Tonight’s episode addressed another subject we get a LOT of questions about. Celebrities and scientology.
And of course with the controversy over Elisabeth Moss’s Emmy win for her portrayal of the victim of an oppressive system that controls every aspect of people’s lives when she is a scientologist, and then Nicole Kidman’s acknowledgement of the unconditional love from her 2 daughters with Keith Urban, while not mentioning the two children she adopted with Tom Cruise, there is heightened interest in the subject.
I must say, because I do not feel we were really able to communicate this well enough in the show — Paul Haggis is a hero of mine. Not only because he paved the way for so much that has followed by standing up and speaking out, not only because he is one of the smartest, kindest, most articulate and all-around best people I know, but also because he truly puts his money where his mouth is. He tirelessly works to help the underprivileged and impoverished. He was working to help children in Haiti LONG before natural disasters hit the front page and a few VM’s in yellow t-shirts arrived for photo ops. And he continues to work there today long after the yellow t-shirts have vanished entirely. He and his foundation built an actual school – they didn’t hand out some booklets or give a few touch assists. And this is just one small part of the work he does. He isn’t presented trophies for this. There is no video made of his great works like they do with IAS “Freedom Medal” winners. He does it because he cares. That is what makes him so admirable in my eyes.
Paul has a life. He’s got more Oscars sitting on his shelf than all scientologists combined. He has plenty of work. He has a whole world of artists that look up to him. He does not need this shit. But he feels a responsibility to do something about the abuses he has witnessed in scientology. So, he continues to speak out. There is literally NO upside to him. Just more smears coming. But that is the sort of person he is.
And I do not mean to lessen Karen’s bravery by comparison (or ANY of our contributors) — all of them are courageous, strong people I am proud to know.
Paul simply has a special stature in my personal Hall of Fame because he went all out when it was REALLY not “safe” to do so, and he has never backed away since.
Of course, I am interested in your thoughts about this episode.
And as I always do, for anyone newly coming to this blog, I include some relevant links to earlier blog articles.
The first of which is especially relevant to tonight’s episode: Scientology Homophobia
And here are the scientology policies that demand that anyone in disagreement be destroyed.
To begin to understand the mindset scientologists have about those who criticize any part of it, read this article:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
And then read this one:
And here is a fairly short explanation of how disconnection is used in scientology (and how they try to spin the practice):
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
An overview of the efforts by scientology to smear Leah Remini:
Scientology Dead Agents* Itself
And finally this is a post about the lies they tell about their “expansion”:
Scientology “expansion” debunked
PS: From Paul Haggis
Hello again.
I went to the tons of videos on different interviews and lectures by LRH. I now think that I get it. Leah when she was given the “secret” and her thoughts was “What the F—-is this” was a completely natural reaction. Her mom was thrilled that Leah had finally got “the message” about the wee folk that attach to our bodies after being blown up by H-bombs in volcanoes. Of course, then the subject would have to go even further up the ladder to find out the next chapter in the “secrets” which would cost even more money, study, and hopefully not go backwards because “you just don’t get it yet.”
I heard about a half hour of LHR ramble on and on about packaging people in boxes, and being blown up, and being transported from one place to another in DC-8 aircraft, and there was no flood but an explosion. Xenu “The Bad” is captured and put in a wire cage and is inside a mountain. Then they started a assembly line to bring back humanity, etc. Like Leah my reaction was “What the F— is this.” Now LRH was lecturing to I believe Sea Org people, and I could not see any photos, just his recording, but nobody ever shouted out “What the F— is this.”
OK, this is somewhat like the story of “The Emperor’s new clothes.” I am sure that most if not all of those who heard the original lecture was at best thinking “I don’t get it.” but, like the multitude looking at the Emperor in the story who had no clothes was convinced that he did have in fact a wonderful outfit, even if they could not actually see it, and did not want to be thought an idiot because they could not see the Emperor’s sharp new threads. That is until one brave soul said “You have no clothes.”
Scientology is like that story. People might not get the insane gibberish of LRH, but to say that they don’t get it, is to be blind, and something is wrong with THEM, not the actual fact that the Emperor has not clothes in the first place. If I just go one step further, I can really see the clothes, and it is all very clear now.
Leah, Mike, Paul, and all the rest of the brave people who are on the “Aftermath” show, plus YOU folks who have written on this site and others about the abuses of this cult, are the ones who are shouting “What the F—is this, and we are not idiots, you really do not have any clothes.”
Lance Caldwell.
Great episode. I am sorry that Paul talks about feeling stupid, as he did in Going Clear. The tactics of coercive mind control cults suck in even the smartest people. It has nothing to do with intelligence, as we see so often very smart, creative and big hearted people get drawn into these kinds of groups. I also would like Leah to give herself a break for not believing Paul sooner and seeing the light. One thing that stuck with me, I think that
it was stated that Paul Haggis was the first celebrity to leave publicly… just wondering, what about Jason Beghe? Seems to me he was pretty public and I think it was well before Paul left- just sayin’. Am I missing something? Keep up the good work guys!
I watched a lot of different videos on Scientology last night, and one of them was titled something like: “When LRH lost his s—“.
OK, I just had to watch that video, being a SP of sorts and never been in the cult.
It shows a scene of cattle on say a Montana landscape, with cowboys rounding up the herd. Then it cuts away to some cowboy on a horse who is sitting on a hill, and then starts down the path off the hill. I must admit, I wanted to burst into the song “Rawhide.”
I am not sure what the significance of the cattle being herded, but perhaps the cowboys were the officials, and the cattle being the SP’s or low life, your guess is as good as mine.
OK, back to the message of LRH. You do not ever seen him, but just his voice. He starts to shout, over and over the same words, into a fanatical scream. I have seen the same kind of behavior in speeches with Adolph Hitler’s speeches. To tell the truth, (perhaps because I was not in the cult) and forgive me, I could not understand what was he talking about, but boy was he trying very hard (he protest too much me thinks) his idea to the perhaps dull masses (who might just not get it in a normal voice, but if I scream, the vibration will clear out the little folks that have attached themselves to you, and you actually will get the message). This is just a theory of mine, but I am going to stick to it for now at least.
Check out the videos and interviews folks, they are really interesting.
Lance Caldwell.
Hello again.
I watched quite a few interviews during the night with different people. Leah, Mike, Paul, that were not on the TV series. Interesting and great to hear and see. Check them out if you get a chance.
I was relieved and glad Mike that you were not half way beaten to death by Marty, and did not have to have “5 guys pull him off me.” Quick question though, who won the “Musical Chairs.”
OK, here is a few things that I have gleaned from watching the videos. First of all, I am not sure how many people have noticed how many thousands of people have actually watched the videos. Second, how many people love the videos, third, how many people have commented on the videos. Perhaps my math is really off, but it seems to me that the word and message is going way beyond the beautiful show Leah, Mike, and their guests have started. It reminds me of a pebble thrown into a very still (don’t say anything against the cult) and has made more and more waves and has disturbed DM’s lake of tranquility.
Another thing that I find very curious. The cult of Scientology owed a billion dollars in back taxes. DM, did not go so much into court and fight the IRS, but instead he went after the people (had them watched, got records, etc.) and someone, or a group of someone’s, somewhere, who is very high in the IRS decided that if the cult would drop everything that they know of these persons or persons unknown, if they were point blank given religious status and not have to pay the billion dollars in taxes.
If they can pay private investigators 10k a week to check on DM’s dad Ron, then how much more would they pay to have investigators get some private information on a high ranking IRS, or other government policy makers. If it cost the cult 500 million, and they could write off a billion dollars worth of taxes, what a deal.
I think instead of going after just DM and his gang, and name calling back and forth, which lets people know what is actually going on in the cult (at least those outside the cult), and perhaps mess with their recruitment of new individuals. There should be an investigation of who said and did what in the government organizations who sanctioned such a move as to make Scientology from a dangerous cult to an tax free cherch. I hate to say Scientology and church in the same sentence.
I would imagine that the “blanket” forgiveness of the IRS, and perhaps children services, police, and other agencies who should and could look into the files of mistreatment, rape, kidnapping, etc. and does nothing should be looked into also. I know from what I have heard that those who have gotten away from the cult are reluctant to speak out, but those brave souls who have spoken out should have their day in court, and the cult should be held accountable.
Wouldn’t it be just too wonderful if Tom Cruise, would be at a major function (LRH birthday party for instance), with his “Metal of Freedom” (or whatever) take it off, and tell the World that this is a cult, I and others have spent millions of dollars on a fraud, and I quit. Think of that tonight, and have pleasant dreams.
Lance Caldwell.
Honestly, if the Cof$ were really trying to destroy the reputations of apostates like Paul, Leah and Mike, why aren’t they better at it? Speaking as a “plebe” who lives in the South (and yes, bizarrely, there’s a Celebrity Centre in Nashville TN — parking lot is always empty), no negative stories about Leah or Paul Haggis or other church celebs who’ve broken ranks have crossed my radar. With social media being so easily weaponized today, you’d think that would be an easy tool for them to deploy. Heck, Russia was able to use Facebook to swing our election!
Seems to me the intent is no longer to destroy the reputations of critics (as happened with Paulette Cooper) so much as to discredit apostates exclusively for those still inside the church. In other words, they’re circling the wagons. This is a behavior of a church that is dying. Closing ranks. Holding on to what it has, as opposed to trying exerting its power and influence in the world at large. They are speaking to a shrinking audience.
the more I hear about D.M the more I feel like he’s acting like a Bully & Bully’s tend to have low self esteem or there life Isn’t what they want it to be so they take there anger & frustration on others trying to make them feel better about who they are which is sad esp a man who’s trying to make ppl feel there not good enough & things are there fault usually what Abusers do try to put the Blame on others when they tend to be the ones either doing wrong so blame them than fix there own problems & if they only surround there life w ppl who stroke there ego’s how will that help them it won’t & it’s okay Not being perfect to anyone were not made to be perfect but live life the best you can,helping others also can help it’s good to give back in whatever way you can kindness a good friend if U have the funds helping the ppl who have little can be huge for them & there are plenty of good groups to give to some I’ve heard lil goes to the ppl & I’m just as happy when I can to give right to the needy ppl,I’ve seen ppl on a street corner w signs need work,ect & they looked in need & I don’t have much to give but I stopped & gave what I could & some might think it’s for drugs or booze but the way I look at it I gave from my Heart what they do w it is on them but I’ve had bad times but I’m not sure if I am strong enough to be on a corner asking for help that’s a strong person who can or a desperate one but there where they are because they have troubles so we can help…. Enjoy your day to all.
Hello Everyone.
Just signed Jeffrey Augustine’s petition to take away the tax exempt for Scientology (Change.Org). I urge you to sign also. Let’s hit them where it really hurts, The pocket book.
Lance Caldwell
Thanks! I will do this immediately!
Love the show. Wear seat belts while riding in the vehicles. No excuses
I share your admiration for Paul Haggis as I followed his work after watching “Going Clear”.
His courage and persistence in speaking out regarding the mentality and abuse of Scientology only underlines his honorable character. Unlike others who caved to the intimidation and stopped sharing their stories… like you, once committed, he remained strong and truthful in his belief of humanitarian work and efforts.
Thanks to him, many others were given the strength to leave and a voice as to the injustice of this so called “religion”.
I thank you & Leah for carrying the torch by helping those less visible to mainstream media.
Your entire team are helping countless others and giving them courage in the face of the horrific backlash they receive. God bless you all.
i am so confused as to why in the world more people do not have a comment about this. So many people are all about exposing injustices in the world today but it seems like only a few select ex Scientology members are trying to get something done. There is not a lot of media presence, or law enforcement presence involved and I am baffled that more journalist are doing more to do undercover work, etc. to get this place shut down. Does anyone have an answer as to why more isn’t being done? Does DM have friends in high places that keeps him from having to answer for his crimes?
Hello everyone who are in, out, those who have never been in.
OK, I have seen a segment on line where Leah said that John Travolta allegedly was given a pass to murder anyone that he pleased and that the Scientology staff would clean up the evidence. If this is actually true, then you can bet that Tom Cruise also has this same pass on murder. If true, then it has to be sanctioned by DM. One wonders how many others have this “go ahead and kill someone, and we will protect you.”
OK, gang, here is my small bombshell to you. If DM wife has been missing since I believe 2005, and from what I have heard about DM and his tendency to strike out and think later, is there a remote possibility that perhaps DM’s wife was not just missing but actually murdered by the orders of DM or he did it himself.
I can bet that there is a lot of people who are thinking along these lines. Anyone who has any information about her whereabouts, or what has happened to her and not shouting it to the rooftops is a coward of the lowest type.
If there is any Scientology members that would like to challenge my statement, then feel free to contact me on this site and take me to court and sue me for slander. Oh, be careful though, you would have to produce Ms. M. to prove what I am saying is actually not the truth.
I am retired, have loads of time, and look forward to crossing swords with you.
Lance Caldwell
This is a conflation of various things.
There is a status in scientology called Kha Kahn which according to Hubbard is an ancient status that allows one to “get away with murder” — ie you have done so much good that you are excused all future transgressions.
I think someone said this status has been awarded to JT.
It is NOT literal. He could not shoot someone on 5th Ave and get away with it.
No, Shelly has not been murdered.
There is PLENTY of information about Shelly. I have written about it — including info from the PI’s that were assigned to watch the property to ensure she didnt escape — and Tony Ortega has written a LOT about it.
Do you know if she’s still a willing participant in Scientology, if she’s being held prisoner at The Hole, or something else? It still amazes me that Leah asked one question about her at Tom Cruise’s wedding, and that started the ball rolling against her. Normal people would think she was simply curious about a friend…not trying to cause any trouble. It seems the silence about Shelly was the first catalyst, toward Leah eventually ditching Scientology. I still love when her mother appeared on the show, and spoke about Leah’s reaction to Xenu; the look on her face was priceless. Jason Beghe described something similar, like the defining moment when you realize you’ve been played for a fool.
Yes, I have heard and seen the episodes on “The Hole” and the fact that Ms. M. is a prisoner at that place. Also, the comments by one of the guards that was to watch her. It seems that this guard did not (or I missed) his name, the times that he was watching her, her status now, is he still on the job, etc. You have enough people who have “Blown” (including Ron M.) who is DM’s own father and wife, who by his own admission had to plan for 4 months to escape. I am not sure, perhaps I have watched too many “cop” series on TV, but does that not smack of kidnapping, and should not the authorities not being looking into any hint of keeping people against their will.
When Leah asked where DM’s wife was, everyone scattered. This says that there are a lot of people who know the true story but are afraid to say anything.
When DM started his takeover of the cult, he rounded up all those who could oppose him, or might take over the cult. He also had them imprisoned. Are they all still missing also. I am just saying that something really is not right, and needs to be looked into.
Lance Caldwell.
OK can’t stay silent any longer….I have a short rant>>>!!!>>>Miss Cabbage (i love that nickname) DM is acting like the typical dictator! Hitler acted the same way before he took his own life, paranoid with only close associates around him, Mussolini was the same way as was Qaddafi, Jim Jones and the list goes on….i find it amazing the ideological parallels Scientology holds with the criminal orgs….plan the con, recruit the crew, execute the pitch and get the money and when caught (because of exposure to daylight yea Leah and Mike) deny, deny, deny…never give up the con. also similar to Nazism, Fascism, the Democratic Party (yes the DMC) don’t believe me, watch or read the book Dinesh D’Souza’s movie “Hillarys America – a history of the democratic party… the con is the same and Hillary has been caught but she is in the deny, deny, deny mode….that is what her book tour is all about. like Lance C. I also am retired and have been catching up these past two years on exactly what is going on and WHY!! OK Rant complete for now….OBTW I signed Jeffery’s petition. I guess I am in for the duration….more later
Mike Rinder: I heard there was also a status in scientology called Chaka Khan that allows one to “feel for you”. Is that true? Love the show!
Yes there was, Dave Konig, but it was cancelled by DM.
Seems that once you attain the awareness level of “Feel for You”, you object to peoples’ lives being ruined and that was crashing his stats. He declared everyone who achieved that level because they were not in alignment with Command Intention.
I’d completely forgotten about Kha Khan. Heber Jentzche bestowed this honor upon my Mom for all the work she did for him in the GO loooonnnnngggg time ago.
In looking at some other sites regarding the COS I came across Jeffrey Augustine’s site and his online petition to the IRS regarding scientology.
