Our Israeli Special Correspondent sent in this report. In light of events in Joburg, it seemed particularly appropriate to hear how things are going in Haifa.
It’s been a little over a year since Dror Center of Haifa, Israel left the Church of Scientology. Their departure in July 2012 made big news and was reported by Marty Rathbun and here.
DrorCenter left ‘en masse’ following the ‘declare’ of Tami and Dani Lemberger, the founders of DrorCenter. Their story was covered in the media, by Tony Ortega and by the leading Israeli newspaper, Haaretz.
I visited the Dror Center and was greeted by Dani Lemberger, Managing Partner of Dror, on Nov. 7th who was friendly and willing to share with us their news.
Q. How has this past year been?
DL: A rocket ride! Frightening at times, but quite an adventure. After 20 years of being ‘safe and stable’ we were out on our own. Maybe like a prisoner who is released from jail and finds himself lost on the streets, no one telling him what to do, having to figure things out for himself.
Immediately after we left, OSA stooges in Israel and abroad launched a vicious attack to intimidate our staff and public. Sadly enough, about ten of our public left us. From about 50 public we dropped to about 40 people on lines. I felt sorry for those who left because I knew they caved in to terror. They will never receive the friendship they had here and will not be able to go up the Bridge, like I believed then we will be able to deliver at Dror.
Q. What actions did you take to guarantee your survival?
DL: We quickly took actions to stabilize the activity and get back to servicing our public. We realized we need materials and training to be able to keep our promise to deliver the full Bridge including the ‘Advanced Levels’ – Clear, OT III, NOTs and beyond.
We were helped generously by many and in September 2012, we hosted Claudio Lugli who trained us on NOTs and we began delivery of this level. (See: “Claudio Lugli in Israel”)
In March 2013, Silvia Llorens spent a month here. Silvia crammed our tech team thoroughly on delivery of NOTs and on the Solo Auditor NOTs Course. (See: Silvia Llorens at Dror)
This effort was capped in July 2013 when we traveled to the US to train further. We spent time with Greta Alexander, Mary & Frankie Freeman, Gary Webber and other stellar Tech specialists. We can now deliver Power processes, the Alternate Route to Clear, the Integrity Program, Super Power and the ‘Original OT Levels’, OT IV to OT VIII. ” (See: “Grand Tour of the Indies 2013”)
Q. Is Dror ‘self-sufficient’ now or do you still work with these specialists?
DL: Both. We have all the know-how and materials we need but constantly help others and consult with our friends, Indie auditors around the world. KSW point One, “Having the Correct Technology”, is being worked on daily, to ensure we have LRH’s entire Tech to perfection.
Q. Can you share with us your key stats since leaving the Church?
DL: Sure. Here’s a graph we just put together for the past 20 months, March 2012 to October 2013.
Dani shows me the graph and explains, Before we left, we had about 50 people on lines, in May 2012 we serviced 51 individuals receiving auditing and students in training …
Q. “People on lines” means what, how do you measure this?
DL: Very simple, it’s the number of people who were on service that month, on course or in auditing.
Q. Could the same person be on course and on auditing? Then he’s counted twice?
DL: No way! We encourage all our public to get auditing and to train. Ron said half the gains are from training and on the OT levels you must have the best auditor possible – yourself. To go OT you must be a perfect auditor. An individual is counted once for this statistic. It’s a stat of number of individuals who are on lines, were serviced here that month.
Q. Got it. Let’s look further.
DL: OK, we left in early July 2012. We then had a rapid drop as some people left and others stayed away after being threatened by the CoS. We hit bottom in October ’12 with a low of 33 public on lines.
Since then you can see a steady increase of people on our lines. Already in November we rebounded to 44. Throughout 2013 there’s a steady increase, Normal, maybe even a slight Affluence. You can even tilt the graph a bit and see it’s actually ‘straight up and vertical’, says Dani laughing.
Q. Who are the people coming for services now?
DL: Soon after leaving the CoS, those who dropped off our lines were promptly ‘replaced’ by veteran Scientologists who’d left the Church over the years and were glad they can go up the Bridge again. This flow is continuing but is not our major action….
Q. Hold on, why are these people coming?
DL: Well, they’ve done services at the CoS years ago. They know the Tech works, they want to go Clear and OT but without suffering the gross out-tech and arbitraries rampant in Miscavige’s tyranny. You can see many of these guys on the AFSI web-site, although most is in Hebrew.
