Alex Barnes-Ross managed to get a recording of David Miscavige at the recent March 13 event: There is also a transcript at Tony Ortega's substack if you don't want to torture yourself listening to the drone. I did a post about the empty hype of this event: March 13 Smoke & Mirrors. Stefani Hutchison already debunked one of the big lies in the event (Another "Award" Bites the Dust). The lies are fast and furious but I am not going to delve into more of them here. Now that we have full transcript, I wanted to highlight some of the most ridiculous drivel that the COB spewed forth, v … [Read more...]
The Death of Shermanspeak
The passing of Dan Sherman shortly before we left for vacation marked the end of an era in scientology. Dan Sherman was an interesting character. He fancied himself a spy novelist, and took on the role of real life "agent" to establish a line with Gerry Armstrong when he was engaged in litigation with scientology. Sherman convinced Armstrong that he was in contact with "loyalists" who disagreed with the "new regime" of Miscavige and were working inside to overthrow Miscavige and the "new breed of management." Sherman was known as "Sheepskin" and he set up the meeting with Armstrong for me … [Read more...]
More of the BS Expansion Hype
Some follow up to the earlier post about hype expansion news. Lots of amazing expansion that has never come to pass... what Captain Miscavige was saying in 2014. For those of you who aren't familiar, the Golden Age of Tech Phase II is described this way on the scientology website: So, this "47X" expansion occurred between November 2013 and June 2014. 47 times expansion in just 8 months. OMG... I did a posting about this in August 2014: Massive Expansion of Lies Then in February 2016, the claim was 60X in the last 2 years -- … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Plenty of good laughs this week... Experience Your Own? Just by going to graduation? The thrill of fruit... Grammar fail Greg and Elizabeth has achieved.... Yo, Dave. When is the Golden Age of KTL coming? The Power of Canada! On display with the CO FSSO and Jim Meskimen? Attend live in your local org? A "live" zoom call? This is definitely going to make the whole country ideal... There are still orgs in Canada that after 20 years have gone nowhere -- Calgary, Edmonton. Let alone Toronto and they didn't even need to buy a … [Read more...]
Captain Miscavige Wowed ‘Em…
Captain Miscavige made a rare public appearance to deliver the LRH Birthday Game celebration at Flag! Hip-hip-hooray. Here is a description of the momentous occasion provided by the FSC EUS Office. My commentary is in red. On Sunday March 13th Flag held live LRH B Day celebration event! It is available at Flag to see it in full, but here is a flavor of it: COB walked on to endless cheering, whistling and a LONG standing ovation that must have been heard for miles around!! He has missed the adoring sheeple who believe he is "doing what Ron wants," the poor deluded … [Read more...]
The Biggest Scientology Boondoggle Of All?
Even in the world of scientology relentless money-grubbing for everything, perhaps the biggest boondoggle ever is the "L. Ron Hubbard Hall." This is a project that is even LESS needed than "ideal" org buildings. Some orgs have resided in shitty premises for decades, so there is some merit in improving their facilities. Though of course not to the extent of moving tiny, failing orgs into 50,000 sq ft buildings in industrial parks replete with custom furniture and carpets. But there is no need whatsoever for an "event facility" dedicated to scientology events. They cannot fill Ruth Eckerd … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Decade
Dan Sherman conjured up a verbal orgasm of gushing babble to hype the sheeple at the scientology New Year's Celebration. No need to attend the event, you can read all about it at in 10 minutes and spare yourself the pain of "Standing O" calisthenics every time Dear Leader actually completes a run-on sentence. At the outset, let's remember that the "turn of the decade/century" event in 1999 was held at the LA Sports Arena -- a FAR larger venue than the Shrine Auditorium. Given the unprecedented, massive, straight up and vertical expansion they claim to have … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Hagiography
Though there has been an "official L. Ron Hubbard biographer" since I first hired him in 1991, there is still no L. Ron Hubbard biography. "LRH biographer" or more often now "The Biographer", Dan Sherman spends his days penning prolix fluffery for David Miscavige to read from a teleprompter at his "international events" and Ideal Org ribbon yankings. Over the span of 25 years, the silver mullet and his team of biographical "researchers", headed by Andy Lenarcic, have gathered an enormous amount of information, photographs and artifacts about the life of L. Ron Hubbard. They have … [Read more...]
Shermanspeak Contest Winner
A little light-hearted entertainment for the weekend. As earlier mentioned in a comment -- a contest was launched to commemorate the annual IAS event to see who could produce the best Shermanspeak on the topic of scientology and the world today. Our winning entry is below. Dan should be proud. Throughout history, great writers have had an identifiable style -- from Shakespeare to Ernest Hemingway. Speechmakers too -- Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill come to mind. But it seems that though Sherman has developed a unique style, he follows in the tradition of another famous orator, … [Read more...]
The L. Ron Hubbard “Biographer”
Someone sent me a new promotion for the "L. Ron Hubbard Series" which prompted this post. Dan Sherman has been working on the "L. Ron Hubbard biography" for more than 25 years. Imagine anyone else getting away with no product for that long? And being paid handsomely to boot.... Sherman's problem is that he can NEVER produce an actual biography. He would have to omit so many things from the book to satisfy the condition that there be nothing negative included about Hubbard that it would be a running joke. Everyone who can use Google would tear it to pieces. A very cursory list of … [Read more...]