Things are not too rosy at old St Hill.
Their new Auditor mag clearly demonstrates how pathetic St Hill is — and this is what ALL ORGS are striving to be like!
Of course, they no longer have a Briefing Course to deliver – the original PURPOSE of the organization. But without having to devote resources to delivering the BC, one would imagine they would be doing a bang-up job of making up for that with everything else…
Not so much.
No wonder a new “Command Team” of Flag trained nobodies was sent to replace John Danilovich. This place is disappearing faster than a snowball in the Sahara. Even though Miscavige was there yanking his ribbon for the “new” “ideal” AOSHUK just a few months ago.
This is apparently what passes for “ideal” these days.
Here is their latest list of auditing completions at St Hill:
Of course, the fact that one person is included all the way from Drug RD to Power Plus completion (though she seems to have skipped Grade 3) tells you that this is a list that comprises at least 3 MONTHS worth of completions. (Though not a single person who apparently completed Grade III also completed Grade IV? Nor did anyone who completed Grade II also complete Grade III — probably just used the names from the last Auditor and forgot to replace them in the Grade III completions section… Tells you how good these lists are).
You will notice that though this is the magazine of the AO and SH, there is not a single OT level completion — perhaps they save those for the Advance! mag they are also supposed to put out but no doubt cannot afford? Or perhaps they had none? Like they had no Class IV auditors made, let alone Class VI’s.
Here is the training completion list — if possible it is even more pathetic than the auditing list:
Of course, the largest number of training completions are Student Hat and Basic Book “courses” (that consists of simply reading a book).
Not a single Class IV or Class V, let alone a Class VI.
This is supposed to be THE auditor training org on planet earth. Not one actual auditor has been made since it “went ideal” that could Clear anyone.
Amazing. That deserves a standing ovation and fawning praise for the great leader COB. Can you imagine if he announced THESE stats when he yanked his ribbon rather than flowery descriptions of how many square inches of custom carpet had been installed?
But hey, let’s not overlook the new Refectory where you can be served fine cafeteria-style meals. It is the thing they are MOST proud of.
And speaking of Clearing, they kindly included a list of all Clears. Like everywhere on planet earth. 65,000. Ever. I am probably on the list.
Now, I am sure someone could find the number of Clears that was published in the 70’s or 80’s – I seem to recall the number was above 50,000 then. But even if we only count from the “first clear” in 1966 (not even the “first clear” in 1950) — that is exactly 50 YEARS to make 65,000 Clears (and I guarantee the rate has been DECELERATING since the early 80’s) or about 1300 per YEAR for the whole planet.
There are 353,000 people born on planet earth every DAY.
So every day that passes here are 352,997 new NON-CLEARS and 3 new CLEARS. That is scientology going backwards FAST. And makes a mockery of “planetary clearing is being made a reality.”
And you will note the names on this list (no idea how far back this stretches) — an inordinate percentage of them have Russian or Eastern European names. Scientology cannot grow in areas where there is high internet accessibility or fiscal stability. But the Russian Government seems intent on shutting scientology down there. Not looking good for the coolest cult on earth.
Tiziano Fracassetti (training list) was declared an SP about thirty years ago.
Hi endoftheQ, Great to meet you.Your post tells me what goes around comes around for the Cult.Those lists really are ridiculous and desperate.XO Ann B
As it seems, the CoS has its days counted. Who would keep all those empty buildings that the church owns if it disappeared?
Has anyone here recently asked a Saint Hill staff member when the BC will be delivered again? I wish I was in LA. I’d like to do it in person, it’d be more fun to watch.
So if John Danilovich is replaced, I wonder where he is now?
Not having a good time, for sure.. wherever he was sent!
Thanks for making this available, Mike.
As you pointed out, most of the ‘completions’ are not from the UK. I would estimate that 60 – 70% of completions (and more than that for the ‘big ticket items’) are foreign. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it shows the truly parlous state of Scientology in the UK when if they didn’t have the St Hill name, the biggest (by a huge margin) org in the UK would probably have no more than 20 PCs and students on lines at any particular time. Not big enough to be a viable Class V org.
And most of the indigenous population is comprised of long-term Scns who keep coming back to re-do courses and auditing at the whim of The Beloved Leader.
For example, Campbell Tarbet (actually South African) did Objectives. He was in the SO before me, back in ’86. Other Objectees(?) include Ken Eckersley (how long has he been in – at least 50 years surely?), Margaret Neal (came into Scn in the late 50s as was, I believe, Keeper of the Tech back in the day), Marion Shuster, Tracey Clerkin (also in the SO well before me) etc, etc.
