This is a new list of IAS “Field Disseminators” — which translates into non-Sea Org fundraisers or “registrars” as they are called in scientology.
There are some interesting names on here. From the scientologists who own companies that employ other scientologists (like Bridgeforth and Cummins) to the IAS “Freedom Medal Winners” who are then sent out to tour the world to reg for the IAS. Those are circled in red — and I may have missed a few as the names are no longer all familiar to me.
These are the people that are making the highest amount of commission from the IAS. They are literally making a living by getting others to give money to the IAS.
Here is a recent example of one the “Freedom Medal Winners” now out trying to make money off his “fame.”
There is one other name that is especially interesting, the serial photo-bomber Joy Villa.
She also just showed up with a crazy video promoting the NRA as a champion of women’s rights (her tortured logic to get herself promoted by the NRA on this basis is quite something) at CPAC. She is unwelcome in a lot of the Trumpverse because of her accusations against Corey Lewandowski, but weaseled into the NRA good graces it seems… These days apparently the NRA is hard up if Joy Villa is the best celebrity endorsement they can catch.
Someone should clue the NRA in that Joy also supported Obama and Hillary Clinton when it got her some exposure, and her entire shtick is to get herself onto “comm lines” that she can try to use to benefit scientology. She, like all scientologists, is a scientologist FIRST and a “conservative” and “NRA supporter” second.
But she is also a shill for the IAS — translating her “celebrity” into dollars by persuading others to give money to the biggest scam in scientology.
A brief peruse of Pomerantz’s imdb tells us what a fraud he is.
He still likes to promote himself as a big shot actor who’s rubbed shoulders with the likes of ‘Bob’ Duvall (but doesn’t drop the most obvious name of course because, I’m guessing, there’d be repercussions) and yet his imdb is remarkably devoid of much acting work over the last 20 odd years.
To compensate this it’s been nebulously padded out with his work at Gold.
It’s always struck me as odd that in all this time he’s been unable to ‘pull in’ a major role in anything in decades.
This in spite of all the Bridge progress he’s made and being ‘buddies’ with arguably one of the biggest movie stars (and producer) on the planet (who you’d have thought would have thrown him a bone by now if he actually liked him or thought him good enough).
Aside from him and Michael Roberts, why are there are no other ‘big’ names using their considerable celebrity to champion the IAS such as Juliette Lewis, Michael Pena, Giovani Ribisi or Jenna Elfman for example? Perhaps because they don’t need to?
Let’s play devil’s advocate and imagine Pomerantz got the big breakthrough role he’s no doubt been dreaming of since forever and all of a sudden people outside of scientology actually start to recognize him – is he going to continue schlepping around brow-beating others for his commission whilst feigning some noble mission? I seriously doubt it. They should have a new status for the likes of him – Patron Hypocriticus. Though I suspect he’d prefer the Maserati.
Most actor members’ IMDB profiles aren’t very impressive, plus it seems they typically show a downward trend with greater involvement in Scientology, which I suspect both saps the time they need to be developing their craft such as doing stage work (like TC’s Oscar-winning ex Nicole), and ends up hampering their emotional range after too much auditing and processing. In particular, those who were once successful at all, tend to stop receiving major recognition of their acting skills such as Oscars and Emmys, no longer even being nominated.
And the other actors we see promoting themselves on flyers, which presumably are covert recruiting efforts by Scientology, don’t show up as being any more successful at getting work or more importantly actually furthering their careers, than Pomerantz.
I do suspect that a couple of members whose names we might recognize, but who are perhaps now not getting much work and are hard up for money, may be FSMing and just not showing up here, either because they are promoting things other than the IAS, or because they’re using their celebrity privilege to ask not to be listed and revealed as money-grubbers.
My point was rather to highlight Pomerantz’s motives than his threadbare imdb profile, but yes, if that’s a similar pattern on other member’s profiles it perhaps does beg the question why more haven’t followed suit, given the potential financial rewards. Maybe it’s simply down to personal moral compasses.
The money grubber fundraisers will never be able to see the error of their ways.
Hubbard at least for a brief moment at the end of his life admitted failure.
Too bad the whole rest of the movement never got that message, that Hubbard had doubts, and had admitted failure.
Chuck:”Too bad the whole rest of the movement never got that message, that Hubbard had doubts, and had admitted failure.”
