A Special Correspondent alerted me to a couple of recently published articles about Dear Leader.
I personally do not believe they are accurate as I think he is smarter than accumulating this sort of personal wealth. Why get the money and leave yourself open to attack, when you can control the money and be completely protected?
If he whispers the word that money need be spent on something, it IS spent.
He has a team of personal sycophants that take care of his every need. If he decides he must only eat beluga caviar and white truffles at $2000 per meal, rest assured, it will be done, and it will not come out of his pocket.
New bespoke suits? “How many would you like Sir, we know it is important that you not wear the same thing twice?”
Flying to Telluride for a weekend getaway? Of course, the G5 will be on standby.
New car? BMW? Mercedes? Bentley? “Yes, Sir, we will never mention a Bentley again as it is too conspicuous.”
He lives the lifestyle of the rich and (in)famous, but his personal wealthy is likely less than $10 million.
It is an elaborate set up to protect him, and these articles must be his worst nightmare (but on the other hand, they recognize him as someone important, so while he is screaming at someone for “allowing” them to be published, he is secretly happy with himself for having “made it.”)
David Miscavige Net WorthRE

Net Worth:$50 Million
- Source of WealthReligious Technology Center
- Birth PlacePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
- Height5′ 5″ (1.65 m)
- Marital StatusMarried (Michele Miscavige)
- Full NameDavid Miscavige
- NationalityUnited States
American church leader David Miscavige has an estimated net worth of $50 million in 2013. He is best recognized as the leader of the Church of Scientology and its affiliated organizations. He also chairs the Board of Religious Technology Center (RTC) which is a corporation that manages and controls copyrights and trademarks of Dianetics and Scientology. Prior to his current position in the church, Miscavige previously served as an assistant to L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the church. L. Ron Hubbard was named as the “Commodore’s messenger.” By 1987, he became the Chairman of the Board of RTC. Since he started serving as the leader, his name has been implicated in several unethical and illegal practices such as harassment of church critics and journalists, humiliation of the staff members of the church, infliction of physical harm to others as well as coercive fund raising activities. He denied these allegations by questioning the credibility of those who attack him. David Miscavige was born on April 30, 1960 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. He is married to Michele Miscavige.
And then there is this one from thecelebworth.com:
David Miscavige Net Worth

David Miscavige Net Worth : $50 Million
ProfilePriest of the Church of Scientology and Affiliated Organizations |
NationalityAmerican |
Years of Experience36 Years |
Date of BirthApril 30, 1960 |
EducationEarned high school diploma from a local high school in Philadelphia |
Marital StatusMarried |
David Miscavige’s Income & Total Net Worth
David Miscavige, the Chairman of the Board of RTC (Religious Technology Center), has an estimated net worth of $50 million. He works from Scientology’s Gold Base, located near Hemet, California. Over the past 25 years, he has paid himself approximately 3 million dollars. His lavish lifestyle reveals his richness. Miscavige wears finest Italian leather shoes, Egyptian cotton shirts worth $500 and tailored suits worth $5,000. He takes a private jet, if he requires to fly somewhere.
Properties: Private Fortune
David possesses an Acura RL ($50,000), Mazda Miata ($25,000), a bulletproof GMC Van ($150,000) and a Range Rover ($25,000). He also owns a custom-made motorcycle worth $25,000. On his birthday, ASI staff gifted him BMW M6 worth $110,000.
David has a $4,600,000 lavish apartment in Los Angeles.
David Miscavige’s Career
David started conducting auditing sessions of Scientology at the age of 12. At the age of 16, he joined the ‘Sea Organization’, where he used to take photograph for Scientology brochures, food service, ground-keeping and deliver telexes. In 1986, David was appointed as the head of Commodore’s Messenger Organization.
He also remained the face of media due to alleged unethical and illegal practices. He was regarded as the ‘ringleader’ by the Time Magazine, in 1991. In 1998, on the basis of 6 hours of interviews with Miscavige, a story, named “The Man behind Scientology”, was published by St. Petersburg Time.
It’s fascinating to see the intricacies of David Miscavige’s financials laid out like this. It’s surprising how much wealth can be concentrated in one individual, especially in such a controversial organization. I’d love to hear more about the factors that contribute to his net worth and how it compares to other religious or spiritual leaders.
David Miss Cabbage has small man syndrome.
All the money in the world and he can’t grow an inch. Poor, poor Captain Midget.
Mike, just wanted to say: Thank you for your blog.
You, Marty, and Tony Ortega have been of invaluable help in my recovery (as relatively anonymous as I have necessarily been).
All the best to you!
I remember reading in Robert Conquest’s book on the Great Terror that Stalin lived in government housing and received a small government salary. Of course, he had access to everything he wanted including the means of satisfying his every sadistic whim.
So true … you nailed it ! I had a sociology Professor and every day he would come in and start the class with” the masses are asses”.Will you be the one that stands apart and does not follow the herd of meek sheep? When will people see that this is not about God or spirituality but a huge fat checkbook? All of these leaders and evangelists have a net worth that is obscene.
The information is taken investment portfolios and other records attached to real estate. He is worth more than 50 million. And he has “safe houses”.
I meant, taken FROM investment portfolios. Mike is right, he also consumes millions and millions of dollars every year in perks, including getting the Church to provide all of his staff and legal fees. It is not money that goes directly to him, it is just used to pave his way. He also has not paid gift tax on several pricey gifts.
The Oracle said, “He also has not paid gift tax on several pricey gifts.”
You checked his personal IRS tax filings and that’s how you know this?
Only an idiot would not know !
Mike, I would have to agree with Robin on this on: DM has people backing him up. The efficiency of killing Scientology the Theory, and the field, over time, is simply too consistent for one person like dm, all by himself to accomplish. Dm might be good, but, I don’t think that he is that good all by himself.
He hasnt done it all by himself. The system itself is doomed to failure. I have described this a number of times. There has never been a time of continued, viable and sustainable expansion in Scientology. Not at any time. And the short periods of expansion that have existed have not been at the order of magnitude to have any real impact.
Amazing observation, Mike.
