Most of you likely saw the clip of Leah reading the letter from scientology before last night’s show:
A response from @LeahRemini to a last minute statement from The Church of Scientology about tonight’s all-new episode of #ScientologyTheAftermath at 9pm.
— A&E (@AETV) December 11, 2018
This is the transcript of the statement:
The Church states that it supports religious freedom for all and respects the religious beliefs of others, for all faiths, as enshrined in its Creed. The Church accuses Remini of spreading vitriolic religious hate and bigotry that instigates violence. The Church also insists that this disgustingly bigoted show spreads lies and foments discrimination, as was done in Germany in the 1930s. The Church urges [the network and its owners] to stop turning a blind eye to their effort to profit by spreading lies and religious hate.
Here are some things you may not know.
- The letter came in at midnite Monday to A&E. Scientology had been asked to respond to this show for many months, just as they have been asked for every show. We also ask them to provide someone we can interview for every show. They never do. They send these things at the very last minute so that when their statement is NOT included, they can cry “unfair bigotry — they refuse to carry our side of the story.” (Hey, they won’t even let us follow them on Twitter or Facebook, we are blocked, but they follow us..)
- Leah had flown into NY for a press day for Second Act. She arrived at 2am and then had to be in hair and makeup at 5 for her appearance on Good Morning America and then to a bunch of other media. A&E sent a camera crew to her hotel to shoot her reading the letter while she was preparing for another appearance. Unlike ScientologyTV which is simply internal infomercials, A&E is a real TV network and the logistics of changing or adding anything to a show the same day are monumental.
- We wanted to include this letter as it is the BEST example of the lying hypocrisy of scientology. So it was a massive combined effort to get this done — for which scientology should be eternally grateful. We will likely never bother to do so again, unless they top this Hindenberg with something even more explosively outrageous.
- And this is the big one: Leah Remini’s heritage, according to her DNA test is 49.5% Ashkenazi Jewish (European Jews) who were decimated by the Nazis in the Holocaust.
Let’s analyse this for a minute.
Scientology teams up with the anti-semite Louis Farrakhan and even presents his right hand man and most avid defender, Tony Muhammad with their highest “human rights” award (The IAS Freedom Medal).
They then claim they “support religious freedom for all and respect the religious beliefs of others” but have never said a single word about the hatred that spews from the NOI. But these paragons of virtue then accuse A&E and Disney of “turning a blind eye to lies and religious hate.”
But the final insanity is when they stoop to comparing Leah to “Germany in the 1930s.” That is disgusting. Talk about bigotry. They, defenders of the anti-Semites who they have hopped into an unholy alliance with, are accusing a woman with a predominant Jewish heritage of acting like the Germans in the 1930s. Vomit.
This might be an appropriate moment to ask Scientology, that famous question asked of Senator Joe McCarthy:
“Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency? Have you no shame?”
Of course, everyone knows the answer to this. The truth is they had no sense of decency in the first place.
And as scientology becomes increasingly desperate and Miscavige becomes more and more worried that his safe haven hiding behind the skirts of his tax exemption and the First Amendment may be eroding, their responses will become more and more unhinged. This is Exhibit One. No doubt there will be more to follow.
This episode was a checkmate to all of Scientology’s “bigot” bull crap. They love to throw that word around but leah and mike did a great job of shining the spotlight directly on Scientologies own disgusting hypocrisy.
This is their usual tactics…why don’t they ever see it doesn’t work anymore? Before the internet it had “some” workability, for them, as far as shutting people up. Now, with the internet, it’s all there for everyone to read and share and it does them more damage than good. The truth shall win out.
Krieger – That is really good news.
I know exactly what you are talking about and it is pretty exciting to know that David Miscavige will be held accountable for his crimes against human beings.
Thank you.
You really need some editors, DM. Here’s what an accurate statement would say:
“The Church states that it OPPOSES religious freedom for all and DISrespects the religious beliefs of others, for all faiths, as enshrined in its Creed. The Church accuses Remini of spreading vitriolic religious hate and bigotry that instigates violence, BECAUSE WE ALWAYS ATTACK OUR CRITICS WITH OUR OWN CRIMES.. The Church also insists that ITS disgustingly bigoted show spreads lies and foments discrimination, as was done in Germany in the 1930s. The Church urges [the network and its owners] to START turning a blind eye to OUR effort to profit by spreading lies and religious hate.”
PS-Hey, maybe you can have a fundraising effort in which your “whales” get to adopt an SP to harass with their donations! I bet you all would get off on that, eh?
To hear Leah actually spell OUT & then pronounce her last night to NOI, had me laughing out loud. I can only imagine that the “little man” is feeling the vise tighten around his miniscule “boys” which is making it extremely uncomfortable to sit. He must drink himself into oblivion just to be able to get a night’s sleep.
I can hardly wait until the next episode goes full blown (pun intended) into WHERE Shelly is & WHY the Police Dept felt it unnecessary to actually SEE & SPEAK to the flesh & blood Shelly Miscavige instead of taking the word of..???
One would begin to think what the HELL is going on? In what universe is it perfectly ok to take the word of another person that the “missing person” is alive & well without even SEEING that person standing in front of them to make sure that certain missing person is well, healthy, happy or just plain old fine?
So if one WERE to rid one’s self of a “pesky untrustworthy blabber mouthed” person, & one of their friends or family members fills out a missing person’s report because they have had no contact with that person…..the local police will take the word of “oh he’s fine” or “yes, she’s off picking daisies”…..& leave the premises without ONE stone unturned in actually SEEING that so called “missing person”.