Mr. Augustine has an interesting post on how the COS uses stock photos to set up FB & Twitter accounts to attack Scientology defectors and those accounts being shut down when reported. This cult is a real piece of work ! I have also been reading Tony Ortega’s The Underground Bunker. Coupled with the Aftermath series, this information is mind blowing.
Was Jeffery Augustine at the COS at the same time as Mike Rinder ? What are the theories or facts as to why Marty Rathbun has made such a turn in his attitude toward Scientology ?
Keep up the good work Mike, Leah, Mary Kahn, Karen Schless , Jackson, J.B, The Headleys and the countless other brave people who are speaking out. I will never forget hearing Mary Kahn tell her story on Aftermath in the 1st season and the pain when she spoke of how quick you have to get to your loved ones when you decide to “blow” before the COS can get to them.
Excellent post in sharing Jeffrey Augustine’s petition regarding changing the IRS tax exemption status. Jeff has incredible accounts and links that lend credence to all that is being exposed.
Only through the IRS & Justice Dept. will Scientology truly be stopped.
Here’s hoping others will join this particular fight after reading your message! ?
I hope Leah and Mike will spend some time on the many Scientology front groups and the dangerous Narconon.
Well, I just finished Episode 6, and here’s my thoughts.
First, I was not familiar with Paul Haggis’ name, before seeing this episode. I was very surprised to learn he co-created one of my favorite childhood TV shows: “Walker, Texas Ranger” starring Chuck Norris. He’s a very good writer; I enjoyed both “Casino Royale” and “Quantum of Solace”, plus “Million Dollar Baby”.
As for the core subject of this episode, I have no qualms about saying there’s one thing I agree with L. Ron Hubbard about, on a most basic level…and that is opposition to homosexuality.
For anyone else curious about my further views on this subject, I have posted the following article at the link below. Thank you for your time and attention; God and Jesus love you all.
Thank you so much Mike for not letting the important discussions get de-railed… and doing it so kindly 🙂
I put things in that post which are not included in the linked article; sorry you felt the need to erase it. I thought you were all for ideological diversity; nothing I said in my post was purposely hateful.
Joshua – I can’t speak for Mike but, having read this blog for years, I believe he would have done the same if someone posted something that strongly opposed to one political side or the other to avoid the whole thread becoming a heated political discussion. He personally moderates this blog and approves every comment so imagine being there all day, having to go through streams of comments, not germane to the purpose of the blog. I was glad that he included your link so that the discussion could continue there.
I like seeing your comments because they’re thoughtful and intelligent.
I am SO happy that Leah and Mike are doing this whole series, and congrats on your Emmy win. In the 80’s I was a beginner student at the Wash, DC org. My boyfriend was an ex-sea org member and the push for me to get into the swing was strong. Somehow, I got out. I thank my lucky stars. I love all the aspects of your show and it makes me see what I avoided. It is amazing what you two are doing. Thank you!
Hi Mike! I just had to let you know that I really enjoyed your show this past Tuesday. I would like to know if a list can be made public of all the celebrities in Scientology so that I can veto any and all of their movies, I do not want my hard earned money to profit a cult. Thank you and Leah for everything you are doing, God bless you both❤️
Just watched the episode. I love the show, but this has to be my favorite episode so far!!! I thought the ending where you called out the celebrities and showed their pictures was very powerful!!!
Scientologist are taught to lie for their so-called church. A “true” church would not indoctrinate their members to become proficient liars! How do they explain this to themselves in their own hearts? How can they lie, lie, lie and know that they are, and think that this acceptable to anyone with a heart?
I kind of understand how people first get involved, thinking they’ll learn something about themselves. However, after a while of delving into scientology and learning about this “Thetan” crap would seem to me just to be really questionable to any reasonable person – the cost alone would be a HUGE question mark as well! Churches (real ones) help people financially not soak them of all their money (whether they can afford it or not) and not show them an ounce of LOVE in return. What a huge scam – it certainly helps me to understand the ignorant mouthed celebrities though!
Paul Haggis sent me a message clearing up a question that a lot of people have had. I now include it at the end of the post, but also include it here:
I see people have been asking you about the identity of the folks who so strongly objected to me “comparing” David Miscavige to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Glad to clear it up.
It was LRH “biographer” and DM’s speechwriter Dan Sherman, who sat to my immediate left, and senior CoS executive Dave Bloomberg (famous for being the guy with the camcorder when Marty Rathbun was ambushed at LAX) who sat in the middle of the conference table to my right, with his briefcase on the table.
By the way Bloomberg carefully angled it on the table, I have always suspected that briefcase contained a video recorder, but that’s nothing more than a hunch. While other voices were raised in protest at that moment, they were drowned out by Sherman and Bloomberg who quite literally leapt to their feet to object to the insult of comparing DM to MLK – which of course I was not doing. I was, respectfully but rather doggedly, digging into the accusations made by the St Pete’s Times that alleged that DM had been physically abusive, trying to get anyone in the room to admit that even their revered leader was fallible. By way of illustrating what should be obvious, I suggested that even incredible men like MLK were human and made mistakes. That clearly outraged them, as I never even got to finish the sentence.
If it was being recorded, their actions make more sense, as they would have been putting on a show for Mr. Miscavige. From what I’ve since learned of him, DM would want to see how vociferous his messengers were in their “defense” of his character.
Yup. Interesting about your hunch. I think there’s a pretty high chance you were being recorded.
A better comparison would be between David Miscavige and Idi Amin, who launched a 1971 military coup and declared himself President. Sound familiar?
Very deprived personal characters of these two yahoo’s Paul mentions. Thanks for willing to share, Paul. If they recorded, then when their records are seized, this will come in handy in court…
Wow. I check this blog every single day and every single day I’m more pissed off than the day before. I can not wait until DM has to eventually answer for his abusive behavior.
How good of Paul to name those who went batshit crazy about the whole Miscavige/MLK thing.
Thanks, Mr. Haggis.
I have watched this series with extreme interest. Virtually every person interviewed comes across as “new normal”….almost as if gauze was removed from their heads. I am curious though as to how celebrities are able to cross over into the secular world so easily. Some seem to have grace and humour….it’s hard to understand how they can reconcile the behaviours within the church with their day to day lives with their colleagues. It’s almost as if they must be parallel people. Perhaps a future episode could delve more into the ways they must have to twist themselves into another person to be able to also live outside the church. When some of the more famous scientologists are interviewed they seem to possess compassion, humour and humanity. What are they getting from being Scientologists? Are the abuses you describe screened away from them? How can E. Moss act in a movie where the whole plot is about abuse, cruelty and decent into cult?, I am having difficulty reconciling this.
Because a scientologist’s (including the celebrities) view the outside world as the “wog” world. The wog world is insane and “aberrated.” Scientology holds the only answers to undoing the aberrations of the wog world and the only technology that can save mankind from his aberrations and the reactive mind.
When I was trying to tell my son and my husband about david miscavige physically assaulting people they couldn’t believe it and stated even if it were true there was a myriad of ways it could possibly be justified or explained. It doesn’t matter to many scientologists and in fact, the church/david miscavige, by censoring them from reading “bad stuff” gives them a justification not to know and removes their responsibility to know. As soon as it all comes crumbling down these people are the first to say they just didn’t know how bad it was or “If they had only known….”
I am reminded of Viktor Frankl’s book, “Man’s Search For Meaning.” It explains some of the same phenomenon if you haven’t read it. Great book.
I guess the KRC triangle is only useful in selective cases, eh Dave?
Mary, yes that’s what I would answer as well. I was a good actor. I was also superior to all those non-scientologists(the rest of the world). And Victor Frankl’s book is well worth reading. A true and committed Scientologist is incapable of love. Their eternity is all that is important. Nothing can get in the way of that. And so Scientology is their only real family as is is their only route to immortality.
But Mary……Do you mean to indicate that …..”The Church Challengers The Credibility”….. statement during Aftermath is “hogwash” as to “IF THEY HAD ONLY KNOWN”…
What a fool those who support the doings of DM are going to look like. I’ve already “disconnected” myself from ANYTHING that will EVER be done by Kirstie Alley since she feels I am now her enemy”……
Thank you all for calling out the press in last nights episode about letting the celebs slide with nonanswers, in spite of the mounting evidence, to questions about $cientology abuses.
Great show Mike and Leah! And Paul Haggis is my hero too! What integrity he has! We are all so lucky that Paul spoke out when it was so much more dangerous to do so. He paved the way for the others who came after him. Re Karen Schless, I saw the lame hate site on her. It is so well orchestrated from professional video Gold stuff, to each SO member being all perfectly scrubbed and quaffed, and nameless. Notice, no names were used on any of her detractors? But the most orchestrated thing of all was that they all said the same theme over and over, yet in their own words, “she was nothing and nobody.” Usually if you poll 5 or more people to get their impressions of another person, you’ll get 5 or more different opinions. But with this, all of them, all of them, said the same thing over and over and used examples to say the same thing. That alone tells you it is a total fake news piece and con job. The church is so transparent in their hate sites.
Sorry for being off thread here, but I just saw a movie coming out called, “In Search of Fellini” and it is about Nancy Cartwright’s life. The article specified it is the Nancy Cartwright who voices Bart Simpson on TV. Does anyone know if Nancy wrote a book that is now made into a movie? Did Nancy write the screen play? Anyone have details?
Nancy “Bart-God” wrote the screenplay and produced(paid for) the film ,a so-called ” labor of love”as far as I heard, the Plot has nothing to do with her
They seem to attempt that with everyone, “They are nothing, know nothing, did nothing. Like they aren’t talking about actual people.
Watching the show, no one is building themselves up as leaders, they a just telling their experiences.
It’s rather sad that making a person into a “no one” is the best they can do.
And Karen’s husband, first off you married her, she must have meant something to you, second, ummm…yeah, you would expect a persons spouse to go places with them, especially events and parties, and third, you had one hit song, one, and your attempt at discrediting her helping with the song falls flat, if I produced one hit, I think I could do better at remembering how it happened, not, umm, ohhh, I think..
The reason this show works, is because it shows real people, sharing their experiences, being forthright, and that resonates with viewers because we all have struggled, we all want to be heard, and we all want to do better.
The POW videos, and blogs just lack any real human connection, mindless robots. Who obviously don’t have a clue as to what the show is even about.
One other thing I noticed last night, the letter from DM to Leah, he described a true friend, and said Leah was a true friend to him, but no where did he claim he was a true friend to her. Even in thanking a person he makes it about him. SMH.
I couldn’t agree with you more in regards to the “emotionless, mindless robots” in regards to the smear campaigns. Like come on, who is really going to believe those (other than scientologists).!!!
And I can guarantee that DM is reading all of these messages. I can almost see him stealing your exact thoughts on what resonates with viewers and changing it up mid season with the smear campaigns. But on second thought, it is DM, so doubtful that he will think he is doing something wrong with his hate videos!
I was reminded when watching the show tonight that when I was on staff/SO in the early seventies that John McMaster who was the first clear had been kicked out of the church because he was gay and refused to relinquish his gayness. He had been a big PR item for the church being the first clear, I was number 1078 or something like that as there were not so many back then. I don’t remember if he was declared or not, but there were staff that I knew who knew him and he was so well thought of and loved. He had done an awful lot FOR scientology and the church that I remmember being quite disturbed by that fact that the organisation had turned on him so. That was before I got put on the RPF.
Man your show is so utterly compelling and heartbraking at the same time. I was so fortunate not to have spent the years within the organisation that so many have, but did spend almost half my life as a true practising believer like so many.
I knew John McMaster very well while he was in New York doing glorious PR work for the czertch. He was one of the gentlest human beings I’ve ever known. Had nothing bad to say about anyone. Yes, he was gay. So what? He was many times the man known as LRH.
Thank you Leah and Mike for another astounding episode! I loved every word out of Paul Haggis’s mouth. As a former fan of Laura Prepon who turned on her when she flat out lied about the cult not being homophobic it was wonderful to see her lies called out on the show. So many were enlightened by that and didn’t know she was a member of the cult and a lying liar who lies. I regret every dollar I spent on her book and the thought that some of that went to the cult. So glad to know which celebs to avoid and not support until they pull a Leah and leave.
I was horrified by the clip of Laura Prepon lying about ever hearing anything in $cientogy that was homophobic! At first I thought she must be either a terrible $cientolgist who hasn’t even read Dianetics or is familiar with the Tone Scale, or she is lying her face off. Well, a cursory Google search led to an article quoting her interview in “Celebrity” magazine and found this (amongst a lot of other crazy):
“Another thing I really noticed from all the auditing I had was that I can move so freely up and down the Tone Scale. I used to have this funny idea that the higher I went up the Bridge, I wouldn’t be as emotional about stuff. And I was worried because I’m an actress and as an artist, I need to tap into my emotions! What soon started happening was that the higher I went on the Bridge and the more auditing I had, I could move so much more freely on the Tone Scale. My emotions were so much more tangible and easy to access.”
So I guess that whenever she plays a scene as Alex Vausse, lesbian inmate, on “Orange is the New Black”, she just “move[s]… freely up and down the Tone Scale to 1.1. Perhaps playing this character is somehow acceptable to her as a Scientologist because the character is in prison, and effectively removed from society at large. Though the character is in prison for international drug dealing, not, obviously (and thank god!), for being gay, it seems the warped outlook of LRH would probably equate the actual crime of dealing drugs with being gay (kind of like equating Nazis with anti-Nazis).
I seriously wonder how Prepon’s cast mates (not to mention Jenji Cohen!) on that brilliant, important Netflix show will react to this revelation. The character was written out for one season and not realizing at the time that Prepon was a $cientologist, I was glad when she returned. Now I hope that the character is written out again (though I would much prefer that Prepon leave the Cult and speak out instead!) because I just don’t want to have to think about her hypocrisy while watching the show.
I still haven’t seen “The Handmaid’s Tale”, though I’ve loved the book since first reading it in the 80’s (though I will probably get the free month of Hulu to watch it and then cancel), and while I did DVR season 2 of “Top of the Lake”, I haven’t been able to get through the first night of it because I’m so conflicted about Elisabeth Moss. At least Moss has the (not very good anymore) excuse of being raised in the Cult. Prepon didn’t start until she was 19! I don’t understand how anyone of her generation (or any that lived through or after the Sexual Revolution, the Women’s Liberation Movement, and the Gay Rights Movement) can read the book “Dianetics” and the things it says about homosexuality and women (the stuff about how all mothers try to abort their pregnancies…!?!?!) and every other offensive, archaic, crazy thing and be OK with it (I’m looking at you, “I’ve studied Dianetics,” Jada Pinkett Smith!).
Yes, I understand how the Cult pulls people in with personality tests and recommendations from “parishioners” and the systematic brain washing, and the desire to better oneself and be part of something greater, BUT, if someone with no other exposure to the Cult picks up one of the many, many copies of “Dianetics” lying around libraries, used book sales, tag sales, great-grandparent’s book collections, etc. and tries to read it (as I have), it’s just offensive gobbledygook!
“These people need to be held accountable!” – Paul Haggis
Oops, I forgot to add the link to Laura Prepon’s interview in “Celebrity”:
I watched last night, I watched again today. There are nuances in each person’s story that I feel are powerful and necessary to the whole of the stories they are telling.
I once again feel for the abuses they have gone through. I feel unutterable contempt for co$. I want to grab John Travolta and snap him of of the idiot cliche he was in his Kotter days, and now has made him into by his own actions.
Tom Cruise makes me nauseous, Kirsty Alley is the bad punch line to an even worse joke.
My husband asked me, why do you watch if it makes you so angry? I watch because of the heroes that emerge each week.
People who have had their entire lives being proven that they were duped. People with enough courage to stand up and tell the truth. Mike and Leah may be leading the charge, but you are gathering an army at your backs.
The contributors this week once again prove that from adversity there is grace. Their courage is amazing.
I was so pleased that Mr. Haggis’ wife left with him, and their daughter Lauren already spoke out about her friend Taylor. Each episode leaves me a bit shell shocked at the courage and grace I see. And leading the parade we have Leah and Mike.
Leah, it made me angry that you feel guilty in any way. Who was the one person who stood up with Mr Haggis? Lady, you have balls of steel. God bless you for that. Mike, hug her when she needs it and kick her butt when she needs that. *grin* Much love and many thanks for you courage and honesty.
Another amazing episode….one in which I have already re-watched 3 times. And will watch again, again and again.
I apologize if I’m repeating things I may have missed in previous posts. I’ve spent most of the day trying to catch up on all the laundry, house cleaning, food shopping and bathing I’ve let slide since Episode 1 of Season 1 (sarcasm, but close to the truth). I’m addicted to the show which has led me down the path of hours of reading.