Quite correct Mike. I remember one day Ron Norton saying to Janet Light that he needed a D/CO for Meetings as he factually spent 80% of his day having to talk to upper org management idiots. This is but one tiny slice of the Policy insanity created by LRH. There are FAR more people in non producing roles in the Church than front line producers. That alone doomed the concern.
David Miscavige, “the priest of Scientology”. Somehow this bothers me more than the fact of his millions or billions. A priest – this guy? Ugh! The Papal Pottymouth.
Satan arrives in many forms . DM is one.
I just assumed he had a “Swiss Bank account” scenario going on. He’s got all that money coming in with no accountability. Maybe it all has to be accounted for in tax filings? It seems like a guy such as Miscavige would almost have to launder some money and stash it away somewhere. He probably talks to non-scientologist lawyers and accountants who could help him with stuff like that. It might be something he wouldnt tell any Staff or Scientologist.
The point here is that he doesnt HAVE to launder money or stash anything.
Why bother? When you have a billion dollar enterprise at your beck and call you dont NEED to take it for your personal accounts, which opens you up to all sorts of problems with the IRS or others, you can leave it there and use THEIR plane and their CARS and have them build you apartments and gyms and buy you clothes.
Someone who is smart (and he is smart in spite of the repeated statements by Robin that he is not) doesn’t open themselves to PERSONAL liability when you can shield yourself so easily.
That’s straight out of HCO PL VITAL DATA ON PROMOTION,
“The Earth measure of success is the amount of power, authority, people, wealth and property one controls.
It is not necessary to bank it in your name if you can dictate its expenditure.
The reason we are interested in success of this kind is because it is the wherewithal to reach and get the job done. Without that, these things, except for people, are trash.”
(not that LRH or DM followed this policy to the letter).
That makes sense.
Right on the mark Mike
I just listened to an interview of Stefan Verstappen, researcher and author of the Art of Urban Survival, on the topic of psychopaths. He made the interesting observation that often psychopaths are more intelligent than others because they do not waste mental effort/brain power on emotions or caring for others. They expend no mental effort on love, empathy, concern, regret, remorse, appreciation, admiration, despair, etc. Their intellectual energies are ALL devoted to dominating, manipulating, and screwing over others all the while cultivating the facade of being the greatest guy in the world. They get joy from this duplicity and satisfaction over luring others into the trap.
Wouldn’t it make sense for him to build himself a “golden parachute” so when the inevitable happens, he can escape with his fortune? He can’t just use the church’s money and wealth after he is deposed or runs away.
Tony — he won’t run away from the church. He may end up on the Freewinds or in Costa Rica, but, like LRH, he will still be supported by the church. The church IS his golden parachute.
And you will never get him into court and he will die a wealthy man.
He is beyond the reach of all the people he has booted out
Give it a rest Mike aren’t we all bored with David “Asthmatic Dwarf” Miscaviage.
The stories about the IAS fundraising games are much more fun.
We all laugh and joke and some people really believe somehow the dwarf will get his just deserts.
He won’t he is just lke the Ex Brit PM Tony Blair he was called “Teflon Tony” cos no shit EVER stuck and he gets millions every year from JP Morgan (for his help to them as PM) and even the United Nations pay him $600,000 a year as Middle East Peace Envy when all he advises is invasion of Arab states or bombing runs LOl LOL
If the Dwarf was not the head of the C of S he would be a politician.
Evil comes in many forms, don’t under estimate it when its only 5 feet tall!
hiatus57, You are welcome to contribute to the solution.
Sorry Mike but it has to be said.
He we bloody go again the PC Namby Pamby brigade.
No wonder they never made the Grade as PC’s or Staff. don’t say this, don’t say that, be careful all the time.
Always walk on eggshells in case you say, do or make a body movement that upstes some poor clinker of a soul.
Get real girlies please.
DM hates the dwarf remarks and he reads Mike’s blog and it winds him up.
That is the best I can for now as I no longer have access to weapons.
If the term dwarf upsets you that’s just too bad.
You may try finishing Grade III of to full EP, it does work if you get Standard Tech.
Lets stay on point. DM is the enemy not ex Staff with a sense of humour.
I cannot say how many times replies to Mike’s blogs and the comments have had me laughing outloud.
Actually the thing to do is what I do. If you don’t like what you read stop reading it and move on to the next statement or remark.
If you are at effect from remarks get your case handled.
Solution to what 1984? The “Church” is collapsing. Davie sped up that process by about a decade. There are only hopelessly hoodwinked people left giving him big $. The cult only numbers a few thousand, out of BILLIONS of people on Earth. What EXACTLY do you what solved? And, how would anyone not in the cult “solve” it?
In my humble opinion there is plenty that those of us on the outside can do to hasten the demise of the church so as to stop the evil and hopefully to effect a reformation and renaissance of the church on the outside. Many of us have loved ones trapped in the bubble and we hope for the collapse to as to be reunited with our families among other things.
I think one way to help hasten along the process is if we all get together and bring a class action lawsuit to get our money back from the IAS, to get back money on, etc. The church will continue as long as there are the huge caches of money. I say kick him in the pocketbook! Who is up for a class action lawsuit?
Cindy, a class action lawsuit against the IAS for the VAST majority of donations won’t do squat. Please see a competent atty for more in depth details as to why that is…
The “church” is dead. DM could die today and the Church would still be dead. Scientology as a large movement is dead. I guess you could call it something else but, it would take no time for the internet to kill it off again once a few people caught on to the scam.
Old School, I’m not a legal beagle, so don’t have all the answers to lawsuits etc, so you may be right about that. I’ll check it out. But I do have personal knowledge that Scientology as a philosophy is not dead.
As a corporate church, yes it is dead or dying. But I know that auditing of the real tech (as opposed to the altered tech in the church) is taking place every day in the Indie field. There are Class 6, 9, 12’s in the Indie field delivering sessions every day. There are highly trained Flag and Ship CSes who C/S every day. I have read the wins of the pcs and pre-OTs, from this auditing and it is a beautiful thing. Some of them I know personally and saw the product with my own eyes. I myself have continued auditing outside the church and have my own wins and certainty that the tech when it is the correct tech and is correctly applied, does work. There are Course Sups in the Indie world training and making auditors. I am very glad to see the tech is being used.