Of course, WE got the message — and got OUT. That’s a START, and likely to help infect those still in IF they ever get the balls to look their cult up in the real world. Every person moved from “in” to “out” weakens DM’s position and hastens scientology’s being relegated to the junk pile of failed cults.
You’re right, I loathe President Trump and though I vote Democratic now I come from a long and i do mean LONG line of stalwart traditional Republicans and I understand and respect the principles of personal responsibility they’ve always officially espoused.
That said, I’ll make a deal with you 🙂 PROVE that Trump has spoken out about the Church of Scientology’s forced abortions, in his State of The Union Address or ANYWHERE, and I’ll vote for him in 2020, and THAT’S a promise!
“Child drugging and torture in the guise of therapy are just a few of the psychiatric abuses in today’s world”
BUT… we won’t mentioned the sexual abuse, child labour, rape, children are just “small adults”, suicides etc etc etc the we, the CoS, believe are natural and normal and part of our belief system and culture.
WOW! Just WOW! The end cannot come soon enough for this evil, wicked organization. And I truly hope that those in charge spend long days and nights fighting off “boyfriends” in some prison somewhere!
How does Eduardo Galan manage to be a whale disseminator for Venezuela? I assume that he’s no longer based in that country.
Dmitry Martyntsev is a guy who regged me to buy ias life membership 9 years ago. He is constantly in the org working with new public. His face is even on the first page of scientology russian language website.
Isn’t IAS Grubber Megan Fialkoff’s father a wealthy dentist who also shills for the cult? According to Tony O’s articles on her over the years she has to be pushing 40 by now. Time to get serious about grubbing. Time to contribute to the motion of bankrupting her fellow Scientologists to enrich Miscavige’s already endlessly rich coffers, because possibly Dear Ole Dad is tired of her grubbing off HIM Ah, these Scientology “kids”…gotta love them. So well trained to do…nothing. God help them when one day they get faced with the necessity of having to actually work for a living in WogWorld.
I wouldn’t put one fucking DIME towards anything scientology related however I have taken a dump on a free copy of Dianetics and also burned a photo of L Ron Hubbard I printed off the Web and then pissed on the ashes. I’d post photos here if I could ?
P.S. By the way … I just re-watched the episode of Aftermath from Season 2 with the Hedleys. One of my most favorite episodes – despite the heavy tears when Clair explained what she had to endure due to these low-lift bastards from the S.O. who demanded she get an abortion. Why? Well, because she got pregnant, of course.
Some tiny decision that took them a split second. But it was like sinking a knife into her heart. I just hope and pray that if there is a God in this world, that Karmic Justice will pevail and that knife will get turned around and used to punish those bastards who who would do such a thing to an innocent woman like Clair. Can you imagine? Forcing an innocent to terminate a life – for the simple reason that it was alive. Every time I think that over in my mind, I just want to wreak unspeakable vengeance on those Asshole Fuckers who would do such a thing.
I once lived with a lady for a time and I got a sense of the pain and misery that women suffer for the rest of their lives whenever they undergo an abortion. It pains them every single day for the rest of their lives. Not a single day goes by in which they remain pain free. Can you imagine? From a Karmic perspective, that is one huge F’ing bill that will be coming due to those “creatures” that were responsible for twisting her arm and forcing her to get an abortion. Very few men every realize the level and depth of the pain women suffer when they are forced to undergo an abortion.
Mike, I’m sorry for all the typos in my recent posts. But for some reason I don’t understand your blog no longer affords me the opportunity to edit my post after I submit it.
It’s back!!! (Or it was on my last post) I’m ecstatic! Although now I have no way to dismiss my typos, so….ummmm, maybe not so great after all
I agree 100% that episode was one of the best, but bothered me the most…sweet Clare…And believe me Karma IS a bitch, and it’s headed straight to the co$.
“These are the people that are making the highest amount of commission from the IAS. They are literally making a living by getting others to give money to the IAS.”
Really? Does that make them “parasites”? Oh, wait. No! They must be much worse than parasites.
In the past, I would have spent a few minutes trying to decide just what they really are. But now a days, I have come to the point where it just no longer is worth any of my time to try and figure out just what the Hell is wrong with them. It must be something like what was wrong with people in Nazi Germany who would “rat out” their neighbors to the Gestapo in order to get a few extra lumps of sausage on their ration cards each month.
Hey, have you all heard what song, by request, Joy always sings when she’s alone with “da boss”? … “Stormy” … all money paid to her by the RNC as entertainment expense …
🙂 Joe.