Last nights episode….
Paul…. My impression – a man who knows himself and listens to his conscience. I was truly taken aback by all the respectful chances and time he gave Tommy and the church to vindicate themselves. I know I wouldn’t have. Sure did backfire on them. I admire your courage and integrity Paul. Next time I’m faced with wanting to call someone a fucking liar I’m going to simply ask them to prove me wrong. At least I’ll try.
Mike…. I LOVE that you were on the edge of your seat even though you know Paul’s story. I’m guessing everyone watching looked exactly like you. I know I did. I loved your reaction and comment after he spoke of what Leah said to him at the picnic. “That’s so Leah”…. Can’t help but love the girl….cards on the table !!!
Is the church’s “evolved view” on homosexuality in the most current edition of the many revised books? What about the tone scale? OR is it even on the tone scale? It shouldn’t be if sexuality is a non issue, correct?
Leah…. Where have all your “fucks” gone?? ? I look forward to them. My favorite word !! Which I use way too much but, I don’t give a fuck. Pussy was a nice slam. I cry every week….this week you did it to me. No one can tell anyone how to feel…everyone’s feelings are their own but, please try not to feel or look back on yourself as a coward. Many times you’ve said yourself “we do what we’re taught”. You’ve comforted the survivors. You are not an exception to this. I wonder if you would have spoken to Paul if you weren’t already thinking ‘fuck S’
Anyone notice the body language of TC & DM in the clip of them shaking hands? That was a power struggle handshake. Look at it…they repeatedly try to take the Alpha position. You can see it on their faces and TC’s grip on DM’s shoulder as well. Pathetic.
Mike & Leah…. you are leaving a legacy. Everyone involved with breaking the bubble of S is part of this legacy. I respect and admire all of you.
Holy cow that was long – sorry.
I found the last five minutes of last night’s Aftermath to be some of the most compelling film-making I have ever experienced. This was a brutal message that I was so cathartic to a person like me who feels like I have been screaming out to the universe in vain.
Starting with Leah’s emotional challenge to fellow celebrities and the journalists who cover them, followed by the highly charged message from Paul Haggis while images of beautiful celebrity scientologists appeared on the screen… this was just incredible to see!
There was a noticeable absence of Tom Cruise in the parade of celebrities shown at the end.
Was this on purpose? He is the penultimate posterboy for scientology. Do the creators of Aftermath believe That Cruise is so far gone, almost as bad as Miscavige, that he will never be redeemed?
Leah and Paul want journalists and the media to start fair gaming Scientology celebrities. No thank you.
Are you crazy?
Do you even know what this term means? Holding someone accountable is not “Fair Gaming.” Nobody is asking for PI’s to follow them, for people to show up at their homes to scream at them, for anyone to frame them for fake crimes, to tap their phones, to steal their garbage, to put spy cameras on their homes, to have their children thrown out of school etc etc etc
Come back to planet earth.
Richard is one of Alanzo’s acolytes…disciples…followers… These two along with their hero Marty form the vanguard of Scientolgy Apologetics on the internet. There is absolutely no hope in reasoning with them. They apparently believe that the fate of democracy and freedom depends on their efforts to combat Leah, you, Tony, Emma of ESMB, Karen de la Carrierre, Jeff Augustine and Chris Shelton.
Why? Well because all of you oppose the freedom loving and promoting ideology called Scientology! Lol…
So yes, he is crazy. All 3 in this troika, if you will, are crazy. Although technically I prefer the term deluded.
OK, thanks for the info.
Dear Mike –
I am surprised that with all the protesting you do of Scientology’s character assassinations of its critics that you would accept this character assassination of me and of Richard, simply as “info” and not protest it like you do Scientology’s.
Is it because, in one case, you are the one whose character is being assassinated by Scientology? But in this case, it’s the character of person who has criticized you in the past that is being assassinated.
Scientology tactics are great as long as they are not being used against you, but as long as they are being used against critics of yours, then they are fine?
To begin with, I didnt view it as character assassination. If you feel assassinated by the information, refute it with facts and docs.
And perhaps you could explain why I should make my blog available to you to take potshots at me? I don’t feel so inclined. Sorry to disappoint.
Yes ‘ol Alanzo majors in hypocrisy and also in being disingenuous. I seem to remember that he accused you, Mike, of being a sociopath a few weeks ago. And oh how he loves to remind everyone time and time again that you ran OSA back in the day. And yet you still allow his posts through on your blog. I can guarantee that if you called him a sociopath or something equivalent he would block your posts on his blog. I merely called him a Scientology Apologist back in May and he banned me. Lol… Admittedly I wasn’t very nice about it, but it was NOTHING like calling him a sociopath.
Plus his blog resembles more and more the Freedom Magazine website in that he Black PRs, or character assassinates, people quite regularly. He’s been quite merciless in slamming Emma, Mike Rinder, Tony O, Karen DLC, Chris Shelton, and others.
Now he’s pretty much promoting Marty’s delusional videos. Lol…
You’re something else Alanzo.
Your brain is like mushy garbanzos
Your thetan is caught in a stuck flow
So pack up your nutcase and go
Alanzo, just stop, please. If you care at all about character assassination you’d care that many people on this blog are being bad-mouthed, vilified to their own children. Its not enough for the Church of Scientology to cut off the kids’ communication to their parents, no, their children must also believe that their fathers and mothers are evil. Its wrong, Alanzo. Do you have children? Please stop harrowing the feelings of people here. Sure, they are more than capable of verbally sparring with you. They don’t need me to answer for them or protect them, far from it. No – I’m talking directly to you, Alanzo. What you’re doing is wrong. You know it is. Please stop, or go away now.
Thanks Lone Star, I noticed Richard’s insanity on here the other day when he tried to say scamology celebrities were not responsible for their criminal acts.
I remember back in the day a year ago or longer, that Alonzo was very vitriolic and very much against the C of $ and LRH and he attacked anyone who said anything about them that wasn’t totally denigrating them. So now he has done a complete turn around and is defending the very group and person he used to villify. That’s exactly what Marty did and now Alonzo. Go figure.
People who are deep down sociopaths never change. They only seem to but then “revert” to type.
You took the words right out of my mouth! I just read all their postings over there.
Such a fool to think that is what you and Leah and Paul are trying to do.
Good response Mike!!
Hi Mike
I joined to say a big thank you to Victor for making it possible for me to see what everyone is talking about. “Wink”
With the imminent opening of the Birmingham org I wish that Aftermath was available in the UK and being publicised. I fear many people still view it as a “silly sci-fi cult” and just for crazy people. They have no idea how people get drawn in.
Time and time again on your show I see intelligent people who have been lured in and then found it so difficult to leave.
We could do with some articles appearing in the press at the time of the Birmingham opening/IAS event. Where is John Sweeney these days?
Somebody help this man, please?
It is a public disservice to the U.K. to not have Aftermath on Sky. Or some channel. Come on England. Get it together.
Industry people?
Mike, this was an outstanding episode. Paul Haggis, you and Leah have all shown yourselves to have such high character by opening yourself up to the abuse of this cult in order to expose what is happening.
I was horrified by three things in this episode:
-The POW-style video. What pain that must have caused!
-Miscavige greater than Martin Luther King? Seriously??? I really thought I must have heard wrong.
– I was shocked that Leah referred to herself as a coward for not standing up sooner. Part of the point of the series (from my point of view) is to understand how being in a cult like Scientology can warp your thinking. Her forgiveness of the security chief in the prior episode should surely apply to her as well! It made me cry that she still seems haunted by her prior involvement.
I’am on vacation with my family so usual link for the new episode 10 hours later than usual.
Thank you for doing this Victor. Happy vacation 🙂
Thank you again Victor. We folks out in Asia (and for any other reason do not have A&E access) appreciate very much you doing this.
Yay, Mike Rinder and all the SP gang!
Another excellent show last might. Haggis is a gentleman, and Karen Pressley was quite good – wish she had a touch more time. So, instead, I am off to buy her book. (Here’s ht elink:
The ranch episode is going to have me fuming.
Positively one of the most moving and informative episodes yet!!! Thanks to all the courageous souls who have come forward, KEEP coming forward, and who fight for what is right and stand up and let their voices be heard. You are not alone. I am one of many, and you have my full support.
Anyone who is a member of the church KNOWS if the information on the show is true or not, if they have completed the readings and taken the required classes of course. When I hear individuals claim they have never read or heard of anything bad with regards to Scientology, it is like they have two neon signs hanging above them, one saying “Ignorant”, and the other saying “Liar”, and your guess is as good as mine as to which one lights up. It is one or the other, or who knows, maybe both. Only these individuals know which one/s they are. Scientology does not and can not fix everything as it claims. If that were true, we would need nothing else in life, nothing.
Please keep up the good fight!
Extremely powerful and moving episode. Kudos to all.
In the interest of fairness, and balancing all the misguided praise for this Hag Man, the Church’s view is not getting the airing it deserves. Church Spokesghost Carein Pooh commented today “Paul Haggis was just another talentless loser immigrant from some Canadian backwater until he discovered Scientology. Mentored and nurtured by the Church he was well on his way to becoming a Hollywood success story when he fell in with fraudulent traitors like Leer Remini and Mike Rindah who had deceitfully infiltrated the Church. Now he has become a sad deadbeat apostate washed up on the remote muddy shores of the internet selfishly peddling his hate”
If I recall, when Mike and Leah interviewed Paul, that Paul recalled that after he had gotten out of Scientology he was at a party that Leah attended. Everyone else scattered and did not want to communicate with Paul. Paul for his part shunned Leah as he did not want her to get into trouble for someone who would probably be a SP shortly. Leah with her usual bravery went to Paul and talked to him, and said she would always be his friend.
Leah was still in Scientology, and stayed in Scientology after Paul had departed. Dear Leah was sad that what she was a coward not to leave (not true, it just was not her time to leave). My question is: If Leah would have been any influence to Paul, it would have been to try to have him come back not leave at that time. So, you really got it wrong, and most likely should see that great show again.
I think that your up shot of Paul is that he was a nothing, and owes everything that he ever did to Scientology. You really can’t be serious. I suppose we Americans could say that because he left Canada and came to the U.S. we made him what he is today…WRONG!!!
Paul, Mike, and Leah, along with the other brave souls that have come forward have done more to spread the truth about this cult than anyone else. I for one hope that more and more people will come forward and tell their story. I also hope that anyone who is thinking of getting into Scientology will think twice and give it a pass.
Lance Caldwell.
Lance, it looks to me like tony-b’s post is the purest of sarcasm and gives a pretty effective hit against the Co$. I’m just a never-in and could be way off base, but that’s my opinion.
While discussing how much he loved his late sister, there was a pregnant pause and the director cut away from Paul to a screen card saying that she had died without reconciling with him. That subtle moment was packed with power. I don’t know if he broke down and asked for the cameras to be turned off or what, but I sure broke down. I lost my sister to cancer in 2006, and spent as much time as I could with her in the terrible beauty of her last five weeks. It changed my life and gave me peace and closure. I can’t imagine what he went through knowing she was ill.
Scientology: Always. Worse. Than. You. Think.
Hey, if it’s not mind rape, it’s not Scientology.
I’m sorry Artoo ❤️
Glad you were able to spend time with your sis before she passed
This was an awesome episode. Paul Haggis is now my new hero, along with Mike and Leah. I really take my hat off to him for coming forward on this show and being so articulate and straightforward. I just yelled in ecstasy at the end and I hope and pray that the “Hollywood” media will take notice and start asking questions to these scientology celebrities. Loved what Leah said to them, they are pussies…hahaha This was such a powerful episode and gives more credence to all of us who have spoken up before. Now for the fallout………..
This is the great CoS…
Already a smear video on Karen Pressley. In addition, they have posted a ‘confession’, claiming “in a moment of self reflection….”. Obviously this bit has been lifted from the file of Ms. Pressley’s “confidential” auditing or sec-checking sessions.
Pure slime.
$cn following their strict format of ‘attack to utter ruin’. Hard to believe they will not change their tactics now that a large audience knows what will happen. Thanks, Karen, for your bravery in the face of out right lies.
On another note, very little $cn chatter-smearing on Paul Haggis. Very interesting as Paul pierced $cn’s facade multiple times. Why is that I wonder?
There’s NOTHING confidential in this slimeball religion!
I noticed there is no way to leave a comment on their blog. Chicken shits! Ha haha ha!
These videos, especially the one with her ex husband, Peter Schless, are some of the most disgusting, petty and vicious things I’ve ever seen. The extent of the brainwashing of these individuals participating in this smear campaign is absolutely sickening. Stop the hate indeed. Why don’t you start acting like a real religion? Oh yes, I know – it’s not command intention. You all are a bunch of spineless pussies.
I just got done listening to Karen’s former husband Peter Schless refer to Karen as “trailer trash”. I can’t believe what I just heard him say. (On the smear video that the cult posted on youtube) Karen cared about people and still does. She is intelligent, articulate and honorable. Peter Schless has been reduced to a shadow of his former self. I hope Scientologists watch this video with a critical eye/ear because they should be able to see what is painfully obvious to me, a Sea Org member dishonoring himself, actually soiling himself in front of the camera telling those despicable lies. Karen has more class in her little pinky than Peter Schless has in his entire thetan. Peter was once someone I admired and listened to and spoke candidly with. There is nothing he could ever do at this point to restore any measure of respect or affinity for him now. He would have to find a way to bust Miscavige and take down the church and then apologize into the sunset before I would ever speak to that cretin, that despicable piece of shit. I am so angry. Karen is all class and first rate people. Sorry for my language.
I always wonder how he was obviously attracted to “trailer trash” that he married her! He condemns himself with his own words. Karen is, simply, a class act.
Peter Schless should be ashamed of himself.
Yes, maybe at one point, he was a well known musician.
But now who is he? One of David Miscavige’s little bitches, who wait around for Miscavige to toss some ‘recognition’ their way.
“Oh David Miscavige remodeled our studio! He picked out the carpets! Someone Mr. Miscavige met told him to say hello to me.David Miscavige actually remembered ans passed along the ”hello’! He’s a living saint! I hope he lets me wipe his ass one day!”
What a funny and disgusting final comment! And how self demeaning!!!
I finally understand why so many celebrities are total idiots! They’re all scientologist! Celebs love to judge others but don’t own their own lies! Their whole life is a lie if they’re a scientologist! I am disappointed when I see someone that I like and then find out they are a scientologist! They live a life of total lies – they lie for their so called “church” which isn’t a church at all but a cult! They out right lie to others and they do know they’re doing it – sickening!
Maggie C, I hear you. Celebs can be annoying sometimes, coming across to the rest of us as “holier than thou” with regard to the way we should think, act, vote, etc. Here’s my theory for whatever its worth:
These are people who happen to possess something, some kind of talent or ability, that catapults them to fame. They spring up out of a pool of many others who are possibly equally or even more talented, but for some reason, this handful makes it while many others don’t. Now, in their hearts, they know how incredibly lucky they were, and are. They know that underneath all the PR generated about them they are ordinary people like you and I and the millions who adore them. In brief, I believe that many of them feel undeserving and fear that one day it will all vanish and quickly as it appeared. So what they do is a kind of appeasement. They want, they NEED, to “give back” and this giving back manifests as continual vocal concern and support for the downtrodden, the helpless, the discriminated against., etc. In our culture celebrities are worshipped and considered authorities on lots of things merely because they are talented in one area and famous for it. So they, many of them, use the fact that people pay attention to their opinions (about all kinds of things) to ensure that they are on record as “deeply concerned” about the plight of _________(whatever). Now, I’m not saying they’re NOT concerned. But, given (what they hold as) they’re incredible luck, I believe its important to them to show that they are “balancing out” their amazing good fortune by “giving back”. My 2 cents for whatever its worth.
And I’d opine that the Scientology celebs, with the enthusiastic approval of the cherch, attribute their success to having been in the cult, and so, “giving back”, for THEM, translates into their money on tap as necessary for whenever the cult demands it, no questions asked.
That was a mean spirited comment, jumbling all celebs in one blanket comment. I see some damn fine people like Leah & Mr. Haggis putting themselves out there to fight a very difficult fight. Unless you have walked in their shoes derogatory comments should be withheld. You don’t want to be like the church of Scientology with name calling.
Gloria A, I don’t think Maggie C intended to paint all celebs who’ve been involved with Scientology.with the same dirty brush. I’m picking up that she’s just angry about what we’re all angry about, and expressing herself.