You are right Cindy. With several hundred people (outside the Church, after decades of Indie work) using scientology out of 7 BILLION people on Earth, the subject isn’t dead. LOL
Old School, your sarcasm and venom is wasted on me. I won’t take the bait. Move on to your next victim. (And use your real name so we know who we are dealing with.) It’s easy to talk smack with a pen name and not your real one.
Re the tech, if one person gets a win, that is a good thing. If a million people get wins, that’s even better. But I’m happy even with one person improving their life; I don’t feel it was a waste if it helped even one person. My basic thrust is to build up and improve rather than tearing down.
Cindy, sarcasm & venom? No. Just logical questions. Ad Hom as a response to questions of logic means that you automatically forfeit ANY credibility with the subject being discussed and admit to being emotional rather than intelligent.
Says you. I’m still waiting for you to reveal your real name.
He is not a dwarf and dwarfs are lovely people. I openly request everyone to stop using the term “dwarf” in a derogatory manner. Also the word “midget”. This is just not cool at all. Not even the jokes about his size.
We in America have ancestry that goes back to big men, When I go to Japan or Thailand or Nepal I am the tallest person there. Most men are under 5 feet tall. And I might ad, hugely attractive. Japanese men have a rich history of being noble, able, and disciplined fighters. I have known many dwarfs and many midgets. There was nothing repelling about them. In fact, there was something very magical about them. All of them.
They are NOT FAIR GAME because they do not look like you! And they are NOT HANDICAPPED!
Thank you oracle. Some of thr height comments today were very general and even offensive. I’m 5’1″ and I don’t consider myself abnormal in that way. I share your experiences with heights in other countries too.
DM has many things he can be criticized for that are under his control. Why focus so much on something that isn’t?
You are not the only person here of such stature. I personally know many people that read this blog and contribute that are GIANTS thetan wise. And of the same stature. And I CRINGE to know they have to read this kind of slander! Being tall does not make you anything but a tall G.E.. If that is all you can brag about your are very small indeed.
The Oracle and Cre8tivewmn:
Thank you and I share your sentiments. It is offensive to use the terms “dwarf” and “midget” as these terms are considered derogatory towards little people. Technically speaking, DM is not a dwarf, midget or a little person. He is a man of less than average height for an American male.
I am also less than average height and size for a woman in the U.S. and throughout my whole life I’ve gotten remarks about how small I am. I just answer with “Yes, everyone is bigger than me” in a bored tone. Truthfully I am tired of hearing this, even though it’s said playfully and there isn’t an intent to insult me. I know that people don’t realize what it’s like to be on the receiving end of having your body routinely commented on because it’s a little out of the norm.
Body size really doesn’t mean anything as far as who a person is or what kind of a person they are. It’s the lottery of genetics.
I’ll never forget the day Norman Starkey berated a Gold staff member for not showing
DM proper respect with DM sitting right next to Norman looking like he just lost
his puppy dog. What in the hell convinced Norman that DM was that important?
Did he get a cut of the money?
Norman Starkey spent years paddling around in the Jacuzzi of a very popular health spa in Los Angeles. Surrounded by young men.
I was actually taken there by a public once because he wanted to point it out to me. It was a bit of a surprise for me but I did not want to touch it.
Several of the wealthier L.A. public went to this spa and were dismayed to see a senior executive lounging there all after noon knowing other Sea Org members were not permitted any pleasure. Well, you know how word spreads in L.A.. It was also B.P.I. that he was Hubbard’s executor. “The chosen one”. And David’s key to Pandora’s box.
This was already all over Los Angeles in the early 90’s. The staff think the public in L.A. are “theetie wheetie” and not “team players”. No. It is just that they kind of know what is happening at the top and their buttons do not get pushed. They are socially aware of what is going on in California.
Thank-you Oracle, I wonder how much he got when he was payed off.
Davy’s salary is supposed to be 200k a year. Twentyfive years x 200k is 5 million. If he played the stock market perfectly, he might have 20 million, but 50 mill is just not believable. Of course all his day to day expenses are paid by the loyal minions, so his salary is his retirement fund. A real look at his accounts would yield an irs tax bill. ‘Inurement’ is taxable.
Who do you think is getting royalties on all the new books?
Is that David posing as “CST”? He controls the checkbooks doesn’t he? Or does he write purchase orders and CSW’s like all the other staff?
I mean, dies he go to a weekly FP meeting like everyone else to obtain Church funds to keep their gig going? Is he on any budget? Does he have to get an O.K. for spending? Who writed the checks for his maintenance?
“Dies he” was a Freudian slip. I meant “Does he”.
Doesn’t he get hundreds of thousands of $ worth of gifts each year from the Sea Org members? Hundreds of thousands for 20-plus years he’s been there = millions.
I don’t care if it’s 50 million or 10 million, it’s outrageous, he should be compensated the same amount as any other SO member (slightly more cause he’s an exec) and eating the same meals, living in the same quarters. This is disgusting and any Kool-Aide drinker justifying for him is an idiot and deserves all the out-tech auditing being forced upon them. I’m an old timer and suspected his opulence a long time ago. I just hope this gets leaked to all SO members worldwide maybe some will wake up and walk away.
I pray every day for a class action suit, not refund money for auditing or training done but to refund ALL MONIES given to the IAS by ALL Scientologists that have been duped. Now that would be a win.
I agree with you 100%. The guy is a slimebag and crim. He is a a disgrace to the Church and the Sea Org, and his living in luxury, while virtually the entirety of SO Members,and Cl V staff are treated like crap, is deplorable. He is the biggest leech in the world.
I remember once I was leaving the Hibiscus.
As I opened the door along came Miscavige
and his entourage. I’m 5’11”. I stood there and
dutifully held the door open for him. I looked down
when he passed and saw the top of his head.
And of course there was no thank you for holding
the door open for him…..he said nothing.
Maybe he didn’t see me.
Potpie wrote:
I remember once I was leaving the Hibiscus.
As I opened the door along came Miscavige
and his entourage. I’m 5’11″. I stood there and
dutifully held the door open for him. I looked down
when he passed and saw the top of his head.
And of course there was no thank you for holding
the door open for him…..he said nothing.
Maybe he didn’t see me.
