This is not going to make the grade.
It’s almost sad to think these poor deluded people in one of the absolute forgotten, backwater scientology organizations are holding a bake sale to try to get an ideal org (and it’s not even IN Aarhus, but at AOSHEU because there are only a handful of scientologists in Aarhus itself).
It’s like some kids with lemonade stand raising money to buy a house in Beverly Hills.
After 20 years of the ideal org program, they’re just now getting going on Aarhus…
Cause over life?
Wow. This is pathetic like alot of what Scientology does to get money. I’m not sure why i think this is the most pathetic way Scientologists can get money for Scientology.
Chosing a small outfit like Arhus fits the bill somehow.
In Sweden Malmo was turned into an idle morgue – Malmo being the smallest of the three Swedish orgs. Stockholm org was and probably still has the largest number of members. Goteborg being second.
In Germany Munich was always the biggest org – back in the 70’s it had more than 200 staff. But no, Hamburg got a new shell first. Next should have been Munich. But no, it had to be Berlin – because in the 90’s the German government moved from Bonn to Berlin. Yet Berlin was the tiniest of all orgs with somewhere around 10 staff – some of them part time. Next Stuttgart became a morgue so as to somehow punish Munich.
And Zurich has always been the largest org in Switzerland. Yet Basel was turned into a idle morgue first.
Go figure!
In any case, Miskiewicz has transformed the core business from ‘religious services’ to real estate and in the process has acquired a large portfolio of luxury premises.
When I was still at the EU CLO, I remember that Aarhus was never an org that shone. It was one of those low-voltage ones that just kept going out of inertia. In fact, if on Thursdays some stats had a peak, they would send a query to the org to confirm or find out if it was an error. Moreover, the field was less active than a geriatric ward after 10pm. Don’t think it as changed. If I’m not mistaken, both DKDay and DK Fdn, along with Copenhagen org, were merged into one ( but not certain 100%). Surely someone gave a talking-to to the CLO because an org close to them wasn’t doing well, and with only 2 orgs to make ideal ,they would be an ideal country.
So why AOSHEU? Because Aarhus, not having a field, surely their idea is to ask for money to the public of the AO and DK.
It always amuses me how, in the real world, the term “Ideal church” sounds incredibly stupid.
What would people think if Catholics had “Ideal cathedrals” or Muslims had “Ideal mosques”?
The deluded are incapable of recognizing absurdity.
More sugar – just what a Scio needs in all its psychotic wonder. Splurge on it, getting worse or making others get worse isn’t in a staff member’s vernacular. We’ve taken your money, your family, your life, your future & your hopes and dreams – now we want your teeth!
I dunno, Mike. If they employee Golden Age of Baking tech, they might have brownies worth $1,000 a pop.
I see a few tables loaded with el cheapo (loaded with sugar and fat and delicious chemical flavours and colours) store bought cakes being sold for extortionate prices. That is unless the serf sheepbots don’t grab it first.
One is left to wonder what L. Ron Hubbard would think of his faux religion at this point. LOL.
I imagine his greedy piggy little eyes would be agog at the thought of the hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and property that makes up the cherch today. He would thinking along the lines of, “Fuck the sheepbots, just let me at all the hoarded goodies.”
Surely the Danish can do better with baked goods than what is depicted in the bake sale poster. Those offerings look like something that might be at a bake sale in the Midwestern US. Sad. The thing that might make the attendees feel better would be Hash Brownies. That would be a win for the ‘org’ too. They could get all of the marks regged for the ‘purification rundown’* and ‘drug rundown’ and rake in some cash actually delivering scientology services. It must be emphasized that anyone doing one of the ‘rundowns’ will surely feel rundown. That is about all the cult can deliver. Some things never change.
*Sins will be paid for by taking mega-doses of niacin, slurping All-Blend Oil, choking down ice cold glasses of Cal-Gag and baking for hours upon end in a dingy sauna.
mark = informal in the U.S. A person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of. Publicly the cult refers to them as parishioners.
Ugh agreed- these poor deluded people. All because Devil Davy needs shiny things. A waste of time, effort, money, and energy. More BS, the sad norm for Scamitology.
If we have any anti Scn protestors there, we should print up the LRH reference on “Solve it With Scientology.” And highlight the quote about don’t have bake sales, etc. Then plaster it all over the place where the SO workers are sure to see it and read it. It may come as a shock to them that LRH said that. Because Davey has made it hard to get any references to read at all. He took all the Red Vols out of the course rooms, then the green vols; he disbanded the Briefing Course and the Class 8 Course. I don’t even know if he disbanded the Class IV Auditor Course. Anyone know about that? But definitely let everyone know he said not to have bake sales.