Of course, Chicago is the main thing happening in the world of scientology right now, so a substantial percentage of the outpouring of promotional items relates to Chicago. The desperation to try to get a single org manned with enough people to fill it's unnecessary building is quite a sight to behold. The entire scientology organizational structure is focused on this and they cannot get it done -- what about "Clearing the Planet" if this is such a tough assignment.... I'm not including everything concerning Chicago because it's terribly repetitive, but I have included a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Wandering Wick Wore out his welcome in Melbourne. Now in his homeland creating big effects... Yawn. I guess he has been officially put out to pasture. He probably has a medical condition the SO doesn't want to pay for so they sent him back to NZ to take advantage of the free healthcare for citizens. What does it take? Just some crazy wigs and an LRH quote it seems. Oh, and your money. Graduation for Human Rights Day? Not enough graduates for a graduation. Not enough dones for an event about Human Rights. I know, let's put them … [Read more...]