After I published something in the Thursday Funnies about a tabloid story pegged to the fact that scientologists are not supposed to use scented products., a number of people asked me for the reference. Of course, the source of all knowledge in the universe issued an HCO Bulletin on this topic. It took me a bit to find it, but here it is Data About Fragrances: You can see once again, Hubbard's obsession with the psychs -- who are the cause of all evil in the universe -- is apparent once again in this reference: "The psychs even have a … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Solves Planetary Pollution
Scientologists actually put out this foolishness -- the saddest part is that they BELIEVE this is true. Like Battlefield Earth telling the story of psych influence on earth, Mission Earth, the 10-volume soft-core porn sci-fi monstrosity is seen by scientologists as Hubbard's commentary on the state of planet earth and his views on sexual perversion and orientation, banking, the media, PR Firms and a whole lot more. Including how to solve pollution on earth -- simple, just dream up a spore that eats pollution. Hey presto! Frankly, though scientology HATES being labelled a "sci-fi" … [Read more...]
About “Clearing Earth”
Came across this promotional item from 2020 It contains a quote from Hubbard that is not dated. Probably from the 50's or 60's, but let's assume for argument's sake these were his last words in 1986. That's almost 40 years ago now -- and I guess the passage of time has proven that in fact we CAN'T clear Earth. Things have in fact gone backwards. Even counting all the "Dianetic" and "Natural" Clears -- there were no more than 75,000 cumulative by 1986. The population of earth in 1986 was 5 billion. Today it is 8 billion. Today, according to scientology's latest Clear … [Read more...]
Training Under LRH — The Legacy of David Miscavige
Well, this should be interesting. A talk, at St Hill, about what it was like training under Ron. Do you think the "legendary" John Parselle (interesting side note -- he signed me up for the Sea Org when he had been sent to Australia as a Tours Reg in 1973, he was never a posted auditor again) will mention the elephant in the room? The "training under Ron" that John participated in was perhaps the Briefing Course and definitely the Class VIII course on board the Apollo. NEITHER OF THESE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN SCIENTOLOGY TODAY. The two auditor courses that Hubbard declared … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard: How to Present Scientology
Scientology often tries to reach out to real churches and human rights organizations in an attempt to generate goodwill for itself and create "PR Area Control." Here are some of L. Ron Hubbard's writings on the subject to provide some insight into what is really going on in these efforts to ingratiate themselves with other groups. Hubbard had a lot to say about how to present scientology and make it acceptable in society. Most of which has nothing to do with scientology as a subject. But instead revolves putting forth an IMAGE of what scientology is to make it "acceptable." And making bold … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on The Cause of Crime
This is another of the descent into insanity scribblings of Hubbard… This is not only factually untrue in many places, it is also illogical. The VAST majority of people convicted of crimes have never been anywhere near a "psych." By the end of his life Hubbard had become obsessed with BT's and psychs. They had always been hot topics or him, but we know from his published writings (including the Mission Earth crazy) that the psychs had become the target for everything wrong in society. And we know from the account of one of the 3 people who was with him in his last days and that he was so … [Read more...]
Going Clear on Netflix
Going Clear is available on Netflix. If you have not seen this, take the time to watch it. If you haven’t watched it since it first came out a decade or so ago, it’s worth re-watching. This documentary had massive impact on the way the world viewed Scientology. And paved the way for so much that has come since - including The Aftermath (which is available for free on Tubi). The story that is told and how is laid out is brilliant — facts about Hubbard and Scientology and interviews are brought together to paint a devastating picture that is beyond dispute. … [Read more...]
The Hubbard Lies Even Scientology Won’t Stand Behind
Recently, Denny Owen posted a comment about All About Radiation. A Church of Scientology leaflet distributed for a number of years before the book was finally discarded made remarkable claims: In All About Radiation, we have the sane and sober views of a medical doctor on the physical facts and consequences of the actual atomic blast and the diseases resulting from it. L. Ron Hubbard, who was one of the first nuclear physicists in the United States, has interpreted these facts and related them to human livingness, governments, and the control of populaces. These facts when … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard’s Philosophy
"My Philosophy" is one of the Hubbard scribblings they refer to and proudly republish often. It even gets its own constantly recurring video on the scientologyTV! In this piece, Hubbard is very lofty sounding and appears to be thoughtful, compassionate and generous. It's why they use it so much. But nobody should be fooled. It is a compendium of lies. Here are some select passages and my thoughts about them: Surrounded by protective coatings of impenetrable scholarliness, philosophy has been reserved to the privileged few. The first principle of my … [Read more...]
Hubbard’s “Come-On” Sales Technique
"Come-on" is a principle of selling scientology that Hubbard expounded upon that is akin to the doctrine of the "acceptable truth." You can see an example of Hubbard "come on" tech in the above -- even promoted as "come-on questions." The idea is to create a "mystery sandwich." Don't tell the prospect what you are selling, instead entice them with questions that suck them in. Here it is in Hubbard's own cynical words: As always, getting the "prospect" to BUY is the goal. Don't give him any tech (that would help him) because then he won't … [Read more...]