Why do they keep going back for this stuff?
Auditors seemed to be made to re-do courses as well. For example, Yameet McMillan was my auditor back in the noughties, pretty sure she was Grad V then, and yet she has just re-done Class I?
Very, very sad.
Among those redoing the courses, do you think there is the splendid young man who ranted on video about the videographer being stuck in an electronic incident? Poetic justice, if you ask me.
If only he knew how much better he would be off if he started to actually think for himself…
So sad to see all the re-dos, especially when knowing all the money, time, and effort that the person put in the first time around. Susan (ED Bham/ex ED Bham) Harrison and her husband Phil did their objectives about 15 years ago. Martin Scullard did his grade I a decade ago and Christine Weightman, Iain Cochran, and Sam Wordy are attesting to Clear for the second if not third time already.
And what’s with Saint Hill stealing all the Birmingham Org pubic?
Proof of all the recycling of public and bridge actions.
Is it any wonder that course rooms and Orgs are now empty? Probably the main underlying reason is the constant harassment of public members to stump up “donations” for non-services like IAS and Ideal Orgs. If they even wanted to do a course they are faced with the harsh fact that as soon as they step into the Org they are surrounded by gangs of registrars chivvying them from all angles making an in-Org experience almost engramic not only for the person being regged but the staff acting as regges for IAS and Ideal Orgs as well, who know basically that what they are doing is pissing off people right left and center. People just won’t want to go into the Orgs with this nonsense going on. And those that do go into the Orgs must be some sort of victim and as there is an old definition of Scientologist as “someone who is not a victim” means that those remaining in and getting fleeced and badgered cannot then be Scientologists! Of course the person who invented all this is driving students away – clever eh?
On top of that course supervisors have been trained to regard students as some sort of enemy to be bludgeoned if they smile at something that Hubbard says or look up at the ceiling if they have a cognition, and they walk around the course room with a threatening presence (a la Miscavige presumably) waiting to pounce on any infraction that they have been mis-trained to observe. Students are not enemies to be browbeaten into satisfying the service facsimiles of so-called “supervisors”. Flag started turning out supervisors with this aggressive “I’m going to do you in if you have a Mis-U” attitude in the 1980s and is the perfect and ultimately ironic example of Miscavige’s “blind leading the blind”.
All-in-all the interference of students knows no bounds now – from hyena-like Registrars and scowling of out of valence course supervisors to Ethics Officers who punish people for not donating enough etc. One of the funniest comments I read on here was a guy who said that his 2 tours in Vietnam were a pushover compared to his experiences at FLB. Still makes me chuckle! But perhaps one day there will be no more “donations” and no more supervisors who think they are Attila the Hun ready to slaughter their students for having a cognition!
that about sums it up from my experience. What lil Davey (Ramsey) doesn’t know is that the dogs he trained are going to eat him up. And it’s a woman!
The video is for Mature Audiences only.
just an analogy, and I do not advocate violence,
Miscavige eaten by his dog would be a featur!
I have a question, does anyone think that Scientologists actually read these stats? do they notice that the same names are listed, or that the clears are mostly eastern European? and really, what’s to stop them from just making up names to put on their lists?
it seems to me that they just look over the list quickly, see what they want to (or are told to) see and look no further. anyone who would be disposed to look more deeply probably has one foot out the door already, right?
Well, I used to, when I was ‘in’. That was more than 8 years ago, but I am pretty sure they didn’t actually make up names to put on the list.
Accidentally listing the same people on more than one issue and making the victims re-do courses and levels multiple times and then counting each one as a new completion, is a different matter.
It was a source of frustration to me that most of the PCs and students (and staff!) were not from the UK as it indicated that Scientology was stuck in the doldrums over here. Now it is a source of pride! 🙂
Thanks to those who answered my question yesterday. I am sure that he does have his exit already planned…..however…the world is a much smaller place now…it’s not as easy to hide.
On another note….I thought you all might enjoy….I work at a large airport in the TPA area…and Ron Miscavige’s book Ruthless has been prominently displayed…front and center….in the bookstore window for weeks. Perfect place for those on their way to perhaps….Clearwater? Easy to pick up a copy.
I appreciate you all allowing this never-in wog a chance to comment. Again….hats off to all of you who broke free. Cheers!!!!
Thanks for this bit of news, OverTheBridge. It’s encouraging and makes for happiness.
My attention is somewhat reluctantly drawn to the assholes who support Miscavige’s foray into the organisational suicide which is the Cof$. It’s clearly obvious that the life of the organisation doesn’t matter to the master of dishonesty. Has the point been passed where the insolvency of the pathetic non delivery is eating into reserves? Or is the donation income line still keeping things afloat?
