Scientologists actually put out this foolishness -- the saddest part is that they BELIEVE this is true. Like Battlefield Earth telling the story of psych influence on earth, Mission Earth, the 10-volume soft-core porn sci-fi monstrosity is seen by scientologists as Hubbard's commentary on the state of planet earth and his views on sexual perversion and orientation, banking, the media, PR Firms and a whole lot more. Including how to solve pollution on earth -- simple, just dream up a spore that eats pollution. Hey presto! Frankly, though scientology HATES being labelled a "sci-fi" … [Read more...]
Scientology and the “Chaos Merchants”
Hubbard designated the media "Chaos Merchants" who are to be harassed and attacked because they publish "lies" about scientology. Ever since he failed to persuade a Saturday Evening Post reporter to write a glowing piece about him in the early 60's, the media have been enemies. In Ron's Journal 67 he specifically states: "Our enemies on this planet are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains, and they are, oddly enough, directors in all the mental health groups in the world." Of … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Graduation Cocktail Hour? They've taken it a step beyond food in Australia... You can do the Purif here! Only at Flag, Freewinds, possibly the SO Orgs and Narconon. No Class V orgs or Missions. Because we said so. Good News! "In celebration of the New Year, the Christmas season production bonuses and prizes are hereby extended for three weeks: December 23 and December 30, 2021 and December 6, 2022. International Director of Finance" I guess they didn't make enough cash to pay any bonuses, so "Christmas bonuses" are going to become … [Read more...]
Hawking Hubbard Fiction
Our old friend, Clearly Not Clear, sent this to me with some comments…. I'm looking at the writers of the future 7 books set. It seems to suggest that 89 of these stories won awards. I doubt it. I wonder what awards they did win? Since nobody wants to buy 7 year old anthologies, they include "advice for new writers." This is somebody's bright idea. Well, it's really not a very bright idea in my opinion. Now, can we talk about Battlefield Earth on audio? Seriously 150,000 sound effects? Was that like the stat of the week? How many sound effects and farts can I record to be in screaming af … [Read more...]
Author Services Still Hawking Worthless “Collectibles”
Back in the 80's, Author Services Inc was created as L. Ron Hubbard's "Literary Agency." The actual function of ASI, then headed by David Miscavige as "Chairman of the Board", Norman Starkey as "Trustee of L. Ron Hubbard's Estate" and Terri Gamboa as Executive Director, was twofold. To shield Hubbard from legal liability that flowed through association with the church. This gave him a control vehicle that was a profit-making, non-church entity, but through the command structure of the Sea Org, was able to direct scientology without overt evidence of doing so. A lot could be said about … [Read more...]
Pain, Sex and Psychiatry
Towards the end of his days, Hubbard became more and more obsessed with psychiatry. And more and more unhinged in his writing. Some of his last official "technical writings" railed against psychiatry. His unpublished writings are even more bizarre -- the infamous rant about "Farsec" which was the planet where psychs originated and from where all the evil in the universe derives. Let's take a look at some of the very last things he wrote. Note there are now a lot of bulletins that have been issued with dates later than these, but almost all of those are either old things that someone … [Read more...]