Wait a minute, where is ChanMan? Surely he’s raking in the dough?
Matt and Kathy Feshbach with Super Powers got Super Spanked by a Bankruptcy Judge for filing Bankruptcy after living a lavish lifestyle and donation but loads of cash to ? ? cientology.
They can’t make their postulates sticks in a courtroom? Their OT are failing.
Joy Villa is supposedly “pro-life.” It takes a lot of cognitive dissonance to be pro-life and a Scientologist at the same time. Sea Org members are routinely encouraged to get abortions. She is just an extreme opportunist and she really stands for absolutely nothing.
You know … I get the feeling that your must be very satiric because people who are pro-life would never go along with all the forced abortions that the Sea Org demands of its female members.
Maybe it’s just because I’ve been watching some previous seasons of Aftermath where Mike and Leah talk with some of the ladies (The episode with The Hedleys really punched a hole in my heart – tremendously powerful episdoe). If I didn’t quit believe that I could really HATE, HATE, HATE these fuckers (the execs of the Sea Org who demand that female members get abortions so that they do not lose any money they could have brought in by working), I now remember that I really do and really can HATE those fuckers for demanding ladies get abortions. Dirty rotten lousy SockSuckers! (I’m trying to use a more moderate form of the curse word). All you have to do is look into Clair Hedley’s eyes when she talks about being forced to get an abortion and you will “know” the pain she suffers every day and I cannot imagine how anyone could ever “forgive and forget” the dirty rotten Sock Suckers in the SO who forced her to get an abortion and forced so many other ladies to likewise get abortions so they would not miss the opportunity to bring a few pennies into The Scam’s bank account. Talk about murder! They forced these ladies to get abortions just for the sake of getting a few more pennies. My rage and hatred will not permit me to complete this post. What bunch of fucking filthy rotten murderers! Talk about HATE. I HATE all these fuckers that forced Clair to go through this misery. Oh Fuck!
Skyler, I hear you, but clue me in on one pro-life organization that has called CO$ out publicly on its forced abortions. Wait, there WAS one pastor in Florida who did – I forget his name. But the Evangelicals who vote Republican as a block – 80% – a huge voting block for the pro-life anti-abortion movement – what have their LEADERS (not individuals with no voice, I mean LEADERS) to date ever said publicly against Scientology’s forcing its CLERGY to abort? Crickets…so far as I know. Tell me I’m wrong, if I am, please! I’d like to be wrong about this!
Aquamarine. I wish I knew how to answer you. I’m very sorry. But I just don’t know.
I believe President Trump spoke strongly against it in his StTe of the Union Address. I also believe our Oklahoma Senate has a bill coming before the voters to abolish abortion in our state unless there are specific medical reasons. I know you dislike my political and religious beliefs and I’m not trying to be argumentative. I love all you exes and wish you all the best.
Kati, its Aqua; thanks for what you shared, and I responded to but it got posted way further up by mistake.
DON’t hold back. Tell us how you REALLY feel.
Joy Villa is a public person in Scn, meaning that she is not staff and is not SO. So as a public I seriously doubt she even knows that the SO demands forced abortions of its female workers. They keep this kind of stuff hidden from public Scns. And celebrities are even more sheltered, not that she is any kind of celebrity in my book.
Hi Mike! When I post, it goes back to the start. It used to be I would post, but, it would stay. I wouldn’t have to go through all the posters.
I have to put in ALL of my information & then once I submit it I cannot SEE IT TO EDIT IT… may or may not show up later on…..
BTW I missed you a lot, & so glad you are back!
The above has recently started happening to me, also. I use the Opera browser.
Me three.
The Taufer Family is missing: Mary, Quinn, Holleigh, Aris Gregorian.
The Terrenzi Family too. The Duff Family.
From what I know these days it is ALL THEY DO: promote IAS or front groups that feed scientology.
One thought: this is a list of “winners” but the amounts are not revealed. The top person could be 1 Billion and the bottom 1 dollar. I guess we’ll see who did how much at the Gala?
Bottom line: this is a list of people willing to eat another human to the bone and then boil the bones to make soup. It is awful they get a commission. A commission!!
This is a “religion”. Oh riiiiiiiiiight.
It may also be a list that reflects just a limited period of time, depending on how they’re counting “birthday game” statistics these days, and for this purpose. So people who for some reason are not currently, or have not recently, been much in the way of “stats” for some reason, may not be included, even if they’re still big producers – and depend on the income from regging.