How blind is a blind whale? Is probably an apt question or the beginning a sick joke about Scientology. The deception that is the Church of Scientology is truly a tragedy and those that support it without actually taking the services speaks volumes about their intention. Just where do Miscavige’s supporters take their services? Does Celebrity Center post their stats? I Doubt it. In my experience running a course room the rich Scientology supporters never lasted very long under the directional discipline dispensed by a “lower order being” that would be someone of a lower social status in their estimation. I truly despise snobs and especially the Scientology elite who support that organisation.
I’m a bit behind in knowing they took away the shsbc from asho. I just don’t know why scn did that. Why did they move it -for real and what was their ‘pr’ reason they told their sheeple ?
If one alters any part of an HCOB or HCOPL etc. during the days after Hubbards’ reign it throws the whole deal out of cantor. Thus, obviously, DM had to get rid of the SHSBC, The Red Vols. Green Vols, Tech Dictionary, Admin Dictionary etc.
He has a BIG problem with the Baby Boomers right now.
The reason is that the Briefing Course comprised all the knowledge LRH had ever communicated up to that level (i.e. Class VI). But, instead of offering the Briefing Course by itself as one major training action, the Hubbard written policies and recorded lectures that comprised the course were broken down and reorganized into GAT I, II and/or beyond new Grade Chart steps. So, a person can still get all the data that was available on the Briefing Course, it is just broken down into re-named courses. Apparently DM (or somebody) thinks that people should have some or all of the data that was on the Briefing Course already BEFORE a person reaches that level, so that is probably why. 🙂
That’s not true. There are 400+ LRH lectures on the BC. About 10 of them are found on lower training courses.
Mike, I am aware of that. I realize the whole Briefing Course is no longer there. I am just wondering why do away with the whole level including the Tech Volumes study section. Then where are the other 390? Omitted for good? In the New Mexico vault forever? They have to be somewhere! A future release? I think that more than 10 lectures are found in the current lineup however. 🙂
It will be “released” with great fanfare when Dave meticulously restores it to “exactly as LRH intended”…
Because Mike, what replaces the Briefing Couse now?
The Basics. GAT II. Super Power. Whatever the latest “thing” is…
Another great article, Mike.
And the Class 8 course from AOLA and what about the red and green vols? What the heck. What are all these supposed KSW guys still there?
Here’s an outlier that no one’s mentioned yet with that Processing list: Isn’t Power and Power Plus supposed to be “the alternate path to Clear”? You’re supposed to go Clear on NED, aren’t you? Power and Power Plus are supposed to be reserved for the tough cases that don’t make you realize that you mocked up your own bank (whoops, sorry about revealing the Clear Cognition). So how is it that about half of the NED completions were routed on to Power and Power Plus? Could this be an admission that NED doesn’t work 100% of the time when applied standardly? If so, that means that Dianetics doesn’t work.
And if Power and Power Plus work as advertised, how is it that none of the Power and Power Plus completions are included in the Clear list?
It sure as hell seems like they’re recycling lists for publication, just to make themselves look…well, I won’t say “good”. “Adequate”, maybe?
NED doesn’t necessarily make Clears. It can, and it does but it was never intended to make every NED pc Clear. It was supposed to make more Clears than the eariler Standard Dianetics procedure and had a couple changes to the processes to make it more effective in that respect. Also, if the auditor and/or case supervisor are applying it incorrectly it’s not going to work that great anyway. Any processes are supposed to be applied correctly. The results speak for themselves….if people are disappointed or hating what they received their auditor and C/S screwed up.
If someone doesn’t go Clear on NED and moves on to Power and Power Plus, they still need to do the entire Solo Auditor Course to audit themselves through R6EW and Clear. So that might explain Power completions not showing up in the Clear list yet. Also if they’ve got enough money to spend on all that….costs a fortune now….
But yes, they definitely are recycling the names in the lists. It’s been done for many many years.
Well 65 000 clears and 25 000 scientologists. So the majority of the clears are no longer in scientology !
Miscavige has done what seemed impossible to do by governement agencies : he destroyed scientology. And those stupid KSW worshipper don’t even see it… He is the biggest breaker of KSW. No as Hubbard says it’s not the big priest who will destroy scientology… but a little prick.
FG, scamology died because it doesn’t “werk”. Go open an org (don’t worry the CoS won’t come after you) and you’ll see that it will NEVER boom. (The Indies have discovered this but cannot confront it) Once a scam has been exposed you cannot run it on the same population again.
