My apologies -- I mistakenly thought Roberta Blevins episode was airing this week. It is in fact our fascinating interview with Dylan Gill. Roberta will air next week, so you have that to look forward to! We talk to Dylan Gill, former executive of Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) about the organization established to preserve Hubbard's words in the event of a nuclear holocaust for all future civilizations, what the symbols etched into the ground mean, the various homes built for Hubbard after his death that are maintained to this day, and much more. Dylan has … [Read more...]
Hawking Hubbard Fiction
Hubbard fiction still being peddled, now by comparing it to Dune and Foundation. These guys will try to cash in on anything. Because these two sci-fi classics are currently getting buzz because of new screen adaptations (though i must say every review I have seen of Asimov's Foundation indicates it bears little resemblance to the books) the hustlers at Galaxy Press are trying to make it seem as though Battlefield Earth is in the same league. After all, it too was turned into a film, and what a magnificent disaster that was, memorialized in numerous "worst films of all time" lists. I w … [Read more...]
Looking for LRH Originals — Still
Surely they are joking... People often ask "what do Sea Org/staff members do all day?" Well, this. For years after Hubbard died -- nearly 40 years ago now -- Sea Org members were dispatched all over the world to find everything Hubbard had ever written or said. This was the primary function of Church of Spiritual Technology which was created to "preserve the legacy" of Hubbard's rambling for all eternity. And the first step was to ensure they had everything. This went on for many, many years. Now, 30 years later someone is trying again? Why? Maybe … [Read more...]
CST Wyoming Fail
Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) has reached a monumental, epic milestone of ideal fail. For some reason they purchased a property in Sweetwater County Wyoming -- presumably to build yet another vault (probably a better idea than in the earthquake zones of Southern and Northern California). Why they need another one in the US when they already have 3 of them is a mystery. I guess the rest of the world doesn't deserve to be saved when the big meltdown occurs? Or there will only be survivors in the western half of the US? Or something.... In any event, they bought this property but it … [Read more...]