This week we talk to Australian investigative journalist, Steve Cannane.
You can listen to the podcast here:
Steve has reported extensively on scientology in Australia, breaking a number of stories of victims of abuse over the past decade:
His reporting prompted him to write a book, very appropriately entitled Fair Game. This is the definitive history of scientology in Australia. But events in Australia have had a huge impact on scientology around the world. Much of the policies on dealing with enemies and attacks grew out of the Victorian government inquiry and subsequent banning of scientology in the early 1960’s. The formation of the Guardian’s Office can be directly traced to this. And it all arose because of Hubbard’s stubborn insistence not to give a refund to a single dissatisfied customer in Melbourne. So too much of the attitude towards the press — Rupert Murdoch was one of the first media barons to go after scientology (his empire began in my home town of Adelaide — Murdoch literally lived half a mile down the road from where I grew up).
Steve also covers Hubbard’s time in Australia during the war, and Julian Assange and Wikileaks exposure of scientology documents. And Nicole Kidman and Russell Crow and James Packer… There is a lot.
Here is a link to Steve’s excellent book, Fair Game.
We also discuss Janis Gillham/Grady’s books, Commodore’s Messenger Part 1
and Commodore’s Messenger Part 2
Steve also mentions the excellent 4 Corners show by Quentin McDermott called the Ex-files.
Most fascinating and informative podcast this week.I have nothing but the deepest sympathy for all the former Scientologists attempting to get their lives together without being stalked and harassed constantly.I applaud Nicole Kidman for leaving when she did and am very sorry she has no positive contact with the children she had with Tom Cruise.As for Mr.Cruise,I would give anything to hear a certified psychiatrist dissect him.But most of all my heart goes out to all the innocent victims of child abuse while in the organization.Keep exposing this wicked cult,Leah and Mike.You rock!
This was such a great interview!! I just loved listening to Steve and how much he knows, it is quite astounding. His book is one of the best that I have read and was very eye opening, even for me……Thanks for having him on. I cannot wait to hear these podcasts every Tuesday morning, they are just terrific. Thanks so much for what you guys are continuing to do Leah & Mike.
O/T. Florida Scientologist Trish Duggan becomes huge Trump donor
Politico: Florida Scientologist becomes huge Trump donor
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TALLAHASSEE — Trish Duggan, a wealthy Florida Scientologist, has become one of the GOP’s top donors, including giving $4 million alone to a pro-Donald Trump super PAC, campaign finance records show.
Duggan and a trust in her name have each given $2 million to America First Action, the biggest Trump-aligned super PAC of the 2020 cycle. The group has spent more than $40 million on TV ads and airtime reservations so far this cycle in key swing states, including Florida.
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More from the Politico story.
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Beyond the $4 million to the pro-Trump super PAC, Duggan this cycle has also given $589,600 to Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee helping the president’s campaign raise money, and $45,000 to the Republican National Committee.
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Love, love, love your podcast! I can hardly wait each week for the new episode! Keep it going!
Steve Cannane could make my grocery list sound fascinating.
They’ve all been good but this is my favorite of all of your podcasts.
What an excellent show.
Janis Grady. Jeff and I listened to it together.
I was wondering how I could attach Rupert Murdoch tweets
and I found a work around.
Click here ~~
O/T to be sure but I just read a news item and if it is true, it will be another wonderful hot poker stuck up you know who’s ass …
Apparently the TV Sci/Fi show “The Boys” is planning on doing an expose on this criminal cult in their 2nd season. Their first season had quite a lot of interesting story lines and events and so the second season should get a good amount of viewership.
That’s great Skyler. It seems like the fear of the cult isn’t what it used to be. There’s strength in numbers and the numbers are stacking up against the cult.
I’ve read Steve’s book and had the pleasure/honor of meeting him and being DD/chauffeur after dinner one night at HowdyCon in Denver, CO. He is such a down-to-earth, funny and quit witted person. The journalism work he’s done and things he’s seen and reported are intense. Like Mike, Tony, Leah, the Headleys, etc. he has family and loved ones to think about when taking the risk in speaking out from an incredible platform on co$ abuses. As a never-in, he doesn’t have the same personal stake, so his motivation genuinely comes from a place of caring about those negatively impacted and the injustice that they’ve gotten away with such blatant wrongdoing. If you haven’t read it or think because he focuses on the rise of co$ in Australia it may not be interesting or just familiar stories you’ve heard – this book is a MUST READ! Focusing on AU-specific history, there’s much detail many may not have and it is intriguing to see the lengths the “church” took in a country that saw one state actually outlaw scientology altogether for a time.
Janis Gilham-Grady’s books are very different in tone and structure than SC’s “Fair Game” and Her books are also absolute Must-Reads!!! If you are unfamiliar with her story, she got in as a young girl, became one of LRH’s Commodore’s Messenger, working directly with LRH until he went into hiding. Hearing her story from the perspectives of the young girl, teen and later through adulthood is powerful. She’s someone who saw LRH warts and all, yet believed in what she was doing. Her mother Yvonne Gilham/Jentzsch (yes, once married to Heber, the disappeared public face and president through much of the heyday) and the story of losing her mom, how LRH treated her from infatuation to his indignation that she wouldn’t acquiesce… There is SO much to her story and many familiar names. It also dovetails perfectly, as Steve C’s “Fair Game” is the first time she spoke out publicly and shared info. So her book follows his detailed overview through personal stories by taking a deep dive.