“Even though Miscavige was there YANKING HIS RIBBON…..” – Wow Mike you are the Shakespeare of our time!
Mike, maybe you can shed some light on my question. I know the dwarf banned the SHSBC. Is it because he’s redoing it? I know the dwarf banned the OEC volumes. Is it because he’s redoing those? And, this is where I’m kind of confused, he banned the Red Volumes (and I’m sure what they are)? Or were they policy letters? Is he going to redo them along with the others?
Yes, they are all “squirrel” because Dave has not yet “fixed them” to his standards. He has said many times the OEC is screwed up and “cannot be studied.” He claims the checksheets on the BC are all wrong and probably the lectures too 🙂 The Tech Vols contain “squirrel” issues so cannot be sold.
Of course, only HE can fix all these things (he has said for 20 years the L’s are completely out tech too — in fact, the WORST — but they bring in too much money) and he is FAR too busy yanking ribbons and putting on false events to maintain the lie that scientology is expanding to be able to devote time to getting all the tech “on Source.”
Plus he has to have time to have his suits fitted, his shoes sized, his hair done etc etc.
So….basically, he’s destroying the cult right before our eyes?
So every day that passes here are 352,997 new NON-CLEARS .. Mike you err here, because this new born childs are not non clears .. surely not ..
As Mike has caught the clampine in more lies, they will stop printing the names of the ‘graduates’ like they did here. These lists are biting the clams right in the ass and provide great insight to the current cash flow. Now we know why the IAS donations are so important, they are most of the incoming cash.
The Clear list is just not clear to me…..I think it is grossly misleading. Given the number of Clears who were later told they were not clear (myself included) I would like to know the nature of the Clear statuses up to #65148.
1. Does it include Clears who were “r-factored”?
2. How many on the whole list are re-do’s?
3. How many re-do’s appear more than once on the list?
4. How many are dead who would have been r-factored?
5. How many are dead?
6. How many are deadfiled?
7. How many are declared? (How “Clear” can you be in the eyes of the CoS if you’ve been declared?
8. Is Clear number 1 still on the list? (he was later declared)
9. What happened to my “Clear number” after I was “r-factored”.
Even if the numbers are bad – I don’t believe them. I think it is very much worse than it looks. And worse than that – what is “Clear” according to them? The definition of Clear keeps changing.
Hey, that’s right, Wendy! How many were told that they, in fact are NOT clear? Or dead. Or just walked away quietly. Or is an active critic.
I’d be interested to know how many scientologists were told that they really aren’t clear.
Well, if you are dead, you are still clear in terms of Scientology beliefs! 🙂
Hi Wendy,
In 2004, when I was a C/S at ASHO, we had a project to recover the Clears who had fallen off lines (ha, what a joke). Honestly every year there was a new project for this. I was assigned the task of recovery (from the C/S aspect, finding the missed BPC and getting the person back in). I had been right behind Griffie Blythe on this project, who had gotten into HUGE trouble for “cookie cutter programming”. Reportedly she had just printed out programs for each folder without reviewing the folder. I don’t know if that was true or not. All of her programs were removed from the folders as invalid.
Part of my project was to check the Clear status of each of these people, also determine which ones were still ok for auditing (sorry to be crude, but not dead, criminals or illegals pc’s). The percentage of people who were actually Clear (in 78/79 many attested to Clear without proper evidence… about 95% of those were not actually Clear) and still ok for auditing was about 10%. Most of them had not been ok for auditing in the first place, and there was nothing I could do to recover them.
Anyway, I was set with the task of recovering these people, many of which had not been heard from in 10 to 20 years. There was no way to get updated information on them or anything. It was a ridiculous task that went nowhere.
About the Clear numbers, once you are assigned a Clear number, it is yours for eternity. They are not taken away or given to someone else. Even if you are found “not Clear” (to which the definition and requirements kept changing, a primary reason I finally found a way out), you still have your Clear number, but you cannot use it until Clear has been properly attained. You are not supposed to get a new Clear number. The international list of Clears is supposed to be kept in Senior Qual, which is at the HGB (Hollywood and Ivar building). Anytime a Clear is made at a local org, the Clear number is supposed to be telexed to Senior Qual, who notes it in the master books.
Old Surfer Dude, I cannot tell you a number of people who were told not Clear, but a percentage. Of all the Clears that I had reviewed in a year and a half period, I would say 50% were actually Clear. Keep in mind this is only for Clears (attained on NED or on Alternate Clear Route). It does not include OT’s, because I never C/Sed those levels on public.