Wooweee….just think of all those “pesky people” one might gladly rid themselves of if ONLY we KNEW that the police in California would NOT even bother to TRY to SEE or TALK to that “missing person”…..grand life ain’t it? Maybe we should make our list & check them twice….hmmm, let’s see now, who’s the 1st on the list.
Shelly knows wayyyy too much, she could sink Davey’s Fart Winds Battleship… about a religion circling the drain….Shelly’s knowledge would totally obliterate the tiny tyrant & his loyal minions who are holding Shelly somewhere in an Ivory Tower well out of the sight & sound of EVERYONE but one of Davey’s puppets.
In hindsight we damned well know that Shelly literally is little Davey’s Titanic Iceberg & he is MARRIED to her, the “love of his life”….”his wife, you know, the one who SHOULD BE standing right next to him or maybe at the least, one step behind him……isn’t seen because Shelly IS the one person who could actually sink Davey to the bottom of the sea….a whole new version of circling the drain.
Maybe a few blog members on Mike AND Tony’s blog need to fill out a Missing Person’s Report on Shelly just to see how much attention it WOULD get from the Police Dept.
Oh, before I forget….WHERE IS SHELLY anyway?
It also should not be forgotten that Thomas Marcellus, one of the former directors of the infamous “Institute for Historical Review” (IHR) was listed as a Patron of the IAS during the 1990s.
Among the contributors to “Freedom Magazine” was Fletcher Prouty, another affiliate of the IHR.
The church (DM) seems to often accuse others of what they themselves are doing. In this case, he is accusing another of “bigotry”. Let us examine DM’s behavior for bigotry and why yes! He rants about “sucking cock on Hollywood Boulevard” and ~accuses~ people of being homosexuals as though it is a horrendous thing to be. He did this to his own execs who had worked countless hours on his behalf for free such as accusing Debbie Cook of being a lesbian, and accusing Yager and another hole person I forget now of being homosexual partners.
I don’t think he really believed any of that. He was just trying to degrade and belittle them by making them out to be something that he apparently thinks is just terrible, a homosexual. That means that DM is an ACTUAL bigot, as was mankind’s greatest friend Ron. To DM, the death of a parishioner who he had taken part in C/Sing was no big deal, “She died. People die.” But being a homosexual is terrible. You might just be a bigoted sociopath…
Even an atheist will attest to the truth in, ‘and this too shall pass’
I almost puked in my mouth a little when they made their comment/comparison of Leah. That is disgusting of them, but, then again, it’s Scientology making this claim, but ohhhh, they respect religious views and are non discriminatory and are all about saving the planet and doing good for the public and people. Ha, they need to take a long and hard look at the mirror at themselves and take a moment to step back and realize they are the bigots, but I am sure that will never happen. Maybe a few will, but, only time will tell.
It shocked me to learn that the NOI is paired up with Scientology, especially seeing as Caucasian (white) people aren’t allowed to be members, basically, but the majority of Scientology is Caucasian. That just raised numerous red flags to me. I was born and raised into the Catholic. I graduated high school in 2002 and church became one of those only on Easter and Christmas things. Then I was assaulted in 2009 at a prison I worked for by an angry inmate who wasn’t even angry at me. Then I became an Athiest all together because to me there was no God if he was supposed to be there all the time with me and that still happened. After having a near death experience and joining a Christ based support group, I do believe God exists. My life made a complete 180 almost. Now, as for going to church. I do go sometimes, and I go to a Catholic Church still, even though I do question some of their practices, main one being confession where you confess your sins to the Priest and he absolves you of your sins and gives you a penance and you say whatever prayers he tells you to and usually paired with doing an act of kindness during the week or some sort of community service act. I just never have understood why I have to confess to a Priest to get a connection with God/Jesus. So, I’m question my beliefs all the time, the beliefs I was brought up with, and now we have a Pope who is trying to change things and it just seems to be a spiral of a mess because some are crying out good job and others are mad as hell.
I do hope Scientology loses it’s tax exempt status and the IRS does an audit on them all the way back to when the exemption was granted and makes the church go bankrupt and possibly a huge FBI takedown to place people under arrest who are still very much active and carry out the terrible, horrendous things done to people and treat it like it is normal.
Please keep doing all you do! You are shining major light on this cult, and helping some members realize they are in a cult and brainwashed, and also keeping someone (like me) who thought about going and joining up for what the overall pitch was to get us to join, and now seeing we almost made the largest mistake of our lives.
As a fellow ‘cradle Catholic’ I understand your struggle. But I think we can both agree that the Catholic church, with all it has to atone/answer for, is miles ahead of Scientology in terms of church vs. cult. I share your feelings about confession. But I do want to point out that you don’t have to hand the priest your credit card before going into the confessional. Scientologists have to pay ahead for everything! And when it comes to charity and charitable acts, the vast majority of established religions truly understand the concept. For Scientologists it’s ‘out-exchange’ (I think that’s the term). I’m starting to ramble but I have to bring up Disconnection vs. Excommunication. Excommunication is a very rare event. You don’t get excommunicated for just asking questions about the faith, or for just deciding to leave the church. My siblings haven’t been Catholics since their teens (I am the youngest at 61). No one, neither minister nor lay person, has ever so much as suggested that I (or my now deceased parents) should have no contact with them. In fact, we are encouraged to continue talking with them. How else can you even hope they might, someday, come back to the church? It’s common sense. OOPS! I forgot common sense is entheta! Hence Leah Remini = Nazi.