It is unbelievable that there are commissions on all the types of “donations” (for services) and fundraising associated with a supposed religion. It goes on in the non-profit world, sometimes to an unconscionable extent, but I think that’s an argument that Scientology at a minimum should be downgraded to some other sort of non-profit status, including having to disclose their finances so that the sort of organizations that rate charities can scrutinize them, and inform people.
Kathy Feshbach at #3. It was all about the money. In 1987, I had Kathy on a meter at Flag. She was rock slamming all over the place. Now I fully understand. After thirty two years, it was all about the money. She knew she could make a ton as an FSM. She has huge overts. Notice she never talks about any criticism of Hubbard. Of course not. She wants to make money off of Scientology. It was all about the money. Married to wall street millionaires. This is her source of money. Don’t touch it. Rock slam, rock slam, rock slam.
Rock slams? You mean you didn’t get the notice that rock slams are and always were meter malfunctions, caused by deteriorating cheap components?
no that came years later
Tony Muhammad is an interesting inclusion.
Thanks for the catch- I would have missed that. May explain a little more the unholy alliance between Scientology and NOI…
What made me laugh was her quote: “Do not let the Left try to brainwash you…” Lady, you’re in a cult. Irony much?
Well, I iron a little bit, but, not much. My wife does most of the ironing.
I gave up ironing for Lent.
She wants people to let the NRA brainwash them into thinking the NRA is actually doing something about gun rights, when in fact that is a settled issue at the Supreme Court level, DC vs Heller. They are just another pyramid scheme of a sort, with only the top dogs getting the meat.
I am surprised that Micheal Chan and Gavin Potter are not on the list. I suppose their ‘around the world tours’ don’t bring in very much money. I am not surprised to see Michael Roberts and the glamorous Meghan Failkoff on the list.
I like to see the top salespeople getting recognized for their efforts, it makes the others work harder. Les Dane would be proud.
Gavin POtter is a Sea Org member who tries to persuade people to give money to the Freewinds. Chanman is an interesting ommission. His seminars are usually in support of ideal orgs and getting on service, so perhaps he doesnt get much IAS money.
Joy Villa appears to “use” as much as she is “used” by the organizations she supports.
There are a breed of scientologists that turn my stomach. This is one of them: IAS regges and FSM’s. The other breed is OSA or any public that does work for OSA.
I didn’t know what FSM meant. So, I Googled “Scientology FSM” and found this:
“Field Staff Members are individual Scientologists who disseminate Scientology and help raise funds for the Church by providing basic Scientology books to interested friends, family members and acquaintances, and introducing other interested individuals to the Church. Field staff members are appointed by their nearest Scientology Church. Because they have had immense spiritual gains from Dianetics and Scientology, field staff members naturally want to share the technology with others. ”
Can you guess where I found this text? It was on a web site produced by TS (The Scam) itself. As I recall, these people had a somewhat different definition of “interested” than I did. Anyway, I don’t remember very much about that first meeting. But I do remember I was very happy to be able to use the bathroom.
Bwahahaha … since Mike doesn’t use/have a link anonymizer here (a local redirector that clears the HTTP Referer [sic] header for offsite links), anyone who clicks on that link will leave a nice log entry there showing that they came from … along with their current ip address of course.
Might as well steer a few clicks their way, almost nobody else is visiting their site, their Scientology TV channel, or their Ideal mOrgues.
P.S. Mike you might want to ask your web/wordpress specialist if you have a redir.php or can use something external like for offsite link redirection (for privacy).
PTS-SP. Thank you for posting that. I hope that anyone with info about our privacy will always post what they know if they believe it will help others.
I want to tell you all (very briefly) about a class of software utilities called VPNs. (Virtual Private Networks). IMHO, it is essential for anyone who wants to protect their privacy – and ESPECIALLY people who visit this site and want to protect themselves from prying eyes at The Scam.
To be brief, I suggest you Google “wiki vpn” and read a little bit of the general description. I’d also like to recommend to Mike that he maintain either a link or a menu choice called “Privacy” or “Protect your Privacy” in which he links to somewhere that describes the basic techniques people should use to protect themselves.
A VPN is much like products called “Anonymizer”. The main point is they change your IP address so that any web site you visit shows an IP address that belongs to the company who runs the VPN. Most VPNs will cost you about $40 US per year and it is one of the very best ways for you to protect your privacy. No web site you visit will ever see your real IP address. I would urge you all in the strongest possible way to find a good VPN provider. I will not disclose the one I use – mostly because I find it to be somewhat ho-hum but also because I do not want anyone to think that I’m shilling for some company.
