectacular, epic wider bridge OMG! But there are some other bits and pieces worthy of comment... Postcard Mania? This is the venue, not one of the numerous completely empty Potemkin village buildings on N. Ft Harrison? What is she holding up? Why are they blanking out a routing form? Deep questions and an epiphany Scientologists love good conspiracy theories. Global Elites in secret perverted activity! Things TOO disturbing to share. But scientology has the answer. The ONLY … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Plenty of good laughs this week... Experience Your Own? Just by going to graduation? The thrill of fruit... Grammar fail Greg and Elizabeth has achieved.... Yo, Dave. When is the Golden Age of KTL coming? The Power of Canada! On display with the CO FSSO and Jim Meskimen? Attend live in your local org? A "live" zoom call? This is definitely going to make the whole country ideal... There are still orgs in Canada that after 20 years have gone nowhere -- Calgary, Edmonton. Let alone Toronto and they didn't even need to buy a … [Read more...]
“Dr.” L. Ron Hubbard on Germs and Vaccines
Crackpot scientologist Carole Eddington sent around an email with some collected "wisdom" from "Dr." Hubbard about germs and vaccines. The guy who said not smoking enough cigarettes is the real cause of cancer, has some other interesting medical advice about how germs don't exist and that the "first 100 soldiers admitted with smallpox in WW II had all been vaccinated." It gives a pretty good glimpse into the mindset of a true-believer. To any outsider, this is just Hubbard being Hubbard: making up stories, theories and lies. Unfortunately scientologists buy it as gospel. If … [Read more...]
Close Down Scientology TV — L. Ron Hubbard Says So
This is an email sent around to scientologists recently by one of the bubble zealots. The words of LRH are sacred. I don’t think they even read them before they pass them on half the time. They know they will look smart and get agreement if they quote LRH. So they send out anything and everything. And include the exact source reference -- something from the 50's is valid today simply because it's "important data by LRH." Everything LRH ever said is "important data." Now, the truth of what he says about being bombarded by “heavy particles,” by even a cathode ray tube TV is debatable. I am … [Read more...]