DL: The Association of Free Scientologists Israel, which was formed by some local ‘indies’. They have a site, http://www.scnil.org/english. They’re helping us.
Q. So what is your major action?
DL: “Our most important activity has always been getting new people on lines. That is, getting the broad public familiar with Ron’s philosophy and reaching for introductory services. When they’ve had some wins, they start moving up the Bridge. This has been our major activity for over 20 years.”
Q. Then what’s changed?
DL: This is the most important point! Prior to leaving, we could hardly get new people to start services. When they found out Dror Center was part of the ‘Church of Scientology’, they refused to get on lines. They had heard of Scientology being a dangerous cult and kept away.
Since leaving, we are getting new people to start on lines like never before. We now have 3-4 new people starting every month. They’re staying and winning and telling their friends about Dror and Ron’s Tech. It’s finally happening like Ron intended. It’s fun and satisfying like it’s not been for 20 years of being under the church’s oppression!
You can see we had 49 people on lines in October ‘13, highest since leaving and this is steadily rising.
Q. Who’s getting the work done?
DL: I contribute by not interfering, Dani jokes, I let the staff do their job. We have four great auditors, Tami, Aviv, Dima and Carmela. They’re all highly trained and have progressed rapidly since we left. They apply 100% Standard Tech while caring for the individual. There’s no arbitraries, no additives, nothing weird enforced. Their pc’s love them and bring their friends and relatives.
Q. Any other technical breakthroughs this the past year?
DL: Yes. We’ve helped AFSI (Assoc of Free Scientologists) research the Bridge. They’ve found out that what the CoS presents as the “Bridge to Total Freedom” is a hoax. Not what Ron designed! AFSI have put together the true Bridge as created by Ron and will soon publish it for all to use.
Q. So this “Technical Perfection” that you are proud of, does it show in actual progress up the Bridge for your public?
Absolutely, in the last few months we’ve had six public attest Clear, each one a wonderful success story. Here they are:
We have pc’s having wins on Life Repair, the Grades and all the way to the top. There’s currently two pre-OT’s auditing at home on Solo NOTs. They’ll soon be joined by a third Solo NOTs’er. Many more are moving up the Bridge to Clear and on the OT Levels, while others are training in our academy.
Q. Plans?
DL: Yes, exciting news. November 15th we start a Solo Auditor Course ‘training camp’ of 10 days. More than 15 students will participate full-time. The idea is to get a large group of our Clears through the Solo Auditor Course so they can then move on their OT Levels.
We continue to service and train, new people are coming. Ron’s vision is materializing undisturbed. Scientology is fun again.
Q. So what have you learnt this past year?
DL: Scientology is a win for all when done correctly. The stable datum was always Standard Tech, caring for the individual and excellent service. This we do daily and our public sees it and is grateful for it. Exchange in abundance, flowing both ways.
Q. Thank you for sharing with us.
DL: Thank you for listening and for being interested.
Dani, since reading about you and your announcement for the very first time, I need to tell you of the profound effect it has had on me personally.
Each time you submit an article, or a response to someone else’s, you convey an excitement, an enthusiasm, along with it. It is palpable, I FEEL it, have seen the light-hearted, though serious intent being with Silvia Llorens in your video.
And so it is, for me. You bring a timelessness, of spiritual search, and joy, at having found
the REAL treasure, that is way, way beyond earthly wealth, and yearnings.
I feel those exact same emotions and words are totally inadequate to describe that deep spiritual discovery, that has given true meaning and purpose to existence.
Over twenty years of watching the decimation of my local Durban Org, which was a fun-filled happy place where one could grow with other beings, who had made the self same discovery. It was affordable then. The ethics were mild, and one’s awareness just rocketed in an unencumbered, encouraging atmosphere. Education, became a welcoming, instead of
arduous subject, for the man (or woman) – off- the – street!
You have brought back that excitement, I am thrilled at what you have accomplished. You will be seeing me one of these days. It will be an honor to meet you personally.
ML, to you & Tami.
Being totally OUT while, at the same time, picking up the best of your experience and expanding it into the original dream, must be giving you the ride of your lives. What an heroic journey! And thank you for sharing the experience, the learning and the wins. After reading it all, DM seems such a tiny creature, in physical stature as well as his role in life.