My question to you:
How could a genuine spiritual philosophy produce such an uncaring leader?
David Miscavige is not a product of scientology. A psychopath is a psychopath. They don’t make case gain. They feign any supposed advances under any spiritual philosophy if it behooves them.
leonore wrote:
“David Miscavige is not a product of scientology. A psychopath is a psychopath. They don’t make case gain. They feign any supposed advances under any spiritual philosophy if it behooves them.”
Thanks leonore, but your post generates more questions than it answers.
How did a psychopath become the cameraman at LRH’s Cine Org, working directly with LRH in the 1970’s?
As the founder and creator of the PTS/SP technology, why didn’t LRH spot Miscavige as a psychopath, working with him every day, and route him out pronto?
How did Miscavige become the single terminal for LRH when he went into hiding in the early 80s? Why would LRH entrust so much of his life and property to a psychopath?
Also, what OT Level is Miscavige on? OT 7?
With all the sec checks, set ups, and ethics requirements that are designed to keep SPs, PTSes, and psychopaths off the OT Levels, how did a psychopath get onto OT 7?
I understand that psychopaths are supposedly very convincing but doesn’t Miscavige’s existence as a psychopath at least call into question the workability of the Ethics Technology and the PTS/SP detection and routing technology in Scientology?
How could a psychopath end up running the Church of Scientology for 28 years if Scientology actually did what it said it did?
leonore, DM IS a DIRECT product of LRH and the Church of Scientology. THAT is a fact.
Now, you have to admit that either A) the “tech” isn’t what it’s cracked up to be or, B) LRH could NOT apply the tech he developed. (and go down THAT rabbit whole and EVERYTHING that would mean logically)
So, A or B leonore?
Having Head in Sand isn’t an answer to the question above…
LOTS of people HAVE recognized who he is and ARE exposing it: the anti-social personality traits, the long term crashing stats, the destruction, the crushing effect on others around him, the ability to lie and manufacture a facade, the ability almost to hypnotize sycophants so they REFUSE to look at the real stats or condition. PEOPLE ARE doing something.
How DM secured his position so efficiently is almost a case study. (See my comment below re intelligence).
How LRH missed him – hard to say. I wasn’t with LRH personally to know his personal situation/condition/mental state the last few years of his life. Maybe LRH, too, was charmed by a seemingly innocent looking, energetic boy. Maybe if DM had been 6’4″ at 17 years old LRH would have seen him differently. I remember one poster a couple years ago who told the story of messenger Miscavige’s destroying some part of a garden outside of LRH’s office by aggressively sliding his bike, then blaming the other fellow and letting LRH punish him. Assuming this was a true story, sounds like the kind of thing such a personality as a boy would do.
Miscavige had hold of comm lines then, too. I DO remember an incident around 1980/81 at a GO/CMO function when I saw a cluster of young girls around a short, young guy and a very negative energy (not smiling open faces) coming out of that clique and very cold flows towards others. It was odd, and stuck in my mind over the years. Looking back, I speculate and think of the negative energy I saw…, but I don’t know who all was in that circle exactly. It just remained in my mind as an indicator that trouble was coming.
I had other things to do in life, and found a way to duck out. I had hoped to help in my professional field after that because much of LRH’s work would have been valuable to society, could have been incorporated in non-religious fields, and I was in a position to help. However, the Church – at least for the time being.
To finish my sentence… However, the Church – at least for the time being – seems a lost cause.
Thanks for your answer to my post, Leonore.
I’m just saying that David Miscavige being a psychopath doesn’t actually address any of the observable failures with Scientology and the failure of the Church.
It’s a belief that keeps Indies from observing the real problems in Scientology.
This belief in psychopaths or SPs is not a why for all that we are seeing with Scientology all over the world. Miscavige can’t be everywhere on Earth, wherever Scientology is being applied, to ruin sessions and to turn auditors into mush.
If Scientology actually worked, if it did what Hubbard said it did, then Scientology would be unstoppable. One session that created an OT with the abilities Hubbard said they had would create an unstoppable being.
But as we are seeing, Scientology is quite stoppable.
And David Miscavige is not the one stopping it everywhere it is being stopped.
So Scientology, obviously, stops itself.
See what I’m saying?
Psychopaths can and do influence entire societies and take thousands of millions down with them. History books are filled with their names, so yes, their poison can circulate throughout an empire.
It is not my purpose to stop scientology. I take it yours is to stop it. I think this is where we diverge, so there is no point in going further. I am sure we will not change each others’ viewpoints on this.
Many people, while no longer active members of the existing Church of Scientology, do use what was studied and learned and observed and enjoy and treasure our different perspectives and “wins” as a result of auditing and training.
You and Old School and others can say all you want that I and others who found long term value in Scientology auditing and training/study/reading of L. Ron Hubbard’s books and works are deluded or misled or whatever, but your assertions do not change my reality or my successes in life. So we shall let it rest at that.
I think simplistically you could say my purpose is to remove the poison and let the body flourish on its own naturally.
If you think that Scientology itself is poison, we have very different viewpoints.
“I think simplistically you could say my purpose is to remove the poison and let the body flourish on its own naturally.” Thank you, Leonore. That needed to be said to Old School and Alanzo.
They should find a different blog to post on because they won’t get converts here. And that doesn’t mean we have our eyes closed and are being deluded. My eyes are wide open. And that includes spotting both of them. ESMB is a blog they should go to and leave here and let us get on with it.
…thousands or millions (of people)… It is late – after a long and busy day.
Cindy wrote:
“They should find a different blog to post on because they won’t get converts here. And that doesn’t mean we have our eyes closed and are being deluded. My eyes are wide open. And that includes spotting both of them. ESMB is a blog they should go to and leave here and let us get on with it.”
Mike can certainly speak for himself, but It is my understand that Mike wants to have a wide range of viewpoints regarding Scientology on his blog.
Some Indies believe that Scientology would be just fine if it weren’t for David Miscavige. They believe that the only thing wrong with Scientology is David Miscavige’s influence on it, and if his influence could just be deleted then Scientology would have no problems at all.
Is this your viewpoint, Cindy?