Sunny, my now disconnected daughter Sandy Kruchko was an auditor on a team that went out from ASHO to do recoveries. Maybe you were the C/S on her project? As for Griffie, so wish I’d known she needed help 🙁
#65211 Anne Mintz
#65229 Genie Frankel
Both at least 50 years in – Anne 40 of those in the SO 🙁
Whoops – 40 years in and Anne at least since 1980 in SO so 36yrs 🙁
Genie was one of the FBOs in PAC that were all corralled one evening at the CLO Finance Office by Ian Cunningham the Int Finance Ethics Officer who came down to correct the PAC GI. We were all to stay until we’d writting up our overts and withholds and passed. I flat out refused. My income was up and up trending along with the rest of my stats (Crew pay and money to Sea Org Reserves). He told me if I left to turn in my keys (I was not allowed back on post) so I tossed him my keys. So much for all the work I had done to make my office on policy and run by the rules. He obviously did not give a damn I was fully trained and my stats were up trending. And this someone from International Management. I liked his wife – Sara but Ian was a D-I-C-K.
The other FBOs all tried to pretend they weren’t listening.
Someone in the SO got the ‘training’ to reach ‘clear’? How dare someone take time off for ‘training’!!
Training is a clear violation of policy…..
Policy is a violation of policy. They have the tech on that!
Ann M. was wearing a Clear braclet in the early 80’s…
Hey Mike. I believe that is probably same PATRICIA HILL has clear number 65,151 which means she went clear in 2006 or earlier!! And a Susan Barbee clear number 65,151 in/before 2006 The list for clears for 2006 is here:
But that means 204 clears since 2006! That’s just about 20 a year!!! For all of SCIENTOLOGY. PUT A FORK IN IT’S DONE. NEW PROTEST SIGN: 20 clears a year since 2006 FOR ALL OF SCIENTOLOGY!
Probably is only 20 clears a year for AOSHUK not all of Scientology. Due to that the list probably only covers clear made at AOSHUK and that clears numbers are assigned to Orgs in batches. Still not clearing the UK or even a town.
During the early1970’s there were 365 Clears made every year.,
so now it’s 204 ????
David Miscavige needs to find a new line of work.
Is there a non-church or church site with all of the Clears listed? I wonder what number my mom was and what year it was.
Toot, check this list for your mother.
Want to know what else is straight up and vertical? The flayed man of House Bolton. Ouch.
The flayed man of House Bolton looks like the little figure on the Narconon sign… The one who looks like he is trying to escape…
All season Bolton reminded me of another short, abusive tyrant. I’m hoping for a similar outcome in the real life version.
Bolke Koster is a second generation Dutch scientologist. Number of scientologists has declined from around 300 members 35 years ago to about 60 now.45 or so of those belong to the geezer club.
The last remaining scientologist are huddled up in a vitamin company.
From their website: Every day, a carefully designed multi essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and other special materials (such as lutein, zeaxanthin, bioflavonoids, and coenzyme Q10), is intended to supplement the daily diet. The composition of Every Day is as much opted for natural, easily absorbable nutrients in a dosage that matters. These are of course choices, for a tablet should not be too big and too expensive.
Each day, the comparison with other multi’s passed with flying colors!
As you can see typical scientology: Self congratulatory!, spelling logical and grammatical errors,Still trying to trying to play scientific hocus pocus trick.
Hi Dutch report, i’m the author of Always looking forward to getting in touch with former members. Please do contact me at scamofscientology at Thanks.
Bolke Koster is also listed under Objectives but her name is not circled in red there. Like the 7th name down.
I spent a few days at St. Hill in 2004. It was so slow, empty and boring that it was barely a step up from solitary confinement. That “command team” is in for a very rude awakening. I hope they brought some crossword puzzles.
Always plenty to do in CF.
No idea where I should post this so just tossing it out here. I’m not a Scientologist, never have been, just follow the blogs, read the books, etc, and find the whole thing fascinating. Thanks for sharing your stories and knowledge. Very happy for all who found their way out and for all who continue to fight disconnection. I might be a plain ol’ wog but you have my full support. Ok. So I have a couple of questions. First, if something were to happen to DM, like if he has an asthma attack and doesn’t survive it, who is in line to lead the church? (Sorry, just had to use asthma as the example.) Second, are scientologists required to continue the TRs even as they progress up and over that bridge? I might not understand it all but it seems those TRs are the catalyst, what takes hold and draws a person in. Doesn’t that experience wear off after a while if not repeated? Or is auditing the thing that keeps the hold on a person? Thanks in advance for answering my questions and for the education!
Jenny from LAX will grab the baton or maybe Monique Ringling. ? Whatever, I’m gonna grab a chair and watch.
