Not just scientology — the only path to Planetary Clearing?
Maybe NOI? Buddhism?
Columbus is back
With a Dianetics potluck. They’re really going to town celebrating the most important book in the history of mankind….
This is the “huge” Canada Ideal Org convention..
The one they held at the airport.
They had a penguin/dolphin/killer whale thingie…
A moose…
A few people — many appeared to be staff..
And of course, people on stilts wearing a hockey mask…
Talk about ideal.
Stellar wins?
They said psychiatry was going to be “obliterated” by 2000.
The ChanMan is going to tell everyone how to do it…
At Flag no less. You would think some of those Sea Org members would be more appropriate to address this topic?
How come this guy doesn’t join the Sea Org and become the “Ideal Orgs In Charge”? Obviously, if he did, all orgs would be ideal in a few weeks.
Bring Your Tough Questions
Where’s Shelly?
Why are all the ideal orgs empty and not paying their staff?
Where is OT IX and X?
The Over The Hill Gang
Bobby Wiggins is still going? Trying to get money for the IAS? He long since retired from Narconon.
Flag is sliding into boring mediocrity…
Offering a free dinner to try to get the “local community” to come in.
They can’t even get the PR Chief OSA or the D of T to speak — just their “deputies”
Dianetics “Event”
Wonder if this a potluck too?
Missed the photos of this guy…
He fit in with the stiltwalkers and furries I guess. A “street performer”
Kiddie Corner
Absolutely anything to try to get people to venture onto the property
Along with the produce is a swarm of bodyrouters and regges offering free personality tests and E-Meter demonstrations
Is this for real?
Admin Scale Seminar
Euphemism for “we need to sign you up on your next service before you leave this room.”
Thank Allah for L11
Alfraudie is on hand to help out
Yeah, sure thing
Those objectives are the miracle processes….
Oh, ask me, ask me…
It’s removing disembodied thetans that were blown up with hydrogen bombs in volcanos 75 million years ago.
“De bug” tech
Debbie’s obviously an expert on this — nobody in scientology has EVER spelled debug as two words.
The biggest event on the scientology calendar
Standing outside the convention with signs. It’s highly effective.
Doing the Purif Twice?
It didn’t work the first time?
So she just “decided” to do it again? Wowsa.
Another expert on “Massive Expansion”
Maybe he should just sign up as the ED of Chicago org and it would be SH Size overnight?
If this is SO vital, why isn’t he joining staff?
Unnamed “celebrity nutritionist” is speaking!
Either the nutritionist or the org is embarrassed to say his name?
Cheesy promo alert
Of course, back in the 70’s Vancouver org was a happening scene. Not really.
But their nostalgia for the accomplishments of 50 years ago tells you a lot about where they are at today.
More strange nostalgia for the good old days
“Unforgettable, aesthetic and historic”
Likely very forgettable. Maybe somewhat aesthetic. Definitely not historic.
More NOI moving up the Bridge
11 people? From the entire United Kingdom. They should have 11 a DAY…
I can’t even describe the awards and acknowledgements…
That’s weird.
But he could describe the need to DONATE NOW. Over and over. Tonight. Now.
Presumably these events, like pot lucks and things with celebrity guest cos the parishioners money?
In the UK, we always let people know its going to cost £5 to enter the world conker championships or cheese rolling festival, its only polite.
How much do these events cost for people to attend.
Thanks for clearing that up Mike. I will listen to it again and clear my MU’s so did I get it right this time.
Yes there’s nothing bashful about Ron.
So, is Jan Eastgate going to be in San Francisco to protest against psychiatry? Would a quick counter protest see the victims of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology shrivel away? In London, Anon arranging a counter protest was enough to make the Co$ stay away. Not my credit, but nice work!
Someone please tell me why, if being OT can be explained in a seminar I would need to go OT afterwards. OT is experiential, is it not? How can an experience be explained to someone so that they could really know and understand it, without t actually experiencing themselves experiencing it?
I’m pretty low on the Bridge – ARC Straightwire Release. I didn’t even go Clear. So what is OT? I certainly don’t know what it is. But I do know what it isn’t.
I could give a seminar on what OT isn’t.