Good points you make, MJM. I want to add that Catholics don’t take your confidential confessions and spew them to the public to get back at you if you leave, nor do they hunt through and cull through your folders looking for dirt with which to declare you an SP with. In regular Confessional Tech at the Cof$, at the end the auditor is to give a forgiveness statement, something like, “As a representative of Scn, for all you have confessed here, you are forgiven.” That is in a regular Sec Check. But the tech was altered by Davey to be HCO Sec Checks, which are different from regular ones so that they begin with the statement, “I am not auditing you.” That HCO Sec Check was supposed to be rarely done and only if the person was really exhibiting criminal and bad behavior and you suspected crimes for which they could be persecuted. Davey has altered it to be that ALL Sec Checks are HCO style (…I’m not auditing you…) so that you can say “but this was not a real session and therefore you can be persecuted for anything you reveal in session. And in fact, they are taken right to the big bad MAA’s office for handling after the Sec Check is over. It’s like they want to find dirt on you with which to black mail you and with which to keep you in the fold cuz you know it will come out if you leave.
Also, MKM, Excommunication does not involve shunning. You just can no longer receive the sacraments in the church.
I didn’t catch the entire show, and will catch the rerun; but, even though I’m no fan of Scientology, I don’t support other cults, and have mixed feelings about the Nation of Islam. Scientology’s infiltration of the Nation of Islam might have the result of questioning their beliefs, which is actually good, unless of course they successfully convert people to a cult that’s even worse.
On another note, I noticed the paid ads on Twitter allegedly coming from your daughter in an obvious smear of you and wrote about it at the end of my most recent article which is linked in my name. This smear is so incredibly obvious that I can’t help but wondering what they’re trying to accomplish. I suspect it might be a far-fetched reverse psychology PsyOp for some absurd reason, and it might actually work out to advertise your show since few people are likely to believe it.
I previously speculated about the possibility that Scientology might be indirectly related to Philip Corso’s claims about sharing Alien technology with corporations, including some that L. Ron Hubbard might have ties to. that is also linked to with my comments about this absurd smear in the article.
Basically it’s speculation that small pieces of the truth are often released through unreliable sources like Hubbard and many other people that look like quacks including Bob Lazar who also claimed to share alien technology but was exposed as a fraud only to be proven right about a couple things years later.
I also speculated about the possibility that you’re involved in a controlled disclosure effort, which is better than letting the cult go on unchallenged but not nearly as coming out with the truth preparing people for it in the most effective way possible.
Strange stuff, of course, but Scientology is strange.
In one way, you are so right. The Scam is very strange. But in another way, it is also dead simple.
Just consider a drug addict who is addicted to the most powerful narcotic drug in the world. Then, instead of that drug, substitute “money”. IMHO, The Scam is easily understood by thinking of it in those terms.
Thanks Mike for making the truth about the insanity of Scientology available as it happens. I consider I can speak with authority regarding this article. I’m about 100% Jewish and was brought up from a very young age being educated about the Nazis evil legacy and the impact it had on my family.
Also I am one of very few who I know who was a Scientologist for almost 50 years. During that time I was in the one and only rock band that joined the SO as a group, I was one of the third SO founding staff member at Celebrity Centre 1969(Yvonne Gilliam was the first), I worked with Hubbard on music on the Apollo in 1974, I performed at over 600 events for the Cherch, I was a co-writer of the music for the iconic Dianetics commercial and I was the music producer of the music video UNITED for Youth For Human Rights. I was privy to much that went on in Scientogy across 5 decades including being on a first name basis with most upper level executives including Miscavige.
I have watched the organization through its development, expansion and now contraction. This year all my “friends”(hundreds)and my two children disconnected from me. I knew whence I speak.
My opinion: Scientology is now a full on fascist, neo-religious organization run by an uneducated psychopath. It was designed that way by Hubbard and it has achieved its full insane potential. Those people I know who are still members are delusional and fully controlled by the dogma written and compiled by Hubbard and now further distorted by Miscavige.
Mike, the work you and Leah are doing is necessary. Although Scientology is relatively small in comparison to many other readical religious and political movements the example you set in exposing the truth is monumental. I support what you are doing and hopefully my activities will help support our common goal to fully expose this organization so that it can’t hurt any more people. Thank you again for what you are doing.
At least the NOI espouses family values, healthy living and self sufficiency. Do all NOI attribute suppression of the black race to “Satanic Jews” as Farrakhan rants?
Satanic Jews in NOI and psychiatry in Scn are identifiable enemies which is part of cult indoctrination, having an identifiable enemy in society to unify against and oppose. It was over 30 years ago that I left Scn and I don’t think I adopted the idea that psychiatry was the enemy of mankind. Maybe it was more the idea that psychiatry was a government endorsed waste of time, energy and money. At any rate I wasn’t too concerned about psychiatry although my memory is about it is vague.
Richard, their ” family values ” endorse the subservience of women and the ” re-education ” of gay people, among other things. In their cosmology, white people are inferior; they are, literally, ” genetic accidents “. NOI is just another variety of some culty, toxic shit.
There’s no denying the toxicity of NOI doctrines and beliefs but I’d like to hope that not all NOI and all current scientologists are radical fundamentalists. Maybe that’s too much to hope for.
For example, the second guest on the episode apparently still believes in NOI but abhors the infiltration of scientology into the NOI structure and doctrine. I wonder if he was looking at Mike and Leah as inferior or if he has some kind of thinking like “The black race is the mother of all other races.” (whether that’s true or not). If that’s the extent of his prejudice or bigotry then so what.
I can only speak of my own scientology experience of yesteryear. I thought that everyone should eventually become a scientologist but I didn’t have a steely glare.
Scientology creeping into NOI is certainly an interesting if slow moving development. Maybe I’ll be around long enough to make comments about “The First United Church of NOI and Scientology”.