Don’t know how to answer what kept me in so long but yes the good of it (Comm Crs, Life Repair, Grades, the auditor training) and the good people of like mind played a big part.
Welcome STinAZ, I too am a wog, recently disconnected from my long-time two LieIntology business partners for daring to call out Miscavige pointing out that they had provided me proof that Miscavige was altering the tech. My OT5 friend gave me his old Congress lectures on cassette trying to convert me and then my pre-clear friend allowed me to listen to her new Congress lectures on DVD and I dared point out to her what happened to Hubbard’s words (LRH was lying on the cassette version about being reincarnated and thus Miscavige removed source and altered Hubbard’s tech as he is a master at doing). She insisted that the tapes that OT5 purchased from Flag in Clearwater were forged by a squirrel, lol, insisting it was not Miscavige nor Hubbard and how did I know that was Hubbard’s words on the Bridge Publications tape. This site is not easy to respond to people to get questions as you just asked answered. You might want to take your question to The Underground Bunker, where people address each other more than the proprietor. By the way, Rinder is a true spiritual warrior and to watch and share in his life’s journey on this blog has enriched my life. Between Ortega and Rinder, I learn a lot about life.
1) No one has the intelligence, raw natural ability, charisma, training or general knowledge of life in this sector of the universe to qualify as leadership material to replace DAVE. BUT, we do have the relative size of beings to consider. El Con is numero uno, Dave the Dildo is next and according to the greatest actor of all time, Tom Cruise would be next in size. I would expect Dave to go into seclusion so he can wrap up the GAG II process and release Oh Tea Nine and Ten and will appoint Tom to oversee the expansion and the final clearing of the planet. 🙂
2) The Scientologist is the one who keeps hold of themselves through the belief system they construct for themselves. It is based on the fear of what might happen if their beliefs were challenged. The minions of the cherch (the staff and to a lesser degree the still in public) simply provide the threats to maintain control.
Hi Newcomer, Thank you, I so enjoy reading and seeing your posts.XO
Thanks Ann. I’ve been straying away of late but always enjoy taking a shot or two at the cult for old time sake!
Yes, very helpful! Thanks
As soon as Dave’s mole in the FBI tells him his arrest is imminent, he’ll retire to the Fleecewinds. The asbestos ought to do wonders for his asthma. WAAANH!
Ha! I don’t know much but I have the distinct sense that short stuff will be on that boat, in a secret location, I’m guessing somewhere near a South American country sometime in the next couple of years. Let’s face it, Russia’s not an option, Australia and England probably wouldn’t offer a warm welcome, he’s running out of hiding places. I don’t recall hearing about him spending a lot of time on that boat since becoming COB unless it’s for some sort of Tom Cruise idol worship event. (Or some other celebration.) Perhaps he spent a lot of time throwing up over the side in his youth and now will only hop on if it remains docked or in the harbor. So he’d have to take a plane to Columbia or Venezuela or Brazil and meet the boat there. And as he’s standing on the dock waiting to board, he’s attacked by mosquitos. Ta-da, problem solved. Or, the more likely scenario, the whole fleeing the government for fear of arrest or deposition situation. If any psych student ever needs to do a paper on narcissism, he’d make a great interview. That’s funny on so many levels, I crack myself up. It would be cool for some regular ol’ Joe to walk up to him and clobber the crap out of him. Maybe he’d fight back and land his ass in jail. Ohhhhhh, see, I just found a way to help: I’ll run a Craig’s List ad, ‘nice lady in search of a thug.’
STinAZ, my guess is that he’ll purchase one of the many islands for sale in the N.E. region of South America and built a little self contained place to live. He has WAY more money than needed, legally available to him to pull that off.
Hi Mike W, Liked youtr post on DM.How about Drone Swarms with cameras passing over his island 24/7.Rattle his claws after awhile! XO
That would be funny as hell Ann!
STinAZ, the TRs originally were to train the auditors to confront what ever the PC came up with and were useful in real life for anger management issues or whatever might come along that altered the perfect tone level one should be displaying at the time. I felt they were useful and had many realizations while doing them. It was expected one may need to brush up on them time to time and doing so later even as an OT 8 was acceptable. Althou they were an important part of my life for 35 years I don’t think they are anything special any more. They never replaced the peacefulness I achieve with a nice walk or some wood carving etc.
You can try them some time for fun with a friend. 5 years ago when I was drinking the Kool-Aid I found the instructions online and got my boy friend to agree to do them with me (for his benefit). I’ve since abandoned the idea as frivolous 🙂
Have fun watching. Support logical/skeptical education in our school system.
