Apparently, this is very important. But then again, what isn’t in scientology?
To save you the trouble, I looked at the survey. A couple of “softener” questions “What do you feel scientology should be doing in the current situation” and “How important is scientology to the world” sort of stuff.
Then — Have you ever considered joining the Sea Org? When are you ready to start? Are you eligible? What is your phone number?
I wonder if anyone actually completes a survey like this?
And I wonder why Tampa Org is trying to recruit for the Sea Org? Maybe FSO has a full time recruiter in Tampa to try to sign up the kids of scientologists who send them there to keep them out of trouble?
As is typical of scientology promotion, the grammar is a mess. His last sentence is illiterate.
Who thinks up the “catchy” phrases like “there has never been a better time to shine for scientology”? I wonder if this is lifted from some Shermanspeak event blather?
This is another example of the desperate state of scientology.
I opened Mike’s blog this morning and was very excited to see Paulette Cooper’s picture and knowing that edition of the blog would feature Ms. Cooper, I wanted to get right to it because IMO, Ms. Cooper is a truly amazing human being. It had to take one of the greatest reserves of strength, endurance, persistence and many other superlative adjectives to have endured what she did. Ms. Cooper is just a model for an outstanding human and she is the kind of person I would want to be a political leader. I would be proud to follow her anywhere.
But before I get to reading about Ms. Cooper, I felt I had to comment on this absurd, ridiculous, stupid to the max statement from yesterday’s blog. It came from Mr. Frank Weenie who said (and this is a quote for the ages): “With current events the way they are …”
I suppose he thought that sounded kind of good – kind of like that button-down blazer he is wearing. But that has to be the most incredibly stupid and idiotic thing I have seen in a very long time. Perfectly fitting for someone promoting this scam.
“With current events the way they are …” ???
What the Hell?? When are current events NOT the way they are? Can you believe how stupid this is?
Did Tubby publish a guide of “nice looking phrases” that sound good but mean nothing just so people could put something in between their constant demands … “Give us your money!” “Give us more of your money!” “Give us all of your money!” “Is that all the money you can give?” “Are you sure?” “Oh come on now. Give us more money.” “More money!” “More money!” “More money!”
What a filthy scam. What a fucking idiot imbecile. Unbelievable! Fucking moron!
The CofS is obviously frantic to adapt and try to keep stats up. The lead-in question indicates that, even if this is a sea org recruiting attempt of the sort that is routine.
There is “unlimited expansion potential” for Zoroastrianism and horse buggy whips, too. The likelihood of expansion is near zero for those and for Scientology. Actually, while Scientology may not be booming, sex toy sales are, so buggy whips might have somewhat better prospects….
Inadvertently, they gave themselves away with their “unlimited future expansion potential.” It reminds me of the saying that “when someone tells you that you have ‘so much potential,’ what they’re really telling you is that at this time you don’t amount to a damn thing.”
Every successful enterprise has to reckon with the fact that they get to the point where they can only reach so many more new customers. So, for example, if you are the “fastest growing religion on the planet” at some point your growth will inevitably slow. A problem scientology does not and will never have!
These surveys aren’t surveys at all; they’re “We want something from you” promo.
Like any CO$ advertising, everything has to have an underhanded touch to it — they can’t get HONEST and STRAIGHT … ie. an admission they are in a permanent condition below DANGER.
40-45 Years ago, a sure-fire way for the Letter regges to get a reply was to include a survey. Guess it’s stil (sorta) qorking for them.
““there has never been a better time to shine for scientology”” is not correct. There are two important words left out and they are “a” and “turd” which puts the whole phrase into a much better context when it involves $camology.
Mythbusters did actually manage to shine a turd but this was for entertainment value only.
Show us that email link I want to take the survey! 🙂
Survey? Don’t you want the link to join the SO?
I’ll twin with you. I am sure we’re both eligible 😂
The kid is the son of Dennis and Elley Feeney who are heavy Field Staff Members of the cult. Have seen them recognized for fleecing millions from cult members over the years. No doubt they also pushed their son to sign the billion year contract. OMG! The “skin” on the bubble gets thicker and thicker.
“Have you ever considered joining the Sea Org? When are you ready to start? Are you eligible? What is your phone number?”
I don’t think nobody never answered this question in the last 40 years. Nobody would, even if he is a fanatic extremist scientologist under drugs.
It is like knocking at the hell doors to give them your soul for free.
They wouldn’t never stop hunting you. All your life. You are an ‘hot prospect’. One who said “yes I want”. Your game is over.
I, for one, would like to answer the questions in the survey. I would try and find all other means of misleading them I could think of. It would show them how meaningless a survey can be if it’s not done properly. Oh wait, they don’t have the tech to find out I think?
It has been nearly fifty years since I joined Scientology. It has been over thirty years since I developed the wisdom to see it as a fraud. I expected to see it sold for ten cents on the dollar to Chinese Investors who could turn it into a circus.
I talked to Frank. Happy fellow. Not a very good salesman though. He needs to get his TR’s in.