I was amazed to hear that SCN is managing to infect the NOI to such a degree that dissenters are being fair gamed and members are being pushed to disconnect from them.
One has to wonder what the NOI leaders like Farrakhan and Tony Muhammad think the NOI is going to get out of this, other than SCN taking over their whole organization and destroying it? Are they kool-aide drinkers now too? Why would they revere a white man who went around calling people wogs?
SCN is the opposite of the ideology that Mr. Ishmael described on the program. Self reliance, independence, raising yourself and your neighbors up, being family oriented, etc. are the opposites of Scientology. Even their religious discipline process couldn’t be more diametrically opposed to SCN and its ethics conditions and abuse.
“One has to wonder what the NOI leaders like Farrakhan and Tony Muhammad think the NOI is going to get out of this…”
What benefits the NOI general public receives is anyone’s guess but what its leaders are getting in volume out of Scientology is no stretch to answer. Hint: its green and has numbers, symbols and faces printed on it.
LRH and DM portraited on toilet paper turn green into their true colour of nazi brown.
I’m starting to suspect that the CofS-NOI relationship evolved as an accident as much as anything, without the leaders on either side really having thought out where it might end up. Much of history is that way, and much of Scientology’s history in particular, like the locations of its orgs and missions, comes down to the happenstance of one or several key people being in a particular place at a particular time.
I think it’s fairly obvious that the NOI originally thought they were going to get some Dianetics “tech” that would make their members more able, helping them to shed the bonds of their past, in line with their goal to empower African-Americans and strengthen their communities. When Scientology originally reached out to the NOI as part of its “social betterment” efforts and attempts to establish connections in the African-American community, and the NOI saw a possibly useful tool to acquire in supposedly non-religious Dianetics, I’m not sure either side thought through what would happen as NOI members inevitably started to work up the “bridge” and got into Scientology itself. Now both have started something they can’t really stop, and may just be caught up in it, and not really even thinking strategically.
The problem for miscabage is that the show does NOT spread lies. In fact several actions have been amended inside the cult thanks to Leah and Mike’s show, such as change the location of the hole, abortion and others.
This does not mean that the crimes and abuses did not exist, of course they did and Miscabaga was the source of many of them, but yes, he is now in paranoia that his millions will be taken away by the government for evading taxes and terrified that no one will “flow” admiration and respect to his diminutive body, as without the flow of these emotions he will be an insignificant nobody (in the eyes of his followers).
Poor rotten soul.
There was so much to digest after Tuesday’s Aftermath documentary. If I wasn’t convinced before I’m all in now that the cult of scientology is a fungus, bacteria, virus, that if it touches you, or you touch it, and you don’t disconnect from it, it will eat away your humanity. Sadly, there will be aftereffects, and it will keep trying to control your body, mind and soul. But, there is a cure, and that cure is exposing the cult to the sunshine on the truth of what a curse it is.
Peggy L, it really is a lot to digest every week! I love it! One hit after another. Just wait till DM sees next week’s episode…
Keep disinfecting this ball of tax exempt infected gaping wound of pus called Scientology by shining your light on it.
The cock roaches are scramming for the darkness.
The members are getting some of that light Mike and Leah. I sat with 2 Scientologists who were in DOUBT and willing to talk about it.
We watched your show plus a bunch of the re runs.
They are OUT! Now we will help them during thru the deprogramming and healing process. They are very angry and upset to realize how badly they were betrayed by the Church of Scientology and L Ron Hubbard.
The truth is always better than living the lies.
If you leave today lurkers – YOU WON’T GET ANY WORSE!
Thank you Mike and Leah!
Thank you Photographer. This is wonderful! Totally makes my day. I’m so happy for them. Way to go.
Music to my ears!
Can’t help to plug it once more.
You may want to show them the list of exes speaking out (if you haven’t done so already).
Not saying they themselves should do so – just to be clear. (Heh.)
That’s great news. I have talked to a few scientologists that say they are not out but that they are done. They have too much to lose to say they are out; so they are just fading away and the church is letting them.
When I got declared the church would not let me just fade away; I HAD to go in and talk to them. I’d say that was a big mistake except, I am so much better (being a declared SP) and happier being away from the grips of the church of scientology and SO thankful and grateful for my friends, my family and my life now. I can breath again.
It’s hard to convince someone that fears losing a loved one or good friend or income that life is better out here, but it is. It just takes a while to get out of the toxic fumes that permeate your space until you’re out in the fresh air for a while. At least that was the way it has been for me. Having said that, I do hope one day I get to hug my son, Sammy, again and help save the rest of his life from the broken promises and losses he will go through. I miss him very much.
I’m giving you a cyberhug Mary. I sincerely hope you are reunited with your son.
Thank you☺️
By the way, Leah did a bang up job interviewing these guests.
She’s the best. She knows when to listen and when to ask the next (great) question.
Another important episode Mike . Thank you and to Leah as well.
Mike, I have serious problems with the Nazi topic.
More then one time I have asked you, Debbie Cook or tom De Vocht to expose how the COS and OSA infiltrated the Clearwater GOV and the CW Police Department.
Thus resulted in a environment today where in a US City a Police is unable to investigate in Suicide or Homicide cases without having OSA Sara Heller among them.
There are numerous death cases starting from Lisa MC Person until today.
Many of them are not professional investigated or turned down by the Church.
I personally think, that is EXACTLY the same situation that Adolf Hitler and the SA had, before they came to power in 1933. A situation where they are ABOVE the law.
You yourself have orchestrated that. Tom had, Debbie had, Peter Mansell and many others before him had too.