I believe that the problems go deeper in Scientology than that, and I believe that Mike himself has been “spotting Source”, and documenting right here on this blog that the roots of some of the abuses in Scientology go directly to the writings and taped lectures of L Ron Hubbard himself.
I would go further than that and say that if it were not ordered by LRH himself, it would not be an abuse which showed up in Scientology and stayed there. I would say that all systemic abuse in Scientology exists because L Ron Hubbard created that abuse himself in his writings and taped lectures which Scientologists study and follow to the letter. If L Ron Hubbard had not said it or written it, then it would not be a system-wide abuse in Scientology.
Do I understand you to say that you wish for this viewpoint to be forbidden from being stated on this blog, because this viewpoint is stopping you from being able to “get on with it”?
If you don’t mind, could I ask you two questions:
1. What are you “getting on with”, exactly?
2. How does the expression of my viewpoint on Mike’s blog stop you from “getting on with it”?
“That needed to be said to Old School and Alanzo.
They should find a different blog to post on because they won’t get converts here. ”
Cindy, telling people to stop communicating facts (NONE of which you could refute) is a tactic used by David Miss Cabbage. Why? Because he ALSO cannot refute the truth. So, his and your reaction is to try and stop comm & thought.
Interesting indeed!.
Old School, (why not reveal your identity?) this is the last I will comm on the subject with you. You got sarcastic and snarky (Ad Hom yourself). Then you attacked and invalidated me and my comm by making sweeping generalities that Scn is dead and gone and no way in hell is it ever going to continue to exist, and implied heavily what a fool I was to think otherwise.
There was no fact to that opinion at all, yet you now come to me and say that you were only spreading facts. Not. I responded that the corporate church may be either dead or dying, but the philosophy is alive on the outside and that successful auditing and training is going on on a daily basis to wins and betterment of people.
Hello Potpie,
Regarding you holding the door open for David Miscavige at the Hibiscus, who passed through without a simple thank you:
I think he certainly saw a “body” standing there holding the door open for him. He just didn’t see YOU, an individual who was being courteous and using good social manners.
This has happened to me too in public, although very rarely. I have held the door open for people who walked through as though I didn’t even exist. Each time this happened, I didn’t exactly get a warm and fuzzy feeling when they passed by me and I would pick up some real negative energy from them.
No doubt the same experience being around Miscavige.
Davey is, as best I can tell, synonymous with Scientology. He has access to over $2billion worth of real property, cash and trademarks. He has a lot to lose if RTC and its front groups go belly up.
Never considered Miscavige that smart.
Personally I think his dream team of lawyers are the people who keep him out of trouble like for instance Monica a former DOJ employee and the late greats Mead and Earl.
Plus thanks to his connection to TC he has heavy hitters like Bert going to bat for him.
You could say he’s legally protected by some of the best like some Teflon Don.
Money, Guns (heard he’s a real big gun nut) and Lawyers.
Then there’s the PIs and their high surveillance equipment but I digress.
The guy’s got juice especially when you consider his possible connections to Robert Crowley and his known connections to H&K in house powerhouse spook like Bob Gray and one of CIA’s top ten gun runners and all around Iran- Contra deal maker and BCCI architect Adnan Khashoggi and of course Sky whose now in with the Carlyle Group.
That said.
Who knows?
Maybe the gravy train will end some day. Like it did for Manual when they got tired of backing his sorry tyrant ass.
Monique is the key. She keeps Miscavige out of trouble. Earle never did much for him personally. Meade Emory he never even knew. Meade was just a name that was used. I never met him either.
He hardly qualifies as a gun “nut” — whatever that is. He has guns and has been given some exotic shotguns and hand tooled stuff. Hardly ever shoots them except when he was showing off to TC using “LRH’s gun range”. He doesnt have near as many guns as LRH had, so I supposed that puts LRH in the “serious gun but” category….
He isn’t connected to the CIA and Robert Crowley and Adnan Kashoggi. You keeping bringing up these fables and then getting into long arguments trying to “prove” that its the case. I have spent a lot of time giving the facts about this sort of stuff and won’t be allowing this to derail into that discussion again.
I’m a gun nut too if it matters.
Just added because it’s the title of Warren Zevon tune.
Speaking of our friends in the CIA.
I was expressing my opinion.
Are you saying that we must religiously adhere to some kind of party line or be accused of “derailing” the conversation?
What I wrote was on topic. Though the views expressed differ from yours.
So what’s the problem?
Aren’t alternative views allowed?
Are you saying that we must religiously adhere to some kind of party line or be accused of “derailing” the conversation?
Are you on drugs?
Don’t do ’em.
But thanks for asking.
How ’bout you?
Talk about “derailing”.
Now please answer my question.
Just ROFL at Mike’s response. Thanks Mike.
I can assure you David has no comm line now and never did to Adnan Kashoggi. Adnon’s son lives in Los Angeles and I have known him for over 20 years. His step mother stayed at the Fort Harrison for a while and dabbled in auditing.
For whatever reasons this threw the family into a mistrust of all things Scientology and David is regarded as a criminal by all of them.
I should have said former step mother.
Robin — I told you I am not having this blog derailed into conspiracy theory speculations about Miscavige being a CIA operative and Meade Emory and the IRS plot to take over the church or Adnan Kashoggi arms dealing.
You take up too much bandwidth with these nutball ideas here. I am not interested in them and think they send people down a rabbit hole of “why is God.”
I sincerely recommend you start your own blog to propound your theories. And anyone who is interested can discuss them with you there.
I am tired of hearing about it.
There comes a time when we have to face the truth. If Mike and Marty could do it, the rest of us can surely do it. These conspiracy theories, IMHO, provide some false comfort.
See other response to you. No more conspiracy theories here. Please start your own blog.
Miscavige running off to see his CIA case officer is the last straw.
Well considering the rest of us got less than $2000 A YEAR on SO pay if we were lucky, this guy takes the cake! Realise too, that while he may not be a signatory on the myriad of accounts in CSI, he is calling the shots on how it is spent, and is busy bankrupting the joint. While they are building up massive property assets, you can guarantee that because they are not delivering, the cash flow for CSI must be atrocious.
In place of delivering real results on a grade chart, they are issuing status certificates as part of the IAS gradation chart. Staff are earning more in IAS and book commissions than income from service delivery.