Well done, you guys! I was in a very successful mission in the 70’s with 90 staff. Believe me, you can do it. We went from 12 staff to 90 in only 3 years, before the whole attack of the mission chains went down.
What astounds me, and I would like to hear your thoughts on this, is that you can fully operate there without having been closed down by the little man. With all of the blowhard bullying about copyrights, they haven’t tried to have you shut down? Is there any insight you can give to others who might be thinking about starting their own “mission” outside the Church of DM?
Thanks in advance and thanks for what you’re doing for people there and here.
PS: If you haven’t connected with Haydn yet, he’s a great tech terminal who is studying the history and how it should be.
Thank you for sharing Really lovely to see the wins.
Interesting. Since, thanks to the “church”, in the general publics mind the word scientology is synonymous with so many nasty things, the fact that they have uptrending states over any period of time is a MIRACLE. Truly. They absolutley MUST be delivering something of value and attracting by word of mouth. Don’t change a thing, and that includes being independent. Congratulations
Absolutely Great ! Dror is the place!
After wondering yesterday if life really does get better when you cut ties with RCS, I see this 🙂
There are things that make me a non-person in the RCS, and if you practice KSW indiscriminately will make me the same at Dror. Regardless, well done on flourishing and delivering what you promise.
Maybe the 70s aren’t a distant memory, after all.
For me, they never have been. Take heart! 🙂
Dror Center is the place
where you can have fun and be safe;
To have great wins and not worry about a thing;
To have sunny days and a great beach
while the state of Clear and OT can be easily reached.
So don’t Q & A forever,
pick up the phone and let’s be together
Nice! Thank you, Ouri:)
Dror Center sounds like a true model org,
the real “Ideal Org”.
This report inspires and gives me hope.
Thank you Dani and Tami.
Thanks for posting this Mike.
It’s very theta.
Almost like the good ol’days when Scientology was fun and not so serious.
My best wishes for the Dror Center and all the staff and public there.
Mazel Tov!
I love your nick. Says much of what I’ve felt. There was a time when it was not only FUN, but also produced some pretty superlative results. I’m inutterably happy that the FUN has returned, along with good tech from the Indie system.
For me, the Mission debacle was the major turning point, but the rot had set in long before. Maybe it was there all along? I noted some out points as early as the mid 60s, but the wins tended to overwhelm the niggling sense that all was not right. I can recall reading something which had come down the lines (can’t remember whether it was green on white or something else) which said that LRH could no longer be chitted. No one I’ve met or spoken with seems to have ever seen it, but I remember it clearly, thinking “there goes the ball game.” He’d set himself up to be faultless and unwilling to look at any errors he might have made, deliberately or otherwise. No human failings? No faulty judgements? How could that be? (Then MSH couldn’t be chitted, then the GO became sacrosanct..and now we’re stuck with a Perfect Midget!)
Of course, that couldn’t be, and the multi decades parade of books and articles detailing LRH’s failings, along with the specific proof of same, have displayed his Achilles heel. But I still focus on the positives and possibilities inherent in the tech. And, bringing it all down to my own reality, I got what I came for. And now, under the burgeoning Indie system, many others can sincerely hope to achieve all they are seeking. Bravo!
Super Well Done Dror Center!!!
To all of you who read this important and beautiful post, please note: It is all true!!
But I am sorry, it is not the whole truth. Far from it! Correspondents, ha… what do they know? How deep do they understand their own stories? And Dani my friend, well, he (and the others) put this place there, sure, but he is not receiving services in his own center… him and Tami had to suffer under the CoS yoke all the way, brave souls! No, no, to grok this whole Dror thing you need an inside dude who is a public there, getting services on a daily basis, auditing and studying for a long period of time. Someone
who is fussy and very sensitive having suffered huge downfalls in all sorts of Meccas and Saintly Hills….That’s right, ME, I am that guy, adding the inside tale. I have been with Dror as Indies right from their Indie start. If I had to sum it in a few words, it would be: Happiness, joy, truth, peace, love, care, deep breath, integrity, being right, Home coming. And…FUN FUN FUN. The likes of Chaplin, Marx brothers and…worse…Ha.
It is so simple: come grow, learn, transcend if you wish, as you wish, when you wish. Nothing forced. No clouds no heavy dark ridges or ghosts floating in the corridors, peeping from Ethics offices or RTC chrome type auras. Nop. Sorry. Niente, Nada, not here. The Tech? Yes it is here. Must be. Dani says it is standard, sure, it seems so.
