Of course, Chicago is the main thing happening in the world of scientology right now, so a substantial percentage of the outpouring of promotional items relates to Chicago. The desperation to try to get a single org manned with enough people to fill it’s unnecessary building is quite a sight to behold. The entire scientology organizational structure is focused on this and they cannot get it done — what about “Clearing the Planet” if this is such a tough assignment….
I’m not including everything concerning Chicago because it’s terribly repetitive, but I have included a sample.
We kick things off with our favorite GO SP…
Cause your future as a Clear and OT…
At the clubhouse in Normandy Park Oaks?
Buffalo Bill
Why did you go to Austin? You know the FIRST ideal org is in Buffalo and it is failing miserably?
Truth in advertising
What you see in this image is what every ideal org academy ACTUALLY looks like.
Not one has 200 students, or even 100 students or even 10 students. They are empty.
Couldn’t fill Ruth Eckerd Hall
So they held the biggest celebrations of the year in the Flag auditorium.
Oh yeah, one of the top booksellers…
You know Hubbard says books make booms. And everyone can see how booming the Columbus org is….
Hold the phones.
Get this, she has personally sold “over 100s” of books.
The ever modest Ron
But you gotta pay to hear it — even though Ron himself said “the work was free, keep it so.” (though he didn’t mean that)
But it costs more to get into the bingo game…
Kiddie Corner
Join the elite
Wait til your payroll checks and then let us know how “elite” you feel
The Lions
Flag training for people who are new scientologists?
Apparently not élite or lion, just a kid
Yep, the best team on the planet
Once this thing finally opens, will be interesting to see if he is still there a month later
The team that’s bringing Book One to ALL Ohioans
Just look at those little shots of 3 or 4 people in red shirts. All Ohioans?
Learn about why people don’t like you
This one should be good.
Breaking up families.
Bankrupting people.
The list could go on…
Delphi Academy
Nothing to do with scientology…
A virtual dancing event?
Wonder if they are getting heat for even alluding to Dancing With The Stars and thus the SP Leah Remini?
Seems like an odd choice?
In the courtyard
Oh how things have dwindled…
Specialized Mental Health Training??
They don’t want to say the word scientology?
The gift he most wanted on his birthday?
NOT an empty building with a ribbon it
The courtyard at AOSHEU and now Lebanon Hall
Lebanon Hall holds 150 people at MOST.
Alexis needs some briefing
Melbourne Org is a Patron Meritorious?
How the hell does this work?
If they’re giving money to the IAS instead of paying their staff, I bet there are a few unhappy peeps

It’s big news, but it’s not what you think…
We have still NOT found a building.
But it IS what you think this event is for. Getting your money…
Confirmation of the above…
Wrapping up some preparations
Translation: trying to find money
It’s comical to behold the delusionary “thinking” behind getting 216 scientologists into a single room at a single org, let alone on a more-than-once in a lifetime basis. To make the postulate even more impossible, one far away from LA or Clearwater.
After all, this number would represent almost 1.1% of the entire contingent this “church” manages to eke out GLOBALLY.
Arte Maren –
“Learn how to correctly estimate and execute your efforts to speed up your progress on the bridge.”
Should read: “Learn how to correctly estimate and execute your efforts to speed up how to empty your bank accounts and credit cards on your progress to being bankrupt.”
Booksellers –
Angela the Public contact Secretary and …gasp… sales of “…100’s of books…” reminded me of a bit of 1982’s Whoops Apocalypse.
Everything else is the same monotonous offal they keep churning out week after week after…
Kiddie Corner always gives me the creeps.
I laughed at the promo for forking over fifteen dollars to listen to an LRH lecture. Probably one of those stupid Classics lectures that come individually packaged. How many people know that you could probably buy the damn thing for that much and listen to it over and over?
Not that I would recommend that but………….
Buffalo Bill, ya dumb schmuck,
There are indeed “thousands” of students across the street from the Church of Scientology Austin but they are not YOUR students and never will be. They are University of Texas at Austin students who live on their phones and do internet searches on everything and as such will never set one foot into one of Miscavige’s El Floppo El Stinko Ideal Morgues.
Much love,
Ground Hog Day religion.
Day after day for decades now, the same repeating message, over and over. The only stat that occurs that truly & honestly represents Scientology is ‘people lost’. Empty Academies says it all.
They truly are stupid people not to realize their communication is toxic & falls on deaf ears. Their reputation is in the garbage.
Anyone sane and capable is long, long gone from their ranks.
@ Yawn,
Its all about “being right”.
Its been going on too long with them now.
If they stopped, they’d have to admit being wrong.
And they can’t be wrong; its too painful for them.
They’ve been behind this thing for too many years.
Being wrong about it is just not confrontable for them.
As a reward for all the years, they must at least be right about it.
That it IS going to work.
If only they try hard enough, push hard enough, sacrifice enough, etc. etc.
And so they go on, year in and year out, allowing themselves to be fleeced.
Being fleeced is painful and they hate it and they hate having to pretend that they love it.
But as painful as it is to be continually contributing and getting nothing back, it is still less painful than admitting that they’re wrong and have been wrong and fools all along.
That’s just my own theory.
Yes, nicely said, but it more than just a theory. They have built their own ‘prison of belief,’ as it has been written about quite astutely some time ago.
If it wasn’t so desperate with holding people literally incarcerated away from their own families and their prior life it would almost be comical, but one of the easiest things to do from an outside perspective is to make a Scientologist wrong. Their own dismal statistics and repetitive unsuccessful actions for decades is evidence enough, but has all but killed their off the last of their own humanity in that organisation. I hate to say this, but they resemble rodents in a cage, creating a miserable but oh such a busy a life in an ever decreasing and degenerating space. It must suffocating in there. Yet, it is only through a criminal conspiracy that they are there at all.
These lyrics in Eyes Wired Shut by Edgewater sum up the individual CofS Scientologist’s aspirations pretty well imo,
“I’ve thrown away
Thrown away again the fear of failing
I’ve thrown away
Thrown away again the noise that make me sane
Thrown away the chance to make it right
I wanna be, I wanna see, I wanna make it back to me!”
Got it! Talk about “Complexity and Confront”, right? 🙂
A day late and a dollar short on sending ministers to Turkey.
More recruiting promo to make it seem safe to go into the water.
But by far the saddest and most repulsive still has to be the exploitation of the kids. God help the kids.
I was going to write the exact same thing! How can anyone with an internet connection still join? And bring the kids??!?!?
They really do create a bubble. Nothing but fake good news is allowed. Buzz words like expansion exciting best ever all mesmerizing words for the followers. Cognitive dissonance is the result!
I remember when Artie went to jail, the LA orgs made him out as a martyr. I read the LA Times and got quite the different story. Reality is in the eyes of the beholder.
We get about 6 pieces of promo from Chicago in our mail every couple of days. The Freedom mag arrives too. The influx of this junk has increased over the last two months and shows me just how desperate the cult has become. And besides, we’re about 600 miles away! Why would we trek it? Duh!
I don’t get anything from Nashville Org!
Then again, they don’t have my current address!
Oh, I love being an ADDUNK!
Interesting reading on forced arbitration in contracts.
Very interesting.
Yes indeed. Interesting the Dept of Labor seeks to get mandatory arbitration voided.
Hope Mike can find a way to share the news with Bixler, et al.