It has become a self-serving membership organization, serving up status, instead of getting technical delivery results. It can only end up in the dustbin.
A kool-aide drinker caught wind of this article and said he didn’t care how much money miscavige had personally…he deserved any facility differential he wanted because he is SOOOO upstat. He “saved” scientology don’t ya know.
I wonder if some of those people will decide to go all Rex Fowler on miscavige when they finally realize just how duped they are.
Yes, this is a common attitude of the K.A. drinkers. That Miscavige’s excesses are well deserved. Even in the face that Sea Org staff are denied proper medical and dental care, not to mention food, rest and a safe environment to work in. These public see this all the time and their answer to it is “to do more” to support the CoS by donating more money and more time to it. They rationalize that they are helping Sea Org members by doing this. They are actually doing just the opposite and are not helping anyone, least of all a Sea Org member, their own families, or themselves.
When the Truth Rundown came out, some K.A. public saw it and it didn’t faze them at all. It was the same exact computation, that because Miscavige is so wonderful and working to hard, he was being attacked for it by people who wanted to “stop” him. I even had people tell me that Miscavige is a “great humanitarian”, so therefore it couldn’t be true.
It’s very hard to get through to these types of people. I certainly hope that there won’t be any more Rex Fowler situations, which was tragic. Not to mention the suicides too.
Sad but predictable. When “in” I heard DM had a decent salary but that was about it. Apart from a well renovated apartment at St Hill we knew nothing about his excesses and had I got wind that maybe he really did live a lifestyle of the rich and famous it would definitely have had me asking more questions sooner. It really is a wonder how much of this sort of info it would take to get some people to wake up. I do believe if a video surfaced of him beating subordinates, or cast iron evidence of sexual relations outside his marriage the remaining sheeple would still pass it off as the understandable stress of a man who bears the burden of the future of the planet on his shoulders, or some such bunk. I don’t think – sincerely hope – no more will go the Rex Fowler route, but the echos of cult members crashing down to reality will heard far and wide across the world.
If you add up all the pay, bonuses and what have you and add to that the fact that he circumvented the corporate set up (checks and balances) to become THE “insider” and used that insider position to give himself the clothes, meals, private chefs, houses, cars, holidays, arranged and enforced gifts, bearing in mind they were all for his sole use, there is a massive case for inurement, if the IRS would stop sitting on their hands. After all, there would be no lack of witnesses to all the above.
Damnit! Yes! I wrote letters. Come on guys write letters to your Senators, congressmen and the IRS. Real letters! Not emails; although those are better than nothing.
Hey Dave, What does it actually feel like to be incapable of empathy?
I seriously doubt he “feels” anything at all, other than fear of being caught, fear of losing is “position”, fear of being totally exposed *within* the czerch.
On the South African blog recently, was a post asking people to vote for how it will end, with several scenarios posited. And in the comments was a link to John P Capitalist (I think that is his alias). Anyway, it is worth reading that. John gives several ways to end it quicker than just the long slow drawn out way. One idea he puts forth is a class action lawsuit to get your money back off account. I can’t do it justice; he explains it way better than I can. Please post that link on your site Mike. It is worth looking at.
Would love a class action suit of sea org members who worked for years for pennies per hour (if there was any pay at all), put in plenty of forced overtime hours, ate crappy food, and got basically nothing in return compared to what they were promised by recruiters when they joined. Oh…what we were promised. Lessons learned.
Would be lovely to see everyone get back what they put in based on lies and greed–public, IAS “memberships,” staff….
I’m afraid that the only person who knows David Miscavige’s net worth is David Miscavige.
Layers of offshore straw accounts,compound interest on high yield investments that are Banks
and small Governments. Income from real estate leased out (Int Landlord) to commercial businesses.etc.etc. etc.
David Miscavige is the valid signatory on a considerably enormous fortune of assets.
$50 million is a drop in the bucket.,big,big bucket.
Moot point if has a High School diploma or a GED.
Mike, can you shed any light on how DM accrued so much money. Ten million seems like a lot for someone on approximately 100,000 a year.
Lucy — if you add up 100,000 a year, invested with the Feshbachs so it NEVER lost (ie if they did make a bad investment, he was never assessed any losses, he ONLY made gains and when he got Tom Cruise to invest with them and they lost some of his money they were made to pay it back AND brought to Int to do “Super Power” as a “handling.”).
You add up 100Gs a year (with NO personal expenses) over 30 years and you have 3 million. Add compounded investments and it would easily be double that,
Did Reed Slatkin have to pay Miscavige, or the Church, back for any of their losses?
Miscavige didnt invest with Reed Slatkin. Neither did the church.
I wonder how this compares to other “Church Leaders”. I know DM likes to compare himself to the Pope. I gag at such a comparison, but I’m sure he takes comfort in knowing that the pope travels on private jets, can go anywhere he wants at any time, probably has the best of everything including servants and stewards, assistants, secretaries, etc. The pope controls (I assume) assets worth billions.
But Mike help me with this…how exactly would DM even have a net worth of $10M? Let’s say $5M even. How exactly would that happen? Is the explanation just as simple as he doesn’t have to spend a dime of anything he is officially paid? So, it’s 25 years of stashing away the salary and bonuses?
See response to Lucy….
DM is the Bling Pope, just the type that the one in Rome is getting rid of.
What ever he will or will not do .One thing for sure is he will ensure that he gets what he wants and work the lawyers to the bone to do so or there fired. Anyone staff working with him or are remaining on staff are
trapped in his game and PTS.
The lawyers don’t care. Being the whores they are, working their fingers to the bones … the joke’s on DM.
Yet Class IX Auditors at AOLA who had been in the SO for decades were lucky to get their full $46 / week pay, lucky if they were not put on beans and rice for meals, lucky if they could get new uniform parts or comfortable shoes, lucky to get enough time to do their laundry, god forbid an actual day off. These guys were delivering auditing that cost about $500/hr.
I got sick of seeing the abuse, all of which was ordered directly by RTC, which means it was directly ordered by DM.
Alex, I remember when FSO was making close to one MILLION dollars/week and ALL the staff (class 9′ & XII’s included) were on rice and beans. Almost no days off, no new uniforms, etc. BEFORE DM was in charge. When LRH was.