It isn’t an operating state that 1) prevents a person from getting sick or getting extremely sick and/or from dying before one’s time, 2) prevent a person from becoming extremely “keyed in” and “misemotional”, as from my observations OTs do plenty of THAT: 3) prevent one all by itself just because one is OT from going HUGELY out-ethics on finance; 4) nor does it do much for ones’ ability to POSTULATE survival realities or 5) necessarily raise one’s CONFRONT – just the opposite, from what I’ve observed – OTs are quite rigid in the things they’ll they’ll read, listen to and say and will cut off communication very quickly that doesn’t toe the Hubbard line – OT’s have a dismally low confront of conflicting viewpoints.
Ok, these are generalities and don’t apply across the board to ALL OTs. My point is, if OTs have abilities that others don’t have, they’d have them anyway. Other factors contribute to remarkable abilities or insights, is my opinion.
OT lectures and seminars are the discussion of and the installation of a fantasy. In Scientology parlance they are one side of an implant. The other side comes with trying to put that fantasy into motion and attempting to attain the substance of the lies you were told. Pretty neat trick really, to get a person to trap themselves with their own desires, time and money. The ‘prison of belief’ is a very apt term for it.
ARC Straightwire is not a low position on the Scientology Bridge. You have a lot more common sense and sanity than any Clear or OT in the Church, you should really believe that. If anything, imo, the only benefits of the Scientology fantasy are found below the level of Clear. The carrot and the donkey of the Clear & OT sections presented by the Church of Scientology are very much the amplification of a trap and should be avoided completely.
Someone like Chan the Man is very much an example of a smiling assassin.
Yawn, thanks for explaining this in such clear detail. Understood on all except for one point you made, which that as an ARC SW release I would have “more common sense and sanity than any Clear or OT in the Church…”
This I don’t understand, because everyone on the OT levels has DONE the lower bridge and have gone Clear!
They HAVE that lower bridge auditing under their belts or else they wouldn’t be ALLOWED to go onto their OT levels.
Ergo, the obvious question is, what happens to all that “common sense and sanity” etc. once they go OT?
Obviously SOMETHING happens to it all, right?
I guess I’m just intensely curious about what (apparently) BLOTS OUT all those gains.
Particularly as regards communication. In my personal experience, OTs in good standing are (with a few exceptions) the LEAST able to communicate about ANYTHING that even SLIGHTLY smacks of criticism of COS. Whereas with all the lower bridge auditing under their belts they SHOULD I would think, be able to handle anything like this with ease. But no, just the opposite.
In my experience they (again most but not all, there have been exceptions) OTs will either fluff you off with a “non-answer” OR shut you right down with a warning t about “furthering enemy line”. THIS above ALL else remains beyond my comprehension. I didn’t even REACH Grade I (Communications Release) but even I know that the EP is to be able to communicate with anyone about any subject (paraphrased). I’m trying to understand: so they get this gain on the lower bridge and then, what? On the OT levels it gets…what’s the word…negated, made wrong? Reversed, blotted out, somehow? Because if it truly was an Ability Gained (and a marvelous one it would be indeed) how could anything (barring some drug or some physical body problem) blot it out? Any further clarification of this with regard to the OT levels and gains from auditing on the lower bridge would be vastly appreciated as I’ve been pondering this for a long time and coming up each time clueless 🙂
Yawn, I just re-read your post and I see now that my question was answered in the first 2 lines. The OT levels are on one side, the discussion of and the installation of an implant and on the other side deals with application, i.e, making manifest the fantasy that is the implant, or as you more aptly phrased it, “…trying to put that fantasy into motion and attempting to attain the substance of the lies you were told”.
Wow. An implant! I get it now, thanks. This has been puzzling me for a long time. Thanks very much.
I’m beginning to wonder about the mental acuity of $ci-ists.
Over and over they are taught how to disseminate their doctrine, but evidently they are too dense (or have the memory of a goldfish) to retain the
(Oh look a hockey player on stilts!)
How does one “overvome” ups?
The Market on Sunset flier…
are the food vendors really delicious?
More people probably worked on Michael Chan’s poster than showed up at the event!
Any idea what went on in the big valley org meeting?
My name is Nutritionist. Celebrity Nutritionist. Mr friends call me Celeb Nut.
Wait. Christie Lee Holbrooke in Melbourne actually says, “The Org Board is life itself.” WTF?