I am not the best of experts on that. But it is never enforced! This is crucial. Whenever I think any part of it sucks or not true to me, I am not sent to Ethics, (I wouldn’t know where to go anyway), but I am given a genuine smile and a truly open discussion, until a true understanding is reached, and work can resume. And it has been so every time. Freedom, at long last.
I read in many blogs recently vicious invalidations on anything to do with the subject, by former Scientologists. It makes me sad. They refer to the Tech wrongly and suppressively practiced. Had they done it the Dror way, or any quality Indie way, they surely would have changed much of their concepts. I have no doubt. It is a point difficult to believe until tried… I know. Scnt is a tool, so to get starry eyed fanatic about a tool is…foolish. The day I discover a better tool, I’ll take it, any day. THIS IS EXACTLY THE MEANING OF SCIENTOLOGY. But until/if that happens, I enjoy and grow and rejoice with it. And you know, doing it that way, integration with society and other “truth seekers” is a daily routine and is so nice and easy! I get much respect, because I give it fully too, and to be right I don’t need anybody else to be wrong, and when I tell some Buddhist friends some wins, their eyes glow and they wish to hear more. And tell me more too. Is this the way to paradise? It sure feels great.
To complete my inside story here are 2 recent wins after NOTS auditing day at Dror, written spontaneously:
Auditing on NOTS 4.10.2013 – as an Indie: free, full ARC no “agendas” but help/love/respect.
What a week I’ve had, incredible! An intensive auditing week…hard and complex work.
Not all is easy on that level. But every time, I came better and stronger.
Yes, the greater the difficulty, the greater the happiness in overcoming.
I’ve written before about this amazing, crazy, interesting, charming, lunatic, and enchanting level. And this kind of things repeat over and over. And now and then, after confronting and releasing necessary elements, a great and enchanting miracle occurs: connecting to an inside deep flowing, clear spring of pure bliss, happiness, and great love. The heart opens up, and the spirit, me, grows and overflows. And the happiness, yes, yes, that happiness deep inside, about which poets write great poems, and legends and hair-raising tales are told, describing attempts to obtain it through dangerous journeys to mounts of doom or through spells by the witch from the dark forest…but in the end everybody knows it is the inner bliss of being oneself.
Who is a Warrior and a Hero? One who conquers himself. I discover territories in me, huge, fertile, flourishing, and most important Loving, and I give up alien ones, pretending to be mine but are not such at all. Ones which I don’t really want, but can and need to let go.
And so, more and more peace treaties are signed within me, and war declarations dumped away, to happy cheers and beautiful, colorful fireworks. And I really like this process of peace and Love, and am continuing with it. Because there is much more work. And much more peace. And an ocean of Love. Thanks Ron, how the hell did you discover and do this? Huge thanks to the witch from the room up there in the clouds,
at Dror Center, Tami Lemberger!! Well, white fairy, rather…Her will to help, enormous knowledge, ability, and above all a vast Love for people and beings, are spells which nothing can resist.
Happy, full of Love, for all of you.
Or this:
Auditing on NOTS 27.10.2013 – as an Indie:
On the mental, spiritual level, apart from the many wins I have had recently, as a spirit – this is important – I realize that I am becoming more and more tolerant, relaxed, less argumentative, less “needing to be right”. These are important things and I am proud of them. And I need these kind of wins. For years I have not been tolerant enough, too argument happy, and over needing to be right. The reasons for these shifts:
* This wonderful auditing: which peels more and more layers and phobias and nonsense and other vegetables, which do not belong to me, but which I bought and even paid for.
* The fact that I feel good, more and more: this automatically gives more space to those around me, and makes me truly wishing them well too.
* The work as an Indie: This is a very very important element, especially for me, on the whole subject of patience and tolerance and accepting others no matter what. This was a problematic area in the CoS and its way, also under part of Ron’s Policy to which I object, namely, that we know it all and others are Zero. Doesn’t work. And wonder of wonders, suddenly people are listening to me more and more, and respect and appreciate much more. Because I explain mainly by Being, and setting example
and granting beingness…and I am not a foreign body in any group of people but a part of it. So much Funnnnn too! Reminds me of the saying: “Endless patience, brings immediate results…”
Deep Thanks to my auditor and the incredible team work we do, the like of which I have never encountered before. To my charming C/S too – thank you both for working exclusively for ME, I understand this and it I am deeply touched. and thanks to all this Indie group which create this atmosphere of truth and freedom. Cheers to you all.