This book sheds much light on the emergence, seemingly out of nowhere, of this unknown “leader,” young David Miscavige.
Sorry for the novel here, guys! Just think the world of these two and know anyone interested enough to be reading here will likely love these books!
Hey Jennyfurrr (with the 3 r’s) (I never before noticed the 3 r’s) but as far as I’m concerned, the more r’s the better … and the more novels the better too! I always enjoy your posts because, unlike me, you usually make a solid point with your long posts.
Aw thanks Sky – I read a lot so tend to explain in (verbose) stories. The 3r’s is a kinda wink to my being long and drawn out probably too often. Lol
PS – Saw your post about The Boys above and that made my day. Adult son just got me watching 1st season and they’re skillfully scathing, so it’ll be quite fun to see their take on co$.
Hey Jennyfurrr,
I wote a post to you a few hours ago and I think I cancelled it but I hope that if I did not cancel it, Mike will delete whichever of these two posts he prefers to delete.
I just wanted to tell you that IMO, there is no need for you to say you are sorry for the “novel” because other people (almost always myself) make longer posts than you and mine often ramble while your posts have something good to say and make a good point. Best wishes to you Jennyfurrr.
I agree with Skyler I enjoy long posts as well. I’m never a TL:DR person I usually always read the entire posts especially here.
Thanks to you both. I know there can be a time and a place and like most, I get a little passionate here and tend to over-explain. But I’m glad I don’t drive you nuts with my wordy posts! I’ve learnt so much from people here and I like commenters (like you both) who ask questions and have strong opinions. Just a neat community of people not afraid to debate and learn.
O/T. Tying together some recent stories
Yesterday, Tony Ortega posted a story about the proposed dormitory for staff at the Church of Scientology of Kansas City:
Today, Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad posted that the Peace Rides have started in Kansas City.
The Peace Rides are an activity of United in Peace (UIP). UIP is a front-group of both the Nation of Islam and The Way to Happiness (TWTH). TWTH is a front-group for the Church of Scientology. Thus, I have characterized UIP as a front-group of a front-group.
Having said all of that, in recent months, perhaps up to a year or more, the Peace Rides have largely stopped using TWTH branding online and in event photos. Nonetheless, the UIP website continues to offer TWTH booklets on their Peace Materials page, along with The Million Man Match Pledge.
Also, in his story about the COS recruitment event starring Minister Tony Muhammad and skateboarder Aaron Kyro, Tony Ortega reported that Minister Tony Muhammad said Ideal Orgs provide a safe base of operations and their staffs provide the supplies for the efforts by him, UIP and the NOI:
Tony Ortega also recently reported that in her book Joy Villa said UIP is a charity that she supports:
The Church of Scientology is a nasty, disgusting and despicable cult.
That’s putting it mildly, Formost:
“The Church of Scientology is a nasty, disgusting and despicable cult.”
Calling it a cult somewhat supports their assertions of being a ‘religion’, a falsehood in my experience. IIRC, it was in ’74 when NY suddenly got busy importing Catholic icons to make them seem like a ‘church’. Other than everyone having to immediately do their bogus “minister’s Course”, nothing at all changed for we who were public.
The Church of Scientology is a nasty, disgusting and despicable destructive cult
There, fixed it for ya
Coming off as intransigent, inhuman and sociopathic Pod People from Outer Space has done little to help their case. They show the ugliest & ruthless side of mankind. $cientology is it’s own worst enemy. LRH’s policies reflect his own flawed, hapless and mean-spirited crushing views of humanity. Not something sustainable as their cruel methods and methodology is exposed.
Last verse of Robert Burns’ famous poem “To a Louse”. About a fine lady with an unfortunate insect infestation in her bonnet. That she can’t see and doesn’t notice.
For more modern English-speakers:
We can see the faults, they can’t. It would break their calcinated brains to even try.
To us:
To them:
To us:
To them:
Dauntless, Defiant and Resolute
To us:
sociopathic pod people from Outer Space
To them:
the most ethical organization on Earth and the last hope of mankind, Training Routines fully in
This is classic. I think it needs to be preserved somewhere. Perhaps in a section “famous quotes by important people”…
To us:
To them:
To us:
To them:
Dauntless, Defiant and Resolute
To us:
sociopathic pod people from Outer Space
To them:
the most ethical organization on Earth and the last hope of mankind, Training Routines fully in
In truth, they’re not superhuman, but aspiring to be sub-human, incapable of experiencing the full range and beauty of human emotions, the ‘perfect’ “Auditor”, according to Hubbard’s writings.
Funny how that goes. The staunchest followers of Nietzsche’s “Ubermensch” idea, the overman or superman theory, seem to end up being the least human of all.