Thank you – I did just reply to her and no I’m not painting all celebrities together. However, I did put out another statement earlier and didn’t say specifically “some” celebrities. I can not judge the heart of a person, however when some from Hollywood spout off their views I tend to get angry with all Hollywood, which is wrong of me.
If you notice I said “many” celebs – I didn’t blanket them all in there! I do see as you do the fine people like Leah and Mike who are exposing scientology for what it is a CULT! I have not walked in their shoes and what derogatory comment was it I made? Calling out certain celebrities who promote this culture of lying as being ok? They are hurting people and I find it wrong!
This one really nails down how the remaining “celebs” in the “church” are now as culpable for the crimes committed as those perpetrating them directly.
An old trick is to get a person to publicly defend criminal acts of their group so they will not thereafter disengage from the criminal group. In for a penny, in for a pound…
Exactly. But what I find amusing is how the celebs are distancing themselves. Ex: Elizabeth Moss stating that Scientology hasn’t done her career any harm (too lazy to dig up the precise quote but that’s the concept). Ex: Jada Pinkett Smith in interviews ALL OVER THE PLACE telling anyone who’ll listen that she’s NOT a Scientologist So funny, this last, because several years ago tax dox of hers were unearthed by, I believe, RadarOnlline, which show first that she donated over a million to the cult and THEN, that she got a refund from the cult. Yes, a refund! I would imagine that was her and Will’s reward for leaving quietly..
Adding this: Moss saying her cult hasn’t done her career any harm is, when you think about it, a huge insult to the cherch! Shouldn’t she be using her celebrity to shout it from the rooftops that she owes everything good in her life including her career to the cherch? That’s what an loyal cultie is supposed to do, to my understanding. But no, all she said was that being part of it hadn’t hurt her career. And Jada is too afraid, too chicken, to even say, “Yes, I did some courses and they were helpful”. Instead, she denies ALL association with the cult. The times, they are a changin’.
Bad news for you, Good Buddy, as Newcomer would say.
Meaning, the Dwarf, not you, Wynski 🙂
Interesting data Aqua. A sure sign the church is unravelling from the inside!
I would think so, yeah.
Where there’s a Will there’s a way.
Leah and Mike. This episode was incredible. Paul Haggis was correct in saying that celebrities have no excuse to be unaware of the anuses committed by the church. It is heart breaking that these still in celebrities act this way. I have concluded that they are responsible for the many abuses directed at the children and other members of the church. I will disconnect from them and encourage others to stop watching their movies and buying their products. They are obviously disturbing people if they refuse to acknowledge the evil going on in this cult. Tom Cruise , J. Travolta, Kristy Ali, Jenna Alfman and the rest of them will never get another dime if my money. I also have forwarded this episode information to my friends. People need to wake up and stop the celebrity money going into this cult.
Leah and Mike I hope you realize that the work you are doing have made you heroes. You do not have to feel guilty for your past actions while in the church. You are brave people for exposing the them. I loved how Leah called reporters pussies who did not ask celebrities like John Travolta proper questions about Scientology. John T. should be ashamed of himself. So should the rest of those celebrities because there is no reason for their ignorance.
I hope someday Katie Holmes and Nicole Kidman speak out.
Keep up the great work.
Elizabeth. I totally agree. JT is in denial ..does he seriously think the people on Aftermath are fabricating their stories!!
I wonder about Lisa Marie Presley. She was recently in Rehab…I’m sure she has issues related to Sc$n…did the church help her deal ??…im sure not
Last night’s episode left me speechless. The look of sorry in everyone’s eyes really got to me. Thank you for bringing this out to the public. I grew up being persecuted for being a different religion and it has left life time scares so this series brings back a lot of memories of what can happen if people take no responsibility to allow these things happen. Thank you for coming forward and if you save just one person it will be worth it.
Just another great hour! I almost feel bad for ERH, I wonder if when He started this, He could see where it would go. But then I remember, although DM is a totally crazy, cruel man, He learned that from ERH. I remember the craze when I was growing up, to me it was what he said, Science Fiction.. key word, Fiction. Plus, on a catty side, if He has all this power, why did he not fix his teeth! ( OK, very catty, sorry)
At the very least the world now know how bad the celebrity’s are that support it, and how much it cost them to do it. Shame on them. Mike & Leah, thank you so much for doing this.. I am sure the “church” – no cross that out, won’t give them the title, the cult, has put pressure on you and everyone that you connect with. Thank you for keeping this going.. waiting for the NYT headline.. Loses tax exempt status” You are both true Heroes. I am very grateful that you both have come out and are living the best revenge for all, a Happy Blessed, Laughter filled, friend and family filled- Life.
I personally do not feel the abuses lie on the shoulders of LRH. Yes LRH did some horrible things but when I was in it under the leadership of LRH, it was about doing something for the pc or the guy in front of you. So, even KSW (which can be read as bat shit) or Ethics or PTSness or getting off of overts were done with this in mind – helping the guy in front of you. There are exceptions to this and I am not excusing LRH for some of the horrible abuses he inflicted or even many things he wrote that were crazy or unbelievable. But there has been a marked difference in my mind in the church in the way policy and tech were used and applied under the leadership of LRH and then under the leadership of david miscavige. LRH believed his own schtick. miscavige does not. miscavige has altered or applied LRH policy and tech and only certain policy and tech to further his control, manipulation and extortionistic and fraudulent style of getting money out of parishioners.
This church has been run for over 30 years by miscavige while LRH has been dead. LRH I doubt would have run his church this way. And if miscavige were benevolent, there would have been plenty of policy and tech he could have used or even altered to support that. Am I saying that the tech as it is now could have survived on its own merits? No. I am not. Am I say LRH was a kind perfect guy? No. But for over 30 years now its time to put the blame squarely on the shoulders of david miscavige. He used and manipulated whatever policies and tech would enable his sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies while ignoring much of policy and tech that would have prevented him from doing so.
Mary Kahn – I have found it shocking over these last months, since Christmas, when I connected back up via Aftermath, and have spent time researching how the group has evolved on blogs and elsewhere on the internet after being ‘gone’ for 35 years. The difference that I perceive in the group, comparing then to now, is incredible. I back up your perceptions 100%. Back then, the group wasn’t perfect but it was a far cry from what it has become. And I agree, back then it was about the PC in front of you. No one would have asked you for money for anything except services. And there was no such thing as The Hole. And David M was a nobody teenager. We had the likes of David Mayo, Sam Loria and Heber Jentsch to look up to. Sad that it is all gone.
It was all about helping the guy in front of you… unless that guy dared to question or be critical of Scientology. The LRH doctrine is inherently abusive. Fair game, disconnection, declaring homosexuals to be the lowest form of life. DM didn’t create any of that. LRH was better? Tell that to Miss Lovely.
Excellent – Paul Haggis proves why he’s a brilliant writer just by watching him – he has depth, integrity, compassion and simply raw talent. I say keep grilling the celebs – keep calling them out in the media. I even saw an article on Elizabeth Moss in Forbes come through the pipeline last night. The Church thinks this is their strength but could turn out to be their greatest weakness.
Keep buzzing the tower…
From what I am seeing with the great comments from everyone is that there is more and more people who have never been in Scientology who are commenting on what they have seen on the TV show (myself included). I have been around other cults in the past, and know what they are like. In many ways they are somewhat the same mold as Scientology.
Hopefully soon when some clown with a stand of e-meters on the sidewalk asks if someone want to take a FREE personality test, the resounding answer will be “NO.”
Leah and Mike, your efforts are making a difference. Your guests are great people and you are my hero’s for coming forward, and I never miss an episode of your show.
Lance Caldwell
Paul Haggis is a personal hero of mine as well, and not just for his ongoing efforts to expose and stop cult crimes and abuses, but for his many humanitarian relief and human/civil rights activist efforts as well.
If the cult had a bunch of people like Paul in it, it would not be seen by the world as the complete social pariah that it’s become…indeed, if folks like him were in charge, it wouldn’t be a cult at all.
Imagine how different it could have been for the cherch if, instead of recruiting TC to be it’s chief propaganda minister and “sleeper cell” recruiter of other celeb whales, they would have gone another, more traditional direction, and used him to raise money and organize talent to build schools, fund clinics, finance housing for the poor, fight pernicious diseases like malaria, or any other legitimate and recognized charitable purpose…and kicked off the fundraising by making a substantial multi-million dollar contribution to it.
Instead, the cult’s arrogance and imagined superiority, coupled with its complete lack of compassion and belief in not rewarding “down stats,” squandered that opportunity to put a new face on Elron’s “we’ll fair game your pets if we have to!” vengeful, vindictive and ultra-paranoid faux religion.
If $cn had taught TC to be humble, help the less fortunate and judge the spiritual advancement of himself and his fellow Xenuvians, not on what their wealth could buy for them, but on how they used it to help others, then $cn would not be in the horrible PR shape it’s currently in, with no way back from being the total social pariah that it so truly is.
Because of this complete and utter failure to put its vast wealth to any of the traditional charitable purposes that real churches raise money from their parishioners for, and its complete denial of the ongoing crimes and human/civil rights abuses it continues to fund, it’s become clear to all with eyes to see that this protean fraud scam, cleverly disguised as a killer mind control cult, is the antithesis of what a charitable religious organization should be, do and have.
But what else would you expect from the man who apprenticed as a black magician under Crowley, “The Great Beast” himself, and imagined himself to be the anti-Christ who’ll be back in his new incarnation as some sort of Trumpian World Leader.
You just can’t make this shit up, but rest assured, Elron sure could!
Harpoona – that arrogance and lack of charity may be a blessing in disguise. I can only imagine how hard it would be to successfully criticize the abuses in this organization if it had actually done anything tangible to help others outside of its own self-interests, or in ways in which it does not directly benefit. It inspires enough blind loyalty on its lies alone. That lack of self-awareness has created a brittle façade that is cracking now under pressure – one that might have been more flexible otherwise and stood up to scrutiny even better.
Yes, the cult is so blatantly evil that it’s hard for most folks to miss and lil davey the home wrecker is such a little monster of a tyrant that you don’t even need to know what an SP is in order to vote to have him declared 😉
It’s good when True Evil looks exactly like what it is, that’s for sure!
I’d rather vote on what to call him in a court of law. It would be a lot stronger than “suppressive”. it would be something that went with multiple hefty fines, awards for pain and suffering, court costs, and consecutive sentences.
I think the correct word to describe Miscavige is “GUTLESS.” While he spends unearned money on his own lavish living, the hasn’t the courage to appear anywhere in public or in any public media. In the war of survival now going on regarding scio, he has proven himself to be MIA, Missing In Action. An extremely cowardly individual.
Another eye opening episode. Yes I agree with you, Paul is definitely a hero. I’m so grateful that he chose to speak up and speak out. Mike, you and Leah are hero’s as well. don’t sell yourself short. Your courage amazes me and I’m very proud.
Question/observation: Marty hasn’t blogged for 20 days? anyone know what’s up with Marty???
Marty??? I would imagine he has a serious sleeping problem. Don’t worry, he’s using Scientology to handle it. He should be good to go in a couple of millenniums.
Marty reminds me of a book by William Goldman called ‘Which Lie Did I Tell?’
Mike, I watched the previews of the next show and was struck by the statements you and Leah made about the abused children right at the end. I was curious if Leah had ever heard about the children hubbard had placed in the chain locker of the ship back when the sea org was out at sea?
How can I get a list of all the celebrity Scientologist?
Google – list of all the celebrity Scientologist
I hope you can get that list, Lynn.
I did find this interesting site …
Why do i heart leah???
“Cut the shit. That’s a pussy answer. And journalist who accept tjat answer are also pussies so I’m calling thier shit out too.”
Not only did i laugh non stop for 5 min bur i rewound a dozen times.
Thanks to paul, mike, leah, jason beghe and everyone who fights.
We’ve heard celebs deny the physical abuse of others… in “never saw it”….they are choosing to ignore the truth for whatever their self-serving motivation might be. Mimi Rogers “got Tom C in”…..& look what happened…a divorce. Kidman married T.C. & then he pulled a surprise divorce on Nicole…then T.C. marries a young naïve Katie who eventually had her fill of him & his “religion” & SHE dumps him…SURPRISE T.C.!
Seems like being part of “this organization” has not had you fare well in your personal life.
What of John Travolta’s son Jett, that seemingly lovely young man passed away….was he receiving the care that he needed or was it all being “handled within the confines of the church policy on treating the ill ” who would be healed by….the confines of…???
It’s been said that all members are REQUIRED to read every book written by LRH….so how well read were these required readings if the wannabe member is missing the homophobia & disconnection rant as well as the 1.1 on the tone scale in regards to homosexuals”. These were pointed out during the show, that these were apparently important issues to LRH. As one later down the road reviews these same materials, nothing has changed, the wording might have too many ;;;;; & required to buy another book that’s been “corrected”…so needs to be read again. How are these UGLY passages missed or over looked?
I read the infamous LRH first book & it was a head-spinner….huh??…he can’t be serious, THIS is what this man is trying to pass off? Similar to the books or pamphlets on the “Moonies & Hare Krishna” materials….only as I said before common sense & my WTF attitude kept me out of all of this.
It seems that moving up the bridge is more important than what the so called “religion” requires of a parishioner than what is actually stated in the books themselves. Paying paying paying massive amounts of money to be on a more or less “sliding scale bridge” whereas you can so easily be sent “back down the bridge” even if you are at a high level, only to pay more to climb that scale again & again.
Children used as slave unpaid labor, children abused physically & emotionally, children all but abandoned by their biological parents because it is required that you give away your children or NOT have children so you can devoted ALL your time & energy to THIS???
Lovely Liz Gale’s brother Philip commits suicide, no doubt due to depression that the cult does not acknowledge needs treatment by a licensed professional therapist…& possibly medications which would be used to help control his depression, all because LRH says “psyches” are not to be used/consulted. Liz’ very own mother turns her back on her beautiful daughter & grandsons for….what???… sell the farm that’s been in her family for over 100 years…WHERE did that money go, as if we don’t already know. I just want to wrap my arms around that young lady & comfort her, she NEEDS a mother. Her mother is alive, but NOT really a mother is she?
Paul’s wake up call came when the light when on & he saw for the first time what’s really going on. As Jackson said, how terribly guilty he feels pressuring his then wife to abort their baby & how it actually broke up their marriage. How J.B. saw the physical abuse laid upon others by DM, & how DM ordered the “Gold Base” to become a maximum security prison. What religion holds humans again their will, & abuses them. For decades the sexual abuse of children by Priests was denied, yet even THEY had to admit it had been going on for decades & lawsuits were filed & settled & cash paid out.
Will the same thing happen here….will COS ever have to pay out cash settlements to those who were hurt? I am sure some of those lovely people have passed away. How does one eek out a life after you escape, leave, blow or are tossed out (ex communicated) when you have NOTHING to live on, no job experience, no real education. A born in child is going to be lost forever, it’s ALL they know.
This organization, cult, religion, call it whatever you want….they are TAKERS not givers…they take take take & all you get is physical or emotional abuse, your children removed from your care, abortions that are more or less policy if you wish to continue as Sea Org Staff, disconnection from those who disagree with the “church policy”….no $$$ because you’re giving it ALL to “the organization”…
IS ANYONE IN WASHINGTON D.C. our center of Government LISTENING…..Oh yeah….hmmm could it be “separation of Church & State.”……..
STELLAR EPISODE last night, Mike and Leah. Thank you both and ALL of your Aftermath guests who have the courage to speak up. They literally put themselves in danger in so doing.
Ballet Lady — If I recall – you are a Never In, Correct? Thank you for your post today and in the past.
Especially This, “How does one eek out a life after you escape, leave, blow or are tossed out (ex communicated) when you have NOTHING to live on, no job experience, no real education. A born in child is going to be lost forever, it’s ALL they know.”
Exactly right.
I was a public $Scientologist, never staff, never in “The Hole,” However, when I escaped and find Mikle Rinder’s blog and A&E’s Aftermath, I realized that I had been in a prison. While in, it was like a prison cell, I could only see the bars and walls around me,I could not see the outside. Now that I’m out, as I read posts from Never In’s, since we are online–and not face to face talking, it’s like I am now in the “visiting Room” and there is a partition of glass between and a phone…. I see you are there–and our hands meet and touch on the glass between us…
It’s tough at this stage. I say that is because I know one person “still in” it’s painful to watch — I can’t openly speak of my disgust with the Cherch or I’ll lose someone I care deeply about. (The day will come though when I speak up, sometime soon). In my city, I know only a few ex scientologists who are known to be out and those UTR… They are going through their own painful difficulties so it’s tough at times for us to really get close because in some cases, we risk stirring the pot and rehashing our upsets.