These scientology recruiting efforts make me want to puke. I clearly remember the hype around the “current situation” when I was recruited into the sea org in the late 70s. There is always a “current situation” that you get a special insider’s briefing on to drive home the urgency of joining to help save the planet from imminent destruction. The love bombing and pressure are over the top. I signed up for a billion years and quit my well paying job. Fortunately for me I caught a clue and blew for the first time without ever showing up for duty. I got my job back and recovered some dignity. Unfortunately for me I was ‘recovered’ and continued on my way up the bridge to total enthrallment. I would be a couple of blows later before I was able to wake up, see the scientology was nothing more than a world class con, and then finally blow for good. Life has been getting better and better ever since.
That is an inspiring message. I am inspired. Good for you!
If only we could get a “do-over” to the 1970s, we could all get together and go into their center to take their bogus personality test. Then we could all swallow a small dose of the drug that makes one puke and we could then all puke all over their stuff. That would be an exploit to remember.
If only …. Heh. Heh.
If only…
To any who might have regrets about the time they spent in Scientology, especially in the 70s, I assure you there are probably just as many of us never-ins who regret what we did with our life in the 70s, too – at least what we can remember of it. If I was feeling self-confessional I might relate my own ‘prison of belief’ that held me in thrall from about 1971 through 1986, and what it took to get me out of it. It’s enough to admit that, for me at least, some Sea Org minions might have had an easier life than the one I chose for myself during the 70s and early 80s.
In truth, with only a few exceptions, we all share a basic humanity, and we are more alike than we are different.
Well put AA. Many of us who were coming of age in the 60s & 70s were ill equipped to launch ourselves into the world with all of its cultic dangers that seemed to be thriving unabated in that pre-internet era. I tend to have a seeker personality and if it weren’t scientology it would have been some other cult. Critical thinking is the key to at least having a chance to make it in life. Too bad it is such a scarce commodity.
Well done, Miss B Haven, for seeing the truth and acting on it and getting out of it quickly. Too bad more of our kids don’t see the truth. But they’re kids. They haven’t developed critical reasoning skills at that age yet. (and some never do). So I think it is bad to go after the young kids and railroad them into the SO. They have no idea what they’re getting in for. And then once in, they have to lie to mom and dad and tell them everything is rosy on every call home. Oh, and never ever ever fill out a survey. It usually comes around to being a SO recruitment tool. Some used to always say, “I took LDS” and that would fend them off like garlic to a vampire. But then the SO started getting around that by bending the rules.
Hi Cindi,
I actually didn’t get out soon enough. I had many chances early on but didn’t follow my gut feelings. And you are correct, most kids don’t have critical thinking skills. I was in my 20s and didn’t when I got caught up in the cult. Lack of critical thinking and not trusting my gut feelings was a sure fire formula for entrapment in scientology.
Miss B Haven, I hear you. We all had those twinges of knowingness that we pushed down and endured the cognitive dissonance. But you did finally get out and I for one am glad! Welcome to the sunlight and have a wonderful and free life!
Scientology today is a mess! And they have nothing to show it.
BTW…what number are they on?
Scientology has ALWAYS been a mess!
When I opened your blog this morning, I saw one of your recent tweets:
Mike Rinder13 Aug – This must be driving #scientology crazy. Media picking up @LeahRemini quotes and promoting not only #ScientologyTheAftermath but also our new #ScientologyFairGame podcast.
I want to tell you that I just LOVE it when you say that something is driving him CRRAAAZZYY!
Especially when you put a heavy emphasis on the word “CRAZY”. I remember the first time I heard you do this was when you were talking about that poor girl who was “chosen” to be TC’s girlfriend and you told us when he was in England filming, “Eyes Wide Shut”, for about a year he was completely out of touch with the POOP and that used to drive him CRRAAAAZZZY!
I now want to tell you that it is just as good when you put it in writing as when you speak it out. I just love the idea of imagining that little rat running around his office going crazy cuz he couldn’t get in touch with TC. I’m guessing that TC went to a lot of trouble to ensure that he could never be disturbed during that time. But hearing you say that was just oh too funny. I can just imagine how that could send him off the deep end and how he would wind up throwing a beating at some innocent party – just whoever was close at hand. That POOP belongs in a Penitentiary and the sooner the better.
Maybe Shermanspeak has compiled a dictionary with his convoluted words so the staff can use them.
In my job I am dealing with a number of young people who have either lost their jobs or whose jobs are uncertain in the foreseeable future. Likely these situations are typical of insecure employment situations being faced by many other young Americans now. I’d say the cult knows this and considers the current scene a Sea Org recruitment opportunity. Given that even in a decent economy cult kids are largely unemployable and mooching in one way or another off of their parents, and given the contempt that many devout Scientologists express at the concept of “making it” in the “wog world”, the cult can probably snag some of them now. Its a vulnerable time for young people. Insecure and scary for everyone of course, but for young ones just starting out, lots of them, well educated and trained as they might be – and those are the kids I deal with – lots of them are clinging to their families, moving home, or not moving from home. Can’t blame them. There’s nothing for them now except in the medical field.
Now, cult kids hardly ever leave home in a good economy so I’ll bet that their parents are more malleable now because they could well be hurting financially too and so why not offload the young ones into the Sea Org?
Of course, no one EVER says that free meals and a free place to sleep etc. is why they join the Sea Org – they ALWAYS join for ONLY the noblest of reasons! Contribute to the only group who can improve conditions…save the planet…etc.
Its only when you find out by accident later that they declared bankruptcy and had worn out their last welcome on someone’s couch that you get the inkling that financial reasons MIGHT have factored into their decision.