These were the wins, just 2 of many.
Thanks to my C/S, Claudio Lugli, what a wonderful person, him and Renata, a great example how Indies, people, can combine, cooperate and help. love you guys. Thanks Marty, always, for being brave and wise where it counts. Thanks Dani for creating dror like a mgician, and fighting for what was true to hum, thanks Tami, great auditor and being, the smiling sun of Dror, 366 days a year, thanks the team, it is just nice to be there with each one of you. I mean REALLY nice. And last but not least thank you so much Mike Rinder, for this fantastic blog, for posting this story and for the brave, wise and noble being that you are. With people of that magnitude and caliber, this breed of giants, there is hope. Oh yes, I have no doubt we will win…!
This is awesome news. It’ll be interesting to come back to this in a year and get a new report. Big things are going to happen in the next year.
Dani & Tami,
I remember when I saw you guys in Israel at the Malka’s in Beer Sheva. I am very happy you have done so well. Love to you both!
Dani and Tami,
Hello, you beautiful, helpful people! I am so glad to hear this great news about Dror.
TEAM DROR, I salute you!
Congratulations Dani and Tami and each one of you over there in Isreal who are making things happen to help people as we know we can. I look forward to the day when I can visit your beautiful create. A timely post indeed Mike. I suspect S. AF. will be having a similar update for us soon. I’m still gobsmacked by how many OTs went down in cob’s cofs dramatization of Nazi warfare.
You guys/gals are looking so happy.
Wonderful to hear the good news and the stats are looking great as well.
It’s the REAL Scientology!
Dani, you said something very important. You LET the staff do their jobs. Seems like a hell
of a successful action 🙂
Thank you for the wonderful news and update. Congratulations to all of you. How refreshing it is to see REAL statistics that actually mean something and reflect some production. Imagine that – students trained and pcs audited. What a concept!
The price and achievement of freedom in full fledge,looking forward to visit Dror center in the near future to rekindle the failed purpose of going up the bridge and it’s not exactly around the corner from where I live in New Jersey
Hi Ori. Our red carpet is ready for you, although I know you have better ones in stock:)
Do you adhere to all views postulated in book 1 ?
This was such a great story to read! Congratulations to the staff of Dror on their courage and insistence on doing it right. Their stats prove it. And it was great to hear about others helping them in training and cramming so they can get even better at it.
Thanks also to Mike for this interview and bringing the news to this blog. Does my heart good to hear about a calm, happy and peaceful setting in which real Standard Tech can be delivered.
Thank you for sending Rebecca in for the interview. She was lovely (hope Tami doesn’t read this), attentive and interested.
Tami’s greatest attribute has always been an eagerness to learn. Now that we are free, there are so many friends we can work with and learn from. We have been helped by tens of people, I just cannot list them all. Tens of super-intelligent, highly-dedicated, totally-loyal followers of Ron Hubbard.
People who’ve seen the Tech does work and just want to apply it for the fun and benefit of the individual in front of them.
It’s so simple, how could it have been so terribly screwed up?
It’s being put right now.
I’m deeply indebted to the Dror team (greatest group I’ve ever had the honor to be a part of), our public who stuck with us and trusted us in rough times and our hundreds of friends world-wide.
Dani and Tami, you are amazing! a role model. I am so happy to work with you for over 17 years and to learn so much from you and pass it to others. I love you!
Hey Miscavige – looks like we got the first Ideal Org!
I hope that Dror people are reading this… I’m very curious: In Dror, do you use the latest publications by the CofS for training? The new editions of “The Basics”, the big CD packs, the previously-unreleased lectures? (I’m not actually sure that they are previously-unreleased; RTC says so, but I don’t know the whole backstory.) Or do you only use the older materials?
I’d love to get to know you, so please write directly to the Dror e-mail.
We use all LRH materials that are genuine and correct. We’ve done a lot of research and have consulted with top Tech terminals, so I think we have it right.
Congratulaions to Tami, Dani and all of you guys at the Dror Center.
You are a beacon of sanity in a troubled world.
Scientology is still alive and is being delivered standardly because of you!!!
For us has been and is a pleasure and an honor to work with you.
The sky is the limit!!!!
Claudio & Renata
Claudio i Renata,
The two weeks with you here were a turning point in our personal lives and in the future of Dror.