TO ALL NEVER IN’S who post here: Thank you for your support. I have seen so many wonderful, warm, hearted people who have offered their friendship, help and and support to us. -One post even offered free counselling to any ex scientologists in need.
The cult is a concern for every American because their tax dollars are being squandered to feed the cult’s tax exempt status as a “church” when they are nothing more than real estate developers and frauds.
NEVER IN’S – We NEED YOU. It will take more than all the former Scientologists speaking out, it will literally “take an act of Congress” to get the abuses to stop.
The same goes for every celebrity (ex scn or not), they need to speak out the way Paul Haggis, Jason Beghe and Leah have.
My thanks again to all who have rolled up their sleeves to pitch in as we shovel away at the manure pile that is scientology.
Wonderful, denial,anger, acceptance. From brainwashed to brain cleared.
The Paul Haggis episode was astounding. I didn’t think I could be shocked anymore by the COS but I was wrong ( Martin Luther King = David Miscavige !!!!!!). The drumbeat can no longer be ignored.
1. Money truly is the root of all evil. When the COS loses their tax exemption status the walls will begin to crumble. Petition, write, whatever we can do to get this issue reviewed.
2. Multi pronged attack – After Math, blogs, twitter, police report filings, petitions, old fashioned word of mouth. Hit them from all angles. They can hire 160 lawyers to attack HBO and it’s airing of Going Clear but even the COS can’t afford enough attorneys or private investigators to attack us all. If he want’s to get me kicked out of my volunteer positon of kindergarten class mom then take your best shot. They have a war chest now but as members dwindle so does their income. Their business model ( and it is a business!) is flawed.
3. If tax violations don’t get them ( Al Capone) then a woman will. Kingdoms and governments have fallen due to a woman and unless Little Dave is a monk he is getting sex from somewhere and there is a woman or women somewhere that know the secrets that can bury him.
4. Some celebs love to spout their political views. Use that same podium to speak out against this. As Mike said, the COS need for celebrity cache can be turned around and used against the COS. Religious freedom goes by the wayside when children are clearly being abused
5. I knew a family of 6 who died following Jim Jones in Guyana. Jim was kookier than Little Dave but Little Dave is much more dangerous. It’s the devil you know that you don’t see coming.
Thank you Mike and Leah and all of the After Math contributors for your bravery and thank you to all who leave comments on the blog. I love reading them.
David Miscavige =| (does not equal, cuz I don’t have that symbol on my phone) Martin Luther King Jr.
In the minds of Scientologists David Miscavige > Martin Luther King Jr.
Except Davey boy won’t be able to handle one night in the Birmingham Jail with a tenth of the grace and time MLK did.
I can imagine him yelling abuse at the guards and other inmates.
True CS. You caught my slip up. I was still shocked by the show last night I guess. How dare I say he was equal when Little Dave is greater. 🙂
You can always use !=, which means “does not equal” in, IIRC, Fortran, and just about any text device should be able to reproduce it. It’s pronounced either “does not equal” or “bang equal”, the latter mostly among computer geeks.
With respect to the late Dr. King, what Scientology’s spokespeople intended was probably <, "less than", which statement literally caused me to involuntarily drop my lower jaw wide open. When Dr. King was assassinated, I was 8. As a child in Berkeley, California, I was very politically aware. That was the same year that the local public schools were desegregated. I knew well what Dr. King meant to so many Black Americans and other people of color; I had already been paying attention to his movement for the past 2-3 years. I'm a never-in who has been studying Scientology and other cults, but mostly Scientology, for quite a few years now. To compare the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to David Miscavige – UNFAVORABLY! – still, on Friday, has me aghast. I don't think that's something I'm ever going to settle down with, even as a statement from Scientology's spokespeople.
What do you mean by Martin Luther King = David Miscavige?
Edit: You were referring to the episode. I get it now.
Looks like I need to get A&E on my tablet and start watching Leah.
No problem. I slipped up also, the COS reps at the Paul Haggis meeting said Little Dave was greater than MLK not equal. All of the episodes are great but the episode last night was powerful.
Also because my phone does not have the ≠
(does not equal) symbol and I was trying to make a math problem out of it.:-)
When I heard the comment about idiot stick, I mean Misgavige, was better than MLK I was shocked. These people in Scientology are like brainless sheep being led to slaughter and they go willingly. That is the sad testament to our society and “celebrity”. You have hypocrties like Cruise, Travolta and others who use Scientology as a moniker for greatness, all the while knowing the evils that go on behind closed doors. And we wonder why Hollywood has gone off the rails, taking all their bleating, mindless worshippers with them. They all need to be arrested with the abusers as accessories to these horrendous crimes.
Thoughts of Malignant Narcissists:
Miscavige better than MLK
Hubbard more enlightened than Buddha, Jesus and any other wiseman in history.
We have been led, taught, imprinted and educated by the mentally ill. The dangerous. The greedy. The abusive. The con man.
When I heard about the reactions to MLK the top of my head popped off!
These poor brainwashed Scientologists are a thing of pity.
None of them were like this before they studied Hubbard.
L Ron Hubbard was a master manipulator of human values. He destroyed the sacred bonds of family and redirected that dynamic to “clearing the planet”.
We followed the words of a madman. Plain and simple. And those that still hold him up on a pedestal are still under his spell of delusion.
I feel another essay coming on. This episode was a doosey!
We look forward to reading it!
Paul Haggis seems to suggest that all celebrities associated with Scientology are complicit in crimes. That’s his opinion and is radical in my opinion.
Silence is tacit approval
Anyone who is willfully ignorant of the effects of studying Hubbard with its family destroying doctrines are not innocent.
Promoting Scientology with their celebrity status makes them knowingly or unknowingly guilty.
I have no sympathy for their willful ignorance.
Yes, willful ignorance. A world of difference between that an innocent ignorance.
So true.
I think their willful ignorance boils down to a simplicity:
They’ve agreed to Hubbard’s doctrines, dogmas and world view.
One of his doctrines is to destroy critics. It is no surprise they’re acting like this. They are following orders. Their conscience was long ago raped into submission word clearing Bolivar.
Harming human beings is a scriptural injunction. It’s part of their Canon.
Scientologists are not just willfully ignorant, they are willfully violent.
I am so happy this blight on our society is simply becoming known.
The truth of Scientology poses the greatest existential threat to Scientology. Because those who see the truth are labeled the enemy…….
Sick and twisted. Geeeze!
Brian, respectfully, I disagree. I was on board with most of LRH’s policies but when a “thread” appeared and, curious, and actually innocent, not thinking I was doing anything wrong, I pulled it. Long story short, I kept pulling it and eventually got the Sherman Tank. All the while I still had no problem with most of LRH’s policies. In fact, as a Data Series completion, I believed that the thread pulling I was doing WAS Scientology. That’s the ironly; I was applying the data from that course to find out what I needed to know and in doing this I was actually greasing my path OUT.
The i-ron-y of Ron.
It’s people like Paul Haggis, Jason Beghe, Leah, and even a celeb like Jason Lee (who just quietly quit) that either have gotten many out or prevented many from even stepping foot into this church. That’s the difference. That’s the power of celebrity.
My story meant shit to the few people who knew about it – just another “older” woman who got involved in something she shouldn’t have and now she’s paying a big price. Leah said, “I’ll listen and I’ll tell your story.” People understand better now, because of Leah, how an “older” woman got involved and how she stayed in something that was otherwise to them just another wacky group that should be left to its own devices.
Celebrities suffering from cognitive dissonance and ignorance are tacitly agreeing to the abuses which helps give agreement and support to those still in and to those who get in because some hot shot celebrity is in it so it must be good.
That’s the difference.
Richard, ALL celebs in the Church have been informed of the various crimes by high ranking execs of the church. Ergo, if they now continue to support the church they are complicit. It is ipso facto. It is not an opinion.
Sorry but you cannot have your own facts.
Well, that goes without saying. Leah, Mike and Paul have routinely accepted responsibility for being complicit in enabling cult crimes and abuses and have done so publicly, in a variety of forums. Everyone who spends a dollar on this killer mind control cult is complicit in funding those crimes and abuses, whether they knew it or not at the time.
The real question there is whether or not still-in $cilons are knowingly complicit or still being completely snowed by the BIG lies and false stat reports which pour out of the cult, almost non-stop.
Part of me wishes I was still in the “war room” (as a fly on the wall, anyway) at the INT office where I worked in LA when Cruise famously jumped on the couch. All the INT mgmt people were going psycho for days and weeks afterward. I can only imagine what must be going on in there now. hehehe!
Escaped in 2005, Thank you for this post!!! I had no idea Int office was going bat-sh_t over TC’s couch incident. Thanks for letting us know. Appreciated the belly laugh. Wow.
Woke up this morning after having the most wonderful dream: Greta Van Susteren interviewing David Miscavige!
The dream must have been triggered by last night’s STELLAR episode of ‘Aftermath’. Congratulations Mike, Leah and the entire team for continuing to ‘bring it’ to the CoS.
Thanks for reminding me of Greta, another celeb who has silently accepted the crimes of the group in order to maintain her own “status”.
Thank you Leah and Mike. This was a great show and in particular, what Paul Haggis had to say. Simple and honest ….. came across so well and meant so much to me.
I think their phoney cross needs to be addressed in an episode.My roommate saw me reading “Troublemaker”, & asked what I was reading.When I told her it was about the horrible cult of Scientology,she thought it was the same as the ” Christian Science” religion.When I started to explain they weren’t the same&,that they don’t worship/believe in God,she said,”but they have a cross!”…Makes me wonder how many other people get the two confused,and just REALLY DISGUSTS me that they do use the cross to trick people.How/why do they get away with that?
This episode of the show was awesome and amazing. They all are, of course, but this one in particular was riveting. So much honesty, by Paul Haggis, by Leah, by everyone. I’m the type of person who appreciates, straight, honest talk, and this show had that. It has to be one of my favorites of the series. Emmy win #2 should be on the horizon. And it’s about time someone called out celebrities for their stick-their-heads-in-the-sand attitude about Scientology. If people speaking out are wrong in what they say, Scientology should refute their statements with proof, instead, they attack the former members with mean-spirited smear sites, it’s so unpleasant and does nothing to change anyone’s mind to a more positive view of the CofS. Thank you and please continue to let the truth be known. Kudos to Mike and Leah.
I don’t understand why the Govt hasn’t taken any kind of actions.
Paul is from my hometown London Ontario so he’s one of my heroes, along with you and Leah and the brave souls that have gone Public!
Bless you All!
I won’t see Handmaids or anything that a $cientologists appear in. My own #boycottAnythingCoS
I watch Handmaids. One because its good and I hope that every script causes Moss to ask more questions. Shows like Aftermath and Handmaids are causing people in other cults to ask questions of their own beliefs when they see the parallels. One of Chris Shelton’s videos addressed this.
I’ve seen this happen with a member of the JW while watching Aftermath.
These stories are increasingly bizarre. Every detail screams “run from these creeps!” I felt it as a child seeing LRH on commercials. And yet seemingly otherwise educated and intelligent people hand over their lives, their fortunes, their families, their morals. Of course, those born in or brought in as children have no choice, but I am still befuddled as to what makes a person buy into this? Boredom and giant checkbook? Extremely low self esteem? So desperate for approval to hold a tin-can-o-meter and trust it will give you superpowers? C’mon, enlighten us, “looking for something more” just isn’t convincing. Seeing so many celebs buy in makes me believe they just wanna be part of another group that considers themselves better than others. But what about the everyday guy? Why?
I asked the same question a year ago …it is altruistic for many (save the planet)…IMO it’s the promise of “super powers” & being elite that brings in the “stars”. But mostly super powers.
Within CoS – for the stars – there’s no ppl wanting autographs or pics …they are pampered, fawned over & treated like an awesome “somebody”…
I’ll give you my answer – I was open to LRH because as a young jazz musician in the ’70’s, I was reading the album covers of Chick Corea and Stanley Clarke, both of whom are musicians of celestial status in the jazz world, and both of whom were dedicating their albums to LRH, printed right on the cover. They appeared to be giving SCN and LRH all the credit for their incredible musical abilities, and I was seeking a way to tap into that celestial level of talent in myself.
Oh, the reg’s all led me on, claiming those abilities would just magically unfold as I moved up the bridge. It was a brutal betrayal.
Escaped in 2005 — SAME HERE! Like you, I was in the music business and I saw Chick Corea’s endorsement and the late Jeffrey Lewis’s Celestial Navigations… For those who don’t know, Jeffrey Lewis is Juliette Lewis’s father…
I never knew about Stanley Clark/saw any endorsements of the cult by him though… (“East River Drive” is one of my favorites).
Oops, Geoffrey Lewis… Not Jeffrey.
Maybe recruiters use Hollywood connections as bait. COS encouraged infiltration of Hollywood, too. I suspect they offer business opportunities, investment advice. International Banking. Tax advice. All within their “network?”
Dear Jen,
You are speaking about most of us here, at least the ones who were in. “Boredom and a giant checkbook?” That’s a joke, right?
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you must be somewhat new to researching this because your off-hand comments are clearly disparaging of people who did go into it and, for some, the devastating pain and horror that they experienced as a result.
I can’t speak for anyone else here (they do a pretty good job of speaking for themselves – high five) but your paper-thin and shallow comments are actually offensive to me, personally.
This is not a “har har har, what the f*ck were those idiots THINKING?” matter. Your view of this seems to be a little like someone who’s seen one of the Freddy Krueger movies and is deriding the actors on the screen by saying, “Don’t go into that room you freakin’ idiot! Are you too stupid to know that he’s behind that door waiting for you??”
If we knew, we wouldn’t have gone now, would we? Would you? No.
You have the benefit of hindsight which none of us had, in my case, 41 years ago. As a matter of fact, most of this sh*t wasn’t HAPPENING 41 years ago. Scientology, at least for the public person, was a genuine activity. The staff in the orgs weren’t David Miscavige at that time. We were all in it – at least I was – for the learning and the hope to help people. Pretty f’n stupid, eh?
There were things happening at the top. Paulette Cooper should never have been attacked like she was. Period. But none of us at the bottom knew anything about that.
That was why we didn’t see it because it was hidden.
Now, to honor your actual question about why, here was my why.
I’m a creative and I wanted to understand why I seemed so incomprehensible to some people. Why didn’t they understand me? Didn’t everyone believe in ESP or past lives or spirituality? You mean artists THINK differently than other people? And how could I help others in the world? How could I understand others better and communicate my heartfelt ideas better? How could I personally contribute to helping other people find their own answers.
Those were my reasons why and, with what information I had access to, Scientology seemed to have the answers. And, believe it or not, there were answers there for me. Yes, Ron based his “tech” off of the old masters. Yes, I could possibly go to the library (in 1976 there was no internet, remember?) and read 100 books and maybe find some answers, but the idea that someone had traveled the world, studied all of these things and then wrote his findings down in the books very much appealed to me. That was exactly what I told my registrar when I signed up for my first course. “He’s done all this research and all I have to do is buy one course at a time and I can read all of what he discovered? Well, that’s a no-brainer.” Isn’t that right?
Of course I wanted to learn about the mind and the human condition and how to better it. Wouldn’t you?
Your answer fits my path through Scientology very closely . Well done
YES! High five to Indie, Jim, Escaped in 2005 and others. We all walked the same path. Thank you all for your posts. Last night’s episode was especially meaningful to me for that very reason.
Indie – extremely well said. And like you said the internet did not exist back then for us. I can go on and on but no need cause you did, thank you.
There you are, Ms. P. Yes, when the time comes, we can party at my home. I’m about 2.5 miles from the Pacific. So the weather is always great.
I’ve got some moxie. ?
Youre right, my comment is shallow, and my understanding as paper thin. im responding as a viewer of the tv show, and i can attest that this is a question we are all asking. Im not responding with “harhar”, im shocked with each revelation that people are suffering as we speak. I think it would help protect people if they knew what makes them vulnerable.
Sounds a lot like my beginnings with the subject, indie8million.
Thanks for saying what needed to be said, Indie 8 Million. I couldn’t have said it better. I will steal your one liner for use when people ask me with their incredulous look, “YOU got into THAT cult???!!!” Your answer will come to mind. And I love, “Of course I wanted to learn about the mind and the human condition and how to better it. Wouldn’t you?”
I went to the Scientology site and I must say it is really “slick.” They showed how they make the music and videos, Young people praising their whole existence and success due to Scientology. Yes, if one did not know the down side of this cult, the answer for most people is “Sign me up.”