Thanks CeCe. Perfectly described to help with the perspective. Hope the boyfriend got something out of it. Lol or that you did because he did. Or one of those. ?
I will try to answer your questions.
The most likely scenario is that Miscavige will abscond to a non-extradition country, probably Columbia, based on how much “safe-pointing” or preparation has been ongoing over the last 15 years or so, should it become likely that he would have to be deposed or called as a witness in some trial.
He is under increasing stress, unrelenting, for the past 5-10 years, as the Scientology network crumbles and he continues to lie through his teeth about it.
I agree that he will use as an excuse, as to why he is no longer hosting the international events, something like, “COB is putting the final touches on OT 9 and 10, as well as preparing OT 11 and 12!!!”
I don’t know who the “face” of Scientology will be at the events, probably someone such as ED int, who will be replaced should he become too popular.
Miscavige will retain control of the 2 billion+ In the coffers of Scientology, or course. This is how he will retain control of the Scn network, what little remains of it, while he is hiding out in Colombia with 20 or so “trusted staff”.
Should miscavige suffer something like a sudden heart attack, hopefully in front of someone who he had beaten upon one time too many (let him die, how karmically apropos) then who steps up is anyone’s guess. It would not be as smooth as Miscaviges ascent to power, as he is a smart man who saw the decline of Hubbard a few years before Hubbard died.
Likely scenario in that case would be a weak leader who would be like a deer in the headlights, and the Scn network would collapse as staff defection, parishioner confusion, and lawyers hyena for the big payday.
Re TRs and auditing. These have different “holds” over a person, individual to individual. TRs and auditing both do wear off after a while.
The people that remain in the church are invested in remaining, and the reasons why are probably as varied as the individuals.
I actually have a lot of compassion for most that remain, particularly the aging SO members. I think there might be one or two of those guys that I like quite a bit whom I might have to take in as Scientology fails and turns these 60-somethings loose to fend for themselves.
Me too John Doe, I’ve selected the one I will support along with her daughter and daughters husband.
This was incredibly helpful. Everyone’s responses have been. I hope I didn’t offend anyone with my question about the TRs. Thank you for indulging me and providing the education. In all the books I’ve read I don’t remember there being mention of auditing other than when in a sec check situation. (aka the prelude to hell,) John Doe nailed it, what keeps me engaged is a legitimate concern for the individuals who have spent their life in Scn who might want to leave or be forced to leave at some point. So many of these folks have nothing and no one outside the church. I’d be scared shitless if I found myself standing on a street corner in downtown L.A., holding a bill for $50K, no friends, no family. (Am I allowed to swear?) Is there a place that a person can go, for lack of a better way to describe it, a type of safe house? What options are available? Basically, how can I help? I’m happy to don a Guy Fawkes mask and carry a sign or drive up and down 40th street in Phoenix with a call me sign on my car but what else can I do?
Ok, I’ll stop using Mr. Rinder’s blog as a forum board and will move my ignorant – but sincere and trying to not be so ignorant – self over to one of he other sites.
One last word (because I’m a woman and it’s my right to have the last word), you’re all a smart, funny group. This blog, Mike’s stories and perspective, his contributors’… Incredible learning experience. Thank you for welcoming me.
No need to feel like you don’t belong because you are not well schooled in the artful deception of scientology. There are plenty who claim to have a great understanding of it who are obviously far less observant and intelligent than you because they accept everything at face value.
I hope all sorts of people feel welcome here and feel they can post and ask questions. No matter how “ignorant” the questions may appear, they can be very enlightening, so too the answers.
So, please feel welcome to hang around and comment or not.
Thank you. I appreciate the welcome. It’s a good site – I very much enjoy it.
Hi STinAZ, I just found your post.Thank you for coming here and giving your insight.Hope you stick around.xo
Thanks, Ann. I think I will. –ST
Thank you Mike for the reports. They are very appreciated.
Now, another aspect of the decay of this cut is the ‘promoted great assistance’ Flag teams are providing to other Orgs.
Yet, if Flag is able to send 250 staff to LA, whatever many to UK and other many to other Orgs it means Flag does not need these many staff to run the supposedly largest Org in the planet. Flag is as empty as UK and going down the hill as well.
Wow, aren’t even delivering the SHSBC? If that isn’t a wake-up call that an SP exists then the sheep deserve what they get. Sorry to say. I know there are likely 20 justifications on why it was made okay to stop delivery, but it’s not like the “old BC” was an overt product. And any BC is better than no BC. #shocked #face
Michael, they deserve what they get, just like the sheep that didn’t wake up when the mega SP El Ron was running things, right?