They say they have to leave some of the inherently human weaknesses behind, and they always choose the wrong ones.
Like B F Skinner’s “Beyond Freedom and Dignity”, they transcend freedom and dignity in order to justify slavery and degradation. Skinner was famous for his “skinner box”, used to make animals of ordinary folks using so-called “behavioral modification”.
Sorry guys, you have quite a bit of self-examination to do to become fully human. The incredible panoply of “simple basic humanity” is far beyond your ken.
It all goes back to the basic Satanic lie from Genesis 3:4-5:
These guys are always promising Nancy Cartwright’s dream of god-hood, but delivering degradation, slavery and insanity instead. It is inevitable, since to become fully human you have to embrace humanity. When you reject parts of it to “reach for the stars” you always end up deeper in the mud. It would be funny to watch if it were not for the very real human wreckage that it leaves behind.
Steve Cannane and his producers and news organization are heroes. I am happy that Jan Eastgate is again being called out. Too bad her criminal case was thrown out. I guess that the victims shown here can’t sue in Australia. That sucks.
So many crimes and so few real prosecutions.
That’s the most disturbing thing of all – that this vile organization keeps getting away with it. I get so mad at the “justice systems” that continue to allow groups like this to do damage.
Mary Kahn observed:
“That’s the most disturbing thing of all – that this vile organization keeps getting away with it. I get so mad at the “justice systems” that continue to allow groups like this to do damage.”
Patience, Mary. You’ve real reasons to be upset at Der Dwarfenführer, but the Constitution makes it difficult to move against any asserting that they’re a religion, even when it’s obvious to any rational person that they ain’t nothing of the kind.
No it doesn’t. I could form a group and declare ourselves a religion. What “makes it difficult” is the power given to the church of scientology by the IRS granting it 501c3 religious status, something that didn’t even exist when the Constitution was enacted. This “granting” (and a dereliction of duty by the IRS and DOJ) gave the church of scientology enough money and therefore power to operate like an organized crime syndicate and intimate individuals, news agencies, gov’t agencies, etc., into submission.
Yeah, Mary, that 501C(3) IRS capitulation sure supercharged Davey’s ability to salt away gobs of money and use it for anything he wanted, since everything he does is “religious”, even the top-flight booze and the exclusive SCUBA trips. Even fixing up his buddy’s hanger was ecclesiastical by his definition, even if by no one else.
Yes indeed, Jere!
As a matter of fact, they are actually the OPPOSITE of a religion. I have never before heard of something that could be called the OPPOSITE of a religion. But if there is such a thing, this scam would be it – fer sure!
Oh there must be a way to stamp out this piece of shit. Perhaps if we could somehow fit it into a brown paper bag and then light it on fire and place it on a neighbor’s doorstep, the answer would reveal itself. But I cannot conceive of any way to do that and so, until such a way is made clear, I remain stuck. But it cannot be anything other than a real piece of shit. Yes, indeed!
Skyler named scn as [the]”OPPOSITE of a religion”:
I understand your meaning, even though DM & Co. use a considerably different definition of the term to describe their enterprise’s actions. As others have observed, by their understanding of the term, the Mafia would fall within the definition they swear by.
I am curious if/how Scientology is Fair Gaming the Tampa Bay times right now because they are writing about Scientology a lot lately. Maybe you could do a podcast with their chief editor.
Unfortunately they have had a long history of not being willing to talk about this publicly. It’s just been an institutional decision. But it’s a good idea and I may try again.
Perhaps Tracey McManus would be a good interview. She’s been the most courageous of the lot recently, and done a good job avoiding charges scientology has probably leveled against her in their “freedumb” rag ‘exposes’ of her…. In other words, the legalistic “reasonable person” would find that she said nothing but the truth and avoided all inferences that she objected to any ‘religion’, just the effects of the organization’s actions, past and continuing.
So much child abuse in this so-called cherch
So much abuse of everyone, GrumpyCat: child, elder, public, staff, and neighbors. At least they’re consistent, even if it’s consistently cray-cray.
I care less about non-child-abuse (I do care but a lot less). Adults are free to make their choices however misguided.
There’s no way children should be subject to this kind of mental and physical abuse. It’s a whole other level of magnitude
true, children should particularly be protected from the abuse and brainwashing the organization calling itself scientology puts all its “members” through. Kids should be allowed to safely enjoy the benefits of being children as they learn the basic rules of society and the world, not what scn calls an education(the ‘basic’ courses of scn). The Amish have it right: children shouldn’t be “enrolled” in the religion by their parents. They can only be baptized into the sect after they’ve attained the age of consent, by which time, they’ve got a good 9 or 10 years’ study of the basic required courses
scn’s misguided idea of an education is brainwashing them into agreement with the tenets of scientology, nothing that’s useful in the real world unless they’re going to be sociopathic sales-persons. I DID run into a boss who would have made a fine ED or other top-level “manager” in scn. Arbitrary, capricious, and often spiteful. We never learned any of the rules until AFTER we’d been told we violated them, IF then..