It was a bit strange to see them telling that to, freely feel, to know, to speak, to read, and see, without restraint is somewhat the goal of being in Scientology.
It is hard not to be a “couch quarterback” and tell one’s self that “I would never fall for that.” I got just a small taste of Scientology, and they invited me to leave. LOL. I guess they knew I would be asking way too many questions and would be trouble. Ummm, perhaps they thought I was “clear” already. LOL.
Just a side note. I died on the operating table on two separate occasions. I know what it is to leave the body and come back. Does that qualify me for the higher levels, and more importantly, does that qualify for a metal. Please someone ask DM for me.
Lance Caldwell.
Sorry Lance, only money will get you a medal. Lots of it.
indie8million, a serious question for you, because I really don’t know. At what point does a Scientologist find out about the Fair Game policy? After reading that, how does one reconcile that with wanting to help people and improving oneself and the world? Is it after you’ve been in so long that you are too invested to want to walk away? It’s hard for an outsider to understand how those with altruistic intentions can accept many of the vile LRH doctrine of fair game, disconnection, etc, but then we haven’t invested the time and money that those inside have. Thanks for your insight.
As far as I am concerned, it all started a few decades ago when I was looking for some book about dietetics in a bookstore. I found here the book “dianetics” in the dietetics category. Maybe someone got the two words confused.
For some reason I was attracted by the book dianetics, probably because it was pushing all my “buttons”. I had the feeling that my problems were related to unconscious things in my mind, and dianetics was giving me some hope to solve these issues.
I began testing dianetics by auditing some friends around, with astonishing results. For example a young lady exteriorized with full perceptions. As she had no former knowledge of dianetics, scientology or any other spiritual school, in my opinion she was not simulating. Another “PC” remembered a past life in great detail, etc.
From these auditing experiences, I concluded mistakenly that dianetics and scientology were right and that fueled my faith in these subjects, until I discovered 15 years later on the Internet that it was but a fraud.
Just to give you an idea about how one can get involved in scientology: the hope to solve personal problems, the purpose to gain advanced abilities such as exteriorizing with full perceptions and remembering past lives, etc.
From similar stories I see around, I find this pattern: early “wins” with the subject, that are generalized to the whole subject to consider that everything is valid in scientology. But that is a logical fallacy.
Jen, I was in Scientology for 24 years. I got in because I was in a lot of pain due to losing a number of people I dearly loved because they had died in various ways – accidents, war, illness, and even possibly homicide.
This started when I was 14 and kept happening into my 30s.. On the outside I was OK; on the inside I was just sad, always sad. Analytically I knew that I could will myself to go on because I am strong inside. But emotionally I couldn’t shake the sadness. I was just mentally stuck in a lot of grief. I also felt a lot of guilt about one of the deaths. I couldn’t shake it. That’s why I got in.
I wasn’t looking for a religion. I needed to not feel pain anymore. There was no way I was going to any drug, legal or otherwise, to feel better because I don’t like drugs, and I’ve never anything more than a mild social drinker. I don’t like to drink that much. I never went down those roads. As for sex, the way some women forget their pain for a while with sex, well, for me, back then, (not now) sex could an frequently would trigger even more sadness because 2 of the people I lost had been serious boyfriends whom I’d loved and to whom I’d been engaged to be married.
As for money, I didn’t have a lot of money. If I’d had money I probably would have gone to a shrink. That was the thing to do, back then.
So I was vulnerable, reaching, and at a certain point, exhausted, mentally. Not physically because thank God I’ve always been very healthy. But inside, emotionally…not good.
I j wanted to be – if not happy – then pain free again. I was really mentally stuck in all this loss. So that’s why I got in. Long story short; Scientology helped me. I did improve. I did actually get happy again, as I had been as a child – happy pretty much all the time, for no particular reason. To me this was a kind of miracle.. I didn’t think it was possible. It took a number of years in but I became myself again. Hard to explain.
Perhaps some other non-drugging therapy would have had the same effect. Its possible, But I can’t say for sure because I didn’t do other things. I did Dianetics and Scientology.
.As to the abuses, the evil policies I didn’t know about the abuses and those policies until my last 2 years in. Long story how I found out, but in my own defense, this was not due to willful ignorance. I had long ago learned my severe life lesson about the consequences of willful ignorance. In my own defense, when I learned what was going on, I began informing myself via the internet, and the more informed I became, the firmer became my decision to leave.
But Jen,having said all this, no worries, please. I do get that you’re upset, amazed, outraged even, concerning what you’ve learned from watching Aftermath. I get it. I was one of the lucky ones, Jen. All my bad luck had already happened before I got into the cult. I didn’t lose any loved ones to the cult.when I got out, and what I learned in it also taught me HOW to get out. I gave them a lot of money but nowhere near what many others have given.
There are people here who suffer continually from the pain of the loss of their loved ones. Well do I know how that feels but the difference is that in my case the loved ones were actually, physically dead, and, for the people here suffering the pain of disconnection, their loved ones are NOT dead but forbidden to communicate with them. Which is a kind of death. Someone you love is alive, and yet forbidden to talk to you? That’s a kind of death, isn’t it? I see it that way. And yet they’re not dead. This situation is a singular type of hell on earth, that they endure.
Peace, Jen.
I think they do the same things that gangs do – make a person feel important, special and like they are part of a big family. It’s a sense of identity, of belonging And I think they use the temporary and cathartic “high” people probably get from auditing, as well as the Bridge, as a sort of drug they can hook people on without realizing it.
A lot of this is starting to remind me of addiction, they have set up a system to foster dependency and in which people need to spend more and more money to feel good about themselves, lost the ability to question, and where if they stop or slow down, the consequences of withdrawal become more painful and punishing than the addiction itself.
Exactly right, Cecy… You nailed it. The euphoria from auditing IS addictive, add to that, the “love bombing,” and PTS and suppressive person “technology” and you have a recipe for disaster when the horrific consequences of Gaslighting enters in. See:
Go stand on a battlefield sometime and really see what mankind can do to each other. I guess when a hope is presented to end that sort of thing some try to make the most of it. The fact it turned out to be a con is heartbreaking but it doesn’t stop some of us giving it a go. IMO for those that stand in continual wonder and confusion at why others do the things they do is part and parcel of the problem mankind faces as a whole.
If you really want to know “why,” it takes very little research on this site and on Tony Ortega’s to have your questions answered. Chris Shelton gives some great videos on it in particular.
I’m a never-in, but I can see how people have been pulled into Scientology…especially before the internet. You start out with inexpensive self-help courses (which LRH did not create himself) and they really seem to help you in your daily life. So you take more courses, and while you are doing all of these courses and being audited you are slowly being brainwashed into it all. You start thinking like a Scientologist, speaking like a Scientologist, and begin to believe that Scientology is the only thing that can help the planet. When something about Scientology bothers you, you block it out…it’s what you have been taught/trained to do. You feel that Scientology has helped you and has given you a purpose, and you are too invested to walk away at the first small doubt.
Someone who has actually been a Scientologist would know much more than I do, but this is how I see the average person being drawn into this cult. Normal people who weren’t rich, and weren’t coddled like the celebrities are.
I very much enjoyed the episode! Paul is definitely a hero as are you and Leah and I applaud him for having the guts to stand up for his children, the guts to admitting how wrong he was about the church and the guts to stand up and do something about it when he found out. I really wish the episodes were two hours instead of one hour I think we miss a lot of things that are edited out and I think you could get a little more in depth about the people you interview. I am so glad that Leah stood by Paul and made sure that he knew that she was his friend I’m sure he found out how few friends he really had after that letter of resignation. God bless him and his family and I hope he finds support and friends outside of Scientology that renew his faith in mankind. Much love to you and Leah never forget we are out here supporting you as well!
What Scientologists do is what Hubbard told them to do, in writing and on tape. From a Hubbard POV, it’s all well justified… beat, kidnap, ruin families, force to abort babies, make orphans out of children, incarcerate… the list is long.
From the outside looking in, there’s psychopathic, sociopathic and criminal activity.
Before the whistleblowing by this bunch of EX-Hubbardites the true nature of Hubbardism wouldn’t have ever been exposed.
I’m grateful to Rinder and Leah.
Isn’t it incredible that this is all so well documented, lots of illegal activity, but somehow this “religion” still thrives??? I don’t understand what is taking authorities so long to build a case against this abuse??
It makes taking a look at the “authorities” a subject in itself. There’s a side to the political/legal system that is very difficult to come to terms with… the Leah & Mike’s assault on the Scientology situation exposes not only it’s abuses but also hints and leads one to wonder about the so called controlling systems we feel we understand but it turns out we don’t really know all that much about them. There are hidden influences in the judicial system that truly don’t have the public’s best interests as their first priority, even though they say they do. It could be suggested the rise of Scientology is a symptom of a regime that should have known better. People power is difficult to harness but history shows us its power is unstoppable if it is motivated. I’m hoping A&E can be the medium that gets that result.
I think we’re ALL grateful to Mike & Leah. I hope it’s a never ending series…
Yes. “never-ending series” until IT ends.
Yeah, they are indeed very remarkable people. It’s a pity such a scenario has forged their attention and stolen their time with what must be a very lengthy, all engaging and emotional pursuit. It is my wish that this series terminates the existence of the Cof$ and gets our families back together asap to begin the healing process. There’s a far better life to live away from the debacle that is known as Scientology.
I would like to see the episodes stretch to 1.5 or 2 hours.
I also would like to say that the episode with Leah, Mike, Paul, and Karen, was off the charts. Excellent. I look forward to every episode each week.
You folks are going forward, and there is no reason for you not to forgive yourselves for what happened when you were in the cult. You at that point did not know anything else but that you were saving humanity and the World and the writings of LRH.
You are all my hero’s, and as far as I am concerned, now you are really saving the World by telling the truth.
Lance Caldwell.
Im just curious…when this cult is finally busted up how will those in the cult survive in the outside world? I just dont see them being able to make it…brainwashed, broke, no skills to speak of. I love the show and what you guys are doing. DM scares the hell out of me….creep!!!
Thank you giving the info on Mr. Haggis’ work in Haiti. It was a great cap to a talk I was having with my teen. Teen was discussing celebrities that make statements but don’t really act in order to get good pr. We discussed Elisabeth Moss’ hand gesture and shoe show vs. a 14 year old star from Stranger Things raising money on social media for hurricane relief. I was very happy be able to share about Mr. Haggis’ efforts after watching Aftermath together. Thank you for being great role models.
I’m watching now and still haven’t picked my jaw up off the floor. Miscaviage is a greater man than Martin Luther King Jr.? ? LOL . . . 8-0 no, no, no, no, no
But you all are right. Paul Haggis put it best “damn them.”
When Travolta was asked directly about the abuses in the church his response was basically “. . . haven’t seen it, doesn’t affect me, not going to do anything.”
Just the previews for 14 Oct have me wound up. Because I am a firm believer that religious buildings, schools, day care, retreats, areas of discipline MUST conform to all local, state and federal regulations. And must consent to surprise no hole barred inspections.
But that anger is for episodes few weeks away.
The co$ said that its opinion on homosexuality has evolved. ***BULLSHIT. ***
COS is incapable of evolving.
It has demonstrated it with it’s smear sites, and tactics pulled right out of the 50s-80s. It is married to every single word LRH wrote.
I remember when propH8 started to discuss coS and the response. Some people said they couldn’t find the homophobic crap written in Dianetics. I wondered if the newer printings had omitted it for PR purposes. (but I won’t purchase a new copy to find out)
I went upstairs to get the copy I bought in the late 70s. Those passages were there, underlined just as I had left them.
Lastly to add (cuz it’s 2am here.) . . . Mike, Leah, you continue to prove why the Emmy is so richly deserved. Maybe my post above was a little more emotional that it would have been in an earlier hours, but I absolutely insist on watching Aftermath as soon as get home – now with a change of schedule that’s often not until after 11pm on Tuesdays)
You both, along with Paul Haggis tonight – your reactions, your anger, your pain, is sincere (even in the lighter moments) and that comes across and through the screen. In every episode, with every guest. I don’t think anyone else could have done this. You all are heroes, Paul for doing all that he has and continues to do, and you and Leah for not only facing into this darkness (and whatever guilt you may old) but bringing in the sunlight and giving a voice to the voiceless.
old = hold
and yes I’ll echo others, don’t beat yourself up with guilt.
You can’t change the past. It’s yesterday and written.
You ARE changing the present and future, and that is all you can do.
If you hold on to it, like something to flagellate yourself with, but down the whip. What you are doing is atonement, and it is worth more than any beating you could give yourself.
Okay before I get anymore emotional and maudlin, like the drunk bride in “Four Weddings and a Funeral” I’m going to bed.
It’s not just ‘Miscavige is a greater man than MLK’.
It was the “How dare you compare COB to MLK”
As if it was derogatory to do so.
Just unbelievable.
As far as Travolta and the rest of the deniers…..I’m Catholic.
I never saw any abuse or kids by priests.
NEVER did I think “well, I never saw it, it doesn’t impact me, therefore it must not be true!”
Exactly the opposite. I want(ed) each and every accusation investigated to the fullest extent possible. And the guilty thrown in jail for the longest time allowed.
Then again, the Catholic Church doesn’t provide me cover when the tabloids accuse me of playing kissy face with some of my same sex friends. Maybe if they did, I would feel differently.
‘Maybe if they did, I would feel differently.”
No you wouldn’t.
One of my former professors (Pychology) was an alter boy in Father Porter’s church. He wasn’t molested and thought it was because when he became an alter boy he was over Porter’s age preferance. His friends however were molested. Maybe because of his education he believed them.
Yes, very true. Making the MLK comparison out like it was a derogatory remark
Excellent points, Chee. One of my cousins is a devout Catholic. That she never observed any pedophilia nor knew anyone who had been sexually exploited did not allow her to give no credence to the voices of her fellow Catholics who did know of such abuses. Her attitude was: “This is NOT my faith. This is an abberation of Catholicism, not the religion itself. This is a serious issue and needs to be fully investigated and handled fairly.” In her mind, her religion was strong enough and good enough to accept responsibility for the wrong doing of some of its clergy and to prevail over it because of its basic strength, integrity and goodness. She is still a devout Catholic.
I just found your blog a few days ago, and I’m relieved I can finally comment (technical issues suck).
I haven’t seen the most recent episode yet (A&E’s live stream is under maintenance), but I’ve enjoyed the show since starting it about a month ago…binge-watching all of them in that time. You and Leah’s work has changed my perception of Scientology from “a club for kooks”, into a truly dangerous cult not unlike Islamic terrorism or the Nazis loyal to Hitler. I pray for the people who have appeared on your show, and also those still trapped in Scientology…whether its because of pressure, fear, or greed. Thanks again for helping open eyes, minds, and hearts to the truth about Scientology, and all its evils. May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ strengthen all your efforts, to save people and draw them near to Him.
“Club for kooks”. !. Im going to ponder this for a few. A different facade.. I would use Oz and the emerald curtain, but that’s been done to death, and I believe it’s more complex.
Club for kooks, like it’s ok for kooky Jenna E and her blowing horses comments to Kookie Kirstie A and her tweets about her bowel habits with updates on her morning deposits. Eeeuuuw.
My g son and I are in a small impasse in communication. He lies to get out of trouble, he denies, and as a final result, he will point out, up, down. Away. “Is that a bird??”. Or he’ll tell a joke. Hafta go to the bathroom. Or tell me he loves me. Hes trying everything. But he’s 4.
Joshua said:
“You and Leah’s work has changed my perception of Scientology from “a club for kooks”, into a truly dangerous cult not unlike Islamic terrorism or the Nazis loyal to Hitler.”
I know individuals still in the cult who are simply deluded by Hubbard. I am watching an old friend with family disconnection soften up a little. The public face of Scientology is vile and its policies are wicked, but there is still hope for him.
Hi George?! I hope your friends find themselves again. Man Hubbard left a mess!
This episode rocked the house off its foundation. Absolutely fantastic! Paul has such personal integrity and it is visible from a mile away. I am so very proud of his steadfastness to right the wrongs. And, I love that it was Leah who was the only one who shit all,over the SP policy and continued to interact with him. Regardless of where she was at regarding the cult at the time, like any belief system, the seeds of doubt or seeds of truth are planted by many before one takes root. She needs to take her own advice she gives to so many others….give yourself a break and recognize your indoctrination. Strength grows….Other celebrities are on this same journey but I tend to agree with Paul….they are choosing to ignore the truth for whatever their self-serving motivation. I’m not sure how they sleep at night….let alone how cult perpetrators of abuse can sleep.