Hi Mike, I am certainly wide awake now! XO
Ann, you woke up and left LONG before 90% of all those who are now out. Southern girls! 😉
Hi Mike, ?? U Ann B
” any BC is better than no BC.”
There was a time Michael that I would have agreed. Today, not so much! As regards the cherch, these days I think less is more.
In the Early 80’s the # of Clears was in excess of 60,000, according to FSO Div 6 figures that were drawn from all Org, Mission & FSO records. I member Dave B. showing them at a meeting (shortly before he blew to LA to be with Darnelle)
Hi, that first name “Bolke Koster” is also listed in the first column ‘objectives’ 7th down from the top… making it listed 10 times in total on the sheet called ‘Processing’. way to pad stats.
I love how the date ‘June 2016’ is written in by hand…they weren’t sure when they’d be able to afford to print it, maybe?
The recipient must have written the date. It’s policy that magazines have no date on them. You have to look at the copyright notice to get at least the year.
Very Sad
Sayonara, Adios, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu and Goodbye church of scientology.
amen to that!
You forgot, “See Y’all later! That’s for orgs in the south…..
Hi OSD, Hubby and I were talking plots as in for my body.It appears there is an old cemetery in Lynchburg,Va that his late Mom’s family founded.So there is this obelisk where we would go.Cremation of course and on the stone my name dates the symbol for Infinity ,take that David, you only have the front porch.Us defrocked SPs control the rest.After the symbol it will say.See Y’All my late Boston parents are turning in the ocean ,I think it is hysterical!! Love U Ann B
Hi Mike, Absolutely mind bending what you put together regarding Saint Hill.If I had not been thru what I experienced I could almost feel sorry for the slow & steady deterioration of that once hallowed spot.Almost feel sorry.If it all goes under at least a tomato plant or two to mark what once was such a part of my life and so many others.The thing that still confounds me is the small crowd of David’s flock who will not and cannot bring themselves to look at the total cluster-f that is Scientology.One off topic comment.I have been so busy I now totally understand being pulled in all directions at once.I read all the comments here every day and love each and everyone of you.XO Ann B.
In 1979 my Clear # was in the 16,000 range if that helps with the math at all. Straight up and flat. My Clear status and $3.00 will get me a cup of coffee.
Within weeks of GAT2 being released I pointed out to a few friends that the course rooms were not very full. One of the student hat completions on this list told me that it was full to overflowing at St Hill. I don’t imagine it’s taken him a couple of years to finish it. So there isn’t much about this list you can take very seriously.
What was the deal with the refectory? I might just take a peep next time I’m in the area.
Bolke Koster doesn’t appear in the list of Clears, or on the other page of completions. I’m a never-in so I have no idea if that is significant or not. Is the $cientology bridge to total freedom next to collapse?
And there’s still half a year of serious pain to go.
Wonder what happened to clears: #65252, #65280, #65315, #65334, #65338, #65345 & #65349?
If a clear becomes an SP in the forest does anybody count him.
If the church falls down in the forest and there is no one around, does it make a sound?
No, it makes no sound. Unless you’re a Koolaid drinker then it says: “We’re expanding faster than anytime in history”.
In my dreams the sound is the cell door slamming as wee Davey is introduced to his rookie Bubba!
Roomie… Jeez autocorrect!
Rookie made me laugh.
A screaming sound, I would reckon. With a loud voice lamenting, “OMG!!! My eternity! My eternity! I’m never going to get my eternity! Following by constant sobbing……
One of those numbers is probably Lisa Mc Pherson
That would not surprise me. The fact they did not adjust their total and published a list with obvious gaps is just bizarre or par for the course I suppose.
On the Clear List I saw a few names of people I know who were OT in the 80’s and 90’s and now are being listed as a new Clear. Clearly the OT’s are going backwards and being forced to redo lower Bridge including the Clear cycle. It would be interesting to know the stats on first time Clears made.
As long as you still have money you are never truly clear. I haven’t heard mention, outside of the ot 9 and 10 carrot, of any new products lately. Any whispers of GAT 3 or a GAT clearing course or anything else in the pipeline?
Zeb, the funny (and for some, tragic) fact is that EVERYONE starts out as a “natural clear”. THEN, they get into scamology where they “learn” that they have a reactive mind. Then, after tens of thousands of $ they “learn” that they just made it all up. And thus, they are once again, clear.
Ouch! I mean, truer words were never spoken, but, ouch, just the same.
Please show me just one ‘clear’. 🙂
Or as Jason Behga (sp?) said, “Just show me one motherfucking clear!”