Another scientology press release, this time repackaging their propaganda videos onto a new website announcing it as a major accomplishment. It's the same shit they show in the lobbies of the "ideal" orgs and the same videos that are repeated endlessly on the failed scientology"TV." But it’s now “new” and worthy of their PR hype — indicative they have no actual accomplishments to promote but are selling stories of rearranging their deck chairs instead. Here is their hype: LOS ANGELES, Calif., May 28, 2024 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Church of Scientology is proud to … [Read more...]
Scientology and the “Chaos Merchants”
Hubbard designated the media "Chaos Merchants" who are to be harassed and attacked because they publish "lies" about scientology. Ever since he failed to persuade a Saturday Evening Post reporter to write a glowing piece about him in the early 60's, the media have been enemies. In Ron's Journal 67 he specifically states: "Our enemies on this planet are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains, and they are, oddly enough, directors in all the mental health groups in the world." Of … [Read more...]
Scientology “Critical Thinking”
A while ago someone noted there was a blog post on the Stand League site claiming scientology is based on critical thinking. As they noted: Pure comedy gold!!! I looked it up and it’s still there. Here is just some of the bs they peddle: “Critical thinking is the process of analyzing information to determine the amount of truth in any statement, assumption, opinion, conclusion, thought or situation. It is the skill at the core of L. Ron Hubbard’s discoveries and the effectiveness, usefulness and success of Scientology.” "Once a Scientologist begins to gain critical thinking skills, they st … [Read more...]
Some Background on Scientology’s Efforts to Destroy Enemies
Over the last few weeks, Chris Owen (author of many insightful writings about Hubbard and scientology, including his excellent book, Ron The War Hero) has done a series of posts with Tony Ortega on Substack describing the history of the harassment campaigns carried out by scientology. As is always the case with Chris, he is a meticulous researcher and summarizes the information in a concise and accurate way. This is important information that should be as widely available as possible, so I am combining his 3 pieces into one longer article and reprinting it below. It's fascinating … [Read more...]
An OSA Bot Identified
The first Twitter commenter shown in my recent post Scientology Haters Gonna Hate "quentin", turns out to be someone I know. This "quentin" is QC Strom. He was posted for many years at Gold and then sent to SMP. When he was at Gold he was the clapper boy and then worked in SFX (Special Effects -- should really be named VFX for Video Effects) for super asshole, Miscavige pet, Henning Benndorf. QC is the son of OSA Flag hatchet-woman Kathy True and Don Strom, a former INCOMM SO member who left the SO to work in a scientology computer company. Of … [Read more...]
STAND League Outrage: Blocked on Social Media
Scientology hypocrisy on display for the world once again. Now they are whining about someone blocking their hate tweets! In this piece they attack Rick Caruso's campaign manager because an ad "outraged tens of thousands of scientologists across the city" (they couldn't gather tens of thousands of scientologists across the entire country at this point). And then he blocked some of them who called him a bigot: Shocked Scientologists took to Twitter demanding to know if the Caruso campaign approved of its manager blocking constituents after they called out his bigotry against … [Read more...]
Scientology: Massively Unpopular
You may have seen the news or watched Aaron's recent video about scientology becoming a hot topic in the mayoral race in Los Angeles (if you have not watched Aaron's video, I suggest you do -- it's only 10 minutes -- you can click on it irectly above). Subsequently, Danny Masterson's lawyers filed some desperate motions to try to delay his criminal rape trial, claiming the jury pool was prejudiced because "There is a really negative view of Scientology… the general public's view of Scientology is more negative than any other religion." His lawyer argued everyone agrees scientology is an " … [Read more...]
“Journalism and Free Speech” According to STAND
Typical of STAND League, they have a headline intended to create the impression they are fighting for human rights. But read what they say and it is clear that "free speech" only applies when the speech is something they approve of. And their "responsibility" level for truth and honesty in their "journalism" is dictated entirely by what is good for scientology. Jim Kalergis is very long-term koolaid drinker. One of the most well-known scientology FSMs and "Field Auditors" in Los Angeles. He proclaims, with the assume moral superiority so common to fundamentalist scientologists: I don’t b … [Read more...]
Family Interventions and Deprogrammings
Here's an interesting article from Narconon, pushing the virtues of interventions. This is how they describe what an intervention is: Family intervention is a common approach used because it provides the right nudge toward treatment. Family interventions work, but it is difficult to predict how the intervention could unfold. Certified family intervention specialists have the training to prepare a family for what to expect. Most family interventions use pressure to encourage an addict to admit to their problem and seek treatment. A group of close friends and family come … [Read more...]
Scientology Anti-Semitism Hypocrisy — Using the ADL
This is a couple of weeks old now, but the hypocrisy remains current and fresh... Scientology seeking to gain credibility for itself by pretending to align with the ADL. Of course, scientology CLAIMS they "stand with the ADL" and are champions who fight at every turn against anti-Semitism. But what is the real story? Scientology fully supports the Nation of Islam, and presented its highest recognition (the "IAS Freedom Medal") to Tony Muhammad (he now goes by Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad). This is very well documented in numerous previous articles on this blog (and elsewhere) … [Read more...]