Only to name the case of Kyle Brennan, OT 8 Biggi Reichert, Michael Bamme or OT 5 Evgheni Zharkin and you know what, only a couple of weeks ago the third German , Sea Org Member Sabine L. came from Flag, stayed a couple of days at the exact same village where Biggi Reichert had her last days at OT 8` Gloria XX. and tried to commit suicide by cutting her veins.
I personally think that as long as this happens again and again, without having a working law system in a Florida City with the name of Clearwater, it is only cheap to broadcast about people who have been financially ruined by a cult that they want to go to.
It is even more in the behavior of people of the Nazi regime to silence, to NOT Speak or to hide instead of exposing how the “church” reached that status.
Sorry those you think can confirm your belief are unable to help you. You seem to think the Clearwater Police are like the German police under Hitler and the SA? Sorry, that comparison is not much better than scientology’s. The problem in the US is the legal system and the preponderance of laws protecting organizations deemed religious. Remember, the FL STate’s Attorney and the CWPD/FDLE DID bring charges against scientology. The FBI did conduct an extensive investigation. It’s not someone influencing/threatening people in law enforcement that is the reason no prosecutions are successful. Believe me, I am pushing as hard as anyone can to solve this. You really believe that if I had information that would blow the lid off some conspiracy to obstruct justice that I would not have a) Told the FBI or b) shown it on The Aftermath or c) Failing that included it on my blog?
Tom, Debbie, me or anyone else don’t have information that fits your assumptions because that information does not exist.
Mike, sorry that is hard to believe.
First of all, I don`t think there is something that should be compared to Hitler and the Nazis. Maybe ISIS.
During the amateurish investigations of the suicide/homicide cases in CW, at any time Sarah Heller and Peter Mansell for the last years where involved. Also it is for sure and proved that many of the CW police are working off duty on paycheck for the church. Detective Steven Bowling, who was in charge of the case of Kyle Brennan that was maybe the most annoying and amateurish done police investigation on a death case I ever heard about, was working off duty for the cos. None of the police officers I spoke to in 7 years of visiting CW would say something about what they know openly because they live there and do not want to have problems.
Do you think that is the way a jurisdiction unit should work?
As for your excuse that you all don`t know nothing about it: I also doubt that. First of all, if something like that is happening at FLAG OSA gets informed as the weekly OSA report says and we all know. Its in the police documents that remedially they call OSA legal.
Now what will OSA do?
You know it. They will inform the FLAG leading structure and of course the headquarter.
So that least that is easy to see and to prove. Former police officer Ray Emmonds who died recently told me that if a Scientologist was found dead from a foreign country at CW, its body would be sticked in a plastic bag and being shipped back to its country. No real investigation took place.
Klaus Buechele who was your Deputy told me personally ( among two witnesses in a restaurant Hubbard used to visit near CW ) the same.
As for the FBI. I visited the FBI at Clearwater in 2014 and gave them documents and many information about the Biggi Reichert Case, about two other cases. None of them meant anything to them. They didn’t even know. They told me what they would have done, if the info I gave to them would have been given to them by either the CW police or the German Police ( reg. Biggi) at the time of the event.
As for the Brennan Case, the Zarkhin Case and the Michael Damme Case, all documents and interviews with people involved also proved, that the police did a lousy investigation just to get the folder closed.
The Brennan case would go even so far, that it whitewashed Denise Miscavige and her fellows from annything they had to do with it.
So in other words: If your son one day would be found dead at flag Mike, trust me you will not get any justice and you will also don`t see any proper investigation at all.
And that is happening on US soil.
I’d pay to watch on PPV to see David Miscavige strung upside naked with his legs spread and have his crotch flogged with a 6’ bullwhip dipped in used motor oil and aged cat piss.
It sure would improve the ratings of Scientology TV!
It’s Scientology itself that bears more than a casual resemblance to Nazism, with its roots in the Thelema of Hubbard’s claimed “very good friend” Aleister Crowley, who was affiliated with the German occultists who formed the Thule Society from which the Nazi Party arose; and Hubbard’s admiring writings about ruthlessness in “Bolivar,” and the Venezuelan dictator who (supposedly) got rid of leprosy by killing all the beggars. One of Hubbard’s contemporaries in sci-fi wrote about how they were uncomfortable with Ron’s fascist bent.
Hubbard’s Scientology shares with Nazism and other totalitarian ideologies, the belief that creating a “new man” (“homo novis” in his terms) and an ideal world order, justifies any means including the sacrifice of individuals (“heads on a pike”) and even mass extermination (“dispose of them quietly and without sorrow”). They also all rely on internal and external propaganda campaigns – lying, deceiving, and making false claims and accusations as deemed necessary and as suits the aims of the regime, which North Korea is another infamous example of.
Hubbard said that “the criminal accuses others of things which he himself is doing” – a virtual paraphrase of what Nazi Joseph Goebbels referred to as “the cleverest trick used in propaganda.” Scientology seems to take that as a virtual “scriptural” directive to act out, though I think their propensity for doing so constantly comes more from unconscious psychological projection, seeing in others that which they are unable to confront and address in themselves, because they are forced to repress all internal criticism. And didn’t Hubbard also say something to the effect that you become what you hate?
Interesting read.
We need to have Marty Rathbun explain to us how the A&E writers are able to consistently craft such believable scripts, and the producers of the show are able to turn each non theatrical guest into such amazing actors. Staggers the imagination it does.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. For interrupting your schedules when you are on lack of sleep to work with A&E on finding a way and time to film Leah reading the letter they sent. It is most definitely appreciated. We trust you because you are transparent with us on what is happening as it happens. Keep up the great fight!
Great show! My favorite part by Leah to Farrakhan “my name is Leah, L E A H Remini, R E M I N I. I laughed out loud and scared the dog!