“DISGUSTING people.”
Amen to that.
Wow, it’s really interesting to see who’s making money selling Scientology:
– Bridgeforth and Cummins, whose energy reselling business is mostly just a boiler room high pressure sales scam – combined with the typical WISE business twist, that it’s inordinately difficult to cancel the service once signed up – are surprisingly busy selling IAS statuses, when it might seem they had other work to attend to, though perhaps they’re hedging their bets in case the government cracks down on their company’s practices. The sadly ironic part of it is, with their “prosperity” seminars and all, they’re making money off of many others who in many cases don’t really have it, some of whom will go broke, lose their homes to foreclosure and have to file for bankruptcy.
– There’s no sign of the Michael Chan, though it may be that he focuses on non-IAS sales, since he’s been revealed as a peddler of magical-thinking woo associated with the OT levels.
– Joy Villa has been seen trying to monetize her pseudo-celebrity status by selling other things, including personal appearance time, so it’s not surprising to see it revealed that she’s working Scientology for the money angle. Her husband’s windfall could be running out, so she may be one of the people who depends on commissions to keep up her lifestyle.
– There aren’t any other celebrities that I recognize, which surprises me as I suspect one of the dirty secrets of Scientology is that some of the members in the arts whose actual careers are, typically, in the dumps, rely on FSMing for a lot of their money. Again, they might sell other things, or they could be exercising celebrity privilege and asking not to be listed.
– Geographically, all of the top 12 are located in the United States, as are over half of the total. There’s only one each in Russia and Italy, and none from Hungary or Taiwan, all countries that from other indications have relatively, if not even surprisingly, high levels of participation and make up large portions of Scientology’s remaining membership (and of “religious workers” brought to the US, and other headquarters such as in Australia and Africa). So it seems that the selling of IAS statuses is something of a US-based phenomenon.
Basically buying ‘status’ is a truly American phenomena. It’s the “keeping up with the Jones’s” mentality that runs rampant here and is the basis of commercialism. I’m sure Hubbard dialed that in early on.
Michael Roberts is a has been bit actor who always made his money soliciting for IAS donations because he made more from the commissions than any royalties from what little acting he did back in the day.
Joy Villa is simply a fame whore who will do anything to give her 5 seconds of attention by others. It’s so sad how needful she is of “admiration” or whatever she’s chasing.
She’s chasing things that she’ll never get. Fame whore, indeed.
You two should be ashamed of yourselves for denigrating a great artist like Joy… ok, scam artist, but still …
Just in case you were wondering whether anyone found that funny, I want you to know. I thought it was very LOL funny. Well done Joe!
Scamology motto: “Money for nuthin’, raping chicks for free.”
I’m curious how much these top IAS FSM are making. Does anyone have any idea? Thanks!
The church has a limit of something like $250,000 that they will pay in commissions to an IAS FSM. Beyond that I think they donate what they make or just have a limit.
This was as of 2011.
So, I may be wrong.
Disgusting. And there is Jew hater Tony Mohammed. And Joy Villa is a disgrace to singers all over the world. She will do anything to get attention. She is a perfect representative for the cult.
Villa sings!? News to me….
Well…her version of singing.
Her singing makes dog HOWL…..IN PAIN!
At least you know who she is- I’ve never heard of her! But, I live under a rock…
Hey Kat! This is amazing! I live under rock number 64! I’m right down the street from you!
Awesome! Come by and we can share the great views! (And copious amounts of beer) No ideal orgs in sight. It’s paradise!
Most people would never have heard of Villa, outside of Scientology, scientology watchers, and some odd corners of politics. It’s a typical Scientology (and self-promotion) “acceptable” truth mis-representation that she is a “#1 Billboard artist” and an actress, she had one song that rose on the charts after a red carpet publicity stunt but was only #1 by some obscure measure (another typical Scientology stat trick) such as songs by artists wearing construction fencing (she literally did that once), and she’s no more an actress than a lot of people who’ve been extras in friends’ self-produced films.
One of her first gigs and attempts at fame was as a semi-professional BDSM mistress – she was “Mistress Joy” before shortening it to “Miss Joy” – and there are a bunch of very embarrassing photos of her at BDSM conventions, and wild parties at bars.
