There is quite a lot to be gleaned from this FB post and the comments. First, and most obvious, these scientologists are apparently NOT at cause over their lives and are struggling financially. Second, their solution is NOT to "solve it with scientology." Haven't they read all the success stories from the people who listened to the ACCs and it totally changed their life/handled all their problems/ got them moving on the Bridge etc etc? Not going to be auditors who are cause over life? They didn't even take them out of the plastic wrappers. So many scientologists have been convinced to … [Read more...]
How to “Go OT”
They actually still promote this as if these words are absolute truth. And it happens repeatedly. If Hubbard said it, no matter when it was or how much transpired subsequently, they still present it as gospel truth. The last ACC lecture was in the early 1960's. So what "OT processes" is this referring to? The ones in Creation of Human Ability? The ones that were subsequently canceled (all "Creative Processing" was cancelled by Hubbard)? Certainly not the ones from the "OT Levels" that all scientologists know today as they had not been invented yet? Don't the people that write this stuff … [Read more...]
Scientology Math — the “International Review”
Some real "scientology math" at work here. They apparently sent a survey out to 47,565 email addresses they have. They got answers from 132 people internationally who have actually listened to all these ACCs. These are the people who listen to Hubbard lectures because they cannot afford to buy auditing. 13 of them reported they had completed their TRs and Objectives Co-Audit in the last year which was nearly twice as many as the 7 who had reported completing the year before. Thus -- a survey of 47,ooo proved that studying the ACCs doubles your speed of progress up the … [Read more...]