Your courage and personal integrity is a model for us.
Love, Dani
there is life after life …and they seems to be better when you are free
There is life after life …and they seems better when you free!
The Dror Center is an amazing place, they have an amazing trech team and an amazing atmosphere ! Thanks to all Dror Center staff for helping me to set up a new Indie Scientology practice in Tel Aviv! I love you all ! <3
We’re proud of you and your help is of immense value. There’s big news coming from you soon. Good luck, Dani
It is really nice to read such good news. We need many more groups like this!!!
Danke viel, wir haben spass hilfen leute zum ereichen freiheit!
I think my German sucks but thank you your support. We are definitely playing the best game possible, Dani
Hello beautiful people! When I heard that Dror liberated itself, I was so excited. I think this is a great model for the future. Modest sized orgs that can deliver proper tech and care to each person. The ones that are delivering will thrive and keep their own money. Excellent job or organizing yourselves to do everything properly….I love it! Stop by for a home cooked meal any time!
Love you guys! Dora
Dearest Dora and Joe,
And I’ve always been wondering who Hallie Jane was. The mystery is finally off!
We had a great time with you, lunch was delicious. We actually learnt a lot too, a big MU handled for me when you told us of doing the Bridge at AOLA in the 1970’s.
Yes, we will for sure see you in Summer 2014.
Do well and thank you for the friendship and support, Dani
As Dani said, we had a rocket ride. On one hand, leaving the CoS as a group made it easier. On the other hand, much more force was used against us in terms of turning “friends” against us. No question we made the right thing. Actually, we saw no other option when we started to “open our eyes”. I wish the South Africans to thrive now as a free and brave Scientologists.
I want to thank Dani and Tami for always setting a good example, for leading us by always being in the front lines and creating a better future for us, staff and public of Dror Center.
Many thanks for all of you, on the comm lines of the Scientology world (the fringe of the internet…), especially those who give the platform, like you, Mike Rinder.
You were in this right from the start and it could not happen without you. We have the greatest team around, and we prove it daily.
We’re having fun daily and even making a living from it. Sounds like an “Ideal Org” to me.
Love you, Dani
“MAKING A LIVING FROM IT”!! That is huge, and that is key.
Yes, I agree. Years ago after I comp’ed the Data Series, for my own edification I did my own multiple sit eval on the Why for the shrinkage I had been observing in my own org, and what I found it to be was staff pay, lack of a living wage. Here was the Why which handled all the other Whys. Then I cognited that what applied to my org would certainly apply to other Class V orgs as well.
A truly awesome story. Thank you everyone at Dror for your very significant contributions and for helping to show the true path for others.
It is so exciting what the Dror Center is doing! There are and have been other individuals and groups delivering the incomparable gains of true Scientology, and they are to be highly commended too. BUT the Dror Center stands out as a church entity that as a group had the courage to break away from the church. And by trend, they are already showing that they can and will surpass what they were capable of when under the yoke of the CoS. What an example and precedent they have set!
And what an example Claudio and Silvia and the others who helped have set. It is a forecast that Independents in the field can and will come to the aid of other church organizations who decide to do the same. The truth will spread, like LRH said it would:
“Now, all disturbance and chaos folds up in the teeth of truth…Don’t ever try to stop truth. That’s the only thing that can go through sixteen-inch armor plate.” (“Scientology Zero” 10 Dec 63)
Thank you, Mike, for helping to spread the word.
Hello Marildi,
Thank you for your generous words, what you say is spot on. Hemi tells me you are in comm, you are welcome to visit us.
We have the greatest team possible, the IUI (Indies United Int’l !!!)
You are right, we will even overcome the disturbance and chaos created by Miscavige.
All the best, Dani
Thank you, Dani!
Yes, Hemi has made it very real to me what your group is all about. The whole thrust is for the students and pc’s to be winning. And it’s clear that Hemi is very much winning!
Another thing I’m very impressed – and inspired – about is that staff and public can talk about ANYTHING, including questions or doubts regarding even the tech or Ron himself. And they can have their own opinions, read whatever they want on the internet, whatever books, talk about “other practices,” etc. I hear you can even joke around and not be considered a joker and degrader, OMG 😉
Thank you soooo much for getting the ball rolling and demonstrating that it can be done.
Love to you all,
marildi 🙂
Hi there, Marildi, nice comment, and so true.