No way! Joy Villa…”Mistress Joy”? Is there no END to the lowlife trash this cult will embrace so long as the money’s green? Gotta luv this cherch!
You’re not missing anything, Kat. Awful voice. And at the same time, full of herself. I think she thinks she’s wonderful, and talented. Avoid listening if at all possible.
That is one google search I’m NOT doing!! I’m worried it will open some weird Scientology portal that will suck me into the seventh circle of hell (violence) and I’ll come face to face with miscavage. At that point I will not be held responsible for my actions and I wouldn’t do well in jail!!!
And add to that, I’d then be forced to listen to some criminon craziness!! Yikes
“…some weird Scientology portal that will suck me into the seventh circle of hell…”
Joy Villa is a disgrace to pole dancers all over the world.
And rodeo clowns.
And photobombers.
What really is a Scientology “Humanitarian”?
A Scientology Humanitarian is a Scientologists who has been deceived, betrayed, manipulated, lied to and into “donating” $100,000 to the cruel and inhumane Church of Scientology so $cientology can silence critics. They use the money to destroy others and L Ron Hubbard states in his policies that they can be sued, harassed, spied on and utterly destroyed because they are willing to tell others about the lies and crimes of L Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige and the fraud and betrayal of $cientology.
If the Humanitarian finds out the truth after they have donated $100,000 – the clever and covert “Church” of Scientology has perfected 65 years of Legal Dox to make sure they can keep the “donation”.
What is a Platinum Meritorious ? I assume a donor who gives a shit ton of money over and above the Humanitarian.
If both were to find out the truth that $cientology is a horrible hoax and the complete opposite of what they have been spoon fed with clever propaganda – to believe, will there be any difference in the “cringe factor rating” be between the $cientologist Humaniarian and the $cientologist Platinum Meritorious?
Using a Cringe Factor rating of 1-10. 1 = not too rattled 10 = fucked up
It is fair to say – the more money you invest, the more your ego wants to be right about what you spent your money on.
Any ex Humanitarians or ex Platinum Meritorious members out there that care to share what it took for you to wake up and see the truth and did it make any difference how much you had donated to $ciendollatry?
Want to share your cringe factor?
I was a Humanitarian and my cringe factor was 10. It was a WTF moment of epic proportions. It was off the charts. I was crushed by feelings of betrayal and I was sent reeling into confusion for years trying to figure out how I got so manipulated into believing $cientology and all of the propaganda lies fed to me. How I was I so manipulated into not looking at the internet, not believing anyone telling me how they were hurt by Scientology and then all of the clever thought stopping techniques used so I would not think therefore – not emote.
That cringe factor opened up the floodgates of emotions I had stopped for years. That was excruciating and crippling. Anyone else experience that?
I am still healing from the mind fuck.
Never in here, but from my >10 years experience in following the COS I’m VERY sure many others who have been in have experienced what you have.
I’ve read about people having symptoms (close to) PTSD too.
Not a licensed therapist here, but I’d think in most cases being able to let go of the emotions one has stopped for years helps to be human again.
“Cringe factor”
Very good term and description.
“Anyone else experience that?”
Yes, and it also has regular aftermaths.
Scientology humanitarians: It’s an oxymoron.
….still healing here too…
as time passes some things get easier, but also… it can get darker really quickly.
These days, sometimes the weight of the scope of loss and betrayal gives me great pause.
WHAT did I do with 40 years?
A fat old guy with bad teeth…. I spent 4 decades of my life pouring over and embracing his every word? Every aspect of all of life was evaluated by what HE said? All decisions, all judgments of self and others, all of my concepts for what is existence, who I am, my value, …ALL predicated on the words of one person? Self proclaimed discoverer of all truth of all existence?
I FELL FOR THAT???????????????????????????????????
FOR DECADES??????????????
The big beautiful world about me – I dismissed as a copy of a copy of a copy. An aberration and dramatization that was a trap, a punishment, a mirage, … KSW and Safeguarding Technology taught me to ignore everything in the world except for doing Scn and helping others do it.
I might as well have donned an orange robe, shaved my head, and took up a position on a street corner for the bulk of my life.
so…yeah, sometimes the weight of what it cost, what I gave up, all that I missed………..
bit much.
Joy Whatshername will promote anything she thinks get her smirk in front of a camera. The only thing she actually cares about is her. Now that she’s shilled for the NRA, if the antigunners made her an offer to appear in prime time, she’d be there in a minute. I don’t think she even knows what she believes, except getting on camera above all else.