Ms. Presley’s testimony was chilling to hear. I watched her interview with Chris on YT about the CC and, to me, this portrayed the true motivation of the cult…! Makes me sick…
Amazing episode!
Mike, do you know who were the execs that were offended by the MLK comparison?
Another remarkable episode. Paul’s testimony is so measured and level – it is just so obvious he is reacting in the most normal and human way we can all relate to and empathize with. He shows that CoS is a system that can take ordinary, truly good people, and strip them of their conscience when they feel they must protect something they have been manipulated to defend – something that, whether it is worthy or successful or not – has been twisted to profit only a select few who do its bidding and that uses excessive force to defend itself from detractors. (It’s phony underdog depiction doesn’t fool anyone).
I too, don’t want any of you to torture yourselves with guilt – you are all victims of very powerful and documented psy-ops techniques used to slowly and effectively brainwash people. We are all so overwhelmingly proud of you – not only for escaping the clutches of this, but for reaching out to help others at great personal risk and cost. Your bravery and generosity are inspiring.
One point about all of this stands out – any organization that closes itself off from and refuses to brook criticism of any kind, and that viciously attacks any from outside – is prey to being controlled by people who allow total that kind of power to totally corrupt, (to paraphrase the adage). When you eliminate all checks and balances in ANY group or organization, you make it vulnerable to such exploitation.
All closed societies – cults, hate groups, radical political sects – the ones that refuse to admit any outside influence run on similar principles. They have done studies recently that indicate people join them not necessarily because they embrace the ideology so much, but because they offer a sense of belonging, of importance, of being in a special and accepting family. Man is kind of a tribal being – we look for a sense of belonging and, if things are designed right, it becomes something we are dependent on or maybe even addicted to. This need to belong – and fear of being outcast – is very, very powerful. Many early societies in history formed along these lines – called “shame cultures” because transgressors were “shamed” often by being outcasts – and the members would do almost anything to stay part of the group because it became an integral part of their identity. Sometimes they would literally die if they were cast out if their sense of self and self-worth were too tied up in it. That powerful need to belong is also used as a weapon by CoS in the most appalling and abusive way.
If they think criticism of CoS is “bigotry”, then I don’t understand how they can get by with the hypocrisy of libel and defamation they commit and encourage against individuals that disconnect and speak out. If criticizing a member or a church is so terrible, then why is it acceptable for them to do even worse? Especially if they are such a big and powerful institution. I can’t see how this sort of aggressive, ad hominem vitriol, this attempt to ruin your livelihoods by pressuring people to participate, can be justified in any way.
Can you sue them for libel? Celebrities have successfully sued tabloids now for publishing fake things designed to ruin reputations. Big corporations have tried to do this to whistleblowers and juries generally side with the individual victims and ask for damages for pain and suffering after they have been subjected to such attacks. Everybody knows a big, wealthy organization can take care of itself – nobody will believe they are “persecuted”. However, they are actively persecuting former members with targeted and strategic policies designed to harm them and society tends to see that as oppressive.
I love what you are doing to bring this to the light of day, that you give voice to people who are being bullied and silenced. I just hope that some day many of these injustices will see the inside of a courtroom. I’m sure a whole lot of us will be very glad to perform our civic duty by serving on that jury.
Very well said!
“One point about all of this stands out – any organization that closes itself off from and refuses to brook criticism of any kind, and that viciously attacks any from outside – is prey to being controlled by people who allow total that kind of power to totally corrupt, (to paraphrase the adage). When you eliminate all checks and balances in ANY group or organization, you make it vulnerable to such exploitation.”
This is exactly how the cherch became susceptible to being taken over by DM, the mini-me “ghost of Joseph Stalin,” whose sadistic deprecations on his own followers have been extremely well documented, yet he remains in power and not in the jail cell where he truly belongs.
Lil davey and his evil minions see SPs under every rock and lurking everywhere, but in reality there’s only one Super SP on $cn’s lines that has fucked this faux religion up beyond any hope of redemption or recovery and that’s the Diabolical Munchkin himself.
Why is that so incredibly hard for still-in folks to see, while it is so crystal clear to everyone else who looks into the matter that DM is truly a sadistic anti-social personality who shouldn’t be in charge of anything, except seeking new ways to atone for his many crimes and truly vile treatment of others?
Mike……This episode was VERY straightforward and to the POINT. Excellent!!!
You can’t spell it out any simpler than you, Leah, Mr.Haggis, and Ms. Schless Pressley did tonight.
Blown Away!!!!
I gasped out loud when Paul was admonished for comparing MLK to McSavage. Shook me to the core. How ignorant, stupid and disgusting. Tom Cruise is given a ‘Medal of Freedom’ for doing what now ? Two tours of duty in Iraq ? Feeding the homeless every Sunday night for 25 years ? Then he gives his self important speech on how Scientology is changing the world. Really ? Real heros don’t jump on Oprah’s couch because they have a new girlfriend – except if you’re 13 yrs old. A fake medal from one fake man to another. Can not wait until this money sucking business is run out of town on the nearest one way ticket to no where rail. Fantastic episode, simply the best.
Well said! I made a meme of Tom Cruise wearing that fake medal, and drew an “X” over his face. It says, “Just say no to supporting Scientologists.” I’ve been boycotting all the cult members work for a year.
If DM is Scientology’s leader, one would assume he attained Clear. A common characteristic of all totalitarian regimes is the belief that the ends justify the means. Great show, Leah and Mike! Heart wrenching; it won’t be long now.. prayers for those still inside and for those who have escaped… and for you both…
Great episode!!!! Every aspect of it. Loved the calling out of the lies by showing a liar and the lie and what is actually true.
My favorite part was Paul Haggis’ outrage over his celeb friends not wanting to know the abuses or the truth. Since finding out about the abuses, I have been flummoxed and outraged by my fellow (ex) friends and scientolgists lack of desire or integrity to know (except some scientologists actually DO know) and stand up against the abuses.
I was so happy to hear Paul Haggis call them out. YES!
And the damn reporters/journalists that let them get away with it.
Exactly, Mary!! If they don’t ask tough questions than maybe they’ll secure future interview access? Seems like celebrities aren’t the only ones with self-serving motivations. Dispicible!
and those, still in, that partake in these despicable acts….let them know no peace!
Hey Mary Khan. Are you from central CA and spent time at the Portland mission? If you don’t want to say here, Mike has my email address. I’ve wondered what happened to Mary Khan who used to be in Div VI in Portland.
No. I’ve never spent time in Portland.
I don’t want to be too hard on individual journalists for not being tough. They are subject to ruthless attacks as well from CoS. From Paulette Cooper, to the guy who wrote the 1991 cover story for TIME, to literally anybody who has spoken out against them or is critical. We all know how they have ruined lives of innocent people who did nothing more than point out their hypocrisy and abuses. We all know the tactics of excessive force they justify if you are in their crosshairs. The only way that can happen successfully is if big media companies with their own fleets of lawyers are willing to back them up. And even then, remember how they harassed the IRS themselves with expensive countersuits. We won’t see widespread coverage until the public backlash against the abuses of the church gives them the courage to spend the money necessary to combat this. The public needs to make them feel safe – that we will not tolerate CoS picking on reporters or lawyers or others who speak out. And we need to put pressure on the DOJ and IRS to use our taxpayer dollars to fund a comprehensive investigation to expose their corruption, lies and coverups.
That being said, I do draw the line at any journalist that feels it is “fair and balanced” to pander to them by letting them drone on about themselves and spread false stories about “bigotry” and “persecution”. Not being critical is not the same as giving them freaking platform to spread their fake victimhood around.
THAT time is now. It is time for ALL to take a stand against the abuses and human and civil rights violations inflicted by this church. Those who have come before you/me have already paved the way with their blood, sweat and tears. Leah and Mike are cutting a swath for all of us to take a stand. It is time for the suffering to stop. The abuses have gone on WAY too long. Call out every scientologist you know, celebrity or not, to do their due diligence and find out the truth about the abuses and gross human rights violations inflicted by david miscavige and this church.
I have family and friends now who knew me as a scientologist and would keep their mouth shut about how they felt about scientology and anything they knew about it. I was surprised to find out how many of them were just not saying anything. It’s time to say something. Don’t let scientologists get away with being scientologists and remain ignorant of the abuses while you stand there and don’t stay anything. Say something.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Believe me, I have been railing about this for decades to anyone and everyone who will listen. I have family members who have been legally and personally harassed and intimidated by them as well for organizing protests and rallies. This is something that needs to be done with a crowd, because the cost to individuals can be vicious, even to people who have never been inside. it’s like fighting the mob. Safety in numbers.
I agree Mary. Even normal everyday Scientologists should understand that supporting Miscaviges church is unacceptable in light of all the information now available. What Scientologists DO understand however is how “religious freedom” is used in Miscaviges campaign to malign the repute of former members, all the while screaming “religious persecution” when the light is turned on them. It’s one reason why Scientologists are considered guilty by association and deservedly so.
hear, hear
Thank you Leah, Mike, Paul Haggis and Karen for the best episode so far (I say this every week about each episode and always mean it); but each week is heart wrenching; I cried tonight. The bravery you all show is what I want tool Like the bravery of Martin Luther King.(how disgusting Tommy Davis is to denigrate and compare that horrible David Miscaviage to this great man). You are making a difference. Your show has given lots of hope to us all. And, every thing Paul and Karen said is true. I was at Celebrity Center, Clearwater and The Freewinds and have seen how Celebrities are treated and also know that Tommy Davis is a liar along with the Church’s PR. I was there; I saw it all and read it all.
I cried too. About the time when he was talking about his friends (not the “Celebrity” part but the friend part) not having any interest in what was DONE, only that he was being the messenger. No doubt, they had “concerns for his eternity”.
I have a friend I’ve known for 30 years who’s still in. She KNOWS what’s happening because we’ve discussed it and she’s gone online to read it for herself. Still, she is more concerned for “her eternity” than in the harm the church is causing people. And this is a woman who genuinely cares for the pain of people and creatures. I guess that, to her, HER eternity is more important than all of those people losing their families, jobs, etc. etc. Pretty selfish, now that I think of it.
I can attest that celebrities are treated differently than regular Scns. When I was on OT VI in the courseroom, there was about a week where no one could go to the Word Clearer for help, and thus were totally stopped on their course if the C/S said, “no session until you see the Word Clearer.” I tried many times to get in to see the W/Cer and was told that she was giving preferential treatment to a celebrity by working one on one with her, and that until the celebrity was not int he courseroom, she would not be able to work with anyone else. I saw that she was simply sitting next to the celebrity, Jenna Elfman, while Jenna read. Every now and then she would ask her if she needed help. It was mostly, “No, I’m fine.” So for that, all the rest of the 60 plus students had to wait and be stopped on their courses. I was so mad about it that I wrote a KR. All it did was get me into trouble. I was told that they have to work one on one with the celebrities at all times because if the celeb got an MU and then had “2nd phenomenon” which means blows or leaves suddenly and then speaks out badly about the church, then it would create a huge flap and bad PR and so they make sure the celebs are happy and serviced well so that they don’t leave Scn and natter (talk badly) about Scn to the world with all the huge communication lines they have.
What a bunch of unadulterated crap.
The show tonight was simply stellar! I’ve loved Paul Haggis since his movie Crash. Now, I love him even more. You’re are right Mike. He is a hero. And I didn’t even know about his humanitarian causes. Wow!
How many countries have Scientology centers? It would be amazing to have the US government along with the UN seize all the assets and raid them. Imagine that money actually doing good for man kind and the freedom given to those lost!
David needs to be locked in a cell or padded room. What happens when he dies? It’s inevitable we all do! Why does no one care where Shelly is? FBI… hello!
L Ron Hubbard had some good phycololgical ideas that very well may have helped many if not used to sabotage individually.
As ‘Aftermath’ continues to put Dave’s cult on the public radar, and Dave continues to fail the smell test, government action is inevitable.
It was a fantastic episode and you all have so much to be proud of what you do. I’m disturbed by all of the attacks that you and Leah and Paul and others have to endure . I hope you find some comfort in knowing that you are doing amazing work and that there are literally millions of us that support you
Loved tonight’s show and I really admire Mr. Haggis for taking a stand. I’ve read some of the hate sites. Why don’t any of you sue for libel?
I have a Juris Doctor but I’m not licensed yet, so I can’t answer your question. But I want to so bad! I hope a lawyer will come along and explain it to everyone.
Laurie Allen, the cult has endless money, is extremely litigious and would like nothing better than being sued for libel. Any such case would be kept tied up in court by them indefinitely and the plaintiffs bankrupted.
My understanding is that the COS actually wants people to divert all their time and resources to endless court actions.
I have never watched a show that has left me so speechless and so outraged. I have so many questions. Questions I believe some are afraid to ask because of what the real answers might be…..Could the religion ( cult) be responsible for the “willful non-treatment of mental health and neurological disorders that caused Jett Travoltas passing? Katie Holmes… we all saw that “marriage ” as staged but is Tom Cruise disconnected from his daughter Suri? What religion would allow this!! Why do more people not see this as complete insanity? How can these Hollywood stars be so ignorant and self righteous? I would die for my child . He is my life. How do mothers abandon their children for a religion that is based on lies and abuse? I’m trying to rationalize this all in my head and my conclusion is just complete brainwashing.
Mike, you and Leah are amazing and courageous and I have so much respect for what you both are doing. Keep up the fight. We ARE ALL LISTENING. You are making a difference.
One doesn’t have to be a Scientologist to disconnect from family (though it certainly helps!). I can cite you at least one father – my own – who was a never-in but who nonetheless disconnected from his three children by his first wife and termed us “outsiders”, not members of his family. But the more the official “Church” of Scientology pushes this unspeakable abuse of everyone involved, including the person “voluntarily” disconnecting, the more it is normed and the more acceptable it appears. Thank all the powers that be that the Co$ is fading. It’s not fading quickly enough, but it is fading and Mike and Leah, your show truly is helping to make that happen. Those who practice Scientology outside the Co$ – or inside, for that matter- should be welcomed by us all to believe whatever they like about their own spiritual nature; it’s when that belief extends to harming another that society ought to step into the way to prevent the harm from occurring. “Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins” – a quote not from LRH but from the Libertarian Party (a cult in its own right, which I escaped in the late 90s) – is apropos here.
But there are some beliefs which, if expressed and promulgated by those with power, including celebrities, Scientologists or not, cause harm in and of themselves. Bigotry, homophobia, biphobia (which is separate from homophobia and is expressed as frequently by gays and lesbians as it is by straight people), and many – perhaps all – other kinds of hatred cause harm not only to those hated but to the hater as well. While we cannot in good conscience stop the hater from hating, we can at least ensure that his/her hate will not harm anyone else.
Wow, wow, wow. This was a powerful episode that was made even more so because of the other 5 episodes that led up to this one. Brilliant choreography on the part of all of you who decided what to focus on and in what order. Since season one, I have followed both your blog and Tony Ortega’s blog daily and can’t believe there are so many evils perpetrated by this harmful self-proclaimed religion. After almost a year, there are more and more abuses uncovered every day.
Paul, thank you for standing up for victims and for speaking truth. Every day, I pray that today will be the day a HUGE death blow is delivered to Scientology. In the meantime, My heartfelt thanks to all these brave people willing to share their personal stories and first-hand accounts. Let’s hope journalists and reporters do start asking the tough questions and that Scientologist celebrities start feeling the affects of a worldwide boycott of their films and merchandise. All of us need to do our part. I have vowed not to support them in any way by either watching them in their chosen art form or buying anything that has their name attached. Kirstie may be enjoying herself on the Freewinds in her little bubble but it is costing her. If we refuse to support her, perhaps her income source will dry up. She may no longer be there and this may be wishful thinking but money may be what makes those still in sit up and start looking for the truth themselves. Shame on you, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Elisabeth Moss and other Scientologists everywhere. Something CAN be done about it.
I also refuse to watch any movie or programming with a celebrity scientologist. Speaking with my wallet, by refusing to support their productions, is my way to support the work of those who left and are working hard to raise awareness about the abuses in CoS.
Tenacious Texan Thank You!!
I’ve been watching this from the beginning as well and I have to say I’ve felt a compelling urge to “Actively Do Something” in the participation of Eliminating the organization and its practices from society indefinitely!
I’ve signed many petitions but that’s it. I grow increasingly angry, appalled by the practices and dumbfounded by those that choose to continue wearing the blinders to what is obviously a crock of shit!