Over at Tony Ortega’s site he honored Tiponi Grey who ‘called out Scientology for their lack of compassion’. Almost on cue (Pavlovian-like) , Karen Blinky Pouw issued a cold and compassionless statement about Ms. Gray(sic) . They just can’t help confirming what had just been said about them. It’s just too easy.
I think people are confusing Karen Pouw with the sleazy lawyer Monique “blinky” Yingling. Both of them are scumbags though. Monique is the one who constantly blinks.
Thanks Pat,
It’s that age and memory problem, I think….
They do not call him Der Dwarfenfuehrer for nothing.
Just as there is Scientology the subject and tech versus Scientology the organization there is the NAZI party and the Nazi (tech).
Just because his name is Miscaviage instead of Hitler does not mean that they are different or operate differently. I could see DM (correcting) the typos in Mein Kaumph and reissuing it as”lost tech”. and forcing everyone to buy a new “Basics Package”
In so doing he believes that he is improving on Hitlers tech.
Sounds true to me Bill.
Hey, y’all; there is no difference between scientology and the organization that is set up deliver it. Don’t be distracted by the parts of the garbage called ” the tech” that are or are not being applied or utilized; it’s a crime syndicate operated by slaves for the benefit of the leader, as it always has been. It’s one big scam- by intentional design.
Indeed. What I finally realized, is that you can take Hubbard’s “Affirmations,” as well as his admiring writing about a Venezuelan dictator who expediently “disposed” of all the beggars in the country, and the ruthless “Bolivar” and Manuela – in his “Responsibilities of Leaders,” which Miscavige reportedly took to heart – and pretty much draw a straight line from the late 1940s’ “Material things are yours for the asking. Men are your slaves.” to how Scientology is run today.
What PeaceMaker said!
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO DEBUNK SCIENTOLOGY IS CONTAINED WITHIN IN IT; it’s a rank, steaming pile of shit. The lies, the flaws, the contradictions, the non sequiturs, the gibberish…It’s all there, in plain sight, in volume after volume of logical fallacies and pseudo science and shitty, 1950’s science fiction.
It’s a science, no, wait…It’s a religion. It’s an applied religious philosophy. It’s a technology…based on imaginary research fueled by drugs and chain smoking. The scientology organization is a social betterment group and a church and a defender of human rights and the most ethical group on the planet and the holder of the trademarks and copyrights of Eternity Insurance and Galactic Salvation.
That’s right folks, this is the baddest, most dope shit since the invention of the wheel…
*Right? *?
Bravo Mike! Their perverse retaliations masquerading as justified moral outrage is digging deeper and deeper their own burial hole.
It’s very interesting that that these two bigoted groups are together.
I would not consider then strange bedfellows, they are exactly alike in principle.
The theology is different but the principles are the same: bigotry and hate.
…and deception and lies.
So true Mary
BTL, there are even similarities in the cosmologies of the two groups: space opera, master race theory…and Fard Muhammad as a prophet of Allah, while Hubbard is ” Buddha in the West “.
The leaders of both groups are fond of money, power over others, lies, intrigue, expensive suits and shoes, and hair products.
It’s the same cult characteristics:
– superior leader
– superior knowledge
– evil critics
– only way
– eternal damnation for not following the only way
– dwelling in a bubble
– demonization of society
– demonization of enemy groups
– blaming others for their failure
– demonization of reason in the name of reason
– arrogance
– the destruction of loving human realations
May this form of group and its depravity go the way of the dinosaur.
Mike, you and Leah are the consummate professionals. The Church of Scientology is one, doomed cult. I’m in awe. Thank you!
I know a fair bit about the Nazis and I have always thought that the Church employs their tactics very standardly and even for the same stated reason.
The Nazis were not as megalomaniac as Scientology. They were not trying to clear the planet They were clearing Europe of Jews and others. As the Nazis were more overt about what they were doing they are more successful than Scientology.
The problem with ‘the NAZI card’ is that it’s been misplayed SO MANY times in 70 years that it’s ‘spots’ have been worn off. NO one mistakes it as a valid characterization of any but real, self-proclaimed Nazis, such as the skin-heads … AND, because it’s targeted at so many who are SO**OBVIOUSLY** NOT Nazis or sympathizers, most thinking people blow it off as unwarranted as a first impression. making the (false) connection isn’t as easy as it once might have been.
It’s Godwin’s Law in action.
Nowadays the argument doesn’t even have to go on very long at all before Hitler is invoked. A mere disagreement is all that’s necessary. (I call that “Miss Q’s Corollary.” ?)
Scientology [DM] can’t pull from wider history as he is so VERY proudly self-uneducated, and can’t conceive of others being well-educated. Too, DM isn’t very imaginative and has to keep recycling his half-baked “bright ideas”. His teenie, tiny… brain … overheats whenever he tries to think of something new, only quenched by imbibing some high-quality(or at least expen$ive) scotch®, until everything quiets down and he’s passed-out.
Excellent post Mike, and another great show! Leah and Mike, Shine the Light !! Leah’s statement at the end was perfect.
It is ‘curiouser and curiouser’ how hidden Miscavige has become last couple decades, obviously even more so these days.
Sharing the limelight fans only if you please, for Miscavige, Popes and Generals don’t go onto the battlefield until the war is won, so instead we get the flying monkeys and his oger level IQ henchmen is all he’s got. Doesn’t even the Pope make a public appearance once in a while?
Something is afoul here… ya think? … maybe a l o t.
I think afoul also.
“My name is Leah Re…mi…ni…that’s Re..mi…ni”. Classic!