DM had a great teacher.
Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm.
Ich errinere — I remember — pre DM: stranded, broke, no lodging, barely enough pay to get a sandwich a day, nowhere to wash or do laundry, cockroaches in cheap boarding house rooms for $1 a night, 14 hour days, little to no sleep, usw. — and so on.
While people on staff suffered like that, those at the top of the Ponzi scheme — Hubbard at that point, literally made off like bandits.
I remember that too.Way before DM
Are you the former security guy at PAC who used to help off-loaded staff get back on their feet in the outside world?
That was Alex Duvall I think you will find. My ex bro in law. He’s still drinking the kool aid.
Thanks for the data RIchard.
I can’t make this any more clear…..ya gotta feel for the ‘little’ bugger. When he is going to be butt slammed by bubba in prison after the IRS has seized all his monies, he’s going to sparkle in his tailor made orange Egyptian cotton jumpsuit. He will then be truly holy!
DM has no worries. His throng of OT VIIIs will just unmock the walls of any prison he is put in, as-is the sentencing orders and the guards, and he’s free.
But now I’ve confused myself. All those OT VIIIs should be able to postulate into existence all the gold one could ever want, put a slight alter-is on it so it persists, and then no fundraising will ever be needed again ever!
I wonder why they don’t just do that?
I would not sell my integrity for 50, nor even for 500 million dollars. He can enjoy the money as long as he wants; karma is what he should be worried about as ain’t going to be fun.
I feel strange to meet 5,5 or 5,1 heigh people .. it looks like a child who refused to live .. but a saw one once, he had 10 bodyguards .. this guy was not clever .. more stupid .. but it was his success ..
Ummm… where can one get a Range Rover for a mere $25k?!
(point being, when you can’t get a simple fact like THAT correct, it’s very difficult to command credibility)
It’s not even a Range Rover. It is a Land Rover Discovery purchased around 2000. Doubt they were $25,000 back then, maybe $35,000.
While David Miscavige lives like a king, the staff that support him are living like paupers. this little guy is a bad hat and I pray every day that he gets what is coming to him.
Me too.
Alas, the poor blighter is trapped in the CoS, surrounded by fools. A luxury life-style and money in the bank won’t satisfy Miscavige – it’s tomorrow he dreads.
these sites often copy one another so it’s not as if they do independent research and come to the same conclusions. plus no references are cited. someone probably guestimated a figure based on various culled info and everyone else just copied and pasted.
the fact that he is mindful enough to use staff birthday gifts as cover for petty things he wants like cars and that he’s taken a relatively low annual salary shows he is keenly aware of inurement.
so i’d tend to agree with mike, he has the power and perks of a billionaire. however 50 million over 30 years is actually not all that much.
he can boost things with bonuses, fees, personal contracts and such.
his tax returns have to be a matter of public record though.
it seems scientology is being put through the longest, biggest, baddest gangbang sec check ever.
my, how the worm is turning.
David did not graduate HS. He left HS to join the Sea Org when he was 16. When he was deposed by Ms Toby Plevin, in the Bent Corydon case, David stated he did not graduate HS. That was 20+ yrs ago. He could have earned a GED since then.
Way To Happiness: “Set a good example.”
People have donated to “Ideal Orgs” like mad.
They mortgaged their homes.
David, move up in status! The expansion of Scientology is more important than personal wealth.
My comment for the day: I hate David Miscavige.
succinct 😉
double succinct… can you say that????
Not sure how you pegged that at sympathy Brian.
“My comment for the day: I hate David Miscavige.”
Why would you lower yourself that much? Where the hell is “hate” on the tone scale? And that’s what you’ve chosen? Frankly put, he’s not worth hating. It’s like hating rats in a burnt out building. I give you far more credit than you seem to be giving yourself.
Hate is above sympathy on the tone scale. According to this evaluative device.
Think about that one.
thegman, Hate is higher toned than blame. Ahem.
1.4 Hate
-1.0 Blame
Check yourself out man.
I don’t take it that seriously. But thanks for the care.
Oracle, I was not pegging it as sympathy, I was simply responding to thegman’s response.
Judging hate while sympathy for others is lower than is in my opinion a crazy assed assesment.
I can understand the strong feelings of hate for a person responsible for destroying one’s connection to family.
I guess if I were to judge hate I’d just say: don’t be so owned by it that it becomes self destructive. Just look at Ron’s life.
His hate for competition and those seeking to expose some of his lies was so great that he internalized it and caved himself in. Just like the tech said overts will do.
But a momentary expression of hate may be in order from time to time. Especially towards evil. Just don’t become obssessed with hate and enemies.
Don’t end up in a trailer being the guy who betrays his wife, has family members attempt suicide until it happens to get away from Dad, has another son claiming dad was a Satanist, has x wives and extended family terrorized by threats of thuggery etc.
That type of hate will send the biggest thetan into the hole of self punishment.
But I have sympathy for temporary hate as an expression of outrage and pain.
Sympathy for hate? Can I even say that?
I guess I did.
Mary McCarran, I understand why you hate him. Your family was ripped apart because of his cruelty and insane following of SP and disconnection policy. What, are you supposed to turn the other cheek so you can stay on the upside of the tone scale? Bullshit. Hate away. I’m right there with you.
They got another statistic about Shortarse wrong – he’s only 5′ 1″: http://tonyortega.org/2014/04/03/we-asked-david-miscaviges-tailor-for-his-exact-height-and-heres-what-he-told-us/
Yep. That’s sounds about right. I remember from when I would go up against him on the net during volley ball. He could jump pretty high back then I have to admit.
That is because of all that jumping practice he got trying to reach doorknobs.
Snicker! maybe he had springs in his shoe-lifts 😉
Hey Mike,
Do you think he has a contingency plan already in place to get out, with a new identity and a bunch of cash, in case things get just too hot (as in, about to go to jail)?
He’ll never go to jail, Morris, he is just too insulated with too many psychophants.
Hi McCarran,
Well, there are many people trying to put him there, and they are very dedicated, and I don’t think they will give up. And their number is growing.