Listen, my point here to YOU is that you’ve turned on that light bulb for me. I have researched a comprehensive list of all celebrities currently affiliated with Scientology and I’ve chosen to No Longer Support their works or merchandising. Thank You!!!!
I honestly think this action on my part is similar to that of what CO$ practices in their efforts to deface, ruin and publicly tarnish a “suppressive” persons’ life after leaving the org. Difference is, my intentions are not cruel or malicious but its my given right in life to decide “What or Whom” I choose to associate myself with or support. Which this right is clearly stripped from its members.
MIKE, LEAH & PAUL, this was an absolute groundbreaking episode!
All efforts involved from day 1 are bringing these abominable workings one step closer to the punchline of this joke of an organization, so THANK YOU ALL!!
Keep up the stellar work and may your heads be held high for you and everyone standing up are truly a last stitch effort to enlighten with reality to those who are current / previous members. I believe you are all the only answer to putting this shit to bed for GOOD and save mankind from any further damage!
I wonder how hard it’s going to be for John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, and Tome Cruise when this house of cards comes tumbling down! The sweet friend of John Travolta featured in Going Clear or another film I’ve seen really made an impression on me. Brainwashed celebrities are going to be hard to have sympathy for when they wake up.
Hoping there is serious litigation in the works!!
That 1,300 acres? From episode 4 tragically being sold off…. brothers suicide on LRH birthday… that lady is a hero!!! Hopefully she’s finding a lot of love and support in her freedom life!!
Bless all of the ex members in their lives today!!
If you know of any families in the Midwest who could use some support, I’d like to help.
I have watched and read so many things on the evils of this cult! Right now: What really bothers me the most is that you, Mike and Leah still hold onto your own guilt. Which I know is complex and often blinding.
I would sincerely like you to remember and understand that God has a purpose for you both. You could not help the victims if you yourself had not lived within the confines of this pathological circle of lies.
We are all looking for answers one time or another and some just get sucked into a blackhole without even knowing it exists. Even the best of Intentions can lead a person down a dark path.
I ask that you give yourselves more credit and stop focusing on what you did or did not do in the past. What matters is what you are doing NOW! You are all amazing and courageous for speaking out even against such diversity.
Yes, Paul is amazing! Love Paul ! I leave you with one last thought as I could write forever on this subject.
This is something I often say to my kids and loved ones. “STOP looking backwards you’re not going that way!l”
Perfect!! Personal forgiveness is a hard and long road to travel. I pray, Mike, that you and Leah unshackled yourselves from the past, as well, though since you revisit the past everyday while working on Aftermath, I can imagine the difficulty. Thank you for all you both do and the personal sacrifices you continue to make to right the wrongs…
Nik: “What really bothers me the most is that you, Mike and Leah still hold onto your own guilt. ” Nik I don’t see that. Leah and Mike and everyone else speaking out seem to be doing so from a position of strength integrity and conviction knowing they are doing the right thing. More than prayer, it’s ACTION. Just look at past episodes on people like Liz Gale. She doesn’t look to me to be saddled by guilt, she seems to be standing tall and unreservedly so. Make no mistake, instead of guilt, there is “dedicated glare” in the eyes of people like Leah Remini. That’s no quaking lamb, thats a full on rampaging bull elephant stampeding through middle of the church of Scientology’s lies and deception.
That’s no quaking lamb, that’s a full on rampaging bull elephant stampeding through middle of the church of Scientology’s lies and deception.
Love this post. This most of all/
It was an excellent episode. I especially admire Leah’ s honesty about being hurt by cult members after she left. And she’s just incredible, calling out the pussies. Yeehawww get. It. gurrll.I’m still laughing. Leah you and Mike have helped me stand up for myself since the 1st episode of Season 1.
I have another COS oxymoron. For an organization that actively campaigns against psychiatry, they really sling around psych terms E.g. Jason Beghe is a psycho. Just sayin. Who made that diagnosis?
You guys are killing it this season. Just outstanding work! Paul was excellent tonight and a very enjoyable guest. I would have enjoyed this episode being twice as long.
I was thinking the same thing! I learned so much – the hour felt like 5 minutes. There has to be some unedited, uncut version that is longer. Perhaps a special youtube release of this episode with more content? I am longing to hear more of Mr Haggis’ story and efforts. Beneath the seeming tons of bull and evil there are true heroes working/risking so much to get the insanity to end. Kudos!
And what if this series keeps going on & on & on & on…to the front porch of eternity.
Or to the outhouse of the Int Base.
Your show is really reaching people and getting them talking. My best friend is an ex-NFL All Pro and he and his wife are very involved in their community with lots of leaders in the community. I spent last weekend with them and all we seemed to talk about was the show. It has really brought home what I’ve been talking to them about for years about my life in Scientology. I think they thought I exaggerated a bit and now they know if probably understated it.
We went to a couple of dinners with friends and they had me share my story several times throughout The Weeknd with different people. Everyone had questions as most knew or had seen the show. A year ago, Scientology wasn’t even on there radar.
One of my younger sisters called me also as she and her Mormon friends have been talking about the show. She wanted to know which celebrities I met if any. She knew the stress it put on the family while I was in but she never fully understood the stress I went through leaving the cult.
Thanks again for all you do and I will continue to do my speaking out on the battlefield.
CHad just a quick question. Mormon friends? Is the LDS Or FLDS?
They are very different.
I’m glad to see these celebrities who continue to offer their support to this vile organization get publicly called out for it. They are supporting human rights abuses by covering their ears and willingly turning a blind eye to the truth.
If someone alleges that they’re a victim of abuse, including rape, do we not owe it to them to at least hear them out, offer our compassion for them, and try to help them as they deal with the mental, emotional, and psychological fallout of their ordeal? Yet these scientology celebrities would rather just ignore, isolate, intimidate, interrogate, silence, demean, and/or actually attack them. These are some of your “celebrity heroes” ladies and gentlemen, supporting abuses being perpetrated on their fellow human beings.
With access to information, they know there are allegations of abuse and human rights violations being carried out within their beloved “church”, yet they just want to pretend it never happened and wish to make it all just go away. They are directly contributing to the continuation of these abuses that are occurring by not speaking out and by hiding behind their celebrity status that comes with so many of their “adoring”, yet grossly ignorant, “fans” who don’t take them to task for what they’re supporting and who don’t hold them accountable for it, thanks to this ridiculous “celebrity culture” we live in today. That makes them just as culpable as anyone for the abusive and destructive nature of the organization they continue to support, and there are no more excuses for their ignorance and/or outright cowardice. Enough is enough already.
This is so educational. It is mandatory to know. I am not familiar with this particular cult. I’ve seen commercials about Dianectics as a child but didn’t really pay any attention to it. And the the beautiful Leah Remini shined a bright light on it. I have seen and heard of other cults. I refuse to call this a religion. But to hear the testimonies of the survivors, to hear that If you leave they will separate you from your families. To hear about the abuse, the prisons, the blatant disrespect and dishonor! And to put this human in a position of”God”! It makes my blood boil!!!! Thank you Mr Rinder. Thank you beautiful Leah Remini. Your bravery and truth does not and will not go deaf ears or harden hearts. Peace and Blessings to you ALL?
I keep asking myself why isn’t the police going to the “hole” to investigate it. Why are the not going to the camps that so many children are slaves to this cult? I love what you are doing and I look forward to each episode , but I don’t if I can stomach next week with all the child abuse. I wanted to throw up on the preview. I just wanted to tell you that I am proud of you and all whom came forward to share your story’s . Don’t stop fighting!
Tonights show was by far the most amazing! Mike you are correct! I first started reading about the cult with Mark and Clair’s books and couldn’t get enough because I became fascinated with how are they getting away with this!! I read everyone I know about and the similarities are stunning. I just finished Ruthless and several things he wrote I was like Oh my goodness that exact thing was in Marks book etc. no way all this is coincidence! Thank you, you are my hero!
As with all the people who appear on the show, Paul Haggis embodies the truth of expiation.
Those behind the curtain of scientology blather on about doing it for the money or that the person was coerced to talk because they can’t conceive of a world where someone would do something for any reason other than money or coercion.
They have become enmeshed in a world where peopleonly tell of their wrongs during sec checks and conditions formulas.
They Have forgotten or never knew the peace that comes from telling the truth or the soul cleansing that comes from standing up for that which is right and good.
An excellent episode, Mike. Like the others, very moving.
Teaming with Leah and A&E to shine a light on the abuses going on in scientology, was a brilliant move. The two of you present a strong, united front, present subjects who are well spoken, and believable (thanks to the tech, I’m sure!) And you just let them tell their story. You are merely witnesses. It is a very powerful tool, and very effective.
I am sure that your beautiful wife and sons miss you while you are away, but understand that it is for a great cause. Thank you for all that you do.
This is my opinion only but was Nicole’s Emmy speech not including her 2 kids with TC because of disconnection? She hasn’t spoken out against scientology and I just assumed it had something to do with her kids.
The two children she adopted with Tom have both been taught that she is a Suppressive Person. They treat her that way. I do not doubt for second that she loves them immensely and that this does not break her heart. What she actually said was that her two daughters give her unconditional love. The same cannot be said for Connor and Bella. They have been taught otherwise by scientology.
Well put, Mike
Tom also disconnected from Nicole when it was NOT safe for her to speak up against Scientology. They would fair game her harder than they already had and she probably didn’t want to put her kids through that publicly. This whole disconnect was indubitably a great source of pain and loneliness for years. In fact, I think Nicole’s experience informed Katie’s stealth preparedness for divorcing Tom. She put the wheels in motion to best protect herself and Suri.
You’ve got to give Katie major props for escaping the crazy & protecting her daughter from her loony ass father & his crazy ass cult.
Leah’s book “Troublemaker” had a passage about an excahnge with Connor and Bella, and how they felt about Nicole. As reported by Leah they have been taught that she’s an SP and want nothing to do with her.
Does your Mark have photos of Connor and Bella in his trophy case? it is well known that you have a counterfeit Emmy in your trophy case.
I absolutely LOVE how you and Leah are just pulling out all the stops and calling these people out. I wonder if any of these celebrities are going to stand up for their “religion”? I’ve always wondered why hasn’t Tom Cruise come out and challenged what y’all say. I can’t even watch his movies anymore, he looks like a zombie. So sad. Like Jada Pinkett Smith is finally saying something but it makes me feel bad for her and her family. She should know better!
I believe Leah over Jada 100%, if I read correctly what Jada said. Jada is trying to say she and Will were never Scientologists, but they talked the lingo and started a school (?) based on Scientology principles..I think Leah said Jada was in it
If I’m mistaken please let me know
Leah did state Jada was in it. I was reading all that today.
Jada Pinkett Smith opened a Scn school using study tech and other Scn things in the San Fernando Valley in CA. That she now denies all of it is proof of how toxic the brand of Scn has become, especially for celebs.
Tony Ortega answers that
It was a great show, and you, Leah, Karen and Paul were stellar!
I loved the part when the church members were so offended about the David Miscavage/Martin Luther King Jr. thing, Jesus!
It was a great example of how arrogant and selfassorbed the top brass of Scientology are.
I want to thank all who are part of this show.
I was in for 30 years and have now written letters to people asking forgiveness for my behavior during that time. Sometimes it takes things like this to make one really see the truth. Thank you.
Joan, I am so impressed that, not only did you bravely escape this cult… but that you accepted responsibility for actions done while brainwashed. That is just above and beyond the pale. I hope you are enjoying your well earned freedom from that prison of fear, the bubble of ignorance. Life is so much more than what Scion allows. Well done.
Mike, I always admired Haggis. He was a Canadian so I always loved hearing how he went south and did well; but I tended to temper my admiration for him because of Scientology. I read about it in my teens and there was always a skepticism for me because I tried reading Hubbard and thought he was nuts.
So tonight tied everything up in a nice now. He told his story of how he left the Church and he fired his guns back. He is twice the man for admitting his mistakes and trying to right then (as you and Leah are to be admired for the same reasons) and you together are starting to make people really question our tolerance for the “Church” and their lies…
The gloves have come off now. Paul landed some shots square on the chin….
Great show sir as always
I have watched all of the Aftermath episodes, but I must say (as a Canadian) I actually cheered out loud after listening to Paul. He sounded so…well, Canadian (and his having been born here, that was not really a surprise). We Canadians can be naive, but once the veil is lifted, we don’t back away, or back down. Paul is absolutely right when he says the celebs can’t be unaware of the abuses, and they need to be held accountable. The question is, HOW? Mike, your producers need a think tank to come up with ideas on how to effect change with you and Leah in the vanguard. The stories are all well and good and informative, but there comes a time when those involved need to become more pro-active, if you know what I mean. A class action lawsuit against the ‘church’ for defamation, denial of basic rights guaranteed by the US constitution (the pursuit of happiness comes to mind), fraud, extortion, etc. as examples. I just find it so wrong that a regular citizen can get their neighbour arrested for uttering ‘terrorist’ threats, or sued for harassment, and yet the ‘church’ who goes way beyond the law in this regard, gets off scot free. JMO
I think I can help. 25 years killing dogma. Safe grounded spirit.
Someone asked if you are declared how do you go back? All the horrible things are just washed away?!
Very few do go back. But as long as you are willing to admit it was all your fault, turn on anyone who supported you during your exile and pay up they will take you back.
I was declared, did all the steps to get back in good standing, including paying off all my “debts” and finally rejoined the group. After being in for over a year, and while on course, I was ordered to see the ethics officer, who informed me I still owed money and would not be allowed back on course until it was paid. That was it for me. I was gone forever.
As a Scotsman, Moxie, the cult ‘only’ got $4,000 from me. I had gone through all the grades and was expected to attest to clear. The problem was, NOTHING had changed! So I never attested. I did walk out a free man though.
Someone asked me once if I had any spare change. I replied, “I’m Scottish! I don’t understand the concept.”
Sadly, I’m not Scot so ended up giving them more money.
Can you further explain why some members are forced to disconnect from their families, but not from other non-scientologists their lives? For example, the “church” wanted Kidman to disconnect from her father but not from fellow actors, directors, etc. who were non-scientologists?
No, it is unexplainable. While scientology claims to be applied with precision, exactly the same every time to everyone, that is another lie. Those with money and/or celebrity are treated differently.
WAY differently. It’s like night & day.
Nicole Kidman’ s father was a psychologist, so it doesn’t surprise me that they would have wanted her to disconnect from him.
They want her to earn $$$ to buy programs to level up?
Can’t wait to see tonight’s episode Mike.
Hope you enjoy it Paul. Personally, I feel it is one of the best.
It is one of the best. Paul Haggis really makes things clear. A great writer and thinker. Thank you Paul.
And of course you guys rock Mike. Your Hubbard explanations are so essential to understanding Mike. So good!
Leah, your spirit is getting sweeter by the episode. And your fire more fierce!
God bless you both❤️? Thank you so much!!!!
Me too!
Mike, that episode was dynamite. Really impressive work by everyone involved in the production.
Paul Haggis is obviously a man of great personal integrity in addition to his many other fine qualities. The fact that the Church of Scientology labels him a “suppressive person” while celebrating a violent sociopath as its leader makes it crystal clear what kind of diseased organization it really is.
Mike, it’s all the best. I mean, this is one incredible show! I couldn’t pick a favorite! That’s how good it is.
So Paul mentioned Marty Rathbun in his spot and put him in a more believable place in history that in Marty’s own mind. Marty makes it seem as if he was at the forefront of everyone leaving and he said if I remember correctly that he was shown the letter before he sent it out and that Paul and him were buds. Now we know that Marty asked to print the letter a few weeks after it was sent. He choreographed nothing!
IIRC, Paul said that he believed that his cult resignation letter would leak out to the public, but because none of the 25 people he sent a copy to did in fact leak it, he gave sMarty permission to post it on his blog at that point in time…the rest, as they say, is now history.
So many little things that the cult could have so very easily dealt with, but chose not to, and because they didn’t, their little cult bubble world is now coming down around their Homo Novii ears…and no amount of happy talk PR has a BT’s chance in hell of succeeding in the real world now 😉
Paul started changing my mind about the church before the show. Before going clear, I’d defend Tom Cruise, thinking people were just being mean to someone who is short and hyper. After watching going clear, and really Paul I started researching. Now, I no longer go to scienologists movies and watch and read. I’ve never been in the church, though I did read dianetics. I have been witness to abuse. I can see why he is your hero. Note though Mike, you are pretty heroic yourself.