Excellent show last night. I find it hilarious that the most “white man” hating group on the planet glorifies one of the worst “white men” who have walked this earth. Just hilarious….so, more evidence that NOI is just like Scn cult….it’s all about deceit to procure as much money as they can to benefit a few of their evil leaders. Perfect match.. NOI will undoubtedly experience a mass exodus, as well. As well they should.
I love the irony…
What I truly loved about her closing statement was the droll smile with which it was delivered. Made his “inability” to know her name even more obvious. LOL
Me too Teen!!
The Nation of Islam and the Church of Scientology have a transactional relationship. NOI have a fairly large group of members who are for the most part poor. CO$ is endlessly rich, hemorrhaging members and desperate for new people, any people, of any race, creed, color etc. Co$ desperately needs BODIES to keep it going. NOI needs MONEY to keep it going.
Again , Thank you for all you do.
The church play the NAZI card on opponents quite often because it diverts the attention off of themselves and what they are doing to their own people and others, because if anybody is acting like NAZI’s its them, the church of Scientology and they are so scared that the people are going to find out what they really are.
Too late. There’s only one solution left and that is to come clean but that is no where in the tech for david miscavige.
Scientology + Decency? Thanks for the snicker. Tubby never was any concerned with anything of the sort, which would be tantamount to submitting to “wog” values an norms of behavior. AFAICT, he never learned those things, but was allowed to grow up a spoiled brat, with the apparent emotional age of a 4-year-old, an immature one, at that. Meanwhile, Godwin’s Law need not be invoked as we KNOW scientology will NEVER debate the issues, but will only attack with the most vile ad hominem attacks their teenie, tiny brains can think up. I’m sorta waiting for them to come out with that play yard classic:”poopy pants”. Leah’s “Really?” was SO spot-on to decimate that attack. In fact, including Scientology’s version of “participation” is dynamite, really puts their lies in perspective. It’s a shame that so few in the organization will ever see “Aftermath”, but they CAN’T let them see or the truth would implode them even more quickly than “must-savage” is accomplishing it. Sadly, I don’t see any direct legal challenges against the organization coming as a result of the show, only education of some or many who might be tempted to join in the future…. “Curious?” … “Hell no, not that fake ‘church’!” As a result of that episode, “Aftermath” might make inroads in via NOI, as I doubt they’re as indoctrinated against watching or hearing anything people that MIGHT be be “entheta” or ‘unsavory truths’. Since DM and his minions are probably thoroughly livid about this episode, I half expect them to attack the show as Islamophobia, particularly due to the clips of thee NOI guy’s blatantly bigoted and prejudicial remarks, which they’ll claim were unrepresentative of NOI’s root “message of peace”, and criminally edited to remove them from any context to slander NOI’s good name.
SORRY if I gave OSA any ideas, but that’s what occurred to my sleep- addled brain when I first got around to reviewing the recording.
Insightful comment Jere. I always enjoy your thought process.
Jere, the NOI has ALWAYS been racist. It’s part of their ” scripture ” ; white people are
” devils ” and ” genetic accidents “, per their creation stories. They are not Islamic, just as scientology is neither spiritual or religious. Just so you know… They have been vociferously anti-white and anti-semtic for decades. It’s a core aspect of their beliefs/ world view.
$camology has become a fart in the vacuum of space.
Lol……praying the smell disappates soon…
Unfortunately the smell remains.
Only a powerful disinfectant like the revoking of their tax exempt status will begin to remove the stench.
Yes stay strong Leah and Mike. At least you
know DM’s responses will be so way out there
that they do not even deserve a second thought.
So good to see Leah in a new movie! A must-see.
“The Church states that it supports religious freedom for all and respects the religious beliefs of others, for all faiths, as enshrined in its Creed.” The church’s religious sacrament is to lie lie lie then if that doesn’t work lie some more. Of course it states what would be politically correct to state. You note that it STATES that, it doesn’t say that it really does that. Therein lies the rub.
And Miscavige and all your minions heed your own spew:
“…stop turning a blind eye to [your] effort to profit by spreading lies and religious hate.”
Leah’s response was classic.
As per the usual, Scientology once again hand-delivers the best evidence you guys have in making your case against them. This one had to be the most obnoxious and self-defeating “response” of all time so far.
And kudos for calling this one a “Hindenburg”. Sometimes, the term “foot-bullet” just doesn’t quite capture the essence of what they just did to themselves. This is most certainly one of those times. Excellent post Mike, yet again.
The Hubbard playbook in action, as modified by Miscavige and his lawyers, eager to jump on the cashed up band wagon of religious & constitutional exploitation. Disgustingly despicable doesn’t quite cut it as descriptive enough but Scientology sure has shown us what dwelling in a prison of hate does. It’s scary to contemplate just how far they will go to cover up their criminal activities as their lies are already unbelievably outrageous.
Scientology always plays the Hitler card because, why?
Q: Why not Stalin, or Pol Pot?
CoS: Never heard of them.
Q: Caligula? Attilla the Hun?
CoS: Nope, not in our past lives records.
Q: Ok, then, Saddam? John Wayne Gacy? The Grinch That Stole Christmas?
CoS: Nope, we’re sticking with all Hitler, all the time. Attack, attack, attack, that’s what Hubbard drilled into us, so that’s what we do. He never said we needed more than one name to attack with, so it’s Hitler for us. It’s a name easy to remember, and it begins with ‘hit’ – our COB has affinity for that word, you know. We just love Hitler, I guess.
Hilarious Ammo!
Scientology membership is fast approaching the numbers of the KKK. David Miscavige needs to get a job as he’s been too long on whalefare.
“Whalefare” ? Great one scribe!
Thanks Ann. ?
“Whalefare.” PERFECT!