Michael Chan should join staff at Columbus Org (where he LIVES) and become the ED. This used to piss me off while I was there. Why wouldn’t he stay local and expand the org he’s RIGHT NEXT TO? Why does he traipse all over kingdom come? It was really hard to get him to speak at an event in Columbus, even though he is promoted on Scientology TV as living and working in Columbus. Now I understand that isn’t lucrative for him lin the slightest.
Katherine says “Now I understand that isn’t lucrative for him…”
You nailed it on the head. He’s an ‘elite’ FSM (see he’s a ‘staff’ member after all haha). He’s making dough from all those marks at Flag and everywhere else he goes. Mickiewicz better watch out the Chan man may be vying for the top spot. Chan is younger than Mickiewicz and I doubt highly that Mickiewicz watches out for his health. He thinks he will live forever.
After scanning the funnies, and then feeling, “such a waste of life as I saw that Jan Eastgate is still beating the drum, how sad.” Now I know what this song is about… Scientology fits.
“Dreamer” by Supertramp.
Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer
Well, can you put your hands in your head? Oh no!
I said, dreamer, you’re nothing but a dreamer
Well, can you put your hands in your head? Oh no!
I said, “Far out, what a day, a year, a life it is!”
You know, well, you know you had it comin’ to you
Now there’s not a lot I can do
Dreamer, you stupid little dreamer
So, now you put your head in your hands, oh no!
Dang it Mike! Did you have to lead with “Columbus is back”? Last Thursday I was SOOOOOO happy to see nothing from the ‘Central Ohio Org’. This week you just shoot me down, right out of the gate! I guess you SP’s really are trying to bring the world down. My world, anyway.
Re 10X above, maybe “Dr Berg” and Mr. Cardone has started a Joint venture. Also bring your Credit cards as they are experts in that area as well;-)
There is nothing left worth remarking on.
Is the Org Board and lvingness lecture anywhere online? After reading her success story about that I would listen to for entertainment.
That lecture is on YouTube. I’m following your lead and am listening to it purely for the entertainment value. Here’s the link:
Haha, let us know how far you get into it before going off and doing something better suited to your time, like a nice afternoon nap. I reckon you’ll last about 10 minutes, tops.
I have an hour commute to work both days so I might make it a little longer than that. I need to be careful though that I don’t fall asleep while I’m driving
I did listen to the entire thing. It was highly entertaining. If I understood what he was saying, according to him the lack of the org board is the reason that previous civilizations perished?
I also found it humorous when he said that people should be given refunds immediately if they request them. I wonder if they ever did actually do that.
He actually says it is the lack QUAL that caused the earlier civilizations perished after only 2 million years (I think it was — it’s been a long time). But in his infinite wisdom, he had discovered this omission, so scientology’s civilization will be eternal.
Nothing bashful about Ron.
Re: Columbus is back (“73rd Anniversary of Dianetics–The Bolt from the Blue”)
Anyone who honors L. Ron Hubbard as Source, as God or as a Saint, has not read “Bare-Faced Messiah,” by Russell Miller. Mr. Miller is British, thus the phrase, “Bare-Faced.” Once I looked that up in a dictionary, I concocted an Americanized subtitle to his book: “Big Fat Liar.”
The only “bolt” that came from anywhere is the one Hubbard jettisoned from his own butt almost every time he opened his mouth.
I’m not even halfway through the book as I have been spending time researching Miller’s claims– walking in his footsteps, so-to-speak. I can’t tell you just how much data exists at research facilities such as the Internet Archive, the Newspaper Archive and the Library of Congress that backs-up what Mr. Miller writes of Hubbard’s lies from, at least, 1930 to 1942 (that’s as far as I’ve gotten in the book).
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health is Scientology’s “original sin.”
(Mike, you’ve outdone yourself with today’s post, if not by volume alone.)
Adopt Scientology or else Terra will become like the planet Venus.
Pot Luck means they’re not providing the food.
As for Penguins, there’s my story Friends In High Places.
As for a moose, look up Space Moose yourself. (It’s a nasty cartoon series.)
As for dealing CCHR. (I’d better not say it, it’s pretty nasty.)
The flag of the United Kingdom involves several manifestations of the cross. Isn’t Christianity supposed to be false?
(Soapbox Mode)
The Scientology organization is too large for American citizens to go Skidmore on it. (For those too young to remember look up Skidmore, Missouri or Ken Rex McElroy on Youtube or Wikipedia.)
(/Soapbox Mode)