I don’t think he will go to jail. I think he will be “called” but I don’t think he will be “chosen”. He will run first.
I agree Mare. The Snowglobe he lives in is very tiny, but unfortunately it is filled with other tiny robots protecting him. Such a low class shlub.
And maybe as part of his new identity, he will do a sex change into a woman. Should be easy since the balls are already gone.
Wow, journalism is dead. No primary sources cited. No wonder the “church” has survived so long while being a criminal org… Yes, DM will privately revel in these articles. And, you are correct Mike. He isn’t stupid enough to have that much in his own name.
“…..L. Ron Hubbard was named as the “Commodore’s messenger.”…..” Oops, could have been proof-read.
Maybe he would. Isn’t the Simon Bolivar PL his Bible?
And doesn’t this reference dictate that he: “#5. When you move off a [point of power, pay all your obligations on the nail, empower all your friends completely and move off with your pockets full of artillery, potential blackmail on every erstwhile rival, unlimited funds in your private bank account and the addresses of experienced assassins and go live in Bulgravia and bribe the police. And even then you may not live long if you retained one scrap of domination in any camp you do not now control or if you say, “I favor politician Jiggs.” Abandoning power utterly is dangerous indeed. But we can’t all be leaders or figures strutting in the limelight and so there’s more to know about his.”
Simon Bolivar is his his bible. Unfortunately, like LRH he is following the pattern of Bolivar to the letter. LRH abandoned MSH and died in a figurative ditch unable to interact with more than 4 people in the entire world.
Miscavige is duplicating the pattern — abandoned Shelly (who, like Mary Sue, was the only person left that could act as a foil to his increasing megalomania and frankly the last terminal for him in a 2 terminal universe) and now becoming increasingly isolated from any human contact. He is withdrawing more and more from the world. SOon he will become a recluse too, with only a few close aides as he “completes” the Bridge (“sacrificing himself for the good of all”).
It’s my observation too, that Miscagive is, and has been for a long time, an impending recluse. He never interacts with the public at large, except for the Events, which is more like a show, and never interacts with society on any relevant level.
It was always this pattern to me and I was in Scn for 20 years. The concept that he’s just too busy and always working didn’t make sense to me either. Leaders are always busy but you see them and hear from them and get some sense of what they’re about as human beings. As a public, I never got this from Miscavige.
If Scientology is truly a world religion, with 10 million adherents, wouldn’t it make sense that Miscavige would have more of a known presence in the world, or at least in the U.S.? No one really knows who he is and he has little to no name recognition outside of Scientology, or perhaps the IRS and the FBI. Good show on that.
I doubt Miscavige even knows how to use an ATM machine.
Becoming increasingly isolated from any human contact is good. These all day orders “straight from COB” into every nook and cranny of the orgs were a nightmare.
I recall the order into Los Angeles that 10 million was to be raised in donations in 7 days.
Simultaneously the Flag Land Base were to raise $40 million in 1 week in straight donations. This was 2010.
Staff went into overdrive. Order was from COB !
I always hated that reference. It sounds very weird to me. Hire an assassin?? WTF?
My main point on bringing it up is the cash part. LRH left with a bunch of cash from what I heard, maybe the cobb is following in his footsteps and he does have 50 million that he has pilfered.
Mike Rinder wrote:
Simon Bolivar is his his bible. Unfortunately, like LRH he is following the pattern of Bolivar to the letter. LRH abandoned MSH and died in a figurative ditch unable to interact with more than 4 people in the entire world.
Miscavige is duplicating the pattern — abandoned Shelly (who, like Mary Sue, was the only person left that could act as a foil to his increasing megalomania and frankly the last terminal for him in a 2 terminal universe) and now becoming increasingly isolated from any human contact. He is withdrawing more and more from the world. SOon he will become a recluse too, with only a few close aides as he “completes” the Bridge (“sacrificing himself for the good of all”).
Really good writing, Mike.
You have a very informed and insightful viewpoint.
Yes, a religious leader should be seen by the people. Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Buddha, etc. were all seen among the people. Heber too – but we were happy to see him.
Also, in violation of the Simon Bolivar Policy Letter, the game has become “getting you”.
The cobb is like the Al Capone of religion. Like all thugs, I believe he will end badly.
It’s correct that most of his wealth is not in his name, but he could easily have a personal fortune well above 10 million by virtue of his stock portfolio. His stock portfolio that has spent decades being curated by some of the most agressive stock investors that Scientology has to offer. And anyone who loses his money has to re-imburse him themselves! So his stock portfolio goes up during good times, and when everyone else is losing money the guys that invest for him have to keep his account level. Also I am sure that Bob Duggan has had a big chunk of David Miscaviges money from early on. Dave would have 10X his original investment if Bob had invited him to invest early.
As for the other stuff, David Misvage’s 4.6 million dollar apartment in LA is amazing. But it’s not in his name. He keeps the apartment as long as he is church leader, not a second more. And that’s just one of his apartments. He has a palacial apartment at the Int Base, another one at the Flag Land Base, another one at the top of the big blue in LA, another one on the Freewinds, on and on.
I love the way that even these articles that are about his net worth also point out that he is a physically abusive tyrant. The only blatantly inaccurate thing about these articles is his height – there is no way that he is 5’5″. He must have fed the information to wikipedia. In his socks, that guy is probably only 5’2″.
I caught that 5’5″ figure as well. Also, he isn’t a high school graduate, as I understood it – he dropped out after 9th grade, right?
so like short dropouts got no reason to live?
the only reason it’s ok to make fun of his height is because he’s self conscious about it, if he’s self conscious about being a drop out, then lets break his balls about it.
otherwise there is no problem being 5’5 or a drop out.
i too though find it funny, that he sits so way down low, you got to pick him up just to say hello.
Accordng to David Miscaviges personal tailor he’s 5 foot 1 inch.
Reference:Tony Ortega Underground Bunker article.
(Mickey Rooney was 5 foot 2 inches)
Well, according to his personal tailor, he is 5’1″. Funny how when you abuse someone and they escape, they manage to let even some really funny truths slip out.
“on top of big blue?” I doubt it. I worked that building for years. Not a chance he has something there. Top floor is the EPF. Maybe the celebrity center though…