Scientology is sure fixated on dead people. But when you look at what they do to the living… yep, the only reference they can rely on is the lies from the past. Scientology is 100% fully devoted to lies.
“..we’re sticking with all Hitler, all the time.”
Hilarious! ?
I am a post war (1947) German born person, who lost countless family in that debacle of hate and destruction led by the same kind of lunatic ‘obey or be punished/imprisoned/tortured etc…’ behaviors the COS – from lunatic schizophrenic for sure Hubbard to even worse lunatic Miscavage and ilk force upon its members and especially ex members makes me scream with anger and frustration!
Please to any who may not know what Hitler and his Nazi’s were about. They were exactly what Hubbard/Miscavage and Farrakhan ilk are doing and about right now!! They are the SAME EVIL DEMENTED/CRUEL/ABUSIVE FIENDS who use fear and intimidation and violence to achieve their grotesque goals. ANYONE who makes you afraid is to be called out and absolutely rejected – PERIOD. ANYONE who makes you feel small is to be absolutely rejected – PERIOD. Anyone who makes you feel warm/accepted/protected who allows and for that matter encourages you to question and explore and learn all you want and can about any and everything is to be CHERISHED. jUST MY TWO CENTS 🙂
Thank you!
Amen! Tell it like it is…
Great post! I completely agree with you Didi M.
Having majored in European and German history with a minor in German language at Boston University, let me say that Scientology seems to have little or no grasp of the depths of the violent behavior practiced by Nazi Germany. If they did, they wouldn’t compare it to the tame sort of informational give and take Leah and Mike and their friends appear in weekly.
Yeah, that’s what so outrageous about it. Throwing out crap like that just undermines the true horrors of what millions of innocent people (including children) had to go through.
Also, presenting that “statement” for an episode that actually exposes their love affair with a real anti-Semitic bigot (with tons of documented evidence) is just stunning, even for these morons. It’s stunning from a logical standpoint, from a PR standpoint, and from a moral standpoint.
Exactly Mick!
With a response like the “Nazi Germany” one Scientology provided — they got nothing! :/
Mike — I think you are misreading the chart. The way I read it, Leah is 97.6% Jewish. She is 49.5% Southern European.
Sorry, it was I who misread the chart. My mistake.
The image is slanted, so it might appear that way. But follow the lines all the way across and you’ll see that it reads the way Mike stated it.
The best part of watching Leah read that letter last night was the utterly exasperated “Really?” at the end.
The desperation is deepening.
Scientology, you’re not fooling anyone but your shrinking membership; the few remaining followers are standing on a ticking time bomb about to detonate as your lies and deceit are continually exposed to the world.
Honestly Dave, how do you think your usurping of power will end?
And as usual, the church says it is “all lies” without taking one single specific claim and countering it with the truth as they know it. Instead of saying what single item specifically is a lie, they just blanket say it is all lies. This goes against their own LRH references, of “Generalities Won’t Do” and other references which state that you should never speak in generalities. Well when you cannot disprove anything that is said, it is dangerous to take up separate points one at a time to try to rebut them because you can’t rebut them. What is being shown on the A&E show about Scn is TRUE and that is why they can’t take specifics and say that that specific thing said it untrue. Because it is not.
Ctempster, good point! Scientology always contradicts itself, intentionally. Arnie Lerma( RIP ) has a whole section of lermanet devoted to confusion technique.
I’ll point out another simple contradiction in scientology doctrine: the creed of scientology( and the freedoms it states are guaranteed to ALL beings ) versus all of scientology ” ethics ” , including fair game and disconnection and noisy investigations and the rest of the skeezy shit and detritus associated with it.
Scientology is opposite world: study technology is indoctrination; auditing is hypnotic indoctrination and enslavement ( get your false euphoria fix ); ethics is control and punishment and indoctrination and abuse and miscellaneous criminality; public relations is lying and dissembling and fantasizing and bullshitting; dissemination is devious hard-selling and love-bombing and more lying; volunteer ministering is lying, posing for photo ops, and appearing next to organizations that actually DO something in order to look/appear socially relevant and effective, mostly to other cult members, because the non-scientology public sees through the charade; administrative technology is cluster-fuck generation and the manufacture of busy-work, tedium and inefficiency.
Hip hip hooray!
Notwithstanding – here we are 50+ years later and absolutely none of the ‘promised results’ have taken place; in fact pretty much the ‘opposite has’ – no? Has anyone in or out of Scientology ever met ‘anyone who has reached the shilled ‘state of total enlightenment – or whatever’ ? It’s all a pile of horrific,beyond brutal control and deliberate brainwashing of people who with the best of intentions were persuaded to believe that a goofball lunatic like Hubbard had the answer to who or what creation etc… is. I repeat – anyone who for one second does any kind of harm to another claiming it’s for ‘the cause’ is full of shit. Period. I look forward to that Miscavage creep being held fully and publicly accountable for his crimes.
Mr. David Miscavige, who the hell is advising you??
It seems the worst possible moves are chosen everytime.
Scientology is trying to play chess using the rules of checkers, and brother, it does not look pretty.
Listen you CSMF, I will deign to answer your stupid question and this is the last time I will speak on the subject. Got that? Good. No one, and I mean nobody advises me about a single goddamn thing. Is that clear enough for you, Mr. 1.1?
Lol…….exactly the reason he is an utter failure at everything he does…
Scribe! ?
WhatAreYourCrimes ,
I think it is the voices inside his head that advise David Midget so well.
To Mike and Leah and all that have suffered at the hands of Miscarriage and Scientology, stay strong. Your words are not falling upon deaf ears. Your messages are being received and justice is coming.