May be you got carried away a bit here:
“Another thing I’m very impressed – and inspired – about is that staff and public can talk about ANYTHING…”
Oh no, not anything, sorry. I think we find it very difficult to natter for example. No, not the CoS view of every fault observation as natter. I mean the real natter, going on & on about how something is bad or wrong, that with good confront and ability and ARC one can correct easily. I find this kind of complaining a bit difficult to do in Dror… Being enthusiastic victim is another activity not easily done here, usually. As I said, not “anything”. But you are right, it is still allowed, so we can work on it in future… (For any literal thinking minds – just kidding..!)
Cheers, Hemi
Sorry for the exaggeration. 😉
Two of the most theta people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
I’m so happy that you guys are now free to deliver real help, in a caring environment and can move people up the bridge all the way without the incessant interference and arbitraries.
Wishing you the best, always.
Les Warren
Modest me is humbled by your kind words. And these words describe you and Anita perfectly well too.
It is so good to know others are at it at the other end of the world. And the more of us the better and stronger it gets.
Thanks for the friendship, Dani
This is great news…very inspirational…
Very, very cool to see. Congratulations, all at Dror! This is probably more production than any Class V Org in the world.
Thank you for what you’re doing. Materials you’ve put together are on daily use with huge wins.
Your wisdom and caring shines through, Dani
Les and I are so proud of Dani and Tami! Thank you, Mike, for posting this! This is great news!
Anita, we love you!
It was inspirational seeing what you & Les and your buddies are doing. We’ve been at it for a long time but now have certainty this can be done by so many of us, anywhere.
Give my warm regards to the crew, Dani
Great success and well done on creating an environment where actual Scientology can be delivered as it was intended/
Thanks, Mike
Mazel Tov!
This is such good news. I hope you become a model for many other groups.
Great news! Thanks.
On a slightly different subject, I just read Mike’s article about the New Meter that DM has been holding back on delivering. When I heard that the smartest and brightest SO members were put on that project and that after DM got what he wanted of them, he suppressed them and they are all gone now, it made my blood boil. He sleep deprived them to get the project done on time and then never delivered it, let it sit in ware houses for 9 years. Here is why sleep deprivation is so very bad and suppressive and life threatening. To read complete article go to this link:
The Nighttime Mistake That Can Leave Your Brain ‘Dirty’ and Clogged with Toxins sleep brain detoxification
Your brain has a waste management system much like your lymphatic system. Your brain cells even shrink 60% to allow cerebral spinal fluid to flush away wastes and amyloid proteins that form Alzheimer’s plaque. Make this mistake at night and lose 90% of this critical cleanup action…
Thanks Jane….this is actually huge in the “philosophy” of the RCS. Sleeping, or resting when your body is telling you it’s really tired, has come to be considered “body Q&A,” meaning that you are letting your body be in charge of you as a spiritual being instead of you being in charge of it.
HOWEVER, this is completely nuts even per many of LRH’s references. It’s a comment or one rule or policy of his taken to the extreme to support suppression of the staff, terrorize them and get them to keep working or even worse, just to demonstrate how you can control people into doing things that harm them personally. It has been taken out of context and used in a completely opposite way.
Your body is a complex machine of chemical reactions firing off 24/7. It’s no big news that if some of the things needed for the proper reactions are no longer supplied, other things in the body start to suffer. It’s gradual, so you don’t notice it right away. Later, after some time of this abuse, you wonder why something feels bad or why you feel sick or why you can’t think. Duuuh.
This is when your senior or some other higher-up tells you to quit Q&Aing with your body (letting your body be in charge of you instead of making it do what you….or they…want it to be doing) and makes you stay awake even more and keep working. Telling you in a demeaning or terrorizing manner that you have 2 hours to get such-and-such done or you’re dead meat, so that you’re scared out of feeling what your body is telling you and you stay up and do the work. Then it happens all over again and you still don’t get any sleep.
I believe, also from reading Dr. Mercola’s vast library of sensible information about the body and health (and other doctors), that it can be reversed and anyone who feels they were affected by this method of “employee management” can undo any harm they may still feel is lingering around.
I remember one day one of DM’s newer assistants came into my office and offered some of us some herbs to help us stay bright and awake. Healthy stuff, not a drug. I forget what it was now. She didn’t come around again–probably got told not to do that or help us. He knows what he’s doing is bad–he has a staff who finds out all kinds of healthy things for him to eat and do to keep him up and running. He takes precautions himself and cares not one teeny bit for the crew who are succumbing to this kind of treatment.
Jane Doe & Gato Rojo.
Sleep deprivation is not just a quirk of DM obsessive personality. It is a key tool in Mind Control, and even torture. It is done with the full intention to turn you into a robot, docile and under the control of the Operators.
The mechanism of sleep deprivation, as well as that of a continuously present dangerous environment, fully activates the reactive mind, and puts the person under the control of the operator.
LRH covered this very well in DMSMH & his articles on Black Dianetics.
Gato Rojo. Yes, your comments on the necessity of sleep to good health and the consequences of not getting sufficient sleep is quite apt. The operating basis in the SO long ago became to assign everything the utmost urgency and importance and to throw sleep out the window as unnecessary for a thetan in charge. I am sure the overall consequences for the SO and Scientology of just this bit of suppressive stupidity have been huge. God knows how many serious health problems, accidents, mistakes, poor judgments, and serious consequences of a permanently degraded operational capacity have emanated from just that one thing. While this type of operating basis has been going on for many years at Int, and at the ILO and Cont levels, it hit a new level with the advent of the Basics “evolution” (devolution really) in 2007 with almost all crew in all SO orgs made to work close to 24/7 on crush selling Basics. I really got full reality on the health consequences of such a destructive operating basis at the time. That was when I knew that if I didn’t want to experience a shortened lifetime beset by debilitating health (physical and mental) issues, with a premature demise as a reward, that I better get the hell out of Dodge.
Glad you did get the hell out of Dodge Sad State of Affairs. Yes sleep deprivation is a big deal, bigger than any of us give it credit for. I remember in one of the books I read, maybe it was Marc Headley’s, “Blown for Good,” he states that because of sleep deprivation, someone in an anaten state in the carpentry unit sawed off part of his hand and had a huge accident with a table saw.
Gato Rojo, Thank you for your response. Also sleep deprivation is a form of torture used in war and I think it was made illegal in some big council or something. But Davie keeps torturing his people. They are easier to control when they are hungry and tired (improperly fed and sleep deprived.) LRH even talks about the importance of sleep and food in the book, “E Meter Essentials”. He says that a body starved will pull energy from any source it can… from the bank it will bring up engrams and put them in restim to feed on the energy from the engrams since it can’t produce its own energy because it is tired or hungry or both. And you’re right that Davie doesn’t deprive himself of sleep. He even sends SO members at Int out to the freeway to flag down drivers to tell them to drive slower or something so that he can sleep. (That was a story in one of the books or blogs where Davie was upset by the street noise of cars driving by, so he had two SO members lose their own sleep to go out and wave down cars to go slower etc.)
Dani and Tammi, VVVWD on your very upstat and thriving Org there in Israel. Your tireless rounding up of suppressed tech, making sure it is all standard as LRH wrote it and your training and cramming of your tech terminals, all of this is so wonderful to hear about. What bright lights you all are!
Full of joy, happy, public wining, trained auditors, Clears, excellent auditors, great leadership. What else can you ask? Nothing. Terrific job Dani, Tami and their team. VWD!!!
Thank you, Silvia. You have a great part in it. We learnt a lot from you. ML, Aviv
You are totally a part of our success, then and now.
Your courage in stepping out and speaking up has inspired many. Your mastery of the Tech is invaluable.
Thank you for being part of the team, Dani
Congratulations on creating a successful Model Org.
With that acknowledgement I also would like to include a caution. When you expand to a certain point (Staff + Public = 150) , you must create a new group. This “Rule of 150” is called “Dunbar’s Number” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar's_number
This rule is also well illustrated in Malcolm Gladwell’s seminal book “The Tipping Point”.
Please read up on this subject and avoid the pitfalls of “getting too big” while still being able to expand.
Thank you for the support and the warning. We’re still a long ways from there, the 150 mark.
I will read up on it, Dani
Does the Center have an email address? I was unable to find one on the net.
Sure. it’s [email protected]
Thanks for the ack, Dani. I have been reading some sociological and epidemiology texts lately and have seen some patterns that govern human behavior that we should use – even as we strive to evolve as spiritual beings.
That is an amazing success.
Well…maybe not so amazing knowing how the cult was pulling you down. But I am really impressed how you have recreated a benevolent center giving wins using LRH tech minus the insanity. Perfect!!